• Published 17th Nov 2018
  • 14,510 Views, 754 Comments

The Night's Stars - SC_Orion

Upon her return from her one thousand year banishment, Nightmare Moon discovers Celestia's student and her potential.

  • ...

Disorder Part 3

Twilight's attention snapped to the distant rumble of ponies screaming and shouting before the double image faded. Fortunately, there was some distance between them and the crowd. It gave them time to prepare, though she wasn't sure she would have enough time to brace herself. When the double image faded, she swept her gaze around the pavement. Something had happened, but it had since passed, leaving behind debris strewn across the pavement. Looking back at Nightmare, her teacher held herself with regality as she slowly turned her head left and right, trying to decide on the best course of action while maintaining an appearance of control.

"Cadance is making more progress than us," Nightmare commented. With a glance aside at Twilight, she added, "The ponies seem to respect her," and both of them knew 'love her' went unsaid. Twilight gave a brief nod, then Nightmare looked ahead and inhaled. "Follow. Stay close. I do not want you to be injured." And with that, Nightmare strode forward once more, walking at a quick, intent stride. Just like before, it was a stride that said, 'Stay out of my way! I am in control.'

Never once did her teacher stumble as she strode forward. Nightmare neither looked down nor even glanced to check for debris, yet her hooves avoided the debris so skillfully that she felt certain Nightmare Moon was somehow staring at the pavement and memorizing the locations of the even the slightest cracks.

As Nightmare continued forward, she trotted alongside her teacher. She didn't have to gallop this time; Nightmare had slowed just enough that she could keep up with a brisk trot. She stayed close to her teacher's side and kept her head turned to the right, facing away from Nightmare, sweeping her eyes left and right so that nothing would jump them. Nightmare guarded her left side, but her right side was exposed.

Every so often as she searched, she glanced down at the pavement to make sure she wouldn't stumble on the various debris that scraped at her hooves. When she stumbled, she felt the faintest sense that Nightmare glanced at her: not the glance of predator pouncing because of her prey moving, but out of concern to make certain she was unharmed.

Twilight stayed alert but never saw any threats on her right. There were no ponies lurking in the shadows of alleyways, waiting to strike out at her or her teacher, nor any monsters waiting to jump out at them. There were no ponies there to cause trouble, but that was because they had already moved on. The buildings were shorter than the ones deeper inside the city, leaving her to believe they were near the edge. More importantly, she found her ears folding back from seeing the shattered windows and shards of glass strewn across the street. Shops and homes alike had their windows broken in and out, and the various goods that the shops had for sale were tossed out onto the street like garbage. Perhaps the shops had even been looted entirely, leaving nothing but an empty husk of their former glory.

And Twilight stared on, taking in the disaster and feeling disbelief. She couldn't have been seeing this! Her eyes had to have been lying to her! This was Equestria, the home of ponykind! Ponies were friendly, ponies were peace-loving! Ponies weren't supposed to act this way! Before the Summer Sun Celebration, she couldn't have pictured what now plagued her eyes. Princess Celestia wouldn't have let it happen. Ponies wouldn't have been driven to such actions by fear. They would have been confident and felt secure.

Now they didn't feel that confidence. Now they didn't feel that security.

Twilight knew how they felt all too well. She still wanted to scream, 'Why!? Why are ponies doing this?' Yet as much as she wanted to reject it, to pass it off as her eyes betraying her, she knew better. She couldn't refute what she saw, and so she was silent. It had happened. It was happening. It would continue to happen.

It felt like Equestria, her home, was falling apart under Nightmare Moon's rule. But then, it had, hadn't it? 'Princess Celestia is gone... she'll never be back,' whispered in her mind. Maybe Princess Celestia would see Equestria fall apart from the moon. Maybe she would have to see her own home fall apart under her teacher's rule. It certainly felt like that was what was happening. Her eyes dropped to the pavement and she swallowed.

Maybe the unrest was isolated, maybe it wouldn't spread to the point where every city was dealing with problems as widespread as this, but Equestria had already fallen apart. Ponies were terrified of their Queen. Ponies were terrified of that eternal night their Queen had brought. Ponies were terrified to go outside. Ponies were terrified to do even the most basic tasks now that it was always nighttime.

Ponyville was that way. She barely comprehended the difference because of how little she knew of Ponyville before Nightmare Moon's return, but she knew it was different. She felt it. When she was outside, there were barely any other ponies out and about. Her five friends also related the same to her: ponies avoided going outside as much as they could, out of fear. Maybe they were justified because monsters could attack, yet it was so irrational. But at the same time, she felt that same irrational fear everypony did.

She didn't know if Rarity would be able to stay in business: ponies weren't willing to buy dresses like they were before. Applejack was mostly okay, aside from it being more dangerous for her to do her job and it being more difficult because she was afraid something would happen to Applebloom if the filly helped with the orchard. Fluttershy lived near the Everfree forest, and although the timid pegasus was terrified of it all, she was doing okay. Fluttershy had her animal friends to keep her company and protect her. Maybe monsters wouldn't even bother Fluttershy, because she had a way with animals. Pinkie Pie was in a state not all that different from Rarity, although ponies still liked the sugary treats Sugarcube Corner sold. Even with the fear unfolding all over Equestria, Pinkie still somehow managed to cheer up everypony that visited.

And then there was Rainbow Dash. Working on weather in the dark was dangerous, which was why most storms occurred during the day. The pegasus said that the weather wasn't cooperating with them as well given the lack of sunlight and that everypony was scarred to the point that they made 'rookie' mistakes. Rainbow hadn't gone into great detail but did say that the problems shouldn't effect Ponyville too badly, although she wasn't sure how things were in Cloudsdale. However, knowing what she did, problems in Cloudsdale would inevitably affect all of Equestria.

Princess Celestia would have fixed it all in a heartbeat, but she couldn't. Not while she was imprisoned.

Knowing that Princess Celestia was gone and wouldn't return didn't hurt like normal. Princess Celestia wouldn't be back; she would never see her mentor again, but she couldn't let it weigh her down now. Now, she had to remain focused and alert. Nightmare Moon was counting on it. 'If I lose focus and make a mistake, I could get hurt.'

The screams of ponies rioting gradually grew louder. The scent of smoke still choked the streets, even with no pillars of flame stabbing the sky. She swiveled her ears around, listening to the yells and cries of ponies shouting into the night. She couldn't make out any individual words, but she didn't need to. In those screams and cries, she heard their fear, and that was enough to tell her just how bad things were. She couldn't tell how large the crowd was, but she didn't need to know. It was a given that the crowd would outnumber whatever Royal Guards and police were.

And either because of that or some other reason, she found her hooves slowing down. Her trot turned into a shuffle, and her hooves scraped against the pavement. Debris cut against her hoof as she hesitated to keep going. Her teacher strode on past her just long enough to be a few steps ahead, then Nightmare slowed to a crawl. She felt Nightmare's gaze slither over her, and in turn, looked up at her teacher.

"Is something wrong?" her teacher asked, coming to a stop.

