• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 5,334 Views, 182 Comments

A New Dawn - Foals Errand

  • ...

Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Before I get to this chapter, I'd like to explain why Celestia was arrested and the trial. The reason she was arrested, is that simply put, she looks like a Nightmare version of herself, and as it's only been a single day since the changelings attempted to invade the guards are on high alert. They don't want to be caught with their pants down again so to speak.

As for the trial, it wasn't one it was more akin to a bail hearing. Celestia was arrested but is she going to be allowed to go home before her trial, or does she stay in jail? That's all that was. I hope that helps with any confusion!

Celestia swallowed the last bit of her breakfast and licked her lips. “I must admit, eating was a bit more difficult than I thought it was going to be. These sharp teeth truly aren’t just for looks, are they?”

Luna smiled and shrugged. “Celestia, if there was one thing I’m thankful about you banishing me so quickly after I became the Nightmare is that I never did find out for certain if those sharp teeth were necessary.” She put a hoof to her chin and considered. “However, it does seem that we will be forced to find out whether they truly are.” She shook her head in dismissal. “A problem for another day.”

Twilight quietly stacked the dishes, levitating them back onto the cart before returning to where the sisters were now sipping tea. “So, what happens now?”

Celestia smiled gently. “Well, there is something I do wish to discuss with you, Twilight.”

Luna sighed. “I think this is foolish, Tia. It’s likely to drive you both insane.”

Twilight sat down and licked her lips. “Insane? W-why would something that Princess Celestia thinks will help drive me insane?”

“I specified that it would drive you both insane, Twilight Sparkle, but I will allow Celestia to explain it, as it was her spell to begin with, after all.” Luna took a deep sip of her tea, getting comfortable on the couch to watch.

Celestia smiled. “Come here and sit with me, Twilight, so that I may tell you a story?”

Twilight nodded and sat next to Celestia, smiling as she laid her large black wing over her back. It feels exactly the same…

“Long ago, during one of the many battles which occurred not long after the windigos were banished, I noticed that several of the soldiers were having a problem; a very difficult problem to handle. You see, this was the first time ponies of different races battled with one another and not against one another, so there was distrust between them, to the point that even I could sense it. I wasn’t as you know me now, Twilight. In fact, I’m not certain if I’d be able to describe exactly what I was at the time... I suppose the simplest explanation is that I was a spirit?” Celestia looked over to Luna. “Would that be how you’d describe us, Luna?”

Luna considered for a moment and shrugged. “As best an analogy as any I suppose, Sister.”

Celestia nodded. “You see, Twilight, Luna and I have always been here, just not always as ponies. The easiest way to describe me, I suppose, is that I am the part of the sun, which is a pony. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but for now, that will do. Now, seeing all these soldiers filled with distrust caused me pain. I hurt for them, so I decided I would help them.”

Twilight looked into the fire as she tried to imagine what it must have been like to be alive that long ago. Though she knew the history behind it, the idea that ponies used to fight one another because of their race was hard for Twilight to really understand, even after being in the Hearth’s Warming play last winter.

“I’m afraid I chose a poor way to help them, Twilight. You see, I decided... well, I thought if they could understand what the others did then they would more easily be able to trust one another, and so I linked them. Three stallions: a Pegasus, an Earth pony, and a Unicorn.”

“What do you mean by ‘linked,’ Princess? You mean you bound them to one another like we are?”

Twilight looked up at Celestia to see her looking away. Why won’t she look at me?

“N-not exactly, Twilight, I bound them far deeper. You see, I made it so that they would be able to see one another’s thoughts; there would be no secrets between them. They also were able to use one anothers’ strengths. An example is that the earth pony was able to use magic in a similar way as the unicorn would. It was supposed to make them comrades... brothers... b-but it was to much too soon.”

“What happened to them, Princess?”

“They went mad, Twilight Sparkle. I watched them as they battled against one another. Even in their dreams they were never alone in their own heads.” Luna closed her eyes and shivered. “It was horrifying.”

“It was more than that, Twilight. It got to the point where they couldn’t handle being away from one another… They found a spell created by dark magic; something that to this day I cannot understand. Their only desire was to be as one, and this magic granted it.” Celestia looked down at Twilight, her crackling mane seemingly limp, almost as if the fire within was dying. “They became Discord, Twilight.”

Twilight stared up into Celestia’s eyes, gaping in shock as she tried to process what she was just told. “Y-you mean you created Discord, Princess Celestia?”

“Yes, and that is why Luna and I are ponies. First, we were born to stop Discord, but also as a punishment. I was being punished for creating Discord in the first place, and Luna… Luna was punished for not stopping me. The universe thought that after a few millennia as ponies we would be crying out for forgiveness.” Celestia smiled and wrapped her wing tighter around Twilight before nuzzling her cheek. “I no longer see it as a punishment. I am happy as a pony, happy to be Princess Celestia.”

