• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,442 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

The Might of Friendship

Aboard the crashed alien ship, we find Havoc, Dust, Cogs and Doom were in the bridge.

Dust had with him, a long metal pole with many green rings wrapped around it. When Cogs saw them, he was amazed.

"Where did you get Residuam Rings?"

"They were in storage," Dust explained. "I'm guessing you lot locked them in there and forgot about them."

"What are Residuam Rings?" Doom asked.

"Their how my father captured the many monsters he imprisoned on this ship," Havoc replied. "They drain the energy of anything they wrap around, leaving them unable to defend themselves."

"But they also drain the life force of the captured monster," Cogs continued. "We almost lost several of our prisoners before I was able to make the control collars to replace them."

"And now we'll use them on the Ranger's Elements," Dust explained. "Once their powers are sealed, we'll take the Rangers down."

Havoc thought about it for a moment, before nodding. "Very well. Go!"

"Yes master," Dust said before heading out.

Once he was gone, Doom growled. "I don't like this. Do we even know what effect those things will have on the Elements?"

"Who cares," Havoc said. "As long as I have them, that's what matters." With that he left, leaving Doom to growl under his breath.

Meanwhile the Rangers were showing their newest member their secret base.

Flash's father, Trail Blazer, was amazed at the sight of the hidden lab. "Incredible," he said as he looked around, "to think a place like this actually exists under a school."

"That's what I thought when we first saw it," Flash said, still smirking at the fact that his father was back.

Celestia and Luna stepped up to them. "Welcome," Celestia said as she held out her hand. "We're very pleased to have you on our team."

"Thank you," Trail replied as he shook her hand.

"Allow us to introduce you to the rest of our team," Luna said as she turned to the others. "You already know Twilight and the Rangers," they all waved at him. "Now let me introduce Starswirl, the original keeper of the Elements."

The wizard stepped forward. "I am pleased to see that the Element of Adventure found itself in such capable hands."

"Thank you," Trail said, though a little weirded out by the old man in wizards clothing.

"Now for the others," Luna went on as she pointed to the team. "Rainbow Dash."






"Pinkie Pie."


"And lastly, Rarity."

"Hello sir," Rarity said as she moved over to him and started measuring him.

"Oh," Trail said, "hello. Can I ask what you're doing?"

"Measuring you for your Ranger Jacket," Rarity said as she moved away.

"It's a way of welcoming you to the team," Flash explained to his father as he and the others showed off their jackets.

Trail smiled at this. "I'm glad I'm getting such a warm welcome."

"And you still haven't met my brother," Twilight said from the lab. "He's on his way here to meet you."

"I look forward to it," Trail replied as he and the others moved over to the lab, where Sunset had the orange Element of Adventure.

"Now that we have this," Sunset explained as she placed it in the transmuter. "We can start creating Magi-Chargers for the Manticore Zord that are at full power, plus you can use them to morph."

Trail meanwhile was simply staring at the Element. "That thing stole ten years of my life," he explained. "Ever since the day I found it, I've been trying to undo whatever it did to me."

"How did you find it?" Micro asked him.

"Yeah," Flash agreed, "and what's Doom got to do with it."

"Doom?" Trail asked, until Flash showed him his journal with the image inside it. "So that's it's name."

"Please," Starswirl said as he appeared into the room. "It would be better for everyone if we knew what had happened that day."

Trail nodded, before he began to tell his story. "It was ten years ago, but I can remember it like it was yesterday. I had heard rumours of a mysterious creature lurking around the forest, so I went to investigate."

<Ten Years Ago?

"At first my search didn't yield anything, but then I remembered the story of the ancient wall. I'd always stayed clear of it, since it was suppose to be sacred ground, but I had to know. So I passed it and soon found a strange tomb of some kind."

Trail stared at the tomb as he walked around it. No doubt this was man made, but what was the purpose of its creation.

But before he could even try and understand it, Trail's danger sense kicked in and he ducked down just in time for a lightning bolt to miss him and strike the tomb.

"Who are you!?" A loud angry voice said from behind him. When he turned around, he saw Doom standing their with his sword in hand.

"What?" Trail asked.

"Where is the Element?" Doom asked as he drew closer to him. "I can sense it."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Trail told him.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Doom screamed as he swung his sword and unleashed yet another lightning bolt.

Trail jumped out of the way just in time, as the lightning bolt once again struck the tomb. The crack the two attacks caused began to grow, somehow glowing as it did.

"That light?" Doom asked.

Trail also saw it and moved back to the tomb, before using a rock he had to break the cracked rock. As it crumbled away, a bright orange light shot out and almost blind the man. Quickly his eyes adjusted and he saw that inside the tomb was the Element of Adventure.

