• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,448 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

All Creatures Great and Small

"This is ridiculous!"

In the crashed ship we find Doom and Dust, still bound together, trying to walk through the corridors of the ship. The two had been bound together for a week and they were still no better teammates, in fact the time together seemed to have only worsened their dislike of each other.

"How does master Havoc think this will work?" Doom asked as he pulled his shackled arm up to his face to scratch an itch, only for Dust to pull it away.

"Can't you use your other hand to do that?" Dust asked.

"It's my hand," Doom replied. "I'll do what I want with it." As if to prove his point, he flicked his arm up and caused Dust's hand to smack him in the face. He then laughed.

"You uncouth oath!" Dust cried. "Why master Havoc kept you around when he took over I'll never know."

"Maybe because I'm not all talk and can actually get things done," Doom replied.

"Is that so?" Dust asked. "Tell me, in the last thousand years what things have you got done? Definitely not getting an Element, that's for sure."

Doom just growled at this. It was in this moment that the two arrived at their destination, the main lab where the reanimator was kept. There Havoc, Cogs and Heart were waiting along with Mini and Maxine.

"It's about time," Havoc said. "What kept the two of you?"

"Nothing," the two replied. If Havoc knew they were still arguing, they would never be free of each other.

"Whatever," Havoc said as he turned back to Cogs. "So why'd you want us to meet you? It better be good."

"Oh it is," Cogs replied as he turned to the computer. "I wanted to show you all my newest creation." He pointed to the glass tube.

"The reanimator?" Heart asked suspiciously. "Hate to break it to yeah, but you already made that a while back."

"But this is the new and improved reanimator," Cogs explained as he started typing commands into the computer. "Before it could just revive monsters, but now it can create entirely new ones using the data of our other monsters."

This caught the villain's attention. "Is that so," Havoc said. "So this new monster will have all of the previous ones strengths and none of their weaknesses. Impressive."

"If it works," Dust said.

"Shows what you know," Doom said. "Cogs never fails."

"Thanks for the pressure," Cogs replied. "It's true I haven't really tested the device, but I thought I'd present it to you before trying so you wouldn't wonder why a new monster was on the ship."

"Well test away," Havoc said before turning to the last two monsters on the ship. "I'm guessing these are the ones you plan to fuse."

"Indeed," Cogs said. "Since this is an entirely new process, I thought it prudent to try combining two very similar monsters. And you can't get more similar then those two."

"So you're gonna shove us in that machine and mix us together?" Maxine asked as she clutched her sister in fear.

"No," Cogs told her. "I'm creating an entirely new monster using your data. You two will remain as you are."

The two sighed in relief as they all watched Cogs get to work.

"Cross your fingers," he said as the machine burst into life, sparking and beeping as the chamber filled it smoke.

Finally the machine came to a stop and slowly the door opened and released the smoke, before something stepped out. The monster was similar in appearance to Mini and Maxine, with white armour, a clawed gauntlet on its left wrist and a strange looking device on its right. Size wise, the monster was about the same height as Havoc.

The monster looked around at them all before stretching out its new body. "Hello world, Shifter here to make some mayhem."

"Shifter?" Havoc asked Cogs.

"I thought it would work with her abilities," Cogs replied before turning to her. "Shifter, show them what you can do."

"Alright," she said as she pointed the device at a Shade while turning the arrow dial on it to the image of a small humanoid on it. She then pressed a button and fired a beam of light at the Shade, which struck it and made it begin to grow smaller and smaller until it was only about three inches tall. She then changed to arrow to the bigger picture and pressed the button again, unleashing the beam which struck the Shade and made it grow back to full height.

"So she has both Mini and Maxine's abilities," Heart said. "Nice."

"Indeed," Havoc said as he stepped up to Shifter. "Let's see how effective you are in the field."

Yes master," Shifter said before turning towards the door.

"Doom, Dust," he turned to the two but then remembered they were still linked together. "Never mind. Heart and Cogs, you two go with her and see how well she does."

"Us?" Heart asked.

"It's about time you did something useful around here," Havoc replied. "Go."

The two nodded before turning to leave.

Meanwhile school had just gotten out and five of the Rangers were walking through the corridors, deciding what they should do that weekend since none of them had any plans.

"Movies?" Micro asked.

"I don't think there's anything good on," Lyra said.

"Roller rink?" Sweetie asked.

"I heard it's being refurbished," Flash explained.

"There's gotta be something we can do," Soarin said as they exited out the building and saw Fluttershy and Sandal by the portal to Equestria. They noticed they both had a sad expression on their faces.

"Hey guys," Flash said to them once they were there. "You okay? You're both looking a bit down."

"You didn't hear?" Fluttershy asked.

