• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,448 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Purest Darkness

"No way!" Lyra cried out.

It was the weekend and the Rangers and their friends were in the base, learning something they did not expect to learn that day.

"You created our Zords?" Micro asked Dusk, after he had just made that statement.

The former shadow monster nodded in agreement. "That's right," he said.

To say they were amazed was an understatement. Shining was next to talk. "But how...and why?"

Dusk sighed as he told his story. "Back in Equestria, I had left Starswirl and the Guardians to travel the land and learn everything I could. During this time, Darklight's attack happened and the Elements were lost. When I returned, the Princesses told me what happened and I realised there was a way of finding the Elements."

"Creating robotic animals?" Flash asked suspiciously.

Dusk rolled his eyes. "Several years before the Elements were lost, microscopic samples were taken for research purposes. I realised that those samples could be used to help track the Elements, by combining them with the DNA samples of Equestrian creatures I had gathered in my travels. Bringing them to your world, I was able to create the ten Zords you each command. With the Element fragments as a power source, they each held a connection to each of the Elements and could sense their location."

"Like robotic sniffer dogs?" Twilight asked.

"Exactly," Dusk replied, "and it worked. The Basilisk Zord was able to lead me to the Element of Darkness, but that's when everything went wrong." Dusk sighed as he looked at the black gem. "The moment I touched it, the Element showed me visions of a being who was destroying worlds."

"Lord Chaos," Soarin guessed.

Dusk nodded. "At the time I thought it wanted me to stop him, that it wanted me as its Guardian. I was foolish, but at the time I couldn't see that. Instead of continuing my search, I instead used the Element to enter the world Chaos was in. But before that, I installed a new command into the Zords. Once they found their Elements, they would hide themselves away and hibernate. Only when the Element bonded to a person, would they awaken. I also designed a device, that would allow the ones bonded to the Elements to control them."

"The Magi-Chargers," Sunset realised.

Starswirl chuckled. "When we found the Sea-Serpent Zord, I suspected you might be behind it. I'm guessing you also designed the Morphin Blasters and Spirit Sabres?"

Dusk nodded. "As I studied the Element, I realised this world caused it's magic to change. So I created those devices to help the Guardians use their Elements power. I managed to created a device that could handle nine of the ten Elements, and made another special device could handle that last Element to." He turned to Soarin.

"That explains a lot," Flash said as he turned to the others. "So now we need to focus on stopping Chaos and all his minions. Let's get training."

The others nodded in agreement before heading out with the Mane Six, leaving Dusk, Starswirl and the principles.

Dusk continued to stare at the Element of Darkness, as the others moved over to him.

"Why do you think it showed me Chaos?" He asked his old mentor.

"I do not know," Starswirl replied. "Maybe it was just a warning. The Elements have always been mysterious, even to those who created them."

"Growing up I idolised the Guardians," Dusk said. "I always dreamt of one day becoming one, but now." He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look and see Luna next to him

"You can still go for that dream," Luna told him. "Maybe the Element wanted to test you. Maybe that's why it showed you those images."

Dusk looked away from her. "Then I failed it's test. I was unable to stop Chaos and because of that, he learned about the Elements. I put both this world and Equestria in danger."

"That wasn't your fault," Celestia said.

Dusk was not listening, instead he simply stepped away from them and left the room. The women sighed at this.

"Give him space," Starswirl told them. "Hopefully in time, he'll realise none of this was his fault."

"I hope you're right," Luna said as she turned to stare at where Dusk had disappeared.

Meanwhile, up in space, Chaos, Havoc and Dust were standing infront of a large window.

On the other side of that window was an arena like area, where Dusklord and a bunch of Shades were currently fighting.

The shadow monster was using his blade to slash at the cloaked monsters, barely even looking as he cut them down. He then turned to a bunch of them and fired his Deadly Gaze attack at them, though it was not as powerful as before.

Havoc sighed. "Without the Element of Darkness, he's no stronger then any of our other monsters."

Chaos nodded at his statement. "That will soon change. Once he has the Element of Darkness, he'll have all his power back."

"And none of his previous weaknesses," Dust finished.

They continued to watch until Dusklord finished off the last of the Shades before turning towards them, bowing as he did so. "I'm ready master. I've fully gauged my new limitations."

"Good," Chaos replied, "then it's time I payed a visit to this earth." He spun around and headed out the door, Havoc and Dust following behind."

Back on earth, the Rangers were in the forest training.

Twilight was standing next to a pile of large stones, with Flash standing a few feet away with his Spirit Sabre.

"Ready?" She asked him.

Flash gave her a smirk, spinning his sword around before placing the blade on his shoulder. "Bring it!"

Twilight returned the smirk before using her magic to lift the rocks, then tossing them towards Flash. The Red Ranger slashed his blade through the air and cut the rocks down effortlessly.

Micro and Trail were doing some target practise, with Rarity throwing her jewelled shields through the air and them blasting them.

Lyra and Shining were practising their hand to hand, sparing against one another.

Sandal and Soarin were also sparing against one another, but they were using swords instead of hand to hand.

Finally, Sunset and Sweetie were practising evasive maneuvers. Pinkie, Applejack and Rainbow were using their abilities to throw different projectiles at them, but the Pink and Gold Rangers were busy dodging them.

Fluttershy was on the sidelines, using her phone to see the time. Eventually she called out. "Okay, break time."

Everyone stopped, as Rainbow zipped around gave them each a water bottle.

"Thanks," Flash said as he took a swig from it. As the others did the same, they all suddenly heard the sound a twig snapping through the trees.

