• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,957 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

  • ...

Errors and Strikes

My mouth dries up from the constant panting. I inhale every last molecule of oxygen I can through rapid breathing, trying to feed my starving lungs. My legs ache from the non stop galloping. I finally reach the end of the long tunnel. As I emerge I see my destination dead ahead. The shining beacon of the lighthouse provides the last place of refuge left. I ignore the desire to stop. I must reach the lighthouse before... before.

"Wait, hold up." I cease my sprint, allowing my breath to finally catch up. "What exactly am I running from?"

I look around, but find nothing except the tunnel behind me and the path forward. The beam of the lighthouse continues to call me to safety. Safety from what? Now that I think about it... I trot back the way I came. I only get several steps before I am faced with a massive brick wall sealing the tunnel. It all makes sense now.

"Random appearing walls, perpetual darkness, a lighthouse acting as the last source of refuge. Are you seriously copying that scene from the A. Wake novels?"

The darkness doesn't answer back. There's no doubt in my mind that this is a dream set up by the Nightmare. Why it chose to change things up is bizarre to me. Perhaps she likes the books as well?

"I'm not going to endeavor your fantasies. I refuse to take another step!"

The wind howls in rage. The little visibility drops to nothing as pools of darkness circle over me. Then I hear the roar of the massive twisting column of air behind me. I start sprinting again to escape the chasing twister.

"Alright, I admit! That's some damn good motivation!"

I gather every ounce of energy I have, willing myself to go faster. The twister obliterates the land behind me, tossing it into an endless void. Exhaustion assaults my body, demanding me to drop down in defeat. I fight back against the inevitable. Just a moment before my collapse I reach the entrance.

I fondle with the handle before I finally am able to open the door. I rush in, turn around, and slam the door shut on the darkness. Bathed in light, I am finally safe. It would not last as the beam of light flickers dead.

I bolt for the stairs in a panic to fix the light. I do not get far for as soon as I turn my body around I crash into a solid, yet surprisingly soft object. I shake the blurriness from my vision and stare up in dread. It's about this time I finally notice the second set of real emotions.

The thing I crashed into is not an object, but a pony. One which stands as tall as Wave and bares both horn and wings. Her dark mane full of constellations flows in a non existent breeze. A crescent moon adorns her flank. Her complexion bares a similarity to the Nightmare. There are noticeable differences, however. Her coat is dark blue and not black as the night sky. Her cyan eyes are normal pony eyes and not the vile cat-like eyes I've grown to hate. They also reflect curiosity and confusion and not rage and vengeance.

Despite these differences, it means little to me. I fear her more than I do Nightmare Moon. The reason for this is simple. The pony before me is real. I can sense her full range of emotions. The fact that the presence that has been trailing me is an alicorn with the ability to enter dreams does not make things any better.

"We remember thou," she says.

I back away from her until my back is up against the door. If it's between her and the void outside, I'll take the void.

"Please, halt thy retreat. Thou hast no reason to fear us."

My whole body stiffens with indecision. My pulse throbs in my neck. I try to think, but cannot form a thought. Everything only gets worse when the sound of maniacal laughter sounds from the door behind me. The alicorn's face falls in distress. It is quickly replaced with righteous anger as her horn lights and eyes turn pure white.

"You shall haunt this dream no longer!"

A wave of magic washes over me and everything goes black. The dream ends, yet I still slumber the night away. It is the first time I have felt peace while being asleep. As such, I end up sleeping well into the next day. As the afternoon sun graces me with its warmth, I think on the alicorn. As far as I'm aware there are only three in existence. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and a third I do not know the name of. I cannot recognize any of them based on appearance, but I can single out which princess it was based on two key details. The alicorn's dark complexion as well as her recollection of me leads to me one conclusion. The princess formerly known as Nightmare Moon.

Princess Luna.

And she remembers me. She remembers...

I stare at my black chitin, hole-filled hooves.

"Son of a bitch!"

Wave gently lowers the model skyscraper onto the table. A keen eye observes every movement to assure the perfection of its placement. When she believes she has it just right, she looks again at Sketch's report, only to find she placed the wrong model in its location. With a heavy sigh, she carefully extracts the model and locates the correct one. It's hardly her fault every building looks the same. There is a serious lack of artistic spin on any of these structures. A far cry from the towering spires back home.


"I miss my sisters," she says, setting her head on the table. She instantly perks back up when she hears the door open across the room. Arista enters and makes her over to Wave. When she is mere feet away, she dips her head.

"You asked for me, Princess?"

"Yes. First, you're bowing again."

"Oh, right, sorry. Force of habit."

"Second, I'm assigning you as Flower's shadow. I find the best way to learn a new approach is to live by that approach, and nothing is going to give you the experience of fostering relations with ponies quite like a harvester."

"Yes, Princess."

"You're worried."

"It's just that. Well, I know Kite really doesn't like me and now I'm going to be following Flower around..."

"You have nothing to fear, Kite will leave you alone. If he doesn't, then just tell on him to Flower."

"And if Flower doesn't like me?"

The sound of the door opening once more cuts off Wave's response. Flower, in her yellow unicorn form, skips in, humming a cheerful tune. She prances up to Arista and drapes a hoof over her withers.

"Alright, first day in training. Are you ready to learn the ins and outs on how to make friends? Well, are you? Come on, let me hear some enthusiasm!"

"I... er... yes?"

"hmm, rather lackluster there. Don't you worry, we'll fix that attitude right up! And no better time than the present to begin learning. Come along, sister, we're going out to mingle, or rather, you're going out to mingle while I stand nearby."

"Isn't this going a bit too far in the deep in?"

"Nope! Now then, while we walk, let's work on your go to pony form. I personally recommend being a unicorn." Flower drags Arista away, chatting off her ears along the way. They leave the room leaving behind a laughing Wave.

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," Wave says to the empty room.

Wave would have preferred Honeydew to watch over Arista, but she's already has her hooves full handling Indigo. Wave's hesitation on assigning Arista to the ever optimistic Flower was based on the same concern Arista has. How would Kite Shield react? To her surprise, he took the news very well when she presented her idea to Flower and Kite, saying her decision was sound and that he would have made the same choice.

Wave walks back to the table in order to continue her work. She picks up the model she left, double checks it's the correct one, and ever so slowly sets it in place.



The model makes a great attempt at becoming part of a newly founded space program. Unfortunately, its journey comes to a quick end due to a sudden case of spontaneous disintegration upon collision with the ceiling. Wave stomps in frustration and wheels around to stare down he who is responsible.

"What thought possessed you to- Maze? What happened to you?"

Maze comes forward in his pegasus form. His normally bright yellow coat is dulled by dirt and grime, numerous tufts of fur stick out all over his body. Twigs and leaves are tangled in his messy, dark blue mane. He carries a set of torn saddlebags.

"I have searched far and wide over the land to locate the source of your desire. My journey lead me deep into the dark forest where I was told I would come across the purest spring waters. After losing my way several times over, I finally stumbled across the springs of life. Behold! I carry with me now, a bottle of the clearest drinking water ever to be tapped by changeling kind, set aside for your drinking pleasure."

Maze reaches into his bags and pulls out a bottle of water and a glass. He slowly, yet carefully untwist the cap and pours the water. Satisfied that the glass is filled to the proper level, he extends his hoof out, offering the glass to Wave.

Lost in a stupor, Wave accepts the glass. Maze stiffens to the position of attention, awaiting the moment when Wave takes a sip of pure bliss. Loss for words, Wave just goes with the flow and brings the glass to her lips. Maze salutes. She raisers an eyebrow quizzically lowers the glass. Maze drops the salute. She brings the glass back up. Maze presents arms. Wave takes a sip.

"For The Cause!"

The water goes down the wrong pipe, aggravating Wave onto a coughing fit. Maze orders arms. The coughing subsides after several seconds. Wave glares at Maze who blankly stares back. Now more thirsty than ever, she moves to drink the rest of the water. Maze salutes. She downs the rest in a few gulps. All in all, it was pretty good water. She sets the glass down. Maze drops his salute and relaxes his stance.

"You know that this was a joke order, right?"

"Absolutely, but all orders given in the name of The Cause must be taken with the absolute, utmost sincerity." Maze shifts his form away from the dirty disguise into his actual, clean pegasus form. "Plus, that was a joke story."

"I see. Where did you get the water then?"

"Passing pegasus weather team. That was water from a rain cloud they were trying to empty." Maze collects the bottle and glass and places them back into the saddlebags.

"Never change, Maze."

"That may be a bit difficult, being a changeling and all that." Maze emphasizes his point by shifting back into his natural form.

"Ha, ha, I'm very amused. Now get a move on, I have work to do. Oh, and you owe me a new model."

"Worth it!" Maze begins trotting back to the entrance. "By the way, Meadow is here looking for you. She's hanging upstairs around the bar last I saw her."

"You didn't think to tell me this sooner?"

"Of course I did. Then I figured I'd have some fun first." Maze slips out of the door before she can get a word in. Not like that can stop her.

'Just for that, you get the honor of sweeping the entire inn.'

'Aw, nuts. Still worth it.'

Wave sets aside her project and slips into her blueish-green unicorn form. She trots her way down the hallway and ascends the stairs. She enters through the massive double doors and immediately spies Meadow at the bar, listening to one of One Wing's story.

"He then turns to me and says 'I'm going to light it'. I called him crazy, saying how he's about to get us killed, but he does it anyway. Next thing we know, we're standing mere inches away from this big pile of volatile material and it starts sizzling like a fuse. We start sprinting away like mad. By some miracle, we make it to a safe distance before the whole thing goes up in a massive ball of fire. We've both gone deaf due to the explosion so we start communicating by way of emotions. I'm outright pissed at him, he's blowing the whole thing off, and we're both left in awe at what we just accomplished. It's not everyday you make a mushroom cloud. "

"What the hay was he thinking, lighting something that dangerous? Why didn't you stop him?"

"That's the thing, I don't think he was thinking. As for me? I was just as curious to see what happens as he was."

"Sharing some of your classic Arctic stories, Wing?" Wave asks.

