• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,957 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

  • ...

Sub-Hive Surprise

Pitch stumbles his way into the spacious kitchen, rubbing his orange mane while his jaws stretch out into a yawn. He mindlessly makes his way to the other side of the room, passing the large, circular wooden table, and stops at the tall refrigerator. He reaches in and secures himself a carton of orange juice. Not even bothering to fetch a glass, he drinks straight from the carton with a smug, satisfying grin. Everyone in the house knows not to drink his orange juice anyways, under penalty of, whatever penalty he should come up with.

With some good old OJ in his system, Pitch begins to wake up at an increasingly impressive rate. It's about this time when he realizes something slightly off about the kitchen. He ponders this for a second, then turns around to scan the room. It doesn't take him long to spot the inconsistency as he looks my way.

"Good Morning," I say.

"Morning. Hey, Arctic. Do you mind explaining why you are on the ceiling?" He asks. I look up at my bewildered comrade.

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same question."

"Arctic, you're using the ceiling fan as a table."

I look back down at the rather small table. Sure enough, I'm laying near one of the blades, my bowl of mashed potatoes sitting on top.

"Huh, how about that." I look back down at my compadre. "Hey Pitch, why am I on your ceiling?"

"I don't know. How about you tell me?"

"I would, but I can't remember all that clearly, everything is still very groggy. What did I do last night?"

"Yesterday was Thursday."

"Ah, that explains a lot."

Good old Charlie Hops. May you never change.

"What it doesn't explain," I continue, "Is how these mashed potatoes are staying in their bowl upside down. An incredible feat to be sure. Have you ponies found a way to grow potatoes to reject gravity? If so, that's genius and you must teach me!"

Pitch doesn't say a word and just stares at me expressionless. He then points to his forehead where a unicorn horn would be. Not understanding at first, I copy the movement he makes until I bump into an object unexpectedly protruding from my head. It is then I make two fascinating discoveries. The first is that I've been subconsciously holding onto the bowl with my magic. Said magic ends after I become aware of it, causing the bowl to tumble down onto Pitch's head.

The second, more interesting discovery, is the fact that I'm not in my pony form, but rather my natural changeling form. How curious. I don't remember a time of shifting back into this form. Nor do I feel that instinctual need to change back while in the presence of a non-changeling. The now annoyed Pitch Out blinks clear the potatoes from his eyes and begins to clean his face.

"What are you even doing eating mashed potatoes? I thought you feed off emotions?"

"We do. Food, as you know it, gives us zero nutrition. It does, however, go through a process which turns it into a slimy, yet sturdy building material."

"That's, kind of cool and disgusting at the same time. Wait, you're not planning any projects are you?"

"No, I'm not. I'm actually just as confused as you are as to why I started to eat it. I must have really been out of it."

"Mmhm, yeah, you must have."

I cast my attention back to see what has Pitch distracted, only to find him sampling the spilled potatoes. He must like what he is tasting, because he takes another scoop off his muzzle and places it directly on his tongue. I shake my head at the bizarre action.

And they call me strange.

"What I find really strange is the fact that, despite being in my true form, I don't feel the need to hide it from you."

"Very strange."

Taking another scoop of mashed potatoes, I can tell he's not entirely invested in the conversation. I continue on anyways, trying to decipher why it is my hard-wired instinct seems to have vanished overnight.

"Come to think of it, I remember hearing stories about this before. Typically, it only happens when a changeling becomes very, very familiar with a pony, though I guess there are exceptions. Could it be that you knew about me for a while now? Maybe we've became such good friends that I subconsciously recognize you as part of the hive? That's the best idea I got. And if that's the case."

Becoming extremely excited at the prospect of what losing my transformation instinct around Pitch may mean, I let loose an exclamation of happiness as I launch myself off the ceiling and onto Pitch's back.

"Oof! Arctic! What the h-hugh!"

I shut up Pitch by means of the tightest bear hug I can muster.

"You know what this means, Pitch? This makes you an honorary hive mate! We're like brothers now! I got a new hive brother!"


A frazzled Meadow makes her appearance at the kitchen's entrance. She stops dead in her tracks, lifting her head in a quizzical expression at the strang events occurring before her eyes.

"Good morning?" She asks.

"Good morning, Meadow!" I respond.

"Save me!" Pitch begs.

