• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,442 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Havoc on the Brain

One morning in the crashed alien ship, we find Havoc in his chair watching TV.

It had been set to a kid's cartoon channel, which was currently showing a show which involved a cat, a mouse and plethora of zany antics.

Havoc laughed seeing the cat character be squashed by a falling anvil, as Cogs stepped inside the room. "Master Havoc."

"What is it?" Havoc replied to him.

"It's getting pretty late," the armoured being said. "Shouldn't you be heading off to school."

"It's still pretty early," Havoc told him. "Besides, I haven't got to watch anything in six hundred years. I'm entitled to a little fun."

"If you say so," Cogs replied. "Also, I managed to reanimate Blizzard by the way."

"Good," Havoc said. "I may need him again."

"Any particular plan for getting the Ranger's Elements?"

"Not yet," Havoc replied as he finally got up off his chair. "I need to do a little more sleuthing, then I'll know what I need to do to beat them and which monster is best suited for the task." He then turned to Cogs. "You and your friends just keep working to fix the ship. I want this bird flying as soon as possible"

"But sir," Cogs said, "even if we manage to rebuild the engines, we don't have the power needed to reach escape velocity."

Havoc just smiled. "By the time it's done, I'll have an Element. We'll use that to power the ship." With that he grabbed his overcoat and threw it on his back, before heading out the door to school.

As he walked down the hall, he saw Brainwave walking up to him.

"Master Havoc," he called out as he rushed over to him. "I was wondering if maybe I could battle against the Rangers?"

"Oh really?" Havoc asked with a raised eyebrow. "So tell me, what's your plan?"


"I'm not sending you out there unless you have an actual plan," Havoc explained. "I'm not Darklight, so unless you have a plan that I think will work against the Rangers, you're not going anywhere." With that, the half human half monster pushed passed Brainwave and left.

"I don't need a plan," Brainwave said. "I can beat those Rangers on my own."

Meanwhile at school, we find six of the eight Rangers along with the Mane Six in their secret base.

They had arrived at school early to talk about the situation they currently found themselves in, with Havoc on the loose and trying to steel their Elements.

Currently Twilight and Sunset were working in the lab, Sunset focusing on Magi-Chargers while Twilight was placing the finishing touches to something in a metal case.

"There," Sunset said as she took a dark green Charger out of the programmer and placed it alongside several overs. "All done."

"Great," Flash asked as they looked over the Chargers. "Now we've got a Charger for everything Havoc might throw at us, as long as it's something we've faced before."

"That's right," Sunset said. "We now have Hypno an Flame Chargers for all of us."

"Plus," Twilight brought the metal case over to them. "I've finished your new communicators." She showed them the devices inside, which looked pretty much the same as their old communicators except for them now having a third green button.

Flash took one of the devices out of the box and looked it over. "Doesn't look all that different from the last one."

Twilight shook her head. "It may not appear so, but I assure you it is. They have a constant link with the base and each other, plus it has enhanced signal strength so you can even talk from a mile underground."

"What's with the new button?" Lyra asked as she took hers.

"That I installed after our most recent situation," Twilight explained. "By pressing the green button, it sends out a distress signal that our computers will pick up and locate you. That way we won't have anymore surprise disappearances."

"Sounds good," Flash said as they all placed the devices on their wrists.

"And last but certainly not least," Sunset held out a bunch of new Magi-Chargers. "Mega-Drive!"

"Mega-Drive?" Sweetie asked as she took one.

"It's a new battle mode designed to grant extra power in the Megazord," Sunset explained. "With it, even our weakest Megazord will be able to go toe to toe with Havoc's strongest monster.

"Awesome," Sandel said. "Havoc won't know what hit him."

"Yeah," Sunset replied to him, "but remember. Only in the Megazord."

The others nodded, as Starswirl chose that moment to appear. "With this new threat appearing, we will need every advantage available to us."

"He's right darlings," Rarity said. "This Havoc character may be more dangerous then anything any of us have faced before."

"That's why we've gotta be even more careful," Applejack asked.

"That horrible Havoc could attack at any moment," Fluttershy said.

"Well we'll be ready for him this time," Sandel said as he pounded his fist into his palm.

"Indeed," Micro agreed. "He caught us unaware before, but now we're on guard."

Sweetie nodded. "If he comes looking for trouble, we'll be ready to blast his butt back to whatever universe he came from."

"YEAH!" Pinkie cried out hearing this.

Rainbow had been oddly quiet though this, which did not go unnoticed.

"You okay sugarcube?" Applejack asked, getting her attention.

