• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,957 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

  • ...


I lay my head on the table, too tired to even shift into my pegasus form. I levitate a fork from the countertop and begin twisting it in the air. Honestly, I'm surprised my magic still reflects Wave's blue aura. Normally, the hierarchy of links figure out who the High Queen is by this point and reverts our color back to theirs. Considering the distance between us and Queen Shinuie, it makes sense it would take a little bit longer. It may be even possible that the distance is too great and it will remain blue permanently. It's an interesting theory. One which I'm unaware has ever been tested. I should bring this up to Myst.

Pitch eyes me from the other side of the table, consuming a breakfast of hay and corn. Something seems a bit off about him though. I'm not quite sure what it is, but something about him seems less... expressive?

"Another long night, Arctic?" He asks.

"A very long, very restless night," I reply.

"I see."

"Not in the way you're thinking. Seriously, it's not a good time right now."

"Oh, sorry to hear."

He returns back to his meal and I begin to draw in mine. It's not the greatest since pity is hardly appetizing at all. It's better than nothing, and I refuse to tap into his concern for Meadow.

"How's Meadow feeling?" I ask.

"Not so well. Her voice is hoarse and she tells me her throat is sore. She also gets headaches while using magic so she's trying to make do without."

"I wonder where that all came from? She was perfectly healthy last night."

"I'm curious as well. I figured that she was just dehydrated from drinking since she did have a lot, but this is something more."

"Well, whatever it is, at least she's has a very good coltfriend to look after her."

"You know it. Unfortunately, I have to report to practice soon so I can't stay by her side like I'd like to do."

"You can't call in?"

"I want to, but I may be playing an extremely important game coming up. If we win, we're in the playoffs as a wildcard team. Meadow said she understands and practically begged me to go. I really don't like it, but she's a tough girl. A simple illness isn't going to keep her down and out."

"Well, count me in as well. I can look after Meadow for you while you're gone."

"Thanks, Arctic. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I'll even go one step forward and invite Wave as well. She may be able to figure out what's going on and relieve her symptoms."

"She can do that? Even with a pony?"

"Changeling queens are very powerful creatures. Given enough energy and practice, even time cannot stand against them. Queen Shinuie is nearly 500 years old herself."

"Sounds like your queens are on par with our alicorns, though I think they're naturally ageless. I know Princess Celestia is over 1000 years old."

"By the Queen! Just how powerful are your princesses?"

"Fairly powerful I presume, considering she's the one that raises the sun and moon. Or rather just the sun now."

"Nope! I'm stopping you there. There is no creature in any realm powerful enough to move the celestial bodies by themselves."

"But there are, and they live right here in Equestria."

"Nope! I'll have to see it to believe it."

"Remind me again during the next Summer Sun Celebration and I'll personally show you that they can."


Pitch scarfs down the rest of his food. He leaves the kitchen to retrieve his gear and slips on his jersey. I meet up with him at the front door where he picks up his baseball cap and exits the house. He takes a few steps before turning back towards me.

"Thanks again, Arctic. Take good care of her for me."

With renewed energy from all the appreciation and love, I shift my form back into my white pegasus and salute Pitch.

"You can count on me! Now go hit em deep, slugger!"

"With a batting average of .097, I highly doubt that will be happening," Pitch laughs.

"Yikes! You're definitely a pitcher alright. New plan, just watch the balls fly past you. At this point, getting walked is more likely than you getting a hit."

"I'll be sure to take the advice of someone who only just started paying attention to baseball over my actual coach."

"See, you're making better decisions already."

"Whatever you say, Arctic. Take care!"

I close the door, my smile evaporating. He didn't show it, but something is sapping Pitch's strength. My first thought goes to last night. There were many of us around him, sure, but there were also numerous other ponies. Not to mention, every changeling knows not to force draw out of a pony. My attention returns to Meadow. I worry. Could this be why she is feeling ill? I'll have to wait until she wakes up. Meanwhile, there is something else I can do.

'Wave, are you busy?'

'Outside of recovering from drawing in too much last night? Not currently, no. What's wrong?'

'Meadow is still feeling unwell and I'm curious if you can help?

'What are her symptoms?'

'Sore throat and she gets a headache whenever she uses magic?'

