• Published 17th Nov 2018
  • 14,510 Views, 754 Comments

The Night's Stars - SC_Orion

Upon her return from her one thousand year banishment, Nightmare Moon discovers Celestia's student and her potential.

  • ...

Control Part 1

Attempted Regicide Leaves Two Dead, Several Injured.

Twilight stared up at the newspaper she levitated in her magic just over her head. No matter how many times she read the headline, it never changed. Frontpage news. By now, almost everypony in Equestria would know it happened. And the picture that went with it. They didn’t have any photos of Cadance or what happened immediately following the attack, but they did have a picture of Nightmare Moon flanked by Royal Guards. Her expression crisp and focused.

She sighed and closed her eyes, then levitated the newspaper over to her nightstand.

She rolled onto her side and stared out the window into the night sky.

‘That’s exactly what you’re afraid of happening. Great. Just. Great.’ She groaned and scowled.

Maybe the little silver lining was that it was just the two of them acting alone, as far as the Royal Guard had determined. But then it only took one of them to kill.

And now she was stuck in Canterlot.

‘I’ll be fine in Ponyville. He wasn’t after me.’

‘Yet your escort said that he viewed you as a traitor. He is surely not the only one.’

‘It’s safe in Ponyville.’

‘I am not willing to take that chance, Twilight. They tried to kill Cadance. If they had the chance they would kill her and they would kill you.’

She groaned again and rolled onto her back as she remembered the conversation. Sighing in frustration, she sat up in her bed. “Two ponies are responsible for that.”

‘And all it would take is one,’ Twilight could hear Nightmare arguing.

A knock on the door. Twilight frowned for a moment. It wouldn’t be Nightmare, and, unfortunately, despite what happened, her friends had been unable to visit her in Canterlot. If she was in Ponyville, she knew they would have been there to check on her. Maybe it was her brother or parents, then.

She sighed as the knocking came again. She took a deep breath and summoned her magic. Crack! as she teleported to the door. She took the door in her magic and opened it. “Oh. Thorax.”

“Hi, Twilight,” Thorax softly droned. His wings buzzed at his sides. “Are you... are you doing okay?”

Twilight blinked and took a step back from the door. “I’m... I think so.” She nodded testingly. “Uh, please come in.”

Thorax gave a quick look to one of her guards, then walked inside. Twilight closed the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“They wanted me to come visit you since they couldn’t make it,” Thorax answered evenly.

Twilight smiled and looked at the floor for a second before looking at him. “Oh... Well, thank you, Thorax.”

He smiled weakly.

“Does... Nightmare know you’re here?” Twilight asked.

He nodded. “I had Spike send her a letter that I was coming and she said that was fine.”

Twilight frowned and nodded. “Huh... I’m kind of surprised by that because of what happened.”

“How’s Princess Cadance?” he asked, his smile falling.

Twilight frowned and looked over at the stairs. “She’s... okay. She recovered well enough but now my brother is... well, protective.” She looked back at Thorax with a sheepish smile. “I’m sure you can imagine why.”

“He loves her,” Thorax said.

Twilight nodded. “Yep...”

Thorax’s wings buzzed. “Like she loves you.”

Twilight hesitated a moment, her mouth slowly opening before closing. “Yeah... yeah I guess,” she whispered. “It’s, um, probably not the same though.” She shook her head dismissively. “Shining Armor did marry her after all.”

Thorax nodded slowly, uncertainly.

“So... uh, how is everypony doing back in Ponyville?” Twilight asked as she shifted her weight.

He nodded quicker. “They’re all right, but they wish that you were back home with them. Pinkie Pie is really sad that she can’t come visit you.”

Twilight smiled sadly. “I miss them all... Hopefully, I won’t be stuck here too much longer. I was going to talk to her about it again today. Maybe we’ll be able to head back together?”

Thorax smiled, his wings jittering. “I’d like that. I’ve missed you too.”

Twilight laughed softly and stepped over to give him a hug. It was always so strange feeling his cool carapace against his fur, but it was almost like hugging a larger Spike. Thorax’s wings bristled energetically and he almost pranced in place. She giggled and gave him a short nuzzle before pulling back.

“Hey, um...” Thorax’s energy faded as he timidly looked away from her. “I wanted to ask...” he trailed off and looked back at Twilight. “Has... has there been any change with the rest of them?”

“Oh...” Twilight blinked and shifted her weight. “They’re uh... most of them are sleeping now. At least I think they are.”

Thorax frowned and nodded. “Hibernating. To conserve their strength.”

Twilight frowned and nodded. “And um, what about you? How are you doing?”

“I feel fine. Good, even,” Thorax answered. “It’s nice. Ponyville is a lot nicer than the Badlands. There’s so much grass.”

Twilight could only smile as she shook her head. “And... you’re not, uh, starving?”

He shook his head. “No. I feel... fine. It’s nice being around all of you. You’re all a lot nicer than most changelings. Especially Queen Chrysalis.” He frowned. “She’s mean.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. “Yeah...” She all-too-easily remembered that night. “How is... how is Spike doing?”

“He’s doing okay, but he misses you.”

Twilight smiled sadly and nodded. “Letters can only go so far, huh?”

“Yeah... I guess,” he droned.

Twilight sighed and turned around to walk to the window. Thorax quietly followed behind her. “They targeted Cadance, not me, and yet I’m still stuck here while Cadance—who was hurt—is out... doing whatever it is she’s doing.”

“You’re... angry?” Thorax questioned.

Twilight looked back at him and smiled sadly. “Maybe a little. She’s acting irrationally.”

“She does care about you...” Thorax said quietly.

Twilight sighed and looked back out of the large window. Thin, wispy clouds blurred the stars but did little to hide the moon. “I know that but... it’s frustrating.” She turned back around to face Thorax. “Would you like to come for a walk with me?”

“Okay,” he said neutrally.

Twilight smiled. “All right. I think a walk might help, and I’d appreciate your company.”

He smiled a little, then followed Twilight to the door.

Twilight stepped outside and then headed for the garden. A little chilly breeze made her shiver, but only for a moment. She would be fine, it just didn’t feel like Spring was on the way.

She made her way to the gardens, taking her time to enjoy the night. Even if it was cold, she had company this time. The stars twinkled overhead. The sounds of Royal Guards walking in the distance were somehow comforting.

Only a few flowers were in bloom; she hoped that Spring would bring life back to the garden, but despite that hope, the cold sapped it away.

It only took her a few minutes to navigate her way back to the center of the garden to find Discord’s statue, and as she approached it, she felt Discord’s gaze fall on her as he smiled in her mind. ‘Oh, hello there, little miss Sparkle!’ was his nearly giddy greeting. ‘Come to visit your condemned prisoner? Or did you want more of my wonderful, marvelous advice?’

Thorax’s wings bristled at his sides. “What... is that?”

“Discord,” Twilight answered. “Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony.”

‘Oooh, a changeling! How fascinating!’

“He’s... that thing you turned to stone, right? The thing that was causing problems all over Equestria a few months back?”

Twilight nodded.

Discord huffed indignantly. ‘That thing has a name you know. Now, what brings you out here, little miss magic?’

“I don’t know,” Twilight sighed.

Twilight could almost feel his eyebrows flexing up as if surprised. ‘You don’t know? Why, Twilight, I’m shocked!’

“No, you’re not shocked, you’re stoned,” Twilight countered.

Thorax blinked and looked at Twilight owlishly.

He grinned. ‘Now that, miss Sparkle, I approve of,’ and it showed in his voice.

Twilight forced a smile; he chuckled. Eventually, it settled down. ‘I heard what happened to Cadance. A shame, that.’

Twilight’s smile faded into a frown. “And why would you care?”

‘Oh, dear Twilight, I thought we had established by now that I don’t like killing. Or did you forget? I suppose you would forget, wouldn’t you? With as much on your mind as you have...’

Twilight gradually rolled her head to the right and muttered, “Yeah...”

