• Published 17th Nov 2018
  • 14,510 Views, 754 Comments

The Night's Stars - SC_Orion

Upon her return from her one thousand year banishment, Nightmare Moon discovers Celestia's student and her potential.

  • ...


Before her stretched out a field of grass cut short like in Canterlot's parks. As far as she could see, there was nothing but grass and sky. Above her, the unblemished moon hung in place, marching towards its inevitable descent. The stars twinkled in a cloudless sky, blinking whenever she looked at one of them. No pegasi flew through the air, nor batponies, nor griffins, nor dragons. She stood alone.

She turned around and found herself standing before a forest of pine trees. A chill gripped the night air but the sky remained clear. The whole forest seemed to gracefully sway in the same subtle breeze that wrapped around her body, calling to her. She spread her wings and the chill flowed between her feathers.

And then the breeze turned on her. The breeze did not embrace her, nor did it call to her. The breeze shunned her, and then the breeze was gone, fleeing from her as a foal would run from a predator. Yet the chill of the night still stole the warmth from her coat and seeped into her skin. The forest fell silent without the breeze: neither birds nor insects made noise. The world was still, and she was alone.

She turned around, and at her side stood her friend. She smiled as she turned to face Twilight, and yet something felt wrong. Not the same sense of incompletion that normally gripped her friend, but something that ate at her mind. Twilight's expression was not warm and inviting, rather, it was distant. Twilight neither looked at her nor smiled; she simply stared into the distance.

"Twilight?" Her call went unheard.

She unfolded her wing and brushed her feathers along Twilight's spine, but her friend did not close her eyes and smile. She felt alone; her friend did not lean into her touch, nor return the gesture with any familiar recognition. She watched the filly for a while, even as that subtle, chilly breeze returned to steal away their warmth. She traced her feathers along Twilight's shoulders, brushed her wing through the filly's mane. No response. Out of disappointment, she folded her wing. Out of resignation, she closed her eyes.

And when she opened them, she was alone.

She cast her head back and gazed up at the sky, and then even the stars turned away from her as if to shun her, each one winking out as soon as she looked at it. "What did I ever do to you?" she asked. And the stars only ignored her. They were not her friends; they did not care. She bared her teeth and reared up before slamming her forehooves into the ground.

And the ground became stone which split with a sharp crack! as her boots struck. She looked down from the sky and found herself standing in the throne room of her castle, on the dais.

Glancing back, those two familiar, damned thrones.

She snarled as anger welled up inside her. Swiveling around, she destroyed both thrones with a blast of magic. The window shattered, and through the hole left in the wall, she saw the unblemished moon, glowing with a halo of light from the sun it blocked.

Her anger subsided as she contemplated the unscarred perfection, crowned by her Sister's birthright.

"Luna?" Twilight called.

For a few seconds longer, she studied the moon, so beautiful and pure. A sight she felt pained to look at, knowing how scarred and corrupted her Sister had left it. When she turned around, she saw Twilight standing before the dais. Tiara atop her head, set with the Element of Magic. Those five friends of hers at her side, with her standing in front of them; Twilight led them and they followed. All of Twilight's friends wore their respective Elements. And each element glowed with a pure, soft inner light.

Fear seized her; her heart skipped a beat. She stepped back on instinct, her eyes snapping between each of Twilight's friends' faces: they all looked at her with defiant determination, resolute resolve. They were not her allies. And then, even knowing what she would find, she met Twilight's gaze.

Her mouth felt dry and her throat tight. The same empty, contemplative look as before met her gaze. So disinterested. So hollow. So disappointed. And there was nothing there for her. No compassion, no happiness. Neither a confidant nor a companion. She stood alone. "Twilight?" she called out, and her voice was not her own, but that, weak, trembling voice of Luna's.

Twilight smiled at her; she felt a flicker of relief and joy, only for both to be stolen away as Twilight bowed her head. That precious, warming smile of her student's faded and her student shook her head. And for it, she knew she was alone. Twilight's chest rose as she breathed in, then the young alicorn lifted her head up to meet her gaze.

And Twilight said nothing, looking at her with a solemn disappointment as the Elements started to glow brighter.

Such was her fate.

She tried to call out, but her throat and voice conspired against her to betray her. She tried to move, but couldn't find it in her to move; there was no point, no escape. Her fate was again sealed, as it had been, as it was, and as it would be.

Forever alone; forever damned.

Sister and Cadance walked into the room from the hallway. Her sister smiled at her, unable to look away, and her niece refused to look at her, like she was some vile thing that needed to be disposed of.

"It's in Equestria's best interests," her Sister said.

She glared at her Sister, her cheeks shaking from anger.

"You're nothing but a monster," her Niece said.

She stared at Cadance, her lips twitching from confusion.

"We were never friends," her Friend said.

She looked at Twilight, her heart breaking from betrayal.

And Twilight cast her judgment.

Nightmare breathed in and opened her eyes. For a moment, her body was tense. Pins pricked her hooves and legs, cascading towards her body in cold waves. Gradually, it faded. She let out her breath and breathed in again.

And for several seconds, she stared at the ceiling, wondering, 'Why it can I not see clearly?' When she blinked her eyes, she knew. She closed her eyes and snorted, her lips twisting into something like a smile but more vengeanceful. With a quick flash of magic, her eyes were once again dry and when she opened her eyes, the world appeared as it should.

Keeping her horn lit, she pulled the blankets off her body, exposing her hot body to the cold night air. And oh, how she longed for the warmth of the blankets! But the disappointment in her chest propelled her on. She climbed out of her bed and remade it with her magic. Strode to the balcony door, opened it, and stepped out into the moonless night.

When she stopped at the railing, she draped her forehooves over the edge and rested her chestplate against the cold, uncaring stone. She first looked over the courtyard, then to Twilight's tower, and finally to Ponyville. And her look turned into a stare as the seconds passed away.

'It was a nightmare, nothing more.'

'I am too fond of her.'

'I should have stopped it.'

'Cadance offered to talk.'

'Sister will inevitably return.'

'She will ascend.'

'Are you going to side with her or me?'

'It has to be her destiny.'

'We were never friends.'

She bowed her head and looked at the courtyard. 'What was it you asked me, dear Niece? If I could not have everything I wanted, what would I choose?' Yes, that had been what Cadance asked her. She was certain of it.

And she was conflicted. She had defeated her sister, and it was empty. She ruled Equestria, and it was unfulfilling. She wanted to be loved, and everypony looked at her with fear and hate worse than they had Luna. She wanted revenge on Sister, but it felt pointless. What did it accomplish? It could not change what had already happened and would hardly change her fate.

Perhaps time would, for once, be on her side. Perhaps time would, for once, make her feel better. Perhaps all she needed was to be patient.

She could be patient. She had been patient.

But time was not her friend. Time was not on her side.

No, time had wrapped her in a deceitful embrace, ran its cheek up against her neck, making her lean into the nuzzle, only for time to laugh and whisper into her ear, 'You will never have what you want, Luna! You are forever damned! Look and see how Equestria turns on you! Look and see how your birthright is twisted against you to mock you!'