Twilight looked away from her teacher and thought about how to answer it. Everything felt wrong, but she couldn't say that. She couldn't admit it, even if Nightmare was smart enough to piece it together, then take it as, 'You find me at fault for all of this.' She managed to shuffle along until she was at Nightmare's side, then her hooves refused to carry her any further ahead. "Ponies acting like this," she quietly answered, then turned to face her teacher.

And Nightmare Moon slowly nodded her head. "I will not lie to you, Twilight Sparkle," her teacher stated emphatically. "I have seen far worse than this." Nightmare turned away from her, then turned her head left and right, taking in the pointless destruction inflicted by the mobs before turning back to face her. "This? It is tame compared to what I have seen, but I do not like it either. I have seen what ponies are capable of, and I am thankful this is no worse than what it is."

Twilight felt her ears fold back against her mane. She looked down at the pavement and slowly nodded.

"This is hard on you," her teacher said. It was a statement of fact.

Twilight nodded again.

"Sister sheltered you, did she not?" Nightmare inquired.

Twilight didn't want to agree, but to shake her head or say no was a lie, and both of them knew that. She held her head a little lower.

She heard Nightmare turn to face her, then reluctantly looked up at her teacher without lifting her head back up. Nightmare studied her. "I will not coddle you and lie to you about this like my sister has," was stated. Then Nightmare hesitated. Her teacher's mouth parted, drifting open, but Nightmare was reluctant to add more. Finally, Nightmare overcame that hesitation and added, "But I will not force you into positions that you are not ready for. I do not wish for you to be harmed."

Twilight dropped her gaze down onto that cyan chestplate Nightmare always wore. She nodded without thinking about it.

"Sister left you unprepared for the realities of the world," Nightmare continued, then she could feel her teacher's agitation as she said, "and I do not like this."

When Nightmare went silent, something inside her told her that there was more that her teacher could say. Whatever part of her it was, it told her that something went unsaid. And what went unsaid was important, but she could only guess at what she knew went unspoken. Reluctantly, she lifted her gaze up once again and met her teacher's eyes. Neither malice nor ill intent. Nothing that spoke of wanting to harm or betray her. Nightmare Moon didn't lie to her. Her teacher just didn't tell her everything. Or maybe Nightmare Moon was lying to her, and she couldn't tell.

Which meant that she had to trust Nightmare Moon. She had to trust that Nightmare Moon was telling her the truth. She had to trust that Nightmare Moon would uphold her promises. She looked back down at that cyan chestplate.

She took a deep breath. 'Okay... can I trust you?' she wondered. 'I don't really have a choice...' muttered back, making her grimace.

Nightmare had asked for her trust.

A part of her asked, 'What's the point of this anyway? I don't have a choice.' Another part mused over knowing, 'Princess Celestia lied to me. I know she lied to me. Maybe it was to keep me safe, but she lied! I don't know if Nightmare Moon lied to me about anything.'

Her true mentor had lied to her, and yet she felt like Nightmare Moon was being honest with her. Maybe Nightmare wouldn't tell her everything, but Nightmare wouldn't lie to her.

She felt a familiar, deep-seated unease in her core.

Nightmare was waiting on her. Her gaze jumped back up meet her teacher's gaze. Nightmare stood there before her, willing to wait on her. Nightmare Moon wasn't agitated, wasn't pacing back and forth, wasn't fretting over the unrest that grew while they delayed. Instead, her teacher stood there, risking more damage to Manehattan, while Twilight wrestled with her conflicting thoughts.

Twilight felt her grimace grow more pronounced on her lips. She slid her tongue over her dry lips and recoiled as she tasted smoke. "W-we should... go," she offered.

Nightmare gave a hesitant nod and turned away from her, though her head still faced Twilight. Twilight felt like Nightmare had something to say, she felt like Nightmare was wrestling with whether to say something or not. And feeling that left her even more unsure. Surely, her teacher, Nightmare Moon, the Queen, was more decisive than that!

Nightmare's head turned away from her, then she saw her teacher's right wing stretch out. With the gentlest touch, she felt her teacher's feather brush along her back. It felt like, instead of saying it aloud, her teacher used that stroke to say, 'Try to relax. Do not worry so much. I will not abandon you.' It was meant for her alone.

Twilight sucked her lip in between her teeth, then gently pinned her lip in place with her teeth. She rolled her head to the right and looked down at the street. Her gaze was drawn to the debris: broken bricks, bits of wood, and shards of glass. Nightmare's feather brushed below her ribcage, almost tickling her, then lifted away before reaching her flank. But even with that silken feather gone, she still felt the lingering pleasure on her side. She felt the full length of that trail as if Nightmare's feather was still there, stroking along her side. She let go of her lip, then glanced aside at her teacher.

"Let us proceed," Nightmare said.

Twilight nodded, and her teacher turned away from her and then walked on ahead. Her teacher's pace was even slower than before. Not quite as intent; almost casual and relaxed, yet still conveying authority and control. She walked alongside her teacher, not needing to gallop or trot to match the alicorn's pace.

The shouting and yelling grew in volume until they reached another intersection. Whether it was Nightmare's plan or not, like before, the crowd was on their right and a line of Royal Guards separated them and the crowd.

The building immediately to the right of the crowd was burning. She could hear the ripples of the flames licking the walls, she could see the menacing glow that flickered into the night. She saw the smoke starting to rise as the fire continued to spread. The building wasn't consumed yet, but the first floor was mostly engulfed.

And Twilight felt a pang of guilt. Her lips tugged back. If they had been quicker, if she hadn't delayed, then maybe the fire never would have started. Maybe the fire had burned longer than she delayed, but there was a chance the Royal Guards could have done more if they had scattered the crowd. She stood still as she stared at the flames. 'Is that a store, or somepony's home?' she wondered.

Nightmare's black coat shot past her gaze, blocking the fire from view. Twilight blinked and saw Nightmare charging towards the line of Royal Guards and the crowd.

She couldn't see much of the crowd for the guards like before, but it wasn't as thick. Once again, she watched Nightmare jump over the line of Royal Guards and land on the other side. The crowd's reaction wasn't quite the same as the first's. Perhaps it was because the crowd was thinner, but the hysteria wasn't the same.

She turned to the right, then glanced over what she could see. A part of her told her, 'This is a bad idea,' but Nightmare Moon had not told her to stay put this time. She carefully walked closer, approaching the back of the line of the Royal Guards.

Nightmare silently swept her gaze over the crowd. That much she could see, but the Royal Guards still blocked her view. Between the gaps, she could see most of the crowd nervously disperse without a word being said. The line of Royal Guard broke once the crowd mostly dissolved. Unicorns rushed towards the burning building, only keeping enough distance to stay out of danger, and the earth ponies did their best to help her the rest of the crowd away.

A few of the earth ponies had started to approach her, then backed off. She hadn't paid any attention to them, but she suspected that they recognized her.

The screams had gone silent, but now there was the dissociated murmur of Royal Guards coordinating over the sound of the crackling fire. Nightmare glanced back at her, then turned around and walked towards her.

"We should continue-" was all her teacher got out before somepony scream. A loud scream that shook Twilight to her core, sending a wave of panic through her core.