'Sounds minor to me? Why do you need me?'

'There's something off about Pitch and I wanted to get a second opinion if the situation is the same with Meadow. '

'What kind of "off" are we talking about?'

'His emotions seemed dulled and his strength weakened.'

'I'm on my way. The house is in the suburbs just outside the city, correct?'

'Yes, see you when you get here.'

'Alright, but, Arctic. You are aware of the odds, correct? I can't think of a single changeling here that would stupidly force draw from a pony, let alone know how to hide it in plain sight. '

'I know. I just want to be sure.'

'I understand.'

With that settled, I move to the living room and recline on the couch. I attempt to recall the previous evening, examining every memory in detail. I know the odds are slim, but these two are way too important to me not to examine every possibility.

My, my. What have we here? Have you endangered your friends once more.

A crackling laugh rebounds off every corner of the room. My heart skips a beat. She shouldn't be here. Not while I'm still awake. I resume breathing with controlled breaths. The key is to not show fear.

"You do not belong here. Go away!" I demand.

I do not take orders from insignificant insects.

"You are merely a figment of my mind. Does that not make you an insect yourself?"

Nay! I'm the part of you which goes prancing around, pretending to be what you so desperately desire to be, but will never achieve.

"I know what I am and do not pretend otherwise."

And yet, here you lay. All by your lonesome with nopony else around, masquerading as a pegasus.

"And why wouldn't I? Just because I like this form dosen't mean I despise my natural one. Once again, you come at me with little more than deceit and half truths. Twisting words and images around in order to manipulate me. It worked once. Never again! Now begone!"

The hallucination of sharp, snapping teeth appearing before my nose is all too real. I scramble back over the couch, desperate to distance myself from the dark alicorn. Eyes of fury bore past skin and fur, viewing the true changeling beneath the facade. She laughs manically.

"You're not as strong and brave as you believe yourself to be. You have once again endangered my subjects by bringing that 'Sub-Hive' with you. This time, you will bare the price."


The dark princess fades away like a shadow exposed to light. In her place stands Meadow. I scramble to my hooves and hide my fear. I examine the sick mare. Her mane is a complete mess and her bow is nowhere to be found. She appears perfectly healthy. Sounds healthy too.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

I'm relieved on a number of fronts. The Nightmare is gone and Meadow's emotions are as sharp as ever. What does worry me is what those emotions are. Hate and Annoyance. The former making me especially concerned. Have I done something to wrong her?

"I'm here to help you stay comfortable while you're ill and Pitch is away. Feeling better? Your voice seems normal."

"Er, yes, actually. The sore throat just went away moments ago," she says, rubbing her neck. "Thanks for offering to help, but I don't need it."

Her words and tone express gratitude, but she radiates anything but. Her irritation fills the room and nearly chokes me.

What's going on with her?

"So, you can just go home now. I'm fine," she says. Now I know something is up. I decide to humor her nonetheless.

"Alright, bye Meadow," I say. I go and exit the house, close the door, and then reopen it and walk back to the living room. "Ah, home sweet home."

"Arctic, I'm serious!"

"So am I. You do remember I've been living here longer than you, right?

"Oh, right. Excuse me, it must have slipped my mind."

A quick burst of panic emerged in Meadow before being buried deep. Something is very, very wrong. I don't want believe the possibility, but I can only deny for so long. She walks over and sprawls on the couch.

"So, how did you enjoy last night?" I ask.

"Oh, you know, it was good. Charlie Hops is just so... hoppy."

"And what about Wave?"

"She's wonderful, I'm very happy for you two."

"Happy for us? What do you mean?"

"We just had a double date. You tell me."

"Right, of course. Though we still have a ways to go before we get to the level of love you have for Pitch."

"True, I do love him very much."

There is no love behind her words. Everything she has said has been matched with fake smiles and practiced tells. Her voice is soft and sweet, but her emotions are bitter. She knows of Wave and I, but nothing about us. It's true, I can no longer deny it.

The pony before me is not Meadow.

"You know, for a parasite abductor, you're rather misinformed and just plain awful," I say, picking up a baseball on the table.