She pushed the feeling of defeat aside and looked back at Ponyville.

A thousand years ago, she had yearned for this night. That she would triumph over Sister! That she would take what was rightfully hers! That Equestria would bow to her as Queen! That ponies would be out in her night, bearing witness to the beauty she had seen!

And for what?

What purpose did it serve her?

What joy did it bring her?

What love did it earn her?

What respect? What adoration?

What did she benefit from any of it?

They didn't love her or respect her: they feared her. Her victory over Sister was empty: it only mocked her. She was free from the chains of Sister, yet for it, she had no joy: the scarred moon was nothing but a reminder of pain and failure. Sister could not beat her without the Elements, yet she felt powerless: she could not have what she wanted.

Equestria was hers, with nopony else stopping her from doing what she wished and desired. If she ordered it, monuments would be constructed to celebrate her. If she ordered it, her batponies could descend upon the griffins and slay them. If she ordered it, it would be done. And what good did that do in the end? What did she gain from it? There was no joy nor satisfaction to be had; it never lasted.

And even if it had, it would have been built upon lies. Feigned respect, meant only to keep her from knowing the truth that they could not hide: that they did not love her and that they would never love her. For the batponies were bound to her and did not count, and everypony else despised her as they always had. And even if hundreds of years passed under her sole rule, they would never love her. They would hate her, and if they did not, then it would only be because they did not know of Sister to choose her instead.

She was Queen, but the moment Sister was back, everypony would turn on her and her fate would once again be sealed.

'It's in Equestria's best interests.'

'You're nothing but a monster.'

'We were never friends.'

She felt defeated and disappointed: everything she wanted, and yet unfulfilled.

And so she felt empty.

And how she found herself yearning for the days of old, when she had been so naive to that truth.

As naive as Twilight was.

Disappointment weighed on her mind and settled in her core. She gazed at Ponyville, trying to spot Twilight's library.

She tried to force the nightmare aside, tried to strive for her fond memories of the times they shared together. Yet, 'We were never friends,' would not leave her mind.

And for it, her memories twisted against her: rather than the times they shared together as friends, her thoughts went to how Twilight cowered before her when she pressured the filly into becoming her student. The way Twilight sobbed, terrified of her, always on edge around her, never relaxing, never letting her guard down.

Twilight, expecting her to kill her.

And at one time? She would have.

She turned her head to the left, looking away from Ponyville.

'You didn't have to kill him.'

Twilight had been in shock. Overwhelmed. For how could the filly have not been? She had overreacted, lost control when sparring. And surely Twilight had never seen anypony, let alone a dragon, die before! Sister would have shielded her from it. And she could scarce forget, now that she was not in battle, that Twilight considered Spike, a baby dragon, her little brother.

And for that remembrance, she felt cold. 'You would have imagined me killing him, if you have not imagined it before.' For a few seconds, she stood there in silence. Breathed in, held the breath, released it.

'Once I eat you, I will rule Equestria as it was meant to be!'

Perhaps Twilight was correct. Perhaps she didn't have to kill the dragon. Perhaps she could have simply taught him a lesson, left him battered, having reminded him of his place, and used him as an example to every other dragon so that they would know not to cross her.

But it was a foolish fantasy, nothing more. Leaving him alive would only endanger her friend, her kingdom, and herself. And what better way to keep the dragons in line than to bring his corpse before them and throw him at their claws! 'Stay in line, or else.' And to have spared him? 'Would you be willing to risk the lives of those ponies and deer in the village by sparring him?'

She would not.

And yet, Twilight compared her to that monster. No matter how much she told herself, 'You do not think I am a monster. You said that,' she couldn't put to rest the unease that started pricking her chest, bringing her to squirm where she stood.

Perhaps she was wrong.

Perhaps Twilight's opinion on her had since soured. And the thought made her worry, for she was too fond of Twilight and the idea that Twilight would turn on her or end their friendship was agonizing.

Because Twilight was at the core of what she wanted. A friend, a confidant, and, perhaps, more.

'We were never friends.'

It was nothing but a dream. A nightmare. It still hurt to consider, still hurt to hear Twilight's voice saying that. Her head drooped and she found herself looking down at the courtyard. "I'm too fond of you."

Too fond.

And for it, she felt defeated.

Cadance knew how fond of Twilight she was as well as she did.

'If you'd give ponies a chance-'

'Stay in line or else. You sent the wrong message.'

The exact same message she had sent to Twilight when she had first met her, wasn't it? 'P-please don't kill me! P-please! I-I'm sorry!'

Her ears folded back.

'I am not as well versed with modern Equestria as you or my sister. Become my student and assist me, or Equestria will suffer.'

Her jaw tightened.

'I will say this only once, Twilight Sparkle. Betray me, and I will kill you.'

She felt regret.

'We were never friends.'

And Twilight still, somehow, gave her a chance. Twilight somehow found it in herself to be friends with her.

How? How was it possible? How could the filly possibly find it in herself to be friends with her, when she had threatened-nay, promised-to kill her should she betray her? She couldn't understand how it was possible that Twilight could have moved on from that, overcome her fear, and grow close enough to call her 'friend.'

Or did she?

The night was so cold and uncaring. Stripping away what little warmth her body still had, leaving her a cold husk. Perhaps cruel, even-just like she had been to Twilight when breaking her into becoming her student.

'I am deceiving myself.'

How could they have been friends? Twilight had more reason to hate her than anypony else! How was it possible that Twilight did not hate her? How was it possible that even if Twilight did not hate her, they were friends?

'I threatened you. You were terrified of me. I banished your mentor and took the throne of Equestria. You had no choice but to become my student because I gave you none. I threatened you into becoming my student.'

And what made it worse? 'I threatened a foal.'

She made the mistake of dwelling on the thought. Felt whatever resolve she had left after her thoughts betrayed her crumble.

Luna would have been sickened. And Nightmare Moon was.

'Our friendship is built on a threat.'

'I give you my word, Twilight, that I will not kill you. Or your friends.' But she had still first promised to kill her.

'We were never friends.'

And for it, she felt defeated and disappointed and lost. The one pony she could call 'Confidant' and 'Friend' and their relationship only existed because of a cruel threat towards a foal whose only crimes were being Sister's apprentice and trying to stop the pony who wanted to tear down all she knew.

How similar Twilight was to Luna.

Nightmare closed her eyes, lifted her head up and took in a deep breath. "One thousand years ago, none of this would have happened.

"One thousand years ago, I would have killed an innocent filly because she had the potential to be a threat.

"One thousand years ago, I was a monster. I would have destroyed Equestria out of anger if Sister hadn't stopped me.

"One thousand years ago..."

Yes, one thousand years ago she had been a monster. At the height of her anger, she would have done so many horrible things out of a thirst for vengeance. One thousand years ago she would have been even worse of a monster if Sister had not stopped her! And just a few months ago she had made so, so many mistakes.

And she wondered, 'Had I fulfilled my vengeance one thousand years ago, what would have happened?' Would she have been satisfied with killing Sister? She doubted it; she would be in much the same position as now: ponies would hate her and would undoubtedly try to kill her for her 'crime.' And then she would have torn Equestria apart, forgetting how much Luna put herself towards protecting Equestria.

