• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 15: Get a Job You Lazy Bum

(As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music.
Completely optional: Your free to ignore this)

It was another routine afternoon in Ponyville, the denizens were going about their day, either with errands, going to or from a job, maybe even grab a bite to eat or such. It was a day like any other in the town, just outside of it, we have a stallion pulling some goods along with him into town. The roads had been a bit treacherous with these strange heartless creatures showing up and all, however he was pretty confident that he would be able to make it to Canterlot and back without much trouble so long as he stayed on the path. Now seeing his hometown in view made it clear he was right. Now he could relax and-


He jumps from the voice and looks back. Once he did, his pupils shrank to pinpricks and he scrambled to the side with his cart, barely in time to avoid a flying cart that zipped past him and toward Ponyville.

Sora was on the back of the runaway cart on his hind legs. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle on either side of their payload of apples making sure it didn’t fall out of their containers or to prevent the containers from tipping at all, while Applebloom was up front steering ahead. “RIGHT!” She called out. Sora immediately jumped out of the cart on the right, hung onto the ledge with the teeth of his keyblade and placed his hind legs on the wagon’s side to use his body’s weight to make their ride shift in his direction, narrowly missing passerby ponies and stalls.

“LEFT!” She called out again, Sora pulled himself onto his keyblade to launch himself back up into the wagon, flip over the payload, struck his keyblade on the left ledge, and repeated the same process to make the wagon turn down another street. “STRAIGHTEN OUT!” Sora complied returning to his first position.

“This is crazy! Who’s idea was this?!” Scootaloo yelled out as she barely kept the apples on her side together.

“Ya’ said ya’ wanted ta’ get there fast!” Applebloom replied before yelling “Hard Right!” Sora heeded her by jumping onto the right side again, but this time leaning so far down his face could nearly touch the ground that sped by below him. It worked however as they managed to reach the road they needed to be on. “Good!” Sora got back up and saw their target ahead.

“Me and my big mouth… MOVE EVERYPONY RUNAWAY WAGON COMING THROUGH!” Scootaloo yelled at the ponies ahead, who were scrambling to get out of harm’s way.

“I don’t even know how we got into this mess,” Sora deadpanned.

“Brakes!” Without a second thought Sora leaned back, made a hoofstand on the ledge on the back, before flipping over and hooked his hoof onto it, slammed his keyblade into the dirt, teeth first, and stomped his hind legs onto the ground as well, hoping to use this method to kill the wagon’s speed, which seemed to be working.

“This is it! We can make it!” Sweetie Belle cheered. Happy to have this crazy ride come to an end.

Applebloom smiled as well to have her plan be a huge success when suddenly, from above, something crashed in front of their path.“Uh Oh,” she said as the wagon collided with it, launching Sora, the girls, and the Payload high into the air.

“Whoa!” Sora felt himself get flipped into the air, but had no time to wonder why once he heard all three of the girls start panicking. He flew toward Scootaloo so he grabbed her first. kicked off a street lamp they went by to fly over and grab Sweetie Belle by the containers, then pushed off of them to zoom towards Applebloom. Once he had all three in his grasp he turned his body to face the containers, raise his keyblade with his free hoof and call out. “STOP!” Suddenly, the apples went completely immobile in midair. With that done, he sent away his keyblade and held onto the little fillies and braced for impact.

Fortunately, the door, up ahead, opened up just in time for them to sail through it. Sora used his body to take on the impact and the rapid tumbling, keeping the girls safe as he could tell they crashed into a lot of tables, and chairs before they stopped.

When they opened their eyes and Sora finally let go of them, they tumbled out of of him perfectly fine but dizzy like nothing else and looking around to see they reached their destination, Sugarcube Corner. With Mr. and Mrs. Cake distraught and worried for their tables and chairs and the well being of the stallion that crashed into them.

In a groggy voice and still stumbling around Applebloom managed to say, “Delivery... from... Sweet Apple Acres.” Then she fell face first to the ground. The world was spinning too much for her to even stand up anymore, same went for her friends.

How about we turn back the clock, and see how this all started.


