• Published 17th Nov 2018
  • 14,510 Views, 754 Comments

The Night's Stars - SC_Orion

Upon her return from her one thousand year banishment, Nightmare Moon discovers Celestia's student and her potential.

  • ...


Each passing second made more anxiety well up inside Twilight's chest. It was silly, really, but it was true. She had faced down Discord with her friends, but this made her almost as anxious. 'We beat the Spirit of Chaos, and this makes me nervous...' The thought brought a twisted, forced smile to her face.

The mirror more than told her just how horrified that smile looked.

She swallowed and forced the smile away, and then her expression looked haunted.

'This is silly,' she knew. 'The girls are doing just fine. They'd probably tell me I'm worrying too much!' And of course, she was certain that was true. Or at the very least, she could picture Rarity dismissing her worries as nothing.

Still, she looked nice. If she ignored how horrified her expression was.

"Is this really necessary?" she squeaked.

"Yes," was Nightmare's immediate answer.

Twilight looked to the left, careful not to turn her head. Nightmare watched her, looking at her contemplatively as if searching for any imperfections. The only imperfection she knew of was her expression, though she was certain she wasn't as talented as Rarity or the pony tending to her.

Nightmare's eyes snapped onto her own, and her teacher gave a slow nod of her head to emphasize, "Relax."

"Sorry," she muttered. "I just..." She fidgeted. Which was bad. She glanced to the left. The pony tending to her shot her a glare. She winced and forced a smile. The glare lingered as the pony ran the brush through the length of her mane again, then the glare went away as the mare's gaze refocused on her mane. She swallowed and looked back at Nightmare. "I'm not used to this."

"In truth, this surprises me," Nightmare admitted. A moment passed, and then Nightmare walked over to her, stopping just out of reach. The alicorn's eyes drifted back and forth across her face, and she noticed a slight lift of Nightmare's right wing, only for the movement to stop, and, after a moment, Nightmare's wing returned to her side. "Given that you were my sister's student, I had expected you to be more acquainted with such events."

"No," Twilight answered. "Or, well, I'm not used to being the center of attention." Her hooves felt cold. Had they always felt that cold? Why hadn't she noticed? Was she shaking where she stood?

Nightmare gave a hesitant nod. "I... suppose this is true. But still," her teacher mused, "I would have expected you to be used to the attention given that you were her student. I suppose given your nature, it is to be expected."

Her nature, of course, being an anti-social bookworm. Which wasn't as accurate of a description of her anymore since she had friends.

"Still," Nightmare nodded. "You should not shy away from this as you do."

Twilight stayed silent and let her eyes drift over her coat. It nearly shined from all the work the mare had put into it, and she was certain that was the only reason why Nightmare didn't brush a feather over her back. It felt nice, too, softer and slicker than normal. Perhaps warmer than normal, too, despite her cold hooves. The attention was nice, yet she still knew why she was getting that attention.

And that made her anxious.

She cringed and turned her head to face Nightmare Moon. "Are you sure all of this is really necessary?"

She could feel the mare glaring at her. Her eyes jumped to the right. Sure enough, there was a glare. She swallowed a lump in her throat and carefully brought her head back to face the mirror. She looked at Nightmare, careful not to move her head.

Nightmare inclined her head. "Yes," was her answer. "Try to relax. Your friends will be there with you."

"Right..." Twilight muttered. Her eyes dropped to the marble floor. She sucked in a deep breath, then let it out. For a moment, the mare stopped her work. She looked at her, but there was no glare. The moment passed and the mare went back to work. "I'm still nervous."

"You do not have to do anything other than be there," Nightmare reminded her.

"I know that," Twilight muttered. "But still!"

Nightmare tilted her head to the right. "Do you not think saving Equestria is worthy of celebration and praise?"

Twilight didn't reply. 'Of course it is...' she could reason, and yet, the whole thing was just insane! 'Five mares and a filly... saving the world. From something that Nightmare Moon, who defeated and banished Princess Celestia, couldn't stop.'

Who would believe such a story!? If somepony had told her that, she would have called them crazy!

But that's what had happened. She knew. She remembered. She had been there.

It was still insane.

She closed her eyes and took in another deep breath.

"You have nothing to be worried about," Nightmare's voice comforted.

And really, Nightmare Moon was right. What was there to worry about? She would be there with her friends. It wouldn't take that long, hopefully, and then she could enjoy the night with her friends. Assuming ponies gave them space to spend time together which wasn't very likely and- 'Oh, this is going to suck.'

'I'm worrying too much,' occurred to her again. Applejack would say so. Rarity would say so. Nightmare Moon said so. Even she said so. "I can't wait for tonight to be over with..." she grumbled.

"I believe I understand what you mean. Such events are... not my favorite, yet..." Nightmare Moon trailed off. Twilight opened her eyes and looked at her. Nightmare Moon stared at the floor, bobbing her head. A moment passed, then Nightmare stopped and looked up, meeting her gaze. "It is nice to be recognized."

Before she could stop herself, she asked, "Were you ever recognized or celebrated like this?"

A moment passed in silence. The mare stopped. Nightmare Moon watched her as if she didn't understand the question, then she blinked. Gradually, Nightmare inclined her head. "It was... different," was her quiet admission. Then Nightmare shook her head.

"But you did?" Twilight asked.

Nightmare shifted her weight and looked over Twilight's head to stare at the wall. "Not like this."

Twilight's ears drifted back. 'Did ponies celebrate you or not?' her mind questioned. Nightmare Moon said that ponies despised her, but if she was celebrated at times, what did that mean? Was it the batponies who celebrated her? Was it during times of war, when she had protected ponies? And then did the ponies forget and turn on her afterward?

Her ears drifted lower.

"It is a conversation for another time," Nightmare stated.

"Right..." she whispered. She licked her lips. "So, uh... can we go over how this is supposed to go again?"

Nightmare closed her eyes for a second, then opened them. "We have been over this several times already."

Twilight smiled awkwardly. "It doesn't hurt to be prepared!"

Nightmare squinted at her. "I believe the modern term is 'paralysis by analysis,' which applies to you in this situation."

The smile turned into a cringe. "Right..." she muttered.

"Relax. Do not worry," Nightmare comforted again. "You and your friends will be fine."

Not that it helped much. So much could go wrong! She could make a fool of herself, and in turn make Nightmare Moon look bad! One of her friends- probably Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie- could do something stupid! And ponies would know. They'd know that she was Nightmare Moon's student, even more now than before.

Would they look at her as a hero or a villain?

Surely they wouldn't see her as a villain! She and her friends had stopped Discord! They had saved Equestria and the world! But they hadn't stopped Nightmare Moon. They hadn't saved Princess Celestia.

She bit her lip.


She released her lip and glanced at Nightmare too quickly to see her teacher's expression. "Sorry."

A few seconds passed in silence. The brush passed over her coat for the umpteenth time. It was still pleasant, though not as pleasant as the first time. It was very thorough, and certainly not entirely necessary. She already looked nice, how could more work make it any better? Though Rarity would probably argue that, 'One cannot rush perfection, dear.'