It was a mare's scream. High pitched, desperate. A frantic wail. Nightmare's head whipped around, and likewise, she looked at the source.

"Please!" the mare scream. The glow of the fire reflected in we trails descending from her eyes. She was a unicorn, and she struggled against two earth pony Royal Guards. She wasn't making headway at resisting them, but they were struggling to keep her controlled. Their hooves stumbled back and forth as the mare fought back. "Please I-I have to-!"

She could barely hear one of the earth ponies say, "Ma'am, you need to-" before being cut off by another scream.

"M-my daughter's i-in there!" the mare wailed.

And Twilight felt a wave of ice cascade over her body. Her heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, just a moment, she could convince herself that she hadn't heard it. For just a moment, she could convince herself that she had imagined it. The moment passed, and it repeated in her mind. She felt frigid.

"Please!" the mare screamed. And it clicked, it wasn't just some frantic pony acting out of some irrational fear of the eternal night or Nightmare Moon. No, it was a much, much worse fear. A much more rational fear: that of a mother fearing for the life of her foal.

She tried to listen, but she heard nothing else. No sounds of life from inside the fire, no cries of pain, no screams of fear besides those of the mother. The very edges of her vision blurred, and the edges of her eyes felt hot, so, so hot in comparison to the gripping ice consuming the rest of her body.

Her legs and hooves trembled. Surely, surely, she was just imagining this? Surely, surely this was just a nightmare? But no, no matter how hard she tried to convince herself, she knew that it was happening. No matter how many times her mind declared, 'No!' it was still happening. The mother continued to struggle against the two earth ponies so, so desperately. Wailing, sobbing, whimpering, and screaming. If they hadn't stopped her, she knew the mare would have just rushed into those flames.

She couldn't speak and she couldn't move. She stood there watching and felt like everything was crumbling around her. There wasn't anything she could do. The Royal Guards, maybe they could do something, but it felt like a lost cause. They didn't have any pegasi with them to manage the fire. There wasn't much the unicorns could do.

And that was assuming the foal was still alive.

Her eyes flicked to the crowd that had gathered around. She searched the crowd, but nopony did anything to intervene. All they did was watch from a distance, curious and mortified, about what was happening. Nopony acted. Perhaps the pony who started the fire was in the crowd and had left. Maybe whoever had started it was still there, watching the scene unfold.

Doing nothing to help, like everypony else. Leaving a foal to die.

"Please!" screamed again.

Without thinking or realizing it, her gaze fell on Nightmare's chestplate. She knew that Nightmare Moon was the only pony who could do anything. She knew Nightmare could just teleport into that burning building, find the foal, and then come back out. She knew that Nightmare probably could have found the foal and teleported her out without even going inside. Nightmare could have just extinguished that fire with her magic. There were so many options available that her teacher could have acted on to intervene. It would have been so easy for Nightmare Moon to save that filly's life.

But she knew it wouldn't happen. It was soul-crushing to know that. It wasn't in Nightmare Moon's best interest. What was the life of one filly when all of Manehattan was in such a state? It would only have taken seconds, but those were seconds that worse things could have happened. She knew Nightmare wouldn't act. She knew that filly, if she wasn't already, would die.

And there wasn't a single thing she could do about it. Only Nightmare Moon could intervene now. Not even Princess Celestia could make this alright. She looked up at her teacher, met her gaze. She wanted to plead and beg for Nightmare to intervene, to do something, anythign, to save that filly's life! But she had no words. Her voice betrayed her. She couldn't speak. Her mouth wouldn't open, her throat was clamped shut. She was utterly powerless. And the world blurred and shattered around the edges of her vision, and all she could see that was clear was Nightmare Moon's expression, and it didn't register.

And then even that was gone; Nightmare Moon turned around, as if slapping her in the face to say, 'I will not intervene.'

Twilight stared into the sky for a moment, then her eyes leveled with the street. Then she closed her eyes and felt tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Remain here," Nightmare growled.

She barely managed to open her eyes. Everything was blurred and distorted by her tears, but she could still see Nightmare's dark coat blotting out the flames. She could still hear the rushed, intent click of Nightmare's boots hitting the pavement.

And she felt something deep inside her chest. Hope. And it made her legs tremble more and more. She couldn't stop it, she couldn't slow it. She shook as if an earthquake was battering the city. She shook as if she would collapse if even the slightest breeze blew past her. 'Maybe,' she hoped, 'Nightmare Moon will save her.'

She saw the glow of Nightmare's horn, then the door to the building exploded inward in a spray of fiery splinters. The flames gushed higher and hotter. Her teacher disappeared inside behind the wall of flames. Her heart surged up into her throat, her trembling stopped. She was frozen in place.

Her mind raced. 'Why is she going in there!? Why is she walking in there!? Why isn't she teleporting inside!? Why isn't she teleporting back outside!? Why didn't she just teleport the foal out!? Why if she doing this!?' screamed in her mind again and again. She couldn't comprehend it, she couldn't wrap her mind around it.

It made no sense. It wasn't in Nightmare Moon's best interest. Even if in the slightest moment it was in her best interest to save that foal, why didn't her teacher just teleport inside or teleport the foal out!? It would have been easier! It would have been quicker! It was safer!

And then there was another fear, the fear that she wouldn't see Nightmare Moon again. Maybe Cadance would be able to protect her. She still wouldn't see Princess Celestia again. Equestria would turn on her.

There was a flash of blue light and a crack of the air from the teleportation spell. Her head whipped to the right, and standing just a step away from the mother, Nightmare Moon stood, holding a filly in her magic. The filly's coat, mane, and tail were all singed, and soot dirtied her fur. She felt hope, then she felt her hope die. The filly wasn't moving. But the mother bolted, overpowering the earth ponies and grabbing her filly.

The filly moved, then she saw the filly crack open her eyes before clinging to her mother's chest. The mother sat down on her haunches and hugged her foal so close, so tight, that she felt certain they would never part.

Then the mother looked up at Nightmare Moon. She couldn't hear it, but she could tell what was said: "Thank you."

Nightmare Moon gave a quick incline of her head, then turned and strode back to her. The two Royal Guards stepped back over to the mother, though just stood there.

She stared at them, then at Nightmare Moon. She could see the crowd staring at Nightmare Moon, too. Without saying anything, Nightmare walked past her. She turned her head to keep staring at her teacher. Her fur wasn't singed in the slightest, and it was like the fire hadn't touched her.

"Come," her teacher called.

And she moved without processing it, and she walked around to Nightmare's right side, still staring at her. "Why?" she voiced without comprehending it. Nightmare stopped and turned her head to look at her. "You didn't have to do that, you didn't gain anything from that. Why?"

Nightmare almost looked at her like that question had been a kick. "Surely you do not think," came her teacher's disbelieving voice, "that I would have left a foal to burn alive?"

And she couldn't miss that one quality in her teacher's voice that was so pronounced, it was a quality that spoke of having seen that happen before. A quality of horror at something so innately wrong and twisted, that to not act would have been even worse.

Nightmare Moon's voice was haunted.