Fluttershy’s Cottage

Earlier that morning

After an early rise and some breakfast, the journey out of the forest and back to Ponyville was a lot shorter then it was when they went into it. Even better for Sora and Spike when Pinkie managed to take care of all of Rarity’s camping gear. Sora needed it, since Twilight didn’t give him anytime to relax. Practically through the whole night, She had Sora try to teach her how cast the magic spells he used. Unfortunately, his way of explaining didn’t quite go well through translation so progress was slow. He was more the active type so his explanations were around. “Your magic goes ‘Whoosh’ inside you and then you make it heat up, then you point and fire”

He shot a small fireball out of the tip of his keyblade as it traveled a good distance before dissipating completely. Twilight sighed “You saying ‘whoosh’, but what does that even mean?! Can’t you explain it more clearly?”

Sora scratched the back of his head. “Easier said than done. I can’t remember how Merlin or Donald taught me magic, since after a while it just becomes second nature, like walking.”

“Oh, you mean Donald Duck,” Fluttershy perked up at the mere mentioning name. She probably still imagined Donald as an adorable duck with a wizard hat on him.

“Uh, yeah. When we first met, he was the one that taught me my first magic spell, Fire.” Sora smiled, then looked at his keyblade. “I tend to use it a lot, now that I think about it. It’s very useful in a lot of situations.” He sent the keyblade away. “He and Merlin would probably be better teachers for you. They’re both wizards after all.”

Twilight sighed, “And how am I supposed to be able to do that when they are out in space on Celestia knows what world right now.”

Sora thought for a moment, before suggesting, “Well, I know Donald and Goofy will come by sometimes to check up on me, and I’m sure Celestia knows how to contact Master Yen Sid. So you can have her ask him as well. I’m sure he’d send one or the other”

Twilight was smiling now, “Of course, That’s right!” She went over placed Spike on her back. “Come along Spike, we need to write a letter A.S.A.P. Oh, how exciting would it be to speak to a wizard outside of this world!” Then she galloped off without another word.

“Well, there she goes,” Applejack walked up past Sora. “Ah’ should be headin’ home to; see if there’s any work needin’ ta’ be done there.”

“Yeah and I’m hungry again. Yo, Pinkie let’s go get some grub at your place.” Rainbow was already flying low back to Ponyville with a bouncing Pinkie close behind.

“Yay! I’ll make some freshly baked pastries when we get there, maybe Apple Turnovers!”

“I’ll be off as well. After some time away from the desk, I think I have much more fresh perspective on how I can bring out those designs for him.” Rarity gave a bow to Sora and Fluttershy. “I might ask for assistance again in the future, I hope you don’t mind.”

Sora waved it off, “Hey it’s no problem. Anything to help a friend, right?”

Rarity smiled and gave a nod, “Of course, I suppose it was silly to ask. Until we meet again.” She turned and trotted off down path leading back into town. Sora gave a wave before he turned toward Fluttershy.

“I suppose you have some things you have to do as well.” He watched Fluttershy flinch and blush a little when Sora already said what she was going to say.

“Um, well… Yes. I have to take care of my friends here.” Fluttershy turned toward her cottage where a few animals could be seen walking about. “Ah, but, maybe, you're free to visit, whenever you’d like, a-and if you need anything, I’d be happy to help.” She then looked away and muttered, “If that’s okay.”

Sora just smiled, “Hey, it’s fine. Everyo- er- Everypony has things they need to do. I can understand that. I’ll just head back to Twilight’s and check out this new home I’m getting. We can chat some other time then.” He then turned and started walking, but not before giving her a wave, “See ya later, Flutters.”

Fluttershy smiled and waved back without saying word, before turning back to her home. “Oh! Angel?” A white Bunny was seen at the doorway tapping his foot impatiently. “Ah, yes. I’m coming.” She hurriedly flew over to the cottage to first take care of her pet; seeing as he wouldn’t let her do anything else until then.


Golden Oaks Library

20 minutes later

Twilight was huffing and panting as she sluggishly made her way up the path to the Library. “Wha-.... What… Possessed me… to run like that?” Her head drooped as if it felt like her legs were on fire. Spike, unsure of what else to do simply patted her saying.

“You got to admit, you’ve ran farther than you usually did before.” However he didn’t admit how miniscule the improvement was.

“Y-you think so?” She took a moment to catch her breath “Well anyway, let’s head inside and write a letter- The sooner I learn Sora’s magic the sooner I’ll be able to-” When she walked through the door she noticed a rather old looking blue unicorn, walking around the library.

“My, My, so much knowledge within the pages of these books. These ponies sure have come a long way. He had an old history book floating in front of him with his magic.” The unicorn sported a very long white beard and mustache, round framed glasses, white tail and mane, and on his head was a rather tall blue pointy hat. Next to him was a purple bag that seemed partly opened with a brown wand laid next to it.