"What was that?" Rarity asked.

Flash turned to Micro and Trail and nodded over to the direction they heard the sound, the two nodding back and pointing their blasters that way. They all stepped towards it, until finally they saw the source of the sound.

"Dusk?" Sandal asked seeing him walk through the trees.

The man did not notice he had an audience, as he step through the woods and finally came to a stop. He then held up his right hand before speaking, "Nightfang." In a flash of black light, a sword appeared in his hand. It was a double edged long sword, with a black handle, golden blade and a crossguard shaped like a crescent moon.

"Whoa," several of them whispered as they watched him begin to swing the weapon around him with incredible precision. He then started slashing at the trees that surrounded him, leaving large indent in each one.

"No way that guy's an egghead," Rainbow said.

"His family was suppose to be night guards," Shining said. "Guess he inherited their fighting skills."

"What's he doing now?" Pinkie asked.

Everyone looked back to see he had stopped his slashes and was now staring at a certain tree. Suddenly he pointed his blade to his left, as it started glowing a bright golden light. He then slowly moved his blade upwards and then back down, creating a perfect cicle as the light remained where it was. When the circle was complete, Dusk finally spoke. "Full-Moon Slicer!" He spun around slashed the air, sending the light flying as it took the form of a blade.

Everyone was amazed, as they watched it fly towards the tree he had been staring at. But in that moment, the light blade suddenly went off course and missed the tree. It instead struck the ground, exploding as it did and leaving a large hole in its wake.

Dusk sighed seeing this.

"Dusk!" He spun around, spotting the other Rangers step out and walk towards him. "That was awesome," Sandal said. "What was that?"

"My families secret sword technique," Dusk replied.

"Cool," Soarin said. "Think you could teach it to us?"

Once again Dusk sighed. "I'm afraid not. First, I have yet to master it myself. Second, the Full-Moon Slicer requires a specially designed blade to use it." He held up the sword. "My father gave this to me when he started teaching me the technique, but I was never able to master it."

Everyone looked at the sword, then at him.

"I guess that's why the Element never truly bonded to me. If it had, Chaos wouldn't have been able to use it to create the monster I became." He thought back to the day that happened.


Dusk and Chaos were fighting against one another, Dusk using Nightfang and Chaos wielding his staff.

Dusk tried to slash at the armoured figure, but Chaos blocked using his staff. He then pushed Dusk back and unleashed a stream of energy, which struck Dusk and sent him flying backwards.

Chaos watched as Dusk crashed into the ground, groaning as he did. He stepped closer to Dusk, but in that moment he noticed something on the ground. He reached down and picked it up, seeing it was the Element of Darkness.

"When Chaos realised how much power that one Element had, he quickly set his sights on obtaining the others. But when he realised it would not work for someone like him, he used me to do his dirty work."

Dusk found himself chained to a wall, as Chaos stepped towards him with the Element in hand. The Element was then covered in Chaos's evil power, corrupting it with his power. He then reached out and shoved it into Dusk's forehead. The dark energy spread around his body, causing him to scream in pain.

Before he could do anything else, the energy caused him to change. In a flash of light, Dusk was replaced with Dusklord. The shadow monster stopped screaming, and then revealed his great strength by ripping himself free of the chains.

Chaos chuckled seeing this.


"And since that day, I served under him. I caused untold destruction and hurt many people."

Flash then stepped forwards. "Dusk, what happened before wasn't your fault. Dusklord-"

"Came from me," Dusk interrupted. "Everything he was, lives within me. Chaos might have awoken that evil, but he never created it."

"Everyone has a little evil in them," Lyra said. "That's what makes us human."

"She's right," Trail said. "It's what we chose to be that makes us who we are."

Dusk did not reply, instead he turned away from them and began to walk off. "I'd like to be alone please."

They all watched as he disappeared into the trees, all sighing at the utter defeatist vibe he gave off.

"That guy needs to lighten up," Pinkie said.

"He was a prisoner in his own body of who knows how long," Sunset told her.

"And made to do countless terrible things," Fluttershy finished.

Twilight nodded. "Something like that, takes time to get over."

"I guess," Flash said. "But we don't really have time. Out of everyone on our side, he knows the most about our opponent. We need him to help, even if he isn't a Ranger."

Dusk continued to walk through the forest, still down heartened about everything that had happened.

But in that moment a shiver ran down his neck, followed by a strange sense of foreboding washing over him. It was as if someone was watching him, but who?

"Why hello there."

Dusk froze at the sound of that voice before slowly turning around, seeing the one being he thought he was rid of.

Dusklord was leaning against a nearby tree, his arms folded, staring at Dusk. He then stood tall and slowly walked over to him, chuckling when he saw Dusk shakily step backwards. "I think this is the first time we've ever been face to face."

"No," Dusk whispered, "this can't be. You were destroyed."

"I should really thank the Rangers for that. Because now I'm rid of you and once I have the Element of Darkness, nothing will be able to stop me."


Dusk looked behind Dusklord and saw another person he never wanted to see again, Chaos, step into the open. Havoc and Dust soon followed suit.

"YOU!" Dusk raised his sword. "You won't get the Elements."

"Oh I will," Chaos stepped closer and held out his hand. "Now give us the Element of Darkness."

Dusk frowned at them all and kept his sword raised. "I don't have it. The forced bond you created was broken when I was freed."

Hearing this made Chaos chuckle. "Is that so." He then held out his staff, which sparked with energy. "Then you are of no use to me!" He unleashed a surge of electrical energy, which flew at Dusk and exploded as it hit the ground.

