• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 48 Silver Lightning

Silver Lightning

It all happened so suddenly. The last thing Rainbow could recall was seeing Sora call out for Applejack’s gem, then the next moment she suddenly found herself… wherever this is.

( Image created by Akili-Amethyst )

“What the- Where am I?” She looked around until she noticed Sora off in the distance. “Sora?! Wait… is this?” She looked down at what she was standing on and immediately her jaw dropped before slowly forming an ecstatic smile. “Omigosh! Omigoshomigoshomigoshomigosh-YES! Finally!” She was so excited she started trotting in place before taking to the air with a flip. “WOO!”

“Rainbow?” Sora turned toward the shouting. He was a bit confused at first since he expected to be fused with Applejack right now, but he quickly realized what happened. Somehow, Rainbow’s gem came to him instead. He wondered why that happened now of all times, considering all the other fusions seemed to be triggered by a specific event.

“Hey Sora, LOOK! LOOK! We fused!” Rainbow yelled at him with excitement.

Sora could only chuckle at her enthusiasm. “Not quite, but almost, Rainbow.” He then shook his head before looking a bit more serious. “Since we’re in a tight spot, we gotta get this right.” He looked at the stained glass he was on, noting the last two empty slots. “Seeing as you’re able to see me it’s already a step in the right direction.”

“Able to see-wait? Are you talking about what happened with you and Twilight? Yeah, what was that all about? That’s never happened before, right? Far as I know.” Rainbow said puzzled.

Before Sora could answer a flash of light appeared before Rainbow, leaving behind something that stunned them both. It was a Keyblade. A Rainbow colored one at that, which seemed to emanate a great power. The shocked look on her face was matched by Sora’s. He was expecting a roundabout riddle like before, not to witness the birth of a new Keyblade wielder! Sora’s thoughts briefly flashed to Lea. He was really starting to rethink what it takes to receive a Keyblade.

Rainbow was motionless as she stared at it. “Sora? Is that a… A...”

Sora was stumbling with his words at first. “As far as I can tell… y-yeah.”

Rainbow remembered the story Sora told her and her friends, specifically the part when he first got his Keyblade, and she was both excited yet confused.

The two of them were silent for a moment before Rainbow spoke again. “What do I do now?”

Sora just shrugged. “Heck if I know… touch it, I guess?”

Indeed you should

“WHO SAID THAT?!” Rainbow looked around.

“Aaaand there's the voice.” Sora looked up, already expecting it.

For your dedication and loyalty, it is only fitting you are rewarded with a power equal to it if not far more.

Rainbow at this point calmed down remembering the voice the others spoke of, and it certainly seemed like a wise disembodied voice. “Well, I’m glad somebody finally noticed.” She replied with a cocky smile and proud pose. She preened for a moment before her most burning question brought her back to reality. “So, uh… I can just take it?”

You can. Once you do, you will become a Keyblade wielder, and you’ll travel amongst the stars beyond seeing wonders no one from your world has ever seen, facing challenges that only you can take on, using powers and magic you could not have used before.

Well, who could possibly say no to a deal like that? And she was perfect for it. Just imagining herself as the first pony Keyblade Master. Well, wielder, but that’s nothing a bit of training can’t change, she thought. Off to the side, she noticed Sora seemed pretty quiet about all this. He definitely didn't seem outright against it, but he did seem bothered by something. “This is perfect right?! With two Keyblade wielders, we can take that jerk down twice as fast now, right?”

Sora nodded. “It is and that's true, but… Something doesn’t seem right about this.”

“What do you mean? I get a Keyblade, we kick that stupid heartless in the flank and boom! We go home heroes, like always.”

Indeed, and only adventure awaits you beyond that.

Well who could possibly say no to that deal, Rainbow had little reason to after hearing the word “Adventure”, so she stepped toward it. However, something was bothering Sora. He couldn’t help but feel there was something more to this. Rainbow stepped closer to the Keyblade reached out, but just before she made contact with it Sora spoke out. “Wait… what does it mean by that?”

“By what?” Rainbow turned to him with confusion.

“I’m just saying, this voice keeps bringing up adventure and traveling out amongst the stars and all that… Why?”

“Why? Well, obviously that’s what you've been doing right?” Rainbow answered, “I get the Keyblade, and we get to go to other worlds and stuff whenever we want.”

Not entirely…

This got Rainbow to look around. “Hold up… what do you mean by that? You just said we’d get to go out on adventures and stuff right?”

That is what YOU claimed. Never has it been said that once you grab this Keyblade, your friends will join you. It can be granted to you to help slay this heartless you are currently up against, but the moment you take that blade, your fate will shift to where your friends cannot follow.