Would she have ever realized what she was doing?

If she did, what would have happened?

Regardless, if Sister hadn't stopped her, she would not know Twilight, either because they would never come to the same situation, or because Twilight would not exist.

The thought was haunting.

Cadance had said, 'You're blinded by your hatred for her.' And she knew Cadance was right. She had not been thinking rationally after defeating her sister: killing a guard who was no threat to her and considering using Canterlot as a tool against Cadance was enough proof of that.

Twilight had seen her snap. Twilight knew what she was capable of. And she was deluding herself. Twilight did not truly have a choice in the matter of their friendship.

A grimace split her lips. She turned her head left, casting her gaze away from Twilight's tower, away from Ponyville. 'If I had not threatened you, you would not have become my student. You would not have become my friend.'

'Are we friends?' If their relationship was built on threats, it would not last and was hollow.

She was a fool. She was taking advantage of Twilight as her Sister took advantage of her.

She clenched her eyes shut, little that it did to stop the torment agonizing her heart and her mind.

'I should not have threatened you.' But that was in the past. There was no way to change it. She could make amends, but it would always be.

A heavy weight set in her heart, like a knot in her throat that choked her. A twist in her gut that left her squirming. She felt like a foal under the reproachful gaze of her mentor.

'I need to apologize for threatening you.'

She felt troubled and conflicted.

Because it lingered in her mind, 'We were never friends.'

Twilight awoke the next morning and found herself lazily staring up at the ceiling as the moonlight trickled into her room. For a while, she laid there in silence. And like the night before, her thoughts raced back to the dragon. Her brow folded down and her lips set in a frown.

'You have your reasons. You have your own way of looking at things,' she knew.

She had seen how Nightmare Moon looked at things, she knew how Nightmare Moon thought-at least some of the time. The true inner workings of Nightmare Moon's mind were likely beyond her comprehension, but the alicorn was rational and logical.

Unless you were on her bad side. Unless you made her angry.

'How different are you from Luna?' she wondered. 'And how similar are you to Luna?' She knew Nightmare Moon had changed: Nightmare Moon was not the monster she had fought when the alicorn returned. Her outward appearance was fierce, yet beneath it, she had seen the pony-and Nightmare Moon had changed in the past six months. She knew it. For all Nightmare's reason, for all her cold, calculated judgments, Nightmare Moon was still a pony. Just like her.

And Nightmare Moon wasn't perfect. Nightmare Moon made mistakes. A lot of mistakes. 'You don't ignore your mistakes. or at least you try not to. Maybe you don't see all of them, but you're smart. You know better than to let mistakes become bigger problems.' That Nightmare Moon had been swayed by her reason in Manehattan was evidence of that.

Twilight breathed in and sighed. She did not see Nightmare Moon the way everypony else did, and so she knew she was biased. She just needed to convince Nightmare Moon to give more ponies a chance, or maybe convince more ponies that Nightmare Moon wasn't a monster.

Probably both.

'Once I eat you, I will rule Equestria as it was meant to be!'

She pursed her lips. Considering that the dragon had said that, maybe it was a good thing Nightmare Moon killed him. But there still had to be an alternative where Nightmare Moon didn't have to kill the dragon and the dragon wouldn't cause more problems.

Inhaling deeply, she lit her horn and pushed the covers aside as she rolled over onto her side, then climbed out of bed. She stretched out on the floor and let out a content sight before standing back up. Momentarily glancing over at Spike's basket, she found her little brother still sound asleep.

She trotted down the stairs and stopped at the bottom step when she heard a door open from above. Looking back, she saw Midnight peeking her head out.

"Morning, Twilight!"

"Morning, Midnight," she said back to the batpony with a smile. Midnight smiled back happily. "I'm going to fix some breakfast-"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Midnight cut her off, ears folding down and brow creasing with suspicion.

Twilight puffed out her cheeks and jumped down the last step. "Cereal? Fruit?" she offered.

"Apples!" Midnight called, then arched her body before jumping out the door. Turning just as quick, Midnight jumped and glided down the stairs to land.

Twilight had to step aside to avoid being pounced on. "Playful this morning?"

Once she landed, Midnight smiled innocently and shrugged.

Twilight rolled her eyes in an exaggerated motion as she turned to step into the kitchen. With a quick glance around, she found the basket of apples and levitated two over, then turned around and went back to the library. She levitated an apple over to Midnight and took a bite from her own. Her guard eagerly took the apple and bit down on it, sinking her fangs into it and smiling in absolute delight.

Well, eating while standing around wasn't very productive, and knowing that, she walked towards the basement door and opened it with her magic.

"Last time you went down there you were late for dinner with the girls," Midnight cautioned.

Her face feeling warmer than it should, Twilight turned back to Midnight and defended, "I was just going to refresh myself on the topics I went over!"

Midnight's casually commented, "Mhm. Sure. Just refreshing yourself by rereading the entire book. Cover to cover."

"I don't have anything-"

"Meeting with Rarity about the Gala. Lunch picnic thing with Fluttershy. Watching Rainbow Dash practice," Midnight listed. "Although I suppose you could maybe study while watching her-" Midnight started nodding and turning her head to the side, "-but that kinda defeats the purpose of watching her..."

Twilight winced. "Okay. So I do have things to do tonight..." she trailed off. Midnight leaned against the doorway, looking down at her while munching on the apple. "I won't take that long," she offered, smiling.

Midnight nodded in agreement. And then said, "That's what you said last time."

"It was one-"

Rolling her head to the side, Midnight added, "Aaaand the time before that."

"Okay, so maybe-"

With a nod, Midnight added, "And the time before that."

Twilight huffed, not that Midnight cared. "Okay, I get it. I won't start rereading what Nightmare Moon wants me to study," she grumbled. Turning back to face the desk, she scowled. "I mean, it's not like it's important or anything."

Well. There would be time for studying later, of course. Besides, she had agreed to spend more time with her friends.

'Have I been too focused on my studies this whole time?' she wondered. If Nightmare Moon was willing to give her slack, then it stood to reason Princess Celestia would have done the same. If not more. An edge of doubt wormed through her mind, making her grimace. Still, if she hadn't studied as hard as she had, she wouldn't be where she was tonight.

Her studies were important. So were her friends.

She hadn't had friends before. 'My own fault.'

Twilight inhaled and nodded. "Right, study later," she told herself, then closed the door to the basement.

She turned to the stairs leading to the loft, then paused. "Do you-" she started, turning back to look at Midnight, "-know why Nightmare Moon doesn't..." she trailed off. "Why does Nightmare Moon think that..." she trailed off and grimaced. What was the best way to put it? "Why does she want me to spar with her? We were sparing last night and, well, I almost beat her."

Midnight perked right up, eyes widening and wings bristling at her sides. "You almost won?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly as the batpony nearly pranced over to her side. "I... caught her off-guard, I guess. I teleported a lot so I decided I'd try to teleport behind her to catch her off-guard. I did. She turned around and I had my horn against her neck."

Midnight gawked at her. "What happened?"