Dusk was sent flying back, smashing into a tree before landing on the ground with a thud. The man tried to pick himself up, but as he did he heard footsteps getting closer. He looked up and saw Dusklord walking towards him, his blade at the ready.

Dusklord chuckled once again, as he saw Dusk shiver in fear and try to crawl away. "That's right, run scared. After all, everything good about you is part of me...with none of your weaknesses." He raised his blade, ready to strike, when suddenly a barrage of laser fire rained down upon him and forced the shadow monster to jump back.

In that moment, nine brightly coloured suited individuals leapt onto the scene and landed between Dusklord and his former host. The Rangers all had their blasters at the ready, pointed at Dusklord.

"Back off!" Flash cried out, until he realised who he was threatening. "Dusklord?"

Soarin looked back at Dusk. "I thought you were Dusklord?"

"They must have reanimated him," Micro said.

"No matter," Lyra told him. "We'll just beat him again."

"Oh I don't think so," Chaos said as he stepped towards them.

"Let me guess," Shining spoke up. "Lord Chaos?"

"The one and only." He stepped infront of Dusklord. "I come with an offer. Join me, and together we will finally destroy the Entity."

"Entity?" Sandal asked.

"You already destroyed its spawn," Havoc explained. "The same day you defeated Darklight."

The Rangers all remembered that monster. At that point it had been the most powerful monster they had ever fought, Chimeramax now holding that title.

"That thing was only a baby," Sunset asked. "What's the adult look like."

"It is the most powerful creature in all existence." Chaos explained. "I chased it from universe to universe in a hopes of destroying it. Now I have found what can, your Elements."

"So you just want our Elements so you can stop this monster?" Trail asked.

"Indeed," Chaos replied.

The Rangers glanced at each other. "What do you guys think?" Sweetie asked.

"Don't do it!" They turned to Dusk, who had just gotten back up. "You haven't seen what he's done to the worlds he believes the Entity is in. He rips them apart, probably doing more damage then it, just so it has no place to hide. Then when he's done with it and sees it's fled, he repeats the process over with the next world."

The Rangers turned to Chaos.

"Is that so," Flash said.

"I only did what was necessary," Chaos told them. "For the good of all the universes it destroyed, including my own."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that," Flash replied. "But universal destroyer isn't something I want on my resume, so the answer is no." He and the others once again raised their blasters. "Now do yourself a favour and get lost."

Though they could not see his eyes, they could tell Chaos was frowning. However, he raised his staff and unleashed the black lightning, creating a portal behind them.

"This isn't over," he said before he and his cronies stepped into the portal and were gone.

The Rangers all sighed in relief before demorphing. They turned to each other and each held a frown on their face.

"We should get back to base," Lyra suggested.

The others agreed and headed back, Dusk at the back with a frown on his face. He thought he was free of Dusklord, but it seems he will never have that luxury.

Back on the Dark Fortress, Cogs was in his lab working with the reanimator.

The machine was activated and currently filling with smoke, until finally the sounds died out and the doors opened. The smoke flew out, followed by a creature that looked like a humanoid rabbit with foot long claws on each paw. Crushclaw.

"Excellent," Cogs said as he watched Crushclaw step over to three others monsters. Shellblast, Warper, Boombox stood in a line, that the giant rabbit stepped into. "Finally."

In that moment, the labs door opened and Chaos stepped inside. "Cogs, how goes the reanimation process?"

"Finally completed master," Cogs said as he pointed to the four revived monsters.

Dusklord stepped over to them. "So, these are the monsters the Rangers defeated before you made the reanimator?"

"That's right," Cogs replied. "I had to rewrite their bio-data from scratch, so there may be a few flaws."

"What kinda flaws?" Havoc asked.


The four creatures then started making grunting and growling noises.

"They can't talk?" Dust guessed.

"Like I said," Cogs replied. "I had to make them from scratch. They're not perfect."

"As long as they can fight," Chaos said before turning to Dusklord. "You know what to do."

"Yes master," Dusklord replied before leaving the room with the four revived monsters.

Chaos turned back to Cogs. "How long until the new Gigatisor is completed?"

"It already is," Cogs replied. "I just need to finish installing the firing mechanism into the bridge."

"Then get to it," Chaos replied before he, Dust and Havoc left.

As soon as they were gone, Cogs sighed and slumped over. He was exhausted from all the work Chaos was making him do, but could not disobey. If he did, who knows what might happen to Doom and Heart.

Back on earth, the Rangers had returned to the base and had explained what had happened.

"Most interesting," Starswirl said. "At the time, I had felt there was more to that monster then I could see."

"To think that psycho actually wanted you to work for him," Rainbow said.

"Well we're not," Flash told him. "Which means he'll be gunning to take our Elements by force."

"So we need to take him out before he can," Soarin said as he punched his fist into his palm.

"That might be a problem," Celestia said. "We've been scanning the upper atmosphere, but we can't seem to locate his ship."

"And you won't." They all turned to Dusk. "Chaos's ship, the Dark Fortress, was built using the best materials from every universe he ever destroyed. Whenever he found something better then what he had, he took it and made it apart of his ship. Because of this, he has the best cloaking device in the multiverse."

"Please," Luna told him, "tell us everything you know about Chaos. I'm sure it will help us."

Dusk simply shook his head. "That is everything I know about him. While I do recall some memories from my time as Dusklord, it's only the big things." He held his head. "Everything else just comes in...fuzzy."

"Don't strain yourself," Sweetie said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure it all come to you eventually."