"Hear what?" Micro replied, only for Sandalwood to hold up his phone and show them.

"Their closing Canterlot Zoo," Lyra said in shock as she read the article.

"Apparently the place hasn't been getting the visitors it needs to keep the place running," Sandal said. "So the cities shutting it down."

"That's to bad," Flash said. "My dad and I went there all the time when I was younger."

"Same here," Lyra said. "I've got a lot of good memories associated with it."

"I feel so sorry for all the animals there," Fluttershy said. "Being forced to leave their homes. Who knows where they'll end up." The others could see the tears in the girl's eyes.

"Don't cry," Sweetie said as she pulled the girl into a hug.

"Tell you what," Flash spoke up. "How about we go to the zoo on Saturday. Give it a send off it deserves."

Fluttershy smiled at this. "I'd like that."

"I'm sure the others will love to go to," Micro said.

"I've never been to Canterlot Zoo," Soarin told them. "Sure would love to see it before it closes."

"Then we know what we're doing tomorrow," Flash said.

Everyone nodded at this, happy they would get to send off one of Canterlot's best locations with a bang. However, before they could go find the others and suggest it, the seven teens were suddenly trapped in a flurry of laser fire that suddenly knocked them all down.

"Surprise Rangers!"

The teens began to pick themselves up and see Heart, Cogs, Shifter and some Shades walking up to them.

"Long time no see," Heart said.

Lyra groaned as they all stood tall. "I'd hoped you'd been destroyed in the ship crash."

"Get bored just sitting around?" Sweetie asked her.

"As if," Heart said. "Shifter, go take those Rangers down a notch."

"With pleasure!" Shifter said as she pointed her device at them and fired off a beam.

The Rangers, Sandal grabbing Fluttershy, leapt out of the way as the beam flew passed them and hit a nearby trashcan. They all looked at it and saw it begin to shrink.

"That's Mini's ability?" Micro said.

"I thought that monster looked familiar," Flash said. "But wasn't Mini taller."

"I'm not Mini," Shifter said as she turned the dial on her device and pointed it at the Shades. "Say hello to the fusion of two monsters!" She fired at them and caused them to double in size.

"She can grow things too?" Soarin asked.

"A fusion of two monsters," Lyra guessed. "They somehow created a monster with both Mini and Maxine's abilities."

"Great," Flash said, "something new to worry about." In that moment three of the giant Shades began to charge forwards.

The Rangers pulled out their Morphers and fired off several shots. The Shades might have been bigger, but not big enough to make them immune to laser fire.

"Fluttershy," Sweetie called out. "Get to safety."

Fluttershy nodded and rushed off, as the Rangers took out their Magi-Chargers

"Its Morphin Time!" Sandal cried. "Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others cried as they activated them and placed them in their Morphers.


"Energise!" They cried as they charged them up, before pointing them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed their Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits, ready for battle.

The six Rangers took a battle stance.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Flash: Power Rangers!


"Attack!" Cogs cried out as they and the giant Shades charged forwards.


"Summon Thunder Sabre!"

Once the Rangers summoned their weapons, they too charged forwards and started to do battle.

Soarin was currently slashing at the giant Shades, using his wings to strike them in the chest. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" He cried as he shot several Blitz Bolts into one of the Shades faces, blinding it before he leapt at it and slashed it down the centre. "Timber!" He cried as it landed and exploded.

"Lets go tin man!" Sandal cried as he and Micro fought against Cogs. The Green Ranger used his two bladed weapons to slash at him, but he managed to deflect it with his axe. Sandal then pushed back and leaping out of the way to show Micro

"Fire!" The Yellow Ranger cried as he shot both his blasters, unleashing a pair of blasts that flew right at him.

"I don't think so!" Cogs cried as his axe glowed and he swung it through the air, unleashing an energy wave which struck the two blasts and caused an explosion.

The two Rangers were surprised by this, then secondly surprised when Cogs leapt through the explosion with his axe raised. They jumped out the way when he swung his axe down and struck the ground, before pulling it up and spinning around the try and slash them.

Meanwhile Sweetie and Lyra were fighting against Heart, who was swinging her heart shaped staff around. "You Rangers are always such an annoyance," she said as she tried to strike Lyra. "Can't you just let us steal your Elements?"

"Oh sure," Sweetie replied as she jumped infront and blocked with her shield. "Maybe you'd also like us to make you guys unconditional rulers of the world." She pushed the monster away, allowing Lyra the chance leap over her and slash at Heart.

"I know you're being sarcastic," Heart replied while fighting against the Blue Ranger. "But I'd actually appreciate that."

"Well dream on!" Lyra said as she used her staff to bite down on Hearts weapon and toss it away.