The brush stopped and the mare stepped back. She turned her eyes to watch the mare, then followed her as best she could. The mare watched her with a squint and slowly circled around her, almost like a predator, yet so distinct from one. "She is... presentable," the mare declared.

"Good," Nightmare said in a voice that was almost warm.

The mare bowed, then made her way out of the room. Nightmare turned her head to watch, then looked back at her. Until the door shut behind the mare, Nightmare's eyes continued to trail back and forth over her coat. "You look..." Nightmare hesitated, tossing her head side to side, "nice."

A compliment from Nightmare Moon! She smiled slightly. "Thank you."

The slightest smile pulled at Nightmare's lips, and the alicorn inclined her head once, then inhaled deeply. "I... trust you will not... ruin anything if I leave you to your friends' hooves?"

"Rarity would kill me if I did," Twilight answered.

"I... see," Nightmare drawled. The alicorn looked at her chest, and her gaze lingered on the necklace.

Nightmare's horn glowed to life, and in a flash of magic, Twilight felt the necklace's weight disappear. She looked down to find her chest bare. "You won't need that tonight," Nightmare said.

Twilight swallowed and met her gaze. After a moment, she carefully picked her right forehoof up- worried the mare would barge back in and shriek at her- and then turned to face Nightmare.

"As I have said," Nightmare said carefully, "I will... leave you to your friends tonight, after the ceremony. Celebrate. Enjoy spending time them."

Which, Twilight knew, translated into, 'As soon as I finish speaking, I am leaving, because I am unwelcome and will only be a blight on everything.' She frowned. "You can stay, you know." More softly, "You're my friend too."

Nightmare hesitated and Twilight saw the uncertainty in her eyes. Nightmare was conflicted; she wanted to agree, yet something held her back. Something else replaced the uncertain look. Disappointment? Nightmare nodded reluctantly. "Cadance is better suited for this," was her dismissal.

'But staying could be good for you!' her mind reasoned. Staying would give her opportunities that she needed! Nightmare Moon could mingle and, as hard as that was to picture, it would be good for her.

Assuming it didn't end badly and that ponies didn't keep their distance. And they would.

She sighed and her head fell.

Nightmare's feather brushed against her cheek. She looked back up at her teacher. "Do you want me to teleport you to your friends, or walk you there? We have time."

Twilight bobbed her head, though her mind still lingered on how Nightmare Moon separated her from her friends when getting dressed up- which really only translated into having her coat, mane, and tail pampered. It had been just Nightmare Moon, her, and the servants. It was almost nice, but she still missed her friends. "Teleport," she answered.

Nightmare inclined her head. Twilight felt the magic wrap around her and closed her eyes. They teleported. When she opened her eyes, she found them standing in a darker hallway; the room she had been in was brightly lit to allow for the best possible work, while the hallway had the same nighttime lighting as normal.

The chime of Nightmare's magic lingered, and the door opened. The room beyond was much larger than the room she had been in, but just as brightly lit. Beyond the doorway, she could see her five friends all being tended to. Rarity had an unfiltered smile on her face, while Rainbow's expression was much more muted, though still slightly pleased. Rarity enjoyed the pampering; Rainbow looked forward to being praised for how 'awesome' she was.

Still, Twilight smiled.

Nightmare pulled away from her without saying anything else. She turned to watch Nightmare walk off. 'I wish you could get along with the rest of my friends...'

Oh, how wonderful that would be! And it would be good for Nightmare Moon.

But maybe, there was still a chance.

She swallowed and licked her lips, then walked inside the room and closed the doors. "Girls," she greeted, and all eyes fell on her.

"Ah, there you are Twilight!" Rarity called out. "My, you look quite stunning, dear!"

Twilight blushed slightly. She looked nice, but stunning? Surely not! And yet Rarity seemed to approve. "Um, thank you," she quickly murmured. "You're all still not ready?"

"Blame Rarity!" Rainbow eagerly retorted.

"Dear, one does not rush perfection!" Rarity declared matter-of-factly. "You should be quite happy that we get an opportunity to be pampered like this!"

Of course, Rainbow glared at Rarity for that comment, and of course, Rarity didn't see it. "Yeah. Right," Rainbow groaned.

"Well, I'm glad you're all doing okay!" Twilight voiced.

All of her friends looked at her. "You're still nervous aren't you?" Applejack summarized.

Twilight's smile faded. "Yes."

Rarity sighed and looked at the mare tending to her. "Yes, yes, that's good enough," was her dismissal. The mare hesitated, and Rarity took the opportunity to turn and walk over to Twilight. "Dear, you really do worry too much. You don't need to worry about something like this!"

Coming from the pony who thought Nightmare Moon would kill them. Still, Twilight winced and turned away from her. 'Everypony says I worry too much.' When she looked back at Rarity, the unicorn held her hoof out a few inches from touching her shoulder, and with as well as she knew Rarity, the reason was simply not to dirty her coat. Rarity smiled sheepishly as she lowered her hoof. Twilight smiled back.

"You know all this work is just gonna fade away anyway, right? Probably won't last half the day," Applejack commented dryly.

Rarity threw her head back into the air, letting out an indignant, "Hmpf! Let a mare enjoy being pampered if she wants!"

Rainbow groaned.

Somehow, Rarity's mane was unharmed by her having tossed her head back.

"Nightmare Moon does want you all to look your best," Midnight said.

And Twilight jumped. "What!? Where did you come from?" She turned around and found the door open. Midnight tilted her head to the side casually, and Spike waved from her back. "Why didn't I hear the door open!?"

Midnight leveled her head again and smiled. "Secrets!"

And then stuck her tongue out between her fangs.


Midnight walked on in and quietly closed the door behind her.

Twilight glanced around the room again, then looked back at Midnight. "Are you-"

"Nightmare Moon doesn't want me with you all night unless you want me to," Midnight preempted. "Otherwise I'll be with Spike."

"Ah," Twilight said with a nod of her head. "Uh, thanks for looking after him so much."

"No problem!" Midnight eagerly replied.

Perhaps too eagerly.

She glanced at Spike. His smile might have been mischievous, but she wasn't completely sure. It was still enough to make her squint. Twilight inhaled, then exhaled. "Well... I suppose now we wait for Nightmare's summon..."

"Nightmare Moon's summon..." Rarity repeated, her voice more cautious than before. "It's... odd to think that's what it is..." Everypony looked at Her. Rarity shifted her weight. "Oh, you know what I mean! We're being recognized for a once in a lifetime accomplishment by Nightmare Moon!" Rarity paused to look at each pony, then whined, "I cannot be the only pony here who thinks that's, well..."

"A bit off?" Applejack offered.

Rarity threw her head back. "Well, perhaps 'off' isn't the word I would use, but yes."

"Because it's Nightmare Moon," Midnight stated calmly. Rarity cringed and turned to face Midnight. Twilight shifted her weight as her gaze landed on her guard. The batpony frowned, but nothing more.

"It isssss kinda weird that she'd want to celebrate us defeating Discord since we did try to stop her when she came back," Rainbow drawled in a raspy voice. "I mean, I know we're awesome for stopping Discord, but that doesn't seem like something Nightmare Moon would do."

