MLP A New Generation 2: The Last of The Alicorns

by TwiShine45

First published

Sunny and her friends hit the dusty trail on another quest. Only this time, for Sunny, it's personal.

Sunny's been an Alicorn for a few months, but can't seem to figure out her destiny. She's also been concerned over the disappearance of her long lost mother. Seeking answers, she and her friends head out to uncover the truth. The answer may just lead them to the very answer of why friendship left Equestria to begin with.

Chapter 1

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Sunny Starscout felt lost, or, to be more precise, misdirected. Wings and horns had been gifted her, yet she did not know what to do with them. In a way, she felt as if she’d been given one of the greatest gifts ever to befall her. However, in another, she felt like a work of some crazed patchwork artist. The classic pony character Dr. Maneinstein couldn’t have done better. For, after all, she was a simple Earth Pony…or at least, she had been until she was given these particular parts. They almost seemed like impingements, invading upon her space. Yet, they were also welcome guests, giving her a glorious new sense of self-worth. She liked them, yet she hated them. They reminded her of her hero, Twilight Sparkle, yet they also felt out of place. Her adventure had been with her friends, hadn’t it…or was this just fate’s way of telling her that she was more special than everypony around her?

These thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a rather loud knock on her door. She shook her head in an attempt to shift her brain into entertainment mode. Inviting her friends over for the day had been a two-pronged assault on the questions. Part one was the simple companionship they brought. Ever since they returned from their adventure three months before, they’d all grown closer. Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp had formed a crafting/music circle while Zipp had joined the Maretime Bay police force. Hitch had deputized her after unceremoniously firing Sprout. The red pony had begged for his job back, but Hitch was adamant in his decision. So, Sprout left, lower lip quivering and, quite literally, ran home and cried to his mother about things. Zipp turned out to be the perfect replacement for him, though.

The second part of Sunny’s assault on her questions was also simple…plain old ignorance. Having her friends there could help her ignore the doubts in her mind and restore some of her sanity. She was excited to see them, yet nervous at the same time. Hoping that her two-pronged assault would work, she invited them inside. Her new home was much more spacious than the lighthouse she used to live in. That said, she did miss the old place a lot. It reminded her of a true home, rather than this more modern place.

It had been a gift from the Canter Logic Corporation on behalf of Sprout’s mother, Phyllis. Apologetic to the core, Phyllis had truly embraced the new friendship magic born out of Sunny’s adventure with her friends. Now, the Canter Logic CEO used her company to create products that would help everypony, starting with Sunny. The young Alicorn (though, to be sure, she did not know that this was her title yet) was a bit struck at being named the face of the company, but she accepted with grace and dignity. Now, she and Phyllis worked together. While Phyllis still headed the corporation, Sunny was considered Vice President for Friendship and Fun. Her house had been a gift and the new job paid very well. However, the smiles she got to help create were even more satisfactory.

Speaking of smiles, she was met at the door by her excited friend Izzy, who, as usual, rushed in and knocked her over in a hug. “HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” The purple unicorn sang out. “We got your invite!” She produced the electronic friendship invitation that Sunny had sent out earlier. These had been an invention of hers and mass produced by Canter Logic in order to ensure that nopony missed a friendly event. One could get them in all types of colors, from blue to pink to orange, and they always played a friendly little song before announcing the event. Considering the occasion, Sunny had selected her own pelt color before sending them out.

“I can see that,” she said, smiling and picking herself up as her other friends trotted in behind Izzy.

“What’s up, Sun?” Zipp asked, fluffing her wings a bit.

“Oh, nothing,” Sunny responded, “honestly, I just needed some friendly company.”

“Well, we’re here to offer it!” Pipp chirped.

Sunny smiled. “Thanks, guys. It really means a lot that you came. I’m so sorry I haven’t been available for these past few weeks.”

“It’s not only your lack of availability that has us concerned,” Hitch said, “frankly, it’s you, Sunny. You haven’t been yourself lately. When you have gone outside, your wings seem to droop and your horn seems…erm…dull.”

“Oh! I have the cure for that!” Izzy exclaimed, “you just take a bird’s nest, wrap it in cobwebs, and then spit on it!”

“Um…no,” Sunny said, “I don’t think that’s gonna happen.”

“Well, there are other cures for horn dullness,” Izzy said, “I mean, you could dance around with a trout stuck to your head, tell jokes to a singing aardvark…OH, or you could TOTALLY-“

“-I think that’s enough of that,” Pipp remarked, placing a well-meaning, if forceful, hoof over Izzy’s mouth.

“Horn dullness remedies aside,” Sunny said, “Hitch is right. I haven’t been myself lately. See, I’ve been doing some research and going through my dad’s old things.”

“I figured you’d have done that already,” Zipp remarked.

“Yeah,” Izzy seconded, “I mean, you and your dad seemed to be extremely close. By the way, you’ve never really talked about him in too much detail. If you don’t mind me asking…what was he like?”

Sunny stopped short as tears came to her eyes. Argyle Starshine, her father, had been her entire world. Raising her from the time she was a small foal, he had taught her the ways of genuine friendship. His dream was the same as his parents, and their parents, and their parents before them. He wanted so desperately to be the one to see that dream come to fruition. But, alas, he had died before he was able to do so, killed by some great presence deep in the heart of the unexplored Equestrian forest land. Nopony had dared go near it since his death, and the memory tore Sunny’s heart apart.

Suddenly, she felt four pairs of hooves grace her fur. Looking around, she saw her friends, smiling in support of their suddenly sad companion. They didn’t need to say anything, but she needed to feel them closer. As if by magic, they responded to this silent request, pressing in around her. She felt warm and safe within her circle of loved ones, and it was almost as if her dad were back in the room with them. Her thoughts drifted to wondrous days of yore when her father was still alive, before he’d gone off on his exploratory journey, vowing to find her mother. Hated by everypony in town, no one really cared when he went off. Sunny had been old enough to care for herself while her father was away, and he promised he’d return. But…he hadn’t. Hitch, soon after being elected sheriff, had sent a search party out. They found Argyle’s bloodstained body not too far into the forest.

“We’re here for you, Sunny,” Izzy said as the group broke the hug, “and we always will be.”

“Thanks, Izzy,” Sunny said, “but you’re right. I haven’t spoken of my father a lot. We were extremely close up until he passed.”

“We won’t ask for details,” Zipp said.

“Yeah,” Pipp said, supporting her sister, “when you wanna talk, we’ll be here to listen.”

Sunny smiled. “Thanks for your sensitivity, but I don’t mind talking about him. He was my entire reason for living for a long time. See, something happened to my mother when I was a small filly…just barely born, even. One day, my dad came home and found me crying and my mother just…gone. But she and my dad held the same dream: seeing all three pony kinds coming together in friendship and harmony. According to my father, they were both outcasts here in Maretime Bay, and that’s what drew them together. They were married and moved into the lighthouse together. Not long after, Mom became pregnant with me, and they were both thrilled to become parents. Then…well…she was taken from us.”

“I’m so sorry,” Zipp said, “it sounds like she was an amazing pony.”

“My dad never stopped loving her,” Sunny said with another smile, “it’s why he never remarried…and it’s why I’m carrying on his dream.”

“Wait…I thought getting everypony to get along again was his dream,” Izzy said.

“That was just one. Dad was a huge dreamer,” Sunny said, pulling out a favorite picture of Argyle from a nearby chest, “and he loved to share his dreams with me. I’ll never forget the times we spent together laughing, talking…and even crying. Love defined everything my dad did, and he taught me the same path. Listen, guys. I know this sounds nuts…but I believe we can accomplish what he set out to do that day! We can head into the forest and find whatever it is that took my mother!”

“Wait, what?” Pipp asked.

Sunny nodded. “Again, it seems crazy…but if we could bring friendship back to Equestria, perhaps we might find whatever it is he was seeking when he went into those woods! I mean, what have we got to lose?”

“Besides our lives,” Pipp said sarcastically, “look, Sunny, I love you like a sister but…this doesn’t just sound crazy, it is crazy! Your dad went into that forest and never came out again! You can’t just reset everything and go after the same idea, expecting the results to be different!”

“But what if we could do it together?” Izzy asked, siding with Sunny. “True, I don’t like the idea of…well, dying…either, but…I mean, just think of the reward. Besides, we’ve already been on one quest together.”

Pipp’s brows furrowed. “I know, Izzy, but that quest wasn’t exactly life threatening.”

“-as if Sprout attacking us with a gigantic robot and nearly squashing us under a lighthouse wasn’t life threatening,” Hitch said.

“My point is, that one didn’t feature death around every corner,” Pipp said.

“Maybe not,” Sunny said, “but I know we can face anything if we do it together. What do you say, guys?”

“I’m in,” Hitch said.

“You know I’m up for an adventure,” Zipp said.

“Me too!” Izzy squeaked.

“Well, Pipp?” Sunny asked.

Pipp looked around at her friends. She loved them so much, and she couldn’t bear the thought of losing one of them. Just the potential of harm on this sudden journey was enough to make her pelt crawl. But, then she thought of the way Sunny had taken her in when she moved to Maretime Bay. It had taken the Earth Ponies a bit longer to get used to her than her sister. Ironically enough, the formerly excessively popular pop star couldn’t make friends. She found that the plastic nature of her earlier pursuits were detrimental to her social development. In fact, ponies in Maretime Bay were largely unaware of cellphones and their uses. But Sunny understood and had helped the lost pegasus find a home and her place in the town.

“I know I’m crazy for doing this,” she said, “…but I can’t leave you four behind. Count me in, too!”

Chapter 2

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The next few days were spent preparing for the trip, which would be financially backed by Canter Logic. Phyllis was keen on sending this new expeditionary group out to recover things from the wilds of Equestria. She did have some reservations, however her thirst to expand the reaching of the mind drove her further. The old biases were gone, and she welcomed the Pegasi and Unicorn members of the expedition with open hooves. A smile replaced the former frown that coated her face. The negative expression had been driven not so much by her hatred of the other pony species, but for what had happened to her husband, Sprout’s father.

Branch Cloverleaf had been one of the greatest minds in Maretime Bay and helped Phyllis launch Canter Logic. He, too, had been bigoted towards the other species and started the company to protect the Earth Ponies. One day, on a fateful mission to stop a rumored unicorn invasion, he had entered these same woods. Once inside, he encountered some mysterious entity that had ripped him to shreds. He was found along with Argyle, and it appeared that the two had tried to battle the being together. Despite their difference of racial and political opinion, the two had a mutual respect for each other’s intellect. Unfortunately, the unicorns had been blamed for both deaths and it had fueled the racism that so plagued their society.

Now, Phyllis wanted answers, and so she was more than happy to offer her financial and technological backing to Sunny and her friends. The group was outfitted with the latest in Canter Logic pony protection. Weaponized horseshoes, machine gun splatter-rangs that popped up from shoulder mounts, and even laser beam firing muzzle guards. Truthfully, Sunny found the entire display to be a bit on the ridiculous side, but she accepted with grace. After all, Phyllis was not only her boss, but her friend as well. Sunny figured that the older mare was only doing what was necessary to protect this group that she had such a vested interest in.

About a day before the group was set to depart, a knock was heard at Sunny’s door. She trotted over and was pleasantly surprised to find Pipp standing there. The pegasus looked confused, as if she were lost in a world she could not describe. So, Sunny offered a warm smile and ushered the former pop diva inside. Once there, Pipp just stood, transfixed to a certain spot on the floor. Her eyes bounced around from here to there, trying to locate something that, apparently, didn’t exist. She appeared extremely nervous and jumped when Sunny tapped her on the shoulder.

“Um…is everything alright, Pipp?” The orange Alicorn asked.

“I…I don’t know, honestly,” Pipp responded, “it’s just…I’ve had…dreams lately.”


Pipp nodded. “Mm-hmm. Dreams about us…and those woods. Sunny, I’ve got so many reservations about this.”

“I think we all carry hidden fear,” Sunny responded, “but we can’t let that stop us when there’s so much to gain by going.”

“Gain?” Pipp asked. “Sunny, all of the expeditions that have entered that forest have been slaughtered! I mean…there’s…just…no chance of us making it back alive, is there?”

“We won’t know unless we try,” Sunny remarked determinedly.

“There’s no talking you out of this, is there?”


“Look, Sunny,” Pipp said, finally moving over to where Sunny was rustling through a trunk, “I’m your friend, right?”


“…which means you’re supposed to take my advice, right?”

“Wrong,” Sunny said, “you can give it, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna take it.”

“Well, then you’re just about the most stubborn pony I’ve ever met!” Pipp huffed. “I mean, come on! Wake up and see the burned hay cakes, Sunny! If we go into those woods, we’re all going to die! Do not pass ‘go,’ do not collect 200 bits, do not continue living! I’m talking buried in a pinewood box, six feet deep in Maretime Memorial!”

Sunny sighed. “Pipp…you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. But I need to know what happened to my mother. I’ll never have closure in my life until I do.”

Pipp took a moment to think. She knew that the potential reward for going on this journey was massive. Not only would they find what happened to Sunny’s mother, but perhaps they might discover how all three pony kinds wound up hating each other in the first place. There would be new places to explore, mysteries to solve, and perhaps…even new friendships to uncover. Still, though, she couldn’t help but wonder if the reward was worth the risk. She certainly didn’t want to end up in a plot at Maretime Memorial. However, at the same time, she didn’t want to cause a rift with Sunny over this.

“Look, Sunny,” she said, “I get why you’re doing this. The temptation to find out answers to questions is something we’ve all had to deal with. Do you know how many times I asked my mom what happened to my dad? She kept it hidden from both Zipp and myself! But that doesn’t mean I just go wandering off on any kind of trail thinking that there may be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!”

“What about our first quest?” Sunny asked, raising an eyebrow.

“What about it?”

“We didn’t know what we were getting into there, either, and look where it led us!”

“Sunny,” Pipp said, exasperated at Sunny’s stubbornness, “I just…I just can’t bear to lose my friends over something that we’re not sure of.”

Sunny stopped and trotted over to the sad pegasus, holding a hoof to her face. “Pipp, I promise nothing’s gonna happen. We’ve been fitted with the latest…and, honestly, goofiest…in Canter Logic pony protection technology. We’ve got food and water to last us weeks at a time. Hitch and Zipp are both taking courses in close quarters combat and we’ve been briefed by the best plant and wild animal experts the company has to offer. I truly believe we’ll be safe.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Pipp said as she turned to leave. “We can have all the preparation in the world…but if we make one wrong hoofstep in there…it’s game over.”

Chapter 3

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Sunny decided to pay a visit to Sprout. She didn’t really know why, considering his past malice against her. He’d been brutal, always bullying her for her beliefs when they were foals and shifting that into his work as a deputy. She’d always snorted at the idea of Hitch hiring him to take up the position when their former deputy, Badge Mane, had retired. Badge had been deputy for years and was always kind to everypony, even Sunny. In fact, he had shared in her father’s dream of unity among the pony kinds. But, when the time came, Badge hung up his namesake for good. After Argyle’s death, the only pony in Maretime Bay who even bothered to show up at his funeral…was the recently retired Badge. Sunny took great comfort in her friendship with the old police officer, and she often went to him for advice after her father’s passing.

Unfortunately for her, Badge had also passed, and now she was left with Sprout. This red stallion’s fiery personality matched his fur color, and he’d let anypony know it. Sunny wanted so desperately for them to return to the friendship they had when they were foals. Now that pony unity had been achieved, perhaps Sprout could finally see the error of his ways. This was what she hoped as she trotted up the path towards Sprout’s place of residence. It was just after her talk with Pipp, and she hoped that this one would be a lot smoother. She couldn’t help but notice, as she trotted along, that the path was overgrown with weeds. The gardens around the front of the house were the same way, and the building itself was falling apart. Sprout’s home had always been rather sparsely kept up simply due to the stallion’s work as an officer. Now that he had no job, it appeared that he’d just given up. It broke Sunny’s heart to see things like this, for, despite his bullying, she still cared deeply for Sprout.

Adjusting her ever present saddlebag, she offered a small knock on the door. She heard a great amount of thudding and sharp exclamations from inside before the portal swung open. There stood Sprout, only he wasn’t quite himself. His mane was extremely unkempt and his fur was matted, sticking out in various places like thorns on a rose bush. His eyelids drooped and the bags gathered underneath spoke to a lack of sleep. Bloodshot veins pushed their way through his corneas. He wore a dark cloak over the majority of his body which, much to Sunny’s surprise, contained the medals from his self-imposed time as “emperor of Maretime Bay.” It seemed as if the stallion was holding onto some shred of the pony he once was. His ambition had always driven him…or rather, his mother’s ambition. Yet, he’d always had some kind of desperate need to be in control. Now, she was hoping he’d let that go and fall into friendship’s warm embrace.