Then Nightmare turned to face her, and her expression hardened. Her teacher looked at her with an intense gaze that she hadn't seen directed at her for such a long time now. And her teacher said in a quiet, firm voice, "I want you to promise me, Twilight Sparkle. Unless you are in a situation where there is no other choice, and I mean absolutely no choice," there was a pause and she was certain Nightmare Moon swallowed, "I want you to promise me that you will never, unless there is no alternative to save your life, use fire as a weapon to kill."

She nodded before she could process that she was nodding. And when she realized she was nodding, she also realized what she was agreeing to. Maybe the full implications didn't hit her, but she thought she realized why Nightmare asked that of her. And she could agree, whole-heartedly, with no hesitation. It would have been crossing a line. A line that, judging by how intently that demand had been spoken, her teacher had seen crossedbefore.

And at her nodding, Nightmare visibly relaxed. She could see the wave of calm and comfort wash over her teacher's features, and the intense, burning ferocity that demanded agreement to that promise was forgotten.

She stopped nodding. "You didn't gain anything from that," she whispered.

And like that, Nightmare's intellect returned to the forefront of her expression. "To leave her to die would have been the work of a monster, Twilight Sparkle," her teacher chastized. "I am not a monster."

Her gaze dropped down onto her teacher's chestplate and she nodded.

"And you are incorrect," Nightmare stated factually. Her gaze jumped back up to meet her teacher's eyes. "I did gain from doing that. Ponies saw me save the life of that filly, they saw me go into a fire to save her. They will know that I have done that, and word will spread."

There was a moment where nothing was said, and she knew what would be said next. Finally, it was said, "It is in my best interest."

"Why did you walk in there!? You could have teleported in or-or teleported her out!" she shot back.

Nightmare raised an eyebrow, and she thought she saw a smirk that told of amusement. "Surely you do not think a fire would best me, do you, Twilight Sparkle? Do not be so naive. I could have teleported in there, or just teleported her out, but what I did had far more impact. A fire such as that was no match for me. To walk in and retrieve her, the benefits are immense. Ponies saw that. Ponies saw that I walked in where nopony else would to save the life of a filly."

But then Nightmare turned away from her as disappointment and anger crossed her expression. Bitterly, Nightmare growled, "And it won't matter to any of them..." Nightmare shook her head and let out a growled exhale, then turned back to face her.

"Their house..." she mumbled as her gaze fell back onto that cyan chestplate.

A pause, then Nightmare said, "I will see to it that they have somewhere to stay. And I will ensure that they will be repaid for damages."

Nightmare moved and walked off somewhere behind her. Twilight didn't bother turning back to look. Without looking, she could guess that her teacher was either talking to the mare of the Royal Guards, perhaps both. She didn't bother listening either.

She felt tired.

She heard the sound of Nightmare walking back to her, then she felt Nightmare's feather touch her back, at the start of her backbone. She closed her eyes and smiled, listening and shivering as Nightmare walked forward alongside her, brushing that wonderful, silky feather along the length of her back, up to her neck.

"I do not wish to delay longer, and given what has transpired here, I am not inclined to waste time," Nightmare said quickly. She opened her eyes and nodded in agreement. "We will do what we can, although from what I can tell, Cadance is far more effectively dealing with the unrest than us; she has had ponies go out and find other mobs and, whether it has worked or not I do not know, but they are supposed to calm them down and tell them that she is here."

"That... sounds like something Cadance would do..." Twilight quietly agreed.

There was the slightest pause, then Nightmare added, "We will do what we can and then return to Canterlot."

Twilight nodded even more slowly than before.

The sharp crack of the air as Nightmare's teleportation spell finished barely registered. The double image was disorienting, and for a moment, she was afraid she was going to fall down on the floor. Her legs wobbled and she stumbled forward, though caught herself.

Her hooves and legs ached. She was neither an active nor fit pony. No, she didn't normally exercise anywhere near as much as the trouble in Manehattan had forced her too. Sure, she was a pony, and ponies naturally had decent endurance compared to a lot of other species, but when somepony was used to studying and reading books all the time? Not so much.

She suppressed a groan. She suppressed the urge to yawn. What little jolt of energy Nightmare's teleport had given her wore off nearly immediately. She was ready to find the nearest bed, provided it wasn't Nightmare Moon's bed, and pass out on it.

Assuming her aching legs would carry her there and then stop aching once she laid down so she could sleep. Alternatively, the floor would suffice.

She was exhausted. Not just physically, either. The hours had piled up, the chaos had taken its toll on her mind. The crowds and their frantic insanity ground down her defenses. There really was only so much she could take before nearly shutting down, and she was so close to being at that point. So close to just stopping. She wanted to curl up and cry. She wanted to scream in exasperation. She wanted to lay down in her bed and stare at the ceiling, trying to pretend half of it hadn't happened.

But it was over, or at least things in Manehattan had calmed down enough that they could leave. It hadn't been easy. It had taken hours. She couldn't even remember how many crowds they, mostly her teacher, had faced down and managed to disperse. And yet, Cadance had done so much more for Manehattan than they had. Cadance managed to talk ponies down and calm them down so much quicker than Nightmare Moon could. Cadance was able to reassure them, and the Royal Guards were able to tell ponies that Cadance was there, and that helped.

The night had still dragged on. But of course, that was also part of why things had calmed down. In a way, it surprised her. When the moon started to disappear, the crowds became more panicked, yet at the same time, they started to disperse so much quicker because of the fear that the unnatural darkness brought.

That darkness hid the columns of smoke, it only made their sources all the more visible. Infernos had raged across Manehattan. Seeing that from above while riding on Nightmare's back again had left her haunted. Haunted right up until she felt a numb exhaustion seal off those emotions. And then she didn't care anymore.

Thinking back on everything only brought back more exhaustion. She felt numb and tired. But when the thought came back to her mind of that mother, of how that filly could have died, she felt a renewed waved of energy pulse through her body, brought on by a cold sensation of dread and anxiety buried inside her.

It was enough to push her limit back a little further.

She inhaled. They weren't in Manehattan, but that stench of thick, heavy smoke still hovered in the air. The stench of smoke was in their coats. She hated that smell, even if she had grown used to it. She refocused her eyes as much as she could and took in her surroundings: bookshelves, a fireplace, and looking behind her, a desk. Just in front of Nightmare's chest and to her left, a wall and a door.

Nightmare Moon's chambers. Where they had left from. Her eyes unfocused again as she stared ahead.

She wasn't sure what to think of that. Nightmare looked at her. She felt it, but it didn't drive her into a panic. She was used to that gaze and too tired to care. She turned and looked up at her teacher. Nightmare studied her with a contemplative look, her eyes slowly drifting across her body, then settling on her cutie mark for a moment before jumping back to meet Twilight's eyes.

"I know this was a lot to put you through," was her teacher's calm, reluctant acknowledgment. There was a brief pause, and Nightmare's lips slowly parted as her jaw drifted open, then her teacher asked, "Are you alright?"