'It is in my best interest,' Twilight could hear Nightmare Moon say. 'Because such a celebration would give the ponies of Equestria hope,' she could reason. But there was more to it than that, she was sure of it. But at the same time, her friends made a point. "She's not evil," she pointed out, and all eyes fell on her, barring the ponies tending to her friends. "She just..." she trailed off and bobbed her head to the side, then looked up to find her friends still staring at her. "She just has her own way of thinking about things."

Her own way that wasn't necessarily the friendliest way of looking at other ponies.

Midnight gave a hesitant nod.

More ponies were there than Nightmare Moon had expected. From where she stood, she had the perfect view to look out across the room and see just how many ponies stood on either side of the plush red carpet dividing the room. And both sides that were roped off were nearly packed with ponies. Stallions and mares, colts and fillies. Some talked to each other, others took in the crowd, and yet many more stared at her with a look of dread. A few watched her curiously, more closely than the rest of the crowd, and most of them were closest to her.

It surprised her. She didn't let it show. That so many ponies would come without being forced; that they would come by invitation, of their own choice, it reminded her of everything else that made no sense in the wake of her return.

It surprised her, but it pleased her. They were here to bear witness to her student's success! To see her so honored for such a deed! And she hoped they would not turn on Twilight as the ponies of so long ago had turned on Luna. Surely, they wouldn't, and yet back then, she had thought the same, and yet they had.

The bitterness seeped back into her mind, and the novelty of the crowd dried up. She sucked in a deep breath, then exhaled. She turned her eyes from the crowd to the guards: a mixture of Royal Guards and batponies. The batponies drew the occasional stare from ponies in the crowd but stayed alert, ignoring the stares. All in all, twenty-four guards were present in the room. 'Perhaps not enough,' a part of her reasoned, and yet, 'I am here.'

Nopony would think to attack while she was present. Nopony was that stupid.

'This will go off without a problem,' she reasoned, 'and Twilight will be appreciated.'

She took in another deep breath and looked behind her, out the window. Since it was the middle of the night, and because the window faced the west, the moon was, to her relief, hidden out of sight. She still felt it pestering her in her mind, but she didn't see it. Nopony there saw it.

"You seem... tense," Cadance murmured.

Nightmare's eyes pressed into a squint as she turned to face Cadance. Cadance's eyes slowly went between her chestplate, her left side, and her face. She looked at Cadance's tiara, then exhaled and turned back to face the crowd. "I would not say I am... tense," she answered.

"Uncomfortable, then?" Cadance offered.

'Yes,' her mind agreed. "Perhaps," she voiced. With a subtle shake of her head, she voiced, "I am surprised ponies came."

"You don't give them enough credit." Nightmare's eyes snapped onto Cadance's form. Her niece looked at her innocently. "Twilight and her friends stopped Discord, and you're honoring them for that. Of course, ponies will want to see the ponies who saved them from him."

And bitterly she knew, 'How much more they would want to honor Twilight and her friends if they had stopped me, or if they do stop me.' Her gaze hardened into a scowl, and she turned back to the crowd. As she turned, she caught Cadance's expression falling into a frown.

And as her gaze swept over the crowd, the ponies who whispered to one another went quiet, and all eyes fell on her. They feared her. Some of the ponies closer to her did not have the same look of fear that the others did, though they too were hesitant to move. She bit back a growl of anger and exhaled sharply. 'This is the thanks they give me. This is how they mock me!' her mind screamed.

Nothing would change that.

Nothing would change the anger she felt, not free her from that damned bitterness and mockery and the insufferable torment her sister had put her through. Nothing would strip away from her how ponies had treated her and would continue to treat her.

Her subjects hated her. What more was there to think or know?

And she forced it all back, swallowing that wretched bile that made her sick to her stomach if only to endure for Twilight's sake. 'I will not ruin this for you as Sister ruined it for me,' simmered in her mind. And so she held herself rigid, lifting her eyes over the crowd and staring at the door.

And a part of her wanted to laugh. Laugh at how insane it was. Laugh at how it made no sense. Laugh at herself for being a damned foal. Laugh at how the ponies cowered before her.

And then scream in rage.

She was Queen! And they hated her. She protected them! And they spat on her. She guarded their dreams! And they ignored her. She poured out her soul into them! And they mocked her. She took what was rightfully hers! And they wanted her blood.

And in that moment, she knew, 'I will never have what I truly want.' It wouldn't matter whatever happened. She could have all the power and authority in the world, she could torment her sister for thousands upon thousands of years, but she would still be bitter. Perhaps it would be a moment's pleasure, but nothing more. That moment would pass, and she would be left just as unhappy as before.

She inhaled deeply, held the breath for a few seconds, then let it out. It did nothing for her anger. 'It would not do for ponies to see me react violently; I cannot do so because it would hurt Twilight and they would not honor her as she deserves.'

With the thought, 'Twilight is my friend,' a bit of the anger and bitterness cooled. The celebration was to honor Twilight and her friends. It wasn't about her. To come in and steal that from Twilight would be to mimic what Sister had done to her. And wholeheartedly, 'We deserve so much more than this. You deserve so much more than this.'

For that was Twilight's destiny, was it not?

Her heart pulsed a little faster and a bit more energy went into her body. She swiped her tongue over her lips. For a moment, the thought, 'I ought to have a tiara,' drew her gaze to Cadance's tiara. That her niece had one and she did not was a mockery of her. But yet, it was also inefficient. 'I would not wear one over my helmet.'

And she could not take her armor off, and to exchange her helmet for a crown she would not.

The doors parted in the middle, and with that, all eyes went to the group of mares standing in the doorway. Their coats almost shimmered and shined in the soft light, and their manes and tails flowed gracefully from their bodies. The ponies in the crowd turned to face them, and the six ponies gradually started walking down the center aisle. Two guards flanked them on each side; it was both simple ceremony, and for their protection. It would not do to leave them defenseless in such a vulnerable position.

And Nightmare Moon looked at Twilight Sparkle alone. Met her gaze. Watched each nervous, timid step. Caught the tremble in her legs, the way her chest seemed to seize up every other second from fear.

And she was glad nopony was watching her, because her ears flicked back before she could catch it. 'Embrace this!' her mind screamed out, but it wasn't to be. And so she felt the bitterness and anger strangled out by disappointment.

But even so, Twilight stayed at the head of the group, timidly approaching the stairs at the other end of the room. A step behind her and to the left and right were Rainbow Dash and Applejack, respectively, followed by Fluttershy and Rarity, and then Pinkie Pie.

Who, rather than walking, bounced along in a carefree manner. 'Yes, you bear laughter.' And for a moment, it hurt to think about.

Twilight broke eye contact and looked at Cadance, then inhaled deeply. Ponies turned their heads and bodies to keep watching the group as they walked passed, and then everypony looked towards her as the group ascended the stairs. They came to a stop before her, and the honor guard broke and walked off to the side, leaving the five mares and filly to stand alone before her.

And then it was time to begin. She cast her gaze back out over the crowd. They all looked back at her or at Cadance or the mares and filly, some fidgeted on their hooves anxiously, some watching with dread, and some of the closer ones carefully watching her moves. For a moment, her gaze slipped onto the group of closer ponies. Something about them warranted scrutiny.