Twilight winced and turned away. "I, well, in her words, hesitated. So she ended up throwing me on the ground on my back, and then jumping on top of me. And that pretty much ended our sparring."

Midnight giggled.

Shaking her head, Twilight continued, "She thinks I can beat her. I know she's convinced that I can, and I don't understand it. She's an alicorn, and I'm..." she trailed off and bit her lip, remembering, 'You cannot fall back on the excuse that you are a foal.' She sighed and shook her head. "The rest of the girls think it's..." she paused and grimaced again, leaning her head to the side. "Suspicious that she wants to spar with me. Considering that we tried to stop her." She shook her head. "And Nightmare seemed to be disappointed that I didn't follow through and try to stun her. Or something."

"She trusts you completely," Midnight said.

Twilight smiled a little. "Yeah... I know, but it's still... It's odd."

"She likes you," Midnight said.

And what was she supposed to say to that? Of course she knew Nightmare Moon liked her! They were friends.

Midnight's smile drifted away, and the batpony looked off to her right. "I don't think she's been as close to anypony as she's been with you since her sister."

Twilight felt her own smile slip away. She breathed in, then exhaled. 'I might be the only friend Nightmare Moon has ever had, other than Princess Celestia.'

She knew how that other friendship ended.

"Were batponies ever friends with Princess Luna?" she asked.

Midnight looked back at her. "It's... complicated," was the drawn-out answer. "Yes and no. There were some who were closer to Princess Luna than others, but none of us have ever been as close to her as you. We're her soldiers. You're not, and that means a lot to her." Midnight bowed her head once. "Like I said, she likes you and trusts you completely. You're a confidant to her, and she's not had one of those since well before her falling out with her sister."

Twilight grimaced and nodded, looking down at the floor.

"You're good for her," Midnight added thoughtfully.

Twilight looked up at Midnight and half-smiled. "You still didn't really answer my question."

Midnight smiled. "Mhm."

Twilight leaned her head to the right. "So, why does she want me to be able to beat her?"

Midnight shrugged. "I dunno. Ask her."

Twilight closed her eyes and groaned. 'Yes, that would be the simplest thing to do.' Opening her eyes and inhaling, she nodded. 'You know, don't you? Or at the very least you have some idea.' It looked like there might have been some mischiveous hint in Midnight's eyes, but she suspected it would be better to just talk to Nightmare Moon. "Okay. I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay," Midnight said dismissively. "And Twilight? You're special to her."

Licking her lips, she turned her head away from Midnight, lowering her head. 'You care about me. I mean a lot to you.' "Yeah..." she quietly agreed. After a few seconds of procrastination, she lifted her head back up and turned to face the stairs. She walked over to the first step, then stopped. She breathed in deep and turned back to hace Midnight. "I saw her kill a dragon last night."

Midnight's carefree expression dimmed. "Is that why you were... distracted after you got back last night?"

Twilight nodded and lowered her head, lowering her eyes to the floor. "Sorry, I shouldn't have ignored you and Spike like that but-"

"It's okay," Midnight said softly.

After a few seconds, Twilight lifted her head back up and looked at Midnight. She didn't even know what to say now.

"Are you okay?" Midnight asked first.

Twilight turned her head to the right and studied the grooves in the floor for a few seconds, considering everything, then turned back to Midnight. "I guess. I just... she didn't have to kill him."

"What happened?" Midnight asked.

Twilight opened her mouth but hesitated for a few seconds. Her lips closed, then she finally managed to say, "We were sparring and she got a scroll that said a dragon had ate-" she winced and bit her lip, "-a batpony."

Midnight's ears flicked, and her brow twitched, while her lips pulled down. "Oh..."

Shaking her head, Twilight said, "I don't know who, but..." She swallowed and licked her lips. "We went to confront the dragon. Maybe I should have had her teleport me back to Ponyville instead. I halfway think that would have been better, and she even offered, but I decided it was a good idea to go for whatever reason. She did want me to come with her, I think." Midnight didn't say anything, so she nodded and continued, "She gave the dragon a chance to leave. He didn't, and he did say he was going to eat her and then rule Equestria, but still... she didn't have to kill him."

Midnight shifted her weight, then trotted over to her and hugged her. She leaned into the hug but didn't return it.

Ignoring the unease that had settled in her core, ignoring the anxiety prickling her mind, she lifted her forehoof to knock on her niece's door, only to find herself hesitating. 'It's Cadance who you are about to speak with,' haunted her mind. She knew Niece could help her, and yet it still plagued her mind, that she would discuss such a thing with somepony disloyal to her.

But fie the hesitation! Fie the uncertainty! She needed to speak of it, and as agonizing as it was to admit, Cadance could likely help. And for Twilight, it was worth it. She swallowed her pride and knocked on the door; it would not do for the guards to see her hesitating.

A moment later, it opened with Cadance's magic. "Nightmare Moon?" was her niece's surprised question.

She nodded once, then moved to step inside, only to stop herself. "May I... talk to you in private?"

Cadance nodded and quickly stepped aside. Nightmare took the invitation and walked inside. For a moment, she glanced around, avoiding Cadance's gaze until Niece walked around in front of her. "What's on your mind?" Cadance asked.

And Nightmare felt the dread grow all the worse. 'Perhaps this is a mistake,' she absently considered. She did not need to discuss such a thing, she could ignore how it haunted her and how she regretted it. Or perhaps the better idea was to skip visiting Cadance and instead go straight to Twilight. "I..." she trailed off. Oh, how insane this was! She held back a growl and ended up sighing in defeat. "It regards Twilight."

And just like that, Cadance was all ears, perked right up with a bright smile and glint of something in her eyes. It dimmed a moment later as Cadance seemed to realize something was wrong. But if Cadance did realize, she patiently waited on her.

Maybe Cadance was the wrong pony to talk to. She wasn't sure she could trust her niece. But then, if not Cadance, who? As hard as it was to admit, Cadance was the best pony to talk to, and perhaps the only pony she could talk to. There was nopony else who, despite Cadance's disloyalty, she could trust, let alone anypony who could give her advice on such a matter.

"I would ask that this stay between us," Nightmare mumbled.

Cadance nodded. "Of course."

A few seconds passed where Nightmare couldn't get herself to speak. Finally, she forced herself to inhale deeply, then she let out a sigh. "I should not have threatened Twilight into becoming my student." She turned her head to the left, avoiding Cadance's curious gaze. "I have mistreated her for having threatened her." She turned back to meet Cadance's gaze but found neither judgment nor condemnation, only patience. "I promised I would not kill her even if she betrayed me, nor would I kill her friends, but I still promised to kill her if she betrayed me."

And again she turned away from Cadance as a grimace wormed its way onto her lips. "I never apologized to her for that." A certain dread set in her chest, making her throat tighten as she considered what she said next, "I care about her and I regret threatening her." For a few seconds, she waited, expecting to hear Cadance reply with some damned condemnation, but instead, Cadance stayed silent, so she turned back to her Niece.