"Parasite? What ar-"

I sling the baseball at her. She reacts in time to catch the ball in a green field of magic. It's the last confirmation I need. Before she can react, I grasp her form and throw her off the couch.

"Ow! Arctic! What the hay are you doing?" She demands.

She tries to stand back up and I ram into her side. The momentum sends her smashing into the wall. She falls to the ground and I pick her up and pin her to the wall, a hoof around her neck. I apply very little pressure. Just enough to make her aware of her position, while allowing her to breathe and, more importantly, speak.

"Where is she!? Where is Meadow!?"

"I am Meadow, you idiot!"

'I'm here, what's going on?'

'The front door is open. Wave, Meadow has been abducted! A changeling has taken her place!'

The front door slams open. Wave jumps in, looking around. Spotting me, she trots up to my side and channels her anger to my captive.

"Where is Meadow!?" I demand.

"Arctic, please! Let me go!" She begs.

Wave reaches up and touches "Meadow's" forehead with her hoof. A blaze of blue flames dance down her leg and latches on to the imposter. Immediately, the blue flames turn into a sickly green, peeling away the disguise of the changeling nymph. Her defiance vanishes as she's slowly revealed. The taste of dread fills the air as the nymph stares at Wave. Only one being has the ability to do what Wave just did. A changeling queen.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"I am Princess Wave! Third daughter of Queen Shinuie! And I believe you were asked a question that you should answer," Wave says. The nymph looks back and forth between us.

"You're changelings?"

"Answer the damn question! Where is Meadow? What have you done to my friend!" I demand.

"Why would you trade your own kind in for them?," she asks. I apply more pressure on her throat, making her struggle.

"You are not a part of my kind, parasite," I say.

"Arctic, ease up! We still need her conscious," Wave says. I comply, dropping her completely to the ground. She begins to cough.

"Do you realize what these ponies have done to us? What existence they've doomed us to?" The nymph asks.

"I'll be sure to ask Meadow, after we free her," I say.

"What, you expect her and that pretty little colt toy of hers to still be your 'friends' when they learn of what you are?" She asks.

"Considering they've known for months now? Absolutely," I say.

"You lie! The moment they find us, they run to their princess for protection! Even when we're just trying survive, they rather we starve than associate with us!" She shouts.

"That's probably because you abduct them and then force draw their emotions! You live like parasites, you will be treated as parasites!" I reply.

"It's what we are! There's no other way," she says.

"Yes, there is, and you're shortsighted if you view otherwise. Listen to yourself! The only means of survival is to prey off ponies? That's not how we're designed at all. We're made to intermingle with them, to help them grow. The stronger they get, the stronger we get. What you do is hinder them, and therefore, hinder yourselves. Do you truly wish to live this way? To continue this path?" I ask.

She doesn't respond. She stands back up and I widen my stance in preparation. Wave has been unusually quite throughout the exchange and appears to be pondering something.

"Show me," the nymph says.

"What?" I ask.

"Show me what you claim. Prove to me that changelings and ponies can live together under different means. If you can... I'll tell you where Meadow is," she says.

"This is not a negotiation!" I exclaim.

"I can't just betray the hive on the claim of some rival changeling who tells me there's a better way of life. Nor am I going to freely give out information which hinders our cause, caught or not. I'm ready to lay down my life. Are you?" She asks.

"No blood needs to be shed here. We will get Meadow back with or without your help. And yes, we are prepared to defend our family to our dying breath," Wave says.

"You would go so far as to consider ponies as family?" She asks.

"Enough with the delaying tactics. Yes we would and yes we do. Now we want our hive-sister back. This is your final chance. Tell us freely, or find out just how rough a changeling queen can be," I state. Her eyes dart around, trying to find a way out. It's clear she dosen't want to give in, but she doesn't want to get hurt either.

"Perhaps, a compromise?" Wave asks. The nymph looks up in ernest.

"What do you have in mind?" She asks.

"You're curious enough about our way of life and were willing to go against your hive if it were proved true. We can't sit around and wait for you to be satisfied before we get Meadow back. What I can offer is this: a full binding promise that if you tell us where Meadow is, we will prove to you that our way works," Wave offers.

"I suggest you accept her generosity. Much agony will be spared on all sides if you do. Know that, no matter what, you're not returning to you're hive while Meadow remains missing," I add. The nymph pauses, thinking about her choices.