Meadow continues to stands in the doorway, bearing witness to Pitch's desperate plight to escape my hug. But, there is no escape for him. Once I have hold of my prey, it is only I who can grant their release.

"Alright, Arctic, that's enough. Give me back my coltfriend, please."

Drat, foiled again.

"Fine." I reluctantly release my hold on Pitch and turn to face Meadow, a wide grin reappearing on my muzzle. I wonder if my fangs make the smile more intimidating than I mean to as Meadow starts to slowly back away with ears pulled back. I match her every back step with a step forward.

"Arctic, What are you doing?"

"I don't feel the need to hide my form with you either, Meadow."

"Um, Pitch, a little help here."



"Sorry, Meadow. You're on your own."

"I'll remember that!"

"Honorary hive sister!"

I launch my attack, leaping towards the distracted mare. Her reaction is on par with that of a panther as she quickly sidesteps the lunge and gallops to the other side of the kitchen table. I recover and square up my opponent on my end of the table. She matches any move I make to keep the table between us.

"Arctic, please. It's way too early for this."


I analyze my surroundings, looking for a way past this impenetrable obstacle. The left side is clear for Meadow to continue avoidance maneuvers, but Pitch has moved to the right of the table with the bowl of mashed potatoes. I start working my way to the left, wings giving a quick buzz in anticipation. Then, I remember a key advantage I possess. I have wings.

I take to the air and charge Meadow, who braces herself for impact. Victory is mine! Until I feel a hoof grab my right wing, sending me crashing down onto the table and face first into the bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Revenge is mine!"

I spit out the mashed potatoes and watch a giggling Meadow make her way over to the smiling triumphant Pitch Out. It appears as if I have been outplayed. Clever ponies.

"Pitch! You two timing, clever basterd! I thought you were staying out of this."

"And leave my wonderful, most beautiful marefriend hanging? As if! You should really have seen this coming. For shame, Arctic, for shame."

Meadow's response is to turn Pitch's head to face her and planting one very passionate kiss on his lips. She then gives him a sultry look through half-lidded eyes as she starts to nuzzle him.

"I'll remember that tonight," she purrs.

I watch the two with interest. They've certainly became more comfortable in being in a relationship in the last three months. Displays of affection, such as this, are becoming a lot more common place around here. Still, I'm not about to let them win this morning's banter that easily.

I brush off the food from my face and cross my hooves. I look away from the two in mock disgust as I put on my best, hurt feelings voice.

"All I wanted to do was give my new honorary new hive sister a hug and look what happened. There's food everywhere as well as a sad lonely bug on the table. Oh, how cruel can this world truly be? Will the changeling ever be shown kindness and love?"

"Oh, stop being such a drama queen. Come here you," Meadow says.

She reaches over the table and wraps her hooves around my neck, pulling me into a choking embrace. It's clear to me that she wishes to beat me at my own game. Although she's got me against the ropes (seriously, this mare's got a tight grip for a unicorn!), a changeling always has a trick up their sleeves.

Pink flames of transformation magic surrounds me, causing Meadow to leap back with a squeal of surprise. I get the final laugh as I revert back into my preferable pegasus stallion form. Meadow attempts to give me her best death glare, but honestly, I think it just makes her more adorable. I stick my tongue out on response. I then feel myself being lifted and shoved off the table by Pitch.

"No bugs allowed on top of the table," he says. "Or on the ceiling for now on."

"Harsh, Pitch, that's very harsh."

"Eh, you'll live."

"I don't know." I place my forehoof over my left one with feign pain. "That fall was really nasty, I think I may have sprained something."

"Do you mean the fall just now? Or the one where you launched yourself off the ceiling and onto my back?"

"Eh, you'll live."

"I don't know, that impa-"

"Will you both knock it off! It's still too early for all of this," Meadow says.

"Yes, ma'am!" We respond.

With the morning's shenanigans at an end, we proceed to sit calmly at the table and enjoy our breakfast. Pitch, securing himself the remaining mashed potatoes. Meadow, satisfying herself with a simple meal of an apple and some toast. And I, on the love of companionship formed among the three of us.

It's been three months. Three long months since the Nightmare Moon incident which had me, temporarily, question the role of a changeling. A couple days afterwards, unsatisfied with my completely satisfactory living arrangements, Pitch offered me to move in with him which I so humbly accepted with much reservation and dignity.