Flash meanwhile was fighting against Shifter, who continued to fire the size changing blast at the Red Ranger while he dodged it. "Can't let that blast hit me," he said as he leapt through the air to dodge the blast. He then fired his blaster and caused an explosion around the monster, sending it flying and giving him his chance. "Head Smash!" He cried as he forced his Dragon Breaker into the monsters gut and sent her crashing back into the ground.

When Flash landed on the ground, he turned back to where the monster hand landed and saw it getting back up. "You'll pay for that!" She cried as she charged forward with her claws, which Flash barely blocked due to his Dragon Breaker.

While this was all going on, Fluttershy was watching the fight from an alleyway.

As much as she usually did not like fighting, she did enjoy seeing bad guys getting what they deserved. She also wished she could help them, but her magic was so none battle that she would just get in the way.

Suddenly a growling sound caught her attention, making her turn to see several Shades standing a ways off and staring at her. They were all slowly making their way towards her, daggers raised, ready to attack her.

Fluttershy began to hyperventilate as she watched them get closer, unable to scream for help. Finally a Shade lunged at her with its dagger ready to stab her, causing her to flinch and close her eyes as she waited for the end...but it never came.

Squinting her eye open, Fluttershy saw a familiar magic crystal shape blocking the dagger from touching her.

"Hold on darling!" She heard Rarity cry before a flurry of laser fire caused the Shades to be thrown away.

Sunset, Rarity and Rainbow Dash rushed over to her, Sunset morphed and ready to fight.

"You girls get out of here," she said as she charged towards the battle with her Duel Morphin Blaster.

"Come on," Rainbow said as she grabbed the two girls and used her magic to speed them away.

Back at the battle, the Rangers had taken the Shades down and were now ready to finish the monsters.

Said monsters were now grouped up as the Rangers stood in a line. "Time to end this," Flash said as he took out a Charger. "Guardian Buster, activate!" He threw the Charger into the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."

Sandal placed his Charger in the main compartment and shut it, causing the white streaks along the blaster to turn green.


"Shifter!" Cogs cried out. "Stop them!"

"Right!" Shifter cried out as she stepped forwards and aimed her resizer at the Rangers. But then!

"Thunder Sabre Strike!"

"Phoenix Flame Burst!"

The two attacks struck the ground around her, forcing her to defend herself and not fire the device. Once the force of the explosions died down, Shifter looked over at the Rangers and saw the weapon was now charged.

"Guardian Buster!" The Rangers cried as Flash aimed the weapon. "Fenrir Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Fenrir Zord's head as it flew at the monster. Seconds before it hit it though, the head changed direction and began flying in random directions while slashing at Shifter.

Shifter cried out as she was continuously cut, before being thrown away and smashed into the ground.

"Oh yeah!" Flash cried as they watched the monster on the ground. But in that moment, Shifter slowly started to pick herself up and stand back on her feet. "What?"

Shifter looked down at her armour in amazement. She had felt the power of the attack but it did not feel as bad as when it had been used on her two counterparts, having inherited all the memories from them.

"How'd she get back up?" Lyra asked.

"That usually takes them down," Micro said. "Or at least keep them down for a while."

Cogs was likewise amazed, but was not one for looking a gift horse in the mouth. "Let's get out of here," he told Heart and Shifter.

The two female monsters agreed, before Shifter fired a beam at a nearby car and causing it to enlarge so much that it blocked them from view. Once the Rangers got around the car, they saw the monsters were gone.

"Let's get back to the base," Sunset said. "Maybe the Guardian Buster is malfunctioning."

The others nodded and started making their way back to the school.

As soon as the team arrived back at the base, Twilight and Sunset began studying the Guardian Busters Charger.

While they waited for the results, the team were simply sitting around.

When Sandal sat at the table, he noticed Fluttershy there looking down. "What's up?" He asked. "You're not still upset about the zoo are you."

"A little," Fluttershy replied. "But actually I was thinking about that battle. I couldn't do anything again."

"Don't say that," Sandal told her.

"It's true," Fluttershy said. "I love talking to animals, but when a situation shows up how is that gonna help me?"

Sandal wanted to reply, but unfortunately he could not think of a single thing it could be used for in battle.

"See," Fluttershy said. "It's useless."

"Hey," Sandal said, "just because I can't think of a use doesn't mean there isn't one. When the time comes, you'll know why you have this power."

"You really think so?" She asked him.

"I do," Sandal said, giving her a smile that she mirrored.

Meanwhile Flash watched as Twilight and Sunset worked. "So," he said, "anything?"

Twilight just sighed as she took the Charger out of the transmuter. "There's nothing wrong with it."

"What?" Flash asked as he took it. "Then how come Shifter was able to just shrug off the attack?"