"What?" She asked before shaking her head. "Yeah...it's just that...Soarin's on his own in Cloudsdale. Doesn't that mean he's more likely to be attacked?"

"Oh darling," Rarity said moving over to her. "Soarin is a very capable young man. He is the 'Thundering Hero' after all."

The others all agreed at this.

"Besides," Flash said, "If he does end up needing help, he'll call us and we'll be there in a flash."

"Right," Rainbow said, though she still seemed nervous about it.

Before any of them could say anything else, Twilight's phone rang its alarm. Using her magic to call it to her, Twilight saw the time and her eyes went wide. "Yikes, we need to get to class."

"Still can't believe we have to attend school," Sweetie said as they all gathered up their stuff. "You'd thing being at risk of getting attacked would warrant a pass."

"We need to act normal," Lyra told her best friend. "If we didn't attend, someone might get suspicious."

"Exactly," Flash agreed as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. "It might bite, but it has to be done."

The others all nodded as they made their way over to the exit, checking the camera that showed the hall they would come out of, before heading through the wall.

Once all out, the group split up and headed to homeroom.

Flash, Twilight, Lyra, Rainbow and Sunset soon arrived at their homeroom, where Mr Cranky Doodle and the rest of their class were waiting.

"Cutting it a bit close aren't we?" The middle aged teacher asked them as they entered the room, right before the bell rang.

"Sorry sir," Sunset said as they took their seats.

Before anyone could get on to their homeroom work done, a knock at the classroom door caught everyone's attention. It then opened to show Principle Celestia, who walked in.

"Good morning," she said as she walked into the centre of the room. "Before you all start, I'd like to welcome a new student to your class. He just transferred here from Cloudsdale."

This caught our heroes attention, as they turned towards the door and saw a familiar face walk in.

"Everyone," Celestia said, "this is Soarin Skies. He'll be joining us for the rest of the year."

Soarin looked around the room and saw his friends, which made him smirk before looking around the rest of his classmates.

"Well Mr Skies," Cranky Doodle said, "welcome. Take a seat."

Soarin nodded and moved over to the empty desk next to Rainbow, whose eyes were literal saucers.

"What are you doing here?" Flask asked him.

Soarin just gave him a smirk. "Well with everything that's going on, I thought it best to be here where the rest of the team is."

"Well we're happy to have you here," Lyra said.

Rainbow, who was still staring, finally managed to shake her head and then spoke. "Yeah, plus with you one our team, the soccer clubs gonna really get far in the season."

Soarin just smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

With nothing else to say, Celestia turned to the teacher. "Sorry to disturb you, hope your new student doesn't give you any trouble." With that she turned to left the classroom, which quickly resumed its normal activities.

Later during lunch, we find the gang grouping up around their usual table to eat.

"So how you liking CHS so far partner?" Applejack asked Soarin once he had sat down.

"It's great," Soarin replied. "At Cloudsdale, anyone on the sports team pretty much got a free pass when it came to lessons, which always bothered me. Here I'm not being treated differently because of my sport skills."

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "the principles don't believe in playing favourites."

Before anyone else could say anything, someone placed their tray on the table next to Soarin's. Looking up he saw Table Spoon sitting down next to him.

"Hey guys," he said before turning to Soarin. "I don't think we've been introduced. The name's Table Spoon."

"Soarin," the Thunder Ranger replied, before taking a close look at him. "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

Table Spoon looked like he was panicking, until Flash said. "He's the one who saved Sunset from being run over. Remember?"

Soarin thought for a moment, before nodding. "Oh yeah, now I do. Great to meet yeah."

"Same here," Table replied.

The group continued to eat, until Soarin finally finished and stood up.

"Where yeah going?" Micro asked.

"Back field," Soarin replied. "I usually try and get some training in after a meal. I might of changed schools, but changing my natural schedule won't be as easy."

"I wouldn't mind a bit of a work out," Rainbow said, scoffing down the last of her meal.

"Same here," Table agreed.

"Thanks," Soarin said as the three of them headed outside.

They made their way to the field, where they were trying to decide what they wanted to do.

"Soccer or do you just wanna run?" Soarin asked.

Rainbow thought for a moment, but before she could reply.


The three teens suddenly found themselves engulfed in a wave of laser fire, which caused them all to be sent flying and crashed into the ground.

As Soarin and Rainbow tried to pull themselves up, Rainbow suddenly remembered the new communicators and quickly pressed the new green button. After that, they looked to where the laser fire had come from and saw Brainwave walking towards them.

"I have you now," the monster said.

"Is that a monster?" Table quivered out as he scuffled back on his butt.

Soarin quickly turned to him. "We'll hold him off. You get out of here and warn the rest of the school."