Spike was the first to speak. “Hey, who are you,how did you get here and why the door was locked?” Then he hopped off of Twilight.

The old timer perked up and turned his head back. “Ah, Twilight Sparkle and Spike I presume.” Then he turned around to face them and set the book down on a table nearby. He then reached into his beard and pulled out an old gold hand clock. “Hmm, you’re a bit late by say… 5 minutes, but no matter.”

“Hey hey! I asked a question buddy?” Spike took a fighting stance.

“Ah of course, where are my manners?” the old stallion shook his head then cleared his throat. “Good afternoon, you can call me Merlin, Merlin the Wizard.”

Twilight was shocked, “W-wait! then you’re the same Merlin that taught Sora Magic?!”

“The very same, I trust the lad is doing a fine job here.” Merlin walked over to them.

“O-oh yes, definitely, He is very strong and a great aid to us right now.”

“Ah, not that it surprises me. He’s always there for his friends, and it’s easy to tell that he’s gain some in the two of you?” He assumed as much judging by Twilight’s praise, and instant change of expression in both her and Spike. “Now then, am I under the impression that you would like to cast the same spells as Sora?”

“Y-yes, but how-”

“I believe your majesty Princess… eh... um… Celestia was it?”

“Yes, that’s her name.” Twilight nodded.

“Oh, of course, thank you very much. Well anyways, she seems to know you very well. she and Yen Sid had a lot to chat about the other day and asked for my assistance.” Merlin then went over to his bag to open it up more.

“Really?! Celestia did that?” Twilight was humbled that the Princess would do this before she even had to ask, but more so excited to learn new spells from other worlds. She was practically on cloud nine.

Merlin chuckled at her enthusiasm, then he grabbed the wand with his hoof and started waving it around like a music conductor, soon enough tiny furniture and dishes started to float out of the bag in a conga line. They grew in size the further away they were from the bag. “Indeed. Now Twilight, my dear, are you ready to learn some new spells?”



Sora had decided to stroll around Ponyville since he currently had nothing to do. From what he was told the other day, his training area and his living house wouldn’t be completed until tomorrow, He figured that he might end up having to crash in one of the girl’s homes for the night, but he would cross that bridge when he came to it. He chose this time to reflect on some things, however. The battle with that mysterious guy was definitely smack to reality that he wasn’t done growing yet.

Some random guy, out of nowhere, just came and wiped the floor with him and his friends and he barely got a hit out of dumb luck and what came off the top of his head. Some hero I am. He sighed before sitting back and looking at himself. “How am I supposed to take on the stronger bad guys, if I still can’t fight well with this body?” He made sure to mutter that as quietly as possible so no passerby ponies would hear.

It was agreed that he had to train in this form more. There were probably going to be times where changing to his real self isn’t an option. So his pony form had to be able to make due. The same went for whenever he connected with Applejack. That power isn’t always ready to whenever he needed it, He had to take into account that it needs to be charged up before it can be used again.

Now another thought appeared in his mind. Seeing he and Applejack were able to “connect” it seemed logical that he could do the same with the other girls as well. He should make some effort in figuring out how to unlock that power with the others. Of course, that was easier said than done. Neither he nor Applejack had a clue on how it even activated the first time. He could probably ask for Twilight’s assistance on figuring it out, and some experimentation wouldn’t hurt either. Heck, he knew Rainbow would be more than willing to try that out.

“FOUND YA’!” Sora immediately turned his head before a red and yellow blur tackled him; causing him to tumble back one time then land on his back. When the world stopped spinning for him he noticed a red maned earth pony filly with a pink bow looking down at him with the biggest grin, before turning her head back. “See, Ah’ told ya he’d be in town, girls.”

Soon enough two more fillies appeared on either sides of him. “This is the pony?” The Orange Pegasus with the purple mane looked at Sora with a raised eyebrow. “What’s with the mane? It’s spiky and all over the place.”

“I think it looks great on him,” the white one on his right replied. Unlike the other two her mane and tail was a two toned purple and pink and she was a unicorn. “Makes him unique, you know?”

“Yeah I guess, but I figured he’d be all buff or somethin’ since he fights bad guys” the Orange one replied as he looked at the rest of his figure, then proceeded to poke his saddle bag. “Whoa, what’s in here?” And that’s when Sora had enough as he sat back up, the yellow filly on his chest fell back but managed to roll to her feet like it was nothing.