"What happens if I'm not satisfied?" she asks.

"Then you'll be free to return, unharmed. So long as we have Meadow back first," Wave says.

"The others who hold her. They are not like me. They're fiercely loyal to the Queen and hate ponies as much as anyling else. What will happen to them?" she asks.

"A fight will be inevitable, that much is true. However, we fight to restrain, not maim. Should they flee, we will let them flee. Should they fight, so shall we. If they surrender, they will be shown mercy," Wave explains.

Minutes stretch on as each tick of the clock go slower and slower. Wave and I wait for the nymph's response, our faces blank and emotions hidden. Personally, I don't like Wave's deal. I'd rather force the information out of her and find Meadow. But I remain quiet because I understand. We have an opportunity, not just to convert a changeling to our cause, but have a source of information on this newly discovered hive. I didn't expect to be in this situation after discovering the deceit. But it's apparent this nymph doesn't enjoy her lot in life and may not have been asked to do this. I'll give her the chance similar to how Pitch and Meadow gave me one. She only gets one, though.

"Screw it! I have no love for those basterds or our so called queen. I still don't believe what you say, but it's better than the alternative, " she says.

"Then it is settled. I, Princess Wave Runner of Hive Manehatten, do nearby bind myself to promise that no harm should come to this changeling nymph whilst in our care. I also promise, on completion of her half, that she will be able to leave of her own accord at any time whilst we show how changelings and ponies can live together in the name of harmony. This I swear by my mother, Queen Shinuie of Ha'Adama. Now it is your turn to state your promise and fulfill your bargain."

"I, Arista, from the hive of Queen Chrysalis, do hearby promise to inform Princess Wave of the location of the pink pony named Meadow. I do this in return of the protections and promises offered to me. I swear this on my life, for there is none I hold higher."

Small waves of magic drift from both Arista's and Wave's horn. Blue and green lights dance in between them and compress into a ball. It then falls to the floor with a thud. I pick up the representation of the binding contract, finding that a layer of crystal has formed to keep the whiffs of magic inside.

"It's done. Now where's Meadow?" I ask. Arista takes a breath.

"Okay, here's the scoop..."

Kite Shield flies above the street, navigating his assigned area. After Wave gave word that Meadow had been taken, every guardian spilled out into the city, ready to receive word on where to strike. The very thought of someone foolish enough to kidnap their hive-sister boils his blood.

'Kite, next to the ballpark, there is an inn called the Bell Clear Hotel. Meadow is being held on the top floor, room 1024. To get in, firmly knock once on the door, then place one uncovered eye in view of the peephole. The imposter is a nymph, so plan accordingly. Get in, verify Meadow's location, then act in any means necessary to get her back. I'm directing the others your way.'

Kite lands on the street and walks up to the nearest pony.

"Excuse me, where can I find the Bell Clear Hotel?" He asks.

"Down two blocks that way, then take a right. Keep going for about five blocks and the hotel will be on a corner to your right," the mare responds.

"Thank you!"

Kite takes off immediately, speeding his way to his destination. He turns right at the second intersection and flies down three blocks when a familiar sight appears.

"Lance! On me!" He hollers.

Lance turns around and waits for Kite to catch up. When he does, they both continue on their mission.

"How far are you caught up?" Kite asks.

"Meadow's held at the Bell Clear Hotel, as well as the procedure to get in."

"Good. I'll take the lead and enter the room. Standby near the window and prepare to come in hot when I open it."

"Who are you going in as?"

"I was thinking as Meadow, posing as the infiltrator."

"Have you met her yet? Do you know what she looks like?"

"I haven't, but I have an idea based on what you all told me last night."

"In that case, let me take point. I've spoken to her and will be better able to pose as and recognize her."

"Fair enough. Okay, you'll go in. As soon as you verify she's there, throw open the window. If she's not, then find a way out and we'll figure out how to track her down."

"Roger that. One team!"

"One fight!"

Kite and Lance arrive at the ten story, red bricked building. Kite sticks to the air while Lance lands and trots into the elegant and spacious lobby. He dosen't take time to admire the decor and quickly locates and ascends the stairs.