“Oh, Sunny…it’s you,” Sprout grumbled.

“Yes, it’s me,” Sunny replied, “and I’m here on a friendly mission.”

“Oh, goody,” Sprout responded, voice dripping with sarcasm, “I suppose you want me to form a drum circle with you and your new friends.”

“No,” Sunny responded as Sprout turned and led her inside, “I’m just here…to…”

She stopped short. The amount of broken furniture and busted glass on the floor was enough to make her heart skip a beat. A musty smell coated everything. Physical dirt was piled in layers surrounding what had once been a couch. The television set had a massive hole in it and the table it sat on was missing a leg. Turning towards the kitchen, she noticed a pile of dirty dishes thickened by weeks of simply sitting there. She didn’t need to ask Sprout how his life was, for his habitation confirmed it. Simply put, Sprout was living in dire conditions made all the more worse by his refusal to let go of the past.

“…to what?” Sprout asked, finishing Sunny’s earlier remark and pricking his ears in both annoyance and curiosity.

“…to invite you on our trip!” Sunny said with all the excitement she could muster. Unfortunately, after seeing the rather hellish conditions Sprout was living in, her happiness level had been snuffed considerably.

“Oh, you mean that pointless voyage with those unicorns and pegasi?” Sprout asked.

Sunny forced herself to remain calm. “Yes, I do. But it’s not pointless.”

“Anything done with anypony outside of our own kind is pointless,” Sprout muttered, “I mean, just look at what they’ve done to our town!”

“They’ve made it better by introducing elements of their own culture!” Sunny said, defending her friends.

“There’s magic shops and flight schools all around Maretime Bay now!” Sprout complained. “I can’t even get to my favorite pizza place because it’s surrounded by those DAD BLASTED UNICORNS!”

Once again, Sunny forced herself to remain calm. The only way her mission would be successful would be by showing Sprout what a true friend was. “Look, Sprout. I don’t know why you’re continuing to cling to things that we’ve proven to be false, but the invitation is still open. I know that our fathers were found together…perhaps we might find answers as to the truth of their deaths.”

“I know what happened!” Sprout thundered. “Those unicorns killed him, and I’ll lay you odds that a pegasi was involved in it as well! I don’t need some fancy expedition to tell me that, even if it’s being funded by my mother! Canter Logic used to be a corporation that made Earth Ponies proud…now it’s being used to send all pony kinds on wild goose chases to solve mysteries that have already been solved!”

For a third time, Sunny had to force her nerves back into place. “Phyllis has been very generous with her bits and has helped us to enact this journey. Sprout…why can’t you see what she has? Why can’t you see that the unicorns and pegasi mean us no harm?”

“You might have brainwashed Mommy, but you can’t do it to me!” Sprout roared. “I don’t trust those newcomers at all, and you’d be wise to keep a sharp eye on them too. I can’t believe that somepony would just blindly trust somepony else so easily! But, then again, you were always that pony, weren’t you, Sunny? Somepony who’d lay life and hoof on the line for somepony else, even if that somepony wanted to hurt them. Such idiocy…”

This time, Sunny couldn’t keep herself calm. “Idiocy?! It’s called friendship, Sprout! Everypony in Maretime Bay has turned to it! Everypony…except you. Here you live in a broken down hovel with dirt on the floor while ponies out there are concerned for you! Yes, despite the fact that you tried to kill us all with a giant robot, we still care for you. Sprout, you and I have been friends since foalhood. Why…why can’t you see what our friendship means?!”

“Friends?! We’re not friends, Sunny!” Sprout erupted. “Friendship is for weak minded fools like you!”

“Oh, and I suppose that this is better?” Sunny asked, pointing a hoof at the surroundings. After seeing Sprout’s face fall, she continued softly. “Sprout…we care for you, and this journey could answer a lot of questions. If you’d only learn to detach from the past and live in the present.”

“Sorry, Sunny,” Sprout said, “but I know what they did to my father. There’s nothing you, or anypony else, can say that will convince me otherwise.”

“Alright,” Sunny said as she turned to leave, “but even so, I will do my best to prove that our fathers were not killed by unicorns or pegasi.”

“Good luck with that,” Sprout growled as Sunny shut the door behind her.

Chapter 4

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The next day, Sunny and her friends stood on a train platform awaiting their steam powered carriage. It would take them all around Equestria on their quest to discover more about the world and about Sunny’s past. But, make no mistake about it, each of the journeying ponies had their own reasons for going. Their main one was to support their friend, but they also had side inspiration. Hitch wanted to see new places and, perhaps, learn about how pegasi and unicorns kept law and order. Zipp was very eager to discover new species of plants and animals, owing to her love of science. Izzy was curious about how the world outside Maretime Bay had changed since magic had reemerged. Finally, there was Pipp who, despite all her reservations, was just as interested in finding out new discoveries as her friends were. She was simply concerned that they would all die in the process.

Either way, they were ready, and soon enough their coach chugged into the station. There was no humongous throng to see them off. This, oddly enough, comforted the travelers as they boarded their vessel. All that was there was Phyllis, and new Maretime Bay residents Alpha Bittle and his special somepony, the former queen Haven. The two co-ran a shop in town specializing in both games and electronics. However, there was one common thread between these three ponies: their pride in the departing party. Phyllis was excited to get to witness the continued birth of this new era of friendship. That, and she was desperate for answers regarding her dead husband. Alpha was excited to see the young unicorn Izzy making so much headway in the world and Haven was thrilled for her daughters, Zipp and Pipp.

“The well wishes of everypony in town go with you,” Phyllis said as Sunny and her friends boarded, “you have to know that.”

“Of course,” Sunny responded, though internally she knew of one pony who would not be wishing her well.

“You’re thinking of Sprout, aren’t you?” Phyllis asked, seemingly reading Sunny’s thoughts.

“Yes, I am,” Sunny said sadly, “I wish he’d go with us. If he could just see what truly happened, then-“

She was stopped by a polite raise of Phyllis’s hoof. “I’m afraid my son is stuck in his ways. Ever since he was a colt, he’s been extremely resistant to change. When Branch and I would have to make a snap switch of our plans, he’d pitch a fit. He hated it when we moved out of our old house and into a new one, despite the fact that we never left Maretime. He even hated it when we’d change the channel on our TV!”

“Wow…that is a problem,” Sunny said.

“Problem would be an understatement, my dear,” Phyllis responded, “but this is much bigger than a simple television channel or even swapping homes. Sunny, this is the very future of Equestria we’re talking about! If ponies can’t get along now or are resistant to the new way of thinking, then how do we have a future?”

Sunny took a moment to ponder that question. As much as she wanted everypony to get along, she also knew that equines weren’t perfect. The orderly and friendly way that she wanted Equestria to be run simply didn’t fit everypony. There were still ponies clinging to the past, desperate to show their hatred in any way possible. However, these ponies were few and far between, and there were daily redactions of old ways of thinking. In other words, certain equines would come forward, apologize, and begin making friends among different pony kinds. Sunny loved it when these things happened, yet her heart also yearned for the redemption of those who still retained their racist ways.

“I’m afraid…that we’ll have to build a future without some ponies,” Sunny said with a broken voice.

“What do you mean?” Phyllis asked. “Certainly, all ponies can be made to see the truth…can’t they?”

“I wish with all my heart that this were the case,” Sunny responded. “But…I just…don’t see it. There are ponies who will always cling to whatever they’ve known without thinking that there might be a better way. It’s something I’ve dealt with my entire life.”

“…and…I suppose…my company didn’t help matters much,” Phyllis said, ears drooping.

“Hey,” Sunny said, offering a hoof to the reformed mare, “it’s okay. You’ve left that way behind and are now traversing the paths of friendship. Things are different now. Why…without Canter Logic’s help, there’s no way me and my friends could have undertaken this journey. We’re gonna do our best to make Maretime proud and come home with some kind of answer!”

“I know you will,” Phyllis said, smiling, “because I’ve seen you do it before. I don’t know what it is…but…it’s…real. It’s more real than anything I’ve ever felt before, and it’s something I want to share with my friends, both old and new. You know…I used to wonder what friendship could be…until you all shared its magic with me.”

“That would make a catchy lyric!” Sunny said, laughing.

“Yeah, it would!” Phyllis responded, eyes sparkling. “But, anyway, no matter what, we’re all behind you.”

“Thanks, Phyllis,” Sunny said with a smile as she boarded the train.

Once she was on board, everypony stuck a hoof out a window and waved farewell to the three former enemies. However, Phyllis had thoughts running through her mind, even as she waved back. Thoughts of fear and doubt. She knew she should have faith in her young friends, but she just didn’t know how they’d survive this. Even with all the latest in Canter Logic technology, their odds for return were slim. Her silence spoke volumes to Haven and Alpha, who quietly bade her farewell before returning to their shop. She sat there on the train platform alone, silently staring across the tracks and into the field on the other side. Flowers blossomed in the meadow while the trees on the field’s perimeter reached their trunks for the sky’s embrace.

“Please…come home soon,” Phyllis silently said as tears formed. “Maretime Bay would be lost without you five. Don’t get yourselves killed out there…okay?”

Chapter 5

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Railroads are interesting innovations. Track laid upon the ground bears witness to a large chugging ball of steam and metal churning up the landscape on its way. The destination is almost irrelevant, but for the five ponies aboard this one, it made all the difference in the world. However, railways also give one time to ponder life’s biggest decisions. For one of these ponies, a great amount of internal dialoguing was taking place. Her spirit of reconciliation and friendship did battle with her own misgivings. But, she knew that if she were to take this journey all the way to its proper conclusion, she needed to have faith in this calling. Even so, Pipp’s earlier doubt combined with Sprout’s out and out hatred to create an emotionally unbalanced mixture inside of her. So, she sat on her bench, looking out the window as the train rumbled and stirred along its path of spikes and track.

“What am I doing?” She asked aloud to nopony in particular.

“Looks to me like you’re staring out the window aimlessly,” a cheerful voice responded.

Sunny turned and saw Izzy standing there with a goofy grin plastered on her face. The young Alicorn couldn’t help but smile at this as her unicorn friend took up residence on the bench opposite her. Izzy held the extreme opposite of doubt: endless optimism. She carried the happiness of life within her soul, and she sought to bare it to the entire world. Sunny immediately felt better, just by having her best friend so close. As much as she loved her other friends, she knew that Izzy was just the pony she needed to see in this situation. The skies outside the train car may have been gray and gloomy, but inside, Izzy was as bright as the noontime sun. She looked across the small canyon between the two benches and brought an inquisitive hoof up to make some kind of point.

“So…are you doing any deep existential questioning of the universe or are you just staring out the window?” She asked.

“Honestly, a little of both,” Sunny responded, “but I’m happy for the company.”

“Yeah, I could see that you needed somepony,” Izzy said, “and we’ve got each other’s backs, right?”


“Good. So…care to share?”

Sunny sighed. “It’s just…look, I don’t know if what I’m doing is right or not. I don’t even know what we’ll find out there! I guess, I’m just experiencing a lot of reservations right now. Maybe Pipp’s just gotten into my head.”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Izzy said, “remember, we’re doing this together, and we’re doing it to advance the causes of friendship and amiability in Equestria. I certainly don’t think anything will happen!”

“But, Izzy…” Sunny said.


“…I…I just couldn’t bear to lose any of you,” Sunny said. “What if Pipp’s right? What if we all die on this trip? What if-“

She was stopped by a sudden hoof to her mouth. “Now, Sunny, I don’t want to hear any downy talk like that! Downy talk is for those who’ve given up, and we’ve barely started! We will make it through. I don’t know how, exactly, but I just do. I have faith in our friendships, Sunny, and nopony’s gonna let us down.”

Sunny smiled as Izzy retracted her hoof. “Thanks, Izz. I needed to hear that.”

“By the way, where are we going exactly?” Izzy asked.

Sunny responded by pulling a map out of her saddlebag. She unfurled it and pointed to a spot just on the edge of their exploration area. “Here. The small town of Bridle Falls. It’s relatively new, and part of the EPUP Initiative.”

“Oh, yeah! The Earth Pony-Unicorn-Pegasus Initiative!” Izzy squeaked. “I’ve always wanted to see what one of those places was like.”

“Considering their role, I’d hope that they’d be harmonious places full of friendliness and curiosity,” Sunny said.

Her comments were not unfounded. When Equestria returned to its roots of friendship, leaders from the different pony communities had met to decide how to run the country. They came away with the EPUP Initiative, a comprehensive plan meant to help the different pony kinds come together. Part of this plan was to build towns specifically designed to house all three races. Yes, different kinds of ponies had come to Maretime Bay, but the EPUP towns were something special, considering they were the first dwelling places meant for friendship in quite some time. In fact, nopony could remember the last town that could claim the title of “friendliest place in Equestria.” Embarrassed by this, all the pony kinds had sworn to do better by their ancestors, especially when the story of Twilight and her friends had circulated through the nation once more.

“So…are we going to see somepony specific?” Izzy asked.

Sunny nodded. “I’ve been in recent correspondence with a young pegasus named Meadow Bloom. She says she has something that she wants to show us, but she’s only willing to share it with our specific group of friends. She said something about having issues trusting other ponies. But, anyway, she seems really nice.”

“I can’t wait to meet her!” Izzy chirped, instantly interested in meeting the other equine.

Meanwhile, across the train, Hitch watched the goings on with a curious eye. Sunny had been his best friend since they were foals, and he had every intention of protecting her. He didn’t have deeper feelings for her, but saw her as a sister in need of his guardianship. While he had no problem with her speaking with ponies like Izzy, the very thought that she might be hurt or killed on this journey had him on pins and needles. He began to wonder why he’d agreed to come on the trip in the first place. Lost in his thoughts, he did not hear Zipp’s soft hoofsteps trot up beside him.

“Something the matter, sheriff?” the blue-eyed, sleek pegasus asked, startling Hitch from his reverie.

“Oh, it’s you, Zipp. No, nothing’s wrong, per se…I just…”

“Uh-huh,” Zipp said, noticing where Hitch’s eyes were focused, “I get it.”

“No, it’s not like that!” Hitch exclaimed, noting the tone in Zipp’s voice. “Sunny’s like a sister to me…and I just couldn’t stand it if she were to get hurt.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that, Hitch,” Zipp said. “Sunny has a way of getting herself out of tight situations. Besides, we’ll all be there to support her. Remember, nopony’s doing this alone.”

“I know,” Hitch said, “but I still worry about her. True, a lot of those worries were silly and based off of things that, now, I know to be untrue.”

“Like…pegasus abductions?” Zipp asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, like pegasus abductions,” Hitch admitted, blushing with embarrassment.

Zipp giggled, and Hitch was surprised at the joy it gave him. “It’s okay, sheriff. We all believed stupid things about other kinds of ponies. I remember, earlier in my life, my mom would tell us that Unicorns were going to invade Zephyr Heights and that we should arm ourselves with tennis balls. Now, THAT was silly!”

The two ponies shared a laugh as Zipp sat on the bench across from Hitch. Having his deputy there made the sheriff feel a whole lot better. In fact, she’d become more than just a deputy to him. She was a very close friend, and somepony he knew he could trust. Firing Sprout and hiring her had been the best decision he’d ever made, and he was very happy working with her. But as she sat across from him, he got a chance to admire her physical appearance for the first time. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce right into his soul, and he suddenly wondered if she could see the pony within.

Good grief! He thought, I…I’ve never seen somepony this way before. She certainly does carry her own kind of beauty. But, I wonder…I wonder…what she thinks…of me.

Chapter 6

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It took a couple of days, but the ponies finally made it to Bridle Falls. As they exited their steam powered chauffeur, they stopped to take a look around. It was a modern town, yet carried a homespun style and charm about it that reminded Izzy a little bit of Bridlewood itself. However, nopony was depressed here. Flowers bloomed in row upon row of luscious gardens that dotted the landscape. Homes had been given personal touches and the individuality of each citizen shone very brightly. Pegasus, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies alike trotted through the streets, greeting each other with bright, honest smiles as they went. Sure, the town wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t expected to be. Here, the weight of one’s collective could be shed in favor of unabashed friendship and understanding.

For Sunny, it was a slice of heaven in Equestria. She smiled deeply as she led her expedition through the streets. Each pony wore a button signifying that they were members of the Canter Logic Exploratory Team. News of their journey had spread like wildfire, and multiple ponies crowded in, eager to hear of their exploits. Patiently, Sunny and her friends answered each question, no matter how ridiculous it was. For instance, one pony asked if they would encounter any of the legendary abominable snow ponies in the forest. Sunny had to explain that, for one thing, it wouldn’t be snowing, and for another, it was just a legend. All they knew was that a mysterious force lurked in those woods, just waiting to gobble ponies up in a trap.