"Aye, though I think he was still called Lightning back then. It was around that time he started acting like the Arctic we know now," One Wing says.

"What do you mean?" Meadow asks.

"If you were to put Lightning and Arctic in the same room, you'd think they were two completely separate changelings. He used to be so grounded and dead serious about every little detail," Wing says.

"From what I've been told, Arctic was way too focused on his own personal goals that anything which didn't help achieve those goals were considered unimportant and he often ignored them," Wave explains.

"So what changed?" Meadow asks.

"He experienced a major change in his life. The details of which are not ours to share. It was soon after this experienced when I first met him. He was utterly crushed and defeated, thinking he had lost everything. I managed to convince him otherwise and he found his drive once more. Something about all this completely changed his view on life and he now figures that there should never be a moment wasted in living life. One day, he disappeared for over a week, noling could find out where he went. Then, just as suddenly as he left, he returned as if nothing happened when something clearly did. It was Lightning who disappeared into the wilderness, but it was Arctic Thunder who returned in his stead."

"I remember him telling Pitch and I that he came up with his name, but I didn't even picture what meaning was behind it. And the way you say he was beforehoof, it's impossible to imagine," Meadow says.

"I know what you mean. I've only seen a few glimpses of it myself," Wave says.

"Same here. I first met him after the whole affair as well," Wing says.

"Did anypony know him before all of that?" Meadow asks.

"Only a few, and the majority of them are back on the homeland. As for who knew him as Lightning who are here now? I want to say Flower, maybe Kite through Flower, and Honeydew," Wave says.

"Harvesters can never resist a challenge," Wing says.

"I just can't see him being anything else other than his goofy, eccentric self. Which is why I'm worried seeing him so stressed out and tired. Actually, that's the reason why I'm here. Arctic isn't the only one who appears to be under a lot of pressure," Meadow says.

"Who else?" Wave asks.

"All of you. Everypony, excuse me, every changeling here looks very tense and alert," Meadow says. Wave forces a smile and One Wing tries to relax his posture. Tries too...

"We're just nervous about our grand opening tomorrow is all," Wave says.

"Whatever the case may be, I figure everyone could use a break and a chance to unwind. I pulled some strings and got permission to use the old baseball diamond I work on. If you're willing, we can all sit back, relax, and play some backyard baseball," Meadow says.

"That's very generous of you, Meadow, but I'm not sure we can-"

"I'm in," One Wing interrupts. "Hopper! Let every worker know, we're going to go play some baseball!" The changeling in question excitedly trots over to the kitchen doors to spread the message.

"I suppose we can afford to go after all. Allow me to spread the invite to everling else," Wave finishes.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

"Hey, Arctic, have you seen Meadow?"

"I have not, no."

'Attention everyling! We have been in invited to play a round of baseball by our pony sister Meadow. All who are interested should make their way over to the dining area.'

"But I know what she's up to. Up for some baseball, Pitch?

"Do you even have to ask?"

"I don't think I'll ever get over how I can hear the Princess in my head at anytime."

"I'm sure it'll become second nature in no time. Hhmmm, seems like we'll have to postpone our little excursion downtown until tomorrow."

"Praise the Queen!"

"Don't be so dramatic, you would have been fine. Now let's go play some baseball."


"Come on, Arista! You can't just hide yourself away from everyling forever."

"Sure I can. I'm here to learn how to feed without having to force it out of ponies, not to pretend to be buddies with other changelings."

"No, you're here because Wave accepted you into our family allowing you to reset your life. This isn't some halfway affair, Arista."

"Doesn't change how everyone else apparently doesn't accept me."

"Okay, enough playing the victim here. You know why that is and what Wave told you."

"I'm a changeling infiltrator, I didn't have much of a choice."

"You always have a choice. You could have chosen to go back to your old hive for instance."

"Back to a life on the edge of constant starvation, under the constant threat of being exposed, and the subordinate of a power mad queen? I'll take my chances here, thank you."

Well, we're not a free ride either. Like it or not, your a part of our hive now and you can't just go around avoiding everyling. You want us to accept you? Start taking the steps required."

"Alright, I get it. I'll... think about it, okay?"


"That's the best I can offer right now, alright? Everything is new to me. In Chrysalis's hive there's no concept of unity as you have it here. It's all about proving yourself, to be better than the rest to get ahead. I'd be lying if I said I didn't still think this is the case here. Just, give me a few days to adjust, okay?"

"You know, sometimes the best way to adjust is to completely immerse yourself."

"Not for me. I'm not ready."

"I disagree. I have complete confidence in you to figure everything out. However, considering the circumstances, I'll allow you to stay behind if you so desire. I will note, however, that this will only be a one time affair. I'm willing to teach you, but I can only do so when you're present to learn."

"I'll take it, thank you. I think it would have been a disaster if I tagged along."

"Never would have known until it actually happened."

"You are way too overly optimistic."

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment."

"I'll still take it as one."

"Queen, save me. Ha, as if! 'Princess, save me.'"


"Aah! Every, damn, time."

"Sounds like we got ourselves an opportunity. Two guardians need to stay to watch over our guests."

"Or one highly experienced veteran."

"I'm staying. I am the commander after all."

"No, you're going to rest your mind and keep that nymph of yours happy."

"Flower won't mind, she understands my work."

"You have a lot more to learn in life if you believe that to be true. Take it from an old drone, spend every opportunity you have with her, or live in regret from the moments missed."

"Okay, I'll go. And Sure Claw, happy anniversary."

"Yeah. Damn bird is probably yelling about me missing another one."

"I'm sure you'll make it up to her one day."

"Sometimes, Kite, that day can't come soon enough."

Eephus Field. Home of the Stags and named after Pitch Out's most hated pitch. Why take a risk on a 50 MPH easy to hit pitch when a change-up works just fine? Not that any of us really understand what he's ranting about.

Nineteen changelings, including honorary changelings Pitch and Meadow, have decided to come out to play. Pitch brought along his own gear while Meadow carries enough equipment in her magic for everyling else.

"So, how are we going to do the teams?" I ask.

"We can always do captains," Wave says.

"My team versus yours?" I ask.

"So long you don't mind me kicking your flank," Wave says.

"I claim Pitch as our pitcher!" I exclaim, latching on to my prize.

"Kind of hard to carry my gear and you at the same time," Pitch complains.

"You're an earth pony, you'll be fine," I say.

"Yeah, earth pony, not pack mule," Pitch says, bucking me off and leaving me stranded in the dirt.

"There's a difference?" I ask, spitting out dirt.

"Don't make me leave fly traps everywhere in the house. There's not much difference between you and them, right?" Pitch counters.

"Ouch! Okay, Pitch, you win this round," I say.

"I'm going to go ahead and veto your choice, Arctic. I'd like to be able to hit the ball," Wave says.

"Aw, I can go easy on you guys," Pitch says.

"Your definition of 'going easy' is throwing nothing but fastballs," Meadow says, rolling her eyes.

"Slow fastballs. Very easy to hit and they don't break," Pitch says.

"80 miles per hour is not slow to those of us who are not professional players," Meadow says.

"Eh, you're all wimps. Fine, I won't pitch," Pitch says.

"In that case, you're off the team and I choose Meadow as my pitcher," I say. I attempt to latch on Meadow, but she catches me with her magic mid leap and carries me with the rest of the equipment.

"I'm fine with that," Wave says.

"Now wait a second," Pitch begins. After witnessing Meadow's 'keep silent' glare, he does exactly that.

"You were saying, Pitch?" Wave asks.

"Nothing, it's not important," he says.

"Ha, for once I'm not on the other end of that," I proudly announce.

"Well, if you claim one pony, it only makes sense that I claim the other," Wave says.

"You dare split us up? Me and the love of my life? The apple of my eyes? A love torn asunder by two competing factions? I simply cannot go on," Pitch says.

"Don't mind him, he's just afraid to get shown up by his better half," Meadow says.

"My better half, huh?" Pitch asks.

"You know it!" Meadow replies.

"Care to put your money where your mouth is?" Pitch asks.

"What do you have in mind?" Meadow asks.

"Winner gets bragging rights, acknowledgement of being the better half, and full command over their other half this weekend to have them do whatever I desire," Pitch says.

"You mean whatever I desire. Deal," Meadow says.

"Spicy," I chime in.

"Not in that way, Arctic," Pitch says.

"Well, why not?" Meadow asks. After realizing what she implied out loud she does her best impression of a chameleon imitating a tomato. Pitch stops dead in his tracks and simply stares at her wide-eyed.

"Spicy," I repeat, less so as teasing and more so a commentary of what I actually am tasting.

"Well, Arctic, I say we give our two lovebirds here our captaincy," Wave says.

"Agreed," I say. "Um, can you let me down now, please?"

"Oh, right. Actually, I'm going to make you my first pick so you can stay up there," Meadow says.

"Hey! No fair," I complain. I try to struggle and flail around in order to free myself from Meadow's magic with zero success. Meadow ignores me.

"Uh, Pitch? It's your pick, Pitch. Hello? Is there anypony in there? Nod if you can hear me," Wave says, waving a hoof in front of his face.

"Is there anyone home?" I continue singing. I give up trying to free myself and decide to hang around based on my own free will.

"Princess Wave! I choose Princess Wave," Pitch finally speaks up.

"The Princess isn't going to save you from me," Meadow purrs.

"Are you feeling okay? You appear to be smoking," I ask Meadow.

"Shut up! I'm in the moment," Meadow says. I grin. "Not that moment! Okay, maybe a little, but it's mostly competitive!"

"You can't hide your feelings from us, Meadow," I say. She observes the crowd of invested onlookers.

"Listen, it's not what it seems. I-it's... just a... pony... mare... thing," she trails off.

Oh... Poor Pitch, hehe. Wait. I live in the same house!

"Do you need-"

"I have it perfectly under control! Now let's play ball, dammit! I choose the big guy covered in muscle," Meadow says.

"Right, we haven't met yet. My name is Kite Shield," Kite says.

"Nice to meet you," Meadow says.

"I choose you," Pitch says.

"Hi, I'm Flower. Everypony's favorite changeling as well as Kite's super amazing marefriend."

