• Published 20th May 2020
  • 1,236 Views, 16 Comments

Not Quite Canon. - KittyrinnAiko

A brand new adventure featering Kitsumi Nova and Not Sunset Shimmer.

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Chapter 11

Cadance was a little filly again, a little flightless pegasus and she was running for her life. Overhead there was a battle of epic proportions going on. Behind her, the escort that was there to take her to safety had been overrun, and now she was running through brambles and thickets. Anything to get away from her pursuers. It wasn’t enough. They were on her in a moment… It was the same nightmare that had plagued her for years, they’d come diving in, the ponies in that horrible armor, she’d somehow manage to evade them, they’d come swooping in again, and then she’d wake up.

At least that’s how it usually ran.

Cadance was scrambling through the thickets, down came her pursuers… only to get blasted away by a white alicorn that dazzled like a star had come down to Equestria just to save her. And then the alicorn of light lifted her up into the air and she was flying no longer afraid. The battle was gone, no pony fighting just her, the stars, and…

“Nova!” Cadance shouted as she sprang up from her bed.

“Ack!” Nova said as she toppled over and fell off the bed.

“Nova, what are you doing?”

“You were having a nightmare.” Nova offered from the floor.

“Ya, I was. But?”

“Mom, I mean my birth mom taught me how to dream walk. I can only do it if I’m right next to another pony.”

“Is that why you sneak into Sunshine’s bed?”

“No… I really can’t sleep by myself. And if I’m going into her dreams it’s because my dreams aren’t all that pleasant sometimes.”

“Come here.” Cadance offered, so Nova climbed back up onto the bed.

“I, I don’t understand what the dream is about.” Cadance offered.

“I do,” Nova said softly.

“You do?”

“I recognized those helmets, and I know who you are now. You are Princess Mi Amore Cadenza the daughter of Princess Amore and Prince Lys and one of my own dear friends. I doubt we were any more than a year apart in age either.”

“Nova… what’s going on?” Sunshine asked as she staggered into the room.

“Cadance was having a nightmare.”

“And we followed that with a revelation.” Cadance offered. “You didn’t come looking for Nova because you can’t sleep without her did you?”

“No… yes. OK, I kind of started to get accustomed to sleeping while snuggling in our own little pony pile.”

“To tell the truth, I used to sleep in pony piles in the little town where I grew up. No pony ever adopted me, I just went from family to family depending on who’s turn it was to look after me. You might even say the whole town had adopted me.” Cadance offered. “Tell you what, come here because I don’t think any of us are going to get any sleep by ourselves.”

“So what was that revelation?” Sunshine asked as she climbed into the bed.

“Apparently my mom was a princess of the Chrystal Empire.”

“Crystal Principality. It was that traitor Sombra who proclaimed it an Empire.” Nova corrected.

“Did he… that is, do you know what happened to my parents?” Cadance asked softly.

“Don’t know. The whole place vanished. The only survivors were the ponies who were outside of the city. You must have been right on the periphery.”

“So they are gone then.”

“I don’t know. Vanished isn’t the same as destroyed or annihilated. Vanished as in just not there anymore.” Nova offered. “Or at least that’s how it was explained to me.”

“Sombra pulled a Brigadoon.” Sunshine offered as she drifted off into sleep. “It’ll be back.”

“Briga what?” Cadance asked.

“She’s making predictions again.” Nova offered and let out a yawn. “Apparently it has something to do with stories for foals where she came from.” And with that, she too drifted off into slumber.

Cadance pondered everything for a moment. Knowing she was from the Crystal Empire, or Principality as Nova called it, didn’t really help. She wondered if she’d see the city again someday and if they’d have to fight Sombra again. It also seemed all so academic and not the sort of thing she really needed to worry about right now. It wasn’t like she could remember her parents anyway. She couldn't remember any of it. As far as she could remember her life started in that sleepy little town she grew up in. Cadance lay back down and slowly drifted off into peaceful slumber.

Ray Mustang woke up the following morning early as was his custom to the discovery that his wife was already up. He got up, check the bathroom, then the closet, nope, not under the bed… he went out into the hall to discover her at the far and standing there looking somewhat indecisive. He walked to her and gave her a kiss. “Is something troubling you?”

“The fillies aren’t in their room.”

OK, that just didn’t seem right, but it wasn’t time to go into a panic yet. So he went to the end of the hall, and out the door to the balcony. He looked at the outside doors to the bedrooms saw nothing out of the ordinary, and then walked over to the edge of the balcony. Down below on the walkway out in front was a security detail.

“Sargent, anything to report?” He called softly. Last night he’d stopped short of closing the base to all outside traffic in a move to clamp down on base security. Having Guards on the gates was going to be inconvenient but he didn’t want to risk letting just any pony coming on base with a recognized princess in his home.