"You're the greatest pony friend ever-er-er!"

"Are you seriously drunk again? Haven't you learned better by now?"

"I'm not dri-drunk. Just, so very happy."

"You can barely walk and... are you crying?"

"No! This is just water from the sea. And it's hard to walk straight with the waves as rough as they are."

"We're not on a boat."



"Pitch, help me! The ground swallowed me and it won't let go."

"Oh for the love of Celestia! You're not allowed to get this drunk again while living with me, you're too damn annoying. Here, I'll carry you home just this once."

"Thanks greatest pony friend. Pitch Out 1 is a really great value."


"But I don't want an ice cream from Ice Cream Stand 1."

"I'm really starting to regret this."


"Hey, Pitch? Thank you, and I don't just mean about the house."

"Anything for a good friend. After all, friendship is ma- and he's out cold."

To be fair, Pitch caught me at a time when I tried to block out my nightmares. With the full story of Nightmare Moon's return and defeat, I'm well aware that the recurring figure in my dreams is entirely fake. But, it does little to stop her from appearing. If anything, it's worse now that she is a figment of my mind, for now she mocks me with the full knowledge of all my failures. It also doesn't help that, at times, I've sensed a presence neither mine nor the vile villain's trotting somewhere just beyond my reach. Those moments usually end up causing me to awake in alarm with heavy breaths.

Alright, enough of the bad times. Many good things have happened that are much better to talk about. For instance, our band went on it's first tour. It wasn't anything huge, but it did give me a chance to see more this land of Equestria has to offer. Previously, I thought Equestria only had one city the size of Manehatten. After all, why would a small country of maybe a few thousand ponies need anymore than a single city outside of just showing off? I found out very quickly how wrong I was about everything! There's not one, or even two metropolises, but dozens of them! Filled completely with not a few thousand ponies, but a few million! And to top it all off, turns out Equestria is larger than the entire home continent! Such a scale is so unprecedented that I still can't believe it to be true and, often times, still only view Equestria in a much more smaller, easier to picture scale.

The tour itself went rather well. It lasted about three weeks as we only performed in five other cities. During that time, Pitch and Meadow were traveling together for a stretch of away games Pitch had. He's been doing well for himself as a long relief pitcher, bailing out the team when the starter either struggles early on or, in one case, injure their throwing leg, or wing in that one case.

As for Meadow? Well, I think I'm finally getting to know her a lot better. She's a kind, very sweet mare who has a surprising hidden side to her that only truely becomes noticable the more familiar you are to her. That hidden side? A rather competitive and athletic mare. And I mean a very, very competitive mare. She's also most definitely the jealous type. The cold looks she gives anypony that tries to flirt with Pitch could freeze the ocean twice over. I sometimes worry if this could negatively impact their relationship, but from what I've seen, it's very healthy and strong as both of them are great with patience and communication. With each other anyways, not so much for those who try to flirt with either one of them. Especially with Pitch. Other mares beware, you have been warned.

After I moved in with Pitch and discovered an empty room, I asked him why he didn't offer Meadow to be roommates with us as well. After all, with him being closer to Meadow than with me, it seem to make the most sense to extend an offer to her as well. This tended to lead to many silly excuses such as that she already had her own place, or even that it was too early in their relationship to ask. I didn't even know what the latter had anything to do with becoming roommates. Besides, wouldn't one want to have their special somepony living with them over a stranger or relatively new friend? Anyways, eventually I got Pitch to cave in and ask Meadow. She said yes and moved in just over a week ago, leaving the closet she calls an apartment behind.

That's about all the major things that happened in the last three months. Everything else has just been a matter of routine. Pitch going out for practice or a game. Meadow working whatever job she does. I typically spend a day either practicing/performing with the band or inspecting the ongoing repairs to the future changeling inn/Sub-Hive. Every bit I've earned has gone into that place, first to buy it, and now hiring contractors (with advise from Pitch and Meadow) to make the place ready.

"So, Meadow. How did Rover and Meadow senior take the news?" Pitch asks.

"Oh, well... you know... just about the same as any other parents would," Meadow says.

"You didn't tell them did you? Even though you said you would?" He asks.

"I will, when the times right," she says.

"Ah, the greatest pony excuse of all time exists here as well," I say. "I take it we are talking about Meadow explaining her move to her parents?"