“But, Sunny, aren’t you all scared?” Somepony asked.

“I’d be lying if I said that we didn’t have our reservations,” Sunny said honestly, “but we believe in the power of friendship. I mean, it’s that same power that brought Equestria back together again. Now, we just need to believe that it will pull us through!”

The crowd cheered at the encouraging words and soon dispersed, leaving Sunny and her friends to their task. Luckily, Meadow Bloom had left directions to her home in a recent letter and Sunny used her horn’s magic to pull it out of her saddlebag. While she was still new to being a magic user, she found it helpful when she had her hooves full. It was also rather satisfying to watch her horn glow with an aura powerful enough to float things. She’d always dreamt of having a friend who could do this. Izzy had fulfilled that dream. Now, she could do it, too, and she had so much fun sharing magical ideas with her unicorn compatriot. Setting these thoughts aside for a moment, she unfurled the letter and pointed to the bottom.

“Meadow said she lives down Canter Court…the fourth house on the right, it seems.”

So the ponies set about trying to find this particular location. They asked around and found the directions given to be very helpful. Once on Canter Court, they trotted down the street to the place of which Meadow had written. The home itself was rather quaint and small, more like a cottage than an actual house. A nice garden made its flowery presence known in the front beds while a well kept lawn spread out towards the street. A small white fence surrounded the area with a gate on the main walk up to the front door. Sunny gently nudged it open as she and her entourage made their way up to the small porch that extended away from the portal. The door itself was made of fine wood with a shiny gold knob and door knocker in their usual places. Sunny magically caused the knocker to move and whacked the door three times with it.

“Who…who is it?” A nervous voice called from inside.

“It’s Sunny Starscout and her friends!” Sunny responded in a friendly way.

The door suddenly swung open and a pegasus greeted them. She was pale yellow in color with a soft pink mane that carried streaks of gold in it. Her bright blue eyes blinked in their direction in a friendly, yet inquisitive manner. She seemed to carry a sense of fright, yet also had a wondrous air of compassion and mercy. A smile adorned her face as she greeted her pen pal for the first time, and the two began jabbering away about their recent correspondence. When this finished, the entire group retired to the front room and Meadow offered them each a mug of warm tea.

“I’m so delighted to meet all of you!” Meadow chirped as she took her seat. “Please, forgive my nervousness at the start. I very often have trouble socializing with new ponies.”

“That’s okay, Meadow!” Izzy sang out, “we’re just happy to be here!”

“Yeah…happy,” Pipp said with a doubtful look thrown Izzy’s way.

“Um…so,” Sunny said in an attempt to dissolve the sudden awkwardness, “you said you had something to show us?”

Meadow nodded, held up a hoof as if to ask for patience, and then trotted out of the room. A few moments later, she returned with a small bundle. It looked to be about the size of the standard tome of literature. She undid the top rope and the sack fell away to reveal the book itself. It was old and worn and the cover looked very yellowed. However, there seemed to be a magical quality about it. Some of the ponies felt drawn to it, as if some force from beyond imagination was pulling them in. It was beaten almost beyond recognition, yet the title was still somewhat legible.

“Where did you get this?” Sunny asked.

“It was passed down from my mother to me,” Meadow responded, “but I have no idea where it came from.”

“For some reason…the title rings a bell in my head,” Sunny said.

“It does?” Hitch asked.

“Yeah, it does,” Sunny said, “but…I can’t remember where it came from. Something…so familiar, yet…so intangible. It’s old…and at the same time, so new. I’ve never felt anything like this before…”

The title of the book was simply…The Journal of Friendship.

Chapter 7

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The entire group was shocked. Some for reasons purely personal and others for reasons a little more public. For Sunny, it was simply the revelation of something long buried away in some deep mental tomb. For her friends, it was the suddenness of finding a relic so seemingly important, yet at the same time, so ridiculously blunt. Certainly, somepony in Equestria’s more friendly past would have given some type of guide to the concept. It just fell to reason. However, at the same time, they realized (with no small jolt of embarrassment) that they had failed to live up to these standards. Equestria had gone from being a country where ponies cared so much about friendship that they wrote entire tomes about it…to a place rotting away at its core. Luckily, their adventure with Sunny had happened, and now Equestria was healing. Slowly, but surely, it was healing.

“I should’ve known somepony would’ve written something so…historically Equestrian,” Hitch remarked. “Even though we fell away from all this, it still makes sense.”

“But what doesn’t make sense is how Sunny knows about it,” Zipp said. “No offense, Sunny, but…I mean, you grew up in the unfriendly part of Equestrian history. I know your dad taught you well, but…he couldn’t have known of this journal…could he?”

Sunny could do nothing but stare blankly at the journal. Then, utilizing her horn, she magically began flipping through the pages, searching for answers. The old book had seen its fair share of travesty. Page after page was either ripped, torn, or had complete sections missing. In a way, it spoke to the larger problems facing the nation. It seemed that, the more Sunny found wrong with the book, the more she concerned herself with the country’s previous issues. She came to points where massive swaths of paper were missing. However, she was able to glean some useful information…and what she found made her mind explode.

“I don’t know how I know of this journal…nor if my dad knew of this, but it rings clear as a bell in my head,” she said.

“What’s it say?! What’s it say?!” Izzy asked, rump shaking with excitement.

“It’s all about how to be better friends with each other,” Sunny said, “and the different parts of the book seem to be divided into themes. They speak very highly of something called The Elements of Harmony.”

“Elements of Harmony?” Hitch asked.

Sunny nodded. “Yeah, and they have them listed right at the front of the book. It says that they consist of honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, kindness, and magic.”

“Good story,” Pipp said, voice dripping with sarcasm, “but it still doesn’t explain why we’re out here on a wild goose chase!”

“Pipp, please!” Zipp said, reprimanding her sister. “This book could be essential to finding out what happened to Sunny’s mother…or why she’s got wings and a horn. Heck, it could help all of us find what we’re meant to be.”

Pipp rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, sis. I still think this whole trip’s full of nonsense and if we had any sense, we’d get back to Maretime as quickly as possible.”

Zipp shook her head. She loved her sister dearly, but the former pop star could be a bit selfish at times. In fact, self-centeredness was what had driven Pipp for years. Knowing that she was both a celebrity and a royal combined to create a horrible personality. Their mother had encouraged this by telling Pipp that she was simply better than everypony else. Thankfully, Haven seemed to have learned a bit more humility since abdicating the throne and moving to Maretime Bay. Pipp, on the other hand, had not appeared to have made any significant progress. It was well known that, despite the friends she had, she still longed for her old life of fan worship and glamour.

“I apologize for my sister, Meadow,” Zipp said.

“Oh, it’s alright,” the pegasus responded kindly, “I remember when Pipp was a star back in Zephyr Heights. I understand if she needs adjusting to life without the spotlight.”

“I’m still standing right here!” Pipp squeaked indignantly.

“Enough, guys!” Hitch barked. “We’re not here to fight, we’re here to solve…okay, a LOT of different mysteries, but mysteries just the same!”

“Hitch is right,” Sunny said, “let’s just peek through the journal and see if we can’t find anything that will help.”

“How are WE gonna use THAT dusty old thing to help us?!” Pipp asked, pouting a bit at being shut down by her older sister and the ponies that were supposed to be her friends.

“WE…are gonna take it with us,” Sunny said, smiling and brightening the room, “and use it to try and navigate our way through the forest!”

“It’s certainly been a good guiding device for me,” Meadow said.

“Yeah…how did you wind up here anyway?” Hitch asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Well…I was born in Zephyr Heights. My brother, Storm Surge, and myself always enjoyed playing around in the streets. Of course, we were taught the various ways of Pegasi. Namely, anypony who wasn’t a Pegasi was bad for us. So, we stuck to our own kind and tried our best to make friends among them. We were moderately successful in these endeavors until, one day, Storm found a beautiful female pegasus named Wing Flower. Needless to say, my brother was stricken with love. The two hit it off wonderfully and, as they grew closer together, Storm became very distant from me. I missed him deeply, and tried to get involved in his life. But his marefriend didn’t like the idea, so she kicked me to the curb. Even worse, my parents were arrested for selling knock-off Pipp Petals merchandise!”

“Wait a minute!” Zipp said, “selling knock-off merchandise? But…I never heard of anypony being arrested for that.”

“Yeah, ponies knew better than to buy anywhere other than the official Pipp Petals online store!” Pipp said, adding a bit of prideful flair to her self-promotion.

“Ahem, anyway, the point is, we knew all about ponies being arrested for crimes in our city,” Zipp said, “so…how did it get past us?”

She couldn’t help but notice that Pipp took on a bit of a guilty look. This was when Zipp knew that something was wrong…terribly wrong. She hadn’t seen anything like that cross Pipp’s face in years. In fact, the look was worse than when Pipp was accused of embezzlement by her former agent and had to stand trial. True, the trial was a mock affair with Haven as the judge, jury, and executioner. So, of course, Pipp had been cleared and the agent had been hurled in jail for “false accusations.” But, Zipp had always suspected Pipp of actually embezzling from the agent. Now, she saw a similar look when the subject was brought up. It didn’t take long for her to learn the source of Pipp’s guilt.

“My parents…” Meadow said, eyes moistening and ears drooping, “…were executed for the crime.”

Chapter 8

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The news was shocking, especially for Zipp. She didn’t realize that her mother and sister had done something so terrible. Her mind whirled as she imagined two frightened ponies being executed for crimes that certainly did not deserve that punishment. The death penalty was reserved for the most loathsome of murderers and rapists. Those ponies who posed immediate and dangerous threats to the lives of others. It was not meant for those who made a quick buck off of her sister’s “career.” Sure, selling knock-off merchandise of anything was against the law. But those ponies were usually fined and placed in jail for a couple of days. They certainly weren’t killed!

“I…I…” Zipp stammered.

“Zipp…it’s okay,” Pipp said, “they were ruining my career and Mother dealt with them accordingly. You certainly can’t hope to defraud somepony who’s both a royal and a pop icon and get away with it…can you?”

Zipp’s face turned increasingly dark. She spread her wings as her blue eyes flashed with all the lightning of the most severe of storms. Turning on her sister, she ground her teeth together. No longer was there love in her eyes. Instead, there was hurt, bitter hatred, and the fierceness of a wild animal. Slowly, she crept towards her sister, who cowered in a corner. She knew full well that Zipp would dominate should it come to blows. Avoiding a physical fight was her best option, so she lowered her guard and tried to look as innocent and vulnerable as possible. However, Zipp wasn’t having it as she towered over Pipp. Having her wings spread made her look twice as large as she actually was. Her face deepened in its anger, stewing in a mixture of raw, untapped emotion that she’d never felt before.

She bent over and whispered bitterly. “I am no longer your sister.”

“What?” Pipp asked, eyes wide with fear.

“You heard me, you worthless piece of trash!” Zipp exclaimed, this time where everypony could hear. “I…AM…NOT…YOUR…SISTER!”


“No buts, Pipp!” Zipp shouted. “Nopony should ever be that unjust and cruel towards her fellow pony! You and mother slaughtered somepony who hadn’t done anything that harsh!”

“But…they were-“

“I don’t give a hoof what they were doing!” Zipp thundered, “they didn’t deserve death! So I’m no longer your sister, and when we get back to Maretime Bay, you can just find yourself new ponies to socialize with! I’m done with you!”

That being said, Zipp stalked out of the room, furious with her now ex-sister. Pipp was left in tears. Zipp was the only lifelong friend she’d ever known. Everypony else who claimed to be her friend had either only been in it to take advantage of her fame or was so new that she was still getting to know them. Zipp had always been there for her. Whether it was when she stubbed a hoof as a filly or going through the multitude of break-ups she’d endured. No matter what, her sister had always been there with a kind word and a gentle hug. Despite her rough and tumble exterior, Zipp could actually be very emotionally comforting at times. Now, it seemed that had all been destroyed, and Pipp had only herself to blame. She remembered how Meadow’s parents had begged her mother for their lives, only to be met with insults and deaf ears. Shuddering, she also remembered watching them get executed, screaming as they were.

Oh, Zipp…how long have I carried this guilt? She asked herself. Then, suddenly…her mind turned. But…at the same time…they knew what they were doing, and they knew the penalty for it. Life in Zephyr Heights depended upon my success, which is why my merchandise was guarded so faithfully and severely. Heck, I was 98% of our city’s economy! Everywhere you went, you saw my face. I was the absolute best Zephyr had to offer! Now, you want to accuse me?! Well…if you don’t wanna be sisters anymore, then that’s fine by me! I’ll stick with you on this little adventure, but when we get back to Maretime Bay, things will definitely be different!


Everypony slept at Meadow’s that night, and awoke the next morning refreshed. Even Zipp, who’d cooled off considerably, woke with a bit of excitement. For, after all, it was not every day that ponies got to explore the unknown. True, she had to put up with Pipp, but she could do so until they returned to Maretime Bay. She just had to keep reminding herself that she had true friends like Sunny and Hitch to fall back on. She didn’t need Pipp. Pipp was irrelevant now…a complete non-factor in Zipp’s life. She suddenly felt very free of the bonds that had held her back in Zephyr Heights. She could fall in love with the stallion she wanted, she could make her own way how she wanted. Things were definitely looking up for the former princess with the bright white coat.

Meanwhile, Sunny had taken to the outdoors area of Meadow’s small home. She sat in the yard, gazing upon the sun as it rose. It was something no scientist had ever been able to explain. She knew that the ancient princesses used to make the heavenly bodies rise and fall with their magic. However, she didn’t know how they continued to rise and fall. Perhaps one of these princesses remained and controlled such matters. Internally, Sunny hoped against hope that she might be correct and that this princess could explain her true destiny. But, she also harbored doubts and fears about her group’s immediate future, especially after Zipp and Pipp’s fight the previous day. If they couldn’t get along, then who knew what trials lay ahead for her and her friends?

“I wish you were here, Dad,” she said, repeating the oft spoken phrase that passed her lips.

“I kinda wish the same thing,” a male voice said as Hitch pulled in beside her.

“You do?” She asked, cocking her head.

“Yeah,” Hitch responded, “your dad knew so much about friendship.”

“I still can’t believe Zipp and Pipp went off on each other like that,” Sunny said. “It makes me worried.”


Sunny nodded. “Yes, Hitch. Worried. I mean, they shared such a massive and amazing bond with each other…and now it’s gone. Granted, it was because of a very heinous deed, but still. Isn’t friendship supposed to stick around regardless of what somepony else does? Isn’t there…forgiveness? Mercy?”

Hitch shrugged. “I guess Zipp thought that, because mercy wasn’t shown to Meadow’s parents, that she didn’t have to show any to Pipp.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Sunny said, “I just wish we knew more.”

“Me too,” Hitch said. “But, that’s why we’re out here, and if there’s any ponies that can conquer this forest…it’s us. I believe in our cause, Sunny!”

“Thanks, Hitch,” Sunny responded, offering a small nuzzle of gratitude, “I needed to hear that. Well…let’s get the others and hit the trail!”

Chapter 9

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Despite the warmth that they did not wish to leave, the ponies ventured forth into the forest anyway. Meadow, after much internal deliberation, decided to accompany them, curious about what the forest might hold for her. In short, these ponies were the very essence of exploration, seeking things that held collective interest for Equestria while searching for individual purpose within the shrouded foliage that stood before them. It was a long, winding swath of such things that greeted them with a dense, almost violent outpouring of shadows. Long and hard they crept as the sun launched overhead, creating very real senses of fear within the pony pack. Even Sunny and Izzy, chipper and cheerful as they were, felt as if harm were about to befall them when they entered the wood.

The trees were gnarled and twisted in the strangest of fashions. Like weird wooden roller coasters, they bent and traveled around the empty spaces. Some of them lulled the ponies into a false sense of normalcy until they saw the reverse side, with trunks bent and branches pulled this way and that. Even the leaves themselves seemed to shed fear with each new drop of dew that fell. In tandem, these droplets morphed into an erratic shower that fell upon the ponies while they tried to avoid them. Different members of the group would shake their heads as the wetness met their manes, attempting to get rid of the sour feeling it brought. Life seemed to be sucked right out of them as they steadily moved forward, hoofstep by hoofstep. The only company they kept, aside from each other, was the continued presence of the aforementioned shadows.

“This place is creepy!” Izzy exclaimed softly as she trotted along beside Sunny and Hitch.

“Yeah,” Sunny said, “it’s probably the creepiest place I’ve ever been in my life!”

