• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 5,332 Views, 177 Comments

A New Dawn - Foals Errand

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Chapter 2

“I surrender.” Celestia whispered.

The room grew silent. If a pin had been dropped it would have made an echo. “I surrender, I won’t fight or run. I-I surrender.” Slowly, ever so cautiously, Celestia laid down on her belly, her horn touching the ground with her wings fully spread and covering the floor.

Luna watched, her mouth gaping at what she was seeing. Celestia, you foolish mare! What are you doing?

One of the guards stepped over cautiously. The other followed, a stun spell still prepared being held on the tip of his horn. “Very well, Nightmare… You are under arrest for treason. You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law.” He took a inhibitor ring from his armor with his mouth. His partner continued to read Celestia her rights as the first carefully slid the ring over Nightmare’s horn. “Stand up.”

Celestia nodded as she slowly and shakily got to her feet. From the moment Twilight had screamed she knew it would end with her in a cell. Yet another thing we will have to figure out, my faithful student. Celestia hoped her going willingly without a fight would help Twilight in the near future when everything was explained. She truly hoped it would.

A piece of cloth was tied around Celestia’s barrel, holding her wings tight against her sides. While others would have thought chains would have been a better way to restrain the wings of pegasus prisoners, Celestia knew the truth. In fact, this cloth which resembled silk in its texture was stronger than steel.

Luna caught Celestia’s eye as the guard finished binding her wings. Luna’s own wings fluffed out in sympathy. Slowly, so that her sister could carefully understand, she mouthed: You don’t have to do this.

Celestia closed her eyes before turning to look at where Twilight was—still in the corner curled into a ball—then back to Luna. There is no other choice, she mouthed with a wince as the guard pulled a bit tighter than required. Don’t let her blame herself. She finished as the two guards placed heavy weights on each of her legs.

“Alright, looks good on my side. Star Swimmer?”

“All is good here. Luckily most of the visitors the palace had last night are still asleep or have already left.” With a nod he turned to Celestia. “Alright, now step out of the room and stop in the hallway. Go no further or you will be hit with so many stun spells you won’t even know what your name is. Do you understand? Nod if you do.”

Celestia closed her eyes and gave the smallest of a nod before walking from the room. The first guard followed directly after her as Star Swimmer turned to Luna. “Princess Luna, I believe Twilight Sparkle may be in need of medical care. Would you?”

Luna bit back a reply before snorting through her nose. “Yes, I will handle it. Be off with thee.”

Star Swimmer nodded, following after his partner. Luna listened until she could hear their hoof steps no more before sighing and turning to Twilight. The young mare was still curled up and trembling in the corner.

“Twilight Sparkle, please look up. It’s only me, your friend Luna.” Thinking a moment, Luna took off her crown and set it next to Celestia’s on her desk. She sat next to Twilight, placing a wing over her. “See? No crown or anything. Please, Twilight?”

Luna was prepared for many things, but Twilight Sparkle throwing herself into her embrace was not one of them. Luna cooed into Twilight’s ear, slowly rubbing her back until Twilight’s sobs slowed to soft hiccups every few moments. Luna sighed before holding out a handkerchief. “Here. Dry your eyes, my dear friend.”

Twilight nodded, still sniffling and her eyes red from irritation. She wiped her nose before turning to Luna. “Wh-what happened? I don’t... was this my fault? Was Princess Celestia injured by that Changeling Queen because we weren’t able to get the Elements like she asked?”

Luna shook her head gently. “No, Twilight. No, I promise you that you are not at fault in any way shape or form for what has happened to my sister. It seems that she was fooled by the Nightmare as I was so very long ago.”

Twilight’s breath caught and Luna could see her pupils dilate in fear. “Th-then you... is she…”

Luna cocked her head while trying to figure out what Twilight was trying to say before her eyes widened in realization. “Oh no, no! I promise you nopony will be banishing Celestia to the moon or the sun. In fact, she shouldn’t even be in the dungeons at all. You see, though Celestia was tricked by the Nightmare, she is not being controlled as I was. I know it’s difficult to believe but under the cover of the Nightmare, Celestia is still the same mare you and I both know and love.”