“What?!” Rainbow was shocked. “You're telling me if I touch that I’d never see my friends or Equestria ever again?

Incorrect, it will not be the last time you see them, but your new duties will take you beyond Equestria, and more often than not you’ll be out there more then you will be here. Being a Keyblade wielder comes at a price, one that varies from one individual to another as do many things in life. This is your price. If you wish to be stronger, to defeat this foe, then take it.

“You can kiss my flank if you think that’s gonna happen!” Rainbow blurted out as she stomped a hoof down and glared.

You refuse? Even if this is the only way for you defeat it?

Rainbow yelled out into the void in response. “Who says it is?! You?! Some mysterious talking voice from Celestia knows where?! Oooh sure, as if I’m gonna leave my friends behind just because YOU say so. That’s not how I roll!” Sora went from shocked to smiling as he listened to her rant. “Friends don’t ditch friends. Sure, Sora ended going to other worlds, but he mostly did it so he could look for his missing friends! And together they’re trying to save the whole freakin’ universe from some super bad organization seventy... or something, I dunno. I kinda forgot their names and was more interested in the cool fights and places Sora’s been to really.”

Sora stumbled a bit at that last part but chuckled to himself. Figures she would be more interested in the fights and adventures. She doesn’t HAVE to know the bad guy's name, only the best spot on their face to deck’em.

“Look, what I’m saying is that I’m not gonna ditch my friends at the drop of a hat for a sword and promise of space adventures... A really cool looking sword and probably super awesome space adventures and- no no NO-” She shook her head violently to get the starry-eyed image (basically, herself in a cool pose standing on a mountain of defeated heartless with a Keyblade in her hoof pointed to the sky) out of her head. “MY POINT IS, I’m not gonna ditch my friends for something like that. If this is all your gonna give us, then you can forget this dumb fusion thing and let my friends and I handle it on our own. Sora’s still got Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Flutters to fuse with after all!” She turned away from the Keyblade to look at Sora. “Besides, one wielder is more than enough for that big ugly bull guy, right Spiky?”

Sora could only smile and give her a thumbs up. “Right!”

Is this your decision? The voice asked.

“I’ll be there for my friends no matter what.” Rainbow responded.

Sora nodded. “So will I. Despite traveling to so many places, I did it because of them. And now with the new organization trying to rise in power, I’m fighting WITH them. It's true I meet many people and make friends on other worlds as well, and eventually I would have to move onto the next world to continue my own goals. But I’ve always gone back to visit, and I WILL always be there when they need me...” He kept his gaze at Rainbow.

That’s all Rainbow could have asked for. Saying goodbye one day will hurt, but she knows it won’t really be goodbye, just “until next time”. When the time comes he’ll have to go away for awhile, but he’ll be back, definitely. She knows it.

Who needs more power? When you have to leave your friends and loved ones behind, what’d be the point? Whether it was the right answer or not, it was HER answer. “That’s right. I’d never leave my friends hanging!

Just then, a path connected both Sora’s and Rainbow’s floors. Loyalty to your friends requires unwavering commitment. Your hearts are connected.

“...Wait, what?” Rainbow was confused as she looked around for a moment. The Keyblade was gone, disintegrated into tiny light particles that scattered and faded away into obscurity. All that remained was the path, and Rainbow’s gem appearing in the stain glass picture on Sora’s floor. Just like the other girls described.

“I think… I think that was a test, Rainbow.” Sora looked at the image of Rainbow’s gem before looking up at her with a shrug.

Rainbow just groaned. “Man I hate those! Why do they always have to be a secret? That’s why I hated pop quizzes back at school!” She then took a moment and sighed before smiling. “So, I guess we passed or something?”

Sora nodded. “Yup, this usually happens after we answer a riddle, but I guess the weird voice wanted to shake things up this time, or something? I dunno, the point is it’s fusion time, so come on over!” He waved her over to his side. She blinked a moment a moment, but soon her initial excitement returned tenfold and she practically teleported over to Sora’s side. He then summoned his Keyblade and pointed it at the glowing image of Rainbow’s gem. “Ready?”

“Do you even have to ask?” She smirked.

“Good point” He channeled his light and soon the void around them filled with it.


Sora and Rainbow stared down at the Beast as ethereal wings seem to flap behind Sora’s Jacket, keeping him in midair. The blade he held was just as unique as the others and fit this particular fusion to a T.