“Uh, hi… Can I help you three?” He dusted himself off and readjusted his saddlebag, only to feel it get lifted up.

“Whoa! Girls, look at his cutie mark!” Immediately, they’ve forgotten him completely and were all looking at the symbol under his saddlebag.

“Wow, so pretty,” said the white one.

“Ah’ wonder what it means?” said the yellow one.

“Not bad I guess, not as cool as Rainbow Dash’s though.” The orange one remarked.

Why am I on display for three little girls, right now? Sora sighed before getting up and facing them. “Uh, hi… Not to be rude, but kind of wondering why you tackled me and kept checking me out.

This finally got the fillies attention, leading them to feel embarrassed of their actions. “S-sorry, we didn’t mean ta’ bug ya. But yer that Sora feller, right?” The yellow one replied.

“I am… Did you need me?” Sora cocked his head to the side.

“Do we ever! Oh, but first-” The yellow filly then stood next to the other two “-Ah’m Applebloom, Applejack’s sister.” Well he had to guess that was one way they knew about him other then Pinkie’s party. “This is Scootaloo” she gestured to the orange one.

“Rainbow Dash’s Number one fan.” Scootaloo admitted proudly.

Was wondering what all that Rainbow talk was about? Sora nodded at her.

Applebloom then gestured to the white filly, “And this is Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s sister.”

Sweetie Belle smiled and waved, “My big sis has been talking a lot about you… Well mostly your clothes, but you as well.”

Starting to see a pattern here. Sora commented only in his mind on that.

“And we’re-” Applebloom called out before back up with her friends until they made some kind of united pose.

Then in unison the three girls yelled “THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!”

Sora’s ears instinctively flattened from the unintentional attack on his eardrums. “I… See… and what is it that you crusaders do?”

Applebloom was more than eager to explain. “We try to find out what our special talents are and receive our cutie marks!”

“Cutie Marks?” He looked at their flanks and sure enough they were blank. He remembered Fluttershy explaining to him about how Cutie Marks work. “Well, that explains the name. I guess that means you’ve yet to find your special talents.”

The three girls drooped and sighed as Scootaloo spoke, “No, and we tried a lot of things.”

Sweetie Belle perked up, “But we can’t give up now or we’ll never get them.”

“Exactly, Sweetie Belle! That’s why we made this team.” Applebloom explained.

“Ok, I see your point. So what brings you here, you’ve clearly been looking for me from the sounds of things.”

“Oh right!” Apple Bloom then walked up to Sora with a big smile on her face, “Is it true that ya’ fight bad guys, like a superhero?”

“With a giant key?!” Scootaloo bounced onto Applebloom’s back when she asked, and Applebloom did not approve of this as she was trying to keep balance. Then Sweetie Belle barges in from her knocking her and Scootaloo over.

“Can ya show us?! Please, please, pretty please!”

Sora was silent for a moment as he watched the excitement in their eyes, practically sparkle. “Ahem… So you want to see my keyblade?” At their synchronized nod Sora scratched the back of his head then shrugged, “I guess so.” He held his hoof out and instantly in a flash of light the Kingdom Key appeared in his grasp.

The flash startled the three making them stumble back, but after seeing the Keyblade appeared their attitude changed from freaked out to complete astonishment. “Whoooa!” They said in unison. It wasn’t long before they were all over his weapon.

“How’d ya’ do that?!” Applebloom asked as she poked it with her hoof to see if it was real.

“Yeah that was magic! How are you able to use magic? You’re an Earth Pony!” Sweetie Belle nearly squeaked in her response.

Sora couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, if you think that’s impossible, I guess I shouldn’t show you the other spells I can do.”

This drew their attention as Scootaloo asked the question the three of them were thinking “You know more spells?! Awesome! Show us!”

He laughed, “I guess that’s fine, but not here, I might actually cause some damage in town… I don’t think my place if fully built yet so I can’t use the training room there. We would need a wide open place, and some training dummies.”

At this Applebloom bounced in front of him. “Oh, I know the perfect place!”


Sweet Apple Acres

some time later

“Wow, this is your farm? It’s pretty huge.” Sora walked through the entrance and got a good look at the massive expanse of Apple trees.

Applebloom puffed her chest out, “Yup, Mah’ family has been runnin’ this farm for a really long time.”