Twilight closed her eyes with a shudder before burying her head into Luna’s chest. “Then why… why did she…”

“Allow herself to be tricked? I… well I think the Nightmare used you, Twilight. The fact Sister did not trust you. That and other reasons I’m sure.” Luna shook her head. “Now I just have to convince her to leave the dungeons.”

“I want to help, please Luna. If this is my fau—” Luna placed her hoof to Twilight’s mouth.

“No, you are not at fault. Don’t ever believe that, just know that for you I believe Celestia would do anything.”

Twilight nodded once as Luna removed her hoof. “You are going down to the dungeons to let her out?”

Luna stood up and stretched her wings. “That is my intention. Unfortunately, not all of the palace guards have a fondness for me and believe the sentiment is shared by myself. So depending who is taking over for Shining Armor it may be more complex than just me going down and ordering her release, but I have hope that that won’t be the case.” Luna levitated her crown back on. “In all likelihood, I can get her released as long as she is magically bonded to somepony. I doubt they would allow it to be me, seeing as how I have already been tainted by the Nightmare. Normally I would think Princess Cadance or Shining Armor would be chosen, but seeing as they are on their honeymoon I am loathe to call them back.”

Twilight hesitated a moment before standing up all four legs, slightly quivering. “Could it be me?”

Luna looked over at her for a few moments without saying a word. “Are you certain? Getting all of this cleared up will take some time; you would have to stay here in Canterlot, as I assure you the courts would never allow Celestia to leave the palace, let alone Canterlot.”

“I’m sure. Princess Celestia is my teacher and my mentor. She has done so much for me, the very least I can do is be here for her when she really needs me. I’m certain that Mayor Mare will be able to find somepony else to run the library for the time I need to be here, and Spike can stay in Ponyville so I can keep in touch with my friends via dragon fire. In fact, maybe Spike could be the temporary librarian. He’s always telling me that he's not a baby anymore, and this is the perfect chance for him to show everypony just how grown up he’s become.”

Luna smiled. “Alright then, we’ll head directly to the court and get this taken care of. After that, we’ll get Celestia out of the dungeon. Now, come walk with me, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight watched as Luna left the room at a brisk but royal trot and bit her lip. I can do this... I know I can do this. It’s for Princess Celestia! With a firm nod Twilight galloped to catch up to Luna.

Celestia looked around the dungeons as she was led down the staircase slowly to keep her from tripping. I’ve been meaning to have this destroyed… but maybe the better idea would be to instead have it updated. Yes, once I get out of here that’ll go to the top of my to do list… When I get out of here.

“Prisoner, stop!” One of the guards—Celestia thought her name was Pussywillow—ordered at the bottom of the stairs. Another two guards stood waiting for her; these two were in charge of the dungeon area. Celestia eyed them carefully. Hmmm... one solar guard, Eyeshine; and one Lunar guard, Moonbeam. Interesting.

“Transfer of prisoner complete. Thank you,” Moonbeam stated softly, her voice like a bell. “Prisoner, follow me please. For your own safety I suggest you do not attempt to run, understand?”

Celestia nodded and followed after Moonbeam as Eyeshine opened the first cell and the one closest to where the guards spent their time. As Celestia walked in, Eyeshine’s horn glowed, removing the cloth from her wings and the weights from her ankles the. Nullifier was kept on her horn; an action which Celestia understood. The door was then locked and a key turned. Celestia turned to look at her cell: a toilet was in the corner (to her relief it was even clean), and against the wall was a writing desk. A barred window was built into the wall just above it. If Celestia looked through it she could see one of her gardens; it was beautiful even with the bars marring her view. On the opposite side of the cell from the toilet was a cot already made up. After a few moments Celestia sat down on the cot and closed her eyes.

“Miss?” Celestia looked up to see Moonbeam at the bars, a soft smile on her muzzle. “If you have any reasonable requests I’d be happy to help you.”

Celestia smiled, taking in the sight of the young thestral mare. Her armor didn’t quite fit the way it should. “Recently graduated from the academy?”