Table nodded and quickly got up, before rushing back towards the school.

Once out of sight, Soarin and Rainbow turned towards the monster. "You know I was looking for a little workout, so thanks for volunteering."

"You can thank me," Brainwave said, "by giving me your Element."

"Not happening," Soarin said as he ran towards the monster. "ENERGISE!" In a flash of light, Soarin morphed and began battling Brainwave with his Thunder Sabre.

Unbeknown to him and Rainbow, Table hadn't returned to the school and was watching the battle. "What does that idiot think he's doing?" He growled. "He'll ruin everything." With that, he turned and rushed off.

"Blitz Bolts!" Soarin cried out as he fired several shots from his morpher, but they were all blocked by Brainwave's staff.

"My turn," he cried as he fired a series of lasers at Soarin.

"Don't let them hit you," Rainbow told him as they dodged them. "He can hypnotise you."

"Right," Soarin said as he leapt into the sky and flew away from the laser, before dropping down and dealing a slash to the monster.

Brainwave cried as he fell back, but before he could regain his composure he was blasted by a bunch of lasers.

The three looked over to see the rest of the Rangers rushing towards them.

"Sorry we're late," Flash said as they grouped up with Soarin. "Took us forever to find a place we could morph."

"You're here now," Soarin said. "So let's take this freak down."

"RIGHT!" The others cried out as they charged forward.

"There's no way I can miss all of you," Brainwave cried as he unleashed a barrage of lasers, which the Rangers all began dodging and deflecting.

"Nice try," Lyra said as she used her Serpent Staff to pole volt over some.

"But not good enough," Sweetie finished as she blocked a laser with the Sphinx Shield.

"Fire!" Micro cried as he unleashed his own lasers, which flew through the air and struck Brainwave. This caused him to fall back and drop his staff, which rolled a few feet away.

Seeing this, Rainbow activated her super speed and rushed over to the monster. Brainwave was crawling towards his staff, but a rainbow blur shot passed him and grabbed it. "Thanks."

"Hey," the monster said as he turned around to see Rainbow come to a stop next to the Rangers.

"Soarin!" She cried before tossing it into the air.

The Thunder Ranger nodded and leapt up, before swinging his sword around and slicing the staff in half.

"NO!" Brainwave cried seeing this.

"Face it yeah creep," Flash told him. "You're outmatched."

Brainwave growled before turning to run off.

"Come back here," Sandel cried.

"Leave him," Flash said. "He's no match for all of us. If he comes back, we'll settle the score."

"We've got a problem," Lyra said as she pointed towards the school, where they saw a bunch of the students had been watching.

"We'd better get out of here," Flash said. "We'll demorph someplace and try and sneak back in."

The others all nodded before they rushed away from the school.

When Brainwave returned to the ship, he was in for a serious beat down.

"AAAARRRR!" He cried as Havoc zapped him. He was one his knees and withering in pain as he was tortured.

"You idiot!" Havoc screamed as he continued to zap him. "I told you to wait until I had a plan, but you deliberately disobeyed me." He finally stopped the torture, allowing Brainwave to fall on his face and begin to breath heavily, before he knelt down and looked at him with a glare. "Now...care to explain yourself?"

Brainwave pulled himself up to his knees, before looking up at Havoc. "I thought I could beat them."

"Oh you did, did you?" Havoc said, looking rather happy at that. "Now tell me," his face turned back to a dark glare, "what made you think this time would be different from your last failed attempt."


"My point exactly," Havoc said as he picked himself up and began to walk back to his chair, plonking himself in it and staring at the TV. "Not only did you fail but you lost your staff, which if I'm not mistaken, you need in order to hypnotise anyone."

"I can get it back with the reanimator," Brainwave said. "It'll even be better then before."

"Yes," Havoc said as he continued to stare at the TV, before a plan formed in his head. "It can be better. Cogs!"

"Yes sir," Cogs asked.

"The reanimator works by converting digital information into physical form, correct?"


"And you can change the data, thus changing whatever it creates, also correct?"


"Good," Havoc said as he sat back. "Then I want you to remake Brainwave's staff, but change it so it can send a digital hypnotic signal."

"Oh," Cogs said before nodding. "No problem, I can use Gigabytes digital interface ability to do."

"Excellent," Havoc said before turning to another of his generals. "Doom, a moment."

"Yes master Havoc?"

"You've been in this dimension a long time correct?"

"Over a thousand years."

"So you would have seen when they created TV right?"

"Yes, I know about TV."

"So, what program would you say is the most watched on this planet?"