"You would be correct. Meadow is worried how her parents will take her moving in with me, her coltfriend, so soon," Pitch says.

"I still don't understand what the big deal is. You two are just living together," I say.

"I don't know how it works for you changelings, but for us ponies, moving in with you're special somepony is a major step up in a relationship," He says.

"I'll just have to take your word for it. So, Meadow. Your mother's name is also Meadow?" I ask.

"Yup, the name Meadow has been past down in my family for ages. It's pretty much a tradition at this point. My Grandmother's name was Meadow Wood, my mother's full name is Meadow Lark and mine is Meadow Land," she says.

"Got it. So, when the two of you have a filly are you going to call her Meadow Song or something similar?" I ask.

That got both of their attentions. The magic around Meadow's fork fizzles out and dropped to her plate while Pitch coughs up the lump of potatoes he incorrectly swallowed. They look at each other for a brief moment before looking at anything else in the room. Finally, their attention turns to me and it's Pitch who begins to speak.

"What do you mean by when?" He asks.

"Are you two saying you don't want to have foals?" I ask.

"I-I mean we... we haven't..." Meadow stammers.

"It's way to early to talk about this." Pitch chimes in.

"You sure? Because, with the amount you two practice it seems as if the two of you are very eager to have one," I say.

"Practice!?" They shout.

"Oh, please. Don't think for a second I haven't caught the two of you sneaking into each others rooms at night," I say.

The pair look at each other again. I spy some redness among them as they both appear to be at a lost for words. I sense some embarrassment from the couple, but mostly they have this sort of awkwardness between them.

"We don't... Okay, we do... visit each other at night from time to time," Pitch says.

"But, we don't do that!" Meadow finishes.

"Well, why not?" I ask.

"Because it's... That is to say... It's kinda of." Pitch throws both of his hooves out in frustration, gesturing to Meadow. "Because it's Meadow!"

"Yes, Meadow. Your marefriend. The very mare who I happen to know shares a deep love for you as you do with her. The very mare who trotted out onto a baseball field to declare that love in full view of two entire teams and a half-full stadium," I say.

"Yes, but... It's Meadow!"

"Oh for the love of- Meadow, please tell me you don't think the same way. Meadow? Hello? Is there anypony in there? Nod if you can hear me. Anypony home?"

Meadow is staring at Pitch, lost in her own little world. After some ferocious hoof waving, I finally grab her attention. She looks at me in confusion for a second, before my question finally registers in her mind.

"Oh, uh... That is to say... I mean..." She gestures her hooves towards Pitch. "It's Pitch!"

"Exactly! See, Arctic? Meadow gets it," he says.

I barely hear Pitch as I'm too busy with the ever so important task of slamming my hoof onto my head.

"You two are the most lovable in love, loveless pony couple I've ever met. And I don't even know what I said even means!" I shout.

"Why are we even discussing our love lives?" Meadow asks, "That's very private information."

"Because, apparently, sompony has to because it's not going to be you two," I say.

"That's just... just no, Arctic. Please, do not bring this up again. This is something between Pitch and I alone," she says.

"Fine! But, I still think Meadow Song is a good name for your future filly," I say.

"Ugh! It's still way too early for this. I'm going back to bed and forgetting that this morning ever happened," she says.

Meadow stands and saunters out the room. Pitch and I share a glance. I shrug, he shakes his head, I wave him off, and he returns to his meal. That is, until Meadow returns, places a hoof around Pitch's neck and begins dragging him with her.

"And you are going to help me get to sleep," She says.

"Have fun you two," I say.

The only response I get is a slamming door. I chuckle to myself and simply enjoy the silence for a bit, reminiscing at the morning's events. Looking over the messy kitchen, I can't help but shake my head with a smile. I mean, mashed potatoes? What was I thinking? I begin to clean the mess left behind.

To be honest, I knew that Meadow and Pitch haven't gone that far in their relationship yet. Despite the progress made in the last few months, they still have this awkwardness about them where, at times, they still view themselves more as friends than couples. It's very strange to witness. One moment, I come home to them making out on the couch, the next, they're just giving each other simple side-hugs. I don't understand it. I've been trying to subtly help them break out of this strangeness, and even succeeded in getting Meadow to flirt openly more.

'I'll remember that tonight.'