“Yes, how could you tell? Oh, my uniform... Yeah it’ll be another week or so until my tailored one is ready. Luckily one of the other guards is close to my size. So, is there anything I can get you?”

Celestia considered. “Well, I doubt I'd be allowed a quill right now...” She saw Moonbeam nod to indicate that that was true. “Well a few books would be nice, then and maybe some parchment and a few crayons?”

“I’m sure that would be acceptable, any particular books which you would prefer?” Moonbeam asked, taking a step back.

“Oh no. I quite enjoy most any books, so please use your own judgement and surprise me.” Celestia smiled, but it quickly died as she saw Moonbeam shiver. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to…” She trailed off and walked back to her cot, sitting down and closing her eyes. If I know Luna then it is likely that she stayed to speak with Twilight before doing anything else. Depending on how well my precious student takes this, I may be down here awhile… Her eyes gazed out the window where she could see a bird sitting on a small bench.

“You are so lucky... Truly you don't understand what freedom is until it is gone from your life.”

Luna paced as Twilight sat in one of the chairs. “Imagine if Celestia asked them to speak on a case. They would, but since it is I, no. They have a docket which must be followed. Feh. A pox on them.”

“It’s alright, Luna, it shouldn’t take much longer for this case to end. It's a fairly simple custody hearing, besides; it gives us time to figure out what to say.” Twilight smiled gently up at Luna, who was able to see that that smile didn't quite match Twilight’s eyes.

“What do you mean by what we are going to say?” Luna lifted an eyebrow as she paused in her pacing. “We will tell them the truth.”

Twilight shook her head. “That Princess Celestia willingly welcomed the Nightmare into her? After the changelings invaded us nonetheless? I worry that we’ll be accused of being mad, or worse: in partnership with the Nightmare. Let me speak to the judge, Luna. After all, it is I who am asking for this procedure to be performed.”

Luna clicked her tongue before sighing. “Very well, Twilight Sparkle. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I will, how do you say... ‘keep my muzzle shut?’”

Twilight smiled, opening her mouth to either thank Luna or to inform her the proper phrase was “keep my mouth shut”, just as the door opened and a mare poked her head out. “Ms. Sparkle, Princess Luna? The judge will hear your case now.”

Twilight got down from her chair and followed after Luna into the courtroom, where she sat behind the defendant’s table with Luna beside her. At the prosecutor’s table sat a stern looking stallion whom Twilight did not recognize. The bailiff walked up to the bench. “Nightmare Moon versus Equestria. Judge Hammer Wing proceeding. Please stand.”

The three ponies in the courtroom stood as a dark grey pegasus walked in from the room behind the bench then sat down. “Be seated.”

They all took a seat as the bailiff floated a folder over to Judge Hammer Wing. “This is case D78831: Equestria vs. Nightmare Moon. All parties are present.”

The judge nodded. “Alright. What is this in regards to, Miss?”

“Twilight Sparkle, Your Honor. I’m the personal protege to Princess Celestia.”

“Yes, Miss Sparkle, and I notice Princess Luna sitting beside you, yet I was under the assumption that this was a case involving Nightmare Moon?”

“Ah. Yes it is—and it’s not—Your Honor. You see, last night there was an incident at my brother, Shining Armor, and sister-in-law, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s wedding.” Twilight licked her lips. Come on, Twilight, you can do this! It’s the best explanation and the most likely one to get Princess Celestia freed, just stay calm.

The judge nodded his head. “Yes, the changelings’ attempted invasion was quite a horrid event. However, it appears that all ponies escaped whole and even the young Princess was alright after a good meal, now what does that have to do with a trial involving Nightmare Moon?”

Twilight took a deep breath before glancing at Luna, who nodded in approval. “Well, Your Honor, it’s not true that everypony was unharmed during the event. In fact, Princess Celestia got a rather bad burn to her horn due to magical backfire when she was fighting against the Changeling Queen. This backfire left her unable to do magic for several hours and led to her being held captive in a changeling cocoon.”

The judge nodded. “I see... Yes, I was unaware of that. But I urge you to get to the point, Miss Sparkle.”