Without thinking, he reached out and took the Element. As soon as his fingers grasped it, he suddenly felt a surge of energy around his body. He then saw images of different ponies in similar orange armour, before seeing a large winged lion with a scorpion tail.

Seconds later the light died down, as Trail felt the energy fade.

"How dare you bond to my Element!" Doom cried as he rushed towards Trail.

The man flinched as the sword drew near him, but in that second the Element flashed and he was engulfed by light. That light protected him from Doom, who was suddenly thrown back, before it faded and revealed him as the Orange Ranger.

"Wow," he said, amazed at the power he felt. He did not have time to enjoy it, as Doom was getting back up. Turning away, the new Ranger rushed off as fast as he could.


"I eventually managed to lose him," Trail finished his story, "but I feared what might happened if I went home and he found me again. I had to stay away, at least until I could find a way to undo the bond I had formed." He turned to Flash. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Flash just smiled at his dad. "You don't have to apologise. You didn't have a choice."

Trail nodded back at him, before turning to the others. "I travelled the world, trying to learn as much as I could about the Elements. But then Relic told me about the Power Rangers."

"He knew you were one?" Soarin asked.

"Yes," Trail said. "I had given him my journal to make it look like I had disappeared, but asked him to keep an eye on Flash. Then when he told me about Rangers with the same suit as me, I knew this was my chance. I returned to the forest I'd found the Element in, but never expected to see my son there. Then when he morphed, I almost fainted."

They all nodded. "Well you're on the team now dad," Flash said. "You don't have to hide."

Trail nodded at this, before they suddenly heard the sound of an alarm.

Sunset rushed over to the computer and started typing. "It's Reaper, he's attacking the city."

"Let's go," Lyra said, the others nodding as they started making their way out.

"I'll tell Shining to head over there," Twilight told them.

As Trail went to follow, Sunset stopped him. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm still transmuting your Element. I can't stop until it's done."

"But," Trail looked over at his son.

"Don't worry dad," Flash told him with a smirk. "We got this." Before the man could reply, Flash and the others rushed out.

Trail could not help but worry for his son's safety.

"Don't worry," Celestia told him. "Flash is an amazing Ranger. He'll be fine."

"I hope you're right," Trail replied.

Canterlot was once again under attack, as Reaper flew through the streets in his cloud form.

"Where are those Rangers?" Reaper said as he retook his physical form.

"Be patient," Dust told him from the sides.

"Reaper!" The two monsters turned to see the six morphed Rangers rushing towards him.

"Looking to make trouble huh?" Sweetie asked him as they readied their weapons.

"Trouble's just the stuff you make while having fun," Reaper said as he pulled out his weapon.

"Bring it!" Flash said as they charged forward and started fighting, but the cloaked monster prove very strong.

"You Rangers are such nuisances," Reaper said as he slashed at Lyra, Micro and Soarin, but they back flipped away. "Let's see how much you like this!" He swung his scythe and unleashed an energy wave, which Sweetie tried to block only to be sent flying back.

Flash and Sandal managed to grab her and steady her. "Don't worry, I'm fine," she said.

Meanwhile, Dust was readying his Residuam Rings. "Their distracted," he said as he readied a green bracelet with a button strapped to his left arm. "Now's my chance." He pressed the button and aimed the device at Flash, but before he could fire someone leapt infront of him. "Doom!" He cried, "you fool. You're messing up my plan."

"I'm not letting you get all the credit for destroying the Rangers!" Doom told him.

"FIRE!" They both watched as Micro shot both his weapons, which struck Reaper and sent him flying.

"I'm ending this now," Doom said as he held his sword up. "Fire the Gigatisor!"

"I'll show you," Dust said as he pressed the button on his bracelet and pointed it at Doom. It fired a green light which struck Doom, becoming Residuam Rings that attached themselves to his horns.

"How dare you!" Doom cried out, just before a red beam of light came down and struck him. It caused an explosion and when the fire faded, Doom stepped out as a giant. Doom growled at the Residuam Rings. "I maybe weakened, but I'm still ready to destroy some Rangers!"

The Rangers saw this and knew they needed to divide their efforts.

"We got big trouble" Sandal said, before he and the others had to leap out of the way of Doom's lighting attack.

"That was close," Lyra said.

"What do we do now?" Sweetie asked.

"I'll go legendary and deal with Reaper," Flash told them. "You guys take Doom."

"Right," the others said as they pulled out their Magi-Chargers and activated them. "Summon Zords!" They yelled as they threw the Chargers in the air, activating their Zords.




The Zords activated and headed towards their Rangers, who leapt into the cockpits and activated their Mega-Drive.


"You're mine now!" Doom cried as he slashed at the Megazord, only for it to raise its shield and block.