Twilight's eyes fell down onto Nightmare's cyan chestplate, fell onto that crescent moon set in the center. She thought about the question. The night and everything that had happened weighed on her mind, weighed her down. Her body hurt. The scent of smoke was stuck in her coat. She was emotionally drained, and she was exhausted. She was ready to go to sleep, and no magic could change that.

Considering everything, she felt okay. Or at the very least, being so close to her limits left her feeling a subdued sense that it was okay. She wasn't about to start freaking out and panicking over everything that had happened, but only because she didn't have the energy left to deal with any of it. She didn't expect to wake up and suddenly panic over everything, either. She looked back up and met Nightmare's gaze, gave a nod, and quietly said, "I think so..." For a moment, she hesitated and pulled her lip in between her teeth. She didn't bite down, she just held her skin there, then let it go and mumbled, "At least... right now."

Nightmare nodded in acknowledgment. "I..." her teacher trailed off, rolled her head to the left and looked ahead at the door to the hallway before finishing, "am sorry that this took so long." She saw Nightmare swallow, then her teacher looked back at her, studied her for a moment, then testingly said, "And I am sorry that you had to see all of that."

Her eyes dropped to that crescent moon once more and she gave a brief, timid nod.

A few seconds passed with nothing more being said as the two of them stood there. Nightmare turned to face her, giving her a full view of the crescent moon set in the center of her chestplate, along with the chestplate itself. Twilight lifted her head up and met her teacher's gaze. Nightmare Moon's mouth was parted, but once again her teacher hesitated to speak. And that hesitation was so different from Nightmare taking action when it was demanded of her. The hesitation reminded her of something, but she wasn't sure what. "I do not..." Nightmare said, then pausing to think for a moment, "wish to coddle you and lie to you," she finished quickly. Her teacher licked her lips, then continued, "I will not lie to you about the world. It can be a dangerous place. But I do not wish..." and once more, Nightmare trailed off.

Then, she saw it: a spark in Nightmare's eyes as she found the answer to what she needed to say. Nightmare inhaled. "I do not wish to lie to you about the world, but I recognize that there are things you are not ready to deal with. Things that you are not prepared for."

Twilight shifted her hooves closer together and swallowed. "O-oh?" she managed to voice.

Nightmare hesitantly nodded. "Sister sheltered you. Sister left you unprepared," was her almost dismissive answer.

Twilight didn't hear any bitterness in Nightmare's voice; it was a simple acknowledgment of fact. But she also knew something else went unsaid. She could tell Nightmare didn't voice something else, something that her teacher considered important. Nightmare was keeping something from her.

But Nightmare wasn't lying to her.

She shifted her weight. 'Princess Celestia lied to me...' replayed in her mind yet again.

Or maybe there was bitterness in her teacher's voice and she was just too tired to pick up on it. Maybe Nightmare knew not to let the bitterness slip out. A part of her, when thinking that her teacher would hold herself back, found herself grasping for an answer as to why that would be. Her teacher had no reason to hold back. No reason except the one she knew, that Nightmare was adapting to her, that Nightmare was acting differently with her because Nightmare knew her.

"You did well tonight, Twilight Sparkle," Nightmare complemented.

Twilight's eyes darted up to meet her teacher's in an instant. It wasn't Princess Celestia's praise, but it was still the praise of her teacher, and it still made her feel a giddiness in her chest. That giddiness fought back against the exhaustion sieging her body, and she felt more energy come back to her. "Thanks..." she replied.

Nightmare waited a moment, then inclined her head once in acknowledgment. A few more seconds of silence passed between them. She didn't know what to say, and she saw Nightmare struggling to find what to say. Eventually, Nightmare settled on asking, "Are you certain that you are alright?" And with that, Nightmare's hesitation started to fade, and her teacher's gaze dropped down to her hooves, studying them, looking them over, as if she was searching for any signs of injury. And as if to confirm her thoughts, Nightmare asked, "You are uninjured?"

Twilight nodded, then, one at a time, lifted her hooves from the floor before setting them back down. There wasn't any pain aside from the dull ache of too much use.

Nightmare nodded, almost as if it was to herself, then looked back up to meet her gaze. "If there is anything you wish to talk about, please do so," was her offer. "Tonight was-" her teacher's gaze darted from her eyes and landed on her cutie mark, "-hard on you."

Twilight didn't need to ask to know what Nightmare Moon was referring to. For the briefest instant, she wondered, 'What would have happened if you weren't there with me?'

Not many of the ponies had seen her. Things could have been different if they had and if she had been alone. She was afraid of what would have happened if she had been there alone, and she was glad that Nightmare Moon had been there with her.

And then her mind went to the biggest part that Nightmare Moon was referring to: the foal. But she didn't let herself linger on it. She closed her eyes, then hung her head. After a moment, she opened her eyes and stared at the floor. "Thank you for... saving her," she said. Before Nightmare could say anything, she lifted her head up and met Nightmare's eyes to say, "Even if it was in your best interest."

"I would not wish harm on foals, Twilight Sparkle," was Nightmare's calm yet intent answer: to suggest that she did would have been to draw her ire.

Her eyes dropped to Nightmare's chestplate and she nodded.

"Nor do I wish harm on you," Nightmare added.

For just a second, her eyes glanced up at Nightmare's eyes, then they fell back to her chestplate.

Nightmare inhaled, then her wing extended. Twilight looked at that majestic wing as it reached out for her. It paused with a feather just inches away from her muzzle, then after a moment passed, the feather brushed against her. She closed her eyes as she felt that rich, soft feather against her cheek. She felt the feather stroke along her cheek, then down her neck. She felt the trail it left, how gentle the stroke was, and felt it brush the strands of her mane aside.

Twilight shivered, and a smile pulled at her lips. The strangest feeling occurred to her, that of wanting to cry for some reason, wanting to cry solely because of that stroke. Was Nightmare Moon that good at slipping past her guard now? Had it just been too much? Was that need to cry based on everything that had happened tonight, or everything since Nightmare returned?

The feather stroked down to her shoulder, then left. The urge to cry stayed and her throat felt tight, but she held back the urge to cry. She slowly took in a deep breath, then let it out just as slowly. She opened her eyes, and her first sight was yet again Nightmare Moon. Not a predator, not a psychopath, not a monster.

Her teacher.

The need to cry slowly faded away as she inhaled again, and the tightness relaxed as she exhaled.

Nightmare's mouth parted again, and the hesitance came back. Eventually, her teacher overcame it and asked, "Join me for a bath?"

Twilight wasn't sure what she had expected to hear, but it hadn't been that. It wasn't a demand, either; it was an offer. It was an opportunity. It was something friends did together. She hadn't had friends to bathe with before, which meant it would be a new experience for her.

And surely, that was insane. They weren't that close. Not by a long shot. A part of her mind once again had the treacherous thought, 'She's a psychopath!' for her teacher having made that offer. It was insane!

But it wouldn't be a bath shared by friends. It would be something else: a bath shared between teacher and student. Not friends. She had never shared a bath with Princess Celestia, and so it was still a new experience. Twilight's mind kept going over how Nightmare Moon offered the experience, rather than Princess Celestia. Nightmare Moon had never had a student before, either.