“Ah yes, of course. After she was freed from the cocoon, Princess Celestia seemed alright—if not a bit tired—though I fear it may have been worse than we thought. She was more than lethargic; it seems she may have lost a bit of the natural protection she normally retains against spirits such as the Nightmare.”

The judge lifted a single eyebrow to indicate that he was listening. Twilight levitated the glass of water to her lips and took a sip, then continued. “After Princess Celestia left the reception last night, guards report having heard strange noises coming from her room. They couldn't say for certain but they felt that the Princess was talking to somepony, though they further claimed that they saw no pony enter or leave the Princess’s quarters.”

“Which guards were these?” The judge asked, placing his glasses on as to rest on his muzzle.

Twilight took out two pieces of parchment. “Lunar guards Sky Beam and Rough Shot. These are the reports they made, which were signed off on by their captain, Sure Clip.” Twilight levitated the two reports to the bailiff, who placed them on the bench for judge Hammer Wing to pursue, which he did without making a noise. Finally, he nodded.

“Alright, Ms. Sparkle, that seems in order. Please continue.” The bailiff took the papers and returned them to Twilight.

“Well, we aren’t exactly sure what happened next, but when Princess Luna noticed tha—”

“Thats enough, Miss Sparkle, I’ll hear Princess Luna’s observations from her own lips. Princess Luna?”

Luna blinked, remembering what Twilight had said about keeping her mouth shut, before nodding towards him. “Of course, Your Honor. As Twilight Sparkle was about to say, at 5:43 am this morning, I noticed that though my moon was no longer following the normal schedule in which it should have been moving below the horizon—feeling that it needed a nudge—I reached out to go do so; at which point I felt a magic which I had not been privy to since a year or more ago. My moon was... it had been touched at length by no other than the Nightmare’s magic.”

Luna paused for a moment to take a drink while trying to gauge what the judge was thinking. It was a fruitless task though, as the judge appeared to have only one expression. “Worried that the Nightmare was once more trying to take me, I raced to my sister’s quarters. Once there, I broke her door—on accident I swear—and saw that in my sister’s place was the being I was the most terrified of. I automatically assumed the worst, but the Nightmare was not acting as it normally did. How I remembered, in fact, is that she seemed to be in a crying panic and her eyes were darting around. I quickly became convinced that this was not the Nightmare at all, but was in fact my sister, Princess Celestia. Into much of a… ‘grief’ I would call it, I took the sun in my grasp and raised it, which was why the sun rose a bit later than normal this morning. Once I had gotten Celestia calm, she told me how the Nightmare tricked her and got through her shield, but she had destroyed it.”

“Princess Luna, if Princess Celestia destroyed the Nightmare then can you explain why the guards Pussywillow and Starswimmer arrested Nightmare Moon once she surrendered to them?” Judge Hammer Wing asked as he looked over their reports. “According to this: after hearing Miss Sparkle's screams they entered to see Nightmare Moon close to Miss Sparkle. They readied themselves to stun her but she quickly surrendered to them and was led away without a word.”

“I cannot explain why Celestia is still in the form of the Nightmare. I can only say what Celestia told me, and that is that the Nightmare cursed her with her dying breath that Celestia would bear the Nightmare’s mark for life,” Luna stated while shaking her head.

“I see. Alright, thank you, Princess Luna. Miss Sparkle, you agree with Princess Luna’s assumption that the Nightmare is in fact Princess Celestia having been cursed by the Nightmare?” Judge Hammer Wing asked. He turned to look at Twilight. who nodded.

“Yes, Your Honor. You must understand that though I had an immediate reaction I am a very logical mare, and after seeing that Princess Celestia surrendered completely and hearing Princess Luna’s conversation with her, there is no doubt in my mind that the mare in the dungeons is in fact Princess Celestia.” Twilight smiled at the judge. “Princess Luna and I simply want her released.”

Judge Hammer Wing nodded in reply. “Alright. Thank you, Miss Sparkle and Princess Luna. Prosecutor Lightning Rod, do you have any questions for the Plaintiffs?”