“No kidding? Wouldn’t mind visiting this place every once in awhile.” Sora’s curious eyes kept looking around the farm, He had to admit those apples in the tree’s looked pretty tempting.”

“Really? That would be awesome! We could have lots of fun!” Applebloom bounced high into the air at the suggestion with smile on her face.

“Yeah! You can show us all your cool moves,” Scootaloo seemed pumped at the idea.

“We haven’t even seen them yet,” said Sweetie Belle.

“So? Rainbow said he did these cool air attacks. By the way how do you do those? You don’t even have wings?”

Sora scratched his cheek and laughed lightly at the question. “You could say I’m a pretty good jumper.” He then cleared his throat. “I suppose it would be better to show you. Now Applebloom, you said there would be some kind of training dummies I can use?”

Applebloom was brought out of her excitement when he reminded her of what she said “O-oh right, well, Sorta yes, sorta no. Ya’ see, we can grab some stuff in the barn no one’s usin’ and make our own dummies. Sorry if ah’ didn’t mention that part.

Sora sat back and folded his forelimbs and spoke of his thoughts, “Well, I suppose that should be fine, but we should probably ask first.”

“Ask about what?” A familiar southern voice from behind caused the four of them to turn their heads back to see Applejack standing there with a cart attached to her, inside were large baskets full of apples.

Sora smiled and got back onto his hooves to face her, “Oh hey A-”

“Hey, Sis! Perfect timing!” Applebloom ran up to her. “Sora was gonna show us some of his cool moves, but we need something he can use as target practice! Do you know anything we can use?”

Applejack looked at her little sister questionably then looked over to Sora “Ya’ must have a lot of free time if yer willin’ ta play with these three?”

Sora simply smiled and shrugged to her response “Well, other than training, I’m not sure what else there is to do while I’m staying here.”

Applejack placed a hoof on her chin and narrowed her eyes. “Well if’n yer clueless on what you could do, why don’t ya’ take up a job. It’ll give ya’ somethin’ ta’ do when yer not training or playing around, and ya get paid fer it. Also, I’m pretty sure yer flat broke.”

Sora cringed at the being labeled as broke. Well, what else could he do. Heartless only drop Munny when they’re slain. He could collect enough Munny to fill a bank, it still be utterly worthless on this world. He sighed, remembered talking about taking up a job back when they were at Canterlot, but he never gave it much thought until now. “You have a point, and I could really use the money.”

“Wait! What about the training dummy? You promised to show us your moves!” Scootaloo jumped in front of him. She wasn’t gonna let him get out of this one.

Applejack then thought of an idea on the spot. “Tell ya what? Ah’ can look for some old things lyin’ around in the barn fer ya. In the meantime, Ah’ have a delivery fer Sugarcube Corner right here. Sora if ya’ don’t mind takin’ these apples over there fer me. Ah’ think Ah’ll have somthin’ set up when ya’ get back. ‘Course the girls here will lead the way since yer still not all that familiar with Ponyville.”

Sora gave it some thought, “Sure, shouldn’t be too hard. What do you three think?” he looked over to three fillies and and they were huddled together whispering something to each other. After a few seconds they all nodded in unison and faced the stallion and farmer.

“Sure, Ah’ guess we can do that, but ya’ have ta’ promise we come back to the farm once we’re done!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded at Applebloom's words.

Sora laughed, they were definitely dead set on that; then he nodded, “I promise.”

“Right then,” Applejack detached herself from the cart and taught Sora how he can get the thing on and take it off. It wasn’t long before Sora was now on his way towing the cart of apples and 3 girls. He had no complaints about it. It would help him get to know more about the town. However, what Applejack said earlier about having a job returned to the front of his mind.

“Maybe I should find some form of work, but what kind of job can I do?” Sora said aloud to his three passengers. Applebloom’s eyes suddenly seemed to sparkle with an idea.

“How about workin’ on the farm?! There’s always work ta’ do there. One of the big ones is buckin’ fer apples.” Then she kicked a hind leg behind her when she mentioned apple bucking.

“Well that’s one option,” Sora replied as he looked back at the girls in the cart.

“Hey, How about working with Rarity? She’s been stuck on that project with your outfit ever since she borrowed your clothes.” Sweetie Belle decided to bring up the idea since they’re on the topic.

“No way! He should help Rainbow with her future stunts?” Scootaloo suggested

“It’s not a job if he doesn’t get paid, Scootaloo,” Sweetie replied.