"Oh," Doom thought for a moment, before nodding. "I'd say the news. The older humans are always watching it and it's usually the channel that's on in stores and in public."

"Good," Havoc said, "then we know what we're doing tomorrow. Gather as many Shades as you can get, along with images of every single Ranger. It's time to give them an enemy they can't fight."

<The Next Day>

Soarin had just gotten off the bus and was making his way to school.

After the monster attack the previous day, Principle Celestia had suggested that the school be closed for the rest of the day. The Rangers had used this to old a meeting, where they all agreed that the attack was probably Brainwave working alone since he didn't have any Shades. This had concerned them since it meant that Havoc might not have complete control over all their monsters, meaning they could attack at any minute.

As he was passing by the sports field, he saw something in his peripheral vision rolling toward him. Looking over, he saw it was soccer ball that someone had kicked his way.

"Hey!" Soarin turned to see teen boy with red hair and wearing a red shirt. "You mind."

Soarin looked down at the ball, before moving over to it and using his soccer skills to kick it up. Once it came back down, Soarin struck it with his foot and sent it soaring over the teen and into the far goal.

The teen was amazed by this and turned towards Soarin. "That was awesome. You're the new kid right?"

"Yeah," the Thunder Ranger replied. "Soarin Skies."

"Heath Burns," the teen replied. "Wanna play?"

Soarin shrugged his shoulders and said, "sure." He rushed over to the field and started playing with Heath and the other players.

Meanwhile across town at the TV station, the works were enjoying another great day of televisual entertainment.

But then.

At the reception desk, the woman manning the phones was typing away at her computer. "Canterlot Studios, how may I direct your call? Okay, just putting you through now." She did that and after changing the channel, she suddenly the heard the front door open. Looking up to greet them, she suddenly gasped as she saw Doom, Brainwave and a horde of Shades enter the room.

"Hello," Doom said menacingly, "if you would be so kind as to direct us to the news studio."

The woman did not reply, choosing instead to scream and rush off in the opposite direction.

"Fine," Doom said, "we'll do it the hard way. SHADES!" The cloaked monsters charged forwards.

Back at the school, Flash had just parked his car and was making his way towards the building when he noticed his Ranger teammate rushing about the field.

Moving over to take a closer look, he saw Soarin, Heath, Teddy and several other athletes playing soccer. Over on the edge of the field, he saw Rainbow and Twilight walking up to them having also seen Soarin.

"Looks like Soarin's fitting in," Flash said once he got close to them.

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. "It's good he's making friends other then us."

"I guess," Rainbow said.

They watched for a little while longer as Soarin played, scoring several goals as he did, before finally the warning bell rung and classes were about to start.

Hearing it, the athletes all began moving off the field. Eventually Soarin, Heath, Flash and the girls were the last ones.

"Dude," Heath told Soarin, "you've gotta try out for the soccer team. With you, we're a show in to win any match."

"Sure," Soarin replied, "I'll be there."

Heath nodded, before rushing inside the school and leaving Soarin with his friends.

"So," Rainbow said with a smile, "making friends are we?"

"Yeah," Soarin replied, "they asked me to play so I said sure."

"That's good," Twilight told him as they got closer to the school.

However, when they opened the door they noticed Heath standing in the middle of the room looking confused.

"Hey man," Rainbow said as they moved up to him. "What's up."

Heath didn't look at them, instead he simply continued staring. "Where...is everybody?"

The four looked around and saw what he meant. The hallway was deserted, which was odd considering classes were about to start.

"Where is everybody?" Flash asked.

"That's what I just asked," Heath told him before walking off.

"Where're you going?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe they're in the gym or the cafeteria," Heath replied as he made his way to the cafeteria.

The others all turned to each other, before shrugging and following him.

They soon arrived outside the cafeteria, where they heard noises coming from outside the door. When they opened it, they saw the strangest thing.

Everyone was simply staring at the TV in the corner, which they couldn't see what was showing. Looking around they all noticed their friends near the back of the crowd, causing them to move over to them.

"Applejack," Rainbow said as she grabbed the girls shoulder. "What's going on?" She soon got her answer, when she spun Applejack around and looked into her eyes. They were completely blank, as if no life was in them at all. "WHOA!" Rainbow cried as she stepped away.

Meanwhile the rest of the crowd began to turn around, showing their eyes to also have the blank stares.

"What's going on?" Heath asked, but the others had a pretty good guess.

"Guys look," Flash said as he pointed to the screen, which the students had moved to allow them to see. There, his hideous face plastered all over the screen, was Brainwave.