She cast it aside and let her gaze roll over the crowd. She opened her mouth and spoke, "My-" only to hesitate for a moment. There were so many ways she could address them. 'Subjects' was the most accurate. 'Ponies' would be to rub salt in her sister's wounds. She had taken them from her, after all. And perhaps calling them 'subjects' was unwarranted.

But they weren't really her ponies, were they? Her mouth closed and a moment passed. She mentally kicked herself. "Tonight is a wonderful night," she declared, and to emphasize the point, nodded. Before continuing, she took a few seconds to let her gaze wander over the crowd, trying to meet as many eyes as she could. "For my student and her friends have vanquished a great evil from Equestria!"

There was a nearly inaudible murmur of agreement and approval, though it was constricted by her presence. 'If I were not here, they would cry out in joy.'

And she felt bitter.

But she had a task, so she forced it back. "Discord! The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony!" And a wave of cold seemed to wash over the room at the sound of his name. Even she fought off the urge to shiver. She could almost feel him leaning closer to listen in, all the while grinning ear to ear.

"Were it not for my student's doing, he would have torn the world apart!" she declared. Ponies huddled closer together, and she felt a stab of pain in her chest. For a moment, she was silent, taking in a breath and glancing aside at Cadance. 'I should have left this solely to you, Cadance.'

But there was no time for that now.

She looked back out at the crowd. "Together, the six of them-" and she left out how they did it and what they used, because nopony else needed to know that, "-wielded powerful magic to return Discord to his stone prison!"

'I could emphasize that only my sister and I had done so before in the past,' meandered through her mind. The thought was in poor taste. Perhaps it would add on to the praise they would receive, but it wasn't necessary. It might create problems. Ponies might not even know nor care.

And it wasn't about her.

She swallowed and licked her lips, pausing again to meet as many ponies' eyes as she could before continuing, "For this act of courage and heroism, we gather here to honor them on this night!"

A few ponies, to her surprise, actually smiled. Everypony kept quiet.

She turned her eyes onto the six ponies before her. Starting with Twilight, and working her way out to each of her friends, she met each one's gaze and nodded once. "And to give them our thanks." And she meant that.

She looked at Twilight again and nodded. The filly tried to smile, but it was forced and strained. "Relax," she whispered, inclining her head once. "We are almost finished." She lifted her head back up and turned to the left, then nodded.

Two royal honor guards, both unicorns, walked over with confident, rehearsed strides. In their magic, they carried two pillows, upon each laid three meticulously placed medallions. The medallions were black onyx circles, within which set a single silver crescent moon. The guards came to a stop, faced the five mares and filly, then bowed to them and held the pillows out.

Nightmare inclined her head, and the five mares and filly all fell into rehearsed bows. After they were lowered, Nightmare turned to the pillows and took the first medallion in her magic, levitated it up, then turned back to face her student.

"Twilight Sparkle, my student..." A sudden twinge of anxiety pricked her chest, nearly making her squirm. "And... friend," she amended, then swallowed. Twilight's eyes snapped up to meet her own.

Saying that in front everypony else was probably a mistake.

She forced the concern aside and inhaled. "For leading your friends in the face of Discord's chaos," she paused to incline her head, then carefully lowered the medallion onto her student's neck. Once in place, Twilight timidly stood back up, then turned to face the crowd.

Moving onto Rainbow Dash, she took the next medallion in her magic and, as much as she wanted to wring the pegasus with her magic, "Rainbow Dash. For standing by my student and your friend in the face of Discord's treachery." She inclined her head. Rainbow grinned at her. She put the medallion on the mare's neck, and Rainbow nearly jumped back up and turned around to face the crowd, smiling brashly and puffing out her chest.

"Applejack. For unwavering conviction against Discord's lies." She inclined her head and put the medallion on Applejack's neck, a task made slightly more difficult by her stetson. Applejack stood back up, nodded at her, then turned around and adjusted her stetson back into place.

"Fluttershy. For refusing to return anger with anger." She nodded and placed the medallion on Fluttershy's neck. The pegasus barely managed to stand up on shaky legs and face the crowd. Almost immediately, Fluttershy hid behind her mane.

"Rarity. For giving all you could in defense of Equestria." The mare gracefully rose and turned around to face the crowd, smiling a well-rehearsed smile.

"Pinkie Pie. For holding onto hope in the face of hopelessness." Once the medallion was on Pinkie's neck, she jumped up and turned around, smiling happily.

Nightmare Moon inhaled and nodded. In a graceful motion, she spread her wings wide. "The saviors of Equestria!" she declared.

Subdued murmurs of agreement. No jubilant cries.

It stung.

For a few seconds longer, she held her wings out, somehow trying to hope and will for celebration. Pleading for, just once, something to go her way. If not for her, then for Twilight.

It never came.

'Foalish idiot!' her mind snapped. 'You know better than this!' was violently hissed. Her wings wobbled and drifted a few inches lower as her resolve shattered. 'I should have had Cadance tend to this. You idiot!' She folded her wings and ran her eyes over the crowd again. They did not celebrate, they did not cheer.

Bitterness. Anger.

And then disappointment.

She didn't let it show. "As you should know, a banquet has been prepared." She nodded once. "Eat. Drink. Celebrate," she said, then turned to the right and walked away.

She didn't look back. She still knew Twilight turned to watch her leave.

Once she was out of sight, she teleported back to her chambers.

Hoping they would celebrate.

Knowing they wouldn't.

For the most part, Twilight just forced a smile and nodded at everypony who walked over to talk to her. There had to be hundreds of ponies at the banquet! And all of them vied for her attention, some more than others.

"I must say, that you had those... five common mares help you defeat Discord is... most surprising," Blueblood monotoned, nodding his head to himself.

And all she could do was try to force a smile, even as the smile cracked and shattered. Blueblood. Formerly 'Prince' Blueblood. Not a fun pony. She could not think of anypony else who thought so highly of himself.

"Though I suppose using the common peasantry to distract Discord while you defeated him is acceptable. They fulfilled their purpose." He paused and regarded her absently. "Why are they still here, again?"

"We defeated Discord together-"

He laughed 'happily.' "Oh, Twilight Sparkle, I never knew you had a sense of humor."

She squinted at him. "I'm being serious."

He laughed again and slowly shook his head. "Yes, yes... I suppose you did. But sharing the honor with them when you were the one to defeat Discord? Surely you cannot mean to say that they deserve any of the thanks. They're just-"

"They're. My. Friends," Twilight forced out.

He squinted at her. "But they're-"

She cut his protest short, repeating, "They're my friends. I couldn't have stopped Discord without them!"

"But your magic-!"

"Wasn't enough! I needed them-!"

He recoiled. "For more than distracting Discord!? You can't seriously tell me they actually contributed?!"

She huffed. "They did!"

"I never!" he huffed, jerking his head up, then storming off indignantly.

And she was grateful he was gone. She inhaled as she lifted her head to the sky victoriously, then threw her head down as she exhaled. "Oh thank Celestia..." she whispered under her breath.

She cringed and quickly made sure nopony heard her say that. Of course, a lot of the ponies near her were watching her, but none of them seemed to have heard her. She lifted her head back up and looked at the starry night sky. The moon hung overhead, gradually descending.