“But, we’re gonna keep pushing forward,” Hitch said determinedly. “We can’t just turn our tails away, especially when we’ve barely begun.”

“Hitch is right,” Sunny said, “this place might give us the shakes, but we can’t give up.”

“There sure is a lot of whispering going on up there,” Meadow said from her spot in the trailing group with Zipp and Pipp, “anything we can do to help?”

“Hm…” Sunny said, pondering her new Pegasus friend’s question, “…I’ve got it!”

“Got what?” Zipp asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Something that we can use to get through these woods!” Sunny exclaimed. “It’s a song that my dad taught me when I was a little filly and I’d get scared of the dark!”

“But…didn’t you have that carousel light thing with the Earth Pony crystal in it?” Hitch asked.

“This was before Dad built that,” Sunny explained, “and it really helped when I was scared of something! He also said that Twilight and her friends used to use it long ago in Ancient Equestria. If it helped them, surely it can help us!”

“Well…how does it go?” Izzy asked, eager to begin singing.

“Like this…”

So it was that Sunny began singing a song about laughter. It was so catchy and fun that, soon, everypony was singing along. The journey became a lot lighter as they moved forward, joyously harping their tune. Surprisingly enough, the frightening aspects of the forest vanished. The gnarled and twisted trees seemed to straighten themselves out and wave to the beat of the music. Different bushes and thorny shrubs also appeared to bow to the whims of the singers. They laughed as they sang, telling each other jokes and riddles and just generally trying to keep the mood bouncy and fun. Even Hitch, tough stallion that he was, could not resist the allure of the song, especially when he saw Zipp singing. Her smile was genuine, even through the tension with her sister, and her eyes shone. The song seemed to have a terrific effect on everypony, but he was laser focused on her.

Her voice is beautiful, he thought, but…she’s so…forceful about everything, even at work. She’s a terrific deputy, but…I…I just…OH! Why do I have to feel these things?! Why can’t I just figure out what I’m feeling right from the start?! Why is this all so DARN CONFUSING?!

“You okay, Hitch?” Sunny’s voice broke into his thoughts.

“Hm? Oh, yeah, totally fine!” Hitch lied through his teeth. “Just gotta keep singing…da-da-da-da-“

Sunny rolled her eyes and smiled as Hitch moved passed her. She could tell that he was being dishonest about something, but she figured she could speak with him later. For now, their goal was moving forward, which they were doing with surprising speed. In fact, their song and their shared experience as friends was so powerful that they could barely feel their hooves touching the ground. Even so, some sense of mystery and dread still pervaded this place, especially for Sunny. After all, this was where her father’s bloodstained body had been discovered. But for the whole group, it seemed too easy…like something wanted them there…or perhaps needed them there. Throughout their song, they each kept an eye…on each other.

Mistrust can destroy friendships and, for some reason, everypony in the group suddenly felt like distrusting someone close to them. Zipp and Pipp were already at odds, but others began feeling the stench of traitorous malefactions. Even Sunny, friendly as she was, couldn’t help but look around at the ponies with her. Could she trust them? Was it even possible to tell? Was their singing masking some deeper sense of evil? She couldn’t answer any of these questions for the moment, but she shuddered at the thought that somepony would betray her. Death was a very real possibility and she knew that keeping the group together as friends was their only defense against such an eventuality. Her eyes darted this way and that, seeking potential danger.

She was so distracted, in fact, that she didn’t notice Hitch stop in front of her. With an “oof” and an apology, she slowly veered around him and noted that he was staring at something. Looking around at her friends, she noticed that they were looking at the same object. She followed their line of vision and saw that they stared at a tree. But this wasn’t just any tree…it was something much larger and grander. It wound around in a weird design, shooting up out of the forest’s canopy and stretching its leaves to the skies above. In fact, the tree closely resembled something straight out of Ancient Equestrian folklore.

“A castle!” Sunny exclaimed, “it looks just like a castle!”

Chapter 10

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The group took a second look at the tree after Sunny’s excited proclamation. It certainly looked like a castle. The trunk bent its way around frameworks of pillars and battlements. The branches sprouted out around it, curving this way and that in the tradition of the forest. Large pillars of wood beset the towering arborous mansion, creating a beautifully quirky sense of wonder within the staring equines. Courteously enough, the tree opened near its bottom, and a hole was seen. Within lay a veritable mountain of leaves built up over many centuries of rising and falling with the passing seasons. Ironically enough, this death of foliage seemed to speak new life into the group. The small sense of distrust that they had in one another melted away as if by magic.

Sunny was the first to approach this gateway, plowing through the leaves and attempting to find what was on the other side. She pawed her way along, hoof by hoof, carefully maneuvering forward. Her eyes blazed with determination, however they also softened a bit with understanding. This could be wonderful or dangerous, and the young Alicorn knew not which would win out in the end. She felt like a treasure hunter as she dug through the huge pile of leaves before popping out on the other side and nearly running nose first into a doorway. She turned around and saw her friends standing on the other side of where she’d popped through the leaf pile. They seemed nervous, and for good reason.

“It’s okay, everypony!” She called. “Nothing seems out of the ordinary here.”

“Yeah, except for the flipping tree shaped like a castle!” Pipp called back sarcastically.

“Oh, will you give it a rest?” Zipp growled at her estranged family member.

Pipp gave Zipp a look as the tension between them grew. Even the magical shattering of distrust could only last so long. The two genuinely hated each other, and as they visually tore into each other’s souls, Sunny became worried once more. The way that Zipp and Pipp treated each other carried vitality to the success of their mission, just as it was with everypony involved. Life on the road would be miserable if they all started acting in the same way as the two sisters. Sunny silently hoped and prayed that their mission would be successful, in spite of the vicious behavior shown by Pipp and Zipp.

But she didn’t have time to worry heavily over that now, for once everypony stood alongside her, she gingerly tapped at the door. She was hoping it would be unlocked, or that it would offer some magical instruction on how to get inside. Fortunately for her, it was easier than that, as it was so old that a couple of taps caused it to give way. It landed with a slam on the floor beyond and Sunny breathed a sigh of relief that the place appeared abandoned. She and her group slowly trotted inside to find that the castle tree was actually a fortress in its own right.
Huge halls, rooms, and doorways stood in front of them, each with their own secrets to hide and discover.

“My goodness!” Izzy breathed, voicing everyone’s thoughts.

“I wonder if this place holds any answers about the forest?” Meadow queried.

“I’ll lay you odds that it does,” Zipp said, “and it’s up to us to find them.”

“Zipp’s right,” Sunny said, “so I suggest we start exploring. Maybe we can all individually take one section of the castle and then meet back here in an hour or so with our findings.”

Everypony agreed that this was a suitable idea, so they went off on their search. Sunny took it upon herself to explore what was left of the grand ballroom and the adjacent library. Izzy picked certain hallways and found them to be littered with room after room of mystery. Pipp selected the castle’s old kitchen and Zipp did the neighboring rooms. Meadow found her way to the castle gardens and Hitch explored the battlements themselves. Everypony was excited to finally be inside somewhere so amazing, and they took to their work with great vigor. Even Pipp, who’d questioned the journey and fought with her sister, was interested in what she had to explore. Unfortunately for her, she ran into Zipp multiple times while doing so.

“Will you keep to your own area?” She scoffed.

“I will go wherever I darn well please, thank you!” Zipp snarled. “Don’t forget, I’m an officer back home, and when we get there, you and Mom have a LOT of explaining to do.”

Pipp ground her teeth and stalked back into the castle’s kitchen. She didn’t understand why her sister treated her with such contempt. After all, it was her success in the music industry that had funneled a ton of money into their household back in Zephyr Heights. She couldn’t see why a little thing like injustice had to get in the way of her and her mother’s lives of luxury. If the knock off merchandise that Meadow’s parents were selling had actually gotten through, it could have completely derailed her career! Since she meant so much to Zephyr’s economy, not to mention her own rich ambitions, it would have been disastrous! In her eyes, the execution of those ponies was the right thing to do. Zipp might not have seen it that way, but Pipp did and, much like pop music superstars in the human world, she only cared for herself.

Soon, Zipp, she thought, soon you’ll see things my way. Life wouldn’t have been the same for us in Zephyr Heights without my musical success…


About an hour later, everypony met back at the main entrance in order to relay their findings. Unfortunately, the castle held little in the way of answers about the forest. Pipp reported finding old pots and pans rusting in the castle kitchen. Zipp reported old books lying around half read in the rooms adjacent to the kitchen. Unsurprisingly enough, most of these were about cooking. Hitch said that the battlements held a lot of neat old weaponry, but nothing conclusive about the woods. Izzy said that she found bedrooms and bathrooms falling apart, however the most interesting thing was an old smashed mirror. Finally, Meadow reported weeds and tons of overgrowth in the castle gardens.

“Did you find anything in the library, Sun?” Izzy asked.

“Honestly, I never got there,” Sunny responded, “I was mesmerized by something in the grand ballroom.”

“What was it?” Zipp asked, raising an eyebrow.

“…it was a mural,” Sunny said, “…of Twilight and her friends.”

Chapter 11

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The group maneuvered their way into the grand ballroom, curious as to what Sunny had discovered. They noted that the room was massive, certainly big enough to hold several hundred ponies. Each member of the group wondered what it would have been like in the days of yore when the castle was active. They saw beautiful mares dressed in the finest gowns being met by their stallions of choice in order to interact in both social and romantic ways. They saw royalty, bedecked in splendor the likes of which they’d never personally witnessed, yet only red about in ye olde fairy tales. The place especially held value for Sunny, who, for some reason, felt like she belonged there. It just felt like home to her, with its warmth and friendliness reaching deep into her soul. Despite the rotting floors and crushed windows, it still held a joyous sense of togetherness and peace.

But the thing she’d come in to show them was on a wall opposite where they stood. So, they trotted over to get a better look, being mindful of where they stepped. Once there, they all sat down and gazed upon the magnificent painting. The mural was exquisite, reaching from one end of the massive wall all the way to the other. There they saw the ponies of legend, those they’d only heard about or seen recent movies based off of. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and, at the center, surrounded by a bright glow, Twilight Sparkle herself. Sunny smiled at the picture and was humbled that whatever force had chosen to make her exactly like her hero had done so. Once more, she felt a rapturous sense of joy, and she stood and faced Twilight’s picture.

I don’t know if we’re related or not, or if my new wings and horn tie me to you in any other way, she thought, but, no matter what, I will carry on your mission of friendship. That is my promise to you, Twilight, and it’s something that carries beyond the parameters of bloodlines and ceremonial oaths. My friends and I will continue the work…I guarantee it.

Suddenly, she turned and saw Hitch standing there. She was overwhelmed with these new feelings of utter hope and she grabbed him by the foreleg. Laughing as she went along, she led him in a completely improvised dance. In reenacting the scenes from long ago, the two found a refreshment to their friendship, though nothing romantic passed between them. It was just a nice time for the two to reconnect as friends. That, and Sunny just really wanted to know what it would have been like to be a true princess or queen, dancing the night away at some royal happening. Her smile flowed across her face as she moved hoof by hoof, completely lost in the moment. Dancing with a broomstick along this particular floor would have made her happy enough. But, sharing the moment with her closest foalhood friend created a much deeper happiness.

For Hitch, the moment was all rather confusing, yet beautiful at the same time. Once he got his footing, he was able to glide along the floor, holding Sunny rather close. However, this wreaked massive havoc with his mind. He knew he had feelings for Zipp, but dancing with Sunny was…right. Warmth flooded his mind as he looked upon his closest friend and saw how happy she was. Her eyes sparkled, despite the only light coming from the slowly setting sun. The stars that came out afterward seemed to form trails for Sunny to frolic down, thrilled in her new place. Hitch enjoyed seeing Sunny so blissful and happy, and he suddenly wondered if his feelings for Zipp were in the right place. Was Sunny the pony he was meant to be with, or was he just deluding himself into thinking so because the moment itself was so amazing?
“Isn’t this wonderful, Hitch?” Sunny asked as they went along.

“It truly is,” Hitch responded, “but…

“But what?”

Hitch stopped short. He certainly couldn’t reveal the true contents of his heart right there and then. The time wasn’t right and neither was the place. So, he stopped dancing, much to Sunny’s chagrin, and quietly retired to the side of the room. He felt somewhat cowardly in doing so, but he also knew that the appropriate atmosphere had yet to be discovered. One day, he’d tell both mares what was truly on his mind. But for now, he felt it was better to just let things happen as they happen. Patience was a virtue, after all. That, and the confusion he felt over the sudden burst of feelings for Sunny overwhelmed him. He needed time to breathe, clear his head, and understand just what his mind and heart were telling him.

Meanwhile Sunny, a little miffed at her dance ending, but happy for the moment anyway, rejoined the group. “That was fun!” She chirped.

“You two certainly looked like you were having fun,” Izzy said, winking Hitch’s way.

Hitch quickly tried to change the subject. “Um…so…what’s our next move?”

“My guess is that it would be NOT to break into somepony else’s home!” A new, and very much female, voice suddenly said.

The ponies all turned…and saw a face staring at them from the darkness. They shrieked and tried to run, but they didn’t know the way and found themselves quite lost in the maze of hallways. They ran this way and that, but each new passage was a dead end. So, they returned to the ballroom, upset at being unable to escape. Once there, they noted with great curiosity the type of creature that they were dealing with. She carried the head and body of a pony, yet the wings, tail, and scales of a dragon. They also noted that the new presence had simply sat there, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to get away. So, they fell full long into fate’s hooves and threw themselves at this new creature’s mercy.

“We’re sorry!” Sunny said, panting from running, “we…didn’t know anypony lived here!”

“Yeah!” Pipp said, “I mean, there was a tree growing over this place, and a MASSIVE pile of leaves at the front door!”

The creature suddenly smiled. “I expected this someday,” she said, “and I was prepared for it…yet…I didn’t know it would be today!”

“Prepared for what?” Izzy asked.

“The greatest day in over 1,200 years!” The creature chirped. “The day in which all three pony kinds would reunite…and pay a visit…to The Castle of Friendship!”

Chapter 12

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“The…the…the…the Castle of Friendship?!” Sunny managed to squeak out.

She spoke the group’s collective thoughts. They were all shocked at the hybrid creature’s revelation. The very idea that they were standing within the confines of such a legendary Equestrian paradise was awe inspiring. Sure, they’d heard about it in the stories that Sunny’s father had passed down to her, and that she’d passed on to them. However, none of them ever dreamed that they’d be actively investigating the location, much less visiting it. The idea brought them a sudden sense of joy, and it was as if the spirit of friendship that Twilight and her friends always fought for blanketed them as a wondrous snow.

“Yes, indeed, The Castle of Friendship!” The dragon/pony creature went on excitedly, “I’m thrilled to have you all here, even if your methods for getting in were a tad…”

“Unconventional?” Zipp offered.

“…I was gonna say unethical, but unconventional makes everything sound better. Plus, I really don’t want to drive you all away via accusations when we’ve barely met! It’s the first time in over 1,200 years that I’ve had visitors and I’m so eager to get to know you!”

Sunny examined their new compatriot. She certainly was an interesting creature, even in the dim recesses of this dilapidated, millennia old building. Her scales sparkled as the moon rose, sparking the beginning of night. She had the face of anypony, yet her tail stretched beyond her in an obvious nod to her mixed heritage. Her eyes matched her scales, and she carried both a sense of regal beauty and a commanding presence. She seemed friendly enough, but the question of what she’d do to them in the ensuing moments remained. This both frightened and intrigued Sunny, as her sharp mind went to work, building up a repertoire of questions much like the ones she’d asked Izzy when they first met.

“But, first, we must tend to dinner,” the creature went on, “and I’m so delighted to have guests for the occasion! Come, come.”

She turned and began leading the group down the broken hallways and corridors of the castle. They all wondered how she had food, considering the state of her home. It was rather sad, to say the least, but they didn’t question her guidance. For, after all, she knew the place way better than they did. If she said she had enough food to feed all of them, then they had to trust her. Friendships formed on trust, and this pony/dragon hybrid clearly wanted to befriend them. In fact, to a couple of Sunny’s friends, her happy attitude seemed almost…suspicious. In being new to friendship, they’d never met anypony who was so gung-ho about the idea. Sure, they wanted to make new friends, but after having been taught hatred for so long, it took some getting used to.

Meanwhile, the pony/dragon led them towards a certain door. Once there, she pressed a panel beside the portal with a hoof. Magic suddenly activated, causing the door to swing wide open and let them all inside. They quickly trotted through, eager to leave the brokenness, but not anticipating much on the other side. However, what they found there sent shockwaves through their hearts and minds. Their mouths fell open as they beheld the most beautiful home they’d ever seen. Huge buttresses towered over them, framing beautiful glass windows that offered a magical viewpoint of the old ballroom and mural outside. The floors were pure white marble, and fluffy red carpets were sent down endless hallways of light. Being weary, the travelers enjoyed sinking their hooves into the crimson tapestry.