Along the way, blue flames shimmer across his body, turning him from a red stallion pegasus into the pink unicorn copy of Meadow. He says a few words, changing his voice to match her silken speech.

Lance arrives on the final floor and seeks out room 1024. He finds it and is happy to discover that it is on the correct side for Kite to freely enter. He walks up to the door, leaning against the wood to listen in. He can hear voices on the otherside, but they're too muffled to make out any words.

He takes a step back and knocks firmly on the door. He then shifts an eye to that of a changeling's, making sure to mask his natural red color to blue. A few seconds later, he hears the door unlocking. It opens and a gruff looking stallion stands at the entrance.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be leaching off that pitcher right about now?"

"There's been an unforeseen problem."

Lance strolls past the disguised changeling and observes the room. It's a decent sized two room suite. The first room has a couch and a recliner where two other changelings sit, not bothering with disguises. A dark wooden coffee table rests between the furniture. On the other side of the entrance is the window with the entrance to the second room just to the right of it.

Lance trots up to the window to look out. As he does, he glances into the next room where he spies another changeling laying on the bed. What really gets under his chitin is what's in the corner of the room. A green changeling pod, and it's occupied. A fifth changeling hovers over it. Actively feeding.

"What kind of unforeseen problem are we talking about here?" The first changeling asks. Closing the door and stepping behind Lance.

"I fear you may have been compromised," Lance says. Searching out the window, Lance spots Kite and creates a small light beam directed at him to get his attention. It works. "You see, you stole our sister. Now we want her back."

"What in the name-"

The parasite doesn't get a chance to finish before Lance throws open the window. Much to his surprise, it's not Kite that crashes through, but rather Sure Claw who screeches in. The changeling turned gryphon tackles the still disguised parasite and smashes him through the coffee table.

The two parasites on the couch leap up in distress, moving to repel the attack. Lance, still disguised as Meadow, fires a concentrated ball of flame at the farther one. The aim is true and the changeling drops in a daze.

The closer of the two hisses in fury. He changes course and winds up for a swing at Lance. Lance telegraphs the move and successfully parries the blow.

"What are you?" The parasite asks.

"What do you think?" Lance responds.

Lance takes the offensive with a left hook. The changeling blocks the blow and stands firm, focusing on defense over countering. Lance presses on, adding in faints in order to land a strike. The parasite's choice of delaying tactic becomes clear when Lance hears a high-pitched battle cry come from behind. Lance dosen't turn around to block the attack, choosing to wear down the opponent in front of him.

The charging changeling can't believe her luck. These have to be the worst fighters ever! This thought persists until she collides into a blue barrier. She stumbles backwards and shakes her head. She prepares a spell to smash through the shield. A pulse emits from the barrier and flings her back into the bedroom. The other parasite catches her and sets her on all fours. They both square off against their opponent. A green pony bearing both wings and horn lands on the floor with a solid thump. Blue flames then burns away the wings. Kite shield dismantles the barrier and reforms it into an actual kite shield. He faces the two parasites with a snarl.

Meanwhile, Sure Claw finished off the disguised changeling with a blow to the head and is trading blows with the changeling hit by Lance's spell. With offensive beams of magic virtually ineffective against the experienced guardian, the parasite opts to engage in hoof to hoof combat and closes in. Big mistake. Sure Claw easily parries the straight thrown by the parasite and knocks him off balance. He then wraps his right claw in blue flames and hits the parasite dead center in the chest, squeezing the air out of his lungs, and knocking him out cold.

"Claw! Back step!" Lance shouts.

Lance is still having difficulty breaking through the parasite's guard and the parasite can't find an opening to counter. Lance then changes tactics. He swiftly drops to four hooves and shoulder checks the changeling. He stumbles back slightly, but it's all that's needed for Sure Claw to catch his back hoof and drop him to the ground. Sure Claw keeps him pinned with a single claw. The parasite struggles and attempts to blast his way free with magic. This is blocked by Lance who slams a hoof directly on the parasite's horn. His struggle ends immediately as he wails in great pain.

And then there were two.

The remaing defenders have opted for an aggressive magic barrage, sending shot after shot of fireballs at Kite. This puts him on the defensive, blocking each strike with his shield, yet it is he who is advancing and closing the distance. Panic sets in the remaining two as they increase the intensity of their assult with no results.

