• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 49: Battle of the Swift

The fight started abruptly the moment Sora laid eyes on his doppelganger. The silent foe apparently wanted to get straight to the point, darting off into the trees before coming at them from the side.

To the right! Rainbow called out.

“I see it!” Sora narrowly managed to block the strike before countering with a swing of his own. His double responded with a backstep before moving back in to continue his onslaught. The sound of clashing metal continuously rang throughout the area.

This guy’s pretty fast. Rainbow stated. When Sora managed to break away she got another look at the double and noticed it was holding two keyblades. Hey! No Fair!

“Well, it's not like we can do anything about it right now-and HERE IT COMES AGAIN!” Sora brought up his guard as the double was already running toward them at full sprint. The defense was key at this moment as the double seemed to up his game, increasing his attack speed while alternating between keyblades. This leads to a continuous stream of strikes, leaving no openings for Sora as it wore down his guard. Sensing this, Rainbow went with her instincts and flapped her wings.

This caused the ethereal wings to reappear on Sora’s back, lifting him into the air and giving him a moment’s reprieve. But only a moment, as the double, then proceeded to throw it’s keyblade’s at Sora, Rainbow barely having them dodge the first blade while Sora awkwardly swatted away the second due to the sudden shift.

Man, controlling your flight is weird. Rainbow stated just as they both noticed the double continuing its Strike Raid Barrage, again putting Sora on the defensive.

“This is getting nuts.” Sora knocked away another attack as Rainbow controlled his flying and made him flip out of another one.

And annoying! I’m getting tired of taking his hits! We’re faster and we can fly, so let's dish some back!

“I’m with ya there, Dash,” Sora said as he flipped out of the way of two more Strike Raids before swooping in. The clone seemed to catch on in time and hurled another Strike Raid with one keyblade before getting into a defensive stance. Sora smacked the flying keyblade away before closing in with a strike, once again clashing keyblades and pushing the double back from the force of momentum. For a split second, it seemed like a power struggle before Sora’s “wings” lifted him up with a light flap, leading him into a somersault over the double’s head. This left it temporarily unbalanced, giving Sora an opening to spin around and unleash a powerful four-hit combo before smacking it away with a finisher.

EAT THAT! Rainbow cheered mentally. Only to brow annoyed as it then used Aerial Recovery before landing back on its feet, pivoting around and charging right back at them. Jeez, this guy just won’t quit.

“Neither will we!” Sora said before he and Rainbow did the same. The sound of clashing blades rang out with renewed ferocity as both fighters were now moving so fast that they were passing one another all across the field. Surprisingly, the Double was almost keeping pace with their combined speed. Back and forth they went, every now and then stopping in one spot only to sling a chain of blows to each other, which they would either dodge or deflect. Where Sora and Rainbow had an advantage in speed and flight, the double had an advantage with his extra weapon and quick responses, as if not a single thought was going through its head unless it was about how to strike down Sora.

At one point when they passed, the double managed to get the upper hand by deflecting Sora’s strike with one keyblade while the other was already moving to knock Sora down to earth. However, Sora recovered quickly by tucking and rolling once he reached the dirt, immediately twisting around and jumping in the opposite direction while Rainbow assisted with their wings. Once he touched the ground again he banished his keyblade and sprinted at the Double, who was flinging another Strike Raid Barrage at him. As Sora charged, he side jumped one, flipped over another, slid under a third, hopped and spun in mid-air to deflect the fourth, then let Rainbow take him back into the flight to dodge the fifth and sixth with side aileron rolls to the left then right. Because of this, they managed to clash with the Double before it could resummon its second blade.

Before it could reach out to do just that, Sora grabbed the Double’s free hand and kicked it in the face, disorienting it long enough for Sora to unload an insane combo of strikes, knocking the Double back. But before Sora could land a finishing strike he had to duck and slide under the double’s retaliating horizontal swing, instead of shooting up with a devastating Upper Slash that had the thing spinning backward for a few yards before it finally used aerial recovery and left the two squaring off again.