They were led into a room where a roaring fire was going. Considering the chilly weather outside, this was a very welcome sight. Soon enough, they were all sitting around it, warming their hooves and reminiscing about days gone by. This was extremely exciting for their hostess, who circled ‘round about them, constantly asking questions about what was going on in the outside world. Zipp and Pipp, putting their mistrust aside for a few moments, talked with fondness about how their caretakers would light fires on cold winter nights. Izzy made reference to large bonfires that the Unicorns would have in Bridlewood, thought to ward off evil enchantments and incantations. Finally, Sunny, with tears in her eyes, spoke of how she and her father would share cold evenings in front of the lighthouse’s fireplace.

“It seems that fire brings you all together, regardless of differences,” their hostess said.

“A lot of things bring us together!” Izzy chirped, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

“I’m certainly happy to see that you all are friends, considering recent Equestrian history,” the hybrid creature said, “but now I must see to dinner.”

“Do you need any help?” Sunny asked.

“Oh, no, no, no,” the creature said, “but…I’d be happy of the company.”

Sunny smiled and got up to follow her new friend into the new place’s kitchen. It was as massive as the other rooms, featuring a wood burning pizza oven, state of the art stove, and layer upon layer of amazing cookware. The orange Alicorn was shocked at the amount of modernization that existed in a place that, once, appeared empty and abandoned. Her mouth opened wide as the pony/dragon began zipping around the kitchen, digging out all sorts of delicious treats. It seemed spaghetti was on the menu, and Sunny didn’t mind that. She was a bit of a “pasta-holic,” as her father had so quaintly put it when she was a filly.

“Mm…I love pasta!” She said.

“Me too,” her new friend said, “and I love having friends to share it with once more! But…”

“But what?”

The creature took a minute to ponder her thoughts before finally sighing. “Oh, it’s nothing. We can speak of it later. That said, I realized I haven’t properly introduced myself. I suppose I was so excited to have friends in the castle that I forgot. My name is Crystal Scales.”

“I’m Sunny, Sunny Starscout,” Sunny responded politely.

“Sunny…” The hostess said as she continued bustling around the kitchen, preparing mounds of the delicious pasta dish.

“Yes…Sunny,” Sunny said, hoping to spur the conversation further. “My name is…Sunny.”

A few moments of silence passed between the two, and Sunny hoped she hadn’t done something wrong. But there was something about the hybrid creature that just spoke volumes of friendliness and hospitality. Surely, Sunny thought, she couldn’t have done something to harm her new friend…could she? The answers were forthcoming, as Crystal turned from her work and eyed Sunny deeply. There was a sense of knowledge buried deep within Crystal’s green gaze that both comforted and frightened Sunny. It was something she hadn’t seen in a long time. It reminded her…of her father.

“Is…there…something I can help you with?” She offered with a small smile.

“No,” Crystal said, “not with dinner, but you can help me with something else.”

“Just name it,” Sunny said, “I’d be happy to help!”

“You can help me…save Equestria.”

Chapter 13

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Sunny was shocked…or, to be more precise, dumbfounded. This relationship was only a few moments old, and already she was being asked to do something massive. Typically, friendships where the tapestries of time were only threadbare weren’t so blunt. But, it seemed that Crystal was begging for some kind of extraordinary help. Sunny could see it in her new friend’s eyes as she bustled about the kitchen, never slowing down even after making her monumental request. But as the initial shockwave wore off, the young Alicorn became unsure of how to respond. If she refused, then the friendship could end right then and there. If she accepted, then, once again, the fate of all of Equestria rested squarely on her shoulders.

“…save Equestria?” She managed to sputter after a few moments.

“Yes, Sunny,” Crystal responded.

“…from what?”

“…from a fate worse than any in all the moons I’ve been alive,” Crystal said, slowing her cooking process for the first time.

Sunny heard the pony/dragon’s voice shake and saw a tear drip down her cheek. Within that one bit of systematically produced liquid, she thought she witnessed a trove of memories. Things that she’d never known before were locked away within this otherwise typical method of displaying sadness or hurt. However, this was a hurt deeper than those that might elicit emotion common among foals or the inconsolable. This one tear shed by an ancient being carried a hurt that had witnessed the division of Equestria and seemed to know what had originally caused it. Crystal’s life story, which had slightly intrigued Sunny for a few minutes, suddenly became crucial to her mission. Frankly, she wanted to know everything about her new friend.

“I…I’m so sorry,” Sunny said, rounding the table where Crystal had stopped and placing a comforting hoof on the dragon/pony’s shoulder.

Crystal gave her a small smile. “Thank you, Sunny. You don’t know how many nights I’ve spent in here weeping for my dear, beloved Equestria. I’ve felt like such a coward because I seemed to be the only creature in our land who still knew what friendship was and yet, for over 1,200 years, I holed myself up in here. I shut myself away from those ponies who needed me most. Ever since the war, I-“

“War?” Sunny asked.

Crystal nodded. “The Great Rift War of 1,250 years ago. It was what caused the division in the first place.”

“How…how did it happen?” Sunny asked, desperate for answers.

“That, my dear, is something I cannot explain in a kitchen,” Crystal responded. “After dinner, I will take you into a very special room with an artifact as old as Princess Twilight herself. But come, Sunny. Let us finish preparing and go celebrate a meal with the others.”

After a very delicious spaghetti dinner during which Crystal introduced herself to everyone else, they all retired to their own business. Hitch and Zipp, with Crystal’s eager blessing, went on an exploratory trip both within her inner sanctum and back in the broken outer area. She gave them a magical key that opened the doorway, so they could come and go as they pleased. Izzy and Pipp settled by the fire, speaking in hushed tones about something that nopony could decipher. Finally, Meadow went off by herself, claiming to need the time to consider some things. It was at this moment that Sunny and Crystal trotted off down one of the sanctum’s beautiful hallways.

Sunny was enraptured by the building’s architecture, even deep within its bowels. Stone upon stone laid in perfect symmetry to each other, guarding the residents from the harsh elements of the outside world. There were statues of different ponies lining the hall, and with a start, Sunny recognized them as Princess Twilight and her five friends...or, at least, she thought it was five. A sixth statue resided beside Twilight, along with a curious statue of a dragon. Sunny never realized that Twilight had two other members of her inner circle aside from those she knew. But she was always eager to discover new things, so she decided to ask Crystal about it when they arrived at their destination.

It didn’t take long before they got to a certain doorway at the end of the corridor. Without saying a word, Crystal used yet another magical key to open it. Swinging wide, the portal granted them access and Sunny’s jaw fairly hit the floor when they went inside. The room was massive and very brightly lit. A beautifully odd decorative piece was the tree root chandelier hanging from the ceiling, lit by what appeared to be fine gems. As Sunny’s eager light green eyes scanned downward, she started as six large thrones appeared in front of her, along with a small seventh one. She quickly maneuvered forward on the soft, plush carpet, trotting round about the thrones and noting that each one bore a cutie mark. The biggest one held Twilight’s very own.

“Wow…” Sunny breathed.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Crystal asked.

“Yes…yes, it is!” Sunny said as her wonder widened along with her smile.

“Sunny Starscout, you are now standing in Equestria’s very own friendship mission central dispatch station. In other words, this is where Twilight and her friends, during their heyday, would head out to solve friendship problems across Equestria and throughout the world!”

“Whoa…” Sunny said, “…but…how did they know where to go?”

Crystal pointed towards the center of the thrones, and Sunny’s eyes followed. They turned as big as saucers when they got a glimpse of what the pony/dragon was pointing at. It was a large table, bigger than any Sunny had ever seen before. Perfectly circular and made of fine marble, it appeared to hold something just beyond its innocent exterior. As if reading her thought, the table suddenly came to life! A huge map of Equestria floated on its surface, placing both the old towns, new cities, and even the new EPUP Initiative led areas on its grid. Sunny was shocked at the map’s accuracy, and dazzled by its wondrous three-dimensional elements.

“The Cutie Map,” Crystal explained as she trotted up beside Sunny, “the very thing that Twilight and her friends used to change the world.”

Sunny felt like weeping tears of joy. “I…I can’t believe I’m standing in front of something so…vital to their story! I mean, it’s wonderful! It’s stupendous! It’s…far beyond anything I could ever imagine. Crystal, thank you so much for showing this to me!”

“You’re very welcome, Sunny,” Crystal responded, “after all, you and your group are my first guests and friends in so long. But you’ve been gifted far beyond anypony in all Equestria.”

“I have?” Sunny asked, cocking her head curiously.

“Yes, my dear, you have,” Crystal said, “for you are an Alicorn, a member of Twilight’s royal family!”

“WHAT?!” Sunny shrieked.

“Okay, there went my hearing,” Crystal said through a smile.

“I’m related to Twilight?!” Sunny shouted, dancing and prancing around in absolute joy.

“Well…I don’t know if you’re directly related, but by virtue of your new magical abilities and your representation of all three pony kinds as one…yep! I’d say you’re about as Alicorn as Alicorn can get.”

“Oh…thank you, thank you, thank you!” Sunny said, grabbing Crystal in a surprise hug.

“You’re welcome…but you’re crushing my windpipe!”

“Oh, sorry,” Sunny said, letting go, “I’m just so excited!”

“I can tell,” Crystal said with a smile, however she quickly turned somber. “But that’s not all I have to tell you.”

Sunny stopped her reverie as she remembered Crystal’s earlier words. “Oh, yeah…the Great Rift War.”

“It all started with a death, some dust, and an organization named Scarlet Wing…”

Chapter 14

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I was born 1,275 years ago to the most wonderful and amazing parents anypony could ever ask for. My mother was Twilight’s friend, and fashionista to the royals, Rarity. My father was Equestria’s Friendship Ambassador, Spike. They’d only been married for a couple of years before I came along. But, despite the relative shortness of the matrimony, they still loved and cherished me as any parent with 15 years’ experience under their proverbial belts. I grew up in a very nurturing home, with happiness and love being the centerpieces of my parents’ relationship, both with each other and in their dealings with me. True, I wasn’t a perfect filly, but even during the times when I was punished, I’d note their deep love and devotion to me. They sincerely wanted what was best for “their little Crystal.”

Despite my hybrid nature, I was thoroughly accepted by my fellow school foals. I made a good deal of friends and hold fond memories of each one. My best friend, an Earth Pony filly named Quest Finder, was, as you might have guessed, heavily into adventure. Novels, movies, games, you name it. If it was tabbed under any kind of adventurous category, Quest would throw herself headlong into it. She was especially interested in Equestrian legends, or, more specifically, those of the old royal sisters, Celestia and Luna. These were two ponies who rose and fell the heavenly bodies each day and night. They were joined by The Crystal Family, Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, and little Princess Flurry Heart. This family worked to spread love throughout the kingdom. Finally, there was Twilight herself, and the royal dais was complete.

Anyway, Quest was really into these legends, and, combined with my parents’ ever present explanations, this was how I learned Equestrian history. So, it was with great devastation that I saw how each pony tribe rewrote it to benefit themselves. Historical revisionism, in any way, is something that I consider one of the greatest sins a pony can commit. History is truth, and we mustn’t tamper with truth, no matter how much we dislike it. Quest taught me this, and we grew extremely close as we bonded over these things. But then…one day…she was diagnosed with a terminal illness…and…well…she died. It was the saddest time of my life to that point, and I still remember the hours I spent wailing in my mother’s embrace. Quest was like a sister to me, and I cherish her memory to this day.

Life moved forward, however slowly, after that terrible time. Soon enough, I was able to cope with my grief and get my education and social life back on track. I graduated from Canterlot University with a degree in Equestrian history and archaeology. I took the courses in Quest’s memory, because we’d made a pact that we’d become historians together. In a way, it was like she was right by my side, all throughout my collegiate journey. That said, I also knew that she wouldn’t want me to become a recluse, but instead, find love through friendship. Because, as she said, friendship is the ultimate adventure. So, I took her words to heart and, with the help of both my mother and Princess Twilight, was soon able to make wonderful new friends.

Unfortunately, our nation’s happiness wouldn’t last long. See, on my 25th birthday, I was given a job as part of Twilight’s palace staff. Through the years of my youth, I’d watched her and her friends solve every problem Equestria had ever faced. But, as time dictates, ponies pass away. This happened to each of her friends, including my mother. My father lived on, per his dragon heritage, and did his best to console her. But after losing his beloved Rarity, even my own father was unable to shake his grief. So, it was up to us as castle staff to try and make them see that they still had many things and ponies to live for. I remembered Quest’s words about friendship as an adventure and tried to convince Twilight of this. But our leader…wasn’t exactly open to the idea. She’d lash out, not just at me, but at all the staff as well. My father became very distant, and he went about his business as Friendship Ambassador in a daze.

Then, one day, about a decade after we buried the last of Twilight’s friends, she was unusually late to court. So, I went into her room and saw her sleeping form on the bed. I prodded at her with a hoof, but received no response. This being rather peculiar, I leaned down and listened. There wasn’t even the slightest trace of a heartbeat. I quickly called for the palace guards and medics to come, which they did with record speed. But…by that point, it was too late. Twilight had died in her sleep, and the cause was unclear. Equestria entered a state of mourning the likes of which I’d never seen before. Her special stallion, a Pegasus named Gentle Wind, was absolutely inconsolable. He loved her with a depth that I hadn’t seen since my own parents. The nation was thrown into chaos as time moved forward, seemingly forgetting about the kind and gentle princess.

An investigation was launched by the leaders of the three pony kinds to see what had happened to Twilight. The Crystal Family was heavily involved as well, as Princess Flurry Heart, who by this point was the leader of the Empire, wanted desperately to garner some answers. The investigation came up empty, except for one thing. In Twilight’s room, they found the symbol of an organization…an evil organization run by ponies who work in the shadows to undermine friendship and bring division into Equestria. Their name was Scarlet Wing, and they were no strangers to the Equestrian authorities. Nopony knows who their leader is nor who might or might not be a member. Whatever the case, when the news went public that their symbol had been found at the crime scene, a letter was sent to the palace claiming responsibility for Twilight’s death.

Scarlet Wing became public enemy number one, and everypony tried to locate them. However, there was another issue. The throne of Canterlot remained vacant and each of the pony tribes claimed it. This was Scarlet Wing’s underlying mission all along. Their assassination of Twilight began sowing seeds of mistrust among the ponies of Equestria. Soon, accusations were flying that different pony tribe leaders were secretly the mastermind of Scarlet Wing. Small skirmishes began taking place and, for the first time since before the first Hearth’s Warming, ponies spilled each other’s blood. It was a time of great tension, but we didn’t know what was truly coming. See…Scarlet Wing had weaponized a compound of both biochemistry and magic that fed on everypony’s negative feelings. It was called “Distrust Dust,” and with Twilight not naming an heir before her death, it was the perfect time to attack and claim the throne for themselves.

So, they did, at what was supposed to be a peaceful convention. The pony kinds were tired of their skirmishing, so the leaders got together to try and come to an amiable solution. Unfortunately, Scarlet Wing got wind of this and pumped a lot of the dust through the center’s ventilation system. It fed on the mistrust of the leaders and, before we knew it, war broke out. For 250 years, ponies slaughtered each other, and all were expected to participate. The true Scarlet Wing watched from the shadows, claiming more and more territory as ponies died in droves. Soon enough, they held power over all of Equestria and The Crystal Empire. Then, they began feeding lies through historical revisionism, keeping the pony kinds separated and hateful of each other.

The only remnants of the old Equestria were myself and what was left of The Crystal Family. We all retreated here, Sunny…to this very castle. Princess Flurry caused a magic tree to grow over the outer shell, to keep any unsavory passer’s by from getting in. Then, we spent well over a millennia shut up in here. We grew our own food, made our own clothes, and told tales of old to each other. Unfortunately, after about 1,100 years, Flurry and her husband died as well, and I was left to care for her daughter, Princess Brilliant Glow. She became the last of the Alicorns…that is, until you showed up. But then, one day, she disappeared, and I haven’t seen her since.

We now hold a common enemy in Scarlet Wing, Sunny. They must be stopped…and I am asking you and your friends to help in this endeavor.

Chapter 15

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Sunny was shocked at the story Crystal told. It was a gruesome tale, one that went beyond simple magical mischief or even criminality. No, this was a story of ponies turning on each other and viciously beating one another because of their differences. From intensive study of Twilight’s life and concepts about friendship, she knew full well that differences were meant to be celebrated. But one organization had preyed on a pony’s inherent want to see that those of their kind are placed in positions of power and authority. Scarlet Wing was truly the most evil collective in the history of Equestria, and definitely one that would be difficult to defeat. Dangerous, even.