( Artwork created by Aniamalman )

This one felt extremely light in Sora’s grip, but there would be time to examine it further later…

Sora looked on at the beast. The fight had been long and taken a lot out of everyone, but even so, this had to end, and he and Rainbow were gonna be the ones that did. With Rainbow’s mindset combining with his own penchant for speed based combat, they spared no time rushing in. “Alright! Let's get to it!”

With a single flap of those mostly translucent wings Sora was already in striking range. The beast barely had time to put up his guard, only for Sora to break it with a swift side strike before it had time to buckle down. This left it open for them to get in close and give its face a walloping at supersonic speeds. The other girls could barely keep up with what was happening as he landed 20 blows in mere moments, knocking the Minotaur’s head around like a bobblehead. This got the creature to step back and stagger, almost falling over even. Rainbow didn’t miss this kind of opening as Sora’s “wings” flapped once to position him over the bull, before flipping over it entirely with a downward strike, finally toppling the beast over and onto its back.

Got’em now! Rainbow said in Sora’s mind as they landed on the beast’s abdomen, Keyblade held out a few inches in front of him and pointing at the enemy. He lifts it up to give a finishing blow but the beast managed to recover quick enough to lift its arm over its chest, knocking Sora away with it. This caused Sora to hurdle backwards before making a rather elegant aerial dodge to stop his momentum and right himself.

Oh, that’s it! No way this meathead was gonna ruin her debut. Sora flew right back at the bull as it managed to get to its hooves, punching the ground with so much force it caused a wave of pressure that halted and pushed Sora back again. “Oh no you don’t!” Both Sora and Rainbow’s voices rang out before he lifted his Keyblade in the air “THUNDER!” However instead of Thundaga crashing down onto their enemy, it came crashing down onto them. Or rather, the Keyblade. “What the?” The blade seemed to crackle with magic and electricity before the entire thing start radiating a kind of yellowish glow, electrical currents coursing through and sparking around it.

That’s different... Rainbow said once they got a good look at it. Kinda cool though!

Sora thought back to when used magic while fused with Pinkie. This… could be a good thing.

Rainbow then quickly responded. Well, I hope you’re right, cuz here he comes! Sora had barely enough time dodge to the side as the beast charged like a bull. Not wasting a moment, Sora then flew after it and quickly struck it’s exposed back. The results were shocking, pun intended. Once his weapon made contact, the bull locked up on the spot as if that Thundaga spell actually hit him. The Keyblade had absorbed the spell and held onto it like loaded ammunition. “Oh, that’s Awesome.” A cocky grin appeared on Sora’s face as he continued to wail on the beast.

The other girls were in awe at the display. Every swing the Beast made, Sora seemed quick enough to dodge. Every. Single. One of them. However, He knew he could keep this up forever. It also seemed like Rainbow’s personality was affecting him a bit more than the other girls’ did during their fusions.

When he lands a solid strike. “That all you got?!”

When he dodges an attack. “Too slow! I’m running laps you!”

Ultimately, it was kinda wearing the other girl’s nerves a little bit. Well, except for Pinkie Pie. “YEAH, GO SORADASH!” She cheered with pom poms.

“Come on girls, we gotta help too.” Applejack was already charging passed them, bringing the rest of the girls back to reality and reminding them that they were in this fight as well. They couldn’t just sit and watch! Rarity was already summoning her needles, Fluttershy taking another Ether before she started casting Aeroga on everyone.

Pinkie looked at her element. “Nope, still nothing huh?” She pouted before bouncing over to her trusty old Party Cannon. “Then it’s time to improvise!” She exclaimed as she rolled it into position. Meanwhile Twilight stuck with Fluttershy for now, while her more damage dealing abilities were still on the fritz for some reason, her shield spell still worked. She would just have to play support this time.

Applejack was the first to join in the fray Sora drew the creature’s attention by sidestepping a fist. This gave AJ an opening to get in close and sock the creature in the gut, knocking it back a few yards with her strength. This left Rarity and Pinkie the opening needed for their attacks. Rarity fired a volley of beams from her needles straight for the creature’s joints, stalling it as Pinkie used her Cannon to fire just about anything she could fit into it, which happened to include a rather large rock she found whilst getting into position. Thanks to her recent modifications the cannon fired the rock just as fast as it did with Twilight, hitting the minotaur in the chest and stunning it. With the creature stunned, Sora lunged in again and unleashed yet another rapid barrage of attacks upon the creature.

This was it. It was down, staggered and weakened. It was finally time to take it outonce and for all as it struggled to get back to its hooves.

Alright! Let’s finish this! Sora thought.

He could feel Rainbow smirking. I know just how to do it she replied, and immediately Sora started flying upward. At first he was unsure what was going on, though the girls back on the ground only took a moment to catch on to what they were doing and assumed it was Rainbow’s idea. It is something only Rainbow can do, after all. As such they continued their attack to keep the beast distracted.