Really openly, and a little sexy as well. I'm not quite sure where my head is this morning though. I pushed really hard and possibly brought up a subject I shouldn't have. To be fair, back home personal topics, such as these, are less personal. They're still a more serious topic, but they're readily talked about among friends. Nothing to do for it now, I'll just have to make it up to them later.

While I clean, Meadow and Pitch lay close to each other in her bed. Facing each other, Meadow has her muzzle buried into Pitch's chest, eyes closed. Meanwhile, Pitch has his chin resting against Meadow's head, gently brushing her mane in long smooth strokes, helping her relax back into the dreamscape.

I open the door and make a beeline for the comfy couch calling my name. I belly flop onto it as the door closes, muffling the sound of hundreds of screaming fans.

"So, much, attention."

I rub my temples, willing myself to stay awake and not fall asleep in the backstage dressing room, again. The door opens briefly and I rest my head on the arm of the couch to see who entered. I make out the fiery colors of an red mane and yellow coat of the pegasus Kelvin. I'm not surprised, he's similar to me in that too much attention can be overloading for us. Unlike me, it's not because he over-absorbed all the positive emotions in the air, again. It's a difficult thing to do when your lost in the limelight. Not to be confused with the light green unicorn, Limelight, who's most likely soaking in all the attention of the fans alongside Shiny Teeth.

"Feeling alright, Arctic?" Kelvin asks.

"Yeah, just tired is all."

"I hear ya. I swear, I was this close to shoving my hoof down Limelight's throat. If he had us do another encore I probably would have."

"I probably would have held him for you," I chuckle. "'Come on guys. What's one more song.' A lot when it ends up becoming a dozen more, eh?"

"You know it!"

Kelvin moves to take up the other half of the couch. We don't actually mean what we say, of course. He's a fellow band member and a good friend, but 'Mr. Encore' tends to have a habit of making decisions without the consent of the rest of us. Shiny and Timber, being solo artist before the band, have less of a problem with it as they can keep up. Kelvin and I, however, were more or less picked up on the street by Gravy Train and are not use to the music business at all. If I knew what being a part of a band meant, I definitely would have refused. Yet, at the time, all I knew was that I could earn a lot a bits, which I needed, and all I had to do was sing from time to time. Don't get me wrong, If I wanted to, I could leave the "Colts of the Backstreet" anytime I want to, but the job is super fun and the others have become good friends of mine. Plus, contractors are expensive. The door opens once more and Timber, a black mane, blue coat earth pony, trots in.

"What's up Lake?" Kelvin asks.

"We have fans asking left and right where you two went? You two do have fans that would like to meet you and get your autographs as well, you know?"

"I know, just need a minute," I say.

"Same here," Kelvin says.

"Okay, just remember, not everypony out there is a crazy obsessed fan, you know? Except for maybe yours, Arctic," Timber says.

"How do you mean?" I ask

"Well, I just finish talking to one of your fans, and she said, and I quote, 'tell that little lightning bug to get his electrified flank out here before I summon the swarm on him.' That is easily in the top five of crazy hilarious shit fans say."

Both Kelvin and Timber start laughing with the former clutching his belly. I would have joined too, if It weren't for the fact I'm too busy storming past Timber and out the door. I exit the backstage and scan the floor filled with the fans who stayed after the show.

I spy Shiny and Limelight easily enough, but not my target. There is another I recognize, however, and I begin to sneak up on him. I launch myself onto the unusually big pony's back and hold on. To his credit, he doesn't even flinch and instead he casually looks back at me and deadpans.

"Take me to your leader," I say.

His gaze lingers for a few moments before he trots towards the other side of the club. There, sitting in one of the booths, is a taller than average blueish-green unicorn with a dark blue mane. She spots us approaching and smiles, which I all too eagerly return.

"Princess, I believe this to be yours," says the stallion.

"Indeed it is, you may place it there."

The stallion lifts me off his back with ease, and proceeds to dump me off in the seat opposite of the mare. He then moves off to sit a short distance away, scanning the crowd.

Surviving the perilous drop off, I recover and sit still and quiet, waiting for the mare to begin. I last two full seconds before I leap over the table and tackle her with a bear hug.

"Daughter-Wave! You're really here!"

She laughs and returns my hug.

"That's Princess Wave now. And I've missed you too."

We finish our mandatory greet and hug and I return to my seat. I then recall one of the messages from the Queen a while back.