Horrible thoughts began running through Sunny’s mind. She saw her friends dying one by one in a heroic, yet vein, attempt at defeating Scarlet Wing. Bravery became each one of them beautifully. However, wounds and blood do not answer to fortitude. They answer to the harshness of reality, which slowly began settling on the young Alicorn. She turned and looked at her wings and then, with worry painting her face, brought a hoof up to her new horn. Realization struck that she was a combination of all three ponies, meant to lead, not to follow. But how could she? How could she lead her friends into the very jaws of death itself? For, if Scarlet Wing were as deadly as Crystal made them out to be, then there was no possible way that any of them would come out alive.

“I…I…” She stammered, “…I…I don’t know what to say.”

“I know it’s a lot to ask of one pony,” Crystal said, “let alone several, but I truly believe you and your friends can do this.”

“But, how?” Sunny asked, “what in Equestria makes you believe this?”

“The Cutie Map,” Crystal said, pointing back at the table in the center of the room. “The one thing I haven’t told you, Sunny, is that I followed your journey here. That’s how I knew you were in the outer castle. One day, the map activated and all of your cutie marks floated above it. Mesmerized by this, I kept tabs on it every day. I saw you when you entered the EPUP town at the edge of the forest. I saw you trotting through it, and I knew…I just knew that this was the answer to a wish I made a long time ago.”

“But…I…I can’t lead them,” Sunny said, “I’m just one pony.”

“A pony with wonderful friends and a spirit for Twilight’s passion that guides her to this day,” Crystal said. “To be truthful, I haven’t seen anypony as in touch with friendship since Equestria’s last princess. It is this quality that Equestria has been sorely missing for thousands of years. Please, Sunny…please say you’ll help in this cause. Scarlet Wing still exists, and until they are taken care of, Equestria shall never know true harmony. Please…”

Meanwhile, as Sunny learned of Equestria’s true history, another story was being told outside. After returning from their exploration efforts, Sunny’s friends broke off into small groups to report their findings. Izzy and Hitch went off to discuss theirs, leaving Zipp and Pipp alone together. Zipp hated the idea of spending time with her sister, whom she considered an ex-family member. But, she saw she had no choice as Izzy and Hitch’s tails bounced away down another corridor. She turned to her sister, who was seated in front of the roaring fireplace. Accepting defeat, Zipp plopped down on her own rump, but made absolutely no effort to hide her displeasure. In fact, she sneered at her sibling.

“Zipp…can’t we talk?” Pipp asked.

“Why?” Zipp asked gruffly. “What’s there to talk about, except for the fact that you and Mom killed an innocent pony?”

“He wasn’t innocent!” Pipp defended, “he was-“

“-selling knockoff merchandise, I know!” Zipp thundered. “But that should’ve been punishable by a couple months in jail and a fine, not death! Seriously, how in Equestria did you not think of this?! For that matter, why didn’t-“

“-BECAUSE IF HE WOULD HAVE REMAINED ALIVE, MOTHER WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN QUEEN ANYMORE!” Pipp shouted, then immediately held a hoof to her mouth.

“…wait…what?” Zipp asked, mouth open.

Pipp lowered her eyes and sought visual comfort from the ground. “It’s true,” she said in a shaky way.


“You never knew this, but…Mother took some…not so nice paths to the throne of Zephyr Heights. She was a simple palace maid when you and I were born, but she saw that I was gifted musically. Our father saw the same thing, but wanted me to use my talents for good things. So, she left him and took us with her. As we grew, she kept sending you away to school and focused all her time on my image.”

“But…wait a minute,” Zipp said, confused, “I…I don’t remember any of that! We were always royal, weren’t we?”

Pipp shook her head as she prepared to confess one of her mother’s greatest sins. “Mother…manipulated things so that you thought we were always royal. But the truth is, we only became royal when I got so popular. There was a coup led by our mother, Zipp. She made soldiers out of my fans and, quite literally, took over Zephyr Heights. The crime of selling knockoff merchandise was punishable by death simply because it threatened her position.”

Zipp looked on in shock. “…AND YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO TELL ANYPONY?!” She roared.

“Zipp…my mind…I was…”

“I don’t wanna hear it!” Zipp spat. “You lied to everypony, Pipp! You lied to our friends in Zephyr, you lied to your own public, you lied to ME!”

“I know I did, darn it!” Pipp said. “Do you think this makes things any easier for me?! Do you think I ENJOY confessing to all this?!”

“I should hope not!” Zipp responded, furrowing her eyebrows ever deeper. “In fact, I don’t know of two lower, more dishonest, worthless, evil, disgusting ponies in Equestria than the two of you! Not only do you have explaining to do when we get home, but I think that we should put in a call to the Pegasus leadership!”

“But Zipp, we’ve changed!” Pipp said, desperate to avoid a punishment.

“I don’t give a crap!” Zipp angrily announced, “because you certainly didn’t give one about me! Our sisterhood is done, Pipp, and when we get home, I could care less if I ever see you again!”

Chapter 16

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Little did the ponies know it, but somepony was watching their every move. Shadows comforted this particular equine, with a heart so dark that it pushed her to make everypony her enemy. Agents of Scarlet Wing were expected to behave in a manner befitting their leader, but this particular mare found that said leader wasn’t harsh enough. She wanted nothing more than to eviscerate everypony in front of her. Sharpened teeth, vicious hooves, and smooth cunning were her biggest weapons. In fact, it’s no understatement to say that her arsenal was the most dangerous in all of Equestria. She strode through the darkness, picking off targets one by one. Her eyes narrowed in search of every victim, and it was said that, when a pony beheld those slits, then it was too late.

This particular mare was obsessed with death. She loved watching other ponies bleed in front of her, as she considered it justice for evils they had committed. Each pony, whether winged, horned, or just plain hooved needed to pay for what she called “injustices.” She was an expert in pony history and had been made immune to the Distrust Dust, just as every member of Scarlet Wing had. This immunity coupled with her knowledge and skill in hoof-to-hoof combat made her a lethal pony. She’d committed crimes in Zephyr Heights, Maretime Bay, and Bridlewood. Pony deaths attributed to her were often called “Silent Crimes” because she was as the wind itself: silent and deadly.

So, as she watched this group of five little ponies deep within Crystal Scales’s residence, it brought her some sense of alarm to see them being all friendly with each other. She didn’t believe in friendship. She hated everyone, including her fellow Scarlet Wing operatives. In her eyes, they were simple bridges to her real objective: the complete destruction of Equestria. Scarlet Wing itself was just a mode for her to use. Soon enough, she’d kill the leader, establish a coup, and take over the nation. Her knowledge of Equestrian history, specifically both The Great Rift War and the first Hearth’s Warming, placed a sense of certainty within her mind. She knew of the self-centeredness inherent within the leaders of each pony kind. Soon, she’d prey on that and cause the Second Rift War, a dream she’d held since fillyhood.

Patience, she thought as she used a magic spell to spy on her would be victims, soon enough, you’ll have your reward…

Meanwhile, inside the castle, Izzy and Hitch trotted down a carpeted path. Izzy loved the way that the red velvet squished under her hooves. She found it irresistible, and she giggled with every passing hoof step. Turning to Hitch, she smiled and invited him to join in. He rolled his eyes at this, wondering if it would be a worthwhile pastime. But she managed to convince him and soon enough, both ponies were gallivanting about the place, laughing and chortling at the fun they were having. It almost slipped their collective minds to discuss the exploration that they’d just been on, until Hitch stopped suddenly and reminded Izzy of what they were supposed to be doing. Izzy ceased her fun, frowned a bit, but then turned and faced her sheriff friend.

“Oh, alright, you win,” she said. “What did you find out?”

“Nothing that we didn’t already know, unfortunately,” Hitch responded. “You?”

“Well…I did find a latch that opened a secret door, pointing into a library filled with vast troves of knowledge the likes of which pony kind has never seen before,” Izzy said, “but…you probably aren’t interested in that.”

Hitch’s mouth dropped. “Not interested?! Izzy, why didn’t you tell me?”

“We were having so much fun…”

“Look, I appreciate your need for levity, but this is serious! I mean, this library could hold the answers we seek!”

“Okay, okay, okay,” Izzy said, using a hoof to clean her ear in an overly exaggerated way. “I’ll take you, but only if you do one thing for me.”


Izzy narrowed her eyes and smiled. “Tell me who you’re sweet on, Zipp or Sunny.”

Hitch’s mouth fell once again. He had no idea that Izzy had figured out his dilemma, nor that she would bring it up so abruptly! Did this unicorn have absolutely no social graces…or was it deeper than that? He looked at her oddly, trying to figure out why in Equestria she’d ask such a personal and blunt question. But he simply couldn’t. He could spend a million moons trying to figure Izzy Moonbow out and he’d never do so. He knew that. In some cases, this made her an even better friend, as her unpredictability was often the cause of humorous events. But in others, such as now, it made him want to shake her by the mane.

“I…you…” He stammered.

“Surprised?” She asked, then giggled without giving him a chance to respond. “I knew it all the time, Hitch! I see the way you look at Zipp as she studies her deputy material, and the way you watch Sunny whenever she enters a room. But the fact, Hitch-y boy, is this…you can only have one mare. So…who is it?”

“I never expected to be confused, frightened, intrigued, happy, and ticked at the same time, yet here we are,” Hitch mumbled.

“I kinda have that effect on ponies,” Izzy admitted. “But, come on, friend to friend…who is it? Is it Zipp, with her pretty blue eyes and bright white coat; or is it Sunny, with her pretty purple eyes and lustrous orange coat? Hm?”

“I…I don’t know, Izzy!” Hitch finally exclaimed. “I can’t make that decision on the spot!”

“Aw, come on,” Izzy pushed.

“Look, Izz, you’re like my sister, but I just can’t do that kind of thing!” Hitch said, putting his hoof down both figuratively and literally.

Izzy got the message. “Alright, alright, alright, yeesh.”

“Now, will you take me to the library?”

Izzy sighed, disappointed at not having found out the truth. “Of course, I’ll take you.”

“Thank you,” Hitch said, “and, Izz?”


“Next time…don’t get so personal so quickly, promise?”

“I promise,” Izzy said, “but I don’t like it.”


“Well, you’re one of my best friends, and…I like to know everything about my friends!”

Hitch smiled, touched at the innocent sincerity shown by his unicorn companion. “I appreciate how much you want to become deeper friends with somepony. But the fact is, there are some things that even good friends don’t share with each other.”

“I guess so,” Izzy responded, “but, anyway, let’s go see that library!”

Chapter 17

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Izzy led Hitch down a long hallway towards an unknown future. Yes, he knew of where he was going, but what he’d find once there both frightened and intrigued him. The way Izzy had spoken of the library was both reverent and somewhat bizarre. It was like being in the room had changed her life forever, in ways that were apparent only to her. The unicorn’s gaze had shifted back and forth as she spoke of the library, and Hitch was concerned that she might have been mentally affected by the contents of said room. He nervously followed her bouncing tail down the hallway, wondering if he, too, would be affected. It would either be that or all of the tomes hidden within would contain some type of power that might help them on their journey.

“Hey, Izz?” He asked, strolling up beside her.


“What’s in this library, exactly?”

She looked at him and smiled. “You’ll find out when we get there.”

Hitch rolled his eyes, but nodded and smiled back. The two quietly made their way down the hall until they reached a certain door. Izzy stopped and quietly prodded the portal open with her magic. Once inside, the two looked around in wonder. Even Izzy, though she’d already been in here before, was awestruck by just how extensive it was. Shelf after shelf contained knowledge in the form of the written word, pushing their existence deeper into the pair of ponies. Quickly, they maneuvered over to one of the shelves and began digging into what it had to offer. Hitch was surprised at just how many books there were.

Every subject known to pony kind was represented. Magic, methodology, cooking, cleaning, sports, history, science…even one or two romance titles. It was the most extensive collection of tomes he’d ever seen. His eyes wandered this way and that, darting from title to title, eager to explore them all. Ever since he was a colt, he’d always taken solace in the literary world. Life made way more sense when viewed through the lens of a book. He’d studied profusely in the subjects of history and science, but now knew that everything he’d ever read had been a lie. These topics were subjugated to a long history of apparent brainwashing on the part of some unknown entity. Now, he wanted to make it right. He felt that it was his mission to make it right, and his friends shared the same goal.

One day, he promised himself, each book in this library will be made public. Everypony must know the truth of what Equestria actually is! I know that, as a whole, it’s a lot better than it used to be…but something tells me that there’s still work to be done. Perhaps…even the work of bringing justice to some great enemy.

“Hitch!” Izzy suddenly called, interrupting his thoughts.


“Come over here! I’ve found something incredible!”

Hitch quickly galloped over to where his unicorn friend stood. He pulled to a stop beside her, mouth agape as he followed her pointing foreleg. Right in front of them was a massive shelf, holding a lot of the same book. The reason for their surprise was that these were no ordinary books: they were friendship journals. Quickly, both ponies took out a copy for each member of their group. This way, they could all have their own and be able to read about the fantastic adventures of Twilight and her friends. There were some reservations presented about taking the journals, but Izzy made the point that libraries exist to rent books. All they’d have to do was ask Crystal if they could borrow them for a while.

“I guess you’re right,” Hitch said, “besides, what are friendship journals for but to be read?”

“Exactly!” Izzy squeaked happily. “Now, come on, let’s get back to the others!”

It took a while, but soon enough, everypony gathered back in the main area. The fire was still roaring and the remnants of their spaghetti dinner languished on the table. They’d each been too excited about the prospects of the castle to bother cleaning. So, after everyone was there, Crystal enlisted some help and they got the job done with no real delays. Once this was completed, Crystal sat everyone around the fire and told them her story. Scarlet Wing’s vicious ambitions and cruelty were shocking. Many in the group found themselves shedding tears at the bloodthirsty outfit. Some turned to rage and quivered in their horseshoes, desperate to exact vengeance upon Scarlet Wing.

“…truth be told, I don’t know where you’ll find them,” Crystal finished, “but what I do know is the power of your friendship.”

“The power of our friendship?” Zipp asked with a wary eye to her “ex-sibling.”

“Yes, Zipp,” Crystal said. “In fact, I haven’t seen a bond so tightly woven since Twilight and her friends. In fact, you each remind me of one individual member of her group. Sunny, you’re Twilight. Zipp, you’re Rainbow Dash. Pipp, you’re my mother, Rarity. Izzy, you’re just like Pinkie Pie. Hitch, you’re Applejack…and finally, you, Meadow. You’re just like Fluttershy.”

“So…do you think our friendship is…somehow…meant to be?” Sunny asked.

“I believe all friendships are meant to be,” Crystal said. “That’s what makes the idea so exciting! To think that one pony out there is meant to be your friend for life. No matter the differences, no matter the similarities. They are simply placed in Equestria for one purpose: to become your friend and share your life with you. Other ponies might fade or even betray you, but your true friends never will, simply because they are fulfilling a mission greater than any in all of Equestria: simply being there for you.”

“Wow…that was lovely!” Meadow chirped.

“Why, thank you, Meadow,” Crystal said, “it’s been a philosophy of mine for my entire life.”

“By the way,” Izzy spoke up, “speaking of friendship, we did some exploring and found these!”

She produced the journals and everypony gasped. Crystal’s face lit up when she saw them, as for her, it was the culmination of a lifelong journey. She wanted so very much for somepony to find the journals and put them to good use. They’d been sitting in her library for over a millennia, just waiting for somepony to read them. Sure, she’d read them all a million times over, but she knew that their purpose lay elsewhere. So, she kept them in pristine condition, waiting for the day when their power would be used once again. Her smile grew as she approached Izzy and grasped her in a hug.

“Well done, Izzy!” She said.

“Whaddaya mean?” Izzy asked, bewildered.

“You’ve found the truest treasure this castle could ever bestow! These journals were given to me by Princess Twilight herself before she died. She wanted me to pass them on, but we had no idea of the strife that lay ahead for Equestria. Now, they’ll be in good hooves! I’m so very proud to be able to give these all to you! Now, go rest…for you have a long journey ahead of you.”

Chapter 18

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Thus it was that the adventurous group left Crystal Scales and The Castle of Friendship behind. All of them felt it weird to know that they’d been in such a luxurious place…and that it was buried beneath a dead, rotting tree. Not only that, but the fact that said tree had survived for thousands of years was a testament to the magic stored within its trunk and branches. When they left, Izzy plucked one of the twigs off the tree to keep as a memento of their time there. They also swore a pact with Crystal that, whenever Scarlet Wing was destroyed, they would return and celebrate together. Their new friend was ecstatic at the prospect of having guests again and she wished them well on their journey.