"Ah, looks like we're splitting every couple up today," Pitch says.

"Yup, looks like. Though I suppose that means we can jump into your bet as well. How about it Kite?" Flower asks.

"It's not going to matter what I say, is it?" Kite asks.

"Oh, don't be like that. You always have a say," Flower says.

"And if I say no?" Kite asks.

"Are you going to say no?' Flower asks, sadly looking back.

"Of course not," Kite says.

"Yay!" Flower exclaims.

"She's got you wrapped around her hooves like no other," I say.

"When it becomes your time, Arctic, you'll learn the best thing you can do is keep the mare happy," Kite responds.

"Wise words," Meadow says.

"My time. Right..." I mumble.

"So, Meadow. When did you... you know," Pitch begins.

"Last night. I picked up some items to ease me through it so you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I pick the sun colt," Meadow says.

"Hoorah! Let's do this! I'm Maze, but I'll accept sun colt," Maze says.

"Maze. Got it," Meadow says.

"I choose Mr. Grey over there," Pitch says.

"Sketch." That's all Sketch says before moving to Pitch's team without waiting for a response. Not out of rudeness, but simply because that's who Sketch is.

"Uh, right... Um, Meadow. About what you were implying. Was that just the hormones talking or..." Pitch begins.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could go a little bit further," Meadow says with only a little hesitation.

"Should we be hearing this?" Kite asks.

Shut up, Kite.

"Shh, you're ruining the moment," Flower says, snuggling into Kite's chest.

Thank you, Flower.

Unfortunately, Pitch and Meadow realize they have a captured audience and awkwardly look away.

"Right, we should probably talk about this later," Meadow says.

"Yeah, sounds good," Pitch agrees.

"Who's pick is it now?" Meadow asks.

"I believe it's yours," Pitch says.

"Let me see. I choose-" she starts.

"Phalanx!" Maze shouts.

"You know it," Phalanx says, walking over to Meadow's side.

"I didn't agree to this," Meadow says.

"Sorry, Meadow, but you don't get one cousin without the other," Maze says.

"It's true," Phalanx confirms.

"Honeydew, want to show these cousins who the best tag team duo are?" Flower asks.

"Totally," Honeydew says, stepping over to Pitch's side.

"Two guardians versus two harvesters in a athletic based game? I wonder who's going to win," Maze says mockingly.

"If you're that intimidated, we can play with one hoof less," Flower counters.

"Oh, it's game on now! Losers pay the winners' victory feast?" Maze asks.

"You're on!" Flower exclaims.

"Can I choose my own pick now?" Meadow asks.

"You may proceed," Maze says.

"Thank you. I'll take Indigo," Meadow says.

"Yes, finally! And I get to go against Honeydew? So radical," Indigo says, flying energetically behind Meadow.

"What's wrong with being on my team?" Honeydew asks.

"Nothing, but we're always on the same team," Indigo complains.

"What can I say? To borrow a guardian saying, one team, one fight. Look, they're all on the same team even." Honeydew says.

"I pick Lance," Pitch says.

"You did that just to show me up, didn't you?" Honeydew asks.

"Maybe. Also because you made me realize that Meadow does have the monopoly on all your guardians," Pitch says.

"Are there any guardians left?" Meadow asks. A lone, light brown unicorn mare raises a hoof. "I choose you."

"Hunter. My name is Hunter," she says, joining her fellow guardians.

"You've been going after them the whole time, haven't you?" Pitch asks.

"Too be fair, I didn't know who were guardians. After it got pointed out that I have most of them, I figured I'd stay with the theme. One which you ruined," Meadow says.

"We'll trade you Lance for Indigo," Honeydew sing songs.

"What! No way. I'm not missing a chance to compete against you," Indigo argues.

"You heard her, no deal," Meadow says.

"Fair enough. I pick you," Pitch points to Myst.

"Actually, I'm not playing. I read up on the rules of baseball on the way over and will be the acting umpire," Myst explains.

"Because, of course you did," I sigh.

"In that case, how about you?" Pitch asks.

I'm struggling to place a name to this nymph. She's one of the few changelings which volunteered that I've never met before I left. I remember Wave introducing me to them when they first arrived, but I can't recall any of them preferring to be a purple unicorn. There was one that Wave informed me of having a peculiar quirk about them. Maybe this is them? What was her name? Me-something?

"Hi there friend. My name is Mesocyclone, but you can just call me Mez, Meso, or even just plain old Cyclone. It matters little to me. Don't get to attached to this form either for I'm as ever shifting as the wild winds above," Mez says.

"Um, okay. Nice to met you," Pitch says uneasily.

That's right. Meso has a habit of never using the same form twice, or at least, never consecutively. While such a lifestyle can work fine back home, I'm curious as to how that will impact her lifestyle here. If she tries becoming friends with the ponies it will definitely confuse them and possibly make them uneasy. Sort of how Pitch kind of feels right now, only worse. Imagine a pony, with no clue as to what a changeling is, meeting a seemingly normal unicorn one day and the next they're a pegasus.

"Meadow, your turn," Pitch says.

"I choose the dark orange one," Meadow says.

"Peace, the name of I Boomerang," he says, trotting over to our side.

"The name of I," I repeat with a chuckle. A few others join in with their own chortles as well. Realizing what he just did, Boomerang rubs his neck and hides his embarrassment with a sheepish smile.

"What's the joke?" Meadow asks.

"He did a literal word for word translation of an introduction from the old tongue," Wave explains.

"I didn't even know you knew any of the old tongue," I say.

"Ani lomed eem Myst," Boomerang responds.

"Gotcha," I say.

"Translation?" Meadow asks.

"Myst is teaching me. Or at least, that's what I wanted to say," Boomerang says.

"The verb you're looking for is melomed," Myst says.

"Ah. Myst melomed eeti," Boomerang says.

"Oti. Eeti means with me," Myst corrects.

"Close enough," Boomerang huffs.

"Not by a long shot," Myst says.

"Still don't understand why anyling wants to learn a dying language," Phalanx says.

"Masorit, achi," Maze says.

"Aye, masorit," I chime in.

"Tarboot, historia, vey masorit," Myst says.

"It's a requirement for all queens to learn for various reasons. Aval ken, gam masorit," Wave says.

"Masorit!" Flower exclaims.

"le'ahovati," Kite says.

"Oh, you," Flower responds.

"Alright, I get it. Hooray for tradition," Phalanx says flatly.

"You're just jealous you never learned," Maze says.

"As I said, it's a dying language. I spent my time improving my skills," Phalanx says.

"What skills?" Maze asks.

"Want to learn first hoof?" Phalanx asks.

"Oh, those skills? Must be sad to take all that extra time and still end up being a worse fighter than me," Maze says.

"That's it!" Phalanx shouts. He tackles Maze and the two cousins begin to wrestle for dominance.

"Should we do something?" Pitch asks.

"Nah, they'll be okay. This kind of thing happens often enough," One Wing says.

"Alright, in that case, I'll take the green one," Pitch says.

"Hopper," Hopper announces while hopping over to Pitch's side.

"I'll take the pyromaniac," Meadow says. One Wing makes his way over to us.

"What did you do? Tell her the story of how you lit a tower of old pallets which started to peal the paint off a nearby barn?" I ask.

"You did what?" Meadow asks.

"I'll tell you that story the next time you visit the inn," One Wing says, giving a wink. "No, Arctic, I told her about the time you put a crater in a field."

"Ah yes, good times. Isn't it a small pond now?" I ask.

"Last I checked," One Wing says.

"I guess that leaves Doc as the Mr. Irrelevant pick of the day," Maze says, having successfully pinned a struggling Phalanx.

"Irrelevant, huh? Keep that in mind when I knock that ball out of the park," Ringworm says.

"You do that and I'll chug a whole barrel of that liquid bitterness you call a drink," Maze says.

"Coffee is not as terrible as you make it out to be. I also do not recommend drinking an entire barrel of it in one sitting," Ringworm says.

"I highly disagree with that sentiment. Tea is much better in every way," Maze says.

"To each their own," Ringworm responds.

"Alright, who's up first to bat?" I ask.

"One second, I got a coin we can flip," Pitch says. He reaches into his bag and pulls out, not a standard bit, but an actually ceremonial baseball coin. "The Loyalist logo will be heads and the stadium will be tails. Winner will be considered the home team. Meadow, your call."


"It is... heads. Our team will be the first to bat then."

Both teams go to their respective dugouts. We huddle and decide on positions each of us will play. It's agreed that Meadow will remain our pitcher while I am to take the catcher position. When we move back out onto the field, Meadow finally sets me down. Wave approaches the plate as the first victim of today.

"Ready to strike out?" I ask.

"With you as the catcher, we'll be sure to win on wild pitches alone," she replies. With that, Wave has already made her first mistake. The ball whistles past her turned head and into my waiting glove.

"Strike one," Myst announces.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask.

"What? But, I wasn't ready," Wave says.

"Don't come up to the plate if your not prepared for the pitch," I reply. Wave gives a short huff and resets her attention on Meadow. And so it begins.

"Hey batter. Hey batter, batter, batter. Hey batter. Swing batter!"

"Arctic, I swear I'll-"


"Strike two," Myst says.

"Eyes on the ball, batter," I tease. Wave growls and decides to ignore me. Meadow winds up for the next pitch. I don't say a word. I don't need to. Wave swings on time to hit the ball. Suddenly, the ball breaks to the outside corner, causing Wave to badly whiff.

"Strike three," Myst says.

"What was that?" Wave asks.

"Did I forget to mention how Pitch taught Meadow how to throw one nasty looking breaking ball?" I ask playfully. Wave stares down Pitch.

"And you didn't say anything because?" She asks.

"Because, I'd like to have a restful sleep tonight. Don't worry, Princess, Meadow's a one trick pony when it comes to pitching," Pitch says.

"I'll show you who's a 'one trick pony'. Get your flank up here and face me Mr. .097," Meadow demands. Pitch obliges, walking up to the plate and squaring himself.

"That's .103 now," he says.