“Nothing to report sir.” The Sargent called back with a salute.

“Thank you,” He called, returned the salute, and went back inside.

“You’re just going to have to peek in on Princess Cadance,” Ray informed his wife a moment later.

“But she’s a princess.” Wintry protested.

“So is Nova, technically.”

“Well if we are going to be technical about it all three of them are princesses.”

“And how do you figure?”

“Well, I’m not sure I should say, and it's not the sort of thing to be spread about.”

“Are you suggesting I’ve been left out of the loop on something?”

“Mrs Summers is Princess Celestia.”

“OK, I can see how that could be dangerous information.”

“She’s been living two lives. Those damn Canterlot nobles have put her so high up on a pedestal she’s been forced to go behind their backs just to be a pony.”

“Just give the door a knock and take a look.”

“Alright,” Wintry replied, reached up, gave the door a couple of gentle raps, and then slowly opened the door. A smile formed on the faces of both parents on seeing the large lump under the covers of the bed.

“Mystery solved.” Ray offered followed by the two pegasi backing out and closing the door.

Wintry came back a short time later, this time knocking a bit louder. She opened the door and announced that it was time all good fillies were up so that they wouldn't be late for school.

“School?” Cadance asked sitting up in bed the two younger fillies snuggled up on either side.

“Well if you’d like. What grade level are you in?”

“I’m in middle school, I’m on my last year before I move up. I’ve been homeschooled for magic. Well if you can call private tutors in the palace homeschooling.”

“I’m up.” Sunshine offered as she got up and climbed out of bed.

You do realize I’m supposed to be nocturnal, right?” Nova said with sleep still in her eyes.

“I realize that, but unfortunately they don’t have night school for foals.” Wintry offered. “Go stand in the shower for a bit, that’ll wake you up.”

For Cadance breakfast that morning was perhaps the first enjoyable breakfast she’d had in a long time. Even last night's gathering of officers was far more enjoyable because the comradery they had made it feel like they were family. Unlike every meal in Canterlot that felt like living in a shark tank. Mrs Mustang, no make that Wintry, was delightful, and Sunshine was the exact opposite of Sunset. Sunshine was warm, outgoing, and easy to be friends with. Nova, once she was fully awake was a delight, who was energetic and mischievous.

“So how long do you think it’ll take them to notice?” Nova asked with a grin as they were on their way into school. Cadance had on her hoodie with the hood up. Nova was presently doing a pronk, pronk, glide that couldn't help but make Cadance smile because she’d have to turn and come back every time she got too far ahead.

“We’ll see, we’ll see.” Wintry offered. She was coming along because an adult would have to vouch for her. Fleetfoot and Silver had joined as well, and every so often Nova, Sunshine, and Silver would just start bouncing with energy.

“So are they always so full of energy?” Cadance asked with a smile.

“To be honest this is the first time she’s had so much energy.” Wintry offered. “They are all a little keyed up this morning.”

“They were all quacking like little ducks at the group entrance at the castle yesterday.” Fleetfoot offered.

“Awe and I missed that.” Wintry lamented.

“Well, we are here,” Fleetfoot announced. “Alright, you three, you get to your classes.”

“Awe.” Sunshine, Nova, and Silver all said at the same time.

“Did I mention Cadance and I are the same age?” Nova and Sunshine said at the same time followed by pointing at each other and shouting, “Jinx!”

“You two go to your class, you too Silver, we are taking Cadance over to the Middle School.” Wintry scolded mildly.

“Alright, see you after school,” Sunshine replied, and then the three hurried over to their school.

Fleetfoot, Wintry, and Cadance continued on and crossed over to the middle school.

“Cady?” asked a gray filly with a three-tone red rose-colored mane and tail that was Cadance’s age as the three approached the school.

“Diamond?” Cadance asked looking at the other filly. “Diamond Rose?”

“Cady, it’s you, it is you!” Rose exclaimed, and a moment later the two embraced. “No pony’s heard from you since you left to live with Princess Celestia. What are you doing here? All we ever get are those form letters the palace sends out.”

“Taking a break from Canterlot. What do you mean no pony’s heard from me, I send letters… I never get any…”

“Oh, dear,” Fleetfoot said.

“So, I gather you two know each other?” Wintry asked.

“We grew up together,” Cadance explained. “Same small town. Even shared the same sleeping arrangement on multiple occasions.”

“You never got any letters?” Rose asked.

“Not a one,” Cadance admitted. “But what are you doing here in Cloudsdale instead of Podunk?”

“Dad’s got a position in the weather factory. Any chance you’ll be in Cloudsdale High next year?”