‘You know, I could fix all of this. With... nothing more than a snap of my talons...’ he mused wistfully.

Twilight turned back to face his statue.

‘Well, not all of it, obviously. That silly little spell of Luna’s keeping Tia trapped on the moon, that I can’t fix. The sun and moon, well, I could fix that in an instant. Luna throwing her little hissy fit I can’t fix either. That’s on you to fix.’

Twilight opened her mouth—

‘Oh don’t be so surprised. You’re smart. At least smarter than the average pony. Now, I’m not saying that actually means anything, but good for you.’

Twilight closed her mouth and sighed.

‘So, did you decide on a name yet?’


‘A wonderful choice! I must say my opinion of you has increased ten-fold, my dear!’

“Would you—”

‘Although that’s more of a colt’s name, isn’t it? What if you had a daughter? Oooh, did you decide who was going to carry it yet? My bet is you-ou!’

Thorax stared at Twilight. “What does he mean by carry it?”

Twilight clenched her jaw and breathed in, then exhaled sharply. “You purposefully get on my nerves, don’t you?”

‘Oh little miss Magic, I assure you, I do no such thing!’ he defended. ‘But that doesn’t matter, because you won’t believe a thing I say anyway. And I know that you won’t believe anything I tell you, and you know that I know that.’

“Which—” Twilight nodded once, clenching her jaw, “—is irrelevant.”

‘Oh, and while we’re on this subject, give Cadance my condolences for me, would you?’

Twilight frowned. “Again, why do you care?”

‘I have my reasons, Twilight Sparkle. Or maybe I don’t? You remember what I said, don’t you? If I always do what you don’t expect, you expect that—’

“I get it,” Twilight preempted flatly. “Note to self, stop talking to Discord.”

‘Oh, woe is me,’ he sighed. ‘The condemned prisoner sentenced to forever be trapped in stone. Tell me, dear Twilight Sparkle... You know Luna was banished to the moon for one-thousand years. And then me, I’ve been imprisoned in stone far, far longer than she was banished for... Why is it that you take pity on her, but not me?’

A familiar feeling of disappointment bubbled up and washed over Twilight’s body. She held in a sigh. “Because even with as bad as she is, she’s not all that bad. She’s not the worst. She’s not pure evil or anything like that.”

‘And you think I am?’ he asked. ‘I have never ended anything’s life. Luna has, and without remorse too, for that matter.’

Twilight’s head drifted to the left, her eyes slithered over the stone. “No,” she admitted, then faced his statue again. “You’re not the worst. You’re just...”

How did she even begin to describe Discord?

Twilight scowled. “Chaos incarnate.” He smiled approvingly. “Luna said...” she shifted and licked her lips. “Nightmare Moon said that Luna never had any friends. Or if she did it was few and far between. And ponies hated her and—”

‘Yes, yes, and you think I’m any different, dear? Ask yourself, did daddy Discord ever have friends? I think you can determine the answer to that without even thinking about it. Now ask yourself if ponies ever loved me? Again, the answer is painfully obvious. Now tell me why you’re willing to give a murderer a chance, but not poor old me? And now answer why you’re willing to deflect from what Luna’s done while in the same breath condemning me? She has killed and I haven’t. You let her roam free and defend her and I’m imprisoned here.’

“You really hate being sealed in stone, don’t you?” Twilight asked. “You almost sound like you’re begging for me to free you.”

He scoffed. ‘Hardly! I will be free from this prison again, little miss Magic. It is inevitable. And do keep in mind that the date for this is quite soon. Happy birthday, by the way. I know it’s early, but I won’t be there, and I suspect I won’t see you again before your birthday. I’d get you something, but I’m a bit petrified at the moment.’

Twilight’s ears pinned back. “Why do you have to be the way you are? Why do you have to sow chaos and disorder everywhere?”

‘When you become a mad demigoddess after being alive for several thousand years, you’ll know why.’

Twilight huffed. “Did you even try to have friends?”

No response.

“Why didn’t you try?”

‘When you have the power to break reality at your will, friendship is beneath you.’

“So you use your power for your own entertainment. You like chaos right? And being surprised?” Twilight challenged.

‘Of course!’ he boasted.

“Then why didn’t you try to have friends?”

‘Do you honestly think anypony would want to be my friend, past, present, or future?’ he asked incredulously.

“I don’t know. What do you have to lose by trying? A year ago, I would have said that friends were a waste of time too. Now look at me.”

‘Yes, yes, what are you, the future Princess of Friendship? Willing to give a murderer a second chance but not me. Playing favorites? That’s not very just or kind of you.’

Twilight shook her head. “A year ago I would have locked myself in my tower to study, ignoring anypony other than Princess Celestia and my family. Now, if I’m being honest, it’s hard to focus on studying.” She slowly shook her head. “I had no idea what I was missing out on, Discord. You don’t know what you’re missing out on.”

He huffed. ‘A good deal of chaos is what I’m missing out on. But I suppose good things come to those who wait.’

Twilight waited a few seconds, then bowed her head. “Friendship can be chaotic,” she admitted. “It’s worth every second of it. No matter the cost.”

‘I can’t exactly have friends when I’m trapped in stone, you know.’

Twilight thought about it for a few seconds. “I think you can. But whoever it is would have to put the effort into it.”

A few seconds passed. ‘You?’

Twilight breathed in and reluctantly nodded. “You made the point that I’m willing to give Nightmare Moon a chance. I’ve not regretted it so far.”

He laughed. ‘You really do have a savior complex, you know that?’ Twilight frowned. ‘You want to make everything right. You want to fix Luna, reunite her and Tia, and make the world a better place.’

“I do. Is that a bad thing?”

‘It’s a tall order,’ he said. ‘But you’re determined. You embody the Element of Magic.’

“I do,” she stated.

She heard him hum. ‘I suppose we’ll see how this works out, then.’

“Just don’t try to manipulate me,” Twilight said.

He huffed. ‘Try,’ he gagged.

Twilight grimaced. “I need to be able to trust you, Discord. If we’re going to be friends.”

‘Yes, yes. I can’t exactly do anything right now. And I don't exactly have anything better to do.’

“When you’re free,” Twilight specified.

‘We’ll see, little miss Magic.’

Twilight looked at the ground. ‘Maybe this is a mistake.’ Discord didn’t respond. She looked back up at his statue. “I guess I’m going to go convince Nightmare Moon to let me go visit my parents and check in with the Resistance. And then convince her to let me go home.”

‘Have fun with that.’ A moment later, ‘Good luck, I suppose. Not that you need luck. You know, if you wanted, you could play her like a fiddle. And she knows it.’

Twilight frowned as she thought about it. It was another case where he was probably right. “Goodbye, Discord.”

After a few steps, she's heard his voice saying, ‘Goodbye, Twilight. I look forward to your next visit.’

Twilight sighed as she made her way back out of the garden.

“Hey... Twilight?”

Twilight breathed in and looked over at Thorax. “Yes?”

“What did he mean by carry it? What are you going to carry?”

Twilight groaned and closed her eyes. “He was asking which one of us would, uh, carry a foal. If we had one.”

“Oh.” Thorax blinked. “Yes, I remember that now. Mares have to carry their young in their body for several months before passing them out.”

Twilight frowned. “Well... I wouldn’t put it that way, but yes.”

“You’re both mares though?” Thorax questioned.

“Er—” Twilight shifted her weight and tossed her head to the side. “—y-yes, we are.”

“Don’t you need a male for that?” he asked.

“Well, yes...” Twilight muttered.

“How does that work then since neither of you are male?”

Twilight sighed. “I... don’t know.”

They walked in silence for a few seconds. “Am I bothering you?” Thorax asked.

Twilight looked back at him with a weary smile. “Sort of. I um, would rather not talk about this.”

“Oh.” His wings jittered and he lowered his head a little. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Twilight comforted. “You didn’t know.”

He nodded weakly.