“I feel the same, Twilight Sparkle. Yes, I tantrumed for a bit, not understanding the wonder of the gift I was given, but I have put that behind me now.” Luna smiled before trotting back to sit with them. “It seems the Universe is not as all-seeing as Celestia and I believed it to be.”

Twilight closed her eyes as she was embraced by two ponies she loved and who loved her back. “Princess Celestia is… are you wanting to use the same spell on me?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, but don’t worry, Twilight. See, the difference between those three stallions and you and I is simple: we already trust and love one another. This is just a backup in case one of us isn’t acting as we normally do.” She placed a black hoof on her chest with a smile. “Case and point.”

“I-I think I understand, but what will this mean for me and for you?” Twilight asked as she left the comfort of Celestia’s wing so to more easily look up at her.

“Well, first and foremost, if we wish to we’ll be able to sense one another’s thoughts, though if at all possible I ask that you not speak within my mind. Luna and I have both had some bad experiences with voices in our heads.” Celestia grinned a bit cheekily as Luna rolled her eyes.

Twilight managed to contain the giggles threatening to escape as she nodded. “Alright, noted: no speaking in your mind unless it’s an emergency. What else?”

“Well, you and I will be drawn together as, how do I put this... more than friends.” Celestia blushed as Twilight’s eyes widened.

“You mean I’ll see you as a l-lover?”

Celestia shrugged. “It is entirely possible, but only if the feelings were there prior to this. Otherwise, our bond would be more akin to sisters.”

Twilight thought for a few moments. Do I feel that way for Celestia? I know I have admiration for her. I trust and love her, but do I love her like that? I’m just not sure... “Is there anything else?”

Celestia gazed at the floor, not able to even look at Twilight. “As I mentioned, the stallions under this bond were able to use one anothers’ talents. There is a high probability that you may find yourself as an alicorn, Twilight.”

Luna watched as Twilight’s eyes widened to a degree Luna would of thought impossible before witnessing it for herself.

“An alicorn? Me? Princess, I love you, but I don’t think…” Twilight stopped, feeling a bit tongue tied as she saw Celestia looking down at her with a slightly guilty expression on her face.

“Truthfully, Twilight, I’ve long hoped that you would be able to become an alicorn. I believe this would only amount in speeding up the inevitable.”

“She has told me many times, Twilight Sparkle, and I must agree that it does appear entirely likely that you would prove yourself to walk upon the celestial path. This is just a... ah, how you say... a kick to your bottom?” Luna tried to look serious even as a smile tugged at her lips. “Not that we would be unhappy to have you join us. I quite believe that you would breathe a breath of fresh air into some of these stuffy meetings Celestia and I must attend.”

Twilight simply stared into the fire. An alicorn? Me? And Princess Celestia felt it was going to happen anyways?

“It’s even more than that, Twilight. You see, until we can either change me back to me or come up with a reason for why I look like this, I’m going to need a regent to take over both my duties as Princess of the Day but also the guiding of the sun. Luna can do it temporarily, of course, but she has her own duties and responsibilities, and... well, Twilight, it comes down to this: there are only three ponies alive who are allowed to be regent to me. The first is Princess Cadance, but seeing as she is on her honeymoon and has a destiny of her own, I am loathe to recall her. The second is my only living blood relative other than Luna: my nephew, Blueblood. However, you’ve seen enough of his antics to understand why I cringe at having to choose him. My final choice is you, Twilight, my beloved personal and most faithful student. Not only do I hold you in the highest regards and trust you, but I also know you are capable enough and strong enough to survive this without going mad.”

Twilight closed her eyes as her ears pinned back. “Princess, I won’t pretend to deny that I, like all other fillies, have had dreams and fantasies of being a princess. In fact, I may have had those thoughts far more often than most, what with both my teacher and foal sitter being princesses. And I will never deny that my dream has always to be by your side, but I always felt it would be as your assistant, like Raven, or in my greatest dreams, your arch mage… This, what you are asking of me, goes so far beyond anything I even thought could be true. M-may I have just a few moments to think alone? Or as alone as I can be, that is,” she finished a bit lamely, glancing down at the still-visible gold chain connecting her to Celestia.

“Oh yes, of course, Twilight. Let's see... Luna, can you help me move the couch about thirty feet away from the balcony? Twilight can go and sit out there while I stay in here with the door closed. Will that be enough privacy, my faithful student?” Celestia smiled before nuzzling her cheek.

“It will suffice nicely. Thank you, Princess.” Twilight smiled, returning the nuzzle as Luna carefully moved the couch into position. Celestia clamored onto it then nodded to Twilight.

