• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 5,332 Views, 177 Comments

A New Dawn - Foals Errand

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Chapter 7

Celestia looked up as the door opened to see Doctor Red Mane holding a tray in her magic—a large bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich perched upon it along with a small glass of milk. She licked her lips as she took the tray in her own magic. “Thank you so much for fixing this meal for me, Doctor.” Celestia set the tray down to see the large thestral stallion standing just behind Red Mane. A large cup of coffee held in one hoof as he looked right at her.

Red Mane smiled at True Thought’s reaction. “True Thought, you know Princess Celestia. Princess?”

“Ah, yes, of course, Princess Celestia. I’m glad to see you are well. Well, as well as you could be in this situation. Has Doctor Red Mane told you why I was called?” True Thought lifted his coffee to his muzzle and drank it down. For this job, he needed to be as focused as possible.

“Yes. As I understand it, you have a truth stone in your possession?” Celestia glanced at her meal, trying to calm her growling belly.

“Ah, please eat, Princess. This will take me about twenty minutes or so to get ready; plus, seeing what may be at stake, I have some paperwork which needs to be filled out by you, Princess Luna. And witnessed by an attorney. Is there anypony in particular you’d like me to call?” Doctor True Thought glanced over to where Luna was standing out of the way.

“An attorney, that would most likely be the best course of action. Though my sister has yet to be charged with a crime, I do realize that—unless we can prove that she is not the Nightmare—she could be charged with any of the crimes I was cleared of once the Nightmare was cleared from me. The worst of them, of course, being attempted regicide, and even property damage of the Everfree Castle would easily result in jail time. Alas, as to the question of an attorney, I come up blank. It has always been Celestia who has handled most of the legality issues of Equestria.” Luna shrugged before looking over to where Celestia was slowly taking a bite of her sandwich, being careful not to bite through her tongue.

“An attorney… Well, there are many to chose from, but I think I know just the one. He is recently out of law school, but while in school, he did a mock trial in which he defended and won the case of a pony who was being controlled by an entity. I think that he would be the best to call. His name is—let me think… Foggy Notion… Yes, that was it. Feather, would you locate him and request his assistance in this case? Assure him that he will be paid handsomely for his services.” Celestia smiled at her guard before taking a long sip of her tomato soup, which morphed into a slurp as she giggled with a blush. “Ah, I guess I’m still learning how to use these new teeth.”

“I’ll leave right away to fetch this stallion, Your Highnesses.” Feather saluted both Luna and Celestia before walking out the door, leaving White Noise on the other side of the door.

After watching him go, True Thought turned to Luna. “Your Highness, while I was informed that you gave verbal permission for me to use the truth stone in regard to clearing your elder sister, Princess Celestia, of any wrongdoings up to and including her being under the Nightmare’s thrall, I think that—no, I know that the court will demand the permission be in writing. So I’m requesting you prepare a written permission while I ready my truth stone.” He turned to leave the room and paused. “Before I go, though, would anypony like to explain to me just why Twilight Sparkle appears to be an alicorn?”

Celestia choked a bit on her milk before looking over to Luna her glowing eyes begging for assistance.

“Ah, well, you must understand that a pony can become an alicorn in times of great need, such as how my sister and I ascended to defeat Discord. Since my sister is unable to rule and perform her celestial duties at this time the Sun chose to turn Twilight Sparkle into an alicorn and—” Luna paused, blushing “—bonded her with Celestia.”

True Thought blinked once, then twice, before shaking his head. “Magical alicorn reasons, got it. Princess Celestia, finish eating and then come meet me in my office. Hopefully we can get this taken care of before court ends today, though it may take some time to actually get our case seen depending on… well, several reasons. Princess Luna, do you think you can set the sun tonight?”

Luna sighed before nodding. “Yes, though if I must also raise it tomorrow morning, I will be fairly drained. Hopefully, Twilight will recover enough from her abrupt transformation to bring the dawn.”

“I agree. Well, then it seems that is our plan. Princess Celestia, I’ll see you shortly.” With that said, True Thought bowed to both his Princesses and headed towards his office, grabbing a larger cup of coffee on the way. He was going to be needing it before the day was over he was certain. Of all the ponies I could be asked to use the truth stone upon, the very last would’ve been Princess Celestia.

Shining Armor sighed happily as he lounged on the beach, sipping some kind of fruity tropical drink with a swirly straw as he watched Cadance play in the waves. “This… this is wonderful. After that whole thing with the changelings and being brainwashed, being here on this tropical beach with my new wife… Everything is just perfect.” His ear flicked as he heard the hooves of some pony walking very quickly through the sand. He looked up to see one of the two guards Princess Luna insisted accompany them standing just a few feet from where he was laying down. The guard, a unicorn mare Shining Armor knew quite well, was clutching several newspapers in her magic.

“Captain, sorry to disturb you, but I think that you and the princess really need to take a look at what’s going on in Canterlot right now.” The mare caught her breath and tried to look serious and dignified, but Shining Armor could easily see her worry.

Shining Armor nodded and stood up, waving a hoof to where Cadance was frolicking. He truly hated to interrupt her, especially when she waved back with a huge smile covering her muzzle, but he shook his head and gestured for her to come over.

Cadance frowned, but nodded, leaving the water and galloping over with salt water dripping from her coat, mane, and tail. “What is it, Shiny? Oh! Heather?” She smiled at the young guard. “Is something the matter?”

“You—you could definitely say that, Princess. News from Canterlot has reached us even here in the tropics.” Heather gave the newspapers to Cadance and Shining Armor with a bow of her head.

Cadance frowned. “Well, it’s easy to understand that news of our wedding and the invasion would reach here, but I don’t understand what you…” Cadance trailed off as she took a look at the headline of the newspaper she was holding before glancing over to where Shining Armor was staring in shock.

“I think… we may need to cut our honeymoon short, Cadance,” Shining Armor said after a moment, shaking his head in disbelief.

“I, yeah, I think you’re right.” Cadance nuzzled her husband’s side before kissing his cheek. “Besides, I think they need us.”

“Yeah, hang on Twily; BBBFF is coming.” Shining Armor galloped to their hut on the beach and began to pack while Cadance took one final look at the paper’s headline.

Twilight Sparkle declared acting regent to the sun by Princess Luna

“Yeah, We’re coming…” Cadance shook her head pushing back her worries for her aunt and her favorite foal and raced after her husband to help pack.

We’ll be there soon.