'I'm sorry.'

But it didn't matter.

She lowered her gaze back to the pony-filled courtyard and searched for any signs of her friends. 'Breaking up to go our separate ways was a mistake.' She just knew it.

Her stomach rumbled, and she shifted her weight uncomfortable. 'As soon as I find all of you we can go get something to eat,' she affirmed with a nod. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a unicorn stallion smiling and walking towards her, carrying a tray that had a vegetable kebab on it.

As quickly as she could without making a scene or looking like she was trying to get away, she made her way into the rest of the crowd. It took a few minutes to lose him, but he eventually gave up. 'Why do we have to be the center of attention?' her mind groaned.

'The sooner I can find you the sooner we can slip out unnoticed,' was the thought that kept her going. She weaved between ponies and listened, though over the classical music and murmur of ponies, she couldn't hear any of her friends' voices.

Most of the ponies were unicorns too, so she couldn't make out Rarity's aura. Looking to the sky, however, she smiled. A small group of pegasi was clustered together. She only recognized one, but the mare was the only one she needed to recognize. 'Rainbow Dash!'

Twilight quickly glanced left and right to make sure she wouldn't run into anypony, then made her way towards the flock of pegasi. As she got closer, she could make out the rest of the pegasi wearing uniforms that she vaguely recognized. 'Wonderbolts?'

Coming to a stop and looking up at them, 'Yes, Wonderbolts.'

Leave it to Rainbow Dash to hang out with them.

"I mean, it was awesome, but not nearly as awesome as you guys!" Rainbow gushed, pressing her forehooves against her muzzle.

"Rainbow?" she called.

"It felt really awesome though, like, flying without using pegasus magic and having to beat your wings! Though it wasn't really as cool as flying... But still, and oh, oh did I mention-!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called.

"Huh?" Rainbow looked down.

"Seems like your friend wants you," one of the Wonderbolts said. Twilight looked at her. The voice was oddly raspy like Rainbow's. Her mane was orange and her coat was yellow. Twilight didn't recognize her.

"Uh, right," Rainbow quickly muttered. "I'll catch you guys, later Spitfire!"

'Is that Spitfire?' Twilight wondered. The Wonderbolt nodded, then flew off, followed by the other three.

Rainbow dived down and hovered in front of Twilight. "Hey, Twilight, what's up!? This party is awesome! I got to meet the Wonderbolts and-!"

Nodding, Twilight said, "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Rainbow."

Rainbow did a loop in the air and let out an excited squeal. "I met Spitfire and Soarin and Fleetfoot! Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!"

Twilight smiled. Rainbow came to a stop facing her again, and the mare's eyes were absolutely lit up in excitement. "Have you seen the rest of the girls?"

Rainbow landed. "Uh, no," was her much-subdued answer. "I was with Fluttershy before I spotted them. I still can't believe that I got to talk to them!" Rainbow let out another squeal and pranced in place.

Twilight smiled a little more. "Well, uh, sorry to cut it short but..." she leaned to the right. "I don't know about you but I'm kind of hungry and would like to go eat."

Rainbow hesitated for a moment. "Eh, sure. I'm kinda hungry and this place doesn't really have any actual food."

"I take issue with that," Rarity declared indignantly. Twilight looked at Rarity, who carried a hors d'oeuvre in her magic. The unicorn tilted her head to the air and declared, "You should try them, Rainbow."

"Blegh," Rainbow groaned. "Already did," was grumbled. Rainbow flew over in front of Rarity and stopped. "How can you call that-" Rainbow pointed her forehooves at the hors d'oeuvre, "-food!?"

"Hmpf," Rarity huffed.

"Hey, Rarity, have you seen the others?" Twilight asked.

"Why yes, as a matter of fact, I have. Applejack was with Fluttershy, keeping her company," Rarity answered. A sad smile crossed her lips, her ears twitched back slightly, and her gaze fell to the ground. "Poor dear is so out of place here," she sighed.

Twilight grimaced. "Yeah..." 'The sooner we leave, the better.' "What about Pinkie Pie?"

A look of horror flashed across Rarity's features. Quietly, Rarity mumbled, "I am fairly certain ponies are doing their best to keep their distance from her."

Rainbow looked away from them, then flew a few feet higher into the air. "Yeah, I see her. And Applejack and Fluttershy."

"Well, let's get the rest of the girls and go?" Twilight asked.

"Sounds good to me," Rainbow replied.

"I suppose some peace and quiet would be nice," Rarity sighed. "As much as I enjoy socializing... I suppose there is such a thing as too much of a good thing."

"Uh, why don't you two gather the rest of the girls and wait by the gate?" Twilight suggested.

Both Rainbow and Rarity looked at her. "Something you wanna do first?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Kind of, yes," she admitted. "I shouldn't be long!"

"Alright. We'll wait on you, dear," Rarity replied.

"Thanks, Rarity!" Twilight smiled warmer, then channeled her magic into her horn and prepared a teleportation spell. 'I've not teleported this far before, but it's just me so I should be able to do it! And besides, I know where I'm going to end up,' she reasoned.

Of course, the blinding flash of light in the middle of the night wasn't discrete, but she only remembered that after casting the spell. She winced as soon as she arrived.

"Who-!? Oh. Good evening, Twilight."

Twilight turned. Both of the guards relaxed and shifted their weight. Her eyes jumped onto the crescent moon set in the center of the door, then went back to the closest guard. "Uh, is Nightmare Moon here?"

The guard nodded. "Yes. You may enter."

Twilight shifted her weight. "Uh, do I need to knock or-"

The guard held his head a little higher. "Nightmare Moon has said you may come and go as you please."

And for several seconds, Twilight stared at him in bewilderment. She had to have misheard that! She forced a smile and asked, "Did you say Nightmare Moon said that-"

The guard nodded preemptively. "You may come and go from her chambers as you want."

Twilight blinked as her smile faded. 'Okay, so I didn't mishear that.' And that raised several questions! 'Why!?' It didn't make any sense! Surely Nightmare Moon had to want privacy, and if that was so, which she presumed to be true, why did Nightmare Moon say such a thing!? And if it was true, for how long!? It had to be recent.

And of course, it occurred to her, 'This is something only for me.' She was certain nopony else, not even Cadance, had such a priviledge. She felt coldness creep down her back and shivered. "Um, thank you," she mumbled, then stepped towards the door.

She stopped and hesitated. Both guards stood stoically again; he wouldn't have lied about that and it couldn't be a prank. She could just open the door and go inside. If Nightmare Moon didn't want her to, well, Nightmare Moon had to know spells that would keep her from doing that.

Just barging in felt wrong, though! How insane was it to think that a filly could just waltz right into Nightmare Moon's chambers without any prior word of her arrival!? She cringed and lifted her forehoof to knock on the door. A few seconds passed while she held her hoof in the air, and then she lowered it back to the floor.

"She is here, right?" Twilight asked.

The guard on the left looked at her and gave a succinct nod. "As far as we know, yes," he answered, then looked at the other wall again.

"Right..." Twilight mumbled. She took a deep breath and lifted her forehoof to knock again. The door opened and Nightmare Moon looked down at her. She lowered her hoof as Nightmare's eyes wandered over her, then Nightmare gave a nod and stepped aside. Twilight licked her lips, glanced at both of the guards, then scurried inside.