"I don't think so," Soarin said. "Lightning Fang!" The Megazord used its electrically charged Fenrir Zord to slash at him, knocking him back as he staggered.

"Curse these Residuam Rings!" Doom said. "They've weakened me to much to stand against them."

"Is it just me," Sweetie said, "or his he fighting half heartedly?"

"Something must be up with him," Micro said.

Soarin nodded. "Then let use it to finish him and help Flash.

Flash was currently looking for Reaper, trying to find him as he arrived where he had seen the monster land.

"Where is he?"


Flash spun around and saw the black cloud coming, before leaping out of the way.

"Not this time freako," Flash said as he pulled out his Magi-Charger and activated it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hidding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Reaper growled as he started swinging his scythe around and unleashed multiple energy blades, but Flash spread his wings and was able to outmanoeuvre them all before dealing the monster a powerful kick. The force of the hit caused Reaper to once again go flying, as Flash pulled out his blasters.

"Weapons, combined!" He pointed the double blaster at Reaper. "Ready to surrender?"

"I'll pass," Reaper said as he changed into smoke and flew away.

"Come back coward!" Flash cried out.

"Don't worry."

Flash spun around to see Dust.

"I'll play with you," Dust fired the green energy at Flash and struck him, encasing him in the green ring.

"What?" Flash asked as he struggled to break free.

"You got him," Reaper said as he flew back down and reformed next to Dust. "I'm great bait."

Back at the Megazord, Doom's beating was going nicely.

"I have to end this quickly," Doom said. "Before these Residuam Rings start draining my life force." But before he could do anything, the Megazord bashed him with its shield and knocked him down.

"Now's are chance!" Lyra said. "Let's end this!"

"I'm up for that," Sandal said as Micro and Sweetie agreed.

"Let's do it," Soarin said as they started moving and speaking in sync. "Thunder-Charge Megazord...Final Strike!"

The Megazord raised its Fenrir arm high, as lightning surged around its body and into the weapon. The Megazord then swung the blade around, unleashing and electric energy blade that flew at Doom and struck him.

"NO!" Doom cried as he was engulfed by an explosion. When the fire disappeared, Doom was standing there badly burned. "I'll be back," he said as he suddenly shrank down.

"He got away!" Soarin cried.

"Let's go help Flash," Lyra told him.

Flash was in trouble.

The Residuam Ring was slowly draining him of his energy, causing him to grow weaker.

"It won't be long until he'll be unable to fight back," Dust said as he and Reaper got closer.

"No chance!" Flash cried as he used all of his strength and broke out of the ring, but in doing so he reverted back to his base Ranger form and fell to his knees. "I'm free."

"No," Dust and Reaper cried as they rushed off, while the other Rangers arrived on the scene.

"Flash," Micro called out. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Flash said as he got up. "But they neutralised my Legendary Mode."

"We'd better find out how," Lyra said as they ran off the way they had seen the monster rush off.

The monsters had taken refuge in a parking lot, with Dust preparing the Residuam Ring Control. "This time I'll aim for their Elements."

"Dust!" They turned to see the Rangers rushing towards them.

"It's over!" Flash told him.

"Hardly," Dust replied.

"Attack!" Flash ordered as they took out their weapons and charged.

Dust took out his Duster Blade and started battling Flash, Sandal and Soarin. "You Rangers are nothing compared to me."

"We'll see about that," Soarin said as he blocked the monsters sword and pushed him back.

Reaper meanwhile was fighting the others with his scythe. "Take this smoke for brains!" Lyra said as she swiped at him with her staff, knocking him over to Dust.

"Let's get him!" Micro said as the six of them charged.

"The only thing you'll get is this!" Dust cried as he pressed the button on his bracelet and spun around, unleashing the green energy.

"Watch out!" Flash tried to warn them, but it was too late and the six of them were struck by it. The force of the light sent them flying back, demorphing them as they hit the ground.

"Got them," Dust said.

As the Rangers recovered, they each took out their Elements and saw they had Residuam Rings around them.

"What are these things?" Lyra asked.

"Magi-Charger!" Flash called out as he pressed the button, but the device would not activate. "What's going on?"

"These rings must be blocking our Element's powers," Micro said.

"Correct four eyes," Dust said as he took out his Broom Blaster. "Now there's nothing to stop us from destroying you."

"Wrong!" Suddenly a flurry of laser fire struck the ground around them, causing an explosion and forced the two back. "We'll stop you," Trail said as he and Shining appeared infront of the Rangers with their blasters primed. "Energise!" They cried as they spun the barrel and pointed them at the monsters. "FIRE!" They pulled a trigger and unleashed a second barrage, which caused a smoke screen that blinded Dust and Reaper.

When the smoke cleared, the Rangers were gone.

"Curses!" Dust cried, "next time Rangers."

