• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 31: The Wonderful Things about Twilight

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Sora’s Training Room

“The book might turn her into a human?!” Spike stopped in the middle of his training and lost his focus allowing himself to be knocked to the ground. “Oof! ...Ugh.”

“Normally I’d tell you to focus on your target, but I suppose that response was unavoidable.” Merlin replied as he waited for the dragon to get back up. “There is a high possibility that would happen, anyway.”

“Was that why you gave Sora that box earlier?” Once Spike managed to get up again he took a fighting stance and went back to taking on the dummy. “What’s in it?”

“Well if my prediction is correct, it’s something that can solve a problem only us humans would have to deal with,” He cleared his throat thinking of a nice way to say it, “Indecent Exposure.”


Inside the book

“Sora! Do something!” Twilight shouted.

“Like what?!” Sora shouted back.

“I don’t know, help me up or something?!”

Sora blushed then shook his head furiously. “NO! I can’t!”

“Why can’t you?!”

“Because I’m a guy!”

“And what does that have to do with getting me on my hooves?!”

“They’re called feet and for the last time, You’re naked!”

“And what does that have to do with anything?!”

“OH MY GOD!” He facepalmed.

“Don’t you mean Celestia?”

“I’m not starting with this right now!” Sora pointed his hand behind him, hopefully in her direction before sitting down and squatting. Well now what? I can’t help her if I can’t look at her. His brain starting turning its gears for a solution.

Meanwhile Twilight was trying her best to get back up, but her limbs and body were set up so differently that all she could do at the moment was look at herself and employ trial and error, moving different body parts to understand her form better. “Is this what humans look like underneath their clothes?”

“You’re half right, that’s what human females look like. Now give me a second to think!” Sora groaned.

While he did so, Twilight was still exploring her new form. Huh, what- That’s when Twilight identified certain ‘things’ that were a bit more exposed than they would have been on her original body, causing her to start blushing as well. “Oh my-... W-w-why are these showing?!” she barely controlled her hands enough to cover them.

“Why do you think we wear clothes all the time! We don’t have fur! And some things… show… wait.” Finally Sora’s flustered mind allowed his short term memory to kick in, giving him a revelation.

“What’s this?” Sora looked at it and was about to pick it up before Merlin stopped him.

“Just a concern of mine, hopefully it won’t be of any use.” He leaned over and whispered in Sora’s ear. “It’s actually for Twilight, but she probably won’t be able to make heads or tails about how to use it if what I fear comes true.

“And what’s that?” He eyed the box again suspiciously then looked back at Merlin.

“The book itself might alter her in a way to fit in. Nothing permanent I assure you, just for the time she remains there.” He moved the box toward Sora and amazingly it shrunk and fit itself snuggly in his saddle bag. “Only use it if she does change when you enter.”

“So that’s what he meant!” Sora immediately started rummaging through one of his large red pockets, before pulling out a rather tiny box. The moment it was in his palm, the box shook around a bit before rapidly expanding to its previous size. Sora barely managed to grab onto it with both hands when it did. “Wow… Magic…”

“What? What is it?” Twilight was trying to get on her feet… She could barely get off her rear end before her legs wobbled and she was back to sitting on the ground again.

Sora opened the box. “I knew it…” Inside was a set of clothes. Human clothes that were meant for a girl. “Well, that solves the nude problem.” He then tossed the box to her with his eyes closed. “There, in the box! Put those on!”

Twilight watched the box get unceremoniously tossed toward her, ending up a half a foot out of reach to her left. “Ugh… thanks…” She got onto her hands and knees, attempting to move in the manner that was most familiar to her. It was more stable than being on two feet for her, but still really awkward and slow. “A little help would be nice you know.”

“I would, but you’d have to be dressed for me to do that.”

“Well there’s a problem, I’ve never gotten dressed as a human! What now?” Twilight growled.

“I-I dunno! Use your magic!”

“I would if I could! But my horn is gone!” She retaliated.

....Well this just got even more difficult…. Thus began a rather awkward and long half hour of Sora teaching, to the best of his abilities, how hands worked to Twilight and how to use them to get dressed. To be honest it was probably best that it was Twilight for the first time, she was a pretty quick study and by the time she finished struggling with the garments she was somewhat decent with her new appendages. The clothes were, thankfully, simple to put on. A purple blouse, a pair of blue pants (Smart idea since there was no underwear and Sora wouldn’t even bother trying to explain those to her), and some purple slip on shoes slid over her feet like a pair of sandals. Sora had to thank the wizard for giving them easy to wear clothes instead of something complicated like a suit.