A moment later, the door clicked closed. "You are not with your friends," Nightmare surmised.

Twilight stood there for a moment, listening as Nightmare's hooves clicked against the floor from her walking. She turned to the right and nodded. "I wanted to talk to you," she said.

Nightmare slowed to a stop, inhaled, then inclined her head. "Very well."

Twilight turned to face her. "We're going to go out into Canterlot for dinner."

Nightmare hesitated a moment, then gave a single slow nod. "You do not need to tell me this."

Twilight leaned left, then right. "I want you to come with us."

Nightmare looked bewildered. Twilight stayed silent, and after several seconds, the bewilderment faded away. Nightmare broke eye contact and scrutinized her features. "I do not believe that would be wise."

Twilight frowned. "Why not?"

Nightmare tilted her head to the right. "You saw how the ceremony went."

Her frown deepened. "That's-"

Nightmare shook her head. "Your friends do not like me either. My presence would only prevent you from enjoying their company," she stated. An eyebrow lifted. "Can you truly say to me that you would feel comfortable with all seven of us gathered together? When your friends joined us for a meal, you were far from comfortable. You likewise seem uncomfortable when all of us are around."

Twilight's lips pulled back into a wince and she turned to the left. A scroll was unrolled on Nightmare's desk, but the quill was in the inkwell. "It makes me nervous, yes," she mumbled. She breathed in and held the breath as she turned back to meet Nightmare's gaze. "But I think it would be good for you to meet other ponies!"

And the irony of it wasn't lost on either of them. 'Me. Twilight Sparkle. Telling Nightmare Moon that she should meet other ponies.' An amused smile crossed Nightmare's lips, but only for a moment, then it faded and disappointment replaced it.

Her teacher shook her head. "Tonight is for you and your friends," Nightmare stated with a nod. Her teacher took a step closer and leaned down so their heads were level. "Go spend time with them." A nod. "Celebrate with them." Another nod. Nightmare lifted her head back up.

"Come with us," Twilight said simply. "You're my friend too."

Nightmare stayed silent for a few seconds, a conflict passing through her eyes, then turned to the right and walked to the doorway to her bedchambers. "Another time..." was her calm dismissal. Nightmare's head bowed slightly towards the floor, "Perhaps."

Twilight puffed out her cheeks and threw her head left, then right before facing Nightmare again. "Oh come on! If you're worried about how they'll react to you being there-" Nightmare turned to face her, "-then can't you use your magic to disguise yourself?"

Nightmare frowned but nodded. "I can, but that does not mean I should." Her teacher turned to face her. "I could disguise myself but I would still be me and I would still be there. All it would be doing would be lying to your friends about who I am." Nightmare shook her head. "How would you explain who I was, without lying? And what of when they figure it out? Because I assure you, they would. And then you would be in trouble with them, and things would end poorly."

She didn't want to accept it, but she knew, 'You have a point.' Her eyes dropped to the floor. She heard Nightmare step closer to her, then saw Nightmare's boots and legs come into view. She looked up just in time for Nightmare's feather to glide across her cheek.

"I will not lie to them in such a way. I will not force you to lie to them in such a way," Nightmare stated.

"Okay..." Twilight mumbled before she knew what she was saying. She sighed and nodded in defeat. 'It would be good for you,' her mind still argued. Lifting her head back up, she met Nightmare's gaze and asked, "But... sometime?"

And that familiar, foreign hesitation washed over Nightmare's features; Twilight could see how Nightmare Moon didn't want to answer or didn't know how to answer. Nightmare's lips parted, but nothing came out. Her head lifted back up, then bobbed side to side. "Perhaps," was her teacher's answer.

Twilight smiled. "I would like that."

Nightmare's hesitation lingered as she nodded. "I... would perhaps not be averse to going out to see what food restaurants in Canterlot have to offer..." Nightmare grimaced. "Though... I am hesitant to do so," she admitted. "Me being there would likely end poorly, and ponies might try to poison the food."

Twilight laughed. "Poison the food, really?"

Nightmare tilted her head. "Yes."

Twilight frowned. "I don't think that would happen."

"Perhaps not," Nightmare admitted, "but it is a risk."

Twilight's brow creased. "Aren't you immune to poisons anyway?"

Nightmare bobbed her head. "Most, yes."

"But not all."

"But not all," Nightmare echoed with a nod of her head. "Granted it would still take a lot, but... it is perhaps doable. Besides, they might poison you."

Twilight shifted her weight. It was, albeit unlikely, a distinct possibility- even if it was an accident like switching up whose food got poisoned. "Right..." Twilight muttered. "I don't think anypony wants to poison me."

"I hope not," Nightmare stated. "I would be..." Nightmare turned away from her, and an almost pained look twisted her face, "displeased if that happened."

Twilight frowned again and shifted her weight, knowing, 'I'm your only friend, aren't I?' It wouldn't be fair on her. It wasn't fair on her. "You need more friends."

Nightmare faced her again. "This coming from the pony who formerly had no friends."

Twilight smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "And now I wouldn't trade them for the world."

Nightmare nodded slowly as if knowing something Twilight didn't. Before she could ask, Nightmare said, "The guards told you that you may come and go as you please, correct?"

"Uh, yes," Twilight answered. "I wasn't sure but... yes."

Nightmare nodded. "You may."

"And... you don't mind?" Twilight ventured, turning her head to the left but keeping eye contact.

Nightmare waited a moment, then inclined her head once. "I do not mind." Her teacher smiled slightly and added, "I do appreciate your company. I am-" Nightmare broke eye contact, "-fond of it."

Twilight smiled, and, without waiting, walked over to Nightmare. She pressed herself against Nightmare's chestplate and reached her right foreleg around Nightmare's neck. Nightmare hesitated for a moment, then leaned down and returned the hug.

"I... hope you enjoyed tonight," Nightmare mumbled. Twilight winced and shifted her weight. "I shall take that as a no."

"It's not that!" Twilight defended. "It's just... not what I'm used to. I really don't think it was necessary-"

"I do," Nightmare countered. "And it is good for Equestria."

'I can understand that, yes.' She pulled back from the hug. Nightmare held her a moment longer, then let go.

Absently, Nightmare commented, "You should be able to teleport inside this room. The enchantments... Sister left room for you."

Twilight flinched. "What!?"

Nightmare nodded reluctantly. "There are four ponies who the enchantments take exception to block from teleporting into this room. You are among them."

Twilight stared at Nightmare Moon. 'Why!? And I couldn't even teleport before!' "Why would she-"

"I am unsure," Nightmare answered. "I... have a suspicion-" Nightmare's wings flicked at her sides, "-but I am not sure."

Twilight nodded slowly. "Okay..?"

Nightmare looked at her and shook her head. "It is a topic for another time, perhaps. Enjoy your night, Twilight."

Even with the unease still in her mind, Twilight managed to smile. "Okay." Nightmare inclined her head once, and Twilight teleported back to the gate.

What did Nightmare Moon know that she did not? What went unsaid?