"How about .000 since your team didn't even make it into the playoffs," Meadow counters.

"Aren't they your team as well?" Pitch asks.

"Nope, Stags for life!" Meadow replies.

"Thank you for your most generous support," Pitch says.

"You'll live," Meadow says.

"What a marefriend," I tease.

"Right? Celestia, I love that mare," Pitch replies.

Meadow winds up and delivers the pitch. The ball breaks to the outside again, but Pitch is on top of it. He swings and gets a solid connection, driving the ball down the third base line, just past Boomerang, and arrives to first base for a single.

"Like I said, one. Trick. Pony," Pitch says mockingly.

Meadow sticks her tongue out at him and prepares to face off against Flower. I notice an opportunity, though, and signal Meadow with a wink and a subtle tilt of the ears towards first base. She notices the hint. She sharply pivots 90 degrees and tosses the ball to a wide eyed Hunter. Her instincts kick in and she snatches the ball and tags out Pitch who is a foot off the base and completely caught off guard.

"Aw, I'm sorry honey. Did I just throw you out? Do I need to come over and kiss away the pain?" Meadow coos. Pitch shakes his head, smiles, and walks back to the dugout.

"Dear Celestia, I really love that mare," he says quietly.

And then there was one.

"What, no banter for me?" Flower asks.

"You? The single most optimistic nymph in existence? Yeah, I know when to pick my fights," I say. Flower concentrates, but misses the first pitch.

"Aww, thank you, but I'm already taken," Flower says. She manages to foul off the next pitch.

"Eh, you're not my type anyways," I say.

"As if you have a type," she replies.

"Of course I do," I say.

Meadow hangs her next pitch and Flower connects with the bat. It's a grounder down the middle which passes by One Wing who made a very ill timed jump and ended up sliding several feet short of the mark. Flower reaches first and decides to try for second at the same time Kite picks up the ball. Now Kite can throw the ball and and force Flower back to first, but what would be the fun in that? At least, that's what I imagine what's going in his head as he keeps the ball and starts sprinting. It's now a race to second base. Determined to beat him out, Flower lowers her head and forces her hooves to move faster than they've ever gone before. Her prize nearly in reach, she dives for safety. Kite gets there first, however, and picks up the sliding nymph into his embrace.

"You're out," Kite says.

"Hey, no fair. You can't do that. Myst!" Flower complains.

"Don't look at me, I'm only the home plate umpire," Myst says.

"Not upholding the rules? You surprise me, Myst," I say.

"If I were to act like a real umpire then I'd just ruin a good time," He says.

"Fair point. So why even be an umpire in the first place?" I ask.

"Someling has to determine a strike or ball. Plus, do you really want to see me try and play any sport?" He asks.

"Absolutely. Besides, all anyling is going to throw is strikes and you may surprise yourself if you try," I say.

"We'll see. For now, I'm most comfortable behind the plate," He says.

"Suit yourself," I say.

Kite gives Flower a peck on the lips and lets her down. She acts annoyed, but radiates nothing but joy. Noling is really going to take a simple game that seriously. Pitching for team Pitch Out is Princess Wave. Sensing the game becoming a cakewalk, I convince the others that I should be the lead off hitter. Go figure that the catcher would be Flower.

"So, I'm curious. What is your type?" She asks.

"What, so you can try and hook me up again? I'll keep it a secret, thank you," I say. Wave throws a meatball of a first pitch, but I'm just behind it and it goes foul.

"Aw, you don't trust me? I promise I won't do any of the sort," Flower says.

"I don't believe you," I say. Second pitch, same result. All this talking is throwing off my game. Which I do have, mind you.

"I guess I'll just have to take shots in the dark then," she says.

"Good luck" I offer. Wave readies her next pitch.

"It wouldn't happen to be pony unicorns, would it?" Flower asks. The moment of hesitation that follows causes me to swing with poor timing, popping the ball up into the air and into Pitch's glove.

"I'll take that as a yes," Flower says, smiling. I glare at her.

"You're up to something," I say.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Now, shoo, you're out and there are other batters waiting to strike out," she says.

"Just like old times," I sigh, making the walk of shame back to the dugout.

Honestly, I didn't actually think I had "a type" so to speak as the concept seems silly to me. After hearing her say it out loud and reflecting a tiny amount, she may actually have a point. I do appear to have a tendency of liking unicorn mares. There's something about them I just find... adorable. Speaking of adorable unicorn mares (with extra points for the red mane bow), Meadow is up next looking extremely determined. If she ever found out I thought that... Wait, why is Wave staring at me like that? I didn't send that to her by accident did I? I'm pretty sure I didn't.

'Unicorns, huh?'

Ah, of course Flower told her. I'm both relieved and annoyed.

'Guardians, huh?'

This gets her to quiet down and refocus on Meadow. That's right, two can play this game.

"Excuse me Princess, but I wish to take on Pitch," Meadow says, evidently going mad. Wave cocks her head to one side.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Absolutely! Somepony has to show him he's not invulnerable," Meadow says.

"Okay," Wave says, stepping aside to let a smug Pitch take the mound.

"Give me everything you got," Meadow demands.

"As you command," Pitch says.

Pitch throws a fastball high and inside. The ball is missed by both Meadow and Flower by a wide margin, hitting the wall behind home plate. Kite retrieves and tosses the ball back while everyling waits on Myst's call in booming silence.

"Uh... strike?"

This seems oddly familiar.

"Not as easy as it seems, is it Myst?" I ask.

"And how exactly would you know how hard it is?" he asks.

"It's a long story," I say.

"Can I record it later?" he asks.

"I don't see why not." I say.

The second pitch is nearly identical to the first, except this time Flower manages to temporary catch the ball before dropping it in the dirt. Meadow grounds in her focus, but she's definitely out of her league here. Pitch throws his next heater and Meadow manages to get a piece of it for a foul. Impressive in it's own right, yet I'm sure this at bat will end very soon. Next pitch and another foul. Very impressive. Another fastball enters zone, another crack resounds from the bat, and yet another ball goes foul. Alright, what is happening here?

Meadow calls for time and steps out of the box to reset her concentration. Pitch is no longer smiling as smug as before. He takes the time to rub the ball on his chest to wipe away the accumulating dirt. All of his pitches so far have only been fastballs down the middle. Not exactly giving it his all, but he's clearly not holding back on those fastballs as they appear to carry the same velocity that I've seen him pitch in actual games. Now, I've known Meadow to be more athletic than she lets on, but the simple fact that she's able to connect on these pitches multiple times in a role is absolutely astounding.

Meadow steps back in the batter's box. Everyling holds their breath, waiting to see if she can continue to survive. Pitch winds up and throws. It's looking like another fastball which Meadow is ready for. The ball breaks at the last second, heading to the lower corner. Caught starting to swing her bat, Meadow attempts to correct and ends up swinging the bat like a golf club. Somehow, she still connects with the ball, sending it flying towards us. More specifically, the ball is on a direct course to strike Boomerang square in the jaw. He braces for impact, but the ball is intercepted by Hunter who manages to stretch out her hoof to catch the ball. Boomerang lets out a huge sigh of relief and slumps to the ground.

"Thanks for the save," he says.

"Anytime," Hunter responds.

"Oh, so now you want to mix things up. What's wrong, honey? Am I getting into that thick head of yours?" Meadow taunts.

"I'm simply giving you everything I have, as you requested," Pitch says.

"Meadow really gets into the competitive spirit, doesn't she?" One Wing asks.

"Wing, you have zero clue as to how competitive that mare can be. You should see her at one of Pitch's games," I say.

"One of the very vocal ones I take it?" Wing asks.

"Most definitely," I say.

"I can hear you over there" Meadow says.

"I'm aware," I say.

"I'm not that loud," she says. I chuckle and alter my voice to match hers.

"Come on ump! What kind of stupid call was that? He was clearly out by a country mile! My aunt can make a better call than you and she's actually blind!" I recite from memory. I find that nearly everyling present had to cover their ears much to my amusement.

"Well, he was and she can," Meadow huffs.

"What's a country mile?" One Wing asks.

"I have no idea," I say.

"It's an idiom," Pitch says.

"Thanks, Pitch, that clears everything right up," I say, rolling my eyes.

"It's not that difficult to figure out from context, Arctic," Pitch says.

"Less talking, more throwing," Meadow says.

Pitch obeys and throws another pitch in the zone. Meadow swings and connects once more, however, this time the ball does not go foul. Meadow drops the bat and sprints to first base. The ball grounded its way back to Pitch who catches it on the run. He could easily toss the ball to first base to record the out, but, much like earlier, it's become a race to the bag between determined couples. Meadow is faster, but Pitch had the better lead. Sensing himself out of the play, Lance backs away from the base to judge the call. Everyling is on the tips of their hooves, anticipating the finish. Finally, two separate sets of hooves touch the bag at nearly the same time. Pitch and Meadow slow to a stop, panting, and waiting on Lance's call.

"She's safe!" Lance announces. Meadow begins jumping up and down with glee.

"Yes! I did it! I did it! I did it!" She shouts.

Everyling begins stomping their hooves in a standing ovation for her amazing success. Pitch, for his part, lets Meadow have her moment. He stands to the side with an all too familiar smile. Eventually, he walks over to Meadow, embraces her, and kisses her forehead.

"You are absolutely amazing," he says.

Meadow, in her excitement, leans into the embrace with all her weight, effectively pushing Pitch to the ground. She stands over him and rapidly plants kiss after kiss all over his face. She ends with a long lasting and very passionate kiss upon his lips.

"Hey, Pitch. With how often you keep getting your marefriend all excited I'm starting to believe it'd be best if I stay at the inn tonight," I say teasingly. Pitch takes a single, loving look at Meadow, who returns it with one of her own, and turns his head to me.

"You know, Arctic. You're probably not too far off at this point," he says.

"Oh, well then. Hot damn," I say.

"Hot damn," Meadow purrs, never once taking her eyes off Pitch.

"Alright, let's continue before our lovebirds start making love on the field, yeah? Who's next?" I ask. Meadow leans down and whispers in Pitch's ears. Said ears give a twitch and he nods his head. Meadow helps him up and the two begin to walk off the field.