When they closed in on each other once more, Sora decided to try some magic. Thrusting his keyblade forward he called out, “FREEZE!” and fired a shotgun blast of Ice. Though weaker than usual, it was still enough to stop the double in its tracks and give Sora the advantage. He moved in with a cross slash followed by another Upper Slash, then winding up a downward strike that would smash it back to the ground. However, the double managed to pull one keyblade up to block that strike in the nick of time and then swat Sora away with the other.

“GUH!” Sora recoiling from the attack, allowing the double to give him a taste of his own combo before finishing with the same downward strike it had just blocked, leaving Sora as the one sent to the ground. “Aaugh!” When he opened his eyes he immediately rolled to the right, barely dodging the double’s finishing blow. Quickly getting to his feet, he noticed that they’d been backed up against the almost invisible barrier that caged them in. Just like the double from before, it was another dome to keep out anyone else.

This one’s tough, not as fast as me but he’s no slouch. Rainbow stated.

Sora glanced down at his amulet. Just 5 more minutes before he would need to reset it or risk continuing the fight in his pony... form… “I got it!” He flipped the amulet and deactivated it, reverting back to his pony form in a bright flash.

What are you doing?! No offense, but when comes down to a fight, you’re a lot better at it in your true body!

“True, but-” Sora then leaped into the air. “This body should be better for you to fly in.” That she couldn’t deny as she kept Sora’s body high in the air, easily avoiding another flying keyblade strike, allowing Sora to focus on attacking. He used Thundaga and was surprised at how powerful it was, the general area around the Double being subjected to such an onslaught of lightning strikes that it almost seeming like one giant bolt. It was so stunning that Sora actually stalled for a moment, blinking. “Ok… This keyblade is good with lightning... Definitely keeping that in mind.”

So Awesome... Rainbow seemed amazed by the Spell. Sora couldn’t blame her either. Even the Double seemed to have been affected greatly by it as electric currents were still sparking all over its body, seemingly paralyzing it as it stood there twitching erratically.

“This is perfect! Let’s go!” Sora called out, having Rainbow swoop in. Once they were in range, Sora wound back and then swung with all his might at the double’s torso, knocking the foe back to tumble against the ground until it crashed against the barrier.

“YES!” both Sora and Rainbow fist hoofed. Then they watched as the double quickly collapsed on itself into a sphere of darkness, before expanding out to its original form, the only visible difference being that it was now back on its feet. “Wha-” Was all that they could manage to get out before the Double kicked off the barrier wall with amazing force, sending it flying toward them like a missile.

“WHOA!” Sora barely managed to block the impact, but the force behind it still sent them flying with the Double on a collision course toward the other end of the barrier. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the double had its second keyblade lifted over its head, poised to bring down in another strike.

No, you don't! Rainbow shouted as she commanded Sora’s wings to flap and swiftly move Sora to the double’s side, narrowly missing the strike and instinctually bucking the double away before slowing Sora to a halt. The double only recoiled from the attack briefly as it flipped its body around to land on the barrier feet first before kicking back off toward Sora. In response, Sora and Rainbow charged as well. However, just before they could collide, Sora took advantage of the double’s inability to fly and held his keyblade forward, firing another shotgun blast of Blizzaga. Rainbow then had them effortlessly dodge the now frozen Double, spinning in mid-air so Sora could throw a strike Raid at it.

The double helplessly crashed into the ground, which finally freed it from the icy prison it was held in, but could not avoid the flying keyblade that slammed into it immediately afterward, much to Sora and Rainbow’s surprise. “Don’t let up!” With this Sora summoned his keyblade and launched another Thundaga, exhausting the rest of his magic reserves. (Stop the music)

This time the Double was at a loss, firmly indented into the ground while paralyzed from the thundaga spell. Sora had to admit it was a sturdy foe, but they had it where they wanted it, as the barrier finally vanished from all around them. “Finally…” He looked around then back at the enemy. “Ok, now to get some answers.”

Answers? From what? This thing? I don’t think it can even talk! Rainbow was confused.

“Talk or not, I at least have to figure out if it’s really some kind of heartless, and if not, why is it always appearing when I don’t want it too and why is it always trying to pick a fight?”

Reluctantly Rainbow flew Sora in close but kept in hovering in case anything happened. Well hurry up and get this over with, I’m sure the others are still busy with that minotaur heartless.