"I don't want it to come to me!" Dusk said harshly as he turned away from them. "I never want to remember the countless crimes I committed as Dusklord."

"That wasn't your fault," Luna told him.

"Yes it was. Like I said, Dusklord is every dark, twisted, evil part of me. Everything he's done and will continue to do, is my fault." He walked passed them all towards the door. "I just wish I could forget everything about him." And with that he was gone, leaving everyone else saddened.

"What do we do now?" Pinkie asked.

Celestia stepped towards the crystal bed. "For now we have to work on keeping our one unbounded Element safe." She took the Element of Darkness out of its holder and held it out the Flash. "Until it bonds to someone, it isn't safe here. If Chaos manages to locate the base, there'll be nothing stopping him from taking it."

Flash nodded and took the Element.

"Here," Luna said as she walked over to him with several Basilisk Chargers. "For when you find a Black Ranger."

Flash again nodded and took them. "Come on guys," he said. "I think I could use a sugary snack."

The others all agreed and headed out, leaving the principles and Starswirl alone. Then Luna headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Celestia asked.

Luna looked back at her. "I'm gonna go try and find Dusk. Hopefully I can talk him out of the depression he's falling into."

"You should give him space," Starswirl told her.

"No," Luna replied, "I know what he's going through. He needs someone there for him, to show him he's not alone anymore. On his own, he'll only get worse."

Starswirl thought for a moment, until he sighed. "Good luck."

Luna nodded and stepped out the base. It did not take her long to find him, sitting in the cafeteria drinking a cup of coffee, and she quickly stood on the other side of the table. "You alright?"

Dusk did not look up at her. Instead, he asked, "why don't you all hate me?"

That came out of nowhere. "Excuse me?"

"I tried to destroy you," Dusk replied as he finally looked up. "You should all hate me. I know I hate myself. I tricked you all, did terrible things, and almost got two of your team killed. So why don't you hate me?"

"Because that wasn't you," Luna told him as she sat down. "And before you say it was you, ask yourself. If you were in Dusklord's position, would you have done the things he did."

"Of course not," Dusk said. "I'd never do those horrible things."

"Exactly," Luna told him. "Chaos suppressed the good inside you. If he did the same thing to any of the Rangers, they'd likely have done everything Dusklord did."

"Even so," Dusk said. "I can't ever forgive myself for the things Dusklord did. If I had been stronger, I might have been able to fight Chaos's evil off. But instead of I gave into the darkness, and it consumed me."

Luna sighed. "Let me tell you a story. It's about my Equestrian counterpart. Not long after you left Equestria, she herself gave into the darkness. She became a monster known as Nightmare Moon, and tried to have the world be bathed in eternal darkness."

Dusk looked up at her in shook, hardly believing the pony he knew would do such a thing.

"She ended up being locked in the moon for a thousand years. When she was eventually saved, she felt terrible for what she had done. But she moved passed it, and has worked to redeem herself ever since."

Dusk smiled hearing this. That sounded just like the Luna he knew.

"When I learned about her from Princess Twilight, I was horrified. But over time I learned to accept that she did this, and have let it help me grow stronger." She reached over and placed a hand on his. "I know accepting the mistakes we've made is hard, but we can't run away from them. Think back to your ancestor, Stygian. He was once consumed by darkness, but he managed to overcome it. Because he did, the Elements were born." She let go of his hand and stood up. "Think about it." With that she left.

Dusk continued to think about what she said, remembering the stories about Stygian's rise to becoming the first Guardian.

Could he do what Stygian did? Could he let the darkness into his heart without being overwhelmed?

Luna stepped outside, having wanted some air after her talk with Dusk.

She took a deep breath, calming herself after talking about her Equestrian version's dark past. But no sooner had see calmed her nerves, that they once again flared when a dark laugh caught her attention.

She spun around and saw Dusklord standing a ways off. "Hello there."

Before Luna could activate her distress beacon, a group of Shades suddenly appeared around her and grabbed her arms. She thrashed about, but was unable to break the hold.

"You'll come in very handy," Dusklord said as a portal appeared behind him. He stepped inside, with the Shades dragging Luna after him. Seconds later, the portal vanished.

The Rangers and Mane Six were at Sugarcube Corner, enjoying their sugary snacks along with each others company.

"Whoa," Trail said after tasting the drink that Flash had gotten him. "You're right, this is the best coffee I've ever had."

"Told ya," Flash said as he drank his milkshake.

"Ooh," Pinkie said before pulling a muffin out her hair. "Try their muffins too. They're famous."

Trail looked a little weirded out by her pulling it out of her hair, but quickly got over it and took a bite. His face looked like he had just died and gone to heaven. "Wow."

Everyone laughed at that. They were eventually interrupted, when Flash's communicator went off.

"Hello?" He replied, only to freeze when he heard who was one the other line.

"Hello Rangers," Dusklord spoke.

"How did you get on this channel?" Sunset asked him harshly.

"I borrowed one of your communicators. It's owners right here."

"Rangers!" Luna's voice cried out, making them all grow tense.

"What did you do to her?" Lyra asked angrily.

"She's fine," Dusklord replied. "For now anyway. If you don't want that to change, show up at my location in under an hour. I'm sure you'll be able to track this signal. Bye." With that, the line went dead and everyone shared a scared look.

"What do we do?" Fluttershy asked.

"What do you think?" Rainbow asked as she stood up. "Let's go save Luna."

The others nodded and all got up before rushing outside, Twilight contacting Celestia who had also heard the call.

"I'm tracking Luna's communicator now," she said. Though she was trying to hide it, they could hear she was worried. "Alright, she's in the quarry."

