• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 5,332 Views, 182 Comments

A New Dawn - Foals Errand

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Luna's Day At Court

Author's Note:

No Twilight or Celestia in this chapter. This is all Luna.:heart:

Luna settled into Celestia’s throne and sighed as she tried to get comfortable. “Attention, everypony. My dear elder sister, Princess Celestia, has taken ill, and until she is well I shall be acting as a temporary regent to the day. With that said, I call this Court of the Day to open.”

A nervous looking green stallion stepped forward and bowed deeply. “Your Highness, the great and luminous Princess Luna.”

Luna waved a hoof at him. “Princess Luna is fine, my little pony. Now what is your petition?”

“Ah, well, that is... i-it’s a silly little thing…” He kept his eyes on the floor.

Luna smiled. “Come now, no petition is silly to myself or my sister.”

“Well, Princess Luna, I was hoping to get a loan. You see, I’m just starting out and my friend and I are trying to start a company.” He finally looked up.

“Oh, what type of company are you hoping to receive a loan to start?” Luna asked, curiously glancing at his cutie mark; it seemed to be an apple with a bite taken out of it.

“Well, you’ve seen the arcade cabinets around, haven’t you?” he asked, feeling a bit braver.

Luna nodded. “Indeed. In fact, I have one within my bedroom for my own personal use. Go on.”

“Well, we want to manufacture something like that, but to be used for more than just a single video game which any pony would be able to use. Such ideas we had include a hoof writing program and even an electrical abacus for computing. We call our idea a ‘computer.’”

Luna tapped her chin. “Well, now I am intrigued... How much of a loan are you young stallions hoping for?”

He coughed delicately. “Twenty two hundred bits, Your Highness.”

Luna cocked her head in consideration. “I will give you a loan of one hundred thousand bits if I receive twenty percent ownership. Is that fair, my good colt?”

The stallion suddenly froze and then nodded slowly, coming to grips with the reality that the offer was actually happening. “O-of course, Princess Luna... Thank you, thank you!”

Luna smiled. “Honed Edge, please make a receipt for the colt. Er, what is your name, my little pony?”

The stallion blinked. “Oh, I almost completely forgot! My name is Apple Chip.”

“Very well, Apple Chip. Honed Edge, please write a receipt for Apple Chip to take down to the treasury. I greatly look forward to seeing what you and your friend can do.”

Apple Chip bowed deeply and beamed. “Thank you, Princess Luna, thank you so very much!” He took the piece of parchment from the guard and practically skipped from the throne room.

Luna couldn’t help but give a small smile. “That was quite enjoyable. What is next?”

“Next is a young couple with their newborn filly. They were actually wanting to speak with you anyways so this works out well, Your Highness.”

“Wonderful, have them enter.” Luna smiled as the couple came in pushing a carriage.

“Your Highness, Princess Luna. I am Willow and this is my husband, Orion. We were hoping you would bless our first born filly; her name is Nightshade.”

Luna got up and slowly crept over to the carriage and peeked into it to see the dark blue filly peering up with big blue eyes and a stuck up dark green mane. “She's wide awake.”

“Oh yes, normally she's only up when the moon is. I think she sensed we were coming to see you, Your Highness.” Willow smiled gently. “We feel she's destined to be part of the night.”

Luna blinked at that and gave a warm smile. “May I hold her?”

Willow nodded. “Oh yes, of course, Princess Luna! We’d be honored, right, Orion?”

The stallion smiled. “We would, yes.”

Luna carefully lifted Nightshade into her hooves. “Hello, Nightshade. I am Princess Luna, and in the name of the night I wish to bless you, my little filly. May you shine as bright as the moon and may your intelligence be as vast as the stars in the sky. May every one of your dreams come true.” With that, Luna kissed both of Nightshade’s cheeks, hearing the filly’s happy burbles before laying her back in her carriage.

Nightshade looked up and her lip trembled. “Ah… Ah!”