She found herself shaking her head as the feeling of defeat and disappointment washed over her. "Since I awoke this morning I have not been able to escape the thought that we are only friends because I threatened her, Cadance." She paused to search her niece's eyes, for there had to be condemnation in them! How could Cadance not condemn her for having threatened a foal?

And yet she could not comprehend how there was no condemnation nor anger in her niece's eyes, only a soft compassion that she couldn't understand.

"I thought she was a threat to me and I treated her as such. I forced her into being my student. I did not give her a choice," she said. "She did not choose to become my student. I was cruel to her. How can we then be friends? How can it be anything more than meaningless? It is built on nothing more than threats."

Cadance frowned. "Twilight's a good pony."

Nightmare found her gaze flicking to the floor. 'Would you maybe want to be friends?' 'We were never friends.' "She is..." she whispered.

It was pointless sentimentalism; why did she dwell on it? Twilight meant so much to her; it was the same reason why she wanted Twilight as her friend and confidant.

"She cares about you. You are friends. It's not built on threats, Nightmare. You threatened her but she's forgiven you," Cadance murmured.

She looked back up at Cadance and found a soft smile across her Niece's lips. "Why?" she asked, then shook her head. "Out of everypony, she should hate me the most. She should not have forgiven me for what I have done."

"Why do you think that?" Cadance asked softly.

And that question pained her. She turned her head to the right, looking away from her niece. "I threatened a foal, Cadance. I should not have done that. That is not right." She reluctantly looked back at Cadance, shaking her head. "I imprisoned her mentor and forced her to be my student. I have lost control around her and... for the longest time, terrified her. She did not choose to be my student, and if that is the reason why we are friends how can it mean anything?" Cadance's frown returned, but her Niece said nothing. "If we are only friends because I have threatened her then we are not friends and our relationship is as pointless as the feigned respect the Royal Guards show me."

Cadance frowned. After a few seconds, the frown faded, and her Niece posed, "Why are you talking to me, instead of her?"

For a few seconds, she had no answer. Her head drifted to the right again. "I should talk to her. I just... I do not know."

"You should," Cadance agreed. "But you're afraid to." She turned back to face Cadance. Her Niece's soft expression held no hints of any deception, only genuine care that she couldn't understand. "You're worrying too much."

'We were never friends.'

'I'm too fond of you.'

She sighed and nodded. "Perhaps I am."

"You care about her," Cadance pointed out. "It's only natural that we worry about the ponies closest to us."

'Yes, you are correct.' Did she dare admit to Cadance what ate at her mind? She swallowed and licked her lips, then admitted, "I am afraid that our friendship is only a lie, that I'm lying to myself about it, and that... that she will not want to be my friend, or that she is not my friend." But she dared not admit, 'I had a nightmare where she said we were never friends.'

Cadance tilted her head and smiled softly. "It's not, Nightmare." Cadance approached her, stopped in front of her, and set her right forehoof on her shoulder.

Nightmare turned her head to regard Cadance's hoof on her shoulder. She recognized it as one soldiers had given to each other, one meant to comfort or reassure. She turned back to face Cadance.

Cadance looked at her softly. Her niece finally bowed her head and murmured, "Go talk to her."

"We..." she trailed off, not knowing the best way to put it. "Last night we had a... disagreement." Cadance pulled her hoof back, set it down, and watched her. She looked off to the side. "A dragon had-"

"Just go talk to her," Cadance murmured. She turned back to meet Cadance's soft gaze. "You're close. Talk to her. Be open with her. She's a good pony and yes, she cares about you. You may have had a fight, but you can still apologize to her. Or each other."

'An apology can not fix everything Cadance.' She opened her mouth, only to find that there was nothing for her to say. Her mouth gradually closed as she bowed her head. "I suppose you are right, Cadance. It would be better to address this than to procrastinate on it and leave it to distract me." She lifted her head and reluctantly nodded. "Very well. Thank you."

Cadance offered a warmer smile. "You're welcome."

She only grimaced more as dread welled up inside her and pressed down on her mind. 'If we are not friends, I will be alone again.' But this time, it would be Twilight's choice. And perhaps that was the choice Twilight would make. Perhaps that was her own destiny, then. Eternal isolation and loneliness, betrayed by her sister, shunned by her ponies, abandoned by those she would call friend.

Forever damned.

She had to hope that she wasn't lying to herself, that Twilight had forgiven her and that they were somehow friends. Because if they weren't friends, then she was deluding herself and their bond was nothing more than a lie. She inhaled deeply, then forced the air back out of her lungs. If Twilight did not want it, then trying to force her to remain was a mistake. If Twilight did not want it, then trying to force it to work was wrong. Forcing that relationship would only make Twilight hate her and turn their relationship into nothing more than a bitter, treacherous poison.

And it would be meaningless, just like everything else since her return.

Because she would be alone.

And Twilight wouldn't ascend.

And she would have no victory over her sister.

And she would have no joy.

No freedom, nor peace of mind.

Her dreams would never come to fruition.

And again, she would have been betrayed by the pony closest to her-or perhaps the betrayal was her own.

Perhaps taking their friendship for granted was taking advantage of Twilight. Like Sister had taken advantage of her.

And she knew how much that hurt.

But there would be no threats.

When Twilight stepped back out of the bathroom, the feeling of the cool night air stealing away the lingering warmth of her hot shower brought her to frown in discomfort. Glancing around the room, she found Spike's basket empty and his bed made. She held back a sigh. 'I miss the sun's warmth.'

Without day, the night just wasn't as special. She wondered if that said something about Nightmare Moon or Princess Luna.

Shaking her head, she turned to leave and stepped out of her room. Down in the library below, rather than Spike and Midnight, she instead found her teacher patiently waiting. "Twilight," Nightmare greeted with a subtle bow of her head.

'Are you here because of last night?' "Nightmare Moon," she greeted in return as she made her way down the stairs.

Nightmare shifted her weight on her hooves and looked at the books on the shelves rather than her. "May we speak?"

She frowned. 'So it is, then.' "Yes."

Nightmare grimaced and finally looked back at her, then breathed in deep and audibly exhaled. "I... do not know where to begin," Nightmare mumbled, turning her head away from her again.

She frowned, noticing a tightness in Nightmare's cheeks. 'Well this is going to suck,' she decided. She breathed in to brace herself for the coming conversation, then let it out. "Alright, look-" Nightmare gradually turned back to face her, "-I still disagree with killing the dragon but... I guess I shouldn't have compared you to him. I'm sorry. He did say he wanted to eat you and then rule Equestria, and I guess given the context that can be taken to mean he wants to eat more ponies too."

Nightmare opened her mouth, only for her to hesitate before closing it and reluctantly bowing her head again. "I would expect as much," her teacher finally said, "though I suppose it is just as likely that he would have terrorized ponies and deer for fun." The alicorn shook her head vigorously. "He did not accept my offer for him to leave, and I am unwilling to let him live because I am unwilling to risk the lives of those hundreds of ponies and deer in the village."

She grimaced and gradually turned her head away. "Yeah... I guess... I guess that's true. I still don't know if killing him was the right thing to do but I at least understand why."