“O-oh, Right! I forgot about that in the heat of the moment.” Sora shook his head. “We should probably just go-”

“SORA!” Sora turned and was surprised to see Fluttershy with the rest of the girls in tow. Meanwhile, her element, which was in scarf form seemed to be reacting in a strange way, the butterfly decorations at each end of them seemingly trying to fly toward him.

“Girls?! You’re ok! W-what about the heartless?!” Sora and Rainbow were then tackled by a flying pink missile known as Pinkie.

“Yay! You’re ok!” Said the pink mare.

Sora laughed. “Glad you all are too.” It was then that he noticed the two butterfly ornaments from Fluttershy’s scarf were now floating over him and circling around as strange dust like light particles seemed to be sprinkling onto him. He could feel his energy coming back to him, his fatigue lessening by the moment. “Wait-” He then remembered what they were here for. “What happened to the Big heartless we were fighting? Did you beat it?”

“Uh, not quite...” Twilight sheepishly approached him along with the others.

“Maleficent appeared and took it away after she sent you here.” Twilight elaborated with her head down.



Regrettably, the girls could only watch as Maleficent vanished with their target, there were just too many heartless in the way to stop her in time.

“Oh no!” Twilight felt the familiar fear of failure creep up on her until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“We’ll have to worry about that later, Darling.” Rarity was back in battle mode, already firing consecutive beam strikes at a Large Body’s joints and head, stopping it in place before defeating it completely. Applejack then ran past her.

“She has a point, let’s just take them out then find Sora and Rainbow.” She then leaped as high as she could before slamming her forehooves first onto the ground, creating a wave of Earth Spires under a group of heartless in front of her. Some were destroyed instantly, while others, such as the Applewyrms manage to escape by curling into a ball and bounce off of the attack and the Jackalopes managed to scurry away from it instead. Rarity, however, was able to pick off the Jackalopes with her precision shots and was patient enough to wait for the moment the Applewyrms uncurled to strike them in the soft underbelly. Her skills at multitasking coming to the fore as she kept tabs on so many targets at once.

However, even she couldn’t keep an eye on all of them, but that was where Fluttershy would come in using Aeroga to defend her friends, and surprisingly her Element as well. The butterflies on her scarf seemed to have minds of their own and would deflect or block any attacks toward her by creating a sphere of light around themselves and flying in front of them. This let her focus on taking care of the others, yet Twilight felt there was still more to that scarf that they haven’t seen.

“I’M BAAAAAAAACK!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully screamed, drawing everyone’s attention. Her element was back in action and she was in her turret once more. “Ok, Element! Time to pick up the slack for napping on the job!” She patted her turret on the console like one would a pet, then adjusted her goggles before going nuts on all the buttons and levers.

“Oh dear.” Rarity managed to say before everyone saw the sky blotted out by a cloud of rockets, bombs, and fireworks. Everyone in the line of fire scurried about for a bit until they noticed none of Pinkie’s attacks got anywhere near them. She was the closest they had to an artillery expert after all, even though it was usually with confetti and other party related ammunition. This, combined with her innate connection to the weapon in question, gave her an instinctual control over where her shots went, though she barely needed it as the rockets and fireworks always seemed to home in on the heartless anyways.

Thanks to Pinkie’s enthusiasm when returning to the fray, the battle ended sooner than any of them would have expected. Which was perfect, as they had more pressing matters to attend to. “Is everyone alright?” Applejack asked once everyone converged on Twilight to talk.

“Picture perfect, Dear.” Rarity stated. “Though I could definitely use a hot bath, I feel so sweaty.” She grimaced, leaving Applejack to roll her eyes.

“I’m fine now that my elements all better.” Pinkie said with a smile then petted her gem. “Who’s a good magical artifact? You are!”

“I’m fine, my new friends were very helpful” Fluttershy held her hoof out to left one of the scar butterflies land on it. “Thank you so much you two”

Twilight looked down for a moment. “I’m... physically fine, I suppose. Not so much mentally, now that Maleficent got away with the heartless. No telling what she has planned for it.” She sighed. “And now Sora and Rainbow are who knows where in the forest.”