"We'll be right back," Pitch says.

"Really, Pitch? At your old college of all places?" I ask.

"Once again, it's not what you think. Meadow and I are just going for a walk," Pitch says.

"One in which him and I are going to have a nice make-out section. One which you are keeping us from so shut up!" Meadow exclaims.

"Please, by all means, have fun you two," I say. Meadow and Pitch turn the corner and disappear from sight.

"Are they always like that?" One Wing asks.

"No. By the Queen, no! They're typically very bad at this kind of thing. I think Meadow's heat is getting to her more than she lets on," I say.

"It's going to be an interesting week for Pitch for sure. As for you, Arctic, there's always room at the inn if you need it," Wave says.

"I think I'll be fine, but I'll keep it in mind all the same," I say.

"Should we wait for them to return or continue on?" Boomerang asks.

"We can continue without them," Wave says.

Everyling returns to their positions and the game resumes. Up next is Kite. If there's anyling here that can hit dingers, it's Kite. He's the perfect combination of strength, vision, discipline, and speed. With him on our side, I'm more than confident that this whole game will be a cakewalk. That is, until he lets a poorly thrown ball by Wave sneak by him without so much as a twitch.

"Hey, Kite, you do realize the name of the game is to hit the ball, right?" I ask.

"I'm aware," he replies. The next pitch, once again, goes straight down the middle without any movement from Kite.

"You going to swing at all?" I ask.

"When the time is right," he says. Wave casually tosses the ball for strike three.

"Are you serious?" I ask Kite as he walks back.

"Didn't like the throw," he says. I am speechless. I am without speech. A facehoof will suffice in place of words.


"Yeow! You see what you made me do?" I ask.

"Only a numbskull, such as yourself, has the capability to give themselves a black eye. Apparently literally in your case," he chuckles. I reflect on those words for a moment then turn to Wave.

"Did I really-"

"Turn the color of your eye black? Yes, you did," she giggles.

"How is it you have so little control over your eyes? That's, like, the first thing we ever learn to control," Indigo inquires.

"Pony eyes are complicated," I say.

"No, they're not," she responds.

"There is a condition present in a small amount of changelings that makes it difficult to properly shift certain aspects of the body," Ringworm explains. "Typically, this occurs after physical trauma to the head. I am aware of your past adventures. If you like, I can give you an examination."

"That's alright, doc. I'm perfectly fine as I am," I say.

"If you are sure..."


"Then I'll drop it for now, but my offer is a standing one," Ringworm says.

"Noted. Now, who's next?" I ask. Boomerang walks up to the plate, drenched in overconfidence. The first pitch he faces he ends up swinging so hard that he spins in several circles before falling to the ground in a heap. He wasn't even close to hitting the ball. "We're doomed."

Sure Claw stares at his reflection with weary eyes. The eyes of a young gryphon, still full of life, stare back. It's easy for a changeling to hide themselves behind false facades, but the truth always shines through in their natural state.

For the first time in many moons, blue flames evaporate the mask before him. Many assume Sure Claw is as big and burly as Kite in his real form, courtesy of how he carries himself as a gryphon. This is far removed from the truth. Sure Claw is actually slightly under the average height of a changeling, partially due to his advance years. No longer does his chitin shine with a fine black sheen. Rather, a dull gray paints his body whole. Eyes no longer emit a deep piercing blue glare, only the fading blue of a seasoned wanderer trying to find a place called home.

He breaths in deep, taking in one last reminder that not even shapeshifters can escape time's ravaging march. He shifts back into the image of the gryphon whose form he hasn't altered in thirty years. He foolishly thought if he ignored time it couldn't effect him. Until the day time sent him a permanent reminder of its ever present self nigh on two years ago. It was only natural for him to volunteer to come to this new land, least he lose his mind to a forgotten time. One last wild crusade, before fading into the echo. More wilder than he thought it be, but it suits him ever the better.

With mourning frown replaced with determined grimace, Sure Claw exits the attic. He strides with purpose down the stairs. Chin high, chest out, shoulders straight, wings slightly extended and sharply angled, and eyes ever forward. It's time to correct an oversight. Down in the basement, within the first five rooms to the right, five individual parasites are held in solitary. Sure Claw unlocks the first door.

Stepping into the well lit room, Sure Claw examines the seemingly empty chamber. A slight sound of scratching, a subtle movement in the corner of his eye. Sure Claw sidesteps the incoming blow from above. Seizing the opportunity, he whirls around and grabs the offending hoof. He yanks the parasite changeling off the low hanging ceiling and body checks him into the wall. He backs up, letting the parasite slump to the ground. To his credit, the changeling tries to get back onto his hooves with a defiant snare. Sure Claw helps him by picking him up by his cracked horn. shattered gasps of pain emit from the changelings throat and he gives up the struggle. Sure Claw lifts him to eye level.

"You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?" He asks. The parasite can only hiss in pain. He sets him down back on his hooves, but continues to lower his head to the floorboards, completely asserting his dominance over the now submissive parasite. "You are going to tell me everything. And if I find out what you say doesn't match up with your fellow comrades, then you'll know how it is to live without magic for the rest of your damn, miserable existence."

The changeling glances one last time into the deep fires within Sure Claw's eyes, and gives in. Sure Claw's actions will be frowned upon, no doubt about it. Although, what Princess Wave doesn't know won't kill her and Kite Shield won't ask questions so long as he has his information. No creature attacks Sure Claw's family without consequence!

"I got it!"

"No, I got it!"

Hopper and Sketch collide head on and fall down in a daze. I laugh as I triumphantly reach first base. The ball finalizes its decent pattern, bouncing off Sketch's head and into the back of Pitch's glove.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask.

"Better luck next time," Pitch says, tossing the ball back to the pitcher's mound. I angrily stomp my way back to the team. At the very least, at least I managed to score a run. Or so I thought.

"Indigo? Why are you still on third base?" I ask.

"He caught the ball. I'm suppose to go back," she replies.

"But, why didn't you run after he caught it and you touched the base?" I ask.

"I can do that?" She asks.

"Yes!" I shout.

"Oh, well, now I know," she says.

"You're killing me smalls," I say.

"Relax, Arctic. It's just a game," Hunter says.

"Baseball isn't a game, it's a way of life. Isn't that right, Pitch?" I respond.

"Preach it, brother!" Pitch exclaims.

"Besides, I am relaxed," I say, casually trotting past her.

"Just ignore him, Hunter. Arctic has a way of acting over dramatically when he's having fun," Wave says.

"Eh, I don't deny it," I say.

"Okay, but why?" Hunter asks.

"Because, it's fun acting over the top from time to time," I say.

"Except, with you, it's all the time," Pitch says.

"Would you rather me not to? Come on, you know I bring the spice to your life," I say.

"No, Meadow brings the spice to my life, you bring the sugar. No, that would be Meadow as well. You bring the caffeine," Pitch replies.

"I'll take it. Better than bringing the sedatives, ain't that right, Myst?" I ask.

"Are you calling me boring?" he asks.

"I was going for undeniably dull, but boring works too," I say.

"I'll show you dull! Do you mind if I bat next, Meadow?" Myst asks.

"Be my guest," Meadow says.

Myst faces off against Wave, a determined look in his eyes. Wave tosses a meatball of a pitch (on purpose I bet you!) and Myst homes in on it, smacking the ball down the third base line. He gets to first base with ease.

"How's that for boring, little Myst?" He challenges.

"A routine single off a hanging pitch? Please, I nearly fell asleep," I reply.

"And I scored a run," he says, pointing to a celebrating Indigo. "That's more than you can say."

"Yeah, well at least when I get out it's much more entertaining than whatever you did," I say.

"Alright, I give up. There's no pleasing you," he says.

"Actually, there is. Want to prove to me you're not boring? Join me next Thursday at Charlie Hops," I say, doing my best to hide my ever growing smile. Which is to say, not very well.

"Deal," he says.

"Awesome, you're all witnesses to Myst's commitment. No backing down now," I say. Myst ponders what just happened for a moment, then turns to Wave.

"I've just been had, haven't I?" He asks.

"You sure have. You know, Arctic, for one who says he doesn't like harvesters, you sure do act like one," Wave says.

"He says what now?" Flower and Honeydew both ask.

"I say no such thing," I counter.

"Not out loud you don't," Wave says. I can feel the ire of the two nymphs bearing down on me.

"Uh, truce?" I plead.

"Truce? I'll tell you where you can shove your truce up in," Honeydew replies. Flower whispers into Honeydew's ears which perk up as the scheming unfolds. They both smile at me. Wave begins laughing. None of these are good signs. "On second thought, sure, truce it is."

I don't like where this is going. Especially after I see Kite's smug grin when Flower whispers to him. Nothing good ever comes when Kite starts to smile.

"Since when do truces include scheming?" I ask.

"What scheming? We're not scheming," Flower says.

"You're up to something, Flower. I'm keeping my eyes on you," I say.

"By all means, keep staring. I have no problem with that," she says. She turns around and stretches her back by dipping her front half, giving me a full view of-

"I would be looking away if I were you," Kite threatens. So close is he that I can feel his hot breath puffing in my ear.

"Message received," I say, instantly following his sound advice.

Whatever their scheme may be, it keeps me on edge for the next couple innings. Nothing all that interesting happens. Outside of Meadow being banned from pitching for being too dominate, Wave's continued luck of striking out (which may or
may not have something to do with me), and Boomerang, of all changelings, managed a home run. This occurred when Sketch went to catch the ball and it hit his head, again, and bounced over the fence. Sure, when it happens to him, he gets a home run, but when it happens to me, it gets caught by Pitch. Oh, and Kite Shield STILL HASN'T SWUNG AT ANYTHING! I'm not mad though. Far removed from it, I am. Indigo continues facing against her mentor anytime she can, though this time Honeydew wins the round when Indigo strikes out.

Now it's my turn once more.

"Why so nervous, Arctic?" Flower asks.

"I'm not nervous, " I respond anxiously. Clearly the exact opposite of nervously. Wave stepped down when her throwing leg started to fatigue. Lance is on the mound now and I'm determined to at least get on base just once.

