• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,951 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

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Bonus Chapter: Trixie and the Cousins

Author's Note:

A little idea I came up with out of the blue while working on the next chapter. Not really a place for it in the main story, so I figured I share it as a standalone, bonus chapter. Needless to say, this chapter has no impact to the actual story, but can still technically be considered canon. Either way, I hope you enjoy the silly highjinks!

Manehatten. The bustling, never sleeping city and capital of trade in Equestria. So large it is that one would be hard pressed not to find a form of entertainment suited for their preference. For instance, one can attend theaters and plays, support their sports team, hang out at a local diner or nightclub, or, in the circumstances present, settle down in a large plaza and watch a traveling performer present her crafts.

It is here on a cool autumn day where the bright yellow coat, dark blue mane changeling-pegasus named Maze and his dark green coat, white mane changeling-unicorn cousin Phalanx are spending the evening. While the two cousins can be found often rolling their eyes at the overly boastful azure unicorn on stage, they are relatively impressed with her application of illusions and magic tricks. Of course, such illusions can't quite compete with that of the changelings, but for a pony she's fairly adept.

The unicorn, often referring to herself as the "Great and Powerful Trixie", will, however, make a grave mistake.

"As you can see, there is nothing beyond the ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie. I dare anypony out here to try and outdo Trixie!"

And there it is. Now Maze and Phalanx rather enjoyed the little display. And though they found Trixie to be too prideful and a tad bit annoying, they have nothing against her. However, unknown to Trixie, she has just challenged the two hidden changelings in a show of illusions. A challenge they are both keen on taking as they look over and give each other a nod. They stand up while Maze calls out.

"We'll take that bet!"

"And you're gonna regret!" Phalanx adds.

"'Cause we're the best that's ever been!" they both finish.

"Ha! Trixie is amused as there isn't anypony better than her. But, if it so pleases you, Trixie will be happy to see you try," Trixie says. With that, she gestures to the cousins to climb onto her mobile stage. The cousins take the spotlight as the small crowd looks on in rapt attention. The cousins huddle together to discuss what they're gonna do and then quickly get into position.

Fillies and gentlecolts! Before you stands two simple ponies. One pegasus and one unicorn," Phalanx says theatrical. "However, this will not be the case for long. In order to show you why, I must first procure a glass bottle."

Phalanx looks over to Trixie standing to the side. She rolls her eyes, but extracts a bottle from her trailer all the same. She levitates it over to Phalanx who takes it in his blue magic and turns his attention to Maze. Phalanx then let's lose a stream of fire-like blue magic and twirls it around in the air, dazzling the crowd.

"What I'm going to do now is a very advance technique not for the faint of heart. For I will be using my magic to pull my cousin's pegasus magic into this bottle," Phalanx says.

"Wait! You're going to do what!?" Maze asks in mock shock.

The crowd begins to murmur while Trixie begins to lose her smugness. Phalanx's magic dances behind Maze and then runs across the length of his body. As this occurs, Maze seamlessly adds in his own changeling magic to burn away his wings. When Phalanx's spell leaves Maze, he then directs it into, then seals the bottle.

"Tada!" Phalanx exclaims.

Jaws hit the floor as the audience observe the now wingless Maze. Even Trixie is in full shock of what has just occurred. Maze looks behind him as if searching for his missing appendages. The crowd breaks into an applause. Maze let's it die down a little before speaking up.

"My wings! You took away my wings!"

"Fear not, cousin, for they are safely stored in this bottle," Phalanx says, holding up said bottle.

"Well, give them back!" Maze demands.

"Of course," Phalanx says. He begins levitating the bottle over, but then it suddenly slips out of his hold, shattering on the ground, and covering Phalanx in a thick blue mist. He coughs and waves away the smoke. The audience let's out a gasp at what they see.

"What have you done?" Maze asks.

Phalanx is about to ask what he means when he feels something unusual. He looks over his back to find himself sporting a new pair of bright yellow wings. The crowd, now recovered, begins clapping again. After they quiet down, Phalanx flexes his new found wings a few times before he brings his hooves up to his face in a sort of panic.

"Egad! I've turn myself into a pegacorn!" He shouts. A deep growl turns his focus back on an angry looking Maze.

"Give. Them. Back," he demands, taking a threatening step with every word.

"Now, now. Let's not get to hasty," Phalanx says, slowly backing up.

Suddenly, Maze leaps into the air as if to fly tackle Phalanx to the ground. However, his lack of wings makes this feat impossible as he face plants onto the floor instead, eliciting a laugh from both the crowd and Phalanx. Maze quickly recovers and gives chase to Phalanx who turns and begins to run in a shallow circle.

The two chase each other around in this circle for a few moments. Eventually, Phalanx splits off and comes to a stop facing the audience. He huffs a few times and then wipes some sweat from his forehead. While he takes a breather, Maze continues running in the same circle as if Phalanx didn't leave. Phalanx takes one more breath, waves to the crowd, and then jumps back into the circle chase.