Twilight teleported out of the room, leaving Nightmare Moon to her thoughts. For several seconds, she stared where her student had been standing. That feeling of longing for her student's company returned, but she forced it aside as she walked into her bedchambers. 'And you likewise enjoy my company.' She wasn't sure what to make of that knowledge.

It was pleasant, yet she still found it odd. Concerning, even, when she considered how Twilight had been. But perhaps she was thinking about it too much. Perhaps Twilight wasn't the only one who worried too much.

She strode past her bed and walked out onto her balcony, stopped at the railing, and let her forehooves dangle over the edge. She rested her chest against the railing and let her eyes sweep over the courtyard, then Twilight's tower and then the garden.

Cadance was out there. Her niece.

Her lips twisted into a grimace. 'I still need to discuss this with you, though I do not know if this is the best time for that or not.' But she still knew procrastination would get her nowhere. It wasn't as if telling Cadance she knew that would change anything, anyway. They had been 'family' before, only now, Cadance would know that she knew.

It wouldn't change anything.

Cadance was still useful. Cadance was still on her side, even if it was tentative.

'When my castle is rebuilt... perhaps I will visit Sister.' Before she could dwell on the thought any, she spread her wings wide and jumped into the air. She banked right and glided the distance to the garden, and silently landed outside the entrance. With a bit of magic and exploration, she found Cadance a few minutes later and stopped to watch her.

The lesser alicorn- her niece- stood alone near one of the fountains. Flowers bloomed forth from the edge of the circular, water-filled stone basin. Yet she found her gaze drawn away from Cadance and the flowers to stare at the statue of a pair of alicorns dancing together. On their hind hooves, their backs arched out, with their heads bowed together, horn against horn, wings flared wide. The mane and tail, carved of stone, looked light as air, while the statues' bodies looked heavy and muscles, yet regal and graceful.

Neither alicorn had a cutie mark. Nothing distinguished one from the other; they were mirrored.

"Niece," she called, and Cadance went stiff. For a few seconds, she watched Cadance to see if she would move, but nothing happened, so she took a few quiet steps forward. Cadance managed to glance back at her. "Relax."

Cadance remained still for another second; Nightmare came to a stop when Cadance turned her head back. "How did you find out?"

Nightmare looked back at the statue and watched water roll down their bodies from their horns. "Twilight told me."

Cadance winced. "I suppose... you're angry..." was her mumble.

Nightmare looked back at Cadance, waited a moment, then shook her head. "No."

Cadance frowned and turned to face her. "You're... not angry? That I didn't tell you that..." she trailed off and bit her lip.

"As much as I am shocked by this revelation," Nightmare grumbled, turning away from Cadance to regard a patch of the night sky that was well away from the moon. "I understand why it was kept from me."

"I'm sorry," Cadance apologized.

Nightmare looked back at her. "You're not. Do not apologize, Niece," she dismissed.

Cadance's frown deepened, and her ears drooped. "I wanted to tell you, but... I didn't know how you would react."

"I will not hold Sister's sins against you. You have done nothing to warrant my anger yet, Cadance," Nightmare retorted.

Cadance lifted her muzzle into the air. "Yet."

Nightmare narrowed her eyes at Cadance. "Do not betray me and we will not have problems."

Cadance's ears pinned back against her mane. "You're family," was her defense. Her mouth hung open, ready to continue, and yet as Nightmare tilted her head, she watched the realization pass through Cadance's eyes as her niece recognized how weak of an argument it was.

Because of the simple fact, "So was Sister."

Cadance closed her mouth, her brow folding down. A few seconds passed while Cadance just stared at her, then her niece inhaled and turned back to watch the fountain. "She missed you," came out in a soft, almost musical, almost pleading tone.

Nightmare's nostrils flared. "I doubt that," she growled. "Or no, perhaps not. She did miss me, as she missed taking advantage of Luna," she mocked. And yes, that had to be the truth. If Sister missed her, there was no doubt that Sister missed using Luna. Well, it wouldn't be that way again.

Cadance turned around to face her in a calm, graceful motion. So much more controlled than her response had been. And Cadance looked at her with an expression of pain and torment, so swayed by sister's deception that she was convinced, "She loves you." And Cadance shook her head, unable to understand beyond what sister had lied to her. "Why can't you see that?"

Nightmare waited a few seconds before answering. Snapping back, as satisfying as it would be, wouldn't benefit her any. And the fault was not Cadance's, but Sister's. "Sister lied to you as well, then," she stated.

Cadance shook her head more firmly, defiant and firm in her beliefs. And just as quick, just as firm, and just as defiant, "You're wrong. You're wrong, Nightmare Moon. She loves you and you just don't see it. You can't see it."

Oh, how naive.

"How was it loving of her to betray me?" she asked. For a moment, she paused. The calm before the storm, and then her thoughts twisted with those bitter memories. "To abandon me?" The anger welled up inside her as the storm struck. "To banish me for... ONE!" She took a step forward. "THOUSAND!" Another step. Cadance stepped back. "YEARS!" The stone cracked beneath her hoof. Her lips pulled back, laying her teeth bare for Niece to see.

Because it was not loving.

And Cadance was a foal.

Perhaps Cadance had done nothing to warrant her anger, but her patience had limits. Cadance was stained by Sister's lies.

Her heart raced in her chest. Her eyes bore into Cadance. "Tell me, Cadenza, how that is loving," she ordered, twitching her head side to side. "Tell me, Niece, how much she loved me when she abandoned me."

And then Cadance looked at her with that same, damned familial defiance that her sister had when she returned.

"She made mistakes," Cadance defended, the admission coming out calmly as pain passed through her eyes. "She's not perfect."

Cadance broke eye contact.

"Tell me, Cadenze," she challenged, swiping her tongue over her lips before continuing, "how it is loving to erase all trace of your sister from history. To erase every good deed she had done, to erase everything she had sacrificed to protect the country you stole from her. To erase the way everypony looked at her with spite and hatred that she had not earned."

And she felt victorious, for there was nothing Cadance could ever do that would change her mind, because it was simply fact.

And Cadance looked at her, somehow maintaining that damned calm serenity just like Sister had every time Sister lied to her face. "So that when you came home, you would have a fresh start. So that ponies wouldn't look at you with the same spite and hatred. So that when you came home, you would be loved. So that those ponies who hated you wouldn't haunt you. So that you could be happy."

And she had nothing to say. There was nothing that she could say. She stared at Cadance, not knowing what to even think about that suggestion, yet still knowing, 'Sister lied to you so thoroughly, and you believe all of her lies.' Perhaps then, Cadance was a lost cause. And there was nothing there for her. An ally, but one who would turn on her the second Sister returned.

Cadance continued, "You don't know how much it tore her apart after your banishment."

"And you do?" Nightmare asked. "You were not there, Cadance. Face it. She lied to you as she lied to me as she lied to Twilight as she lied to everypony."

Cadance nodded in defeat. Nightmare Moon felt a surge of joy at victory, only to have Cadance rip it away from her when that damned, defiant gaze returned to match her own. "You have no idea, Nightmare Moon. Celestia-" that damned name nearly made Nightmare scream! As it was, she clenched her jaw tight. "-loves you so, so much more than you can understand."

