• Published 20th May 2020
  • 1,236 Views, 16 Comments

Not Quite Canon. - KittyrinnAiko

A brand new adventure featering Kitsumi Nova and Not Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 7

“We’re taking a bus?” Dash asked incredulously. The foals of her class were gathered outside the school where a sky-bus waited. A small dirigible, not a Boeing. Each had their saddlebags and a light blue cloak with the school logo on it depicting a pegasus with its wings outstretched surrounded by a circle of stars.

“Rainbow Dash, even you’d get worn out if we expected you to fly all the way there and back.” Mrs Chart Fluff rebutted. “Now, Show me your ID badge. Everyone, hold up your ID.” She looked over the lined-up foals. “Say ‘here’ when you hear me call your name. Indigo Sky, Lofty Clouds, Apricot Morn, Dawn Portents, Silver Lining, Tender Rain, Star Buck, Little Sky, Nova Mustang, Summer Mustang, Rainbow Dash, Gilda Seakite, Hoops McFly, Score Board, and lastly Miss Fluttershy.” Each foal called out ‘here’ in turn. “Fluttershy?”

“She said here, you just didn’t hear her.” Nova offered.

“Flutters, you really need to speak up. Alright now, every pony, and Griffin, get on board. One at a time, one at a time! Honestly?”

Fortunately, it didn’t take too long to untangle the foals who’d all rushed the door at once. Once inside Mrs Chart Fluff called names again.

“Fluttershy says she has to pee!”


“There’s a toilet in the back of the bus… one at a time!” Mrs Chart Fluff scolded, and a moment later they were on their way.

Nova recognized a lot of the cloud buildings as they got underway. She’d been there long enough to get her bearings for her neighborhood to and from the school as well. Like the mountain, Mount Canterhorn’ hooved into view Nova felt a feeling of excitement and dread beginning to war on her emotions. How long had it been since she’d last been there, how little the mountain had changed.

“Wow,” Nova said softly as Canterlot came into view. Not only had the castle grown considerably it was now surrounded by a tiered city unlike her mind had anything to compare against. Shining white buildings and golden roofs glistened. Hanging gardens beckoned.

“Impressive isn’t it?” Sunshine asked while giving Nova a hug. “This will be my second time seeing it.”

“Miss Nova, is this your first time to Canterlot?” Mrs Chart Fluff asked.

“I, ah… I can’t say I’ve ever seen that city.” Nova offered. “It’s huge.”

“Cloudsdale is bigger.” Hoops informed her.

“Cloudsdale is spread out and built into the clouds.” Nova offered. “A pony can’t really see the whole thing from any one vantage point because it all blends together.”

“She has a point.” Mrs Chart Fluff offered. “From a distance all any creature can see is clouds.” She had to smile when the foals started pointing out various features that interested them as they approached.

A short time later they were being guided into the landing area for sky buses at the castle. When they landed Nova and Sunshine were delighted to see Fleetfoot waiting.

“Welcome to Canterlot Castle.” Fleetfoot offered. “My name is Fleetfoot.”

“What kind of a pony name is Fleetfoot?” Hoops asked.

“Hoops isn’t it? Care to join Dumbbell in Yakyakistan?” Fleetfoot asked with a smirk. The colt just looked at her with his jaw on the floor. “No? Figured not. Now as I was saying, I’m Fleetfoot, and I am a Wonderbolt reserve officer. And today I have the privilege of being one of your tour guides.”

“Did they really send Dumbbell to Yakyakistan?” Score asked.

“No, they sent him to reform school,” Fleetfoot admitted. “He’ll probably be at flight camp though.”

“Just one more reason to keep out of trouble,” Gilda muttered.

“There is to be no running, no flying, be respectful of the palace staff and guards. I want every pony on their best behavior. Seriously, I need you to behave. I can’t really put a hoof on it, but I’ve got this weird feeling something is going on. If anything happens, do not separate, and listen to the adults. Alright, everyone off the bus and stay together.” When Fleetfoot had her say she stepped off the bus to be followed by everyone on board save the driver.

“How’d she know who Hoops was?” Dash whispered as she lined up to get off the bus.

“She’s my mom.” Replied a pale blue filly with a silver mane.

“Oh come on Silver, you should have told me your mom is a Wonderbolt.” Dash protested.

“Knowing how gaga you are over the Wonderbolts? Nothing doing.” Silver replied with a smirk.