Luna placed her hoof on her nose. “Relax, child, I have a gift for you.” Luna ran a hoof through her mane, capturing a single star and placing the star in her green mane. “Have no fear; it won’t hurt your dear filly.”

Willow blushed and bowed before receiving her daughter once more. “Thank you! Oh, thank you, Princess Luna!”

Luna smiled and waved as the new family walked out. Luna continued to smile as she returned to her throne. “So far this has been wonderful! Who is next?”

The crier hesitated, not wanting to ruin Luna’s streak of positive petitions but having no choice. “Announcing Prince Blueblood!”

The corners of Luna’s lips twitched as her nephew trotted into the throne room, not even bothering to bow. “Yes, nephew? What is it?” Celestia had told her once how Blueblood was the ancestor of their brother who had been a mortal earth pony, though Luna sometimes wondered what happened to her brother’s charity; he was well known for it, but looking at his many-greats grandson that was obviously not an inherited trait.

“Auntie Luna, I was informed that the Nightmare which took you from us so long ago was spotted again!” Blueblood modeled his face to look worried, though Luna could see the gleam in his eyes.

“Yes, Blueblood, that is true, but the situation has been taken care of.” Luna forced herself to keep her wings folded against her sides. Calm down, Luna, he is only trying to give reason why you should not be regent. Just breathe...

“Then the Nightmare has once again been chained and banished?” Blueblood perked his head just so.

“The Nightmare has been dealt with, Blueblood, that is all I can tell you at this time.” Luna breathed through her nostrils, slowly keeping her voice even.

“Oh? Well, my friend from colthood, he was the prosecutor in the case against Nightmare. He stated that Auntie Celestia was taken by the Nightmare, is that not true?” Blueblood allowed a bit of satisfaction to show on his face as Luna flexed her wings.

“Yes, that is true, Blueblood. Your aunt was damaged due to the changelings attacking, though she is not being controlled by the Nightmare.” Luna gritted her teeth but managed to speak cordially with her nephew.

“Oh dear! Poor Auntie! Can anything be done for her appearance?” Blueblood brought a hoof to his mouth in mock concern.

“We are doing all we can to help Celestia through this, I have no doubt this will be a temporary thing.”

“Oh, then you mean to act as regent until Auntie Celestia is well again?” Blueblood smiled with an almost hidden sneer.

“Nephew, I will fill in for Celestia until I am no longer needed.” Luna briefly closed her eyes.

“I see... and what of your duties to the night?” Blueblood smiled, his eyes staring straight into Luna’s.

“This will be very temporary, Blueblood; a new temporary day regent has been found. It should only be a day or two until I am able to return to my own duties.” Luna smiled at him. Oh, I am going to enjoy this!

“A n-new regent? I thought cousin Mi Amore Cadenza was still enjoying her honeymoon?”

“I believe she prefers to be called ‘Cadance,’ and yes: she is still on her honeymoon and Celestia refuses to recall her.”

“Well then, who will be taking Auntie Celestia’s spot? Er, temporarily, I mean?” Blueblood caught himself before his fur began to stand up.

“Oh, the choice was simple: her most faithful and beloved student and personal protege, Twilight Sparkle, will be taking over.” Luna smiled in satisfaction.

Blueblood’s ear flicked a bit as he gained a barely noticeable twitch to his right eye. “T-twilight Spackle, you say?”

Sparkle. And yes, Celestia is quite certain she is right for the job, and I must agree. After all, without Twilight I never would have been reunited with my dear sister or regained my sanity. She is truly my savior, now was there anything else?” Luna smiled cocking her head.

“Ah, yes... Well, I would like to receive my weekly allowance?” Blueblood hesitantly asked.

Luna nodded. “Of course. Honed Edge, please give my nephew a receipt to take to the treasury so he may withdraw his allowance.”

Blueblood took the slip of paper and walked out his tail between his legs.

Luna beamed over at Celestia’s guard captain. “That was far more enjoyable than I initially thought! Now, who is next?”