At the TV Station, Brainwave and his forces had taken over the station and had hijacked the system. With Cogs's instruction they had reprogrammed the system so that every channel was broadcasting the same show. Brainwave was standing infront of a camera, which was being operated by a Shade, using his new and improved staff.

"Do we have any new viewers?" He asked the camera, before pointing his staff at it. "Then let me catch your attention."

Everyone watched as the monster pointed his staff at the camera, which then started glowing green.

Soarin, remembering what Rainbow had told him, gasped as he realised what was going on. "Don't look!" He looked away, just as the staff flashed green. As soon as he felt the light die down, Soarin looked back around and saw Flash, Twilight and Rainbow do the same. Heath however, did not seem so lucky as when Soarin looked at him he saw his new friend had the same dead eyes.

"Now my mind slaves," Brainwave spoke, "here is my order." The screen changed to show all the Power Ranger, both morphed and unmorphed, the Mane Six and the Principles. "These are your enemies. If they are not already under my control, then you will grab them and bring them to the nearest TV to be placed under my control. And you Power Ranger under my control, come to the Canterlot TV Station and hand over your Element."

The four teens all gulped as they saw the mind slaves turn towards them, before trying to reach out and grab them.

"GET OUT!" Flash cried as he ran towards the door, followed by the others.

As soon as they were out, Twilight used her magic to move several objects infront of the doors. "That won't hold them for long," she said. As if to prove her point, the mind slaves started banging against the door and causing the stuff infront of it to move.

"What do we do?" Rainbow asked.

"We've gotta stop Brainwave," Flash said.

"And fix everyone," Twilight said.

"Wait a minute," Soarin said. "Did anyone else see the other Rangers in there?"

The three thought for a moment, but quickly realised they did not. They then remembered Brainwave's orders.

"Oh no," Flash said.

The streets of Canterlot were filled with Brainwave's mind slaves, all staring at the screens that showed Brainwave.

Five teens were walking though the town, their minds under the control of the monster, making their way towards their destination. Lyra, Micro, Sweetie, Sandel and Sunset had seen the broadcast and hadn't been able to protect themselves from hypnotic blast.

"We have to stop them," Soarin said.

"And fix the others," Twilight said.

"We need the Hypno Chargers," Flash said, but before they could even think about going to get them, the cafeteria doors and everything infront of them was blown away.

As soon as the smoke cleared, the group saw why. Pinkie was the first one out of the door, followed by Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and the rest of the students.

"Oh great," Flash said as he and Soarin pulled out their morphers.

"You can't fight them," Twilight said. "Their our friends."

"Which I'm betting Havoc expected when he planned this," Soarin said.

"So what do we do?" Rainbow asked.

"Twilight, Soarin and I will keep them at bay," Flash said as he fired his blaster at the floor, causing a small explosion that sent the mind slaves back. "You go get the Chargers. With your speed it'll take less then a minute."

"There's a small black briefcase in the lab," Twilight told the rainbow haired girl. "Grab it and bring it here."

Rainbow nodded and quickly rushed off, leaving the three to deal with the mind slaves.

In his ship, Havoc was watching the multitude of Brainwave's mind slaves and they walked through town like zombies.

"I love this show," Havoc cried with laughter.

"But have we caught the Rangers yet?" Heart asked him as she watched.

"It's only a matter of time," Havoc replied. "We have every TV set in the city under our control. Those Rangers won't be able to turn their heads without looking at one and one look is all we need."

Cogs then turned to Havoc. "Don't forget master, the Rangers have beaten Brainwave's control before."

"Well they won't this time," Havoc said.

Rainbow quickly rushed through the corridors, making her way towards the entrance of the base.

Finally she made it and stepped inside. "Celestia...Luna...you in here?" Rainbow looked around for them, but they were nowhere to be seen. She did however she the briefcase Twilight had mentioned and moved over to grab it, but no sooner had she that she felt someone grab her shoulder. "Aaarrr!" She cried in surprise as she spun around, only to see Principle Celestia. "Oh," she sighed in relief, "I thought it was one of those...mind slaves." She looked into her principle's eyes and saw they were blank.

Suddenly realising what was happening, Rainbow quickly jumped back before using her speed to move passed Celestia. However, when she got to the exit she saw it was blocked by Luna.

"Not you too," she said, seeing Luna's blank eyes.

The two principles were slowly making their way towards her, before before they could grab her, Luna was knocked aside.

Rainbow turned to see Starswirl, staff in hand, turning his attention to Celestia. "Get out of here. I'll hold them off."

Rainbow nodded her head and quickly rushed out the door.

Currently the others were having their own trouble.