She was hesitant to accept. Fear assaulted her, attacking her with questions like, 'What if I do something wrong? What if she takes this differently? What if this is just a trick-'

And the last thought drew a near-immediate, 'No.'

"You do not have to," her teacher voiced almost casually, "but I thought you may want to. It would give us time to relax and talk if you so wished, and it would help with the smoke still in our coats."

Had Princess Celestia offered that to her before Nightmare Moon returned, she would have been too afraid and nervous to accept. She would have been so anxious that she would have messed up and then Princess Celestia, even if it wasn't in her nature, would have decided not to be her teacher anymore.

And she knew it was a silly fear.

She took a deep breath. It didn't help with her anxiety, but it did remind her even more of that stench. She managed to nod. "Okay," she agreed. Nightmare turned to her left and stepped towards the door. She swallowed then added, "Um... I've never... done anything like this before."

Nightmare paused and looked back at her. For a moment, Nightmare was silent, then she said, "You have not had friends to bathe with. And my sister has not?"

Twilight nodded. She wasn't certain, but she thought she saw surprise cross Nightmare's expression.

"I see," Nightmare said with a nod, then slightly lifted her right wing from her body and motioned Twilight over.

Twilight didn't hesitate before walking over to her teacher's side. Nightmare's gaze lingered on her as she approached, then once she was at her teacher's side, Nightmare walked forward and led her through the bedchambers, then into the bathroom. Twilight's eyes darted around as soon as she stepped inside the bathroom. It was similar to the rest of the guest rooms' bathrooms, though certainly larger. The golden swirls in the room didn't fit Nightmare Moon, but for whatever reason, they were still there.

Nightmare approached the gigantic bathtub, which was more fitting of a hot tub than a bathtub, and used her magic to turn on the water. The sounds of gushing water crashing into the tub filled the air as Twilight stood by and watched. Her teacher turned so that her side was to the bathtub, then lifted her hooves up one at a time and slipped those cyan boots off.

For some reason, Twilight found herself transfixed by that simple act; she had never seen Nightmare Moon without her boots on, without her chestplate on, or without her helmet on. Nightmare Moon did not take her armor off. Yet here she was, watching her teacher take off that armor. The only time she had seen Nightmare Moon taking off her armor or without her armor on. The boots were levitated aside, leaving her hooves bare. And just like Princess Celestia, her hooves were nearly the same color as her coat to the point where it was hard to see in the dim light where Nightmare's fur stopped and her hoof started.

Nightmare's eyes glanced at her, and her teacher said, "You do not have to remain standing there. Come."

Reluctantly, Twilight picked her hoof up, then stepped forward. Once she was clear of the door, she heard it click shut from Nightmare's magic. For a brief moment, she glanced back at the door, then her gaze returned to her teacher.

Nightmare lifted her helmet up off her head, then set it down beside her boots. And she found herself transfixed, staring at Nightmare Moon's bare head. Without the helmet on, Nightmare Moon looked so different, yet it was undeniably the same pony. Striking and sharp, still authoritative and regal, yet as she studied Nightmare Moon's bare head and found herself thinking the alicorn looked vulnerable without her armor on, as if the pony beneath was laid bare for her and her alone to see.

Twilight held her breath.

Her eyes flicked back and settled on the base of Nightmare's ethereal mane, and it was such a different sight from what she had expected. But then, she wasn't sure what she had expected either. With Princess Celestia, she could never see the base of her mane because of the colors and height difference. But with Nightmare Moon? her mane was partially transparent around the outermost edge, and at the very back of her neck where her mane started, she saw that same black coat, where the mane just flowed out from it, as if she had no mane and it was simply an extension of her magic.

She wondered if it was.

Nightmare looked at her again. She looked over Nightmare's body so she wasn't' staring, then her eyes settled on Nightmare's chestplate. She knew Nightmare wasn't going to take it off, and a part of her felt disappointed by that. Another part of her wondered if her teacher was trying to hide something with that chestplate. She tried to imagine what Nightmare Moon looked like without the chestplate on. She could almost make it work; she had seen Nightmare Moon without the boots and helmet. But she still couldn't picture Nightmare's bare chest.

She just couldn't picture it in her mind.

And because her teacher kept that chestplate on, she wasn't completely vulnerable. For a moment, Twilight wondered if Nightmare Moon kept it on because she would feel vulnerable if she wasn't wearing it. But surely that wasn't the case. Nightmare Moon was an alicorn, and with just the two of them there, there was nothing to threaten her.

Nightmare turned the water off, then turned away from her and climbed into the tub to sit down on her haunches. She watched her teacher climb into the bath, then sink into the water. It was such an equine action that she had trouble comprehending that Nightmare Moon did it. Twilight closed her eyes, then carefully crept over to the bath. She hesitated at the edge and opened her eyes to stare at Nightmare Moon.

'A week ago I wouldn't have done this,' occurred to her. A week ago the thought would have horrified her! As it was, she felt uncomfortable and nervous and wanted to run around in circles, but she forced back those feelings: it was an opportunity, and that was how she had to look at it. Running around in circles fretting over it really wouldn't benefit her. She still had to tell herself, 'She's not psychotic,' before she could lift a forehoof and set it on the rim of the tub.

But she still didn't know what to do! What was the etiquette she was supposed to follow? She wasn't about to climb in and make a fool of herself or embarrass herself by making a silly mistake that practically anypony else wouldn't have! As the anxiety coiled in her chest, she sucked in her lip and looked at her teacher, who was still just sitting there with her eyes closed. She released her lip and whispered, "Um..."

Nightmare's eyelids drifted open, and her teacher's gaze fell on her. "Speak."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do..." Twilitght replied as the anxiety coiled tighter.

"You get in the water," was Nightmare's flat response. "If this is not obvious-"

Twilight winced and muttered, "I know that!"

"Yet you have not," her teacher pointed out.

Twilight turned away from her and stared at the wall. "Because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do! What if I-"

"Try to relax, Twilight Sparkle," Nightmare chastized. "That is half of the reason behind this."

Reluctantly, Twilight turned back to face her teacher. For a few seconds, Twilight just watched the alicorn, but her teacher said nothing more as she closed her eyes. "It is not something worth worrying about," her teacher offered.

Twilight took a deep breath, then gradually pushed herself up onto the rim of the bath. She reached out with her right forehoof to test the water. It was almost too warm. The warmth left her hoof tingling as the water pressed against her; It was enveloping, offering her a comforting embrace that she only had to climb in to accept. It felt nice.

She slowly stepped into the tub and found the aching of her hooves relieved by the warm embrace. Slowly and carefully, she turned to face Nightmare Moon, then sat down, bringing the water up to envelop her chest. As she sank into the water and felt it embrace her, she closed her eyes as the warm water washed the chaos from her mind.

Seconds, perhaps even minutes passed while she sat there in blissful silence, just enjoying the warm weight of the water pressing against her from all sides. Eventually, she felt Nightmare open her eyes to look at her, and she opened her eyes to look back at her teacher. Nightmare studied her contemplatively. The alicorn took the madness of the night in stride and kept going like nothing more than an annoyance had happened.