“Well, it still would be cool! Imagine all the cool tricks they could do together!”

“Still it doesn’t bring in the bits.”

“I-it could if they made out like a daredevil show, they’d work with the price of admission!”

Sora decided to cut in, “How about we decide on this later, we still got a delivery to make and the sooner we get it done, the sooner we can deal with other things.”

“If we make it there this century. No Offense, Sora, but you’re going so slow! Can’t you run?”

“Well I guess so, but can you make sure none of the apples fall out, this dirt path is kinda bumpy.” Sora then proceeded to go into a gallop, the containers nearly tipped form the sudden boost in speed, but the girls kept to their word and caught it in time.

“Now we’re making progress! We’ll be in no time!” Sweetie Belle moved to the front of the wagon to get a good look ahead. However, what they didn’t realize was that they were now about to head down hill. Sora didn’t stop in time so now gravity and momentum decided to take over the driving.

“Uh oh…” Sora tried to slow down the cart, but in the process he involuntarily slipped out of what attached him to the wagon in the first place. The next thing he knew his flank was pressed up against the front of the wagon, knocking him off his hooves and fall into the cart.

“Not good.” Applebloom watched the whole scene unfold in front of her.


Which brings us back to the present

Sora laid on his back for a moment letting the pain of crashing into floor and furniture set in. Until he heard Applebloom talk to someone about arriving with a- “THE APPLES!” He shot back up, regretting it for a moment as the shock of pain reminded him why he was on the floor in the first place. Then he ran out to grab while he tried find a way to get the containers down to earth before the spell wore off.

Meanwhile in Sugarcube Corner, Rainbow saw the whole thing at her table as she was eating a pastry. Having no clue what was going on, but didn’t have time to think when she noticed Sora running back outside. “What the-” She looked out the window to see what would normally break the laws of physics. “Whoa!” Then she flew out to assist Sora.

Thankfully, having a pegasus was the perfect aid as Rainbow gathered and bring the apples back to the ground and inside the bakery; just in time before the magic wore off. “Whew… Man those things are heavy.” Sora heaved a sigh and then looked around. It looked like the crusaders were helping setting all the furniture back where they were. “Well, at least nothing broke and nobody was hurt-”

“HI SORA!” The outburst was so close to his ear he nearly jumped out of his skin.

“WHOA!” He turned around to see Pinkie smiling and waving at him as if she did nothing wrong. “O-oh, Hey Pinkie. Could you not do that next time.” He had his hoof over his rapidly beating heart.

“Oh sorry.” Then she giggled and looked around. “But boy, I certainly missed something amazing, here.”

“Wait, How did you not hear that, Pinkie? You were in the kitchen making seconds.” Rainbow flew over to the three with a questioning look.

Pinkie sat back and held a hoof to her chin “Weeeeelllll…”



Pinkie was in the kitchen and had just placed some doughnuts into the oven, she was apparently in her own little world humming a song since baking was second nature to her now. This in turn made her sway and dance around the kitchen narrowly dodging flying chairs and cooking ware and even a table. After that short moment of unnoticable peril she continued with her cooking and only stopped to notice when the timer for the oven rang. “They’re done!” She slid over to it and carefully took them out before setting them on the counter. When she turned to get a serving plate for them she stopped and finally noticed the damage. “Wow… Must have been one crazy lunch rush.”


Back to the Present

Sora and Rainbow looked at their Pink smiling friend thinking the same thing How can anyone be that distracted? Then they looked at each other and just shrugged.

Once everything was finally settled and back in order Mr. Cake came up to Sora and the girls. “Well, in spite the accident, you did deliver what we asked for and even helped with the mess you made. Pinkie has also told us on how you helped her and her friends whenever there is trouble.” Pinkie elbowed Sora with a smile, to which he could only return. “So I think it should be fine that we could at least give you this.” Then Mr. Cake gave Sora a bag that jingled when it swayed around.

When Sora looked inside he could see a small amount of bits inside it. He remembered seeing the girls use them to buy things back in Canterlot so he recognized them right away. “A-are you sure? I mean I don’t want to take money from you after causing this mess.”

“Oh it’s alright, nothing is broken and no one got hurt. So are you working on the farm now I assume?” Mr. Cake asked.

“Oh no, this was just a one time thing. However, I suppose I am also trying to find a job since I’ll be staying here for a while.”