After a short while, they left the garden and Twilight stopped to look at the balcony. The tall, dark figure of Nightmare Moon stood on the balcony, head turned to look out across Equestria, at Ponyville and the Everfree Forest.

“All right.” Twilight nodded, then looked back at Thorax. “I’m, um, going to go talk to her. I might be a while, depending on how it goes. If she lets me, I’m going to visit my parents and the Resistance after we talk, so I probably won’t be back for a bit. You can stay in my tower until I’m back if you want.”

“Okay...” he murmured. “And good luck, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks.” She channeled her magic into her horn and teleported to the balcony, a step away from her mentor, facing her.

Despite Twilight’s expectations, Nightmare didn’t immediately greet her or turn to face her. Several seconds passed before the alicorn blinked and turned her head to face her. “I never told you, did I? I spoke with the mother of the Royal Guard I killed, in her nightmares.”

Nightmare turned her head back towards Ponyville, but her head lowered as her eyes fell on the stone, rather than the snow-covered plains. “Her husband has long since passed. Her son was all she had left.”

Guilt. Twilight heard it. She saw it. She watched Nightmare’s chest rise as her mentor breathed in. Watched Nightmare’s chest deflate as she exhaled. And watched Nightmare straighten her head and shake it vigorously. “Years ago I would not have cared. Years ago I would have given it no thought. As I did when I took his life.”

Nightmare turned her head to face her. “And now I regret it. I cannot change it. And she, as everypony else, will never forgive me or give me a chance as you have.”

“You sound like you want to change,” she murmured.

A twitch in her mentor’s ears, one she was familiar with. “I have changed,” Nightmare stated. “Hesitating as I do, regretting it as I do. That I...” her mentor tensed for the briefest of moments, then her mentor’s body slumped. She watched Nightmare shake her head. “That I have a crush on you. It is all evidence that I have changed.”

“Is that good or bad?”

Nightmare’s slit pupils jerked down. Jumped side to side. “I do not know.” Her mentor faced her. “I think it is both.”

She crossed the distance between them and hugged her friend. Set her head against Nightmare’s shoulder, wrapped her forelegs around her mentor’s neck.

After a moment of hesitation, Nightmare lifted her wing and draped it over her back, then set her cheek against her neck. “I forgot how much I hate other ponies’ nightmares.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Twilight offered.

Her mentor slumped. “I do not. They are not mine to speak of. It is... it is hard to...” Nightmare fell silent for a few seconds, then breathed in. “Luna faced so many nightmares that ponies dreamed up. ‘Twas her duty.” And then quieter, “One of them, at least.”

“Aren’t you used to them though?”

“I am, but that does not make it easier. I suspect, were I a year younger, I would not care as much as I now do. I do not wish nightmares on ponies, yet... in so many of them, I am their nightmare. Perhaps at one time, I wanted this, but... not now. They see me as nothing more than a monster, and that will never change. It is my fate and my destiny.”

Twilight frowned and pulled back from the hug, seemingly catching her mentor off-guard as the alicorn didn’t move her head any. “You don’t know that,” she softly retorted.

Nightmare turned away from her, folded her wing, and breathed in. “You did not come here to listen to the ramblings of an old fool.” Her friend looked at her again. “What do you require?”

For a long while, Twilight just stood there, watching her mentor. ‘Why do you always call yourself an old fool?’ she wanted to ask. ‘You’re not happy. You’re not happy with yourself. This isn’t what you want. You wanted to be loved and respected and instead, you’re only despised and feared.’ “I want to go visit my parents, and I’d like to check in with the resistance.”

Her mentor turned away, grimacing. “I see.”

“I know you want to protect me, but I’ll be fine. Nopony is going to try to hurt me,” Twilight said firmly.

Nightmare looked back at her. “And yet they tried to kill Cadance.”

One pony,” she stated. “One pony tried to kill Cadance. You already said he had a history.”

But Nightmare was not convinced. “And all it takes is one.”

“That’s why you’re training me, isn’t it? So I can defend myself? You said it before, you can’t always be there to protect me, no matter how much you want to.” Nightmare Moon’s jaw tightened. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

“You are my only friend,” Nightmare mumbled. “I would not trade you for Equestria.” A few seconds passed in silence that contrasted with the inner conflict visible on her mentor’s face. A conflict that was finally crippled with, “Very well. Stay safe...”

Twilight smiled reassuringly. “I will.”

Nightmare bowed her head. “When you return, perhaps it would be good for us to spar again. It would... be a welcome distraction, for me. And perhaps a chance for you to show off to the Guards and soldiers.”

Twilight forced herself to keep smiling. “Uh... sure, I guess.” Now what? “I... guess I’ll be back soon.”

“I hope so,” Nightmare said.

She lingered for a few seconds, then teleported.

The crack! of magic signaling Twilight’s return pierced the night, making equal parts dread and anticipation tug at her mind. Nightmare stood from her desk and walked into her bedchambers to find Twilight having just walked in from the balcony.

“I told you I wouldn’t be gone that long,” Twilight said cheerfully.

‘And you are unharmed?’ Nightmare decided against asking it; surely Twilight would have told her if she had been hurt or attacked. But it didn’t appease her fears; she studied Twilight closely, and only then was she assured that her friend was unharmed. She bowed her head and met Twilight’s gaze. “So you did...” she breathed out.

Twilight’s cheer ebbed as they stood there, culminating in her asking, “Are you okay?”

‘You know me too well.’ “I will be fine. I am...” she trailed off, catching her tongue between her teeth, then breathing in. “I will be fine,” she repeated. She saw Twilight started to open her mouth and preempted her, “You said we would spar, did you not?” she asked.

“Well, actually, you suggested that we spar,” Twilight pointed out.

Nightmare nodded. “You did agree to it, did you not?”

Twilight stood still for a moment, then breathed in and tossed her head left before tossing her head to the right. “Well yes,” the filly admitted begrudgingly. Twilight faced her again and once more met her gaze, and for it she felt intimidated, even with all of Twilight’s innocence, even knowing Twilight did not intend it. “But I thought you might like to hear what the resistance had to say first.”

Her lips pulled into a line. “Ah...” Nightmare tilted her head right and lowered her muzzle. “I suppose... I should be informed of this.” She licked her lips and forced herself to face Twilight again. “Very well.”

“The short version is they’re glad I’m alright, so we can rule out it as their doing. They also explicitly said they didn’t do this when I asked about it, though I guess just taking their word for it is uh... not really... wise.” Twilight’s brow folded down as she thought about it. Eventually, the filly shook it off. “They want me to talk to Cadance now. Oh, and they want me to try to get copies of books from the Archives since I’m in Canterlot for the time being.” Twilight hesitated. “Specifically, they want me to look for anything about... moving the sun and moon.”

Nightmare’s body straightened of its own accord. “I see. I... presume that you did not... tell them that...” she trailed off, once more catching her tongue between her teeth.

“I haven’t told anypony that we moved the moon together,” Twilight said softly.

Nightmare frowned. “I... expected you to tell Cadance or your friends. Or perhaps your family.”

Twilight’s brow arched up. “I thought about it but... yeah, uh, I don’t exactly want to go around bragging that we did that together. Even if it is just to my friends.”

“I see...” Nightmare muttered. “Perhaps... perhaps it is a good thing I have not told Cadance this, then. It is... not my secret to share.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said genuinely.

Nightmare bowed her head respectfully to her friend. “Of course.”

“Right, uh... so, yes. Since somepony tried to kill Cadance, they uh... Kind of want to try to figure out how to move the sun and moon. And get Cadance to learn how to, so that they can stage their revolution.”

Nightmare grimaced. “Do they have a plan for that yet?”

“Yes and no,” Twilight grumbled. “They’re trying to figure out some way to draw you out into the open where they expect you’d be vulnerable so that they can...”

Twilight looked at her chest, falling quiet.

I see...‘Unsurprising.’ “So they intend to kill me, then.”