Lightning rod cleared his throat. “Yes, in fact I do. I’d like to question Miss Sparkle first.”

“Of course. Miss Sparkle, please come sit in the witness box.” Judge Hammer Wing nodded to his bailiff, who opened the door for Twilight to step in. Once inside, he held up a copy of The Charter of Equestria. “Please place your hoof on the charter. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give will be true to your knowledge?”

Twilight nodded, her hoof resting lightly on the charter. “I do.”

The bailiff backed up as Lighting Rod walked up to her. “Please state your full name.”

“Twilight Abigail Sparkle.”

“Alright. Miss Sparkle, you are Princess Celestia’s personal protege, is that correct?”

Twilight nodded. “That’s correct.”

“For several years?”

“Oh yes. I believe it’s close to eleven now.”

“Would you say that you’d do anything for Princess Celestia?”

Twilight blinked. “Well, not anything. I mean, I do have morals like any pony…”

“Allow me to rephrase the question then: would you do anything for Princess Celestia that, was to your knowledge, legal?”

Twilight swallowed a bit before taking a sip of water. “I… yes. Yes, I would do anything for her if I knew it was legal.”

“And does this include tricking five young mares which you had just met into entering the very dangerous Everfree Forest on a suicide mission?”

Twilight blinked and sat up even straighter. “I… I would not call going to search for the Elements of Harmony a suicide mission, sir.”

“Is that so? Then the reports that you encountered a rock slide, a manticore, and a sea serpent along the way is in fact a fallacy?”

“No, that's all true. I should know; I was the one who filed that report.”

“Objection!” Luna called out.

“On what grounds, Princess Luna?” Judge Hammershot asked while wiping his glasses.

“Relevance! What does this have with the release of my sister?”

“Well, Mr. Lightning Rod?”

“I’m getting to that, Your Honor.” Lighting Rod nodded towards the judge, who sighed.

“Very well, get on with it though. Objection denied.”

“Now, Miss Sparkle, explain to me why it was important that you had to take these mares with you?”

Twilight blinked. “But I didn’t ask them. In fact, I told them not to come; they insisted.”

“Really? Hm... Yes... I do see you mentioning this in your report. I also see that you were separated from these mares while facing Nightmare Moon, is that correct?”

“Yes, but the separation wasn’t for very long. About five to eight minutes, I’d approximate.”

“I see. And during this brief separation you were alone with Nightmare Moon, weren’t you?”

“I was.”

“And did anything odd happen during that time?”

“I tricked her so as to gain access to the Elements of Harmony.”

“Mhm... Now we know that those mares represented the Elements of Harmony, but you stated that they all passed out and you were briefly the only one awake. Is this true?”


“What happened during this short time?”

“I don’t know. I was rather—in lay pony terms—out of it.”

“Is it possible that the Nightmare took that chance to enter into your body?”


“On what grounds this time, Princess Luna?”

“The prosecution is engaging in pure speculation. He has no evidence to support such an accusation. Why, he might as well ask if naked-faced space monkeys had brainwashed her! Besides that, being linked to the Elements of Harmony gives one protection from the Nightmare.”

Judge Hammer Wing hummed, rubbing his chin and suppressing a smile from his countenance. “Point conceded. I will sustain the objection. Mr. Prosecutor, please note that that last question will be struck from the record. Are there any other questions for Miss Sparkle?”

Lightning Rod clenched his jaw for a moment before shaking his head. “No, Your Honor.”

“You may step down and back to your seat then, Miss Sparkle.”

With a nod, Twilight quickly as was polite trotted back to Luna’s side.

“Now, Mr. Lightning Rod, do you have any questions for Princess Luna?”

“No, Your Honor.”

The judge nodded. “Alright, well I’ve heard enough. Miss Sparkle, Princess Luna, I’ve decided on my ruling. I’m afraid I cannot simply allow Nightmare free; Princess Celestia or not. However Miss Sparkle, as you are still connected to your Element—a known protection from the Nightmare—I will allow her release on the condition that she is bonded to you.”