"My best guess," Twilight replied. "The Guardian Buster just wasn't strong enough." She went to her computer and pulled up an image from the battle, showing Flash's Head Smash attack sending Shift into the ground. "Shifter was able to stand up from that, when it usually causes a lot more damage. Whatever her armour is made out of, it was able to lessen the damage just enough to protect her."

"I doubt even Magi-Drill would be able to crack it," Sunset said

"So how are we suppose to beat her?" Lyra asked her.

"The only option is to create a new weapon that's even more powerful then the Guardian Buster," Sunset said.

"Makes sense," Rainbow said. "If they up their game then so do we."

"But we designed the Guardian Buster to supercharge one blast with four addition bursts of energy," Twilight said. "How do we top that?"

They all thought for a moment, until Flash had an idea. "By combining multiple energy sources together."

"How'd you expect us to do that?" Micro asked. Everyone turned to Flash, expecting an answer.

"I have no idea," Flash replied, causing everyone to collapse anime style.

"That doesn't help us!" Soarin almost yelled.

"I might not know a lot about the science behind what we do," Flash said. "But I have faith that the one that do, will be able to come up with a solution."

"Great," Sunset said, "no pressure." She sighed.

Back at the ship, Cogs was scanning Shifter while the others watched.

"Huh," Cogs said as he read the scanner, "interesting."

"What?" Havoc asked.

"It seems that fusin Mini and Maxine also fused the atomic structure of their armour," Cogs explained. "Basically, Shifter's armour is now almost impenetrable. It would take an atomic blast to get through it."

"That is interesting," Havoc said.

"But I felt pain," Shifter said. "Explain that."

"It must be a mild side effect of the fusion," Cogs said. "You're armour has pain receptors connecting to you."

"That's a mild side effect?" Doom asked.

"Whatever," Havoc said. "Go rest up. Tomorrow you're going after the Rangers again."

"Seriously?" Shifter asked.

"Yeah seriously?" Heart asked. "She didn't exactly do a lot of damage to the Rangers."

"But if they can't destroy her, the Rangers will eventually be overcome."

"He's got a point," Dust said.

"But I still feel pain," Shifter said.

"What's a little pain?" Havoc said, giving the fusion monster and smile. "Pull this off and you'll be ruling the multiverse by my side."

This made Shifter forget about the pain she would feel. Ruling the multiverse, that was worth enduring all the pain in said multiverse. "I'm in."

"Good to hear," Havoc said with a smile.

<The Next Day>

In the base that morning we find Sunset once again at work, trying to design an all new weapon that could break through Shifter's armour.

She sighed once again as she looked at the screen, which was showing the results of her latest design's test run. Another failure.


The Gold Ranger looked up to see Principle Celestia at the entrance.

"It's Saturday, why are you here?"

"Trying to find a way to make a weapon stronger then the Guardian Buster," Sunset replied. "But I keep hitting the same wall."

"But I thought you and the others were going to the zoo today?" Celestia replied as she moved over to her.

"I told them to go without me," Sunset said. "Finding a way to finish this weapon is important, especially if Shifter attacks again."

Celestia sighed. "I appreciate how dedicated you are to your Ranger duties, but I don't want you spending your whole senior year in this lab."

"I know," Sunset replied. "But if Shifter does attack again and we can't beat her, then that puts everyone in danger. I'm willing to spend my time making sure that doesn't happen."

"I see," Celestia said with a smile. She was amazed how far Sunset had come since the days when she used to rule the school through fear. She then looked at the computer Sunset was working on. "What seems to be the problem? Can't get it to generate enough power?"

"Actually it's the opposite," Sunset replied. "Making it strong enough to destroy Shifter is easy, but no matter what I do I can't seem to come up with a design that can handle that kind of power. If the Rangers did use it, the only thing being destroyed would be them."

"I see," Celestia said as she thought for a moment. "Maybe the answer isn't trying to create an all new weapon, but building on a weapon we already have."

"Like what?" Sunset asked, but as she said that an idea popped into her head. Maybe that could work. "That's it," she said as she started typing.

Meanwhile the rest of the team had just arrived outside the Canterlot City zoo, only to find a massive line for the place.

"I thought this place was going down hill?" Rainbow asked, getting a head smack from Applejack, as they got to the back of the line.

"I guess everyone else wanted to see the place off like we did," Twilight explained.

"To bad it can't be like this regularly," Flash said.

"The zoo'd definitely be able to stay open then," Lyra agreed.

After a half hour of waiting in line, the six of them finally got in and began to look at all the animals the zoo had. Fluttershy was in a state of constant squealing, as she moved from one paddock to the other to look at all the animals.