Twilight squirmed and looked up into her eyes, though her friend’s head drifted to the left. “If they have to. They’re... pretty split on it. Some of them think it’s the only way, some of them don’t want to if there’s any chance that they don’t have to kill you.”

‘What?’ She frowned. “Why?”

“In their words, they don’t want to become the monster that they think you are.”

“I see,” Nightmare stated.

Twilight tossed her head to the right. “And they’re worried that they won’t be able to figure out how to move the sun and moon, or free Princess Celestia if you’re... gone.”

‘You do not want to think of my death, do you?’ Perhaps it was the same way she could not bear considering the same fate befalling Twilight. Her mouth felt dry, so she worked her tongue around until it wasn’t. “So they will take the path which is easiest then,” she surmised.

Twilight grimaced and nodded. “They don’t have a lot of uh... well, they don’t have a lot of strong unicorns, but they have a lot of smart unicorns. And they know that. So failing to find out how to move the sun and moon from the Archives, they’re planning to try to figure it out on their own, but most of their effort as of now is dedicated to trying to figure out how to... disable you. They’re... rather accurately assuming that you’re going to be hard to defeat in an outright battle.”

Assuredly,” Nightmare commented dryly. “Though I do wonder... they are trying to figure out how to control the sun and moon now, without Cadance’s help?”

“In case Cadance can’t help, or just so they can teach Cadance how to do it herself after you’re... out of the way.”

“I see,” she stated.

“The Archives don’t actually have anything on moving the sun and moon, do they?”

“To my knowledge, they do not,” she answered. “There may be information in the Forbidden Section, but I am unsure. I do know that there is a book on the subject matter in my old library, though I have since moved it for safekeeping.”

Twilight slowly frowned. “You... don’t sound worried about them trying?”

Nightmare shook her head, then walked over to Twilight. “I am not,” she said, extending her wing to trace her feathers over her friend’s back. She stood there for a moment, watching the way Twilight closed her eyes and welcomed her touch, then she walked on towards the balcony, tracing her feathers along the rest of Twilight’s back. “As you have said, they do not have strong unicorns.” She listened to the sound of Twilight’s hooves as the filly turned, then walked along after her.

“Taking control of the sun and moon is not an easy feat.” Nightmare paused in the doorway and turned her head back to face Twilight as she waited for her friend to come stand at her side. “As you felt.” Twilight smiled awkwardly. “And that was with my blessing and help.” She turned her head to look out at the night sky, then bowed her head. “Should they try, it would not be with my blessing, and I would be not let them move the sun or moon. They would not overpower me.”

Nightmare draped her wing over Twilight’s back, then walked out onto her balcony. “I likewise should not need to bring up the... more permanent side-effects it would have on them.”

Twilight breathed in quickly. “Okay, maybe this is a stupid question, but why aren’t you worried about that with me?”

Nightmare turned to face Twilight. “I would not let it,” she answered first, bowing her head again in promise. “You had my help. Your magic is strong enough; I can feel it. You have only done it once, rather than on a twice nightly basis as the unicorns of old had.”

She turned back to regard the night sky, though found it wanting for the clouds that obscured the stars and moon, darkening the world almost unnaturally. “If... I am being wholly honest with you, I believe you could raise the moon on your own, without my help. And without ill consequences.”

She dared to turn and look back at Twilight, she dared to take in the filly’s disbelief, her friend’s refusal to understand and believe what she said. And yet, that disbelief was twisted, battled against by knowing she would not lie to her. And in the end, Twilight’s head lowered and she shook her head. “I don’t... I don’t know why you think that.”

“Because it is true,” Nightmare answered.

Twilight lifted her head and stared at her. “Is that because of your training me?”

Nightmare opened her mouth, only to hesitate. “Not entirely. You have the innate talent. I... if I am being honest, I believe that had Celestia tutored you more thoroughly and pushed you harder, or had you continued studying under her, the same would come to pass in time. She... I suspect that she was not blind to your potential. You have surpassed Starswirl, and you are yet young.”

Twilight shook her head. “Starswirl moved the sun and moon with a bunch of unicorns. Not you. Uh, no offense.”

Nightmare nodded once.

“Also I distinctly remember you saying that Starswirl had actually beat you in sparring. And Princess Celestia at the same time. Multiple times.”

She nodded again. “I wholeheartedly believe that if you truly wanted to, you could win a sparring match with me. You simply... you do not wish to use your magic in that manner. You still hold yourself back.”

Twilight shook her head vigorously. “I... no. No, you... No. I can’t. You’re an alicorn. I’m not. If you’re actually right then you’re saying that me, a unicorn filly—”

“You are almost a mare,” Nightmare pointed out, though Twilight only huffed before continuing.

“—could somehow beat not only you, but also Princess Celestia, in a sparring match,” Twilight finished, frustration seeping into her words.

“I see... Yes, when you put it that way...” she trailed off. ‘Perhaps I overestimate you...’

You have to be wrong,” Twilight pleaded.

“It is... more complicated than how you say it,” Nightmare replied. “And... I suppose... perhaps it is worth considering that when Sister and I sparred with Starswirl, he was far more experienced than both of us combined; he was our mentor. We learned from him. And... with that in mind, I suppose it is... perhaps not right to compare you to him in such a way. You do not have the experience as my Sister and I do. Our roles are now... reversed, as it were. However, you do have the magic,” she explained. “If you applied it correctly. You are intelligent and capable.”

“Honestly I think I’m afraid to actually win a sparring match with you. If I do then, uh, you know, I would have won against the pony who... defeated and banished Princess Celestia.” Twilight shifted uncomfortably under her gaze before turning her head to the right. “It’s um, not... something I want to think about.”

“Defeating me once is not to say that you would defeat me every time,” Nightmare countered, “only that I slipped up and you capitalized on it, which I think would be a good thing.”

Still,” Twilight grumbled.

“Come now, Twilight. You should be proud of yourself! Consider thyself among the few who could best me and my sister in combat!” she retorted, her mouth lingering open as she pondered what else to say.

Twilight looked at her. “Yeah, but that means you could slip up fighting one of them, and I doubt they’d care as much about you as I do.”

Nightmare’s mouth closed. After a few seconds, she turned away from Twilight, then coaxed her out to the railing, where she sat down. She didn’t even need to coax her friend into sitting down at her side. She pulled Twilight close with her wing and brushed her feathers through Twilight’s coat before settling in place around her shoulder.

She longed for the sky to be clear, free from the oppressive clouds. But it wasn't to be tonight. Maybe it was more fitting that she spoke what she would, under such a clouded, starless sky.

“You are very special, Twilight. Remember that,” Nightmare demanded. “You are no ordinary unicorn, nor are you any ordinary foal.” She waited for hardly a moment, then turned and met Twilight’s gaze. “You. Are. Special. Do not forget that. You bear the Element of Magic—” she shook her head as she continued, “—you stopped Discord when I cannot.” She breathed in deep and pulled Twilight closer to her. “You should not be surprised to know that you could best me. Likewise, you know that you could defeat me in but a heartbeat if you wanted to and had the Elements of Harmony.”

Nightmare fell into silence, watching Twilight’s eyes drop to rest on her shoulder. “I don’t want that,” Twilight’s whisper came as the wind.

“But you know that you could,” Nightmare pressed, barely managing to get a nod from her student. “You do remember when I told you that I want you to be able to beat me, do you not?” Twilight weakly nodded again. “You will not beat me every time we spar. Most likely, you will never be able to routinely defeat me in sparring, at least... not for a very long time. Though perhaps you will grow to learn me well enough to win often. Regardless... should you defeat me, you will have proven yourself.”

But Twilight had already proven herself so much! What could she say, what would banish the quiet stillness that haunted the filly? What would cast aside her friend’s fear and anxiety? ‘Be open with her.’ Cadance, and her own mind. She breathed in deep, then calmly breathed out. “Perhaps... perhaps I have not shown this, or perhaps I have not made it clear enough, but I respect you a great deal.”