“Aw come on, I’m not that bad… am I?”

“Off the bus Miss Dash.” Mrs Chart prompted. She had been taking up the rear of the group and had Fluttershy right in front of her.

“Every pony off the bus?” Fleetfoot asked a few moments later.

“We’re all off and ready.” Mrs Chart replied.

“Aright then my little duckies, line up and follow me,” Fleetfoot said and started walking while looking back every so often to make sure they were indeed following.

Sunshine just couldn't resist a 'quack' as they followed along. She was answered by giggling and another quack.




Fleetfoot walked up to the group entrance with a silly grin on her face.

“Lieutenant? What?” Asked one of the guards.

“They’re so cute I can’t bring myself to tell them to stop.” Fleetfoot offered. “Mrs Chart Floof, I mean Fluff’s class from Cloudsdale Primary academy.”

“You are good to go to Area thirteen where you will meet up with your tour guide.”

“Thank you. Come on my little duckies.” Fleetfoot said and walked through the gate followed by the foals who quacked as they passed, and then Mrs Chart who’d a huge smile on her face.

As directed Fleetfoot took them to Area thirteen, where they were met by a rather stern-looking matronly mare. She introduced herself as Mrs Aureole and gave them a long-winded list of dos and don'ts. Most of all there was to be absolute silence Finally they got started, the foals a bit more subdued than they were earlier. They went through a series of government buildings and were about to finish up without seeing the keep where Princess Celestia actually lived when a pair of guards approached Mrs Aureole and informed them that the group had been invited to have lunch with Princess Celestia.

“What if she recognizes me?” Nova whispered to Sunshine.

“What?” Dash asked.

“Nothing.” Sunshine replied, and then whispered to Nova, “There’s not much we can do. More likely she’ll be fixated on me.”

“Why would she be fixated on you?” Dash asked as she nosed in between the two.

“Because I look like her protege. That’s why. Only wings and no horn.”

“Oh,” Dash replied as they were lead through the murder gate that brought them into a small bailey. Before the small group stood Canterlot keep, now known as the palace of the sun. And as far as keeps go it was massive as it was built on the foundations of the original castle.

Their group was surrounded by guards now.

“Mom, what’s going on?” Silver asked her mother in a whisper.

“No idea, just roll with it.”

Something was definitely off.

“Are they looking at you or at me?” Nova whispered to Sunshine as they were directed into the grand hall.

“I’m not sure,” Sunshine admitted.

“The old audience hall is still there,” Nova whispered as they went past a large set of double doors. The doors had been left open but had also been blocked by the presence of guards.

“That’s nice,” Sunshine whispered back.

“I thought you’d never been here?” Dash whispered.

“I’ll explain later.”

From the hall, they were directed upstairs to a small dining room their tour guide having been dismissed.

I’m so nervous.” Fluttershy squeaked out.

“Well, every pony, have a seat, and the princesses will join you momentarily.” Offered a pony that looked like he might be the butler. That or a Hoof-colt.

“Are we going to eat now?” Hoops asked as they all found a seat at a table that was a might too large for the foals.

“Shut up Hoops, can’t you read the atmosphere?” Score cautioned. “Something weird’s going on.”

By now everyone in the group was looking really nervous. Sunshine who’d yet to sit down looked about, figured that the guards were definitely glaring at her, climbed to the top of the back of her chair, and spread her wings holding them high.

“If what is going on has anything to do with Sunset Shimmer I am not her, and I have nothing to do with her!” Sunshine shouted while teetering on the top of the chair. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you are scaring my friends.”

No pony budged.

Nova looked about and was wondering if she could put a stop to what was going on by announcing herself when a teenage Princess Cadance poked her head in through a doorway. She looked at Sunshine, blinked, took a few steps in keeping her eyes on Sunshine the whole time.

“Summer Sunshine, please get down before you fall down.” Mrs Chart admonished lightly. The last thing she wanted was to get any of the foals upset because then it’d be all downhill from there.

“Um, guys, that’s not Sunset.” Cadance offered.

“Yes, Mrs chart.” Sunshine dropped to the seat of her chair, folded her wings, and sat down. “So what has my evil twin elder sister done this time?”

“Hold that thought,” Cadance said and went back out the way she’d come. “Princess Celestia, it’s not her! She’s just a little filly.”

Gilda was the first to break the tension by bursting into laughter.

“This isn’t funny.” Sunshine admonished.

“No, it kind of is,” Nova admitted.