"Then let's go!" Flash cried out before they started rushing off. But in that moment there was a bright flash of light, with a portal opening up infront of them.

From out of that portal stepped a whole horde of Shades, all ready to fight them as they readied their daggers.

"Awe man," Sandal said.

"We don't have time for this," Shining said.

"You guys go on ahead," Twilight said. "The girls and I will handle these things."

"You sure?" Lyra asked.

"We can take Shades," Applejack assured her.

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "get going."

The Rangers nodded and rushed towards the Shades, only to then leap over them. "ENERGISE!" They cried as the morphed and landed before running off, as Rarity enacted a barrier between them and the Shades.

Twilight pulled out a pair of Replica Blasters, handing one to Fluttershy, and then lead the girls as they charged forwards.

In the quarry, Dusklord waited patiently. To his side, Luna was tied up and kept where she was by a pair of Shades.

"You won't get away with this," she said as she struggled. "You can't beat nine Rangers."

"That's true," Dusklord said with a chuckle. "But I won't be fighting nine Rangers."

Luna didn't like the way he said that.

The Rangers continued to rush through the town on their way to the quarry, but in that moment there was another flash of light.

A portal opened up, and from it jumped three figures before it disappeared.

Those figures were all of different size, but wore similar armour and had a claw on their left arm and a funny looking device on their right.

"Surprise!" Maxine cried.

"Sorry to butt in," Mini continued.

"But you're not going any further," Shifter finished.

The Rangers all frowned seeing this, but knew they did not have time to mess with them. Trail turned to Sunset and Shining and nodded, the two doing the same before they shot forwards. They pulled out their weapons and each started fighting off one of the monsters.

"Dad!" Flash called out.

"You guys go!" Trail said as he slashed at Mini.

"Save Luna!" Shining continued as he punched Shifter.

"We'll handle these freaks," Sunset finished as she blasted Maxine.

"Thanks guys," Lyra said as the six remaining Rangers rushed passed them.

"Hey!" Maxine complained, only to have to dodge blade on Sunset's Dual Morphin Blaster.

"Good luck guys," Sunset said.

Dusk sighed yet again as stepped into the base, where he saw Celestia and Starswirl looking worried as they watched the holotable's screen.

"What's going on?" He asked as he moved over to them.

"Dusklord captured Luna," a still worried Celestia replied.

Dusk's eyes went wide hearing that. "WHAT?"

"No doubt this is some kind of trap," Starswirl said. "Either way, the Rangers must be careful."

Dusk turned to the screen, a look of dread on his face. Once again the Rangers, and now someone else, were put in danger because of him. He wished he could help them, but what could he do against Dusklord?

Then he remembered what Luna had told him, about not running for his fears. She was right. The only way he'd ever be free, is if he faced that part of himself head on.

The Rangers finally arrived at the quarry, rushing onto the scene and seeing Dusklord and Luna.

"There they are!" Micro cried out.

"Dusklord!" Flash yelled, "let Luna go now!"

Dusklord only chuckled. "Maybe I will, if you're victorious."

Then there was another flash, as a portal appeared and from out of it leapt five figures.

Crushclaw, Shellblast, Warper, Boombox and Gigabyte landed on the ground before rushing at the Rangers.

"Go Flash!" Soarin cried as they did the same.

"Right!" The Red Ranger agreed as he ducked down and rolled under Crushclaw's swipe, as Soarin used his sword to keep him occupied, before he jumped back up and rushed towards Dusklord.

"Magitech!" The other Rangers yelled as they called on their weapons and started fighting. Lyra against Shellblast, Micro against Warper, Sweetie against Boombox and Sandal against Gigabyte.

"This ends now Dusklord!" Flash cried, as he pulled out his Legendary Charger and activated it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hiding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Dusklord chuckled seeing this. Then there was another flash of light and from this portal leapt three monsters Flash knew all to well.

Blizzard, Reflector and Heatwave rushed at Flash, who simply laughed as he dodge their attacks. "These losers again. You know how many times we've beaten these three before Dusklord?"

"But not alone," Dusklord told him.

As Flash dodged one of Heatwave's fireballs, he realised Dusklord was right. If he wanted to beat them, he would need to pull out all the stops.

"Alright!" Flash yelled as he took out some Magi-Chargers and placed them in his blaster.




"Activate!" Flash pulled the trigger, unleashing an orange and silver energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Manticore and Minotaur Zords, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light his gauntlets transformed, turning into the two Zords shaped gauntlets. "Red Legend Ranger, Mino-Core Formation. Ready!"

Flash swung his whip around, swiping at the three monsters who were all forced to dodge or block the attacks.

Dusklord laughed loudly seeing the six Rangers fight. "This is only going to end two ways. Those monsters destroy the Rangers, or the Rangers destroy them but are so tired that they won't stand a chance against me."

Luna heard him and realised he was right, causing her to restart her struggling.

Back with the other three Rangers, they were nearing the end of their battle with the size changing trio.

Shining pulled off several martial arts moves on Mini, dealing multiple kicks and punches to the monster. "What was Chaos thinking, sending you three chumps?"

Sunset laughed hearing this, as she blasted Maxine before dealing a piecing slash to her stomach. "Maybe we destroyed all their good monsters and these three were all that's left."

"That would imply they had good monsters to begin with," Trail joked as he kicked Shifter away before unloading a flurry of laser fire into her.

The three monsters were all sent flying back, landing next to each other in a huddle. As they picked themselves up, they saw the three Rangers standing side by side.