Twilight’s head just barely nudged to the left, and even with that, the filly kept her head low. But Twilight did look up at her. It was a small victory, but a victory worth counting.

“I may think you are naive, and we do not always see things the same way, but I respect you. I hope that you know that—” Twilight’s body perked up slightly, “—and if you do not, I hope you can forgive me for not making that clear.” Her friend’s ears drifted back. ‘I expect so much of you. I know your destiny. Perhaps I am rushing things?’ “Perhaps...” she turned away from Twilight and set her eyes on the courtyard. “Perhaps I have been unfair to you with my expectations,” she relented. “I... suppose I have not considered that Starswirl was far more experienced than you, and in truth, both Celestia and I were very...” she grimaced and lifted her head up to regard the stars, only to find the clouds in their places. “We were young when we sparred with Starswirl. We were not yet skilled duelists when we sparred with him. But where we were unskilled and young... perhaps even reckless... we could back it up with our magic. I suppose you cannot say the same. You do not yet have the magic of an alicorn, nor the experience of Starswirl.”

She turned to face Twilight, who she found staring at her. She pondered Twilight’s expression but couldn’t quite place it. And then, Twilight blinked and shook whatever was on her mind away. “Perhaps I have deceived myself, then,” she lamented. “I... suspect it would not be the first time. Forgive me for expecting too much from you?”

A few seconds passed before Twilight nodded and weakly half-smiled. “But you still think I could win,” her friend noted.

Nightmare bowed her head. “I do. You—” she turned her head to the left but kept her eyes locked on Twilight’s, “—are one of the most powerful, most skilled magic users that I have ever known.” The thought, ‘And I have done nothing but fail you,’ crashed through her mind, crippling her. Her wings sagged and she forced herself to hold in a sigh before shaking her head and facing her student again. “I... I am not the best teacher. I have never taken a student before. I... it shows.” Twilight frowned; she averted her gaze and looked out over the white-covered plains between Canterlot and Ponyville. “I have... repeatedly failed at being your teacher. And there are things that I cannot teach you, things that Cadance or perhaps Sister are better suited for teaching you. I have failed as your teacher.”

“No, you haven’t,” Twilight stated. Spurred on by the firmness in Twilight’s voice, she turned her head back to face Twilight and found the filly looking at her with a defiant determination and conviction. “No, you’re not perfect. No, you’re not the best teacher. But you haven’t failed as my teacher.”

Nightmare went to speak, only to realize what she had in mind to say: ‘Sister is better than me at teaching you.’ And the words died on her tongue. ‘Always better than me.’ Except in battle.

But what was that worth?

And for it, she felt lost.

“Maybe you’re not even a good teacher,” Twilight continued, “but you’re trying. You focus on teaching me things that Princess Celestia didn’t, or maybe wouldn’t.”

“I... do not know how to teach you otherwise,” she admitted.

“I know,” Twilight said softly. “I’m not a soldier though. Just... remember that.”

Nightmare bowed her head in acceptance, held her head low for a few seconds, then lifted her head back up. “I shall try. Though I desire you to reach your full potential. It is... one reason I push you as I do.”

“I can learn a lot on my own. It’s—” Twilight turned her head to the right and tilted away from her, “—probably the main way I learned under Princess Celestia if I’m being honest. But—” Twilight looked up at her again, “—it doesn’t give me the experience that sparring does. Even if sparring isn’t applicable to everything I learn, and want to learn.”

“I should... teach you more than spells for sparring, shouldn’t I? I have... neglected your other studies.” ‘Perhaps I have even held you back.’ She did her best to hide the discomfort the thought caused her; her friend didn’t notice.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “I’ve still studied other spells and theories.”

“But I have done little to... help you with that,” she mumbled.

“And that’s okay,” Twilight said reassuringly. “You still work with me, and you can still help me with that.”

“I suppose so.” ‘But I do not know where to begin...’ She breathed in deep and straightened her body. “Perhaps we should spar now before I decide against it.” She noticed Twilight frown, but her student said nothing. She stelled her resolve as best she could, then wrapped her magic around the both of them and teleported them to the castle’s training grounds. The crack of her magic and flash of light interrupted the current occupants, who lost focus and looked back at her.

Boldly displaying their lack of discipline.

Nightmare held in a snort of disgust, but couldn’t stop her lips from parting.

“Pay attention!” their Drill Master quickly yelled at them. A few of the recruits winced, but every one of them turned their heads back straight and stood rigidly once more.

Nightmare still shook her head before hastily surveying the grounds and finding an unoccupied arena and standing up to walk over to it. She put more effort into her steps than was necessary, held herself more rigidly than she normally would; it would not do to set a poor example for the recruits. Twilight, of course, did not follow her example.

She set about walking around a large section of the grounds and weaving her magic into the edge of the arena so that their spells would not cause unwanted collateral damage, if they missed or if they got heated. Finishing with her enchantments, she nodded at Twilight, then walked to stand opposite of her, and finally turned to face Twilight.

She surveyed the grounds briefly before levitating a spear out of a barrel and bringing it over to her side to examine it. A quick spell later determined that its enchantment was designed to prevent it from injuring another, so she rolled it over in the air and pointed it towards Twilight, who looked at her flatly.

“We have magic. We don’t exactly need to fight with...” her student’s brow scrunched up as she said, “weapons.”

“True,” Nightmare admitted, levitating the spear around so the tip pointed straight up. “Though it is still something that is good to know how to use. I suppose it is unlikely you will ever fight a griffin who has a sword, but... ah—” she smiled, “—you would not understand how amusing it was to steal their swords or watch unicorns steal their swords using magic. Were it so easy to steal all their weapons...” Rather unfortunately, it was rare for unicorns to be able to disarm Griffins in such a manner.

“Just saying, but uh, spears, swords, axes, whatever else there is—”

“Halberds and maces,” Nightmare offered.

“—aren’t exactly all that useful compared to magic,” Twilight finished.

“You are correct,” Nightmare agreed, bowing her head. “But they are still... efficient. You could more easily kill with a spear than, say, a gravity-reversing spell. As you are rather fond of.” Which, of course, she did not hold against Twilight.

Twilight arched her brow and rolled her head to the right. “Most ponies can’t even use weapons very effectively,” the filly grumbled before rolling her head back to look at her. “Since, you know, hooves aren’t that great for handling weapons. Especially compared to claws and magic.”

“You would perhaps be surprised how much damage an earth pony can do with a spear if they use it correctly,” Nightmare replied. “For example, consider that Applejack dented my chestplate, which I will point out I enchanted, with her bare hooves.”

“If an earth pony had a spear and was charging me, I would stun them before they got close,” Twilight stated flatly. “Or teleport to stay away from them.”

Nightmare tilted her head again. “And if you cannot?”

Twilight tossed her head to the side. “I’m just saying that magic is better suited for... this... than weapons.”

“Not everypony is a unicorn or an alicorn. Not everypony can use magic as we do, though I do agree with you. Of course, with the proper enchantments, armor can be quite... durable and make up for the lack of being able to attack at a distance. Of course, teleportation is also an exceptionally rare skill.”

Twilight was quiet for a few seconds, just watching her with a frown that she recognized as her student thinking. “Earth ponies probably aren’t going to be all that useful against changelings, you know. Changelings can fly and use magic. At the same time.”

“So they can,” Nightmare admitted. “But unicorns, pegasi, and batponies can deal with changelings. Establishing aerial supremacy and maintaining magical supremacy gives us an advantage over the changelings, hopefully forcing them to stay on the ground. And, of course, there are other threats to consider. Still, in Luna’s day, a mixed army, applied properly, was quite effective against the Griffins, though the pegasi tended to fare poorly against them in aerial combat, for... several reasons. Of course, ponies are... notably less effective against dragons.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably.

She levitated the spear back down and pointed it at Twilight again. “But enough of this. Whenever you are ready.”

“Not going to wear your armor?” Twilight asked.

“Indeed,” Nightmare answered.