With Twilight dressed Sora finally turned to face her. If Sora was ever asked what the girls would look like as humans, this was pretty close to what he would guess for Twilight. Her hair retained the same color and style as her mane. She had the build of a scholar for sure, slender with pale skin, yet not so much as to be considered unattractive. She had the same eyes, though they were a bit smaller now so as to be proportionate to her human self. Strangely enough, although he could see how much she changed, inside he felt like she was always like this. That hardly made any sense to him and he just assumed he felt that way due to the fact that Twilight was still Twilight on the inside. However, that feeling never went away.

“Ok, I’m dressed, now can you PLEASE help me up!” It was then Sora noticed that she was still struggling to get on her own two feet.

“O-oh, right, sorry!” He rushed over and took her hand to get her upright. Of course, he still had to battle with her lack of balance as she tried to control the rest of her body.

“I honestly don’t know how you humans and minotaurs do it. The bipedal thing, I mean. At least Spike has a tail to help him keep balance.” She wobbled a bit but Sora caught her in time. “You don’t even have that much. How are you able to do that?”

Sora just shrugged. “I didn’t pay much attention in Biology class back when I was still in school. It’s kind of like riding a bike I guess, once you learn how to you never really forget it.”

“What’s a bike?” Twilight turned to him with curiosity.

He sighed. “Something that’s not important right now. Anyway, let’s just try to get standing up your own before we move on to walking.”

“Oh, uh, right. Sorry.” She chuckled nervously for getting distracted. “Maybe after that you can answer another question I have.”

“What’s that?” He asked as he helped position her to stand up straight.

“These… hands… They’re so sensitive.” She started playing with them, flexing and curling the fingers, she seemed somewhat mesmerized by the action since she was the one controlling them. The whole time when she was trying to put on her clothes she would watch her own hands at work. How could she move them so easily when she never had them before?

Once again Sora shrugged. “Yeah, we use them to touch things, grab things, poke things, all kinds of stuff so long as it involves the sense of touch.”

“Absolutely fascinating…” she stared at her hands with wonder making them touch each other, then the rest of herself, then Sora.

“Yeah, yeah ok, we get it, touching is fun. Can we focus on getting you-guh!” A hand was now pressing up against his face. He sighed and gently took her hand and lowered it back down. “Can we get back to teaching you how to walk?”

Twilight blushed at her oblivious curiosity. “S-sorry… You’re right, that’s more important right now.” Well at least she knew the concept of ‘twiddling your fingers’ out of nervousness... for some reason.

“Here, this is what you do…” Sora started off slowly, standing by her the whole time as she tried to get the hang of this new form of locomotion. She would stumble, trip, and fall as they made their way over toward Sora’s first destination. Thankfully, Twilight was picking it up relatively quickly to the point where she was able to walk on her own... kind of. Sora guessed that in time she would stop looking so awkward and moving so slowly when she walks, practice makes perfect and all that.

…He just wished that was the only thing she would be focusing on.

“Twilight, for the fifth time stop touching my face.” Sora had a hand pressing up against his right cheek.

“But it feels so smushy!” Twilight replied with excitement, she had been touching and grabbing at everything that was in within the reach of her new appendages.


“Right, right, sorry, walking, right.” She quickly retracted her hand as the sparkle in her eye changed to one of minor shame.

“Ok, surprisingly you’re doing pretty well at this.” He watched her nearly stumble and just barely regain her balance before continuing her pace. “For the most part.”

“Well thank you, it’s actually not as hard as I thought it would be-wuh!” She started leaning too far on one side before Sora caught her around the waist with one arm. “Ahehe, well, maybe not so easy either.” She gave him a sheepish grin, blushing slightly.

Sora smirked. “You don’t say? Could’ve fooled me.” He chuckled before helping her back on her feet. “You sure you don’t need my arm to lean on?”

“No, no, I got this. I don’t want to slow you down, so I need to learn how to do this on my own.” Twilight shook her head, getting a little wobbly before supporting herself again on her own two feet.

“OK, so then, are you gonna let go of my sleeve?” He asked. When Twilight looked she noticed her hand grabbing onto his sleeve and rubbing it’s fingers against the fabric.