"Hello Mr Meerkat," she said to the little rodent as it and its family rushed around its enclosure. Flash, Twilight and Sandal were also there. "Oh your babies are so cute," she reached her hand in and began to scratch the meerkat.

"My my," the four of them turned to see a woman dressed in the zoo's uniform moving over to them. "It's rare for someone to try and pet that meerkat and not lose a finger. You must really like animals."

"I love them," Fluttershy said.

"I can see that," the woman said. "My name's Nature Lover, I run this zoo...or at least I did."

The four of them frowned at this, knowing what she meant. "We're sorry to hear that," Twilight said. "It's to bad they're shutting the zoo down."

"To expensive to keep going they said," Nature explained. "With all the animals to keep and not enough patrons to fuel the income, we're just not able to look after them."

"Isn't there a way to save the zoo?" Sandal asked.

"Not unless you can come up with a new attraction that'll get the people flooding in, or find a way to make it so I can feed all the animals on a budget to feed only one?"

The four teens wished they had an answer, but at that moment they could not think of a way to help.

Meanwhile Lyra, Pinkie, Sweetie and Applejack were at the animal themed cafe getting something to drink due to the hot day.

"Yum!" Pinkie said as she slurped her refreshment through the straw. "This tiger tang soda is delicious." She watched the others all node in agreement, before suddenly she felt her left shoulder collide with something.

"Hey!" The woman whose shoulder she had walked into yelled.

"Oops," Pinkie said, "sorry."

"Watch where you're going!" the woman cried before walking off.

"Well that were rude," Applejack said. "You apologised and no harm was done."

"Just forget about her," Lyra said.

"Maybe I should try and make it up to her," Pinkie said. "You think the zoo will let me throw an apology party."

"I doubt it," Sweetie said. "Don't worry about it Pinkie, I'm sure she's fine."

"If you say so," Pinkie said as they continued on their way.

The woman Pinkie had bumped into was rushing through the crowd, as she made her way to the insect and lizard habitat buildings. Once inside she looked around, seeing snakes, spiders, lizards, scorpions and other creatures.

She chuckled. "Perfect," she said as she took out a device and pressed the button. In a flash she transformed from a woman into Shifter, a little something Cogs had made for her, causing those around her to start screaming at the sight of the monster that had just appeared. "That's right," she said, "run away!" She then turned back to the animals in their tanks and aimed her resizer at them. "Time to go big," she said before firing.

Meanwhile Soarin, Rainbow, Micro and Rarity were at the water section of the park and were watching the seal show.

Currently the seel was bouncing a ball on the end of its nose, making the younger of the audience all awe at the sight.

"Isn't that cute?" Rarity said as she watched.

"Sure is," Micro said.

"That's nothing," Rainbow said. "My Tank could do way cooler stunts then that thing."

"I wasn't aware sleeping was classed as a stunt," Soarin joked, getting an elbow in the ribs for it. "Worth it."

Micro and Rarity laughed at this as they continued to watch the show, but before they could get into the action.


Everyone's attention shifted over to the insect and reptile building, where a giant smoke cloud could be seen.

"That can't be good," Micro said.

"Let's check it out," Soarin said before the four of them began to make their way over to it.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked as she and the others saw the smoke cloud.

"I don't know," Nature Lover said as she pulled out her radio. "But I'm going to find out. This is Nature, what's happening over there?"

"MONSTER!" The voice on the other end called out.

"What?" Nature asked, but the others knew what it meant. "What the heck are you talking about?" But there was no answer. "This can't be good," she said as she turned back to them. "You lot stay here while I-Hey, where'd your boyfriends go?"

"Oh," Twilight said as she and Fluttershy blushed. "Nowhere."

Flash and Sandal had shot towards the dust cloud as soon as they had heard the word monster, Flash activating his communicator. "We've got a monster attack. Everyone to the dust cloud.

"Got it," Lyra replied.

"Already on our way," Soarin replied.

"Sunset," Flash then said, "how's that new weapon coming. If its Shifter we may need it.

"Almost done," Sunset replied. "I'll head over as soon as it's ready."

"Alright," Flash said as he cut the call. He and Sandal then pulled out their Magi-Chargers.

"Energise!" They both cried out, before in a flash they were Rangered up.

When they arrived at the dust cloud, they watched as people rushed away from it and when the cloud finally faded, the two of them were in for a big shock.

There, slivering out of the building, was a snake the size of a train. It raised its colossal head and then looked down at the two Rangers, before flicking it pitch fork like tongue at them.

"That's...creepy," Flash said.

"I never thought I'd see something like this out of a movie," Sandal said. Suddenly the two heard laughing, coming from the building, making them turn towards it and see Shifter step out.

"How'd you like it?" The monster asked. "I've always been an animal person, and the bigger the better wouldn't you say?"