Cadance stepped towards her. That damned, defiant gaze twisted into something wretched: pity! "And you? You don't see it. You can't see it, can you? She was blinded by the praise ponies gave her. And you?" Cadance shook her head sadly. "You're blinded by your hatred for her."

"Do not compare me to Sister, Niece," Nightmare ordered.

Cadance nodded sarcastically. "You claim Celestia used you, right?"

"She did!" Nightmare hissed.

Cadance met her with a level gaze. Calmly, her niece had the audacity to ask, "And what does that say about you, using Twilight?"

"I AM NOT-!"

"This whole celebration? Celebrating Twilight's accomplishment? It's because you want Equestria to do better. Am I wrong? That Twilight and her friends are celebrated is secondary. How is that different from Celestia using you?" Cadance asked.

Twilight. If Twilight was there, her student would take Cadance's side, wouldn't she?

And what then would Twilight think? Misplaced as it was, Twilight would believe Cadance, wouldn't she? Because Twilight had been lied to by Sister, just like Cadance. Despite the truth that she was not using Twilight, the filly would take Cadance's side.

And Twilight would think she was just using her.

And she felt anger.

'I am overreacting.' And she was damned because it was true. And she was damned because she couldn't vent! Oh, it made her need to scream. Oh, it made her need to tear the lesser alicorn apart. But Cadance was family, and as much as she hated what Cadance said, as much as she hated the pathetic excuse for an alicorn, Cadance was still useful.

And she would not turn on Cadance as Sister had turned on her.

Cadance had mocked her and tormented her like Sister. 'Perhaps I should have disposed of you!' snapped in her mind. But it was irrational. Getting rid of Cadance, as much as it would please her, would only hurt her in the long run. Ponies loved Cadance, and to get rid of her would bring disaster.

Besides, Cadance had been deceived and manipulated by Sister.

Just like Twilight. Just like Equestria.

Just like Luna.

How Cadance hadn't turned away and tried to escape left her amazed. How Cadance stood there, so defiantly, left her awed.

And perhaps Cadance had a point.

Nightmare Moon inhaled, then exhaled. "Twilight's success deserves recognition and celebration." Shaking her head, she continued, "I will not throw her away as Sister did. I will not betray her as Sister betrayed me."

Cadance frowned. "Celestia didn't throw her away."

"You would not know," Nightmare retorted. "When I fought her at my return? I had no idea she had a student!" She paused to let it sink in, but recognition escaped Cadance's eyes, so she continued, "Until she said so. Sister is the reason I found out about Twilight. Sister is the reason Twilight and her friends failed to stop me. Sister is the reason I nearly...!" She didn't finish that part aloud; when she realized what she was saying, she cut herself off. She wouldn't say it.

But Cadance knew.

A moment passed between them. "Why didn't you?" Cadance asked quietly.

Nightmare felt disgust smother out her anger. She turned her head away from Cadance. "You are not blind to her potential, are you?" Turning back to face her niece, "Can you not see?"

Cadance hesitated, then slowly nodded. "I know... what you mean. Her magic..."

Nightmare nodded in agreement. Perhaps the only thing they could agree on. "I will not see it wasted." She shook her head, groaned, and turned away from Cadance. 'This night has been one disaster after the other!'

"What would you consider 'wasted?'" Cadance asked.

She glanced back at Cadance with a bitter glare. "Sister wasted Twilight when she threw her life away."

Cadance frowned. "She wouldn't do that, and I think you know that."

And she didn't understand. "But then what?" Nightmare asked. "Why? Why did she say that she had a student? Why did she take the risk that I would...?"

"She made a mistake," Cadance said softly, taking a step towards her and lowering her head. "She loves you."

Nightmare just shook her head and snorted. "You fell for her deceit just as Luna did." And that was the truth.

But Cadance replied, "I'm the Princess of Love, Nightmare Moon." Once more, Cadance paused to shake her head in such a pitying manner that made her feel sick. "I may not have been there one thousand years ago, and I wish I had been, because I know how much it tore her apart. I wasn't there to see it, but I've seen how much it hurt her. I've seen how much it hurts you. I've seen how much she regrets it.

"And I know how much she loves you," Cadance finished.

Several thoughts went through Nightmare's mind. 'You would not lie to me about this. It is neither in your nature, nor something you would do because you know how this would end if you were lying,' she reasoned. 'But you have to be lying! No, you do not have to be lying. Sister lied to her and you believe her. You foal!'

Because a lie could become the truth to the pony who believed the lie.

And yet, 'Why? Why doesn't any of this make sense!?' her mind demanded. 'Why did Sister just surrender!?'

And why was she listening to Cadance!? The damned alicorn was as bad as Sister! But she couldn't get rid of Cadance as easily. She shook her head vigorously.

To her utter shock, she heard Cadance apologize, "I'm sorry." So Nightmare turned around to face her. Cadance didn't meet her gaze, instead staring at the ground just in front of her hooves. "You're... bitter about her. And... you're lonely. I'm the Princess of Love and..." Cadance looked up. "I'm sorry."

'You're sorry!?' her mind accosted. Her lips trembled for a moment. She wanted to throw that apology away. It was worthless and meaningless and banal! Nothing to be gained from it! And yet, perhaps she could forgive it. Harboring hatred for Cadance wouldn't benefit her any. Having Cadance unwilling to work with her would only hurt her in the long run. Besides, the fault wasn't entirely Cadance's. Her sister had deceived both of them, and Cadance believed Sister because she did not know Sister as she did.

It didn't help that she snapped at Cadance.

She swallowed her pride- it tasted bitter- and took a deep breath in before forcing out, "You... are forgiven."

Cadance approached her, then hugged her. And the contact made Nightmare Moon freeze. It had to be an attack! She was ready to defend herself! Horn already lit, a dozen spells flashing through her mind!

And yet nothing happened. No spell came, and no dagger plunged into her neck. Cadance wrapped her forelegs around her neck and hugged her. And it made no sense. She couldn't understand it, didn't comprehend it. Cadance had been lied to by Sister! "What... what are you doing?"

"You're my aunt," Cadance replied. "And... I think you need a hug."

"A hug," Nightmare echoed.

"Yes," Cadance agreed.

"Fine," Nightmare groaned. She forced herself to return the hug, though she couldn't force down the scowl. It didn't really feel like her niece. The hug was familiar, yet unfamiliar. It brought her to reminisce on Sister; it brought her to reminisce on Twilight.

"If you ever need to talk about anything," Cadance offered, "I'd be... happy to help."

There was something in Cadance's voice that she couldn't place. Playfulness, perhaps? Surely that wasn't what she heard in Cadance's voice. It had just been too long; she wasn't sure. Cadance squeezed her tighter, then let go and pulled back. Nightmare was glad.

Cadance smiled at her, though it faded; Nightmare retained her scowl. "Are we... okay?"

Nightmare bobbed her head. "Perhaps." Cadance frowned sadly.

But it didn't matter. In time, perhaps Cadance would come to realize that Sister had used her and manipulated her, just as Sister had Luna and Equestria.

Author's Note:

Written in: 2 days of writing, where I wrote 2,471 words in one and day 7,626 the other day.

And then there are the edits...