“I understand, Your Honor. Princess Luna explained to me the process.” Twilight took a final sip of water. Her throat was parched but it was now far more relaxed than when she was being questioned.

“Alright, then. I think that the bond will be one of the highest extreme; meaning that you will have to stay in Canterlot Palace and the Nightmare will be unable to go more than... let's say thirty feet from you at any time. Do you understand, Miss Sparkle?”

“Yes Your Honor. May I ask what would happen if one of us got too far from one another?” Twilight glanced over at Luna, who was staring down at the table. Luna never mentioned this part…

“Simply put, Miss Sparkle: agony for both parties, and in the chance that you strayed too far from one another for too long, one or even both of your bodies may begin to shut down. Now, Miss Sparkle, I ask you once more if you are sure this is what you want?” Judge Hammer Wing looked down into Twilight’s big purple eyes.

“I... yes. Yes I’m certain, Your Honor. I know with all I am that the mare in the dungeons truly is Princess Celestia, and I know she would never do anything to hurt me. Never.”

Judge Hammer Wing nodded. “Alright, then. Judgement for the parole of Nightmare to consist of house arrest with the condition of being bound to Miss Twilight Sparkle.” His gavel came down hard twice. “Bailiff, please have the Nightmare brought to this court room.”

“At once, Your Honor.” The bailiff paused to bow to Princess Luna before going to a guard by the door. He promptly left, only to return several minutes later leading Princess Celestia, her wings and legs once more chained. Celestia was led to the front of the room where the judge looked down at her.

“Nightmare, this court has found evidence that you may in fact be Princess Celestia. However, until this evidence is found to be substantiated, you will remain under house arrest under the name ‘Nightmare.’ Do you understand?”

“I do.”

“In addition, you will be bonded to Miss Twilight Abigail Sparkle, which means you must be within thirty feet of her at all times.”

Celestia turned to look at Twilight, who was still sitting next to Luna. Twilight smiled at her before returning to look at the judge. “I understand, Your Honor.”

“You understand how bondings work, do you not, Nightmare?” Judge Hammer Wing gestured a unicorn guard over as Celestia nodded.

“Yes, I’m well acquainted to what it means, Your Honor.”

“Alright. Miss Sparkle, join us up here, please.” The judge gestured to Twilight, who stood up and walked over to Celestia. She looked up at her with a smile while restraining herself from doing more, then nodding to her.

The guard’s horn began to glow as Luna, Lighting Rod, and Judge Hammer Wing watched. “Miss Sparkle, do you accept this binding to this mare?”

Twilight nodded, standing straight with her head held high. “I do.”

“Very good. You understand the limitations this spell puts on you?”

“I do.”

“Place your hoof on Nightmare’s leg then.”

Twilight bit her tongue, her ears pinned back. Nightmare. All they can say is Nightmare… Keeping her mouth shut, Twilight placed her hoof on Celestia’s leg and gasped. Her fur was so soft; nothing like Twilight expected.

The guard’s horn glowed and a gold chain appeared, connecting Twilight’s hoof to Celestia. “The chain will fade after a day, just remember it is there.”

Twilight nodded, then turned to the judge. “Now that we are bound, would you please remove her restraints?”

Judge Hammer Wing frowned. “Be very careful in what you ask, Miss Sparkle. Legally, yes; her restraints can be removed if you request it, but do you really want her to be able to fly or cast magic?”

Twilight looked away from the judge and instead up at Celestia. “If she were to fly, I would be upon her back, and I have no fear of any spell she might cast.”

Celestia smiled slowly as a tear fell down her cheek.

Judge Hammer Wing shrugged. “Alright. Guards, remove the restraints from the prisoner.” Her shackles were slowly removed, followed by the cloth that bound her wings, which she immediately stretched out in an effort to get the kinks out. With a nod, she lowered her head so the the nullifier could be slid off of her horn.

“Alright, I think that's everything. Case dismissed.”

The remaining ponies stood up as the judge exited the bench. Twilight finally seized the opportunity to nuzzle into Celestia’s chest. Celestia smiled, bending down her neck to embrace her.

“I knew you could do it, my most faithful student. I just knew it.”