Sunset loaded her weapon, while Shining and Trail took up the stance for their finishing attacks.

Manticore Tail Swipe!"

"Ultimate Justice Fist!"

"Phoenix Flame Burst!"

The three attacks were unleashed and flew at the monsters, striking them and causing them to be destroyed in a large explosion.

The three Rangers sighed in relief seeing their battle over, but knew they did not have time to relax.

"Come on," Shining said. "The others need us."

Sunset and Trial nodded before they rushed off.

Back with the other Rangers, as Flash continued to fight off the three monsters the others had there one on one opponents on the ropes.

"Take this!" Soarin cried as she slashed at Crushclaw, cutting his claws off before slicing him down the centre.

"And this!" Lyra grabbed Shellblast by the shell and hoisted him in the air, letting him go before using her staffs blade to slash at him.

"Maybe try some of this!" Micro pointed his two blasters at Warper and fired, getting passed his warp disks and hitting him in the chest.

"And a little of this!" Sweetie used her shield to guard against Boombox's sonic blasts, and then lowered it to begin firing off a flurry of lasers before he had a chance to crate a sonic barrier.

"And don't forget this!" Sandal used his twin blades to slash at Gigabyte in an X formation, damaging him.

The five monsters all fell back, as the Rangers lined up and prepared to end it.

"Energise!" The first four cried as they spun the barrel on their blasters, while Soarin placed a Magi-Charger in his sword. "Morphin Blaster..."

"Thunder Sabre..."



They unleashed their attacks, which all flew and the monsters and struck them before exploding. When the flames faded, the monsters were gone.

"Nice," Sandal said.

"Now let's go help Flash," Sweetie said.

The others nodded and started rushing towards their leader, only for another flash of light to appear infront of them. From out of it came five new monsters, who the Rangers all recognised as Magnetron, Smokescreen, Rabbit Fire, Vacuumon and Terror Card.

"More of them?" Micro asked.

"No choice," Lyra said as she raised her staff again. "Take one each."

The others nodded and charged forwards, meeting the attacking monsters head on.

Meanwhile Flash was starting to tire, as the three monsters tag teamed him. Heatwave and Blizzard would fire at him, while Reflector was on guard.

Dusklord continued to watch and enjoyed the Ranger's slow defeat, as they grew more and more tired while fighting. Eventually, they would tire to such a point that they would not be able to take him on. "Soon," he said, "I'll have not one but six Elements."

"Not if I can help it."

Dusklord froze and the sound of the voice, as he turned to see a certain someone slowly walk towards him with his sword in hand.

The Rangers had also heard him and look up from their battle, to see Dusk walk onto the scene.

"Dusk?" Flash asked.

"What's he doing here?" Lyra asked.

"Hopefully helping?" Soarin replied.

Dusk finally came to a stop, a few feet from Dusklord, and stared at his darker half.

Said monster chuckled seeing him. "What do we have here?" He unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Dusk. "Come to finally be destroyed?"

"No," Dusk replied as he raised his sword. "I've come to put my past behind me, once and for all."

Dusklord raised an eyebrow. "You don't really think you can beat me, do you?"

"Let's find out." With that, Dusk charged forwards.

"What fools these mortals be," Dusklord said before doing the same. The two met and started clashing swords, the clang of steel ringing in the air as they tried to strike the other.

Luna watched as Dusk tired to defeat his opponent, but by the looks of it Dusklord appeared stronger then him.

"You can do it Dusk!" Sweetie encouraged him as she blocked Vacuumon's attack.

"Don't let that faker beat you," Sandal cried as he slashed Terror Card's cards away.

However, despite the encouragement, Dusk appeared to be losing. This was proven when Dusklord managed to strike his sword and send it flying back, landing blade first in the ground. He then kicked Dusk back before unleashing his Deadly Gaze attack at him, sending him flying back and crashing into the ground.

"DUSK!" Everyone cried.

As Dusk tried to pick himself up, he saw Dusklord stepping towards him. "Don't bother getting up. We both know you can't win. How could you? Everything good about you I have, with none of your weaknesses."

"You're wrong," Dusk replied as he tried to pick himself and staggered back.

"Face it," Dusklord told him. "The only time you ever had power was when you gave into the darkness, allowing me to be born." He slashed at Dusk, who barely managed to dodge. "Darkness, evil, it is your destiny."

Dusk felt like he might be right. Maybe the only reason he was ever strong, was because he had given into the darkness. Maybe he really was evil.

"Don't listen to him!"

Dusk looked around at Flash, who used his Tail Whip to knock the three monsters away. "It's true the darkness can be strange and unusual, but that doesn't make it evil. Light and darkness are inside us all, but it's us who chose what we are."

"He's right," Lyra said as she knocked Smokescreen away. "Darkness isn't evil, it can be used to do good."

"And you're not weak," Micro said as he blasted Rabbit Fire. "If you want to do good, then you have to dig deep and find the strength inside you."

"You can't change the things you done in the past," Soarin explained as he slashed at Magnetron. "But you can let it change what you do in the future."

"You can beat him!" Luna cried. "Believe in yourself!"

Dusk let what everyone said flow through his mind, only to then remember what Luna had said about Stygian and his past. "You're right," he said. "It's true, I let the darkness into my heart and it consumed me. I was afraid of its power, making me weaker." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "But that's behind me now. I won't let my past dictate my future. I've done many terrible things, but that doesn't mean I can't make up for them."

In that moment, he started to glow a purple light. He then opened his eyes and glared at Dusklord.

"I accept the darkness, but I won't accept you!"