"Are you sure about that? Because last I heard you were going around as Captain Wave Runner."

"That's right. I'm now Daughter Princess Captain Wave and I expect to be announced as such from this moment forward."

"By your command, Princess Daughter Wave Captain."

"Such insolence! How could you treat me in this way?"

"By the same way you treat me by calling me Lightning Bug."

"Fair enough. By my Mother, it's good to see you again!"

"It's great to see you too. I was shocked when I heard that it was you the Queen sent to manage this 'Manehatten project'."

"I know, right? As it turns out, A'hava didn't want to leave Mother behind and Starry is preparing to form a new hive of her own. Mother was reluctant to send me, but when my sisters reminded her about my experiences in adventuring in unknown lands, she gave me her complete blessings to lead the sub-hive."

"Princess Starry Night is becoming a Queen?"

"Yes! She's going to set up where Mother's first hive was."

"Wow, a lot has been changing this past year, hasn't it?"

"You have no idea."

"I think I have some idea, being the first changeling ever to set hoof in Equestria and all that."

"Fair point."

"I'm especially really surprised to see Kite Shield here. I figured is anyling went with Starry it would be him. How did you convince him to come along."

"I didn't, he volunteered. He came up to me one night going on about the dangers of living in a new world. He feels that it is his duty to changeling kind to make sure-"

"Flower volunteered, didn't she?"

"Bingo!" We laugh, causing the burly unicorn's ears to fold back. "He really is that easy to figure out, isn't he?" Wave asks.

"100 percent," I say.

"You know I can hear you two, right?" Kite asks.

"Bevadie, you were suppose to." Wave says.

"Pretty much the whole point, buddy," I say.

Kite grumbles, but doesn't respond. Instead, he continues looking at a fixed point in the crowd. I follow his gaze, grinning when I find him staring at the yellow coat, snow-white mane of Flower's unicorn form. Apparently, she managed to already get a circle of friends going which includes Shiny himself. Not a big surprise coming from one of the hive's greatest harvester. Still, the speed she works at is simply outstanding. That is, if she even is working.

Wave catches Kite's lingering eyes as well. She rolls her eyes and waves to Kite to get his attention.

"Arctic and I have a lot of catching up to do. Why don't you go get to know the ponies here better. Maybe even keep an eye on Flower and make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble."

Kite is instantly on his hooves, heading towards Flower. He doesn't even give as much as an acknowledgement, but he does flash us a smile before intermingling with the ever shrinking crowd.

"You know, with Kite here, a changeling is bound to think you're expecting a battle of some sort."

"I understand that you haven't had a problem with the ponies here as of yet, but there is still way too much unknown about this land and there could be other dangers around. Bringing along a small unit of guardians is just a simple precaution. Plus, Mother sort of demanded I bring some. She was reluctant to send me and I think bringing them calms her a bit."

"Speaking of, how many came along with you? Not just the guardians, but every changeling."

"Let me see. There's Maze, Phalanx, Myst, Sketch..."


"...Honeydew, Indigo, Lance..."


"Sure Claw, One Wing, Ringworm-"

"Wave! Enough! Information overload! That is way too many names to remember in one go. Just, give me a number."

"23, making us 25 strong in total."

"Huh, I was expecting more than that."

"Well, the trip was volunteer only and not many changelings find leaving a land we've known for millenniums for a huge unknown all that attractive. What? Why are you smiling at me like that?"

"Oh, don't you think for a second I didn't catch a certain name in that list of yours, you little sneak."

"It's not what you think."

"Is it not? Tell me, did he freely volunteer, or did he have some, persuasion."

"Arctic, seriously, it's not like that. He freely chose to come."

"Before or after he learned you were leading?"




"You're reading way too much into this. Just, drop it for now, okay?"

"Fine, but we'll come back to this later."

"Whatever you say, Arctic. Whatever you say."

"So, have you formed a link bond with all the others yet?"

"Actually, no. You see, call me sentimental, but I want the first changeling I link to be the very one that started this whole thing that got me this position in the first place. Not to mention, he is a very good friend of mine."

"Sweet sugar sticks! She's done it. She's actually succeeded. Princess A'hava has finally turned you into a sap!"

"Shut up! No she didn't."

"It's okay Wave, we'll get through this together."

"Oh, stop. I'm allowed to be cheesy from time to time."