Nightmare nodded, only to stop and grimace, then wince and bow her head. "I... suppose I should apologize as well. I should... not have snapped at you. I... I should not have brought you with me." Nightmare grimaced worse, turning her head to the left to avoid her gaze, as if afraid of what she might see.

"It's okay. I was the one who thought it was a good idea to go with you," she replied.

Nightmare lifted her head and turned to face her, opening her mouth to speak. Instead, Nightmare's tongue came to rest against her teeth, then after a few seconds, Nightmare bowed her head. "I do... still think you are naive, Twilight, but..." Nightmare trailed off and lifted her head again. "I do not wish to argue with you. You are young and Sister taught you." Her teacher turned her head to the right, still meeting her gaze. "I will not hold it against you."

She smiled awkwardly and shifted her weight. "Thank you."

Nightmare breathed in, then exhaled as she straightened her head. "There is something else I wish to discuss with you. Which... is the main reason I am here."

Shw frowned and turned back to face her teacher. "Which is..?"

Nightmare lifted her head up and bobbed it. After a few seconds, Nightmare lowered her head and looked right, then left, a disgruntled, strained line on her lips. Eventually, Nightmare settled on looking at her, but she saw the alicorn's wings twitching. Nightmare breathed in and opened her mouth, only to stop and press her tongue against her teeth again. A few seconds passed; she saw some unknowable conflict pass through her teacher's eyes, and then her teacher's wings drooped. "Are we friends?" was Nightmare's question.

She frowned and squinted at the alicorn. "Of course we're friends... why do you think we're not?"

Nightmare breathed in and turned her head to the left, her lips setting in a firm line. "I threatened you."

"You did... I forgave you for that a long time ago," Twilight replied.

Nightmare turned back to meet her gaze. She caught a flicker of uncertainty and pain in Nightmare's eyes. "I never apologized. Why did you forgive me?"

She sighed. "Holding a grudge against you doesn't do anything for me. And I know you're not perfect, but you're trying, and you care about me a lot. I know I mean a lot to you."

And for just a single second, Twilight thought she saw Nightmare flinch as if pained, and then she thought she saw guilt or regret, and then it was gone. "Why?" Nightmare asked. "How can you just forgive me? Out of everypony, no one should hate me more than you. I banished your mentor. I threatened you, nay, I promised to kill you if you betrayed me. I promised to kill a foal. And if I had not threatened you, you would not be my student. If I had not threatened you, we would not be friends. Our friendship is based on nothing more than my having threatened you. Why would you forgive me?"

'You're hurting.' Was it really hurting her that much? So long ago she never could have imagined Nightmare Moon standing before her looking so troubled. "Because ponies make mistakes. Nopony's perfect. We're friends and-"

Nightmare shook her head vigorously "Why are we friends? How can we be friends? Nopony has ever wanted to be my friend. You have no reason to be my friend." Nightmare swallowed. "I do not understand. I am afraid that we are not friends."

"Why?" Nightmare asked again.

What was she supposed to answer to this? How was she supposed to answer? Turning back to face the alicorn, she asked, "Why?"

Nightmare lifted her head higher. "Why?" Nightmare echoed, but her teacher didn't understand it.

"Why do you think we're not friends?" Twilight specified.

Whatever resolve Nightmare had waivered. For a split second, she knew Nightmare Moon felt guilt. She saw it in the alicorn's eyes. Nightmare gradually inhaled, then her chest deflated as she exhaled. "I threatened a foal, Twilight." And the alicorn's muzzle scrunched up in disgust as her resolve returned, shattering that guilt to replace it with anger. Nightmare jerked her head to the left, agitatedly looking everywhere else but at her. "I wanted to torture my Sister when I returned. I considered destroying Canterlot in order to defeat Cadance if she was a threat like I thought she was. I almost..." and the alicorn's anger wilted as she caught herself. For a moment, Nightmare only breathed in and exhaled. "I almost killed you, Twilight. I almost killed a foal. I promised that I would if you betrayed me, and if you had, I would have killed you. I was cruel to you." And Nightmare smiled a twisted, sarcastic smile filled with anger and hatred. Twilight did not step back, nor frown. "And a thousand years ago I would have done things a thousand times worse." And then that smile shattered. Nightmare turned back to face her.

Regret and pain plagued the Queen's features.

"You are a good pony, Twilight. Luna was a good pony, Twilight."

And it went unsaid that Nightmare Moon was not.

Nightmare Moon shook her head and turned away from her again. "I know I should not have done that. I was not thinking straight but that is no excuse. I am sorry that I promised to kill you. I am sorry that I did not apologize before now."

Nightmare turned back to face her. "Please forgive me."

'You're hurting...'

Nightmare looked away from her again. "I do not want to think that you hold that against me, and I fear that even if you do not, we are only friends because I threatened you." Nightmare swallowed again, then licked her lips. "Do you... truly wish to be my friend and student?"

Twilight nodded. "Of course I do! Yes, you threatened me but that's in the past. I forgive you. It's okay."

It only seemed to agitate her teacher, who turned her head away from her again. "You have five very special friends and that we are friends causes strife in your friendship with them. I do not want to hurt you by forcing you to choose me over them. And I do not want you to feel that you have no choice." Nightmare faced her again. "Sister taught you for half of your life. That you are not so poisoned as to spit in my face and turn from me..." the alicorn trailed off, shaking her head. "I do not understand. Why would you desire my friendship?"

For a time, silence passed between them. She wasn't sure how long it lasted, but Nightmare stood there patiently. And Twilight stood there, watching her. Watching Nightmare search her features, almost pleadingly.

Twilight inhaled, then calmly exhaled. "What would you do if I said we weren't friends, or that I didn't want to be your friend or student?"

Fear. Just like she had seen Nightmare Moon look at her after the nightmare with Discord. Nightmare Moon was afraid. And pained. Her teacher's jaw clenched shut, and she saw the alicorns' chest deflate. And then Nightmare steeled herself against it, as if putting up a wall between them so that she would not be hurt again. "I would have no choice but to accept your decision." The alicorn slowly shook her head. "I cannot force this. I cannot control your decisions or your life in such a way. It is not right and I would only be hurting you and poisoning whatever remained between us-or whatever there had been between us. Forcing it would ruin whatever meaning it could have."

And Twilight knew Nightmare Moon had more to say: she caught the alicorn biting her lip to stop herself from continuing.

She shook her head. "But you're not forcing me to be your friend. I want to be your friend. I want to learn from you."

And Nightmare's expression again twisted: relief and guilt and uncertainty and pain. "Why?" Nightmare pleaded. "You compared me to the dragon after I killed him, who I would consider a monster. You disagree with many of my actions. Do you consider me a monster?" Nightmare asked.

She shook her head, breathed in, then exhaled. "No. You're not a monster." She hesitated a moment before nodding. "But you're not a good pony either." Nightmare's lips twitched, but nothing more. "Good ponies can do bad things, and bad ponies can do good things." Nightmare turned away from her. "You're right that we were only friends now because you threatened me into becoming your student. If you hadn't, then I'd probably be busy trying to figure out how to rescue Princess Celestia."

Nightmare scowled, then grimaced, and finally winced, but kept silent.