This time it was Dash who stood up in her chair. “In case any pony is interested, my father is Bow Hothoof,” Dash said loudly. “I thought we were going to get something to eat?” Gilda only laughed louder. “Shut up Gilda.” Dash sat back down.

“Oh shit.” One of the guards said and rushed out the door.

“Wait, what’s so special about your dad? I thought he worked in a weather factory.” Silver asked.

“Well, they can’t keep us here forever,” Fleetfoot offered.

“And I certainly wouldn't mind an explanation.” Mrs Chart added with a hint of anger in her tone.

“Hate to say it…” Sunshine began slowly as she lay her head on the table, “..I should have stayed behind.”

“This isn’t your fault dear.” Mrs Chart offered. “Not your fault these ponies can’t tell the difference between a unicorn and a pegasus.” Her tone switched from reassuring to derisive. Sunset Shimmer was also several years older.

“Wonder what would happen if I filed a complaint with the Neighpony embassy?” Nova asked of no one specific as she leaned back.

“What good would that do?” Sunshine asked.

“Some pony obviously went out on a limb for me to make sure I’d get adopted right away.” Nova replied softly, and then switched a fair imitation of the Canterlot voice, “Hey! Tell Princess Celestia she’s locked up a Neighpony princess.

“Your no more a Neighpony princess than Dash is a princess,” Indigo stated only for Gilda to laugh even harder. “Care to share?” She’d switched her focus to Gilda and couldn't help but let a smile cross her lips.

“Gilda I’m not a bucking princess.” Dash protested.

“She’s the heir to the Borealis name.” Gilda managed between fits of laughter.

“Gilda!? You said you wouldn't tell!” Dash exclaimed.

“Wow, that means you outrank me.” Nova teased. This generated giggles from several of the foals since they all figured Nova was alluding to her alleged alicorn status.

“Hi…” Princess Cadance offered as she poked her head back in. “Um, listen, guards, you can stand down now. You’re not needed.” Cadance entered the room and walked over to the table. “Lady Rainbow Dash…”

“Don’t call me that,” Dash said blushing. “I hate it when ponies call me that.”

“Lady?” Score asked followed by Hoops and himself bursting into laughter.

“I’m sorry.” Cadance offered. She turned and looked at the guards. “Why are you still here, go back to your regular post. Did you think she’d used an age spell and swapped her tribe to a pony that can’t use magic? For all you know Sunset has snuck out while you all were fixated on the wrong pony. Out.” The guards hesitated a moment and then filed out. “And make sure lunch is brought up for our guests.” She turned back to the ‘guests’ and put a brave smile on. “I am so sorry about this.”

Betcha dad rips some pony a new flank.” Nova offered.

“Dad?” Cadance asked.

We were adopted by Colonel Ray Mustang.” Nova offered.

From out in the hall, “Oh shit!”

“So, um, just out of curiosity, by any chance did my elder evil twin sister happen to break into the restricted section of the library last night?” Sunshine asked her head still down.

“This one of your, um, predictions?” Nova asked.

“Could be. Could be stuff ponies tell me that they shouldn’t.” Sunshine offered, making sure to give herself plausible deniability. “And I’m guessing that the reason she did it is that momsy showed her one of Starswirl’s stupid mirrors, and she got obsessed with it.”

“Ah, what did you say your name was?” Cadance asked.

“My given name is Aurora Summers, my mother is Celeste Summers, my Aunt is named Selena Tsuki, they had a falling out. Any of this sound familiar? No? I didn’t exactly come to Equestria by choice, and I am now known as Summer Sunshine Mustang.”

And I’m her adopted sister.” Nova offered. “And her cousin. Similar circumstances.

“Hang on, shouldn’t I know you?” Cadance asked.

No, I don’t think so.” Nova offered. Short of Cadance being the same pony as her one time playmate with a similar name and identical appearance from the Crystal Principality. Save back then her friend had been about the same age. Nova just couldn’t see how Cadance might recognize her.

“Alright then, you just looked familiar for some reason.” Cadance offered. “Oh, and Miss Summer, supposing you are right, where do you think we might find our Miss Shimmer?”

Sunshine looked up at Cadance, “Some have fate thrust upon them while others blindly chose to do the stupidest thing imaginable.”

“How stupid would you say?”

“A pony who doesn’t know the meaning of the word no? How stupid do you have?”