With limited options to deal with the mind slaves, aside from hurting them, they could do little to defend themselves. Currently the three found themselves cornered, with the mind slaves closing in fast.

"What do we do?" Twilight asked. "We can't go through them."

Flash agreed to that, before an idea popped into his head. "Then we go over them." He pulled out his Element and held it tight, feeling the energy surge through him, before grabbing Twilight and lifting her bridal style. He then used all his strength to jump up and over the mind slaves, Soarin doing the same a second later, landing just behind the back row of them.

"Nice," Twilight said when he put her down.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "but I doubt we can do it again."

Luckily however, a rainbow blur showed up and came to a stop right infront of them.

"Guys," Rainbow said as she put the case on the ground. "I got it."

"Great," Twilight said as she knelt down and opened the case. Inside were several Magi-Chargers, along with...Morphin Blaster?

"What the?" Rainbow said as she pulled one of the two out. It looked like a Morphin Blaster, only it was entirely silver and didn't look as majestic.

"I made them encase all the Rangers got caught or hypnotised," Twilight explained as she took the other out along with Hypno Chargers. "Now we can do anything the Rangers can...minus morphing. Here!" She threw three of the Hypno Chargers at the others, who caught them.

The four of them each clicked the Charger and placed it in the blaster.


The four of them pointed their blasters at four particular students, before firing a quartet of green blasts. They flew through the air and struck them, causing them to stop as they glowed green. When the green light faded, the four all held their heads.

"What happened?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know," Rarity said.

"Me neither," Fluttershy agreed.

"Nope," Pinkie said.

"It worked," Twilight said, only for the rest of the mind slaves to catch their attention. "We'll deal with these guys. Flash and Soarin, go help the others and stop them before they hand over their Elements."

The two Rangers nodded and rushed towards the nearest exit, while Twilight and Rainbow got their friends up to speed and started curing the rest of the school.

At the TV Station, Doom was in the control room.

He was watching the security cameras, waiting to see when one of the Rangers finally showed up.

"Come on," he said impatiently. "How much longer."

He turned to another screen, which showed Brainwave infront of a camera doing his thing.

Flash and Soarin had morphed and were making their way towards the TV Station on the Magicycles, but the multitudes of mind slaves in the street were not making it easy.

"Out of the way!" Flash yelled as he swerved between them.

"This is getting ridiculous," Soarin said as he did the same. "At this rate we'll never make it there."

"Just keep going," Flash told him. "We can't give up now."


Doom continued to wait for the Rangers, when finally he spotted them on one of the monitors.

"Finally," he cried out as he got up and rushed outside. There he saw the five Rangers ambling towards him. "At last," he said as they got nearer and nearer. "Give me your Elements!"

The five hypnotised Rangers held out their hands, each with an Element in them, as they continued stepping towards Doom.

"Finally," Doom said as they got closer, "an Element is mine." But before he could reach out and take them, a flurry of laser fire engulfed him and he was sent flying away.

The Red and Thunder Ranger rode into the scene, firing the lasers on their bikes to defend their friends. They then pulled their Magicycles to a stop infront of their friends and pointed their Morphers at them. They fired off a series of blasts, which struck the five and caused them to glow green.

When the glow stopped the Rangers all felt their heads and moaned.

"What happened?" Sunset asked.

"My head," Sandel moaned.

"Guys!" Flash yelled as he and Soarin rushed of to them, demorphing as they did.

"What's going on?" Micro asked them.

"You were being brainwashed," Soarin explained.

"But we managed to get you out of it," Flash finished.

"Thanks," Sweetie said.

"I'm guessing that's the cause," Lyra asked pointing at the TV station.

"Yeah," Soarin agreed. "Brainwave's sending out his...brainwaves, through the TV. Rainbow and the others are debugging the school, but we gotta stop it at its source."

"That won't happen!"

The Rangers turned to see Doom had gotten up and was standing in their way.

"The seven of you won't stop us."

"Don't be so sure," Soarin said as the Ranger lined up around him and pulled out their Magi-Chargers. "Because it's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"READY!" The others cried as they held out their Chargers. They activated them and placed them in their Morphers, shut the slots as they came to life.


"Energise!" They cried as they charged them up, before pointing them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed their Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits, ready for battle.

Flash: Power Rangers!


Doom growled as he pulled out his sword, while Soarin did the same with his Thunder Sabre.

"I'll handle the pin cushion," he explained. "You guys go stop Brainwave."

"Right!" The others cried as the seven of them rushed forward.

"You're not going anywhere!" Doom cried as he charged, but Soarin got to him and they locked sword. The two were at a stand still for a moment, until Soarin managed to push him back and out of the way of the door.