'Or locked in a dungeon somewhere. If I was still alive.'

For a time, Twilight was quiet, considering what to say. "But you did threaten me, and I forgive you for it." Nightmare turned back to look at her. And in Nightmare's expression, she saw a lack of understanding and comprehension. For all Nightmare's knowledge and experience, somehow, that was something the alicorn didn't understand. Nodding, Twilight continued, "Friends aren't perfect. We're all ponies, Nightmare Moon. You've done really bad things. Princess Celestia has done things I don't understand.

"So no, you're not a good pony, but you're not a monster either. You have your own way of looking at things and your own way of thinking. But you're smart, and while it might be hard for you, you can recognize when you've made a mistake, and you have tried to fix some of those mistakes. Not all of them, but some of them. If you were a monster, you wouldn't admit to making mistakes. If you were a monster, you wouldn't regret your actions. If you were a monster, you wouldn't apologize for anything, let alone for promising to kill me if I betrayed you. If you were a monster, you wouldn't care what I think of you; a monster wouldn't care what anypony thought. You'd just do whatever you wanted, not caring about the consequences."

She paused for a moment, then nodded again. "But you do. You're not indiscriminately killing ponies for rioting or for vandalism. Maybe that's only because you don't want Equestria to fall apart, maybe it's only because you don't want to have to deal with the problems that would cause, and maybe it's only because it's not in your best interests, but you're not doing it. You care about me, and that we're friends. You worry that we're not friends."

"A monster wouldn't."

Twilight paused, licked her lips, and studied Nightmare's expression. There was definitely something there in Nightmare's eyes; the alicorn looked at her intently. No threats, no malice, and yet intent and focused: holding onto what she said. Listening to it and taking it in-even if it was hard.

But there was still a refusal to accept it.

Bowing her head, she continued, "For a while, I considered being your friend so that I could feel safer. I figured it would give you less reason to hurt me. And that's the wrong reason, although considering what you did to your Sister, it probably wouldn't help." She looked back up and met Nightmare's gaze. "But no. I'm not your friend because I feel safer for it. I'm your friend because I want to be your friend. I care about you too, Nightmare Moon."

Nightmare's brow folded down, and Twilight saw the alicorn's inability to grasp it, summarized in a single question, "Why?"

She had to force back a groan, but her jaw still clenched for a moment. 'Why don't you understand?' "Because, in your own way, you're trying," Twilight answered. "Because you're hurting and just abandoning you-" she shook her head vigorously at the thought, "-just giving up on you, isn't the right thing to do. You don't have any other friends."

And Nightmare's brow only creased more. Then Nightmare turned away from her, a scowl seizing her lips. "So you would be my friend out of pity," came out bitterly.

'You're trying to push me away, aren't you? You're trying to push me away to protect yourself.' Twilight clenched her jaw, a little anger sparking in her mind. How was it that sompony as old as Nightmare Moon couldn't see that they were friends? Not having had friends was no excuse, and now Nightmare Moon only insulted and hurt her more. "No," Twilight forced out.

Nightmare turned back to face her.

"We can talk openly, right?" she asked.

Nightmare watched her for a few seconds before reluctantly nodded.

"Don't push me away just because you selfishly want to feel better about threatening me."

For a long time, Nightmare just stared at her. Her teacher's stare was eventually broken by an inhale and a blink, then Nightmare gradually bowed her head, backing down.

"I want to be your friend. I care about you," she stated, then bowed her head and looked up at Nightmare, emphasizing, "Let me be your friend." She paused as her stare turned into a glare. "And don't push me away, because that hurts," she emphasized. "I'm your friend because I enjoy your company, despite what you might think. I enjoy when we watch the stars together, and I enjoy talking to you. I enjoyed when we flew together and then laid together on that cloud, watching the stars. If you really regret threatening me, if you actually care, then don't push me away. Let me be your friend. And accept that we are friends."

Nightmare turned her head to the left, avoiding her gaze. Several seconds passed, and Nightmare's head gradually drifted lower. She saw her teacher swallow, saw a bit of a tremble in her chest that she couldn't place: it wasn't anger. And to her surprise, she watched Nightmare Moon's ears drift back. Not all the way, but enough that it was visible. "Not of pity... not because I promised to kill you if you betrayed me..." Nightmare lifted her head back and faced her. "But because you care? Because you enjoy my company?"

Twilight nodded.

Nightmare closed her eyes and bowed her head, and for a moment, Twilight though the alicorn almost looked free. "Very well... I... I apologize for... for doubting you. And..." Nightmare's lips flicked for a moment. "And... I am sorry."

"I forgive you," Twilight said softly. "Everypony makes mistakes."

Nightmare closed her eyes and audibly exhaled in relief. Her teacher's ears gradually lifted back up, and when Nightmare opened her eyes, the alicorn looked so much lighter, so much freer. Almost happy, almost innocent.

A little more like Luna.

"I... thank you. I am-" Nightmare turned her head to the right, "-I am grateful for your friendship." The alicorn faced her again. "It means... a great deal to me. I... will endeavor not to... betray you or your trust, or... doubt our friendship."

And without saying anything else, Nightmare stepped over to her, leaned down, and hugged her. Sat down and pulled Twilight close to her body and held her there, almost forcefully, and a little tighter than her brother did. Twilight closed her eyes and lifted her right forehoof and wrapped it around Nightmare's neck, mirroring Nightmare's actions. But of course, she couldn't mirror how Nightmare enveloped her body with those majestic wings of hers, couldn't mirror how they made her feel safe and happy, bringing her to smile as she rested her head against Nightmare's neck. Nightmare nuzzled her neck, and she returned it. For several seconds, Nightmare continued nuzzling her, even after she stopped returning it. 'I mean a lot to you.' And when Nightmare finally stopped, the alicorn rested her head at an angle, just barely nosing into her mane.

And though she wished Nightmare's chestplate wasn't there to separate the two of them, it didn't feel so callous as before, warmed by their shared body heat. Nightmare's feathers traced down her sides, making her shiver and squirm, and in response, Nightmare's wings folded around her back again and held her close.

And for a time, they just sat there. Neither of them spoke, nor did either of them let go of the other. They embraced and shared the moment. Twilight listened to Nightmare's heart, felt it pulsing in her neck against her cheek and ear, felt the rise and fall of Nightmare's body as she breathed. Each time she inhaled, she caught Nightmare's scent: faintly of lavender, faintly of paper, and faintly of sweat, and other things she couldn't place. It almost reminded her of Princess Celestia, but it wasn't anywhere near as familiar, nor did it soothe and relax her as the Princess's scent did.

And as the hug lingered, she knew there was the chance that somepony would come by and see. Perhaps Spike would return, having forgotten something, or perhaps one of her friends or somepony else, but it didn't matter. If they saw, though they would be intruding upon the moment they shared, they wouldn't see Nightmare Moon as a monster, but a pony.

Just like her.