“Well, the first part can’t be helped.” Applejack shrugged. “We’ll just have to focus on finding our friends.”

“But where to look? I’m afraid after all that fighting, I have lost my bearings somewhat.” Rarity said thoughtfully.

“Its fine, Sora and Rainbow fused right? And you saw those strange wings on Sora’s back. He used them pretty well, I’m sure he’s looking for us by air.” Pinkie added.

“If that’s true, he and Rainbow sure are taking their time.” Rarity said.

Twilight felt concerned. “You don’t think they got sent farther than we thought, do you? Or maybe they’re in a fight as well?”

“That… didn’t cross my mind until you mentioned it, but it could happen.” Applejack replied, then they all looked at each other. “Speaking of which, where were those Royal knights with that carriage again?” She looked up at the clouds it took a bit before she noticed them viewing things from above. Perhaps they were waiting for the signal, Twilight mentioned something of the sort to them earlier thinking that they might be in the way.

“I’ll get their attention. Hopefully, they noticed where Sora was sent to from up there.” Twilight said as she was about to raise her hoof

“He’s that way.” Fluttershy cut in unexpectedly, pointing in a certain direction. The girls all looked over, it was nothing but dense forest from their perspective.

Rarity was the first to ask. “Um, how do you know that, Darling?”

Fluttershy let one of the scarf butterflies land on her hoof again. “My new friends told me.”



Sora blinked. “Wow, Fluttershy’s element can talk?” He turned to the yellow mare who looked away sheepishly while lightly kicking at a rock.

“W-well in a way I suppose...” She replied, meanwhile the butterflies seemed to be contentedly fluttering around her for now.

“And they keep her safe too, I’m gonna call them Flutter Guards!” Pinkie said. This got a silent reaction from everyone, but they all had to admit the name was pretty good.

“Uh, well clever naming aside,

” Twilight interjected. “Are you two ok? It sounded like you were fighting something before we got here.”

Sora’s eyes widened at that, he and Rainbow had momentarily forgotten! “Oh no!”

Due to everyone’s brief happiness of being reunited and their curiosity to know what had happened to their target. Sora and Rainbow had briefly forgotten their foe has yet to be subdued. As one would imagine, this was the perfect time for said double to launch itself out of the crater and toward the group, both keyblades out and ready to throw another strike barrage.

At this moment Sora and Rainbow did not say a thing to anyone or to each other, his body reacted instead by sprinting past them all. Keyblade already summoned back and pulled back as he jumped and his wings propelled him into the air and at the double as fast as he could. “Transform!” in the middle of his flight, his keyblade changed, that much he was certain, he didn’t even have time to look at it now. He could only take a guess on how to use it as he felt the keyblade finish changing, then swing it as hard as he could at his enemy. “HAH!”

… He wasn’t sure if he blinked or not, for a split moment he was unclear on had happened, he and Rainbow both. They were now staring at the open sky before them. Out of instinct, he whipped his head back behind him and the of them had just now realized that they were not behind the Double. “Huh?” What was even stranger was that the double seemed to look as if he was STARTING to react to being cut in the gut, the keyblade he had just thrown was already going off course as if bounced off or was deflected by something. Oh and by far the STRANGEST part was that everyone and everything was moving excruciatingly slowly.

Uh, what the hay is going on? Rainbow asked

“I’m… not entirely sure” Sora answered before they remembered their weapon and decided to take a look at it. Surprisingly enough, out of all the things Rainbow’s keyblade to change into, it turned out to be a sword. In retrospect the two of them seemed somewhat underwhelmed by this, the keyblade version already looked so close to looking like a sword anyway, the handguard was gone, the keychain attached to the element remained though now it looked more like a tassel with ornament at the end. The element was at the very end of the hilt as to be expected, and the rainbow designed teeth seemed to have melded with the “blade” looking part of the keyblade, and wrapped around it, stretching from one end to another looking like was forged into it. If one were to touch it, they wouldn’t even feel a seam.and lets not forget that right now the blade seems to be glowing. That part was the most noticeable.

I was kinda expecting something cooler? Rainbow had So to lift the weapon closer for them to look at.