"Oh no! It's worse than I thought! It may already be to late! Wave, if you're in there, don't worry. I'll save you from... from... this!"

"Alright, maspeek. Now, get over here so I can form the link."

I don't hesitate for a second. I fly right up to her face, eager to establish a bond I never though would ever happen. Wave is amused, though I bet she is as excited as I am. She grabs and sets me down next to her, doing her best to keep me out of sight of the club goers. With one last look around, she performs a partial transformation. A small burst of blue, flame-like magic, shifts her unicorn horn into, well, a horn that looks very similar to that of a unicorn, only longer and chitin black.

Wave's horn begins to glow with her blue aura. She leans in and taps me on the forehead. A tingling sensation starts flooding my brain and I can hear a slight buzz in the background. I feel a final pulse of magic enter, leaving me a little dizzy with a sense of vertigo. Wave backs away and reverts her horn back into that of her pony form.

'Arctic? Can you hear me?'

Making sure nopony is looking, I shift a horn onto my head. I pick up Wave's drink, examining as I hold the beverage in a blue aura. The effects are only temporary, but it reveals all it needs to.

'Loud and clear, Princess.'

'Welcome back to the hive life.'

'Good to be back. I missed this crazy family.'

I shift the horn away and we continue to talk deep into the night, at times out loud, and other times, through the bond. The only interruptions come from a few fans of mine wanting an autograph and the band saying goodnight. Eventually, it reaches the point when the owners of the club has to kick us out so they can close. I follow Wave, Flower, and Kite back to their ship, spending what little remains of the night with the others. That night, I sleep among my kin for the first time in nearly eight months. It's good to be among brothers and sisters again.

Pitch enters the kitchen, stopping when he spots a most pitiful sight. I try to greet him, but can only muster a groan as my head refuses to leave the table. Pitch snickers and moves to retrieve an apple and orange juice from the refrigerator. He joins me at the table.

"Rough night?"

"More like, very short night."

"Really? What time did you get back?"

"About ten minutes ago."

"What the hay?! It's like, eight in the morning!"


"What in Equestria were you doing last night?"

"Welcoming the Princess to the city."

'Don't go blaming me for how tired you are. You could have left at any point and I'd understand.'

"Ah, yes, of course, the Princess. Just your typical Friday night in Manehatten."

'Wave, please, not now.'

"Arctic? You still with me buddy?"

'Bevadie, I'll make this quick. I'd like to meet our two honorary siblings today, if possible. I want to get to know the two ponies who welcomed and helped my best friend when he needed it most.'


'Sure, I'll ask them.'

"She wants to meet you and Meadow," I mumble.

"Who does?"

"The Princess."

"Oh, right. Sure, we're both free today," Pitch chuckles, "How about this evening at Charlie's."

"Sounds good to me."

'They're in, Wave. I'll take you to the place around dinner time.'

"Good morning, Meadow."

'Excellent, I'll see you soon.'

"Morning, Pitch. What's up with Arctic?"

"I'm not sure, he's been spacing out all morning. Apparently, he only got back around 20 minutes ago."

"What? What were you doing all night?"

"Princess Wave arrived from the homeland yesterday. I spent the night with her and the other changelings."

I'm blasted in the side of the face with orange juice. Annoyed, I look at Pitch sternly as he recovers from his coughing fit.

"Hold up! You mean you weren't joking about there being a princess in Manehatten? And not only that, but she's a changeling princess?"

"Yes. Why would I joke about a princess arriving?"

"Because you joke about anything and everything! Sweet Celestia! I just about invited a princess to meet at Charlie Hops."

"You almost did what?" Meadow asks.

"Not, almost. You did. You, Meadow, and I are going to have dinner with the Princess at Charlie Hops," I say.

"I... huh? But I only just told you that," Pitch says.

"And I relayed that over to the Princess. Too late to back out now," I say.

"What the hay, Pitch!" Meadow shouts.


"I don't get it. Why are you two so worked up about this?" I ask.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that we're about to meet a princess, a royal member from a distant land-"

"Not to mention, a new species," Pitch adds.

"At a damn bar!" Meadow finishes.

It's at this point I remember they view the image of a princess in a different light than us. I smile at the misconception, but don't correct the misunderstanding. Tonight is going to be a blast.

Author's Note:

Just know you're not alone,
I'm gonna make this place your home.