Twilight breathed in and spread her hooves to brace herself. “So, don’t hold back, right?”

She nodded. “Of course. I would be disappointed if you held yourself back.”

Twilight frowned, then turned her head left and then right before settling back on her. “Fine.” The filly’s horn burst to life with magic that stood out in the dark night, almost mesmerizing her with its brilliant radiance. How she would love to weave her magic together with Twilight’s again! But she kept her focus and spread her hooves apart in preparation for the coming battle.

As she studied Twilight, so too did Twilight study her. Their gazes locked, but Twilight didn’t match her intent: her student didn’t have the same drive to win that she ought to. Was it not serious enough to push Twilight to her limits? Was Twilight truly unwilling to let loose on her for fear of hurting her?

Perhaps she didn’t have the same intent either; her goal was to teach, not to harm.

And yet Twilight still hesitated. Blinked and broke eye contact, gradually turning her head to the right to look at the same barrel that she had. And a moment later, another spear glowed as Twilight’s aura wrapped around it, then it flew to her student’s side with the tip pointed towards her, but angled towards her hooves. Not quite mirroring her

‘What are you planning?’

Twilight looked over the spear with a grimace, then turned her head back to meet her gaze once more. Crack! Teleportation. Right.

Nightmare swiveled, throwing her back to the left and sweeping her horn down. The tip of the spear shot towards her, accompanied by of one of Twilight’s spells. The spell missed. The spear missed. Nightmare tilted her spear back and thrust it to the side, deflecting Twilight’s spear even further, momentarily breaking Twilight’s focus. She followed up with her own spell.

Crack! Twilight teleported; her student’s spear clattered to the ground and Nightmare felt Twilight’s horn poke her left flank and felt her student’s magic making her body tingle. She winced and flared her wing, battering Twilight’s neck and head just enough to knock the unicorn’s horn away and make her stumble back.

Nightmare Threw herself left and passed through where Twilight had been, easily evading Twilight’s spell. She stumbled to a stop and aimed at Twilight only for her student to more swiftly cast, forcing her onto the defensive.

Each bolt crashed into her shield, doing little more than making the blue sphere enveloping her glow brighter as Twilight’s magic harmlessly washed over it.

Twilight stepped back and cast another spell. This time, the blinding flash of light made Nightmare grunt and turn away. Looking back after the light had faded, she saw a splinter in her shield. Twilight stared intently at that crack, lost in thought.

Before Twilight could capitalize, Nightmare reinforced her shield. The crack shrank to nothingness. Twilight blinked and took in a deep breath. Refusing to simply go easy on her student, Nightmare swiftly dropped her shield and teleported to Twilight’s right. Twilight just barely had time to look at Nightmare before the shaft of the spear struck her square on the back, sending Twilight to the ground with a wheeze.


Nightmare spun the spear around so the tip pointed at Twilight, then gradually turned her body perpendicular to Twilight. Stood and watched Twilight just lay on the ground. ‘Dammit, Twilight.’

“Get up.”

Twilight shot her a glare. “That hurt.”

And if this were an actual battle, I would have driven this spear through your heart by now!” A few seconds passed; Twilight still laid there, doing nothing more than breathing. “Your legs still work. Stand up.”

The filly finally sucked in a deep breath, then lifted her head from the stone. Tentatively, Twilight drew her hooves back to her body and pushed herself back up into a standing position, wincing and shifting her legs to work out the pain in her back.

Twilight didn’t turn to face her.

She gradually levitated the spear back and pointed it to the sky. “I do not want to hurt you, Twilight.” She waited a few seconds; Twilight still refused to look at her. She felt disappointed. “You know this. But if I must in order to motivate you, then I will.”

Twilight breathed in and held her breath for a few seconds before letting it out. “I’m not a soldier,” Twilight spoke softly.

And then Twilight blinked and turned to face her. Such an innocent expression! Not one befitting her student, not one befitting the bearer of Magic! Or perhaps it was, and perhaps she was wrong. Nightmare blinked and found her eyes jumping to the middle of Twilight’s side. Though the filly’s back was bare, she could picture what would come with time. “No... I suppose not...” she admitted.

She levitated their spears back and set them upright in the barrel.

But if Twilight was so vulnerable after being struck, if Twilight couldn’t pick herself off the ground, what did that mean if she were in an actual battle?

“But you still need to learn this.”

“I can defend myself,” Twilight said.

Nightmare met Twilight’s gaze, still found her friend’s expression wanting—or perhaps it was her who was wanting. Longing. For what?

‘I think you know me too well.’ “But you can do better than this,” Nightmare stated.

Twilight looked at her shoulder for a few seconds, then her head turned back.

“Be confident in yourself,” Nightmare comforted. “And if it still bothers you, do not be afraid to injure me.”

Twilight frowned and looked at her again. “I still don’t want to.”

Nightmare held back a sigh. “You are a good pony, Twilight. But do not be afraid of your magic. It is a part of who you are. Remember what your bother told you about shield spells.”

Twilight grimaced. “Be confident. Don’t let fear get the best of me...”

Nightmare nodded. “I will teach you as much as I can, Twilight. But you must be willing to put the effort into learning it.” Twilight’s head whipped around to face her; she tilted her head pointedly. “Yes, I know that you are, but your aversion to sparring makes it more difficult for you to overcome this challenge.”

“If I’m so much better than I used to be, why do we keep at this?”

Nightmare pursed her lips and looked off at the castle for a few seconds. ‘Perhaps... perhaps you can defend yourself well-enough.’ She looked back at Twilight. “I have a proposition for you, then: defeat me once and I will cut back on how much we spar in favor of... trying to teach you more spells. Prove to me that you can best me.”

Twilight finally turned to face her, raising an eyebrow. “But we’ll still be sparring.”

Nightmare nodded. “Yes, but I will... put forth effort into... I will teach you more spells, as I should be. Or... I will try to. You would benefit greatly from learning the multitude of spells I know. Invisibility and other illusions, enchanting... perhaps even dark magic. Anything you desire.”

Twilight frowned. “Dark magic? As in... forbidden magic?”

Nightmare squirmed and hesitantly nodded, feeling her heart thumping harder. “Yes... though... I would... much prefer not to...” ‘If I do not teach you dark magic, you will be ill-equipped to fight it.’ The thought made her cringe. She fluffed her wings and steeled herself, swallowing the knot in her throat. Perhaps it was unlikely it would ever be a problem, but it was risky not to teach her that. “I... suppose I shall teach you dark magic. That way, should you ever encounter it, you can remain safe. Though... I would ask that you never use dark magic, unless... I am present to make certain you are safe. It is... dangerous.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably and stared at her chest, her jaw tightened. “And you think I need to know it?”

“I... suppose I do,” she reluctantly answered. “Though I... admit I dread the prospect. I have seen unicorns lose themselves to it. I...” ‘Do not want to lose you to it.’

Nightmare hadn’t said it, yet Twilight still looked up into her eyes in such a way that made her immediately look away from her friend. Twilight knew her well enough. “Okay. Um. I don’t think I’d ever use dark magic. I guess I’m interested in learning about it though... but I don’t really want to use it. And, um, you do make a valid point about... if I ever had to deal with it—even if that seems unlikely.”

“Good,” was all Nightmare had to say on that. She managed to look back down at Twilight. “And I suppose I should teach you how to create pocket dimensions to store objects in. It is a complicated spell, but I am certain you can master it. As to what use you will put it to, I do not know but I am certain you can find one.”

Twilight smiled a mixture of a forced, sheepish smile. “So... all I have to do is, uh, beat you and you’ll... teach me anything I want to know? More than just sparring?”

Everything I know about magic,” Nightmare corrected. A few seconds passed in silence. She shifted her weight and looked over at the castle again. “Which... if I am being honest, I have... intended to for some time but... I suppose I have gotten caught up on sparring.”

Nightmare shook her head. “Perhaps I am being a fool as usual. I have decades to teach you...”