“Unfortunately I’m locked into Canterlot Academy.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe I’ll transfer so you’ll have a friend.”

“That’s the bell.” Wintry prompted.

“I have to go, maybe I’ll see you in class?”

“Alright, but if not I’m at Colonel Mustang's home.”

“Alright, I’ll see you later.” Rose offered and ran into the school.

Wintry, Fleetfoot, and Cadance followed at a more moderate pace.

“Sounds like some pony is interfering with your personal mail,” Fleetfoot commented as they entered the school.

“Well, I for one can’t believe Princess Celestia would knowingly allow such behavior,” Wintry added with a touch of anger as they entered the school.

“Hi, we’ve got a young filly who’d like to attend classes until Flight Camp starts?” Wintry said as the trio entered the office.

“I’m sorry, but we don’t allow that. No exceptions.” Announced a member of the office staff.

“None?” Cadance asked as she pulled down her hoodie.

“Princess Cadance?”

“I think we can make an exception.” Offered the school Principal as they came out of their office. “I’m Mrs Principle.”

“Any chance I can join Diamond Rose in her classes?” Cadance asked.

“You know her?”

“Spent the better part of my formative years in Podunk,” Cadance replied with a big smile.

“Funny how Canterlot likes to keep that sort of thing quiet.” Mrs Principle replied.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, Miss Nova seems to think I’m from the Crystal Principality as she calls it.”


“The little fox filly I adopted along with Sunshine. She’s the one who had to be rescued from falling to her death.” Wintry offered. “They are in the Primary school across the way.”

“Nova Mustang, you wouldn't happen to be Wintry Mustang?” asked the clerk.

“Yes, I am. Why do you ask?”

“There was some contact information dropped off here for some reason for magic tutors for her. I’m to understand that a unicorn isn’t going to be able to teach her the basics because fox pony magic has a different foundation. I personally find them so fascinating how they manage to defy convention.”

“But why drop it off here and not across the lane?” Wintry asked. “Surely they must know she’s of primary school age?”

“Maybe because they predicted you’d be here?” Cadance offered. “Or maybe it was just a mistake.”

“Well here, it’s got the Neighpon seal on it so it’s more than likely legit.” The clerk offered.

“Well, however it ended up here.” Mrs Principle offered. “Now, if you’d like, Princess Cadance, I can show you to your class, and we’ll take care of everything so you won’t need to worry about it.”

“You have fun.” Fleetfoot offered. “And expect either myself or one of my team members to come to pick you up after school.”

“So, no hanging with my friends after school?” Cadance asked hopefully.

“Well, I imagine that’s going to depend on what every pony’s schedule looks like. We’re kind of playing it by ear, and no pony wants to take any unnecessary risks with your safety. We figure it’s only a matter of time before word gets out that you are in Cloudsdale.” She smiled and then added in a whisper, “Just between us, being in Cloudsdale effectively eliminates two-thirds of the potential threats.”

“I would imagine, they’d have to either be able to fly or walk on clouds.” The clerk offered.

“Not too many even know she’s here right now otherwise we’d have a larger security presence,” Fleetfoot explained. “And if you can tip off your staff and student body to keep this to themselves, that will be most helpful.”

“Do you honestly think there’s a danger?” Cadance asked.

“Considering someone in the palace was interfering with your mail we really can’t rule anything out. Like it or not you are famous now, and that can draw out some bad ponies.” Fleetfoot offered.

“Well, I can assure you that she will be perfectly safe while she is under our cloud roof.” Mrs Principle offered.


“Mission Accomplished, Sir,” Fleetfoot announced while giving Colonel Mustang a well-practiced wing salute.

“Anything to report?” he asked while returning the salute.

“Something did come up. We encountered a Miss Diamond Rose from Podunk, the place where Princess Cadance grew up. Seems they are close and had been writing to each other.”

“I can’t see any harm in that.”

“They weren't getting each other’s mail. It would seem that Cadance has been sending letters to all her friends but the letters aren’t getting there. Likewise, their letters aren’t getting to Cadance. All they are getting are those ubiquitous form letters the palace sends out.”

He gave her a calculating look and then slammed his right hoof down onto his desk. “About all I can do is request the pegasi on day shift be cycled out for retraining short of getting an opportunity to bring it up with Mrs Summers.”

“So then asking about it at the palace is out of the question?”

He opened his mouth, closed it, and then with a pained look said, “It would seem it’s the palace doing it. About all we can do is give Princess Cadance a way to smuggle mail out, and possibly smuggle mail into her if that’s is what needs to happen. Some pony wants her isolated from her old friends and I can guess why.”

“They are gaslighting her.”

“Precisely. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Sunset had been getting the same treatment.”