Back at the base, everyone watched as Twilight, Sunset and the principles worked to figure out what the rings around the Elements were.

"So?" Flash asked them.

"We're working on it," Luna told him.

"From what we can tell," Twilight explained. "It's some kind of alien technology that blocks the energy of whatever it encases."

"Explaining why we can't morph," Micro said.

"There has to be some way to break it off," Shining said.

"We can try using the transmuter," Celestia said as she took Flash's Element and placed it in the device. Everyone gathered around as she started the machine, which began to buzz as it did its thing. They all watched the Element as it began to glow and vibrate, before the ring around it suddenly shattered off it.

"Yes!" Flash said as he watched Twilight take the Element out, before she suddenly frowned. "What's up?"

Twilight did not reply, instead picking up a magnifying glass to get a closer look. "It cracked."

"What?" Flash said as he took his Element and saw she was right. There was a small, but noticeable, crack running down the crystal surface. He turned to Starswirl. "Can I still morph?"

"It would be very dangerous," the wizard told him. "The crack will continue to grow, before the Element completely shatters and your powers are lost forever."

"So we need to fix it," Lyra said.

"But how?" Sweetie asked.

"Isn't there a spell you can use?" Sandal asked Starswirl, who shook his head.

"My magic is not strong enough to repair something like an Element," he explained. "The only beings with magic strong enough, are the alicorns."

"Well we know where to find one of those," Rarity explained.

"We're calling Princess Twilight back?" Rainbow asked.

"YEAH!" Pinkie screamed, leaping into the air.

"Hold on," Sunset said, Pinkie stopping midair and quickly coming back down. "If Princess Twilight comes here, she'll become human and lose her Alicorn Magic. Flash'll need to go to Equestria."

"That won't work," Starswirl said. "For the repair to work, Flash must remain in his human form."

"So we need to find a way for one of them to cross worlds without transforming?" Micro asked.

"Not necessarily," Starswirl said. "There is a way, but it will be dangerous."

"That doesn't matter," Flash said. "I'm up for it, and I'm betting she is too."

"Only one way to find out," Sunset said as she moved over to her bag and took out a familiar book.

<One Hour Later>

We find Flash, Trail, Sunset and Starswirl outside the school infront of the portal to Equestria.

"Alright," Sunset said as she shut the book, "Twilight's ready."

"Same here," Flash said as he turned to Starswirl. "So how's this work?"

"I will use my magic to change the portal into a dimensional corridor," Starswirl explained. "That way the two of you will be able to walk through it without changing form."

"Perfect," Flash said as he moved towards the portal. But before he could get close enough, Trail grabbed his shoulder.

"What about the risk you mentioned?" he asked Starswirl.

"The risk," he explained, "is that if the portal becomes unstable, then both Flash and Princess Twilight may be thrown between the two dimensions."

"That's to dangerous," he said as he turned to Flash. "Son, you don't have to do this."

"Yes I do," Flash told him dad. "If I don't my powers will be lost and I won't be able to help my friends fight Havoc." He grabbed his father's shoulder. "This is bigger then you and me dad. It's the whole multiverse. I have to do this."

Trail looked into his son's eyes, seeing the raw determination within them. Seeing this seemed to instil a little confidence in him, making him let go of his son. "Alright," he said, "good luck son."

Flash nodded at him before turning back to the portal. "I'm ready," he said.

Starswirl nodded and pointed his staff at the stone statue, before unleashing a purple light which struck it. They watched as the portal began to wobble, before it it stabilised and glowed. "There," Starswirl said. "That should do it."

"Alright," Flash said as he stepped up to it. He glanced back. "Wish me luck," he said before leaping into the portal.

Trail sighed at this, with Sunset placing a hand on his shoulder. "He'll be fine, trust me."

Trail just nodded, before Sunset's communicator went off.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Trouble," Twilight said.

Twilight and the others were watching the screen as Dust and a bunch of Shades attacked the city.

"We need you guys to get there quickly," Twilight explained.

"We're on our way," Sunset said.

"So am I," Shining said as he turned towards the exit.

"What about us?" Lyra asked.

"Without your Elements it's too dangerous," Celestia said.

They all sighed as they nodded, before Shining left.

"Let's hope Flash can get his Element repaired before it's to late," Micro said.

Flash could not see a thing.

The portal's light was so bright, that he was forced to shield his eyes or risk losing a retina. But still he continued to walk forwards, trying to find the one per-pony that could help him.

Then a sound caught his ears. It was the sound of four hooves taping along the ground as they walked.

Coming to a stop, Flash lowered his hand and tried to look through the light. There he saw a blurry figure walking towards him, before finally coming into view.

"Twilight," he whispered.

"Hello Flash," the purple alicorn said to him. "It's good to see you."