They trotted through the rest of the forest, dense though it was. A number of times, they had to halt and administer first aid to somepony. Hitch twisted a hoof on an old tree stump and Pipp ran into a particularly nasty patch of brambles and thorns. But the biggest injury of all came when Izzy noticed a rather pretty flower growing aside from the path. It was interesting to her to find such beauty amidst a forest well known for its ugly aesthetic and horrifying events. So, she made it her minor mission to smell this flower. Unfortunately, the foliage covering the forest floor did not allow her to see what was in front of her. Soon, she found herself in a rather deep pit.

“HELP! HELP!” She cried in fright.

The other ponies heard her and ran back to see what they could do. They found their friend trapped within the dirt laden confines and attempted to rescue her. Unfortunately, the hole was so deep that traditional methods were asinine. They all felt terrible for Izzy as the unicorn’s eyes filled with tears. She didn’t think they’d ever get her out. It wasn’t a matter of blame, for she knew that they were doing all they could. It was simply a matter of logistics. But, thankfully, she had friends who weren’t willing to give up so easily. Sunny quickly devised a scheme and, utilizing some strong vines from nearby, they fashioned a rope.

“Here, Izz! Catch!” Sunny called as Zipp and Hitch threw the rescue tool into the pit.

“It’s not long enough!” Izzy cried when the makeshift rope fell just feet away from her nose.

“Horses and horse feathers!” Zipp spat in frustration. “How are we gonna get her out?”

“Do we have any more vine?” Sunny asked, trying to keep her cool, but dreadfully worried for her best friend’s safety.

“No!” Pipp cried.

“Darn it, this is a forest!” Hitch yelled, “there’s gotta be more vines or branches or twigs or…SOMETHING we can use!”

Sunny’s eyes dashed around the area, finally settling on some sturdy looking branches nearby. Using both them and some string that they’d brought, they were able to lash together a carrying basket. Then, they wound their vine rope back up and hooked the basket onto the end. They quickly lowered it back into the pit and Izzy gratefully jumped on and rode it all the way to the top. Once there, she leapt into Sunny’s embrace and wouldn’t let go.

“Thank you-thank you-thank you!” She chirped.

“You’re welcome!” Sunny said in return. “We wouldn’t have left you behind!”

“Not in a million moons,” Hitch said.

“Oh…what did I ever do to have such wonderful friends like you?” Izzy asked, eyes shining.

“You didn’t do anything,” Sunny said, “it’s the spirit of friendship that bonds us all…and it’s that same spirit that will defeat Scarlet Wing! Now, come on, everypony! Let’s keep moving!”

Later that night, the ponies made camp beside a rather tall hill jutting up from the forest floor. It grew to a great height, though not quite tall enough to qualify as a mountain. That said, it caused quite a groan when Sunny declared that they’d have to summit it the next day. She was determined to find Scarlet Wing, her mother, and the secret of her father’s death. But even more than that, she was determined to learn more about herself and her friendships. Could she, like Twilight before her, have a magical connection with her friends that would save the world? She certainly hoped so as she watched some of her friends cozy into their sleeping bags and drift off into the dream realm.

Then, she turned and looked up at the moon. Its white aura touched everything in the forest to a deep, beautiful silver. She was struck by the magnificence of the entire scene. It was almost like a painting come to life. A smile crossed her face as she breathed deeply, feeling the soft wind play with her mane and her wings. Somehow…she just knew that everything would turn out alright. They always did when friendship was made the goal…didn’t they? Her smile softened as the questioned passed through her mind. Even she didn’t know the answer to that. Friendship was such a new concept to all of Equestria, and she had to admit that nopony had all the answers.

Her worrisome quandary was stopped as Hitch sat down beside her. The two old friends turned and looked at each other, each with more questions than space to keep them. For Sunny, it was all about friendship, her destiny, and the power of both. For Hitch, it was a question of romance. He knew he liked Zipp, but there was something about Sunny that he’d always treasured. Perhaps it was her outer beauty, or perhaps it was the jewel that dwelt within her soul. Either that, or it was simply the longevity of their friendship that had tossed him into a world that he did not own nor could he guide himself through.

“You look…concerned,” Sunny offered kindly.

“It’s just…” Hitch said, then stopped. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

“No, Hitch, it is something. I can tell. Remember, we’ve been friends since foalhood.”

“I know, Sunny,” Hitch said, “but even the oldest of friends can’t bear some of life’s biggest questions.”

“True,” Sunny responded, “still, though…if you ever need to talk…I’m here.”

“Thanks, Sun,” Hitch said, getting a little closer to her. “Thanks.”

Meanwhile, in another part of their camp, Zipp was sneaking away. She hated being near her sister and she hated that nopony else was taking her side against Pipp. Her doubts compounded as she drew further away from the camp and deeper into the isolating forest. It was crushingly dark as the canopy pulled itself ever more overhead. The moon became a blip as Zipp arrived near a certain pool. Looking into it, she thought she saw a vision of what she wanted: her sister, either jailed for life or dead to pay for her crimes. Zipp smiled viciously at the image and her blue eyes narrowed.

“Soon, Pipp,” she said, “you’ll pay for your crimes…”

“I believe I can help with that,” a voice responded out of the ether.

Zipp jumped. “Who’s there?!” She called. “I’m warning you, I have four hooves and I know how to use them!”

“That’s a shame that they’re all you can use,” the voice taunted. It was distinctly feminine yet dastardly in tone. “But, then again…we can’t all be chosen, can we?”

“Ch…chosen?” Zipp asked.

“Why, yes, of course,” the mare’s voice said. “Chosen to spearhead the great new era in Equestria.”

“What do you mean?” Zipp asked, “and why won’t you come out?!”

“Oh, I’ll show myself in time, my dear…all in good time.”

Chapter 19

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Zipp was, in no small way, scared. She tried to put up a tough front against the voice, but deep within, her heart was trembling. Her blue eyes flashed around the darkened area, attempting to find who her verbal provocateur was. But the other being simply could not be located. No matter how hard Zipp tried, she just couldn’t seem to find whoever it was. This sense of mystery caused her already heightened level of fright to skyrocket, and her knees began to buckle. Her mentality would not allow her to show such weakness, however, and she quickly straightened up. Her ears cocked themselves, listening for the minutest of sound. They were razor sharp, owing to her moons of training, both as a deputy and in her own personal life back in Zephyr Heights.

“I’m warning you…” She said after a few moments of silence, “…I’m a skilled hoof-to-hoof combatant, so if you try anything-“

“Now, why on earth would I want to try anything?” The voice asked.

“You just sound a bit…imposing,” Zipp said.

“Imposing?” The voice asked, with a sharp edge of sarcastic annoyance to its tone.

“Yes, imposing…like those ponies who knock on your door in an attempt to solicit you for something.”

“Well…I, in no way want to solicit you for anything,” the voice said, “unless, of course, you’re interested in becoming part of the new era.”

“That’s twice now you’ve mentioned that,” Zipp said.

“Sounds as though you’re interested in hearing about it, hm?”

“Well…I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t,” Zipp responded, lowering her guard just a bit.

“That’s just what I wanted to hear,” the voice said.

Suddenly, out of the shadows materialized a pony and the source of the voice. She was all wrapped up from head to hoof in a thick cloak. A mask covered her face and sharp, tinted glasses coated her eyes. Only two small holes had been cut out of the cloth for her to breathe. She crept closer to Zipp, eyeing her with suspicion and intrigue. Zipp did the same as she felt a strange sense of comfort begin to settle in. It was almost like this cloaked figure knew who she was and wanted very desperately to help her. Then again, it was also like the same pony wanted to kill her and spill her entrails all over the forest floor.

“Who…who are you?” Zipp asked.

“My name is irrelevant, young mare,” the pony said, in a voice that was garbled, yet carried an odd familiarity to it.

“I feel like I know you from somewhere,” Zipp said honestly.

“Oh, that’s quite impossible,” the cloaked figure responded, “for I don’t believe you’ve ever been to Val-hoof-la.”

“Val-hoof-la?” Zipp asked.

“Ah, yes,” the cloaked pony said. “Dear old Val-hoof-la. The headquarters of the new era, prophesied by The Great One.”

“The Great One?”

The cloaked pony nodded. “Yes, indeed. But we shall discuss that later. Let’s speak of you for now. Tell me, Zipp Storm, what of your relationship with your sister?”

Zipp looked away. “I’d rather not discuss that.”

But the cloaked one pushed, stepping up to look Zipp square in the face. “Oh, come now, my dear…let us not be so petulant. I am a friend…and friends can share all sorts of things, right?”

Zipp thought back to what she’d learned about friendship ever since moving to Maretime Bay. “Well…of course, they can. But that doesn’t mean they have to all the time. I mean, sometimes friends just keep secrets and know enough not to invade each other’s privacy.”

Even through the mask, Zipp swore that the other pony was smirking. “There should be no secrets among good friends, Zipp. If I don’t know everything about you, then how am I going to ever assist you and point you to the truth?”

“The truth?” Zipp asked, raising a curious eyebrow. By now, her guard was fully lowered and she was seated on her haunches.

“Yes, dear,” the masked one said, sitting across from her, “the truth of the new era. Equestria has grown tired and turning back to friendship lessons from the past simply will not help. It must progress, evolve, and grow. This is what The Great One says, and this is what must happen in order for ponies to truly be happy.”

“Progress, evolve, and grow?”

“Indeed,” the other pony said, “and The Great One is the only pony in existence who can help. But first, she needs volunteers…and you, Zipp, seem like the perfect candidate. Think of it…you could help lead our land into a glorious future, instead of being stuck in a past dominated by theories and concepts that, truthfully, led to Equestria’s total devastation.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been watching you, Zipp. I know you know of Scarlet Wing, but let me tell you something…Scarlet Wing did what had to be done for Equestria to move forward. Twilight Sparkle and her friends did everything in their power to hold the nation back.”

“How do you know that?” Zipp asked.

It was in that moment that the cloaked pony flashed the inside of her cape at Zipp. There, emblazoned for all who would behold it, was a red logo. A Pegasus stayed in the middle, unfurling a rather large, dominating wing. A fury such that Zipp had never known scorched through the Pegasi’s eyes. Underneath the logo, words were written: “EVOLVE BEYOND.” Once more, Zipp’s fright picked up and she instinctively moved a couple of inches back from the cloaked pony. She knew that this pony meant some type of harm, yet she also felt some kind of genuine want to help her.

“You…you’re with…Scarlet Wing, aren’t you?” Zipp asked, mouth quivering.

“Yes, dear, I am. But not only that, I’m the organization’s highest ranking agent. We’ve been watching you, Zipp Storm. We saw the way you put your sister in her place. We saw how you beguiled her and threw her away like yesterday’s trash. It seems that you, my dear, are already living our motto.”

“Evolve beyond?” Zipp asked, referencing the lettering.

“Yes, evolve beyond,” The cloaked one said.

“Evolve beyond what, exactly?”

“That, Zipp, is something that you’ll have to discover for yourself. But trust me when I tell you that Sunny Starscout and her blind faith in Twilight Sparkle’s old ways…well…they’ll simply lead the nation directly back to war. Ponies have about as much trust in each other as a mouse does in a snake. But…if you join us…you’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted…and so much more.”

Chapter 20

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Soon after her encounter with the cloaked one, Zipp rejoined the group and they continued on their way. But to say that the storm inside the pony named after the meteorological phenomenon was brewing would be an understatement. This was especially true in the case of her sister, whom she felt she could never forgive nor speak to again. As they trotted ever deeper into the forest, guided only by their consciences and the whims of fate itself, she found that she was mulling over Scarlet Wing’s motto more and more. “EVOLVE BEYOND.” What did it mean? Why had the cloaked one been so gung-ho about it? But more than that, who was The Great One and what was this era that had been allegedly prophesied for Equestria?

She was so deep in thought that she didn’t notice when the group halted and she ran into Hitch’s tail. A sheepish apology later, she made her way around her friend and supervisor. Then, she wondered if she might find some answers from him. So, she decided to trot alongside him. She did take notice of the odd way he was looking at her, as if he had butterflies in his stomach. But she put that thought aside. There was absolutely no way a handsome stallion like Hitch would fall for a plain, ordinary mare like herself. Wait, she suddenly thought, …did I just say Hitch was…handsome?

“Hitch?” She asked out loud.

“Yeah?” He nervously offered.

“Um…what would you do if something strange happened that you didn’t understand?”

“Considering my position, probably throw some hoof cuffs on it,” he said with a playful smile.

“Hardy-har-har,” Zipp said, rolling her eyes, “but seriously. If you were to come across something that…erm…tempted you in ways that weren’t exactly great…”

“Well, I guess I’d turn tail and run the other way,” Hitch said matter-of-factly. “I certainly wouldn’t create a space where that could push me any further from what I knew to be true.”

“But…what if this thing could help you right some great wrong that had been done?”

Hitch eyed her suspiciously. “…just what are you getting at, exactly?”

“Oh, nothing,” Zipp said, “I was just…making conversation. What, are you paranoid or something?”

“Not at all,” Hitch responded, “but I did notice that you were gone from camp a long time last night.”

“I was simply…looking for food and water,” Zipp said.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Hitch responded, “if nothing else.”
The two moved forward and rejoined their traveling party, which now made its way ever more rapidly towards the center of the forest. Sunny was unsure of where Scarlet Wing’s headquarters were, but the most sensible plan was to head in this direction. Perhaps a cave or some secret passage among the foliage would open itself to them…at least, this was what she hoped for. But her once powerful sense of determination was slowly slipping away as the thick forest took hold. Day after day, night after night, they trudged along. She thought her hooves would fall off, but she continued pressing forward, knowing what was at stake. Their lives…their friendships…everything.

One day, about three weeks after leaving Crystal and The Friendship Castle, they had an incident where poor Meadow stubbed her hoof on a rock. This was the beginning of a series of unfortunate accidents for the timid Pegasus. She’d wander away from the group, having been distracted by something, and find herself in a heap of trouble. Every single time this happened, it forced the ponies to change their direction, until they were so confused that they didn’t know where they were. So, Sunny ordered them to halt and make camp until they could untangle their directions.

This was easier said than done, and led to some squabbling among the friends. Not that anypony thought any less of anyone else, but you know how it is. Road trips, even with the best of compatriots, can turn sour when navigation is involved. Sunny was absolutely certain that they should be traveling west, but Hitch insisted that north was the way to go. Zipp voted for south, and Pipp squeaked that they should go east, which made no sense as that was the exact way they’d come from. Izzy just wanted everyone to agree on everything, thus causing annoyance with Meadow, who put her vote in to support Zipp. Soon, they were all arguing over everything until Sunny had a sudden thought.

“Everypony, STOP!” She said, leading to an immediate cessation of the tiff. “Look at what we’re doing, guys! We’re supposed to be this unbreakable force of friendship, yet we’re cracking over the smallest of things. The truth is, none of us can be absolutely sure of where we are. We’ve never been here before. That’s why it’s called an adventure, right?”

“Well…um…I guess so,” Pipp said, ears drooping.

“Of course, it is!” Sunny said with renewed vigor, “and if we stick together, we’ll make it to Scarlet Wing’s place and put a stop to their evil before it has a chance to wreak havoc on Equestria again!”

“WHOO!” Izzy said with a smile, “let’s go kick some bad pony rump…again!”

This, apparently, caused the fire to be rekindled as everypony let out a great cheer. From here, it was much easier for them all to agree on what to do next. Since Meadow and Zipp had two votes in their favor, they all started out south the next morning. Sunny was much happier than she had been in previous days, and with Izzy and Hitch by her side, she joyfully led the brigade further on their quest. No matter how long it would take, she knew that she’d never leave them behind. Smiles passed between them as their morale bettered itself…but, as the days continued to pass with no signs of anything, it soon dropped again.

“Ugh,” Izzy said one day, “this place is starting to remind me of Bridlewood before we got magic back.”

“How many weeks have we been traveling?” Hitch asked.

“Seven,” Sunny said, “but try not to think about it. We’re going to make it!”

“Yeah…you keep saying that,” Izzy said, “and nothing’s happening.”

“I’m sure something will happen soon!” Sunny responded. “Come on, where’s that fighting spirit?”

“Probably back where we had our last decent meal,” Pipp grumbled from behind them. “I’m starved!”

“Oh, come on, guys! It’s an-“

“-adventure, we know,” Hitch said in annoyance. “But, Sunny…maybe this adventure wasn’t the best idea.”