The nymph is the first to exhaust her magic supply and begins huffing. The drone ceases his attacks and dives in front of the nymph, throwing up a hastily made shield wall. Kite morphs his shield into a shaped charge magic round and bashes it against the shield. The charge sends ripples of cracks along the barrier. The true purpose of the spell is shown at the epicenter. The shaped charge activates, penetrates the shield, and sends multiple beams ricocheting around the dome. None manage to hit the nymph, but the drone isn't spared. A beam hits him square on the chest, causing him to collapse.

The nymph stares on definitely, but wavers when Maze and Phalanx fly into the room. With no means to resist the overwhelming odds, the nymph surrenders and the short skirmish is over. Every rival changeling is gathered up, and placed under the watchful eyes of the cousins. All the commotion causes the hotel staff to investigate. Kite leaves to delay them from entering, leaving Lance in command.

Lance reverts back into a red stallion and examines the pod Meadow is kept in. He shakes his head at the disgusting sight. He turns to Sure Claw.

"Get her out of there," he says.

Sure Claw runs a talon slowly down the length of the pod, cutting it open. He hooks an arm around Meadow and pulls her out. She's completely drenched in slime, but dosen't appear to have inhaled any. Sure Claw sets her on the bed and steps back. Meadow groans, but does not wake up.

"She's exhausted," Sure Claw observes. Lance nods in agreement.

"We need to clean her up and get her home fast," Lance says.

"Best not to do it here. I doubt Kite can delay the ponies for much longer," Sure Claw says.

"Agreed. I suggest you and Kite take the prisoners to the inn. I'll fly Meadow home," Lance says. Sure Claw grunts in acknowledgement.

"Be swift, my friend. She has suffered through more than enough for a lifetime," Sure Claw says.

Sure Claw picks up Meadow and sets her on Lance's back, making sure not to block his wings. With Meadow properly secured, Lance trots to the window and stretches his wings.

"You know, for an old goon, I'm amazed you still have some bite left in ya," Lance says, lifting off before Sure Claw has a chance to respond. So beginning the long flight home.

I close the door to Meadow's room softly and remain in place. Many emotions run through my head. Fear, concern, disbelief, anger...


I can't help but feel part of this is my fault. Is it possible I made them a target? Would the rival hive have ignored them if I didn't bring them together. Would they have been safer if they started dating at a much later time? I always hated these "what if?" type questions. No matter what, it matters little now. Yeah, what if they didn't start dating until later? They are now and my focus should be on coming up with solutions, not questioning what could have been. I walk back into the living room and lay on the couch. Arista sits across from me still in changeling form.

"How is she?" she asks.

"What's it to you? If you cared, you wouldn't have taken her place," I say. She bows her head in shame. Not that she's truly feeling all that shameful.

"I'm sorry," she says.

"Oh great! Beautiful! Outstanding even! You're sorry. Now everything is justified and right in the world. I'm sure Meadow will be happy to hear that. You know, whenever she wakes up," I say. This angers Arista.

"What do you want me to say, huh? I did what I had to do for the hive!"

"I want you to say nothing, because there is absolutely nothing you can say. You took and hurt my friend, then replaced her and started to drain Pitch! You may find the concept impossible, but I care a great deal about these two and now they're suffering because of you!"

"It wasn't just me."

"I'm very aware, but you share the equal blame. If it wasn't for that, I'd make sure you'd share the equal punishment as well," I say, pointing to the circling orb of lights inside the crystal.

"Can I even trust you to show me this 'harmony' between ponies and changelings? Shouldn't it be your princess instead?"

"Wave only arrived here a couple of days ago. I've been living in the city for months. If you want to see how easily we can get along then I'm your best shot. You'll see once Pitch gets home."

"What are you going to tell him about... all of this?"

"The truth. That Meadow is extremely exhausted and needs to rest and that you're here as a guest."

"You're not going to tell him about what actually happened?"

"I don't even know how to approach that topic, let alone explain how there's apparently another changeling hive that's already established here and have a tendency to abduct ponies. I can scarcely believe it! I figured we were the only hive in existence and now I find out that's a lie. No, I'm not going to tell him now, but I will eventually have to explain to them both what occurred."