"And you," Flash said as he looked her over. "So this is what you usually look like?"

"Yeah," Twilight said with a blush. "What do you think?"

Flash just smiled. "You look incredible."

Twilight smiled at this, before moving over and hugging him.

Flash hugged back as he sat down, before pulling away. "As much as I enjoy seeing you, I need your help." He pulled out his Element and showed it to her.

"So that's a Guardian Element," Twilight said as she looked at it. "Incredible."

"Do you think you can fix it?" Flash asked hopefully.

"I think so," Twilight replied. "Hold still." Flash did as he was told, before Twilight's horn began to spark and then shot a beam of magic which struck the Element. "This might take a while."

"Take as long as you need," Flash told her.

Twilight nodded and continued to do her thing.

Back in Canterlot, Dust and his Shades were reeking havoc in an attempt to draw the Rangers out.

"Don't leave a single building standing," Dust told his foot-soldiers. "We'll drive the Rangers out if we have to destroy this entire city."

"Not happening!"

Dust and the Shades turned to see the three remaining Rangers rushing up to them.

"So the final three show themselves," Dust said.

"You're gonna wish we didn't," Trail said as they pulled out their gear. "Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The other two cried before they activated the Chargers and placed them in their Morphin Blasters.




"Energise!" They cried as the spun the barrel before pointing them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and fired the energy balls, which morphed into their Zord heads that flew around them before biting down and decking them out in their Ranger suits.

"Get them!" Dust cried as the Shades charged forwards.

"Let's do this!" Sunset cried as she took out her Duel Morphin Blaster.

"Right!" The two male Rangers agreed as they charged forward.

"Rapid blast!" Sunset fired off a flurry of laser fire, which knocked down several Shades. "Blade mode!" She then spun around, her weapons blade slicing several more into submission.

"Let's crush these creeps!" Shining cried as he used his martial arts skills to take down his group of Shades.

"With pleasure," Trail agreed as he used his Spirit Sabre to cut them down.

Back at the base, the rest of the Rangers and Mane Six watched as their friends fought.

"It's looking good," Twilight said.

"For now," Lyra replied.

Suddenly another alarm went off, before the screen changed to show Reaper was now attacking another part of the city.

"Who wants to bet this was their plan?" Soarin said.

"Keep the others busy and attack the city so we'd come out," Micro agreed.

"Well that's what's gonna happen," Lyra said as she and the others grabbed their Elements before heading to the door. But before they could leave, the principles stood infront of them.

"It's too dangerous without your Elements," Luna told them.

"Powers or no powers," Sweetie called back, "we're Rangers."

The others nodded and continued heading to the door.

"Then we're coming too," Twilight said as she and the rest of the Mane Six headed out with them.

"Good luck," Celestia said.

They all nodded before leaving.

Back in the portal, Flash and Twilight continued to work on the Element of Courage.

Finally, the purple alicorn stopped firing her magic and Flash held up the crystal. The crack was still there, but Flash could see it was slowly starting to seal itself up. "It's working."

"It'll take a few minutes to finish repairing itself," Twilight explained.

Flash nodded and sat down, before frowning.

"What's up?" Twilight asked.

"This might be the last time we ever see each other," Flash explained.

"Don't say that," Twilight told him.

"Twilight, we literally live in two different worlds. Can you honestly say anything's ever gonna happen between us?"

Twilight was about to say something, but then stopped herself as she thought about it. "I guess you've got a point."

Flash sighed. "I do care about you," he told her. "But I think we should just be friends."

Twilight nodded, though she was obviously saddened.

"Hey don't worry," Flash told her. "I'm sure there's a Flash in your world that's just as awesome as me."

This made Twilight smile. "And I'm sure the Twilight in your world will realise just how awesome you are as well."

Flash smirked at this, though in his head he doubted it.

Suddenly his communicator went off and he turned it to hologram mode, showing the three Rangers battling against the Shades. "They need my help, but it'll take forever to get there from school."

"I wouldn't say that," Twilight said with a smile. "I've had a little experience with portals."

Flash just raised an eyebrow at this.

Back in Canterlot, Reaper was having a blast terrorising the people.

"Hey!" He turned to see the Rangers and Mane Six rushing towards him.

"Well well well," Reaper said. "Five powerless Rangers and six bratty teens to destroy. It must be my birthday."

"Well prepare for a birthday beating," Rainbow said before speeding up to him and trying to punch him.

Reaper however, changed into smoke to dodge and fly through the sky. But before he could act, he was suddenly trapped in a dome of crystal.

Rarity nodded at Pinkie, who took a tub of sprinkles out of her hair and opened it. "Take this!" She cried as she threw them at the dome, which disappeared a second before it exploded and sent the cloud flying into a wall.