Meanwhile, Sora was climbing higher and higher into the sky. Rainbow had an idea that would blow this guy away and finally put an end to all this, plus it was her coolest move. When she deemed they were high enough, Sora finally stopped rising and hovered high above, looking at the fight below. “Uh, ok, so we’re here. Now what?”

We dive! She replied.

“What?!” Sora asked before he felt his body start to dive headfirst toward the ground at ludicrous speed, half from gravity, the other half from Rainbow using her pegasus magic and Sora’s “wings” to increase their speed as much as possible. Faster and faster he dove, everything just on the edges of his vision was blurring out as the air seemed to be compressing around him from the pressure. By the time the minotaur finally managed to look up it was far too late for him to notice, let alone respond as Sora briefly broke the sound barrier, Keyblade aimed straight at its head.

However, something suddenly appeared between them just a few yards away from impact. It was too late to stop or change course as he collided, or rather fell into it. It was a portal… a dark portal of some sort. When he popped out the other side, he found himself in the forest miles away from where they were fighting. (stop music here)

“WHAT?!” the surprise caught both of them off guard and caused Sora to tumble through the air in shock while still breaking the sound barrier, PAINFULLY busting through any tree in his way before the two of them finally managed to get things under control, gradually slowing to a stop. “Aaaah jeez.” He landed for a moment to rub his head. “That third tree got me right in the face.”

Don’t remind me, the pain is doing that already Rainbow replied also sounding dazed within his mind as she feels the pain as well. When they finally had some clarity, they took stock of their surroundings. “Uuuh… where are we?”


Meanwhile, back with the other girls, they were all shocked at what stood before them. Or rather who.

“Maleficent?!” Twilight took a step back. Between them and the heartless stood the witch herself. Taking their moment of shock as an advantage, it gave her just enough time to throw up a barrier between the girls and the beast

“Do give my regards to the boy, you all made it quite easy to find you thanks to all that ruckus.” She then turned to the beast who started ramming and punching at the barrier. “To think the first one I find is this unruly… but he WILL listen to my words.”

“I hope you’re not expecting us to sit here and let that happen!” Applejack called out.

“And where are Sora and Rainbow?!” Twilight yelled.

“I do not know, nor care about the whereabouts of the Rainbow maned one, but regrettably with the speed he was moving when I arrived I was only able to send the boy off somewhere else in the forest. So I’m afraid I don’t have the time to entertain you all before he returns. In the meantime these ones shall be more than happy to occupy you.” She raised her staff high and the green gem on the top started glowing. Immediately, green fire engulfs both her and the beast, transporting them elsewhere. When the fires died down, in there place were few dozen heartless. Soldiers, Large Bodies, Shadows, Jackalopes and those apple themed caterpillar-like heartless as well.

“How’d she do that so fast?!” Pinkie stared in shock as she got back behind her cannon.

Applejack clawed at the dirt facing their new foes. “Dagnabbit! There’s nothing we can do about it. We gotta deal with these varmints first!” She was the first to lunge in, taking out a group of Soldiers with a heavy stomp to the ground.

“After all that work, she just comes and takes it all away.” Rarity sighed as she was already setting to work with her element.

“Wind!” Fluttershy at this point could only act as support, covering her friends with Aeroga. Twilight, other than firing Magic shots, could only join support and defense with Fluttershy, regretting that she couldn’t do more at the moment.

Pinkie was just about to fire her cannon when she heard a strange sound coming from her neck. Looking down gave her a big grin. “Well finally!” Her element looked like it was back to normal again.


Back to Sora and Rainbow’s location

“This again?” Now’s really not the time!” Sora hovered in place holding his Keyblade out ready for a fight. But against what?

Himself it would seem.

Author's Note:

Hey folks, sorry for the long wait, a lot of stuff happened for me along with a bit of writers block which dragged this chapter's deadline far longer then I would have hoped for and not only that I barely had time to make progress on my other story so that pretty much means now that this one is done, I'm working on that for now before I get on to what comes after this one. and yes, I know, cliffhanger, but as I said in the earlier blog post (if you guys actually read it. if not no worries its just my best way on keeping you guys up to date with what I'm doing) this particular cliffhanger should get you wondering about some things. I mean it HAS been a while since "you know who" showed up again in the story, one would wonder what his deal is about, right.

Right well, I don't have much to say here so I'll just keep it short. I promise next chapter should satiate the action lovers that read this story, for sure. just need some time to think about it.

Next Chapter: A fight on two fronts.

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones.

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