Finally, Maze manages to get a hoof on Phalanx who charges up another spell. Before he can get it off, he is tackled to the ground and the spell misfires causing the two to be enveloped in blue smoke. When it clears, Maze has his wings back in place while Phalanx is reverted back into a regular unicorn. The two cousins hoofbump and then waves at the highly impressed crowd. Trixie walks back to the center of the stage with a disinterested expression.

"Tixie admits that your little display was 'decent', however, they are not but simple tricks when compared to the Great and Power Trixie!" She declares, posing on her hind legs with forehooves pointed upwards.

"Simple tricks, eh?" Maze questions skeptically.

"Well, then so us oh great and powerful one. Turn my cousin here into a unicorn," Phalanx challenges. Trixie keeps her composure on the outside, but the cousins can sense some turmoil brewing underneath.

"Ha! You dare challenge Trixie? Very well, watch in all as Trixie transforms this pegasus into a unicorn!" Trixie exclaims.

Trixie charges a spell on her horn. The audience leans forward in anticipation. She shoots her magic at Maze which, in Trixie's perspective, unintentionally wraps him around in a blue flame similar to what Phalanx used. The crowd awes at first when it appears that Trixie has succeeded, having view Maze once again missing his wings. Awes soon turn into gasps when they find that Maze sports, not one, but two unicorn horns.

"Well, not exactly a unicorn, but Trixie has succeeded nonetheless. You may be amazed once more," Trixie says, closing her eyes while expecting a standing ovation. Instead, she gets an earful from Maze when he feels his newfound appendages.

"What did you do! You turned me into an abomination. Change me back!" He demands.

"You should be thanking Trixie. Trixie has given you the power of two unicorns," Trixie says.

"Trixie," Maze growls lightly.

"Oh fine," Trixie says. She charges up the same spell as before and launches it once again. It works as Maze's wings reappear, only...

"Sparkly," a pony in the crowd says.

Maze looks back at a pair of glittering butterfly wings. Phalanx bursts out laughing. Maze has to hold in his own laughter as he continues to act upset towards Trixie. He glares back at an increasingly nervous Trixie.

"I can fix this," she says. Sending another spell at him. Blue flames, and he appears back to normal.

"Finally," Maze says. He immediately moves a hoof to his throat as it sounds more higher pitched than usual. Phalanx whistles a catcall while Maze examines the rest of himself... herself.

"Trixie!" she screams. Another bolt hits and now she's a small filly. "Please!" Another spell and he a male once more, but turns into some sort of bug pony, in the audience's eyes at least. "Stop!" One last spell hits him and he's finally back to normal. Mostly. His colors inverted to where his coat is now dark blue and his mane bright yellow. "You know what? I'll take it."

After sending so many spells in rapid succession, Trixie is panting and begins sweating. So, Phalanx turns to the audience instead.

"Let's hear it for the Great and Powerful Trixie!" He exclaims. The crowd cheers and stops in approval which in turn boosts Trixie's confidence (and ego) back to very high levels. As she basks in the glory, the cousins quietly step down from the stage full and in high spirits. Who says guardians can't be light-hearted?

Long after the show and early into the night, the cousins return to the scene where the trailer is packed up and stage put away. They trot up and knock on the door. After flinching at some heavy thuds of falling objects, the door opens to reveal the now capeless blue mare.

"Who dares bothers Trixie at such a late hour?" She looks down and sees the two smiling cousins, "Oh, it's you two. What do you want?"

"We just wanted to stop by to thank you for a fun filled evening earlier," Phalanx says. Trixie raises a brow in skepticism.

"And?" she asks.

"And, that's it," Maze says.

"Really? No gloating, no rubbing it in, complaints about cheap tricks, or being overly boastful?" Trixie asks.

"Nope! Just thanks for a good time," Maze says.

"Why? Do others not thank you?" Phalanx asks.

"Things haven't been going well for Trixie as of late," Trixie sighs. "I used to be able to attract tons of ponies to view my shows, now I have to get lucky to get as many as I did today."

"I'm sorry to hear. I wish there was something we could do to help," Maze says.

"While Tri- I don't like to admit needing assistance, I appreciate what you did today," Trixie says. She then clears her throat and looks away in a snob like fashion, "Now, if that is all, Trixie needs her sleep."

Maze and Phalanx look at each other and nod. "Actually, if you'd like to join us, Phalanx and I are heading for a night in town," Maze says.

"We can even teach you some illusion tricks we picked up ourselves," Phalanx adds.

"Hmp! The Great and Powerful Trixie knows all there is when it comes to stage magic," Trixie says.

The cousins shrug and begin to leave. Trixie watches for a second before heading inside the trailer. She comes out a second later wearing her cape and hat and trots to catch up with the cousins.

"But, I suppose Trixie can join in for a night of fun," she says. Maze smiles and looks over to Phalanx.

"Hey, isn't it Thursday today?" he asks.

"Yeah, why?" Phalanx asks.

"I know exactly where we're going tonight," Maze says.