Reaper cried out as he crashed into the ground, reforming into his physical form. "Ow," he said as he got up, only to see the Rangers running at him. Pulling out his scythe, he started swinging it around, but the Rangers dodged and managed to deal him a few blows.

Once that happened, they leapt back as Twilight and Applejack used their magic to throw a pair of dumpsters at him.

"WOW!" He cried as he changed into his cloud form and dodge, but as he reformed a ways off he was suddenly struck by a fireball and sent flying back.

"Nice shooting Fluttershy," Rainbow said to the pink haired girls holding a replica blaster.

"Thanks," Fluttershy said as she took the Flame-Charger out of it.

"This isn't going as I expected it to," Reaper said as he got up and looked to see the eleven teens standing against him.

Back at the battle with the morphed Rangers, Dust was getting annoyed at his forces being beaten.

"Time to end this," he said as he took out his Bazooka Bucket and aimed it at them. "Take this!" He fired and caused an explosion which engulfed the three and sent them all flying.

The Rangers cried out as they were thrown into a nearby building, landing on the ground with a thud as more Shades charged at them.

"On your feet guys," Sunset said as she got up and started blasting them away.

"Right," Shining said as he once again started fighting them off. "We can't give up.

"No way," Trail agreed as he slashed at the cloaked monsters. When he saw another group of Shades coming their way, he decided to kick it up a notch. He drew his right leg as it started glowing orange, before he threw it through the air. "Manticore Tail Swipe!" As he kicked the air, an orange wave of energy shot off his leg and flew towards the Shades.


They were engulfed in an explosion, thinning them out enough for the Rangers to keep fighting.

While this was going on, Dust watched while chuckling as he aimed his bazooka once again. "Finally, the Elements will be master Havoc's." But before he could fire, a bright light in the sky drew everyone's attention.

They all looked up to see a portal open.

"What?" Dust asked.

"Unleash the Power!" From out of the portal shot a red blast, which took the form of the Dragon Zord's head. It flew at Dust and knocked him back, before spinning around and flying back towards the portal. From out of that portal, a teen jumped out as the Zord head bit down on him and transformed him into his Ranger suit.

Flash landed on the ground, Rangered up and ready for action.

"FLASH!" Trail cried in joy as he pushed another Shade away.

"How'd you do that?" Shining asked him.

"Princess Twilight was able to redirect the portal exit to here," Flash explained.

"Your Element?" Sunset asked.

Flash just chuckled, before holding up his fully repaired Element. "Good as new, probably better."

"Then I'll be taking that better Element," Dust said as he got up.

"Not happening," Flash said as he took out his Legendary Charger and activated it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hidding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Flash then aimed his Drago Blaster at Dust and fired, unleashing a fireball which flew at the butler monster. Dust raised his arms to defend himself, but that was exactly what Flash had been hoping. The blaster struck his bracelet, completely destroying it and sending Dust staggering back. "That blasted blaster," he cried as he steadied himself and looked at the remains of his bracelet. "He's destroyed my Residuam Ring Controller."

Back in the battle against Reaper, the other Rangers were battling when they all felt something.

Taking out their Elements, they saw the green rings around them glow before completely shattering.

"Our Elements are free," Sweetie said.

"Righteous," Sandal said.

"That isn't good," Reaper said.

"Oh it's good," Soarin said as they took out their Magi-Chargers. "Just not for you."

"Do it guys!" Twilight told them.

"It's Morphin Time!" Lyra cried. "Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others yelled as they activated their Chargers and placed them in their Morphers.

"Energise!" The pointed them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" The pulled the trigger and fired the energy shots, which transformed into their Zord heads and bit down upon them. Then the light faded, the Rangers were morphed and ready to beat their enemy.

The Mane Six cheered as they watched the Rangers charge forward.

"Morphin Blaster fire!" Micro cried as he shot off his blaster and struck Reaper.

"I liked the weak teenagers better," Reaper cried as Sandal and Soarin slashed him with their swords.

"Well to bad!" Lyra cried as she and Sweetie rushed up to him and dealt a powerful kick to his chest.

"What's say we end this?" Soarin asked as he pulled out a Magi-Charger.

"Right!" The others agreed.

Soarin nodded and activated the Charger. "Guardian Buster, activate." He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

"Magi-Chargers!" The others activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."

Soarin placed his Charger in the main compartment and shut it, causing the white streaks along the blaster to turn navy blue


As the weapon charged, the Rangers got into position before the Thunder Ranger. "Guardian Buster, Thunderbird Blast...FIRE!" Soarin pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Thunderbird Zord's head as it flew at Reaper.

The monster cried out as he was struck, getting zapped by the attack. "Talk about an electrifying experience!" Were his last words before he collapsed and exploded.