"No," Flash said as he and Sandal pulled out their swords, "we wouldn't. Shrink it back this instant!"

"I don't think so," Shifter said. "We both know you can't destroy me, so what can you do? Shades!" A bunch of the cloaked monsters appeared. "Keep them busy, while I go grow a few more animals." The Shades charged forwards, forcing the two Rangers to battle them while Shifter rushed off.

"Out of my way!" Flash cried as he slashed them down.

"Man you guys are annoying!" Sandal continued as he did the same.

Suddenly a flurry of laser fire struck the Shades, knocking them all down and freeing the two up to take out several more. They looked over and saw the rest of the Rangers rushing towards them.

"Just in time," Flash said.

"Where's Shifter?" Lyra asked.

"She ran off," Sandal replied. "I think she's gonna grow some other animals."

"Then we've gotta stop her," Sweetie said.

However before they could act, the Shades got back up and started charging towards them.

"Magitech!" Everyone but Soarin and Flash cried.

"Summon Thunder Sabre!"

Everyone but Flash charged forwards to stop the Shades in their tracks.

"Flash!" Micro cried out as he blasted some of the Shades down. "Go. Legendary Mode might be able to stop her."

"We got this," Sandal told him.

"Alight," Flash said as he pulled out his Magi-Charger and activated it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hidding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Flash leapt into the sky and unfolded his wings, flying over the Rangers and Shades before heading the way Shifter went.

Shifter rushed through the zoo, firing her size changing beam into multiple enclosures.

"This is fun!" She cried out as she watched the many enlarged animals begin to step out of their homes.


The monster turned to see the Red Legend Ranger flying at her, before spinning in midair and kicking her in the chest with enough force to send her flying.

"Whoa!" She cried as she landed on the ground with a thud, while Flash landed a few feet away.

"Change those animals back to normal now!" He told her.

Shifter chuckled as she picked herself up. "Or what? We both know you can't destroy me, so your threats are empty."

Flash growled at this, knowing she was right.

"I'll tell you what?" Shifter said. "Give me your Element and I'll shrink a few of them back down. Not all of them of course, I need them as bargaining chips to get the other Rangers to give up their Elements."

"No deal!" Flash cried as he pulled out his Drago Blaster and fire at her, but she simply stood firm and took the blast head on.

"You'll pay for that," she cried. She then pulled something out and showed it to Flash. A scorpion. "Catch!" She cried for tossing the creature in the air and firing a beam at it, causing it to grow a hundred times its original size.

"Oh boy," Flash said as the giant insect started down at him before snapping its claws.

Meanwhile the other Rangers had just finished taking down the Shades.

"That's the last of them," Soarin said.

"Then let's go help Flash," Sandal said. But before they could, they heard a low growling sound.

"Please tell me that was your stomach," Sweetie said to them.

The growling got louder and the Rangers turned to see a lion, the size of an elephant, turn the corner and stare down at them.

"Oh no," Lyra said.

"Nice kitty," Micro said as the big cat stepped towards them.

The lion growled as it tried to swat them with its paw, only for the five of them to leap out of the way.

"Stop it!" Soarin cried once he landed. "We're not mice."

"Compared to him we are," Sandal said.

"No choice," Lyra said. "Just try and knock it out, nothing fatal."

"Right," The others said as they started dodging the lions attacks.

Meanwhile the Mane Six were helping everyone escape from the zoo, Rarity creating a shield to block the exit so the people could escape through a small hole she had left.

Rainbow had been rushing about the park, looking for any stragglers, while the others were trying to keep order.

"Stay calm," Twilight said.

"Leave in an orderly fashion," Nature agreed.

Meanwhile Fluttershy was watching as the things she loved more then anything else, was causing people to flee in fear. "Those poor animals," she said. "They must be so scared, not understanding what's going on."


The teen girl turned to see Twilight moving towards her.

"Come on," she said as she grabbed her and started moving her towards the crowd. "You need to get to safety."

Right, once again she was to flee in terror while her friends risked life and limb to save her and the public. What else was new.

"LOOK OUT!" Someone from the crowd screamed as they pointed at an area.

Everyone turned to see a cloud of dust drawing closer, everyone realising what it was. A stampede.

Rhinos, zebras, wildebeests and other gigantic animals were rushing towards them. If they did not stop, they would run straight into the crowd and no one would survive it. Even Rarity's force field would not be able to stop them.

The crowd all screamed as they started pushing to get out, as Twilight and the others girls were being swept away.

Fluttershy felt herself being shoved and pushed, before looking back at the approaching stampede. Suddenly she remembered what Sandal had told her, how her powers did have a purpose. If this was not it, then nothing was.