"Don't worry, honey, you got this. You're the best!"

My heart skips a beat when I hear the voice. Looking behind me reveals an innocent smiling blue unicorn where Flower used to be. As I stare at her, she snags the ball thrown while I wasn't looking.

"Strike one," Myst announces.

"I know I'm very pretty to look at, but you are batting," Flower-Silvia says. I ignore her and turn my attention back to the mound. My eyes go wide at what I witness.

"Alright, this is just ridiculous," I say.

Nearly the entire field is made up of Silvias. Each one doing something I can only sum up as distracting. One is sitting while making themselves appear smaller while hiding behind their mane blushing. Another poses elegantly with half-lidded eyes. The Silvia in center field is laying down on her side, sending sultry looks my way. I block out the distractions as much as I can. It's actually very simple to do for one solid reason. They got her looks down, true enough, but none of them are acting like the real Silvia. It's clear noling actually knows the reason why I like her.

"Come on, Arctic, you got this! Show those frauds who's boss," Flower-Silvia says.

Almost all of them can't act like the real Silvia. Lance-Silvia tosses the ball my way and I hesitate on the swing when I hear Flower giggle. Okay, fake Silvias or not, that is still heavily distracting.

"Strike two," Myst-Silvia says with a smile.

"Not you too," I despairingly say.

"But, if I didn't join in, it would be so boring of me," Myst-Silvia whines. Silvia does not whine! Now I'm frustrated and I have the perfect tool and object to take my frustrations out on.

Silvia readies her catching stance and nods to Silvia on the mound. Silvia winds up and pitches a fastball down the middle. I connect the bat on the ball, sending it over the head of Silvia on second base. Silvia sprints to catch the ball, hooves flailing wildly as she dives to the ground. She succeeds in knocking the ball back into the air and straight towards Pitch who easily catches the ball.

"This is starting to become a bad joke," I say in defeat.

"Cheer up, Arctic, you still have us."

Turning around reveals all the Silvias grouped up on the mound shooting me all kinds of looks. I was alright at first letting everyling have fun at my expense, but I've had enough now.

"Alright, you got me. Jokes over now so change back," I say. They all comply with laughter.

"What's wrong, Arctic? Can't handle your own medicine?" Maze teases.

"I can handle it just fine, thank you. There are just some things that don't work out though. The key is to find those and walk a fine line," I say. I notice Flower perk up and begin to beckon someling over, probably Kite. I also notice some other changelings grinning madly. How strange.

"Oh, lighten up. You're just embarrassed that everypony knows about your crush on Silvia so you can't keep denying it," Wave says.

"Last I recalled, I never outright denied that I like Silvia," I say, proceeding to sit down and cross my hooves defiantly. "I'm still not going to ask her out, though, so nice try Wave."

Noling is laughing anymore. In fact, the whole field goes eerily quiet as everylings eyes go wide. Several are shifting their gazes between me and someling behind me. At least, I hope it's someling. Please let it be someling.

"Why not?"

I close my eyes. Maybe, if I concentrate really hard enough, the Nightmare will consume me and I can avoid this mess.

And miss out witnessing your downfall done by your own hooves. Hahaha! This is all you, little parasite.

Opening my eyes, I find the image of the Nightmare laying in the grass with an all too satisfying smile.

Oh, great, so you are still around then. This day is now completely FUBAR.

My attention is pulled away by a hoof which forces me to look dead into Wave's fierce gaze.

"Will you snap out of it and chase after her already!" She shouts, pointing a hoof at the real Silvia's retreating form.

Wasting no more time, I scramble onto all four hooves and fly after Silvia. I catch up to her as she turns the corner and cut in front of her. I taste the air to get an understanding of what she's going through. She a little hurt, a bit mad, and outrageously confused. She tries to skirt around me. I reach out to her.

"Silvia, wait!" I plead. She stops, but doesn't look at me.

"What am I to you?" She asks.

"You're my very good friend," I say. That was definitely not the right answer.

"That's it? Just your friend? There's nothing more? All the teasing and the flirting and all those looks you give me when you think I'm not paying attention, and you only see me as a friend? Do you do this with all your friends?"

"No. Yes. Sort of? I never go as far with it as I do with you."

"You... I... I don't know how to take that."

"Look, Silvia, what did you actually hear out there?"

For that matter, what did she actually see? Apparently, she just missed the collection of her on the mound.

"I came up as you said you didn't deny liking me. Is that true?"

"Yes. I like you, Silvia, I really do. I don't know when or how it started, but every time I'm near you I just-"

I let out an irritated sigh. Things are so much easier when it comes to describing other ponies feelings.

"Just what?"

"I don't know how to describe it. Drawn, maybe? Like, I'm attracted to you, but not so much in the physical sense. That's not to say you're not physically attractive, because you are, trust me on that. I just, love being around you, making you smile, hearing you laugh. It fills me with joy to do so."

"I like it when you make me laugh. I always try to repay the favor by making your day. So, if you like me as you say, why don't you want to date me?"

"It's complicated. There's a whole lot of things all happening at once that it's really not fair of me to drag you into it."

"What if I want to be dragged into all of it? What if I want to help you through it? Relationships are not suppose to be there for the good times only, you know?"

"But do you really want to dive head first during the struggling times when you barely know the guy?"

"I know you."

"No, Silvia, you don't. You only know what I show everypony else. You don't even know-"

"What? What don't I know? Tell me! If you really like me like you say, then stop shutting me out!"

"You don't even know that I'm not a pony!"

"What? Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?"

"No. Listen, I'm what's called a changeling. We're a race of shapeshifters who feed upon the emotions of other creatures to survive. I know that doesn't necessarily sound good, but it actually mutually benefits both our races in the long run."

"You realize how crazy you sound right now?"

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and burn away my pegasus form. Instantaneously, I feel the need to shift into anything other than my natural form. I resist the urge, Silvia needs to see this in order to believe it.

Silvia has little outside reaction. Her pupils shrink and she takes a step or two back, but that's it. Internally, however, her emotions are a tangled mess. Fear was present only for a brief moment. From there, she experiences surprise, confusion, hurt, anger, worry, and so on and so forth. The one that always circle around is confusion and, in the end, that's the one which sticks. She takes another step back.

"Silvia, listen! I'm still Arctic. The outside may change, but the inside does not. I'm still the same pegasus you're familiar with."

Silvia turns around and runs away. I fall on my flank and watch her disappear. Moments later, Wave walks around the corner and hugs me. I remain rigid, staring in the direction Silvia left.

"She's not all that mad or hurt, just confused," I say shakily. "She just needs time to process all of this. I trust her, she'll be back, and when she returns, we'll continue on being good friends." Wave doesn't say anything, she just draws me in tighter. "She'll be back. I trust her. She'll be back. She's coming back, right?"

"She'll come back," Wave says.

"Yeah, you're right. I trust her. Now then, there's still a game to be played, yeah?"

I remove myself from Wave's embrace and move to return to the field. I take one step and my forehooves collapse underneath me.


"I'm okay!" I lay on my side and examine my hooves. Both of them are viciously trembling. "Huh, that's weird. Never had this happen to me before. Fascinating! Wow, this feels strange. Hey, Wave, are you seeing this?" I hold up both hooves for her to see.

"I wish I wasn't," she laments.

"Struck by lightning, nearly died of hypothermia, almost drowned several times, shipwrecked multiple other times, once into some very sharp rocks, a few months alone at sea, shipwrecked, again, in a foreign land, lost myself in a major city, attacked by the Night Queen, and only now is my mind betraying me. Over a single pony, no less."

"Okay, Arctic, you're done for today. I'll help you get home." Wave tries to pick me up, but I deny her.

"No, no, I'm good. Just need a few moments."

"Arctic, you are the opposite of okay right now."

"Which is why I need a distraction and not to go home and have what just happened constantly replaying in my head over and over again."

"What you need, is to talk to someling."

"What I need, is a bat to hit some baseballs."

"You can't even hold onto a bat in your state."

"Yes I can! I'll just be a unicorn for the time being."

"And how are you going to get up to the plate?"

"I'll be a unicorn with wings."

"Enough, Arctic! You are not in the right state of mind to continue."

"Yes I am and I'll prove it."

I slowly stand back up, doing my best to balance on my shaking hooves. I suck in the air and successfully take a step forward, followed by another, and another.

"See? Told you I got this."

I manage a few more steps before my left hoof folds in and I hit the dirt once more. I pound the ground repeatedly with my other hoof.


"Easy, Arctic, easy. It's okay to let it out. I'm right here to listen."

"I told you, Wave, I told you. Relationships do not work out in my family. Every time we try, someling's heart ends up getting ripped to shreds. It happened to Granddad, it happened to my dad, now it's threatening me as well. You know what? Screw it! I don't need a partner to be happy. This curse dies with me."

"That's a terrible thing to say. You shouldn't let someling else's past dictate your future."

"It's hard not to when the very thing is happening to me."

"Is it though? Yes, Silvia ran off, but she's just confused at the moment. I trust her too. I'm sure she'll think of you no differently than before."

"You can't guarantee that."

"Neither can you guarantee what you fear most will happen. Honestly though, what kind of solution to avoid being left alone is to remain alone in the first place?"

"It saves on the future pain."

"It sacrifices your love and joy based on a 'what if' style of thinking. You hate 'what if' questions. Why think and stress out over something-"

"When you can live it and experience life first hoof?"

"Those are your words. Don't back out of them now. Screw loneliness! Live life."

"What about-"

"If you say anything relating to the Sub-Hive, that's my responsibility to worry about, not yours. You earned a rest. Take it will you! Please?"


"Okay. I'll make sure you keep your word."

I get back on my hooves. They're still trembling, but not as badly as before. I start walking back towards the diamond.

"That doesn't look like resting."

"At least allow me to just watch and be among the family."

"Fair enough."

Walking back out onto the field brings the game to a halt as several changelings look on with concern. I smile and wave them off. They hesitantly smile back and continue on. All except the guardians who no doubt saw my shaking hooves. I head to a spot near the dugout and lay down. The sound of clapping echoes around me.