"Go!" The Thunder Ranger cried.

The others nodded and rushed inside, allowing Soarin to pull back from the monster. He and Doom raised their swords and once again charged, clashing again and again trying to strike the other.

Inside the station, Brainwave was had just unleashed another hypnotic blast.

"I've got to have hypnotised the Rangers by now," he said.

"Don't hold your breath!" A nearby door burst open and the six Rangers charged inside.

"What!" Brainwave asked in shock. "But how?"

"You didn't get all of us," Sunset said as she fired her blaster at the monster, causing him to fall back and away from the camera.

"Magitech!" The others cried as they called on their weapons.

"Duel Morphin Blaster!" Sunset cried as she upgraded her weapon.

"It's time to cancel this show," Flash said as they prepared to do battle.

"You'll be the one getting cancelled," Brainwave said. "Shades attack!" The cloaked monsters charged forwards, as the Rangers did the same.

"You guys really need some new actors," Lyra said as she used her staff to slash at some of the Shades.

"Tell me about it," Sweetie agreed as she blocked a Shades dagger, before blasting it down. "These creeps couldn't even get a part in a horror show."

"At least on TV we wouldn't have to smell them," Sandel said as he slashed several down.

Micro nodded as he blasted a bunch of them. "Maybe they could get work in silent pictures."

Flash and Sunset were currently fighting Brainwave. "Take this!" Flash yelled slammed his Dragon Breaker into the monster's gut.

Brainwave was sent flying, as Sunset fired several blasts at him. When he landed, she unfolded the the blade of blaster and ran towards him. Once he was on his feet, he saw the Gold Ranger rushing towards him. Raising his staff he pointed it at her and unleashed several hypnotic blasts, but she dropped to her knees and slide along the ground the dodge. Once close she then used her blaster's blade to slash him as she skidded passed.

Brainwave cried out as he felt the pain of the slash, while Flash helped Sunset up.

"Nice move," he said.

"Thanks," Sunset replied, "but we still need to find a way to free his mind slaves."

"Way ahead of yeah," they heard Micro cry as he blasted down the last of his Shades and moved over to the camera. He then took out a Hypno Charger and placed it in his Morphin Blaster.


"Energise!" Micro cried as he spun the barrel and then pointed his blaster at the camera, before pulling the trigger and firing a green blast at the camera.

All over the city every TV set unleashed a green wave of energy, which struck every single mind slave.

One by one the zombie like citizens had their minds zapped and were freed from Brainwave's spell.

At the high school, Twilight and her friends had just managed to debug the students. At that moment they were in the cafeteria, having seen the Rangers on it and wanting to watch the battle.

"Way to go guys," Twilight cheered seeing the green light.

"Thank goodness," Rarity sighed in relief.

"Hope that gotta everyone," Applejack hoped.

"Me to," Fluttershy said.

"I know it did," Pinkie cheered.

Rainbow meanwhile was watching carefully, looking confused. "Where's Soarin?"

Soarin and Doom were continuing their duel.

The two were panting heavily, having put everything into the fight and were ready to try and finish the other off.

"This ends now!" Doom cried as his sword began to glow.

"Agreed," Soarin said as he opened his swords slot. "Magi-Charger," he held up his Charger and activated it, before placing it inside his Thunder Sabre.


He shut the slot and electricity surged up the blade, as Soarin swung it around.

Doom swung his sword around, unleashing a dark red energy wave. "Apocalyptic Doom!"

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin cried as his sword unleashed a bolt of lightning, which flew towards the monster.

The two attacks clashed, pushing against one another until finally they both exploded.

The Ranger and the monster were sent flying, crashing into the ground with a thud. When they both picked themselves up, they both knew they couldn't keep fighting.

"We'll settle this another time Ranger!" Doom cried as he began to walk away. Soarin would have followed, but he could barely stand.

Falling to his knees he demorphed, panting heavily. "Another time."

Back in the station, the Rangers had finished off the last of the Shades and were now focusing on Brainwave.

"How dare you free my mind slaves," he growled.

"Well we did," Flash said as he pulled out a Magi-Charger. "Now we're taking you down. Magi-Charger!" He activated the device before throwing it into the air, "Guardian Buster, activate." In a flash of light the Guardian Buster appeared, allowing the Red Ranger to catch it and pull the forend.

"Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded." Lyra placed hers into the main compartment and shut it, the white streaks changing to blue.


As the weapon charged, the Ranger took their positions. "Guardian Buster, Sea-Serpent Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Sea-Serpent Zord's head as it flew at Brainwave. Just before it hit him, the head spun around him with a trail of water following it. This effect created a whirlpool like creation which sucked the monster up. Brainwave spun at high speed before flying out of the top and through the air, before he crashed into a nearby window and smashed through it and out the building.