Using all her strength, the pink haired girl pushed her way through of the crowd until she was finally out of it and started running towards the stampede.

"FLUTTERSHY!" She heard Twilight screamed.

"What are you doing?" Nature cried.

Fluttershy stopped a good few hundred meters away from the stampede, before grabbing her geode and taking a deep breath. "STOP!" Her voice was suddenly like a megaphone, louder then anything anyone had ever heard. The stampede heard this and came to a screeching halt not a few inches away from her.

Fluttershy looked up at the giant animals, who were all staring down at her. "I know you're all scared and confused," she told them. "But please, don't do this. You'll only hurt yourself and others, and I know you don't want that. So please, calm down."

The animals all continued to stare at her, as the crowd likewise stared in wonder, before finally a rhino lowered its head and softly rubbed its horn in her face.

Fluttershy smiled at this. "Thank you."

The other animals all unleashed sounds of thanks to her, as the rest of the Mane Six moved over to her.

"Fluttershy," Twilight said, "that was amazing."

"It was nothing," Fluttershy said.

"Are you kiddin," Applejack said. "That was incredible sugarcube."

"Sure was," Pinkie said.

Fluttershy's smile increased, before turning to a serious frown and turning back to the animals. "Let's go stop Shifter."

Shifter was currently laughing her head off as she watched Flash tangled with a super sized scorpion.

"This is Ridiculous!" Flash cried as he dodged the scorpions tail.

"This can end whenever you want it to," Shifter said. "Just hand over your Element."

"Not happening!" Flash cried as he pulled out his Drago Blaster. "Activate!" Flash pulled the trigger, unleashing a yellow and orange energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Griffon and Manticore Zord heads, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light his gauntlets transformed, turning into the two Zords shaped gauntlets. "Red Legend Ranger, Manti-Griffon Formation. Ready!"

Flash leapt into the air and fired off several blasts, which just bounced off the scorpions shell. The scorpion then launched its tail at him, but Flash managed to leap back just in time to miss it. The tails point struck the ground, which such force that it caused the ground to crack.

Seeing this, Flash saw his chance and launched his Manticore tail at the scorpions. The two scorpion tails wrapped around one another, locking both up, before Flash spun around and used all his strength to throw the scorpion over his head.

Shifter watched as the scorpion flew over the Ranger and crashed into the ground, hitting it with such a force that the insect was rendered unconscious. "Not good," she said.

"You bet it isn't," Flash said as he turned back to the monster. "Last chance," he said. "Surrender!"

Before Shifter could reply, a loud roaring filled the air. They both turned to see all the animals Shifter had enlarged, walking towards them. Fluttershy was sitting atop a large lion at the front, with the Rangers walking besides it.

"What?" Shifter asked as she saw this.

The animals came to a stop and Fluttershy jumped down. "You made a big mistake Shifter," Fluttershy said before turning to the animals. "Go get them!"

The animals let out their roars and growls, before rushing forwards into a stampede.

Shifter saw this and gulped, before raising her weapon and firing a blast which struck all the animals. Slowly, they started shrinking until they were all now the size of house cats. She chuckled at this.

Flash groaned seeing this, before an idea popped into his head. He raised his Griffon gauntlet and aimed it at Shifter's arm, before firing a laser blast right at her. The blast struck the strap connecting her device to her arm, destroying it and causing the resizer to go flying.

"NO!" She cried as she tried to reach for it, but in that moment Flash used his Manticore tail to grab it and pull it back to him.

"Got it," he said as he caught it, before tossing it to Fluttershy. "Here, go change the animals back."

Fluttershy caught the device and nodded, before she and her animal friends rushed off. This left the Rangers to deal with Shifter

"Who cares if I lost my resizer," the monster said. "You still can't destroy me." But in that moment she was once again blasted by a flurry of laser fire, complements of Sunset's Magicycle.

The Gold Ranger rode in before pulling her bike to a stop, getting off and rushing to the others. "Flash!" She cried as she held out a new gold and white Magi-Charger, with a large V on it. "Take this, the Magi-Victory Charger!"

"Magi-Victory?" Flash asked as he took it.

Sunset nodded. "I was able to combined the power of the Elements of Courage, Trust, Knowledge, Love and Will. I couldn't design a weapon that could handle the power, but realised we already had one that could." She looked down at Flash's Drago Blaster, making him realise what he had to do.

"Got it!" He cried, before he stepped forward with the other Rangers.

Shifter got up and saw the Rangers standing there. "Like I said, nothing you do will destroy me."

"We'll see about that," Flash said as he held up the Charger. "Magi-Victory Charger, activate!" He clicked the Charger, causing it to flash all five of their colours, before placing it in Drago's mouth.