"SILENCE!" Dusklord screamed as he tried to slash at Dusk.

But in that moment, something happened. Flash was fighting the three monsters, when suddenly he felt something. Pulling out the Element of Darkness, he saw it was glowing. As the monsters charged at him, the light exploded off the gem and flew out in a wave of energy. That wave struck every monster in the quarry and sent them all flying, while leaving the Rangers and their friends unharmed.

Dusklord struck the ground after being thrown back, but quickly recovered. "What?"

"What's happening?" Sweetie asked as the light faded.

Flash looked back at the Element and saw it was still glowing. It then leapt out of his grasp and flew towards Dusk.

"Dusk," the Red Ranger called out, "heads up!"

Dusk turned towards him and saw the Element flying towards him, to then stop right infront of him. He could feel it's power radiating off it, but it was not like last time. "The Element of Darkness," he said as he stared at it. "But, it's different this time. It doesn't have to be evil. It can be used for good." He then reached out and took the Element, as black energy surged around his body. Images flew infront of his eyes, Stygian being one of them, until he saw an image of a Basilisk. Finally, the energy and images stopped and in there place was a black and gold Morphin Blaster that appeared in his hand.

"Does this mean what I think it does?" Sandal asked.

"Yeah," Micro said, "it does."

"Dusk's the Black Ranger," Lyra cheered.

"Alright!" Soarin cried in joy.

"Congrats," Sweetie said.

Flash nodded and pulled something out. "Here, catch!" He tossed them at him and Dusk caught them, seeing they were Magi-Chargers.

"Give me the Element of Darkness!" Dusklord cried as he rushed towards him, only to be blasted back when Dusk fired his blaster.

"Oh I'm gonna give it to you alright," Dusk said as he put the Element and all but one of the Chargers away. "Because it's Morphin Time!" He held up the Charger, activated it, and placed it in his blaster.


"Energise!" He spun the barrel before pointing it at the sky, "Unleash the Power!" He pulled the trigger, firing a black burst of light that flew through into the air before taking the shape of the Basilisk's head. It flew around his body before finally biting down on him, exploding in a burst of light. When the light faded, Dusk's new form was revealed.

He was now wearing a black Ranger suit, with gold in place of white along with a golden visor. On his chest was the pentagon, that had the Basilisk's insignia on it.

Everyone marvelled at the sight of him, as they watched him pose.

"Element of Darkness...Power Ranger...BLACK!" An explosion appeared behind him.

"Awesome!" Flash cried, only for his focus to turn to the monsters that had recovered and were now attacking. "Take him down Dusk!"

Dusklord was not impressed. "Just because you morphed, you think you can beat me?"

Dusk did not reply, instead the raised his blaster and aimed it at the monster. He fired two shots, which flew at Dusklord before shooting passed his shoulders. They instead struck the Shades holding Luna, knocking them down and allowing her to get away.

"Hey!" Dusklord cried, only to be blasted again.

Luna rushed over to Dusk, who had moved over to pull Nightfang out of the ground. He then turned to her. "Hold still." He swung his blade through the air and sliced her bindings, freeing her.

"Thank you," Luna said.

"No," Dusk replied, "thank you. You helped me discover my true power." He then turned to Dusklord. "Now go get to safety."

Luna nodded and rushed off, leaving the Rangers to finish their battle.

Dusk raised his sword and rushed towards Dusklord, showing new blinding speed as he did. Dusklord tried to react, but Dusk was to fast and slashed him down the chest. One, two, three time he felt the weapon cut him, causing him to stagger back in pain.

The rest of the Rangers were doing well as well, each on managing to knock their monster back. Flash used his Mino-Claw to grab Reflector and toss him at the other two before swiping at them with his whip, sending them flying towards the other monsters. The force shattering Reflector's shields.

Flash used his wings to fly over them, landing next to the rest of his team.

"Guys!" They all looked over to see Trail and the others had finally arrived.

"Great timing," Flash said.

Sunset noticed Dusk. "Who's that?"

"That's Dusk," Lyra replied.

"No way!" Shining said.

The grunting of the monsters drew they attention, as they all began to get up.

"Let's finish these things!" Flash said as he held a Charger up. "Magi-Victory-Charger!"

"Magi-X-Charger!" Soarin said as he did the same.

"Combined!" They placed them together, as the other Rangers gathered around and placed their hands on them.

"Together," the nine of them chanted.

"Protectors of right!" The first five Rangers said.

"Ready to fight!" The last four finished.

Flash and Soarin activated the Chargers, causing them both to glow the eight Ranger's colours, before placing Victory into Drago and Maximum into the Morphin Blaster.



Flash aimed the weapon, as the rest of the team formed a V behind him, focusing on the monsters. One by one they each glowed their respective colours, the light flowing into the weapon and charging it up as the Rangers spoke in unison.

"Victory-Maximum...Final...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and unleashed nine energy blasts, one in each of the Ranger's colours, which flew at the monsters before transforming into the heads of the nine Zords.

They flew towards the monsters, hitting them all before exploding. When the flames extinguished, the monsters were all destroyed.

"Alright!" Flash said as he lowered the weapon. They then turned to Dusk and Dusklord.

The shadow monster was on the ropes, as he was once again slashed by Dusk and staggering back. "This can't be," he said as he fell to his knee. "You're nothing, a weakling."

"Maybe I was," Dusk agreed. "But my friends helped me find my inner strength!" He looked down at his sword. "Time to end this." He then began to preform the same maneuver the others had seen him perform in the forest, drawing a circle of light that looked like the moon. "Full-Moon...SLICER!" He spun around and fired the light blade, which flew at Dusklord. Unlike last time however, this one remained on course and struck Dusklord before exploding.