"Guardian Rangers," Soarin said as he held the super weapon on his shoulder, "victory is ours!"

The others all cheered at their victory.

Back with the others, Dust was extremely peeved at the destruction of his device and was about to take it out on his enemies.

"You trashed my controller," he said as he took out his Duster Blade and used it to slash at Flash, Trail and Shining. "Now I'll trash you!"

"Save the trash talk," Shining said as he punched Dust, only to be blocked by his Dustpan Shield and sent flying back.

"Yeah," Trail agreed as he slashed at him, "for garbage day."

Dust used his sword to block Trails, before throwing it aside and dealing a powerful kick to the Ranger.

"Hey!" Flash said seeing Trail be knocked back, before turning to Dust. "Don't mess with my dad!" He charged at him.

"Try me rock star," Dust cried as he swapped his blade for his bazooka and fired.

Flash tried to use his wings to block, but the force of the attack was still too much and sent him flying.

"Flash!" Sunset cried as she took out her last Shade and started firing at Dust., only for him to block it with his shield.

Flash groaned as he tried to pick himself up, but was a little dizzy from the blast.

"Get up Flash."

Flash's head sprung up at the sound of the voice. "Twilight?"


"How can I hear you?" Flash asked as he picked himself up.

"Listen to me. In Equestria, the princesses draw power from the force they represent. As the Princess of Friendship, I draw my power from the Magic of Friendship. That magic now resides within your Element, and thus now resides within you."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that if you focus on your friends hard enough, the Magic of Friendship you now wield may be able to help you in this battle."

"Alright," Flash said. "I'll try."

"I know you can do it."

With that the voice went silent, as Flash closed his eyes and thought about his friends. Suddenly something inside Flash seemed to awaken, as images of all of his friends flashed at the front of his mind. "I get it," he said as he opened his eyes. "I know what I have to do."

Flash took out his Drago Blaster, along with three Magi-Chargers.

"Let's do this," he said as he took the Legendary Charger out of his blaster. "Red Legend Ranger, Spinx-Serpent Formation!" He placed the first Charger inside and shut the mouth.


He then took it out and did the same with the second Charger.


Finally he replaced it with the third and final Charger.


"Activate!" He cried as he spun around and then pointed the blaster in the air, before pulling the trigger and unleashing a blue and pink energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Sea-Serpent and Sphinx Zord heads, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light, the gauntlets on his arms transformed.

His right gauntlet was now blue and was in the shape of the Sea-Serpent's body. In his hand was a long blue sword like weapon shaped like the Sea-Serpent's Tail.

His left gauntlet was now pink and was shaped like the Sphinx's body. In his hand was a weapon that looked like Sweetie's Sphinx Shield.

"Red Legend Ranger," Flash posed with his new weapons, "Sphinx-Serpent Formation, READY!"

Everyone was in shock at the sight of this new power

"No way," Sunset said.

"Incredible," Shining said.

"Go get him son," Trail said.

"You got it," Flash said as he charged towards Dust.

"Nice trick," Dust told him as he aimed his bazooka at him. "Let me show you mine!" He fired off a blast, which flew towards Flash but he was not worried.

"Sphinx Shield block!" Flash cried as he held up his shield, blocking the blast and throwing it away.

"What!" Dust cried seeing his best attack be deflected, but he did not have time to be shocked as Flash leapt at him.

"Serpent Sabre!" He cried as he swung the blue weapon at Dust, who used his bazooka to block only for it to be sliced in half.

"NO!" Dust cried as he leapt back. "Shades!" A new wave of Shades appeared between them. "Get him."

"Bring it!" Flash cried as he pulled out three new Chargers.




"Activate!" Flash once gain pulled the trigger, unleashing a yellow and green energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Griffon and Fenrir Zord heads, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light, his gauntlets once again transformed.

His right gauntlet was now green and was in the shape of the Fenrir Zord, with its tail like blade in its mouth.

His left gauntlet was now yellow and was shaped like the Griffon Zord, with the wings pointing forward.

"Red Legend Ranger, Fenrir-Griffon Formation. Ready!" Flash charged towards the Shades and started firing laser blasts from his Griffon arm. "These new powers are a blast!" he cried before leaping into the centre of the crowd and used his Fenrir arm to slice them down. "Sorry to cut in." He then spun around, blasting and slashing at any Shade in range.

"He's fighting just like the Megazord!" Sunset said in amazement.

"That's awesome Flash!" Shining told the Red Ranger.

"Try another one son," Trail said.

"You got it," Flash said as he pulled out three new Chargers. "Just for you two."




"Activate!" Flash once again pulled the trigger, unleashing an orange and silver energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Manticore and Minotaur Zord heads, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light, his gauntlets once again transformed.