"And you believe after hearing this that they'll still want to be your friend?"

"It's not like it was I or my hive which did this. They'll be angry and paranoid, but it won't be directed towards me."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"You won't have to wait long. Pitch will be home any minute."

Speak of the Night Queen, and she shall appear. I moment those words leave my mouth I hear the front door open. At the same time, a flash of green comes from Arista's direction as she puts on a new disguise. A white unicorn mare with a slight purple hue and a golden mane. I cock my head at this, wondering if this is another from she stole or if it's one of her own. Pitch trots into the living room, stopping in his tracks when he sees Arista.

"Hello, who have we here?" he asks.

"Pitch, allow me to introduce you to Ari-"

"Mayflower! My name is Mayflower," Arista interrupts, narrowing her eyes at me.

Really, this is the angle you're going with?

"Aria Mayflower," I finish. Arista shoots me a death glare.

Pitch looks between the two of us several times. The fact that he feels awkward makes me think he can sense the hostility in the air. He drops his gear near the couch and sits next to me.

"Nice to meet you, Aria Mayflower. Arctic doesn't really invite guests over so I apologize if I seem out of sorts," He says.

"It's no problem at all," she says.

"So, Aria. That's a unique name. Are you a changeling as well?" Pitch asks.

Extra points for straight up asking. Pretty bold move, Pitch.

"Changeling? What's a changeling?" she asks.


Pitch's ears welt as he turns to me. He gives me a sheepish smile and feels apologetic.

"Uh, that's not some big secret for you guys is it?" He asks.

"Not necessary. We just like to get to know how a pony is bound to react before we tell them," I say. Arista raises an eyebrow at this.

"Oh, well I already said it out loud. Would you like to show her?" He asks.

"May as well," I say.

I stand up and let the blue flames of transformation magic burn away my pegasus form. I then pose in exaggerated fashion as if I were showing off a my natural form to somepony for the first time. Arista mock gasps, jumps to her hooves on the couch and forces her legs to tremble.

"Ah! Monster!" She shouts.

Now I get what you're doing. You really don't know Pitch if you think he'll take the bait like you expect him to. Some infiltrator you are.

"Easy, easy. He's still Arctic! Yeah, he looks different, but he's still the same pony," Pitch says.

"How can you call that... thing a pony?" she challenges. I take a seat and remain quiet. It's all up to Pitch now.

"Because he is! Granted, a bit more bug like in appearance, but still a pony like you and me," He says.

"One with the need to shape shift to look like us? I don't buy it! He's a deceiver! A manipulator! We need to go to the guards right now!" she declares. She then gallops to the door, but is stopped by Pitch.

"You will do no such thing! Arctic is my friend and has been true to me since I've met him. This is Equestria, damn it! A nation founded on the principles of harmony! I didn't realize that idea is instantly thrown out the window at the first sight of a new race!" He shouts. His voice constantly raises with each passing sentence. And with each raise in volume, the lower Arista shrinks to the ground.

"Look at him! He has done nothing to you. He even freely transformed for you! You know how hard it is for his kind to do that in front of an unfamiliar pony? They have this type of natural instinct that drives them nuts when they do that!" He continues.

I'm shocked. Honestly dumbfounded that Pitch remembers that little tidbit about us. Even Arista seems surprised, for she snaps her head in my direction with questioning eyes. I'm unsure as to why. She should know this being a changeling herself.

"And while you stand there accusing him of malicious intent, he quietly sits there, probably pondering on how a pony can act this way! I've known him for a while now, and that includes knowing what he is! You know who he is? Arctic Thunder! Whether in his changeling form, pony, or otherwise he is Arctic Thunder! That has, and will never change! Now I think you should go back and apologize for calling him a monster!" Pitch finishes his rant.

I'm extremely impressed. I knew he would defend me, I didn't realize what length he would go to or how strong his conviction is. Meadow I can understand taking such an aggressive stance. Not the calm, easy-going Pitch. Not this determined or heated anyways. Arista looks back defiantly, opening her mouth to try and turn the tables around and test him some more. She closer her jaw when she looks into the fire in Pitch's eyes. She dips her head and walks over to me, eyes fixed to the ground.