Seeing his plan literally go out the window, Havoc growled and turned to a nearby Shade.

"Fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and struck the red button and causing the red beam to be shot into the sky, bounce of the satellite and be redirected back to earth.

The Rangers saw the beam of light hit Brainwave, causing an explosion which the gigantic Brainwave stepped out of.

"Looks like it's time to try out your new Mega-Drive," Flash told Sunset.

Sunset nodded. "You guys go, while I try and fix up the TV Station."

The others nodded, as Flash, Lyra and Sweetie pulled out their Magi-Chargers. "Summon Zords!" They cried as the activated the Chargers and threw them into the air.


The Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to their Rangers aid.

"Activate Guardian Megazord," the five said, "Sphinx-Serpent Formation!"


The Rangers teleported into the cockpit. They then took out the new Mega-Chargers, which they activated and placed in their blasters.

"Mega-Drive!" They cried as they placed the blasters in the slot. Suddenly there was a flash of light and the Rangers were decked out in black chest armour, with larger versions of their pentagons on them and a pair of black metal arm guards.

The Rangers all suddenly felt a rush of energy flow through them.

"Wow!" Micro said, "what a rush."

"I've never felt so charged," Sweetie said.

"Oh yeah!" Flash cried out, before turning towards the monster. "Let's do this!"

The monster and robot began to clash, Brainwave swing his staff around only to be blocked by the Megazord's shield.

"Tail Sabre!" They cried as they used their sword to slice at the monster.

"It'll take more then that to defeat me!" Brainwave cried as he regained his balance. He then fired several blasts at the Megazord, but they were quickly deflected by its sword or blocked by its shield.

"Then how about this," Lyra cried as the Megazord threw its sword at Brainwave, striking his staff and causing him to drop it. Before he could even think about picking it up, the Megazord charged forward and dealt a powerful kick to his stomach. This made him stagger back and away from his staff.

"Now's our chance," Sandel said.

"Let's see what this new Mega-Drive can do to our final attack," Sweetie finished.

"You got it," Flash agreed, before the five of them began to move and speak in perfect sync. "Dragon Zord...Final Strike!"

The Dragon's head flipped up and opened its mouth, as flames formed within. The fire shot out of its mouth and flew towards Brainwave, who was quickly consumed by the fire and cried out in pain.

"Looks like my TV career is over!" Were his last words, before exploding into nothing.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash called out, "victory is ours!"

Back at the ship, Heart Breaker was helping Doom recuperate from his battle against Soarin.

"Those Rangers are getting stronger," the spiked monster said as Heart tied a bandage.

"We'll get them," Heart assured him.

"I wouldn't be so sure."

They turned to see Havoc enter the room.

"Those Rangers beat us because they'd faced this opponent before," he explained as he sat down. "If we want to defeat them, we'll need to use something they haven't seen. Cogs!"

"Yes master," Cogs said as he got closer.

"Get me a list of every monster the Rangers haven't fought before," Havoc explained. "I want their names and abilities. That way we'll be able to decide whether they'll be capable of defeating the Rangers or not."

"Yes master Havoc," Cogs said, before rushing out the room.

Back at school, the students were working to put the place back together.

The students who had been hypnotised were still feeling a little weird, some having headaches and others being slightly dizzy. Luckily the hypnosis had not appeared to have done any permanent damage.

"You're perfectly fine," Luna told a student after finishing her check of him.

"Thanks," he said before getting up and going to help them.

"A'm still a little confused about what happened," Applejack said as she, moved a locket that had been knocked over.

"I can't even remember what I did when we were under," Rarity said and she and Flash did the same.

"Good," Flash said once the locket was up. "Since you can't remember, no one else can. If they did remember, they'd know who the Power Rangers were."

"Good point," Rarity said.

Twilight, who was using her magic to lift up several more lockets, nodded. "You should have seen what happened to Shining Armor. Apparently he was trapped in his office keeping the mind controlled officers from hypnotising him."

The others laughed hearing this.

Meanwhile in the back field, Soarin and Rainbow were enjoying themselves with a soccer ball.

"So," Rainbow said as she kicked the ball to him, "how do you like our school."

Soarin took the ball and started bouncing it up and down. "Certainly never a dull moment. Can't wait until the soccer tryouts."

The two continued to play, enjoying themselves and unwinding after a particularly trying day.

Author's Note:

Let's thanks SuperSonicHeroes for giving me the idea for having Soarin transfer to CHS.