“I guess they can’t all be gems. But then again” he looked around, everything was still in slow motion, even the other girl’s reaction as they seemed to just now noticed the enemy. Rainbow thought Rarity’s reaction was hilarious since she seems to be SLOWLY gasping, Pinkie’s was confusing, she seemed to now be wearing some kind of martial arts Gi with a headband on slowly pointing at the Double with a “serious” look. Seems like she was about to say something.

Soooo, what's happening anyway? Everyone's moving like turtles… that fell in molasses or something.

Sora looked back at the weapon. “I think it's us. Well our weapon really”

Rainbow seemed interested You mean the sword…. Does our sword have time powers?

Sora folded his arms and thought, “I’m not sure it's QUITE like that, but it has slowed things down for us. That's when they noticed the glow on the blade flickering. “Huh?” it flickered again.

Ok, I don’t need to know magical weapons to know that is probably not good.

“I’m gonna say it safe to assume this little trick doesn’t last forever.” He looked back at the Double. “Let's head over to him, I want to try something before this trick ends.”

Rainbow dis so by hovering him over till they were behind it now. During this time he flipped the medallion and was back to human form. “Ok-” he gripped the sword and swung it horizontally at the double. They could see it’s body now reacting to that attack, albeit slowly. “NICE!”

“Ok I take back what I said about this sword, this is a pretty cool trick It the blade flickered again, only this time the next time it flickered was sooner than the last. Guessing that’s our timer

“Then we haven’t a moment to lose” Sora got into a stance before unleashing his fury with random slashes in every direction and as Rainbow had him hover all about the double as the blade’s glow flickered faster and faster until. The two of them could see the rest of the world speed back up. To their speed, or would it be them slowing down to world’s speed instead. However, just before that happened Sora finished out with an aerial flip back and letting Rainbow flap his wings as hard as she could to let him slice right at him and pass by.

“Omae wa mou, shindeiru.” Pinkie called out. Of course, the other girls could not quite respond to that as they were too busy being amazed at the double seemed to be responding what seemed like a hundred invisible slashes from out of nowhere as Sora was in human form again behind the double before it ultimately cut in half by the torso and fall to the Earth, already vanishing into mist before it touched the dirt, all that remained however seemed to be a ghostly looking ember that just seemed to now be floating an inch or two off the ground.

“Uh, what just happened?” Applejack asked. “I saw what happened but… what happened?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but I think that Sora and Rainbow would know.”

Sora landed onto the ground just as his amulet finally ran out of mana and reverted back to his pony form, he then noticed his weapon returned to keyblade form. “That was… short.” it was then that Rainbow finally unfused with Sora, his wings disappearing and his mane, tail, and jacket reverted to normal, as she appeared right next to him.

“Oh man, that was Awesome! Did you guys see that?!” Rainbow cheered

“We did, but what just happened?” Rarity asked as Rainbow ran up to them utterly excited.

“Oh right! You girls probably saw a blur, Well it was so cool! Well At first I thought it would be lame since the keyblade only turned into a sword, I mean why turn into a sword when the keyblade was just fine as is right. But then-” As Rainbow continued to ramble on about what had just happened. Sora took this moment to get a closer look at the ghostly looking ember floating where the Double used to be. He then sat in front of it, examining it for a moment. “What are you? Your certainly not a heartless. As he reached a hoof out to grab it, the ember then sparked causing him to real his hoof back a bit, the ember then floated upward before he heard a phrase.

You all show promise, perhaps one day we will finally meet, hopefully soon when your affairs are dealt with.

And just like that, the ember vanished entirely as if erased from existence. Sora looked at the spot a bit longer, before turning to the others, who all were looking around in confusion.

“So you heard that too?… This world is getting strange.”

Author's Note:

OK, editing is done. Hoping you guys enjoyed this chapter, I have seen a few of you in the comments did So great hehe. Yours too RazDelacroix.

I managed to beat and watch the ending of KH3... I have a lot of thoughts now because of it. But right now it's my other story's turn to get its next Chapter so that's for later. Also, that wisp is foreshadowing some pretty ominous things don't you think?

Next Chapter: confused looks and gem studies.

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