"My, my. That was quite the performance you put on. I almost felt pity for the mare. Almost. This is what happens when you fall for an insect. Her undoing is her own and now the lesson has been cemented."

A growl escapes the back of my throat. I turn to face the apparition who leans against the stadium wall, a triumphant grin showing off her sharp teeth.

"Make my life a living hell if you must, but leave Silvia out of this," I say threateningly.

"Or what? You going to stop me? Not even that interfering princess from last night can end me, least of all you."

She saunters over to where I lay. I would stand to fight her, but I know I'd just be swinging at air. She leans down close to where her breath tickles my ears.

"You preach all about how ponies and changelings are best together, yet still hide from them at large. Now the reason why is apparent. Face it, your 'friends' Meadow and Pitch were just flukes. If you could, you'd still, to this day, have your secret stay hidden from them. Why? Because, deep down you know the truth. Ponies and changelings are meant to hate and despise each other. Your race is nothing more than mosquitoes to us. An annoyance we're determined to squash any opportunity we get."

"You're wrong. Silvia will prove you wrong."

"You can do the same by revealing yourself to everypony you meet. We both know you won't. You fear us, as all insects should."


The Nightmare dissipates with reverberating laughter. Meadow trots up and lays next to me. She's concerned and slightly guilty. I really have had enough of those to emotions for a lifetime.

"Are you doing okay?"

"Of course."

"You showed her, didn't you? That's why you came back in your real form?"

"I did." Honestly, I've forgotten that I haven't shifted back into a pegasus. I fix that mistake immediately. Meadow flinches at the flames.

"I swear, every time you do that so close to me I think I'm going to end up getting singed."

"It's not real fire." I summon a small bout of changeling magic on my hoof. "See? Go ahead and touch it. It's completely harmless." She reaches out cautiously, then immediately pulls back when she touches the flames.

"That felt very strange. As if I slept on my hoof wrong and you get that tingling sensation." I chuckle and cut the spell. We then watch the game in silence for a few moments. "I should have told you I invited her. I thought that this would be a great opportunity for you two to bond more. Maybe even slowly break you out of your shell a little."

"Ha, shell, I get it."

"That was unintentional. Anyways, I'm sorry it turned out like it did."

"It's not your fault, nor do I blame your intentions. I get it, you wanted to help two of your friends get together. This was going to happen sooner or later. I just wish it was later."

"Maybe, I can talk to her about what you are? From one pony to another. How exactly did she take it?"

"She's mostly just confused. Not so much mad or hurt, just confused."

"That makes sense. It's very much how I felt when I first saw you. You know, after I got over how horrible it was watching you spontaneously burst into flames."

"Sorry, it definitely was not the plan for you to witness that."

A sharp crack fills the air as Indigo, once again, lands a hit against Honeydew. She prances the entire way to first base, giving up the opportunity for a double just to rub it in. Having enough of her sassy attitude, Honeydew begins chasing Indigo throughout the park, intent on tackling her. Indigo runs to each changeling, begging them to save her, but they all carry on as if the two aren't even there.

"If you think it will help speaking to her, then please do. I'd like to know if Silvia and I can at least remain friends."

"No problem. As I said before, Pitch and I are here if you ever need somepony to talk to."

Indigo finally manages to find shelter with Lance, or so she thought. As soon as Honeydew came up to him, he immediately turned her over amidst her cries of treason. Honeydew pins Indigo to the ground and begins ruffling her mane much to her displeasure.

"You all are a physical bunch, aren't ya?"

"That we are." I reach out with a wing and tickle Meadow's side near her belly. She flinches, let's out shriek, and playfully bats my wing away.

"Hey, only Pitch is allowed to touch me there."

"Oh, do I sense a sensitive spot? Very well, I'll refrain from entering Pitch restricted areas."

"You're a goof."

"Yes I am." My hooves begin to tremble less than before.

Sure Claw slowly swirls the steely liquor, lost in deep thought. He downs the shot without effort and pours himself another. The sound of hooves behind him announces the arrival of the changeling he's been waiting for.

"Arista," he says. The sound of clopping hooves come to a sudden stop.

"Yes?" Arista asks.

"Come sit with me for a while." Sure Claw reaches for a second glass.

"No thanks, I have other things I need to do right now."

"No you don't, nor am I asking."

Unwilling to find herself at the end of Sure Claw's ire, she hesitantly sits down next to the changeling-gryphon. Sure Claw places the second glass of liquor in front of her. She sniffs at the vile drink in disgust. Sure Claw lifts his glass in the air, waiting for Arista to join him with an unreadable expression. Sensing no alternative, she unwillingly lifts her glass. Sure Claw quickly downs his shot. Arista follows suite, but makes the mistake of not letting the the liquor slide down her throat, filling her mouth with the burning whiskey. She struggles to shallow her drink and experiences a coughing fit soon after.

"By the Queen! What is that shit!" She complains.

"Moonshine. Not many are able to down their first drink so easily," Sure Claw says.

"Easily? That was hardly what I call easy."

"Trust me, you managed much better than any other I've seen."

"Was all you wanted to do was have a laugh at my expense? If so, can I go now?"

"No, I have an important question to ask you."

What Princess Wave doesn't know...

"What's the question."

"Just how loyal are you to your old hive?" Arista freezes for a split moment at the sudden turn in direction.

"Chrysalis's Hive? Zero to no loyalty. She and her changelings can all fade into obscurity for all I'm concern."

"If you feel so strongly this way, why not go rogue before hoof?"

"Because I don't have a death wish."

"You're a coward then."

"I prefer the term survivalist."

"Hardly a difference between the two."

"Listen, noling asked you, alright! You know nothing of what it's like growing up in the Hive of Queen Chrysalis!"

"Enlighten me."

"It's all about survival of the fittest. You have to become strong or you risk being left behind and trampled on. Everyling will do all they can to throw you under in order to prop themselves up. Should you speak up against it, you'll be crushed under the weight of the hive.

"Growing up, I was part of a low born family. Everyling went out of their way to beat me down, but I remained defiant. After learning about the infiltrator program and how I could escape the hive life, I fought tooth and nail to be accepted. After I was, there was no way I was going to lose my position and end up back in tartarus."

"Would you say that your fear of losing your role blinded you to the possibility of surviving by befriending ponies?" Sure Claw asks.

"I suppose... I never really looked at it that way. Why are you asking these questions?"

"I'm simply trying to understand your motives."

"You don't trust me being here, do you?"

"I've been given no reason to."

"How can I earn your trust then?"

"To earn mine, you must be willing to place yourself in danger to defend our family. Of course, this is not something that a 'survivalist' is capable of doing."

"Why should I defend those who won't defend me?"

"See, that's the kind of thinking which will permanently make you an outsider. Let me make something clear to you. You are now a part of our hive. This means that if tomorrow comes and we should find ourselves surrounded by your old hive with an ultimatum to give you up, my brothers and sisters will fight on to our dying breath before we let them take you."

"I don't believe that. Why would you die to save someling you hate?"

"Because, Arista, it's what we do. We look out for each other whether we like them or not."

"You're all crazy."

"You're probably not so far away from the truth," Sure Claw chuckles, swallowing down another shot. Arista taps her hooves on the bar, thinking about what to do next.

"Is our talk finished?"

"Only if you have nothing left to say."

Arista stands and makes to leave. She stops after a few steps and looks back. She sighs, shakes her head, and returns to the bar. She takes a glass and pours herself a soda before returning to her seat.

"There's not much I can think to talk about, but, considering everything, and how you're like a Queen's Guard, I believe I own an explanation about the whole operation surrounding Meadow."

Sure Claw raises a brow her way and let's her speak. Outside of how the actual Inflitators gather their information, there's nothing new to her explanation that he didn't already get out of the changelings being held. It does help confirm their stories, however. Today has been very productive indeed.

Kite Shield approaches the batter's box and squares off against Lance.

"10 bits says he strikes out," I say. Meadow and I are still hanging by the sidelines. Pitch joined us temporarily, but the call of baseball is to strong for him to ignore.

"I know better than to take that bet," Meadow giggles. "So, what's next for you?"

"I don't know. Probably trying to find a way to get my mind right again. It's about time I fix up my ship."

"Is that thing still beached at the lighthouse?"


"You're probably better off salvaging it for a new ship."

"I can't do that to Triumphant. Me and her have some long history between us."

"Yet, you leave it sitting there for months? Also, Triumphant?"

"Yes, Triumphant. And she's a she, not an it."

"Oh, well, excuse me. You left her there for months."

"You're excused. And I've been busy. A lot of my focus have been divided between you two, the hive, and singing. She'll understand."

"I'm sure she won't have much of a choice. You know, being a ship and all."

"A ship with personality."

"Sure, why not?"

"Don't worry, Meadow, I get it. I'll make sure you're the first pony to ride Triumphant."

"Yay, my most desired wish come true."

We both start laughing. Our laughter cease when a deafening crack slices through the air. Kite has actually swung the bat. Now the ball travels at a feverish pace towards the back of the park. By the time it reaches the wall, it's still climbing into the air. It easily misses the second level and sails clear out of the park. Kite trots the bases as everyling stares, open mouthed, where the ball was last seen traveling to the moon. Kite reaches home and takes a long, exaggerated bow. Essentially, a 'screw you all' type gesture. Wave is the first to recover form the lingering stupor.

"Alright, game is called on the account of we're not going to get that ball back. Final score is... um. Was anyling keeping track of the score?" She asks loudly.

By this point, most everyling recovers from the out-of-the-park experience. To everyling's amusement, not a single one kept track of the score. Myst looks like he's about to say something at first, but after taking one last look around at everyling, he closes his mouth and simply shrugs.

"Eh, it's not important anyways. I've had a blast, and I know you all did as well. I like to thank Meadow for making this day possible for us," she continues.

"Anytime," Meadow says smiling.

"Now I want everyling to rest up today. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and I want everyling tip top and ready to go."

"Aye, aye, captain!" Maze exclaims with a salute. Everyling else gives their own acknowledgements as well. Wave walks over towards me.