"I'm sorry," She says, actually sounding and feeling like she means it for once.

"Good, but it can be better. Now, while you find a way to make it up to Arctic, I'm going to check in on Meadow. How is she?" he asks.

"She's very tired and really needs to rest so I recommend not to disturb her," I say.

"Understood," he says. He trots off, down the hallway and enters Meadow's room anyways.

"I'm curious as to how you expected that to go, the idea you had was doomed from the start," I say.

"I expected to be able to get more words out to convince him you're a threat. I didn't expect to have my ears get blown out by a raging madcolt. You were right, though. I could sense his respect and love for you. I didn't think such a thing could be possible. In fact, I was always told it was impossible for a pony to freely love a changeling," she says.

"That's only if you make it impossible. Going in with the belief that there's no other way also doesn't help. So, what are you going to do now? As Wave promised, you're free to return, or even stick around for more proof of the concept," I say.

"I think that's the best I'm gonna get for proof it can work. Now I wish to learn. Do you think your princess will allow me into your hive?"

I was afraid this was a possible question. I absolutely do not trust Arista under any circumstances. She's a trained parasitic infiltrator and raised to be deceitful. It's no doubt she can hide her intention from even changelings, and Wave freely offered her a way out without consequences. In her position, I'd have taken the deal in a heartbeat while trying to find a way to use it to our advantage. Who's to say she's not doing the same? Still, It's not my decision to make.

'Wave, Arista had her encounter with Pitch and now wishes to join the Sub-Hive.'

'That's excellent news!'

'Are you really considering it? She's a liar and manipulator. We cannot trust her.'

'Perhaps, perhaps not. Either way, to join us she must from a link with me. This will allow me to keep constant surveillance on her actions and intent.'

'Unless she were to block you out.'

'In which case she would give herself away just the same. Tell her I accept her into the hive.'

'This is a mistake! Why does she get to go free when she played a role in abducting Meadow?'

'Because the chance to change a life into something beautiful is greater than seeking vengeance. This is what my mother taught me and I take it to heart. My decision is final, she will be allowed to join.'

'Yes, Princess. Though I say that a council should be summoned before she forms a link with you.'

'If it will put your mind at ease, then I will.'

'It won't, but it will help knowing the others will be made aware before you do something rash.'

'Very well, we will convene within the week. Until then, she will need a place to stay.'

'I'll figure it out. Until next time.'

'Until next time.'

A hoof waves in front of my face. I lift my hoof up to stop it and narrow my eyes at Arista. She looks back in confusion.

"What was that about? You just spaced out there for a bit."

"I wasn't spacing out, I was talking to the princess."

"What? How?"

"Uh, with the link bond."

"What link bond?"

"The one every changeling shares with their queen."

"That's not a thing. It's only a myth."

"It very much is a thing. One you'll be a part of when you join us."

"That's... impossible. Wait? You mean I can join?"

"Princess Waves has no problem with the idea, however, it is not set in stone yet. A council will be convened to debate the matter, though something tells me Wave will still favor the idea."

"So what do I do then? Do I have to participate?"

"You need to find a place to sleep until a decision is made. Preferably a place we can find you."

"Oh, okay. No problem. I still have a room at the... er... Bell Clear Hotel."

"You do an excellent job at making yourself disliked."

"Well, hopefully soon, you'll see differently. So, is this it then?"

"Yup, you are free to buzz off and get out of my sight."

"You know, you not exactly approachable either."

"I am to those who don't kidnap my friends. Now leave!"

"Fine. But like it or not, we will be hive mates soon enough."

"Doesn't mean your family. An idea I'm sure is foreign to you, but very important to us."

Arista exits the living room and leaves the house. Noticing that Pitch has yet to come out of Meadow's room, I get up and crack open the door. I find him resting by her side, hugging her close. I close the door and return to the living room. I reflect on the days events, and what this means going forward. To know that there is another hive out there, one which preys upon ponies, is disheartening to say the least. I try to wrap my head around the discovery, but I'm constantly drawing a blank. There's only a single thought that I can think of.

What a mess.

Author's Note:

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

I know that's not exactly how a shaped charge works. Some artistic liberties were used.