His right gauntlet was now orange and was in the shape of the Manticore Zord, with a whip like scorpion tail flowing out of it

His left gauntlet was now silver and was shaped like the Minotaur Zord, with its claw like horns snapping together.

"Red Legend Ranger, Mino-Core Formation. Ready!" Flash spun around and used the Tail Whip to strike down several Shades. "Crack that whip!" He cried as he used it to wrap around several Shades, before tossing them all into the air. "Mino-Claw!" He leapt into the air and used the Minotaur arm to grab the highest Shade and pushed it towards the ground, hitting to others and crushing them as they struck the ground and kicked up a dust cloud.

The Shades waited for the dust to settle, but before it did the Tail Whip shot out and struck them all down. The whip then flew at Dust and struck him, sending him flying back as he cried out.

"Is that all you've got you walking carnival?" Dust cried as he steadied himself and clutched his chest.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't ask for more," Flash said as he leapt out of the cloud with his two blasters connected. "Legendary Dragon Morph Blaster!" He called out as he aim the weapon at him. "Final...STRIKE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed a powerful blast, which flew at Dust and exploded.

Flash spun around as he heard Dust cry out in pain. "Now that's what I call feeling the burn!" He cried.

Dust was sent fly and landed on the ground with a thud. He moaned as he got up. "His flames can't stop me for good," he said before beginning to rush off. "Just, for now."

When Dust returned to the ship, he saw Doom getting bandaged up by Heart.

"You!" He cried out as he took out his Duster Blade. "It's thanks to you that my plan failed!" He raised his sword high. "I'll make you pay."

"ME!" Doom cried as he got up and pulled out his own blade. "You're the one who failed. If anything, I helped you and you still mucked up."

The two monsters were about to charge at one another, but a blue bolt of lightning struck the spot between them.

"Enough!" They both turned to see Havoc standing there looking mad. "How is it I'm the youngest out of you all and you're all acting like children."

The two monsters did not like the angry look on his face.

"I'm tired of you two arguing," Havoc said

"It was Doom's fault," Dust said. "He got in my way."

"Well you put Residuam Rings on my horns," Doom cried, "I would have won if you hadn't."

"I don't care who's fault it is," Havoc replied as he put a familiar bracelet on his arm. "The Ranger keep winning because they can work together." He then pointed it at them and unleashed a green energy, which struck Doom's left arm and Dust's right before forming into a pair of Residuam Ring like handcuffs that joined the two together. "I think you two should try and learn the same thing."

"Master," Dust said as he and Doom tugged at the shackles. "Please don't do this!"

"Until you two can work together," Havoc explained. "You'll stay like that." With that, he turned and left the bridge. As he did, the annoyed groans of his followers delighted him to hear.

Back at the base, Flash was explaining how he had defeated Dust.

"And then Princess Twilight told me I could use the Magic of Friendship she placed in my Element, to power myself up and she was right. Now I can use all new powers based on your weapons."

"That's awesome," Sandal said.

"And it's sure to come in handy," Micro said.

"Indeed," Starswirl said. "Now that the Magic of Friendship dwells within you, A part of Princess Twilight will always be there when you need it."

"Which means we're one step closer to taking Havoc down," Soarin said, with the others agreeing.

Flash smirked at this, before he noticed his dad step into the room. He was now wearing an orange version of Shining's Ranger jacket, along with having a backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Dad," he asked him. "What's up?"

Trail smiled at his son. "Flash, Starswirl and I have been talking."

"What about?" Flash asked.

"We both feel that my archaeology skills should be put to better use. The search for the Element of Darkness is what I need to focus on now."

Flash frowned at this. "But dad, I need you."

This made Trail chuckle. "You don't need me, I see that now. I've seen you in action and you're not eight years old anymore. Besides, you have your friends to keep you safe."

"Remember what I told you Flash," Starswirl said. "The Guardian of Adventure was often the teams scout. This is for the best."

Trail nodded. "The sooner the Element of Darkness is found, the sooner you and I can get back to our normal lives."

Flash's frown remained, but he nodded all the same. "Alright dad," he said. "But I'm gonna miss you."

"And I'll miss you," Trail replied as he pulled his son into a hug. "But at least now you'll know where I am, and you can call me whenever you want."

Flash nodded before pulling out of the hug.

With that Trail turned and headed out of the base, once again leaving his son behind.

Flash watched the spot his dad had disappeared, before feeling someone put a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Twilight smiling at him.

"He'll be back," she told him.

"Yeah," Flash said. "I know he will."

The Element of Adventure was now accounted for and the Element of Courage was now more powerful then ever. Only one Element remained to be found. Where could it be and who could it be bounded to if it was?

Author's Note:

How'd you like Flash and Twilight's interaction. Hopefully this will allow the two to move on to other more possible relationships.