How long would it take to teach Twilight properly? How long would it take for Twilight to ascend? How long before Twilight was her equal? And how long before Twilight surpassed her?

And she could not help but feel mesmerized by the thought.

Twilight shook her head. “You’re not a fool.”

No matter what Twilight said, she still knew, ‘And yet I am.’ But she said nothing, rather, she breathed in before asking, “Since you seem to prefer battling in forests, shall I teleport us to one?”

“I would prefer that, yes,” Twilight said.

She pursed her lips. “May I ask why?”

“There aren’t as many ponies around.”

She shook her head. “You need not worry about us hurting them—”

“I um, just don’t like ponies watching me... do this. It makes me uncomfortable.”

‘You still shy away from attention.’ She frowned. “I see... very well.” ‘Perhaps it is not wholly a bad thing.’

Was it truly bad that Twilight shied away from attention? Was it a good thing? The filly, for all her raw potential, power, and status, was humble. Twilight did not flaunt any of that, no, she turned away from it. And for it, she found that she respected Twilight: rather than basking in her own vainglory as Sister had, Twilight was humble. A pony. Yet Twilight still needed confidence, still needed to be able to take charge when the situation demanded it. Perhaps Twilight could, yet she had done so little when Cadance was attacked.

She pushed it from her mind, saving it for another time, and wrapped her magic around the both of them to teleport them to a far-distant forest. In the wake of their teleport, she sent her magic out and gradually swept her head left and right. While there were predators in the forest, they were far off; they would be no bother to the two of them, and even if those wolves somehow overcame their fear of her, they would be but prey before her.

“Do let loose with your magic,” Nightmare said as she turned back to face Twilight. “Be confident. Be strong.” She hesitated at the next thought she had, and for that thought, she found herself anxious. A little tremble drifted through her wings, a little hiccup in her heartbeat as she met Twilight’s gaze, then pointedly bowed her head. “Make me proud to call you my student,” she challenged. ‘And eventually, my equal.’

Twilight locked eyes with her, and somehow, it seemed to resonate with Twilight as the seconds passed. Twilight breathed in and nodded firmly. It was her hope that her student would rise to her challenge, it was her hope that it would be enough for Twilight to push herself to do better. And though there was no fire of determination like she had seen in soldiers, there was something there in her student’s eyes. Not burning as bright, nor as fierce as a soldier’s determination, but it was still determination in Twilight’s own way. Neither a bitter scowl nor a pained grimace.

It reminded her of Luna, but not herself: there was no anger or resentment or thirst for vengeance in Twilight’s expression. It was a cool, calculated determination, born not from throwing around raw strength, but intellect.

And for it, she felt her heart beat faster. A proper challenge, it seemed. A proper challenge, she hoped.

Nightmare lifted her head, then turned her head back before pacing several steps away from Twilight. Once satisfied by how far apart they were, she met Twilight’s gaze again and bowed her head once more. “Whenever you are ready.” She lit her horn.

Twilight braced herself and lit her own horn. “If I win, the next time we spar, you’re going to hold back less, aren’t you?”

Nightmare tilted her head and gave Twilight a reprimanding look. “If that prevents you from putting forth your best effort I will be disappointed.”

Twilight muttered something, then breathed in deep and just as quickly exhaled. “All right. And just to be clear you still don’t want me to use fire or mind magic, right?”

Nightmare bowed her head once. “I would prefer you not.”

Twilight grimaced and nodded. A sharp crack! and flash announced her predictable teleport.

Nightmare dove away from where Twilight appeared, easily evading Twilight’s bolt of magic while also bringing her horn to bear. Rather than casting, she held the spell at the ready, knowing Twilight would teleport again.

And teleport Twilight did, behind Nightmare.

Nightmare looked back over her shoulder and kicked out with her right hind leg. Her hoof met Twilight’s chest dead center and Twilight wheezed as she stumbled back. Jumping around and dropping low, Nightmare cast.

Twilight winced and a shield snapped in place around her, taking Nightmare’s spell.

Nightmare lunged towards Twilight, only to find her hooves suddenly sinking into mud, stopping her lunge. Blinking in confusion, she glanced down to find the ground shimmering with magic—and a look back at Twilight revealed a small smirk. ‘Interesting.’ Breathing in deep—Twilight teleported to her side—she dispelled Twilight’s work and turned, only for Twilight’s magic to slam into her side.

Nightmare grunted and tried to catch herself, only to find the ground once more giving way beneath her hooves. Refusing to yield, she grabbed Twilight in her magic, catching the filly off-guard, and yanked her face-first towards the ground.

Twilight never landed, managing to teleport before she hit, but her momentum carrying. Nightmare heard Twilight grunt and then sputter as she instead hit solid ground.

Freeing herself with a quick teleport and then dispelling the mud once more, Nightmare licked her lips and watched Twilight scramble back to her hooves. “Certainly a new tactic from you,” Nightmare admitted with a nod.

Twilight forced a strained smile.

“I must admit, I did not expect—” Nightmare grunted as a tree limb slammed into her hooves, toppling her over. She tried to catch herself but landed hard on her wing. She clenched her eyes shut for a moment. ‘I see...’ Yes, perhaps that was stupid of her. ‘I should not go so easy.’ But she wanted Twilight to win.

Ignoring the ache in her wing and hooves, Nightmare launched herself back to her hooves and lunged horn first at Twilight, her speed catching the filly off-guard and making her jump back. Twilight cast a spell and Nightmare matched it, then lunged towards her again.

Twilight teleported; Nightmare grabbed the filly in her magic and threw her towards the nearest tree. Twilight teleported again and Nightmare grunted as Twilight’s weight slammed into her. Quickly looking at Twilight and catching herself, Nightmare threw Twilight away with a thrust of her wing.

Twilight grunted as she managed to land roughly on her hooves.

Nightmare intently turned herself to face Twilight.

Twilight tossed her head slightly, throwing her bangs off of her forehead, and then aimed her horn at Nightmare again.

Nightmare wasn’t sure what to expect this time. The ground started to give beneath her hooves; she quickly countered it before she could sink into it, only for gravity to reverse around her. She grunted as she went to counter the gravity spell, only to feel Twilight’s magic wrap around her hind hooves and tug them out from under her.

Twilight teleported to Nightmare’s side.

Sucking in a quick breath, Nightmare dropped to the ground and rolled onto her back before throwing Twilight back with her magic and jumping back to her hooves. Looking over her shoulder back at Twilight as she landed, she took a moment to consider her course of action, only for the crack! of Twilight teleporting in front of her to draw her attention.

Twilight lurched horn first at her; Nightmare flared her wings and jumped back. Twilight cast; Nightmare countered the spell and lurched at Twilight.

Twilight met her lunge in kind. Their horns crossed, putting them eye to eye with their noses touching. There was determination in Twilight’s eyes—for once, her student did not want to give up this fight.

And for a moment too long, they stood still.

Nightmare remembered fighting her Sister upon her birth, how they had locked horns as she now did with her student and friend. She remembered their mutual attempt to overpower each other, how they tried to force the other to back off, lest their magic grow out of control, and out of control it did grow, and for it, both of them suffered. She remembered the burning rage, the all-consuming drive to kill. She remembered the look in her sister’s eyes, one so different from Twilight’s. Fear? Surprise? Confusion? And yet like Twilight, some kind of determination.

And just as quickly as the memory came, it shattered with the sparking of Twilight’s horn against her own as their magic combined—both constructively and destructively, as it had so long ago. And for it, she felt a chill envelop her heart, a shiver gallop down her spine.

Did Twilight know what she was doing? Surely not!

As quickly as she could, she broke horn contact and threw herself back, yielding to Twilight a short-lived victory before the magic went critical with a resounding BOOM that threw them apart and blinded her. The air was torn from her lungs and her ears rang. A sharp impact as she landed and hit something. And as soon as the impact came, it was gone and she stared up at the white sky, her head pounding and her back burning.