'What would this be like if it was Princess Celestia instead of you?' a part of her mind wondered. And thinking about it made her nervous because she knew that she would have been scared of making a mistake just like now. It didn't even comfort her to know Princess Celestia would have been able to say a few words to calm her down.

She felt calmer bathing with Nightmare Moon than she thought she would be if it had been Princess Celestia, but only because she was too exhausted to worry more.

Her gaze dropped from Nightmare's eyes to her teacher's chestplate. It wasn't waterproof, and so she knew that water would have been between the armor and her teacher's coat. Wearing the armor was pointless; all it did was weigh her teacher down. "Why are you still wearing your chestplate?" she asked, then met Nightmare's gaze.

"It would leave me more exposed than I am comfortable with," was her teacher's answer. "It would not do to be caught off-guard if something were to happen, or if somepony were to attack me."

With a frown, Twilight said, "But we're the only two ponies here?"

Nightmare was silent for a moment, then mumbled, "Perhaps. But it still would be unwise."

Twilight felt like Nightmare's logic was flawed, but kept it to herself. Her frown grew deeper. She felt certain that there was another reason for it, but that Nightmare just didn't want to admit it. "Why do you wear armor anyway?" She winced and clarified, "I mean... I know why, but... You're an alicorn."

"I will not die from old age or disease, but that does not mean I cannot be killed," Nightmare retorted. "I assure you, it would not be easy, but there is no reason for me to make it any easier for my enemies to do so. And it would not do for me to be caught off-guard."

Twilight nodded reluctantly. She felt like she should have taken comfort in knowing Nightmare Moon could be killed, but instead, she only found it making her uneasy. If Nightmare Moon could be killed, that meant Cadance and Princess Celestia could be killed. She shivered from the unease, despite the warm water enveloping her. If Nightmare Moon was killed, she would have to fend for herself unless Princess Celestia somehow escaped.

Her gaze drifted lower until she found herself staring down into the water, watching the reflection of the magelight that hovered in the middle of the room. The surface of the water shimmered and the rippling of the water broke the reflection like a shattered mirror.

Uncontrolled, her thoughts drifted back to the mother and foal, then wandered back to Nightmare's answer, and how after a moment, it twisted in bitterness. Her brow creased and she lifted her head back up to face her teacher. "I'm... surprised that you didn't just... take over the media and tell them to... print propaganda," she voiced in a hushed tone.

Propaganda had been a poor word choice. She winced.

Nightmare's expression hardened, then her teacher inhaled deeply before letting it out. "I have an aversion to lying. So long as they do not slander me I do not care what they print. Not that it matters; ponies will never believe anything positive written about me. They would see it as lies and, as you said, propaganda."

Twilight leaned forward and asked, "How do you know, though?" She shook her head and added, "You were banished for a thousand years! Things had to change!"

"You are correct; things did change, but this is a fact: that they will never love me as they do my sister," her teacher retorted in a dismissive, almost annoyed tone.

Twilight had to bite back the question, 'Why do you even care about that!?' Asking wouldn't have helped anything.

She inhaled and smelled the scent of smoke. Her lips jerked back in disgust. She sucked in a deep breath through her mouth and held it, then closed her eyes and plunged her head under the water. Maybe it wasn't exactly proper etiquette, but surely Nightmare wouldn't care. It was supposed to be a bath.

She heard the silent, rain-like ringing of her heartbeat echoing in the water. She felt the warm pressure enveloping her, leaving her body tingling from the pleasant warmth. Under the water, there was nothing there to threaten her. The worries, anxieties, and fears couldn't drive her insane. She was free, and she wanted to stay under the water for as long as she could. The water washed the smoke out of her coat, washed the rest of the night away, and refreshed her body and mind.

She felt the water swirl around her and knew Nightmare Moon had joined her under the water, but it only lasted for a few seconds before she felt the water rush again. She assumed Nightmare lifted her head back out. She stayed under until her lungs started to grow uncomfortable, then she pushed her head back above the water. She exhaled and blew droplets of water off of her lips as streams rolled down her face, and finally inhaled.

She felt the water rolling off of her body, rolling down her mane and muzzle, and heard the water dripping off into the water. Droplets rolled over her lips and she blew more air out of her mouth to get rid of them. She opened her eyes and looked at her teacher. Seeing the alicorn in a similar state with water rolling down her head, her fur wet and clinging to her body, left her feeling almost perplexed. It served to reinforce in her mind that Nightmare Moon was, despite what it felt like, still a pony like her.

And she wasn't quite sure what to think of that.

She tentatively sniffed the air. The smell of smoke was still there, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it had been.

"I would request that you remain here in Canterlot for the time being, given what has transpired," Nightmare stated, "but you will be able to return to Ponyville sometime tomorrow or the following night. Assuming nothing worse transpires."

Twilight reluctantly nodded. Spike would be taken care of. He'd be worried, but he'd be fine. 'I can probably write him a letter and have Nightmare send it to him,' she thought. "Could you..." she ventured, leaning her head to the right, "send Spike a letter telling him that I'll be here for... a while?"

"I can, yes," Nightmare answered. There was barely any delay before her teacher lit her horn and teleported a scroll and quill into the air over the water, then wrote out a scroll before rolling it up and teleporting it away. It wasn't the same spell Princess Celestia used to send scrolls to her through Spike.

She turned her head back and said, "Thanks."

Nightmare inclined her head once.

Without anything else said, she felt her teacher's magic envelop her for a moment, then it faded. She shifted her weight uncomfortably. "What was that?"

"Taking care of the smoke. It is perhaps not as relaxing or thorough as properly bathing, but I presume you would be uncomfortable with that," Nightmare replied dismissively.

Twilight hesitated before she nodded. For a moment, she thought she saw Nightmare frown, but her eyes must have been playing tricks on her.

She started to feel the chill of the air against her wet coat.

"Is there anything else you wish to discuss?" Nightmare questioned.

Twilight felt a grimace pull at her lips. "Well..." There was quite a bit she could think of, even if she was tired. Most of it, however, wasn't something she wanted to bring up. As her mind sifted through her thoughts and memories, she felt a stab of pain as a memory slipped to the forefront of her mind. She winced and her head drifted to the right until it pointed away from her teacher. She stared at the wall, looking over the dimly lit marble and the reflective golden swirls. There was probably some pattern in it that she could find, but she knew she was just trying to distract herself.

"What is it?" Nightmare inquired. "You may not believe this but I do desire for you to be comfortable talking to me, Twilight Sparkle."

The pattern of the swirls would have to wait. Twilight's chest tightened as unease slithered through her body. She slowly clenched her jaw and gradually nudged her head back to face Nightmare. The alicorn looked at her contemplatively but stayed silent, waiting on her to proceed.

It left her feeling more anxious. "Earlier..." she ventured reluctantly.

Her teacher's contemplative look faded. "You're going to have to be more specific than that, Twilight Sparkle," was said flatly. Twilight shifted her weight in the water. Nightmare tilted her head and the contemplative look returned. "Unless you're referring to making ponies disappear."