Dusklord was send flying backwards, landing on the ground with a thud.

"Another one!" Havoc cried seeing the Black Ranger defeat Dusklord. "When are they gonna run out of colours?"

Chaos turned to Cogs, who was busy working on the main console. "How much longer?"

"Right about...now!" He finally stepped away, revealing a big red button on the console. "Care to do the honours?"

Chaos nodded and stepped forwards, slamming his fist down on it.

Outside the ship, an opening appeared before a familiar satellite folded out. It then fired a red beam that flew towards the earth.

Back on earth, the Rangers watched as the red beam shot down and struck Dusklord. In an explosion, a giant Dusklord appeared.

"Now I'll crush you like the bugs you are!"

Dusk pulled out his Magi-Charger and turned to the others. "My friends, lend me your strength so I might finally end this."

The others nodded and pulled out their Magi-Chargers, activated them, and then tossed them in the air. "Summon Zords!"


The Zords activated and headed towards their Rangers, who leapt into the cockpit and activated their Mega-Drive. Dusk's Mega-Drive was gold instead of black.


Dusklord and the Ultrazord began battling, Dusklord slashing at it but being blocked by it's staff.

"Fire!" Micro cried as his Zord unleashed a flurry of lasers, but Dusklord leapt out of the way.

"Fang Blade!" Sandal cried as the Ultrazord slashed at him with its staff, but Dusklord blocked with his blade.

"Take this!" He cried as he pushed the Ultrazord back. "Deadly Gaze!" The eyes on his armour fired, striking the Dragon, Sea-Serpent, Griffon, Spinx and Fenrir parts of the Ultrazord.

"This is bad!" Sweetie said.

Sunset nodded. "Even without the Element, he's to strong."

"Don't give up yet," Dusk said as he stood tall. "Let me show you what our Zords can do when all ten of them are together." He turned to the others. "Summon your Zords."

They nodded and pulled out their Magi-Chargers, activated them, before calling the Zords.


The last four Zords awaken and made their way towards the Ultrazord.

"Dusk," Flash asked, "what's the plan?"

Dusk chuckled. "Now that the Element of Darkness has bonded to someone, the Basilisk's true power can be revealed. The power to combined all the Zord's attacks into one united blast."

Everyone sounded impressed by this. "Sounds destructive," Soarin said.

The Zords finally arrived, which meant it was time. The Thunderbird and Phoenix hovered at its shoulders, while the Manticore and Minotaur stood by its legs

"Let's do this," Dusk said. "Activate Union Blaster!"

The backpack like attachment on the Ultrazord's back detached, then flew infront of the Ultrazord and unfolded so the Basilisk's body stood on its legs. It's back then opened up, revealing a section inside of it leading from its tail to its neck.

"Everyone ready?" Dusk asked as he took his blaster out of its podium.

"READY!" The others cried as they did the same. They pointed them at the Union Blaster, as the Ultrazord, Thunderbird, Manticore, Minotaur and Phoenix started glowing all ten Ranger colours.

"HARMONIC DESTROYER!" The Rangers cried as the light flew into the tail of the weapon, charging it. "FINAL...STRIKE!" From the next opening, fire a beam of radiant multicoloured light which flew at Dusklord.

"What!" The monster cried seeing it coming, only to then be struck by it. Fore a full minute he was bombarded by the energy, causing him to scream out as he was. Finally the attack ended and Dusklord was left critically injured. "This...can't be happening...NOOO!" Were all he could say before he was collapsed and was consumed consumed by a giant fireball.

The Rangers all cheered seeing him be destroyed, Dusk the only one not. He was simply taking in that fact that he was not only a Ranger, but had defeated the monster that had trapped him for so long.

"Guardian Rangers," he said calmly, "victory is ours."

Up in space, Chaos watched as Dusklord was destroyed.

Havoc and Dust both growled, while Cogs turned to their master. "Do you...want me to bring him back?"

"No," Chaos replied, "he is useless." He stood up and walked towards the door. "Enjoy your victory Rangers, because it will be your last." With that, he stepped out of the bridge and headed towards his quarters.

Back at the base, the Rangers and their friends were all celebrating finally having all ten Guardians back together after a thousand years.

"To the Guardians of Harmony," Flash said as he raised his cup of fizzy liquid.

"CHEERS!" They all said as they did the same.

Dusk, now wearing a black version of Trail and Shining's overcoat, smiled at them. "Thank you, all of you."

"You're part of the team now," Soarin said.

"Better get use to it," Sandal continued.

"I will," Dusk said.

"So what are we gonna tell everyone at school?" Twilight asked. "Dusk's gonna have to stay here won't he? What do we tell the people wondering why a complete stranger is hanging around it?"

"Already thought of that," Celestia said. "We needed a new science teacher, so Dusk can fill that role."

"I have always liked the idea of being a teacher," Dusk said.

Starswirl stepped forwards. "Now that the Guardian Elements are all bonded to a Guardian, we must focus on finding and defeating Chaos."

"I think I might be able to help with that," Trail said. "I've got some contacts in the government, who might be able to help us locate Chaos's ship. I'll see if their willing to lend a hand."

"Excellent," Luna said, "but today we celebrate."

"YEAH!" The others cheered as they continued to party.

Now that the ten Guardians were reunited, nothing could stop them from defeating Chaos and bringing piece to their world.

Author's Note:


Tell me what you think?