“Alright go on outside take as long as you need Twilight.” With that said Celestia laid her head down closing her eyes as Twilight trotted outside closing the door behind her.

Twilight sat down once the door was closed; if she hadn’t she was certain she would’ve fallen.

“An alicorn… like Princess Celestia, and Luna and Cadance.” She shook her head. “Alright, Twilight, get it together. Pros and cons. Pro: as an alicorn I'd have access to unlimited magic. Con: alicorns have a very long life span; some even speculate they are immortal… Pro: Rainbow Dash will have a new flying buddy; con: I’ll see her and all the rest of my friends die. Pro: I’ll be able to help Applejack without my unicorn magic. Pro: I’ll be able to take over some of the paperwork which keeps Luna so busy; I know Pip would love to see her again. Pro: I’ll be with Princess Celestia; con: I… I’ll have to leave Ponyville.” Twilight sighed, rubbing her temples.

“More pros than cons, but are the cons still outweighing the pros?”

Twilight looked out over the city, able to just see Ponyville in the distance. “I’ll be able to always be with Princess Celestia and make sure she's not alone. She's done so much for me... I can do this for her. I can be by her side as a sister.” Twilight smiled to herself at an errant thought. “Besides, whom better than me to keep the memories of my friends alive for generations to come?” With that final thought, Twilight opened the door and walked back in.

“Alright, Princess Celestia, I’ll do it.”

Celestia lifted her head in surprise and smiled. “You will? Oh, Twilight, you don’t know what this means to me.”

Luna shook her head with a small chuckle. “I am not at all surprised that you decided to do this, Twilight, especially knowing how close you are to my sister. All I can say is that I look forward to calling you ‘Sister’ as well.”

Twilight licked her lips and smiled nervously up at Celestia. “Alright... w-what happens now?”

“Well, for now, my dear Twilight Sparkle, I’d prefer to just rest. This spell is better cast upon the rising of the sun, and I must admit my horn is still aching from that… Queen.” Celestia snorted, her mane crackling more fiercely around her head.

Luna placed a hoof on Celestia’s back. “Calm down, Celestia, calm down. Getting angry will do nothing to help you regain your power.”

Celestia snorted again, but her ears pinned back as if she had been chastised. “I know, Luna, but I am unable to do anything else. If I were not in this body or under this house arrest, I...I’d—”

“Go out looking for her? Celestia, listen to yourself; that doesn’t sound like the big sister I have always looked up to.” Luna frowned. “Tia, what is wrong?”

“I-I’m not sure... I just feel like it's more difficult to control my emotions as I normally do. I suspect it is another parting gift from the Nightmare.” Celestia laid her head down on her front leg and closed her eyes.

“Twilight, I’m going to go check on things. If you have need of me send a guard, alright?” Luna brushed Celestia’s mane from her eyes with a gentle hoof while looking into Twilight’s eyes for confirmation. Twilight nodded in reply. “Sister, I’ll return after setting the sun and raising the moon, alright?”

Celestia gave a small nod. “I understand.”

Luna hesitated a brief moment, then left the room after giving Twilight a comforting smile. The door clicked closed behind her.

Twilight looked down at Celestia and smiled. “Princess, I’m angry too, you know?”

Celestia opened a single glowing eye and peered up. “Well, I’m not exactly surprised. I mean, she did kidnap you and make us all think you were jealous…”

“Yes, that’s true... but do you know why I’m most angry, Princess?” Twilight asked, climbing onto the couch to snuggle up to Celestia.

“Why are you most angry, Twilight?” Celestia smiled softly while draping a wing around Twilight’s back. I bet it’s because I was hurt. Oh, Twilight…

“I’m most angry, Princess, because instead of coming to you or even Luna for help to plead their case when we might have been able to figure out a compromise of some type between our species, they instead treated us like non-sentient food sources and attacked!” Twilight closed her eyes tight. “And because of that, I have trouble feeling sorry for the fact they were starving, even though I know I should be.”

Celestia opened her eyes and looked at Twilight. “That… is amazingly insightful, Twilight. Why didn’t the queen come to us first? There's something that we’re missing here. First thing to do, I think, is figure out exactly where the changelings came from and then find out where they landed after Cadance and Shining Armor’s spell kicked them out of the city.” Celestia got off the couch and walked halfway across the room before she stopped. “And I can’t do any of that.” She sat down hard. “I can’t do anything to help my country nor anypony else. Oh, Twilight…”

Twilight quickly crossed the room and nuzzled up to Celestia’s chest. “Oh, Princess, i-it’s not forever, I’m sure! Working together we’ll get you back to your old self!”

Celestia held Twilight close to her and slowly ran her hoof through Twilight’s mane, silent tears running down her cheek.