A light bulb flashed above Pinkie and she gasped, “Oh! Oh! Why not work here at Sugarcube Corner!” She wrapped a hoof around Sora and pulled him into a one arm, or rather, one legged hug. “We can teach him how to cook all sorts of things and I bet he would make an awesome waiter!”

Carrot Cake gave a sad smile as he replied, “Well that is a splendid idea, Pinkie but unfortunately, we have things pretty much covered here most of the time that hiring him wouldn’t be the best idea. However, if you’re ever free when we do need an extra pair of hooves I do hope you’d consider helping us out, Sora.”

After finally breaking free of his Pink Captor’s grip, Sora waved his hand “Sure, I’m always happy to help and thanks for considering me, Pinkie. I really appreciate it.” Sora patted Pinkie on the head and she just giggled. “In any case the job is done, and I don’t want to hold you guys up any longer. The girls and I will be heading out.” Sora turned and made his way out. Meanwhile, when no one was looking Pinkie’s element of Laughter was glowing for a moment, before returning to it’s original luster.

The CMC caught up to Sora and walked on either side of him before Scootaloo spoke, “So, what now? working at Sugarcube corner is out, what other job are you going to look for next?”

“Ah’m sure the offer to work on the farm is still open fer ya, Sora,” Applebloom reminded the stallion.

“We haven’t asked Rarity or any other places yet. there is a lot more job opportunities in Ponyville I’m sure,” Sweetie looked at the stores and buildings around them as they walked on.

“Sweetie makes a good point… To be honest I’d like to help everyone. Mr. Cake said that there might be times where they might need more help at Sugarcube corner, and I’d like to be able to be there when they do. On the other hand, I don’t mind helping out on your farm Applebloom, or even help Rarity with her project. I kind of wish I could get my bits by helping anyone in need,” Sora sighed as he thought about it.

“You mean like, doing odd jobs?” Scootaloo suggested. Then she looked toward the girls and the three of them had the same idea in their heads.

“Let’s go see HER!” The three of them spoke in unison and started running off.

“Huh? H-hey guys! Where are you going?! Weren’t we headed back to the barn?!” Sora ran after them unsure on why they were headed in a different direction, as they only said one thing in return.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Hero Helpers, Yay!”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! For once after a long while, I manage to post in time :twilightblush:

Well, lets right into it shall we? Now lets start with Merlin. Awhile back when I started writing this story, I originally had no intention of putting him or a lot of other KH related characters into the story. The main reason why was because I wanted to keep the focus on Sora, the girls, with guest appearances form Donald and Goofy, and possibly Riku. However, the more I started writing out the story, the more I figured out that. There are some things that cannot be avoided. When I thought about it. watching Merlin's old Disney movie and when he met Sora in the KH1 and KH2 he would always appear as if he time traveled tot hat point in time to fulfill what he was tasked to do. So it wouldn't be so far fetched that that this was one of those moments where he was needed most.

Now that I have broken my previous ideal, I've come to realize it might have been premature to completely X out all of the KH characters. Don't get me wrong, I plan to keep this as minimum as I possibly can, if it can't be avoided that a character makes an appearance, then I'll do it with no issues about it. However I would also actively try to continue the story with the mindset of not making an effort to use them.

Now, the job part: Welp, we finally reached the start of it everyone. You all voted, and the answer became clear, via landslide. Sora gets a job of his own, separate from the other girls. That being the case I had to think of what would be perfect for him, after some suggestions from you readers, I was able to think of the basis about it. Sora likes to help people, so I figured a job that emphasized that would suit him perfectly. many of you will already know what this job is by now, but for the time being I won't say haha, spoil it if you wish :rainbowlaugh: .

The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Now they were an interesting group to place in the story. Well they were bound to appear, it was inevitable. So I decided to hold them out for this very chapter. They seemed like the perfect... fillies to take on the job of Sora's unemployment, among other things. Haha!

Wrapping things up, I'm sure there is another interesting little fact you came across when you were reading, I think I'll let those ones go without mentioning since you'll be seeing more about them in the next Chapter.

As for news on the next CHapter... Unfortunately I'm still working on it. I'm trying to find get everyone I want placed in this next chapter so it will be a longer then normal chapter. There is a certain part of it that I'm excited to write about once I get to that part. so to try to keep tot he dead line, I've left the chapter open for them to look at and edit, while I'm still working on it. hopefully it cuts time dramatically this way.

Next Chapter: Fireworks

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look Forward to future ones

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