She swiftly pulled her hand back, her blush intensifying. “Sorry, sorry, but can you blame me? I’ve never had such sensitive hooves-”


“-Right, hands before! Sure we can feel some things with hooves as ponies, but nothing to this extent. If I press my, what do you call them… Fingers? Right! If I press my fingers hard enough I can even feel every single thread on your jacket! I want to record this in my notes, but it would be so hard to describe with words.”

“If you like the feel of clothes, why haven’t you just grabbed at yours?”

It was like Sora had just gifted her with some ancient tome of enlightening knowledge. “Of course! You're right!” Her hands immediately went to her outfit, rubbing, grabbing, and touching it all over. “Why didn’t I think of that?!”

All in all this was starting to make Sora feel a bit uncomfortable. This heightened sense of touch seemed to be overwhelming the mare, now a young woman. This was not why he wanted to come here. He had to get her back on track. “Twilight, I thought you wanted to gather more notes on things other than what you can touch? I still have some places to show you, and friends to meet.”

“Oh! Of course, you did mention something about meeting someone here right?” Twilight soon gathered her thoughts and stood up straight. “Right then, ahem.” She cleared her throat “Please, lead the way.”

He smiled and shook his head. “Ok then.” he said before he started walking, looking back toward her every now and then to see how she was doing.

Slowly. The answer was slowly.



Outside the book, over at Sweet Apple Acres, three fillies were making a ruckus in their clubhouse. “I think I should be the attacker!” Scootaloo held the club like Struggle bat over her head before it was swiftly snatched away by Sweetie Belle.

“You already said that a million times, and I keep asking you on what grounds? Applebloom and I are just as good at attacking as you were back there in the tank.” It had been a full day and the three of them still could not come to an agreement. They all wanted to be the offensive member of the team.

“Yeah, but I’m way better at kicking flank than the two of you so obviously the role should go to me.” Scootaloo replied to which the other two girls rolled their eyes.

“That’s just your opinion, and last time I checked you missed a lot of shots with your weapon.” Sweetie Belle stomped her hoof.

Applebloom giggled. “Not much of an attacker if’n ya can’t hit the broadside of a barn, hehe.”

Scootaloo glared at the too. “So? Maybe I’m just better at hitting with a stick then shooting with a bow. What makes you two think you’re perfect for the job?”

Applebloom huffed. “Well ah work on a farm and if there’s one thing we Apples have, its strength. We need it for Applebuckin' and hauling ’em to the barn for storage.” She demonstrated by kicking a hind leg into the air.

Sweetie Belle spoke proudly. “And I don’t miss.”

“Then you can sit in the back and throw rocks.” Scootaloo grumbled. Sweetie Belle just glared at her.

“She kind of has a point, Sweetie Belle.”


“Now hear me out, Attacker usually means gettin’ in close and whackin’ the bad guy, but if ya claim that yer better at shootin’ things then the two of us, then wouldn’t it be better if ya shot at them from behind us? Ya wouldn’t have ta worry about as much trouble from back there as you can keep firin’ away.”

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to say something, but closed it as she didn’t have an immediate response to that logical suggestion. “That's true… I guess, but then what would that make me then.”

“Support.” The other two said in unison.

Sweetie Belle grumbled. “But that just means I sit on the sidelines!”

“What makes you think that?” Scootaloo replied. “Throwing things at the heartless we’re not fighting to keep them at bay seems important to me”

“True, and Applejack told me that heartless always come in packs.” Applebloom nodded. “We’d definitely need somepony to keep them off our back.”

Sweetie Belle folded her forelegs and thought about it. Support still didn’t seem like a powerful job.

“All this arguing is getting us nowhere!” Scootaloo finally said. “Why don’t we settle it once and for all!”

“And just how do ya suppose we go about doin’ that, Scoots?” Applebloom deadpanned, thinking I’m pretty sure that’s what we’ve been trying to do all day.

Scootaloo hoof pumped and grinned with determination. “A contest of course!”


Back in the Storybook

A little while later

Sora had finally managed to lead Twilight deeper into the book to the point where it was no longer them walking on pages, but now in a forest. “So, how are you liking the Hundred acre Woods?”

“It’s… amazing, words can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling right now. An entire forest, within a book? Are you sure we’re not in some other dimension right now and the book was a portal to it.”

“I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. Though it doesn’t feel like that, I mean when we first landed here, we were standing on the pages.” Sora scratched his cheek. Maybe he should really get around to asking how all these things worked.