It felt too soon when Nightmare's grip tightened, then finally loosened, lifting her wings from Twilight's back. Twilight frowned and lifted her head back when Nightmare pulled back. The alicorn stood up and took a step back, looking down at her. She watched the way Nightmare's eyes nearly danced as they jumped from spot to spot. Then Nightmare glanced at her back before looking back at her wing. Extending her right wing, Nightmare looked back at her and stroked a single feather along her jaw before folding her wing again. It was enough to replace her frown with a smile. "If I," Nightmare started, a slight hesitation seeping into her voice, culminating in Nightmare closing her mouth and sighing. "If I hurt you again, tell me."

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. "See? You're not a monster. If you were, you wouldn't care what I think."

"I did not say that I think of myself as a monster, Twilight, I merely asked if you thought I were one," Nightmare countered. "I would argue that monsters do not view themselves as monsters either."

Twilight looked off to the wall at her left, considering the idea. "That's... probably right, I suppose," she admitted, then faced Nightmare Moon again. "Are you still planning to avoid the Gala?"

Nightmare inclined her head once. "I am, yes."

"It might be good for your public image if you showed up," Twilight offered.

Nightmare's lips parted, then closed. "I... suppose that is your advice, is it not?"

Twilight nodded.

Nightmare shook her head. "It would neither matter nor make a difference, Twilight. If I thought it would, then I would try. I will avoid the Gala, though I will be in Canterlot and I will keep an eye on things. You will visit me, will you not?"

"Of course!" Twilight chirped.

Nightmare's smile returned. "I look forward to it."

"I don't suppose I could convince you to stay for a while?"

Nightmare smiled. "You do not need to convince me to spend time with you," was the alicorn's murmur.

She didn't even try to stop herself from smiling. She still raised an eyebrow and asked, "Even though there are about a hundred other things you could be doing?"

Nightmare winced and shifted her weight, nodding in agreement as she inhaled. "Let us say... I enjoy spending time with you. Your company is far preferable to... dealing with other such matters."

Twilight giggled softly.

Nightmare grimaced. "And... I suppose I should tell you that I am recalling Midnight to Hollow Shades." She frowned and opened her mouth but Nightmare continued, "I do not want you to feel that she is intruding on your life or that she is keeping an eye on you. I trust you, and... perhaps you do not need a guard to keep you safe here in Ponyville."

She closed her mouth and settled on thinking about it for a while. "She's my friend, you know. My friends' friend."

Nightmare gradually nodded. "You will all see her again. And she has not left yet. You will be able to say goodbye."

She nodded slowly. They stood in silence for a few seconds before she asked, "What brought this on? Thinking that we weren't friends. Was it... was it really... what I said?"

Nightmare grimaced and turned away from her. "No..." her teacher mumbled. "I... had a nightmare," the alicorn eventually admitted, then faced her again. "You said that-"

'-we were never friends.'

Author's Note:

(Edited comments from the original iteration of the Author's notes, undated when I originally wrote these Author's notes.)

Nine attempts. Nine long, hard attempts. That's how long it took us to get Harvest back to write this chapter. I know it's an exaggeration to say, but it feels just as hard as taking Harvest back. ...and in the end it feels just as pointless as taking Harvest back.

Augh. This chapter was a pain in the butt to write. It was originally taking place after the next two chapters. Which is the first part of the problem, in that I wrote if after the next two chapters and later moved it back here.

Which, you guessed it, caused continuity problems.

And then it always ended up being a terrible chapter anyway. And I didn't want to reread or work on it because months back after writing it and editing it so much I really started to dislike this chapter in general.

The general idea behind this chapter was, "Nightmare needs to drop the threat with Twilight formally/officially, so that their friendship can be more natural and they can be entirely open with each other" in part because I really dislike the idea of there even being a semblance for reasons you may be able to guess.

When I wrote this chapter I tried to include a reference to Lullaby for a Princess. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite make it work.

Re-rewrite attempt #1 finished 4/22/20 (There have been so many attempts at this chapter it hurts and frustrates me.)

Finished an editing sweep on 4/27/20

Reviewed on 5/2/20.

With what I know from writing beyond this chapter, I sort of think this chapter is unnecessary. I'm also not entirely pleased with it but I also feel like going ahead and publishing it anyway.

Reviewed/edited/rewritten on 5/16/20.

I have coffee. I love the story once more! Huzzah!

So I suppose I'll drop a teeny tiny bit of my plans here. So one of the things I've considered for months as to how to develop Nightmare Moon and Twilight's relationship (among other things) is I've wanted to have both of them have vulnerable moments with each other. Twilight's Discord freak out being the first, this being the second (though it wasn't originally planned; originally Nightmare was going to have her flanked handed to her on a silver platter in a battle with--mmm, spoilers--and then, having been knocked down several pegs, just sort of have a quiet moment for both of them where Nightmare Moon is injured pretty badly, and Twilight elects to stay with her instead of go off with her friends.)

So yes, I am now once again somewhat happy with this chapter/story. Coffee is the secret ingredient apparently; coffee keeps me going apparently.


- Fixed a glitch where Cadance hugged Nightmare Moon--wait this is a story not a game. My bad.
At one point, I had something in the patch notes Author's Notes, and rereading it, I can't find it in this iteration, so it must be in another iteration! And I forgot to copy it over.

But! I remember what it was:
You heard it here first, folks!

As hard as it was to admit, Cadance was the best pony

Related to this, one of my friends has in the recent past, brought up several points about Cadance. She gets the short end of the stick, as it were. She's underrated. She's not a pushover like some people might/seem to think. As an example, Cadance and Shining Armor beat an army together where Celestia got oofed, Cadance powered the shield over the Crystal Empire that kept King Sombrero out, Cadance has some interest in magic, as per "Three's a Crowd" (I hope I have the chap episode title right), and Twilight asked her if the spell looked right in whichever episode it was where her daughter broke the Crystal Heart. Also, who shielded them when Tempest attacked? Spoiler alert, it wasn't Tia or Luna--it was Cadance. While the other two just kinda stood there. Doing nothing.

Like normal.

Also, Cadance has a foal. An alicorn foal. And her mane was only slightly ruffled from it. Dunno about you, but I tend to think it's problematic to give birth to a unicorn/alicorn because of the horn. Ah, this reminds me of a long time ago I had an idea for a story that was going to include, as a plot point, Rainbow Dash giving birth to an alicorn* and the horn caused nearly-fatal problems. Though it's possibly unlikely I'll ever write this (see alicorn*) I may yet write it in the future at some unspecified point.

Giving birth to an alicorn--how am I supposed to write this? I ask since I have the whole issue of, "Alright, I'm gonna write this scene! ...and the story's rated T... how do I write this scene in such a way that I don't have to bump the rating up to M while still including it since it's important?" I, of course, had planned to ask mods for some things to keep in mind while writing it, when/if I got around to it.

Right, rant over I guess. Time to work on writing Twilight teaching Nightmare Moon the magic of having a secretary, something else I forgot, and plotting for the story's inevitable demise conclusion.

Coffee's great. Did I mention I like coffee? I like coffee. I've had coffee today. Can you tell?


Finally published! Huzzah! The Hiatus has been slain! ...for now. I have successfully written a new chapter as well, along with starting another chapter--yesterday. Today I have been distracted.

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