And everything descended into silence, save for the soft, pained groan of her friend. ‘Twilight...’ She forced herself onto her side, then onto her back. Her legs trembled for a moment, but no longer. She blinked, fighting off how the explosion had stolen her night vision. Sent her magic out. Found Twilight, a solid ten meters away from her. Dashed out and leaned down close. “Twilight?

Her friend just groaned and blinked at length. “Note to self,” the filly grumbled before scowling, “never do that again.” Twilight gradually shifted, then sat upright. Aside from scratches on her face, singed hair, and a particularly nasty cut along her side, the filly looked fine. Shaken, but fine. Twilight breathed for a few seconds, then slowly shook her head and blinked once, then stood up before looking at her.

She stepped back, giving Twilight space.

“What happened?”

A question that Nightmare could not entirely answer. “We... seem to have attempted to overpower each other. The magical backlash...” she shifted her weight and gradually looked around at the trees. None of them were any worse for wear, unlike the castle when she and Sister had fought.

“You’re bleeding,” Twilight suddenly said.

She turned back to face Twilight, saw that the unicorn was looking at the left side of her head. Tentatively lifted a forehoof and felt around until it hurt and felt warm and wet. She looked over at her forehoof, then lit her horn for light. Blood caught her magic. ‘So you have drawn my blood.’

Not the first unicorn, not the last. Not the youngest, either.

“I-I didn’t mean to do that, I swear,” Twilight blabbered out.

Nightmare quickly looked at Twilight. “I am fine,” she stated. “It will heal. It is healing.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably and threw her head about. “I don’t... I didn’t—”

Do not apologize,” she chastised. Twilight cringed and ducked her head before gradually turning to look at her like a young foal who had been reprimanded by her parent. “Are you alright?”

“I’m-I’m fine,” Twilight answered. The filly blinked and her student’s eyes focused on her chest as her brow folded down. “I think.”

‘Good,’ came with relief.

“I... I still don’t...” Twilight trailed off and looked up at her. “What was that? You said magical backlash, but...”

“I... must admit I am not entirely sure. I... seem to have... been caught up in... memories. I... am sorry.”

Twilight frowned in that soft, forgiving manner, as like whenever Nightmare called herself a fool, that tore at her heart.

Nightmare tried to steel herself against that look, but the best she could do was turn to the right and survey the trees, hoping Twilight was innocent to just how much it affected her. “I... suppose we were both attempting to overpower each other—”

“Then why didn’t you win?”

‘Neither of us would want that,’ shot through her mind, bringing her muscles to tense. “It would not... end well.” And she left it at that, begrudging turning back to face her friend. “Come. Let us continue. The night is yet young, and I am still standing.”

Twilight’s frown turned much more prominent and far less fitting. More disapproving than forgiving. “I’m pretty sure we were both down.”

“And we are standing once again,” Nightmare countered with a nod. “It would be best not to repeat that... But I do not blame you.”

A few seconds passed before Twilight timidly nodded. “Um, okay...”

Nightmare breathed in and turned around, then paced back a good distance away from Twilight and turned back to face her again. ‘Perhaps you will win tonight...’ Her vision was still a bit too dark. Her head and back still hurt, but both were tolerable; she was used to being injured far worse.

She respectively bowed her head to Twilight, then readied her magic. Twilight’s magic likewise wrapped around her horn, but the filly didn’t have the same determination as earlier. “Do not hold back,” she emphasized with another bow of her head.

“Even though you’re hurt?” Twilight asked.

“Of course,” Nightmare dismissed. “Use it to your advantage. Make me proud to call you my student.”

Twilight breathed in and nodded, but there was still hesitation and uncertainty in Twilight’s eyes. “Okay.”

So Nightmare took the first move, aiming and charging, then casting.

Author's Note:


Chapter started. Wrote to 1,150 words.


I am not sold on what I have written so far. It’s spur of the moment, having Twilight talk with Discord... I need to consult my prereaders.

I have written a section with Twilight visiting her father. This section is pretty pointless. As such, I suspect I will be duplicating the chapter and pressing “backspace” to delete it, then skipping to other parts.

Yeah I’m gonna delete that tomorrow.

Wrote to 4,398.


Backspaced to 3,551.

I had big plans! And then my friend cripples me by ruining my mood with a couple of entirely unrelated comments.

Boy, this story can be summed up as, “I had this great idea, and had it all planned out. Then I started writing and wrote something else.” Instructions unclear, ended up with... I can’t think of a good joke.

Wrote to 5,719, stopping at 11:42 PM. Zzz.


Started writing sometime before 10:20.

Wrote to 6,331. Halfway pleased with it. Tired.


Disappointed. Several days ago, my friend pointed out, “Streetlights exist in MLP.” Wish I had remembered that when I started on this story >_>

My heart’s not in it right now. I feel like my heart hasn’t been in it for a while.



I took a break for a few days. Still not focused well.


Well I stopped writing earlier but I felt better (up until I saw the description of one featured fic that made me want to hit my head on my desk) so I thought I’d try to write again.

Ended up chatting with a friend instead. 7,385.


I’m yawning as I write this section of Author’s Notes, and work on the story.

Hmm. I am not satisfied with this sparring scene. So like, I had the idea in mind of them locking horns and magical backlash that Nightmare takes to protect Twilight, but... that in no way makes any logical sense because: 1, size difference, 2, neither of them have the personality for locking horns when sparring, 3, they both care too much about each other to risk magical backlash like that.

Also I’m certain my heart isn’t really in this. “Get on with it!” Yes yes shut up I was planning for romance to start immediately following this chapter but now I think I can have a small chapter between these two chapters. Just wanted for Twilight to finally down Nightmare Moon before it starts, so that they’re a bit more on equal footing.



My heart still isn’t in it.

I’m forcing myself to draft this at this point.



I’m not forcing myself to write this right now. But it’s 10:42 P.M. ...

10:57 P.M. 9,581. I’m mostly okay with what I wrote, aside from worrying that it’s incredibly out of place. >Suddenly you are filled with determination.


“So anyway I started writing.”

I have come to the conclusion, and I suspect I’ve said this in the Author’s notes here before, but I’m not going to check yet, that this chapter is all over the place and needs extreme edits/rewrites. But hey, at least I’m closer to finishing a draft of what not to do! I can always edit what I’ve written, or rewrite it. But I can’t edit a blank page!

Wrote a lot today. This pleases me. My heart was moreso in it, I think. Although the pacing is... probably weird.

Wrote to 16,526.


This isn’t a draft of a chapter. Not at this point. No. This? This is freewriting.

Wrote to 19,948. I’m going to finish drafting this chapter tomorrow! ...unless I don’t.

P.S.: I will be nuking these Author’s notes, if that wasn’t obvious to my prereader(s).


Boom, freewriting finished.



Finished rereading this chapter for review so that I can work on drafting once again.

It’s not actually as bad as I thought it was when drafting it. I don’t know what this means. It still needs edits, touched up, and some rewrites, but it’s actually mostly passable.

Now I just need to reread like 3 chapters and then I can draft and then I can get to the proof that the following chapter’s title is entirely accurate.


Duplicated chapter to begin edits/rewrites, etc.

After reviewing the Author’s Notes, I’ve decided I will not delete them. My usual stance on it tends to be “redact certain information or comments, when applicable.” Leaves a better record like that, I suppose.


Okay, time to delete like half of it to get better performance... Another two-part chapter, you say? Why yes. This means I can extend the publishing period, which gives me more time do work on finishing the story and editing chapters and so on.

I need to rewrite the entire sparring scene. I don’t look forward to that. Oh well. Procrastination, I choose you!

11,986. 10,283.


Tentatively think I’m finished with this redraft attempt, for the time being, until I get feedback. I don’t really know how best to handle the author’s notes given that I’m splitting this chapter in half. I suppose I’ll leave it as-is, meaning these notes will partially apply to Part 2.



Work at better transition.



Rewrote the opening.



Touched up some mistakes.



Editing pass to find typos, etc.


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