“Right, and we just walk up to a pop up picture and… wait.” She stopped and looked around. “How did we get into this forest?”

“What?” Sora stopped and looked back at her.

“I mean, we landed on the book, then I followed you as we walked over to some pop up of some tree home and… we’re here.” She gestured to the forest around them.

…. He blinked.

…. She was silent.

…. Sora was really surprised how he never questioned any of this. But right now it would seem like a headache so he decided to change the subject “Sooooo, my friend?”

Twilight was confused for a moment before remembering why they were here and cleared her throat “O-oh, right, sorry. Please, lead the way.”

“We’re actually there now.” He gestured toward a tree growing on what looked like a mound of grass and dirt from the front, a door below it’s trunk with a sign above the frame that read Mr. Sanders. To the left of the door was a dark gray bell, below it another sign with the words RNIG ALSO on it. When Twilight looked around toward the back she could see that the mound was actually part of a small home, making it look like the house had gotten covered in dirt, while grass and a tree just grew over it with time. Empty pots could be seen here and there around the premises, all of them with the word “Hunny” written on them. And at the front of the door was a log that seemed to make for a good seat for the well used fire pit in front of it.

“Mr. Sanders?” Twilight’s eyes went back to the sign.

“Eeeh, just ignore that, I’m not sure where he got that sign, or why he even put it there.” Sora scratched the back of his head before stepping forward toward the home.

“How misleading, is he trying to hide his identity?” Twilight asked.

Sora just laughed. “No, he’s just a silly ol’ bear.”

“A Bear?!” Alarm bells went off in her mind.

“No, no, don’t worry, not the kind of bear you’re thinking of, I promise!” Sora turned to her and held both his arms out as if trying to halt her.

“Y-you’re sure?” She asked, now wary and checking her surroundings.

“Yes, I’m sure. In fact, once you see him, you’ll feel kinda silly for being scared of him.” He turned around and continued his walk. “Now, where has that bear run off to?” He didn’t see anyone outside, so he made his way over to the front door, gave it a few knocks, and even had the courtesy to ring the bell. “Pooh? You in there, buddy?”

No response. Twilight finally managed to catch up to him and look at the sign by the bell, the misspelling kinda grated her nerves. “Pooh? That’s a strange name.”

“Well so is Twilight Sparkle, but you don’t hear me complaining.” Sora said nonchalantly as he knocked and rang the bell once again.


“His full name Winnie the Pooh, but you can call him Pooh for short.” Sora made his way around to the side of the house to look through the small window. “Huh, looks like he really isn’t here.” He folded his arms and started thinking… “Hm, maybe he’s out getting more honey, or with one of our other friends.” He turned to Twilight and caught her picking up a hunny pot and sticking her hand inside. “I wouldn’t-” Too late.

“Oooh it’s sticky.” She pulled her hand out and parts of her hand glistened from leftover honey. She then started playing with the honey on her fingers for a moment before realizing- “Eeew, it’s sticky.”

Sora simply sighed and shook his head. “You’re gonna be like this all day aren’t you?”



Sora and Twilight left Pooh’s home in search of him or any of he and Sora’s other friends that lived in the Hundred Acre Woods. First was Piglet’s house, another lived in tree complete with it’s own tiny little balcony and a sign next to it that read “Trespasser’s will”. The sign seemed broken, and thus incomplete, but she wondered what the rest of it said. Piglet’s house was a bust, and upon seeing the size of the front door the two of them immediately agreed that Pooh wouldn’t be inside. Seeing that Piglet apparently wasn’t home either they made their way over to Rabbit’s House. Yet another hollowed out tree made into a home, in front of which was a vegetable garden, bisected by a small creek with a bridge.

“What a lovely garden.” Twilight remarked as they crossed the tiny bridge, looking out at the various sections of vegetables.

“Yeah, that’s Rabbit’s pride and joy.” Sora replied before looking around.

Twilight smiled at hearing this, but that smile soon disappeared when she noticed that the signs indicating the type of veggies in each section were mostly misspelled. “Though it wouldn’t hurt if they worked on their spelling a bit.”

Sora scratched his head “I guess spelling is another one of your pet peeves then.”