The warm water didn't feel quite as warm, and a shiver raced down Twilight's spine. She managed to nudge her head up and down to nod as she swallowed a knot in her throat.

Nightmare relaxed but sat up straighter. "You are wondering why I did not simply make them disappear?" her teacher guessed.

Again, Twilight gave a timid nod.

Nightmare's head lifted up, and her gaze landed on the ceiling. Twilight watched her teacher's eyes slowly slide over the marble, then out of curiosity, looked up. Her teacher might have been looking over one of the golden swirls, but she couldn't be sure. She looked back down at Nightmare, who continued to study the ceiling.

Nightmare inhaled, then looked down at Twilight. "It is not necessarily in my best interest to make ponies simply disappear," was her answer. "Perhaps it could be in the short term, yet in the long term, this could cause uncertainty. If we assume that I could get away with it, then it is not a problem and thus would not cause problems, however, I find such methods... distasteful."

"Distasteful?" she mumbled.

Nightmare gave a succinct nod. "Sister," was all she said.

Twilight felt another chill and her brow twisted down. "Sh-she would never do something like that!" she blabbered out.

"I would not trust her not to," Nightmare spat. Twilight went silent. Nightmare shook her head then stated, "I do not wish to discuss this."

It was probably a good idea.

But Twilight's mind still ran over the implications. She stared down at the water and watched the reflection of the magelight. 'Princess Celestia would never just make anypony disappear!' shouted out in her mind, but it didn't quell the uncertainty. At one time, she knew Princess Celestia would never lie to her. She couldn't convince herself Princess Celestia wouldn't make somepony disappear.

She couldn't picture it, but it still weighed her down.

The bath wasn't as nice as it had been.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Nightmare called.

Twilight looked up at her teacher and asked, "Um, yes?"

Nightmare's eyes jumped side to side over her body, then returned to meet her gaze. "On the topic of trust," she started carefully. Her teacher paused as if to mull the words over on her tongue, then continued, "Thank you for trusting me tonight."

Twilight gave a reserved nod.

Nightmare went back to studying her. There was something more her teacher wanted to say. Twilight could see it, how it was just on the tip of her tongue.

Nightmare groaned quietly, then gave in and added, "I want to be able to trust you, and I would like for you to trust me. It would be beneficial for both of us. And I do not want you to be so afraid of me. I want you to feel comfortable talking to me."

'How am I supposed to respond to that?' Twilight wondered.

Nightmare bobbed her head and looked away from her. "You are my student and I suppose I would prefer you be comfortable around me." Her teacher looked at her again, let out the faintest hint of a sigh and added, "And you do not."

Twilight licked her already wet lips and mumbled, "You don't make it easy..."

For a second, Nightmare's cheeks pulled up and her eyelids drifted down as her teacher squinted at her, then it faded. "Yes... you are correct," Nightmare admitted. "I do not know what I am doing with a student, Twilight Sparkle. And I am not the most sociable pony there is. I never have been."

'Well, that sounds familiar!' Twilight's mind snapped, making her wince. She turned her head to the right. "Well... I'm not either."

Nightmare nodded slowly. "So I have heard..." The squint returned. "And you wanted a book for help with a... slumber party," was mumbled in a barely audible voice.

Twilight was sure she wasn't meant to hear it. She bushed and squeaked. "W-well, h-how am I supposed to know if I'm doing everything right!?" she stuttered out.

Nightmare looked at her with a peculiar squint that made her shift her weight. Her teacher opened her mouth. It stayed open for a few seconds, then drifted closed. Nightmare exhaled and shook her head. "Would you be interested in watching the moonrise with me tomorrow?"

Twilight slowly nodded. "Sure."

For a moment, Nightmare smiled. "I would appreciate that," her teacher said. The smile faded into contemplation. "And then we can share a meal? Provided nothing demands my immediate attention."

Twilight nodded again. "It's not like I have anywhere else to eat..." she muttered.

Nightmare frowned. "You are not required to remain on the castle's grounds while you are here in Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle. I do not desire to manage every aspect of your life. You are my student but you are your own pony."

Twilight cringed and looked down and to the left. She stared at the floor just beyond the bath. "Sorry," she apologized.

"It is alright," Nightmare replied, "but perhaps there are more things we need to discuss in time..."

Twilight glanced back at her teacher. "Like what?"

"Many things," was Nightmare's vague answer. "But now is perhaps not the time. If you so desire, you may retire for the night. You are tired and I will not keep you longer than you wish."

Twilight turned back to face her and nodded slowly. "And-" she licked her lips, "-what about you?"

"I will see to it that ponies are not trying to burn down any other cities, and then assuming they are not, I will retire myself," Nightmare answered.

"I still find it odd that you have to sleep," Twilight replied.

"I can sustain myself with my magic for a time, as can anypony, but it is not the same as sleep, Twilight Sparkle," her teacher stated. "And it would not do for me to be poorly rested."

Twilight nodded slowly, then yawned. Her jaw muscles ached as her mouth opened, and her eyes watered a bit. She closed her mouth as the yawn ended.

"Go sleep," Nightmare told her. "If you desire, I can use my magic to help."

Twilight shook her head. "I don't think that's necessary," she said cautiously.

Nightmare translated that into, "You do not trust me."

Twilight groaned and slumped forward. "No, I don't. I trust you a bit more than I did, but I still don't trust you. You scare me. But that's not why. I just don't think it's necessary. I am tired."

"I am sorry that I upset you," Nightmare said.

Twilight inhaled, then exhaled. "It's fine. I'm tired."

Nightmare nodded slowly, then said, "Goodnight, Twilight Sparkle. I wish you well."

Twilight stared at Nightmare for a few seconds. It was odd and it made her uncomfortable. She pushed the discomfort aside, nodded, and then stood up. As soon as her body was above the water, she felt the chill of the air and missed the warmth. She stood there for several seconds as water rushed down her body and crashed into the bath. Once the flow subsided to a trickle, she turned and climbed out of the bath.

She felt Nightmare watching her and turned back to watch her teacher. Nightmare's gaze slowly slithered over her side, then turned back to the bath. Finally, Nightmare closed her eyes.

Twilight looked away from Nightmare, then searched the room for a towel or anything to dry herself off with. She grimaced and turned back to her teacher. "Um, can I have a towel?"

Her teacher's horn glowed, and she felt that aura envelop her, then a pleasant warmth washed over her coat, drying her body.

"If you do not know that spell I will be disappointed," Nightmare said dismissively.

Twilight grimaced. "I didn't think about it..."

Nightmare frowned, then turned to face her and opened her eyes. "I see..." was all that she said.

For a few seconds, Nightmare watched her again.

"Thank you?" Twilight asked.

Nightmare inclined her head, turned her head back and closed her eyes.

Twilight lingered for a moment, then slowly walked to the door.

Author's Note:

And so ends what was the longest single chapter I've written, broken into three parts. Actual action finally happened!

After rereading and editing this chapter, I'm not entirely pleased by it. One reason is I'm now questioning which is better: the style of "showing" a character feeling things (In example: "Twilight felt a grimace pull at her lips" versus "Twilight grimaced?"). The first might be more immersive? The second is more direct.