"How are you doing?" She asks. I hold up my now steady hooves.

"Better. Still sucks, but I'm better," I say.

"Will you be okay walking home?" She asks.

"I'm not exactly going alone," I say, gesturing to Meadow. Wave motions for me to stand which I do. She leans in and gives me one final hug.

"I'm sorry about today, Arctic. I'm sure everything will work out in the end," she says. I notice a dark blue, smoky haze in the corner of my eye.

"I'm sure it will too," I say. The haze shifts into the silhouette of the Nightmare. It's going to be another long night. Which reminds me. How am I going to explain to Wave about Princess Luna?

"Hey, wait a second. How are we going to settle the bets that were made?" Honeydew asks.

"If you ask me, Meadow wins against Pitch for getting a hit off him. I'd say Kite wins against Flower for beating her to second as well as getting the game ending homerun. As for between us, we can settle our bet over a different game," Maze says.

"I'll accept that. Euchre?" Flower asks.

"Euchre," Maze agrees.

"There goes our chances at winning," Honeydew says.

"Nonsense! We got this in the bag," Flower says. They'll end up falling short once again. Never bet against the cousins in a game of Euchre.

"You hear that, Pitch? I win," Meadow says.

"That's okay," Pitch says, pulling Meadow into a hug. "I'll always feel like a winner when you're around."

"Ugh! That's so cheesy," Meadow complains.

"Admit it, you like it," Pitch says. Meadow pauses a moment, then actually begins to blush.

"Yeah, I do," she says softly.

And so, the day ends. And what a mixed bag it was. Unfortunately, the night has only begun.

I cling desperately onto my last source of light, my only defense against the darkness around me. I proceed cautiously through the abandoned metropolis. The howling winds increase in intensity with every step I take towards my destination. Rounding the block, I spy my safe haven. I sprint down the street and barrel through the doors of Charlie Hops, the last place in the city still lit. I take time to recover my breath, resting in the light's warm embrace.

The winds howl behind me. The crackling laughter of the Nightmare can just be heard over the deafening roar. The lights inside the bar flicker dead. A figure emerges from behind the bar. An ax is held aloft by sickening, unstable black magic. I raise my flashlight to shine on the taken. The darkness bleeding from their body makes it impossible to focus, like a painting damaged by water. I willed the light to shine brighter, to burn away the darkness which clings to them. The pony lifts their hoof to hide from the light as they make their way around the bar. The last of the darkness burns away when they round the bar, but the true horror has only begun.


With the darkness no longer protecting her form, it's easy to pick out the silver maned unicorn. She grins menacingly, her eyes reflect her murderous intent. She lifts the ax high.

"Silvia, no," I plead. She doesn't listen.

"Remember to drink responsibly."

The voice is barely recognizable as her own. It's horse and scratchy, continuously altering in pitch. She swings the ax with unimaginable force, aiming for my neck. I manage to sidestep in time, but collide into a table and fall to the floor in a tangle of limbs.

"Those who don't will be forcefully removed from the bar, permanently."

"Silvia, please, you have to resist it."

There's no use. even after burning the darkness away, once it has taken hold, there's no going back. It is no longer Silvia who stands over me. She swings the ax once more and I close my eyes. The blow doesn't come, rather I hear her piercing scream as the light turn back on. I open my eyes and witness her form vaporize before me. I rather have taken the ax. I scream out in anguish. The sound of clopping hooves echos behind me. A part of me wants to give up and give in. To make the terror end. That's not what I do. That's not who I am. Instead, I make a promise.

"I'll end you for that," I say.

"We apologize. We assumed returning the light was the best solution to thine predicament."

I snap to attention and turn around. Behind me stands Princess Luna and not the Nightmare. Only now do I sense her presence. I must have gotten truly lost in this dream to have fallen so deeply unaware. Outside the bar, the sun begins to rise high into the sky signalling the end to this night's horror. Princess Luna wears a neutral expression and though I can sense her, I cannot sense her specific emotions. As for myself, I'm too drained from the day's events to react in any meaningful way. I resign my fate to the Princess.

"Thou are right to be so subdued for thou hast bore a substantial burden. Fear not little changeling, for thou shalt find peace in our night's embrace."

I prop myself up on the nearby wall. I breath deeply, attempting to regain my thoughts. Many questions run through my mind, yet I'm only able to get the least important one out.

"Why do you speak like that?" I get a taste at Princess Luna's emotions as she radiates a brief bout of befuddlement. It's gone in a flash, but from what I got, it's very energizing. There's a lot more power behind her feelings than a normal pony. No wonder she learned how to guard herself from changelings.

"We have been gone from the world for a thousand years. Much has changed in that time and we, or rather I, find it difficult to unlearn all I have known. The act of addressing one far lesser than I as equals especially rings true."

"You truly are the Night Queen then?"

"The 'Night Queen'?"

"I believe the ponies called you Nightmare Moon." A fit of anger flashes in Princess Luna's eyes.

"We were, but no longer are we chained to the darkness which bonded us!"

"Right, sore subject. Sorry!"

"Thou- You have no reason to apologize. If anything, it should be I who apologizes to you for the terror which has besieged you these nights."

"Eh, ha kol besader. I can take it." I try to appear more confident than I sound with a smile. Princess Luna stares at me.

"What did you say?" She asks. There's no way...

"Aht mevina et ha sepha ha zote?"

"Understand, yes. Speak it? no. The changeling tongue has been a language since abandoned around the beginning of our rule after the events of-" Princess Luna looks at me as if she's seeing me for the very first time. "Could it be? Does thine hive yet still exist?"

"Uh, the changeling is confused..."

"Tell us, which hive do you belong to? Where is thine main hub where thine queen stays."

"Don't you know already? You did invade my memories after all."

"Though we recall many things, most others were wiped clean by the harmony beam. We remember the disguise you wear hiding a changeling behind it. We do not recall anything past this fact."

"Alright, well, I'm from Queen Shinuie's Hive which resides in the homelands. About a three months journey by sea due East."

"So thou is not a part of the hive found within the badlands?"

"Where the parasite queen resides? Curse the ground she stands on. She brings a terrible name to changeling kind." Princess Luna smiles brightly and wraps me in her wings. I am completely dumbfounded as to what is happening.

"Oh most glorious of nights! Thine hive lives on!"

And now I'm deaf.

Princess Luna sets me down, still beaming with excitement.

"No wonder we could enter thine dream. thou are from the hive we thought lost forever. The hive which stood with our sister and I. The hive of Queen Tova!"

I'm still trying to shake clear the ringing of my ears. I have no idea what Princess Luna is going on about. Suddenly, her demeanor changes into one of regret.

"The hive we failed to save in their time of need. The hive which was stomped out by the hive of the badlands." Her expression changes once more into that of hope. "But thou are here now. We can rectify our failure for the better."

"Princess, I have absolutely zero clue as to what your talking about. As far as our history goes, we have always dwelled within the homelands. And I sure as hell don't remember any queen by the name of Tova."

"How far back does thine history books travel?"

"Not that far, honestly. Only as far as Queen Shinuie's grandmother. maybe 700 years give or take."

"Yet the Great Split happened mere years before our descent, nearly a thousand years ago. Thou must be a part of Queen Tova's hive."

"That is not something I can speculate on. Maybe Myst can. In fact, the best changeling to ask would probably be Wave. I just sail and live life. At least, I used to."

"Little changeling, there is so much we wish to discuss. Unfortunately, our time grows short and we fear that not all we have learned tonight is good."

"What do you mean?"

"This terror which besieges thou is no ordinary nightmare. Something sinister is ahoof here."

"Please tell me you're not saying the Nightmare is actually a real entity."

"I'm afraid so. After what we- I have witnessed tonight, I have come to the conclusion that a piece of our corruption exists within you."

"Outstanding," I sigh. "What can I do?"

Princess Luna is no longer here. I look around, but find no indication on where she went. The walls of the bar begins to crumble away. The dream is breaking apart.

"If thou wishes to rid thyself of this witch, thou must seek us out."

I wake up in my pitch black room. My memory blazes through the events of the night. The possibility of our hive originating from Equestria is intriguing, but not on the forefront of my mind. Whether or not it's true hardly matters in the large scheme of things. What matters to me, at the moment, is her parting message. I slide out of bed, shift back into a pegasus, gather some bits, and walk out the door. My decision to leave is instant as, no matter what, I need to find Princess Luna to rid myself of the Nightmare. This won't be the first time I left without warning so I'm sure the others won't worry all too much. Making the trip will also give me some time to distance myself from everything for a fair bit. It will also give me time to think how I'll inform Wave of Princess Luna and how I'll repair my friendship with Silvia.

The sun peaks over the horizon with a magnificent trail of colors as I make my way to the train station. It isn't long before the sidewalks fill with hustling ponies and the streets jammed with speeding carriages. I've only ran into the station once before during my early days in the city. As a result, I'm constantly trying to stop ponies to ask them where the station is. The majority of them are too busy to waste time on me, however, I do finally manage to run into a friendly gryphon, with a heavy prench accent, who points me the right direction. I think I'm starting to learn not to attempt to get the attention of any pony native to Manehatten. I finally find the grand station and make my way over to the ticket counter.

"I'd like the next train to Canterlot," I say.

"Sure thing, but unfortunately, the Canterlot Express line is down for maintenance so you'll have to take an indirect route to Canterlot. I apologize for the inconvenience," says the ticket mare.

"Really? What beautiful timing that is," I say sharply.

"Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Looking at my chart here, the next train bound that way is heading to the small town of Ponyville which is located next to Canterlot. If you'd like, I can book you for that train and then you can find find a train bound for Canterlot there. Considering the short distance, you may not have to wait for long."

"Better than waiting around, I suppose. I'll do that."

"Excellent! That will be 70 bits."

I hoof over the 70 bits and board the train. I find a seat and make myself comfortable for the long journey ahead. It's not too long before the the last call sounds and the train begins to roll out of the station.

Next stop.


Author's Note:

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty




Quick note: I've changed out the SoL tag for the Drama tag as I feel like it will fit the story better.