“What do you mean, another one of them-”

“OH HEY, we’ve already made it to Rabbit’s house! Let’s see if he knows what’s going on!” He practically sprinted the remaining couple of yards to the front door and gave it a few knocks. Surprise, surprise, no answer. He tried again, only to get the same response, nothing. “Rabbit too?” He walked around the home to look through the rabbit hole on the side of it that had the sign “RABBITS HOWSE” nailed above it. These signs were gonna drive the librarian insane, she just knew it. “Rabbit! It’s me Sora! Are you in there?!”

Again, there was no answer…

Twilight decided to look around. “Is there some kind of event happening today or something?” She suggested.

Sora gave it some thought. “Maybe… In any case, we’ll just have to keep looking.” He stood back up and turned to her. “Let’s get moving before you start touching Rabbit’s stuff too.” he walked past her toward the pathway next to the Rabbit hole.

“Hmph!” Twilight pouted at the accusation, but could say nothing to refute it. He was right, and she hated that. He followed close behind him, but refused to look at him for half of the walk to their next stop. They checked from home to home, every nook and cranny of them. No one could be found. Kanga, Roo, Tigger, Owl. Not a sign of any of them. They couldn’t even find gopher, though that wasn’t as surprising considering he lives underground. This was becoming a bit concerning for Sora. “What could’ve happened… where have they all gone?” He took a moment to think. “It didn’t look like any of the pages were missing this time, so that can’t be it.”

“You mean the book? It lost its pages before?” Twilight popped out from a bush, she found no clues but she found a fuzzy caterpillar and couldn’t help but touch it too.”

At this point Sora just let her run rampant touching whatever she wanted whenever they were walking on a path. “Twice to be precise.”

“That’s awful! Who who could be so cruel to books?!” She stomped her foot, glaring at Sora.”

“Hey, it wasn’t me ok?!” He waved her off. “It was the heartless. That’s why the book is always in Merlin’s care, to keep them from getting ahold of it.”

OOOOH Now she had even more reason to fight the heartless. As a librarian and scholar, she can’t stand by after hearing of such an injustice perpetrated upon a book. “When we go back home I’m going to intensify my training for sure.” She folded her arms.

Sora didn’t respond out loud, but in his mind he went As if your training wasn’t intense enough already, are you like break-a-phobic or something? He turned to face forward and brought his mind to the matter at hand. “They had to have gone somewhere, homes are a bust, I guess we’ll have to explore some of the scenic spots I know of.” He continued walking.

“You think they’re ok?” Twilight followed, now feeling a bit concerned for friends she’s never met before. “Do you think the Heartless could enter the book?”

“No, they never have before… but then again, Equestria was the same way...” He started sprinting now.

“Sora?!” Twilight stumbled a bit trying to run on two legs for the first time. Meanwhile Sora had a determined look in his eye and responded.

“I’m getting to the bottom of this!”

Author's Note:

Hey All! Back with another post! Hoe you all enjoyed Twilight's experience as a human or rather her trying to touch everything that she could get her little fingers on haha. Now lets get down to the nitty gritty.

Last week I asked you guys how you would like me to post these chapters, and I can say I'm happy what I saw, you still like the two week up date but have no issue if I take longer. I only asked this question cuz it's been a whole year and still kept my promise. NOw that the promise is no longer needed I wanted to hear from you all. then I thought about what I wanted to do. and came to a decision. I'm hoping for those that voiced their opinions will read this part so they won't be confused what happens in the future.

I have decided to keep doing the two week deadline as I have done before. It's no longer about me keeping to commitment a I can trust myself well enough to finish what I started. NOW the kicker is that, at this time I'm working on two different stories I will some day post up on this website in the future at a slower pace. Now there might come a time where I would need to focus on one of those other stories if some awesome idea came to my head and it might take time away form me writing this story. KEEP IN MIND, I highly doubt it would go to that extreme hardly at all, probably never, but I want to cover all my bases and keep you guys informed and worried about what happened to the next chapter or something. On the monday of every deadline, if you do not see the next chapter, go read the bottom of the last chapter author's notes as I will have no doubt posted my reason on whats going on and when to expect to see it.If you see nothing at all, no chapter nor edit in last author's notes, that means I'm more then likely trying to finish and write that chapter on that Monday. If that's the case, check ont he Tuesday after that for the new chapter or update in Author's notes.

Ok, moving on!... Actually that's all I wanted to say lol... Ok then I guess that's it for now haha.

Oh write! I am super proud to say that this story has now reached over 200k words! Woo! You don't have to celebrate about it, but I will! HAHAHA!

Next Chapter: It's our town, Everybody scream!

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones.

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