The Rangers got into the same position they did while using the Guardian Buster, before they each began to glow their respective colour. That glow flew through the Rangers and into the Drago Blaster, Flash aiming it at Shifter. Once fully charged, the five of them all spoke in unison.

"Magi-Victory...Final...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and unleashed five energy blasts, one in each of the Ranger's colours, which flew at Shifter before transforming into the heads of the Dragon, Sea-Serpent, Griffon, Sphinx and Fenrir Zords.

The five heads flew towards Shifter at high speed, before each smashing into her and exploding.

Shifter screamed out in pain, having never felt such power, as her armour began to crack and she was sent flying.

In the ship, Havoc watched as Shifter was defeated.

"So much for her being invincible," he said before turning to a Shade. "Fire the Gigatisor and send some Shadzillas!"

The Shade nodded and struck the red button and causing the red beam to be shot into the sky, bounce of the satellite and be redirected back to earth.

Back on the ground, the Rangers saw the Gigatisor beam come down and strike Shifter. This caused a explosion and when it faded, a giant Shifter stepped out. Meanwhile four Shadzillas also appeared.

"So this is what it feels like!" She said.

"Let's do this Drago," Flash said as he reverted back to his normal Ranger form and Drago leapt out of his hand. The Zord grew to full height, as Flash, Micro, Sandal and Soarin pulled out their Magi-Chargers.

"Summon Zords!" They cried as the tossed the Chargers in the air.


The Zords activated and headed towards their Rangers, who leapt into the cockpit and activated their Mega-Drive.


The Megazord flew towards Shifter, who was now only armed with her claw, before firing a flurry of laser fire at her.

"Come down and fight me!" She cried out as she endured the blasts.

"Certainly," Lyra said.

"Take this!" Sandal cried as the Megazord flew down before slashing her with its blade.

"That's not what I meant!" She cried in pain.

The Shadzillas charged, but the Megazord leapt back to the sky to dodge. It then aimed its griffon arm at them and unleashed another flurry, destroying two of them while knocking the other two down. As the dark monsters picked themselves up, the Megazord flew down and slashed both of them to shreds.

Shifter suddenly found herself completely alone, as the Megazord took to the sky once again.

"Fire!" Micro yelled as the Megazord unleashed another wave of lasers, each hitting the monster and dealing more damage to her armour.

"How about we cut this girl down to size?" Flash suggested to the others.

"Oh yeah!" The other agreed. They all moved and spoke in sync, calling out their final attack. "Thunderbird Zord...Griffon Zord...Fenrir Zord, Electron Blast Cutter!"

The Megazord unleashed its finishing move, an electrified blast and slash, which flew towards Shifter and struck her in the chest. With her weakened armour, it was to much for her to take.

"My plan came up short," were her last words before collapsing in and explosion.

"Guardian Rangers," Sandal called out, "victory is ours!"

Havoc simply sighed at another defeat.

"Once again those Rangers up their game," he said as he sat back. "Beating them is going to take one heck of a plan."

"Don't worry master," Dust said as he dragged Doom towards him. "I'll come up with a brilliant plan."

"Sure you will," Doom said sarcastically.

"What was that?" Havoc asked.

"Oh," Doom said, "I said I'm sure he will."

"Right," Havoc replied suspiciously.

After the battle, the Rangers returned to the zoo to see Nature Lover unveil its newest attraction.

"Presenting," she cried out to the audience, "the Canterlot Zoo Miniature Animal Petting Zoo." And just like that she revealed a multitude of different enclosures, all with cat sized version of the zoo's animals.

"Oh aren't you just adorable," Rarity said to the tiny elephant that Micro was holding.

"This is great!" Pinkie cried as she hugged a miniaturised alligator."

"Don't think I've forgiven our last little encounter," Lyra told the house cat sized lion she and the others had previously been fighting. I let out a purr as she and Sweetie scratched it behind the ear. "Oh who am I kidding," Lyra then said as she pulled it into a hug.

Fluttershy watched as everyone fawned of the small animals, before noticing Nature and Sandal step up next to her. Nature was holding Shifter's resizer

"Thank you," she said. "You saved my zoo. Now I have a new exhibit and less need for food."

"Don't worry about," Fluttershy said. "I was just doing what I love." She then turned to Sandal and gave him a smile. "Thank you for helping me realise how amazing my magic is."

"Don't mention it," Sandal told her.

The day had been saved and Fluttershy had discovered just how powerful she was. Along with their new Magi-Victory Charger, the Rangers were certainly on a roll.

Author's Note:

I think it was Godslittleprincess who asked for Fluttershy getting into the action. Hope this didn't disappoint.

Next Time: An homage to an idea for this series I didn't get to put in.