“Oh dear Celestia.” Cadence said and rushed out of the room while Mrs Chart gives Sunshine a pained look knowing the fillies interest in Starswirl’s gate which up to that moment she’d assumed was just a legend.


Princess Celestia having been disappointed that they’d not managed to round up Sunset had by this time moved to Princess Luna’s old apartment. Cadance trotted into the lunar tower and climbed the stairs to the large ornately furnished living area that seemed more museum than a place a pony might want to live. Princess Celestia was seated in the room looking out a window in the direction of the Everfree Forest near Ponyville. “Princess Celestia… Aunt Celestia… I think things may be worse than we thought. I think Sunset may have gone through the mirror.”

“What? Why would you… Oh, dear Harmony.” Celestia said, got up from where she was and rushed out. Cadance started to follow but stopped when a portrait of a filly caught her eye.

“Oh dear Celestia, that’s where I saw her. She must have come through… a falling out? Oh dear Celestia!” Cadance exclaimed and raced after Princess Celestia. She would find Princess Celestia in the room where the mirror in question stood, crumpled on the floor in front of a large mirror with a covering behind it, and partly draped off the top crying her eyes out one hoof pressed against the mirror.

“We’ll get her back, I’m sure of it.” Cadance offered.

“Thirty moons. She is going to have to survive in that world for thirty moons on her own.”

“She’s a very capable unicorn, she’ll be alright.”

“But she won’t be. She won’t be a unicorn. In that world, the portal transforms ponies into creatures called hue-memes. She’ll be alone in a strange world with no magic and it’s all my fault. I should never have shown her that mirror, she was too young. She couldn't understand.”

“She’ll survive, I know she will.” Cadance offered, part of her thinking, well maybe if you’d told her what it was... “She’ll land on her hooves.”

“Foots. It’s footsies in that world.”

“Footsies then. She will land on her footsies, and in thirty moons we’ll send some of our best agents and get her back.” Cadance offered. “Listen, Auntie, if I can give you nothing more I can assure you in that the line of fate that connects the two of you is still there. I can see those lines, that’s why I’m so good at getting ponies together. I know who she is to you, and as long as that connection is still there, I know that she’s alright.”

“You must think I’m horrible.”

“No, I don’t. If anything I’m the one who’s horrible because I didn’t speak up when I saw the danger signs.” Cadance gave Celestia a hug. “Any chance you can pull yourself together for our guests?”

“They must really wonder what’s going on right now.”

“Ya, about that…”


“I got the distinct impression that Colonel Mustang’s adopted daughters are from another world.”


“You see, Miss Summer Sunshine knew about the mirror. Said she wasn’t here by choice but didn’t elaborate. Did say her original name was Aurora Summers. I’m assuming she couldn't just come right out and speak clearly among her classmates. I also got the feeling that she resents Sunset about as much as Sunset resented me.”

“Sunset doesn't resent you.”

“Yes, she does. You adopted me and couldn't even acknowledge your own daughter – yes I know. That’s part of what my abilities are. Sunset resented me and was desperate for your approval. When you showed her that mirror she’d gotten it into her head it was another one of your challenges she had to conquer. - I’m sorry, this is probably the worst time to discuss this. - Come on, how about getting up off the floor and we’ll get you cleaned up for our guests.”

"All right, all right," Celestia said softly as she slowly got up. "Your right, and it's time for Princess Celestia to put her mask back on and do a little damage control."

"They are all darling foals." Cadance offered cheerfully. "Best brace yourself when you see Miss Summer. She is the spitting image of Sunset only in pegasus form. And something else..."

"Yes?" Celestia asked as they made their way from the mirror room.

"Both Miss Summer and her sister seem to have familial bonds with you. Summer's tie seems to be some sort of vestment, a loose connection where the lines of fate seem to have latched onto you in absence of her own family. There is a portrait of her sister in Luna Hall, and her connection to you is quite strong."

"A portrait? In Luna's Chambers?" a measure of hope found its way into Celestia's heart. "From another world you say?"

"Anything is possible."

"Nova would have known about the mirror."


"My sister's filly. Nova Stella. Her full name is a bit of a mouthful owing to a need to give her a Neighpony name as well."

Author's Note:

Wouldn't you know it, they visit Canterlot Castle the morning after Sunset Shimmer goes through the portal. There's going to be a lot of guards doing remedial training on how to tell the difference between a unicorn and a pegasus half her age. :facehoof:

The next chapter will continue where this one left off.