“We have to stop Scarlet Wing!”

“How do we know that there even IS a Scarlet Wing?!” Hitch suddenly erupted. “I mean, we took the word of a crazy old dragon pony hybrid freak in a castle with a freakin’ TREE growing over the top of it! Now, we’ve been busting our rumps trying to find this place for weeks and coming up empty hooved! It’s obvious that we’ve been duped and sent on a wild goose chase! For all we know, Crystal’s the real cause of the evil in Equestria and she sent us away so she could concoct more horrible spells!”

“That’s not true!” Sunny said desperately. “She showed me The Cutie Map, I saw things you guys didn’t! I need you all to have faith and trust that we will accomplish our objective in the end.”

“Oh, brother!” Hitch thundered. “Sunny, wake up! IT’S OVER!”

Just as Hitch said this, Meadow suddenly squeaked in pain. They turned to see that the clumsy Pegasus had stubbed her hoof once again, only this time, the rock had moved in a concerted direction. They suddenly looked up from where they’d been arguing and noticed that a massive cave had opened to them. A symbol was placed on the roof of the entrance, and it was one that started Zipp. She knew it well. It was Scarlet Wing’s.

Chapter 21

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The red symbol seemed to glare at them as they looked upon it. Brutality and violence practically screamed from its glistening hue. Yet, at the same time, some in the group thought that there was some type of magic about it. A wicked, evil magic to be sure, but magic all the same. It seemed to have rivers of blood, carrying the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Thunder appeared to come from its deep ridges and lightning from the cracks in the surrounding cave walls. It was a vicious, detestable symbol…to all, but one.

This pony found a strange comfort in the insignia. It was almost as if it represented some long lost home for her. But Zipp wouldn’t dare tell anypony about her encounter with the cloaked Scarlet Wing agent. It was her moment to relive and hers only. For, somewhere deep in her heart, she still considered everypony her friend. This, surprisingly, included Pipp. Unfortunately, her soul cried out in a rage. “Take Pipp’s life in return for those she’s murdered!” It screamed. “Vengeance shall be yours, Zipp Storm!”

Zipp allowed this cruel voice to overpower her love for her sister, and thus it continued tearing apart the tapestry of their friendship. As the group moved forward into the cave, her want to join Scarlet Wing strengthened. She mulled over the organization’s motto and decided that she was ready to evolve beyond friendship and forgiveness. Scarlet Wing had it right: only the strongest ponies should lead the land. Zipp began to see everyone around her as cowardly, especially her sister. The murders of Meadow’s parents began to seep away in Zipp’s mind as she turned the full force of her despisal onto her sibling. It wasn’t just those murders, it was everything.

You received all the attention in Zephyr, Zipp thought with a burning hate, you got all the money, the fame, the friends, the colts, the stallions…you got them all. They loved you while I was ignored. To top it all off, every single act of deception was sanctioned by our worthless mother all for her royal pursuits! Well…no more. Pipp Petals, I don’t need a trial. I can be your judge, your jury, and your executioner!

After an hour of trotting along the cave floor, they came to a fork. It was a good fork, to be sure, with yawning mouths desperately seeking their decision. The way left seemed to slope downward, heading further into the cavernous ether, while the passage that lead right ran more along the flat ground. The choice was not an easy one. If they went any which way and became entangled in the maze of tunnels and passageways that, no doubt, peppered the cave beyond, then they’d all be royally done for. A few moments’ discussion yielded a bit of a stalemate among the group before Meadow suddenly piped up.

“I think we should go left,” she said, “perhaps it might lead to some water, and I could use a drink.”

“Me too,” Izzy said, “my mouth’s dryer than Baker Bob’s biscuits back in Maretime Bay!”

This quip earned a chuckle from the group. Baker Bob was well known for his prowess in creating fine confectionary treats. Unfortunately, his cutie mark ability did not extend to biscuit making. When they came out of the oven, they were generally one of two ways: dry as a bone or burnt to a crisp. All the same, nopony was willing to call him out on it, for fear of harming the kind pony’s business or feelings. He never received any negative reviews, because everypony felt like the shame of a thousand generations would be heaped upon them should they do so. All the same, those biscuits…and this was putting it mildly…sucked.

“Yeah, I could stand for some water, too,” Hitch responded.

“Alright, left it is, then!” Sunny exclaimed, pointing with her hoof.

So, they ventured down the little slope and into the great unknown. They passed along the corridor, taking note of the various stalagmites and stalactites that the cave had to offer. It made things seem ten thousand times more evil than they actually were. In a fright, Izzy clung to where Sunny and Hitch were trotting at the head of the column. She had a decided dislike to this cave, owing in no small part to the massive, unwelcoming symbol they’d seen. Now that they were inside the place, things were even more horrible. The jagged rock and spikes that hung and grew in various places gave the place a cursed feeling. Izzy knew that the ponies were in deep trouble and she suddenly began to wish that they’d never entered the cavern.

“I…I’ve got a bad feeling about this place,” she whispered to Hitch and Sunny.

“Yeah, it doesn’t exactly give me the warm fuzzies either,” Sunny said, “but, if this is where Scarlet Wing’s holed up, then it’s our duty to find and stop them.”

“But didn’t we do that when we brought friendship back?” The unicorn asked.

“We stopped the majority of their work, and the magic explosion caused most of the Distrust Dust to be wiped away,” Sunny responded. “But, they still exist, and until they are dealt with, Equestria itself is in grave danger.”

“It’s for the best, Izzy,” Hitch said.

“Yeah, but…”

“But what?”

“I dunno…I guess I just miss Maretime, where everything is bright and colorful and cheerful.”

“We all miss Maretime,” Sunny said, turning back to trot beside her best friend. “It is our home, after all. But don’t worry. We’ll be back before you know it!”

Izzy looked up and smiled at Sunny. Having a best friend like her really made the unicorn happy. She always knew that she could count on Sunny to make her day exactly that: sunny. Despite the darkness of the cave, she suddenly felt a lot happier as her friend pressed in beside her. Hitch did the same on the other side, making her doubly happy. Friendships were the absolute joy of her existence, and she was proud to call these two her closest.

But the comfort didn’t last long, sadly, as the ponies suddenly emerged from the small passage into a huge room. It was here where the cave really made its presence known. The roof rose high above them, and there was room for about a thousand bodies, give or take. Some mysterious writing coated the walls, none of which anypony could read…save for two words plastered above a massive throne carved of stone. “EVOLVE BEYOND.” They also noted that the symbol from the mouth of the cave was engraved on the back of the throne. But, more to their delight, there stood a massive underground pool from which they could quench their thirst.

They had just begun doing so, when they were attacked! Suddenly, a myriad of ponies, all wearing cloaks, came thundering out from various places in the cave. The group was caught totally off guard and had no time to use any of their Canter Logic weaponry. They were seized and tied up before being hurled to the floor in front of the throne and told to bow with their noses in the dirt. Not wishing to meet their end, they did as their marauders told. While they did, a new pony entered the room and took her place upon the throne. When the sudden prisoners were pulled from their bow, they got a good look at the newcomer. Much to Sunny’s surprise, it was another Alicorn.

“Who…who are you?” She sputtered.

“HOW DARE YOU ADDRESS EQUESTRIA’S QUEEN SO DISRESPECTFULLY!” One of the cloaked ones yelled, slapping Sunny square across the jaw.

“Peace, Ruffled Feather,” the Alicorn said, “I am certain that these ponies have no knowledge of me, nor of our mission.”

“But, Your Highness, I-“

“Silence!” The Alicorn barked, causing Ruffled Feather to shrink back. “I appreciate your defense, but I’ve no need for it. I will gladly speak with these intruders…and perhaps they might see the light. Now, then, young Alicorn…what was your question?”

“Who…who are you?”

“My name…is Luster Dawn.”

Chapter 22

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“…wait…you’re who, now?” Sunny asked, perplexed. Her ears were cocked and she tilted her head. Confusion reigned supreme in her head. She’d never heard of this Luster Dawn, nor did she know how in Equestria the apparent leader of Scarlet Wing had become an Alicorn. From her understanding of the phenomenon, Alicorn-hood was only granted when some magic force thought one had done enough to earn one’s wings. It was all extremely bewildering to the young orange mare, and she needed some answers. That, and whatever Luster said could work to their advantage should it come to a battle.

“I’m Luster Dawn,” the other Alicorn repeated.

A moment’s silence followed as Sunny continued to look completely lost.

“Um…Twilight’s old student?” Luster offered.

“Nope, not ringing any bells,” Sunny said honestly.

Luster smacked her face with a hoof. “See, this is why I started Scarlet Wing! Twilight said that there’d be friends, there’d be family, there’d be notoriety and acceptance, but NOOOOOOOO! I got stuck with four supposed friends who weren’t even my own species! Then, when they decided to-“

“Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!” Sunny said. “Calm down. Then, maybe, you can form a coherent thought.”

“I will not take orders from my prisoners,” Luster growled, “and there’s no way in Tartarus that you’re gonna catch me monologuing! Ruffled Feather, prepare to throw them into their cell!”

“Aye, Your Majesty,” Ruffled said, in a voice that betrayed his excitement at getting to carry out his queen’s command.

“But, before you do,” Luster said, “I wish to congratulate the brave agent who has led them directly to us. I knew planting her in the EPUP town would lead to some good.”

“Wait…agent?” Sunny asked, eyes wide.

“Yes, agent Meadow Bloom,” Luster said with a smirk.

Sunny’s mouth fell open as the pegasus whom she thought was her friend stepped forward. Meadow had an evil sneer on her face while bowing low to Luster. The self-proclaimed Queen of Equestria got down off her throne and used a hoof to “knight” Meadow. She then whispered something in a foreign tongue, that of which was written on the cave walls all around them. Meadow responded with the same language, almost as if it had been rehearsed many times over. Then, the winged traitor turned to face her supposed friends, all of whom were in complete shock.

“You pitiful fools,” Meadow growled. “Are you so determined on your mission of regression that you couldn’t even notice all of my faux clumsiness? Seriously, how could anypony actually be that awkward? I mean, I was stepping on every tree root, bashing every little rock with my hoof, and each time, we’d head off in the direction of my plight. It was in this way that I very carefully (and cleverly) led you right to Her Majesty’s doorstep. The Friendship Journal I gave you was gifted to me by Her Majesty in the hopes that we might dupe those who’d dare cross Scarlet Wing’s glorious distrust dust. Don’t you idiots know that it’s time to evolve beyond friendship…that the time of Luster Dawn has begun? Don’t you know that Twilight Sparkle’s teachings were lost to space and time eons ago? Nopony needs friends anymore! All you need is you. That’s what evolution and progression is. The strong survive while the weak are left to rot and die.”

“Mm…I love your outlining of our goal, Meadow!” Luster praised.

“Thank you, my Queen,” Meadow said with a bow, “it was pretty impressive, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, indeed,” Luster responded. “Now, then, Ruffled, you may escort our guests to their quarters.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Ruffled barked, before turning and doing the same to the cloaked ponies around the group. Suddenly, they were each beaten down. Sunny felt a sharp pain course through her before everything turned into blackness…

When she awoke, she found herself in some sort of prison cell. Iron bars wrapped their way around the front of the room. The three sides around her were lit by torches, and created of rough, jagged stone. Shadows that danced on these places seemed to taunt her, telling her that she’d failed in her mission. Now, she knew that she’d never know what happened to her mother, nor to anypony else who’d entered these woods. For she had become just another number…a casualty of Scarlet Wing’s miniature empire. Despite their lack of concerted power over Equestria, they were still a dangerous outfit…and one that Sunny had no idea how to overcome.

“Comfortable?” A voice asked.

Sunny looked up and saw Meadow standing on the outside of the door. Her first reaction was to use a sharp hoof and claw the traitor’s face off. But she held her temper and stood to meet her new adversary. The two mares became deadlocked in something of a staring contest (much to the delight of one Izzy Moonbow), but soon became interested in using facial expressions to try and look intimidating. When this battle turned into a stalemate, they began pacing back and forth, matching each other hoofstep for hoofstep. Sunny’s eyes burned into Meadow, and vice versa. The young Alicorn just couldn’t believe that somepony would be so blatantly treacherous. Then again, if Meadow was working for Scarlet Wing, then it wasn’t surprising.

“You betrayed us,” Sunny growled after a few minute’s pacing.

“Eh,” Meadow said, “you’re all expendable in Her Majesty’s great plan.”

“What plan?” Hitch suddenly asked as he trotted up to stand beside Sunny.

“Why, the plan to lead Equestria into its greatest era, of course,” Meadow said with a smirk. “See, Equestria needs evolution. It needs progression. It needs Queen Luster like never before. Twilight’s teachings of friendship and love are regressive, causing the weak and strong to mix and be kind to each other. But Queen Luster knows what strength is, and she knows what power is. That is what Equestria needs: strength and power. We almost had it…until you guys found those crystals. The Distrust Dust was doing its job. Queen Luster was ready to ascend to the throne, and then-“

“-and then you meddlesome bunch happened,” came the sound of the self-categorized monarch.

Meadow bowed as Luster came in to address her new prisoners. “Meadow has explained a lot…and all quite well, I might add. She’s an excellent Prime Minister.”

“Prime Minister?” Sunny asked.

“Oh, yes,” Luster said. “Every royal needs a second, and Meadow is mine. She agreed to be placed undercover in the EPUP town when our spies in Maretime reported that you all were scheming again. She accomplished her mission with great vigor and success, and I’m very pleased with her.”

“So…why’d you start Scarlet Wing in the first place?” Zipp asked as the rest of Sunny’s group joined her at the bars.

“Oh, that my dear, is a story worth telling,” Luster said, “and since I have you behind bars that are not only iron, but built of a material that rejects all spells used against it, I think we have some time. The glorious story of Scarlet Wing is this…”

Chapter 23

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Luster sat on her haunches, eyeing her potential prey. The iron border seemed to caress her evil spirit, singing songs to it that were straight out of Tartarus itself. She cracked a wide grin, playing with her victims. Gloating was one of her favorite pastimes. She took to it with a sick sense of brilliance, toying with Hitch first and then Izzy. Though she didn’t quite know them on a first name basis yet, she knew what was in their souls: the fear that her beloved organization had put there. If she had things her way, soon they too would fall to Scarlet Wing…just as her mentor, Twilight Sparkle, had done before them. Equestria would once again become a friendless place, and progress and evolve further into oblivion. Lawlessness would abound, and who would be there to help? Nopony…but Scarlet Wing.

“Ah, yes,” she said as she began her tale, “life was terrific in Canterlot, for a time, at least. I was studying book after book, improving my magic, pushing myself further and further into absolute excellence. I could do so many spells, incantations, and the like. Warding off evil became second nature to me, and I constantly presented myself before Princess Twilight, hoping that she’d finally see my true potential. But, she never did. Instead, she said my potential lay in friendship. That was the last thing I wanted. I was desperate to attain Alicornhood and show my mentor and my family that I was worth something…something more than just a mind.

See, in ancient Equestria, Alicornhood was the pinnacle. Life would have been grand for me if I were to have been made a Princess…a member of the royal pantheon! Ponies would have seen me more than through the prism that Twilight concocted around me. Sure, I was smart and I could memorize facts and figures without any difficulty. But I wanted more! I wanted to stand on the same dais and hold my head high just like my mentor! I would’ve been more than ‘the bookworm of Canterlot.’ Sure, my mentor once held a similar title, but then she found this thing called friendship…and it destroyed her!”

“How could friendship destroy anypony?” Izzy asked, eyes brimming with tears. “Friendship is the greatest attribute that anypony can have!”

“Good question, young Unicorn,” Luster said, “and if you’ll SHUT YOUR MOUTH, I’ll tell you.”

Izzy, frightened by Luster’s thunder, immediately kept quiet.

Luster nodded before continuing. “Friendship is for weaklings. That’s a simple fact. Do you really need to lean on anypony else? That makes one weak, but I wanted strength. I wanted courage. I wanted power. These were all things my mentor had, true, but she had them facetiously. She actually thought ponies respected her because she held friendship. For a time, I even followed after her teachings, befriending members of different species at Twilight’s School of Friendship. I did what I was told. I made straight As, passing every friendship test with flying colors. There were even moments when I defended my mentor as ponies snickered at her behind her back.

As the months, moons, and years rolled on, I realized that I had become nothing more than a lemming. I was a pawn in Twilight’s game of friendship. Why? Because I thought that this was what led to power and success. I figured that, sooner or later, Twilight would grant me Alicornhood. Just one more test…one more assignment…one more friendship quest…one more. Just…one…more. That was what always haunted me. The idea of there ever being something beyond just one more. I quickly began to see that my mentor had lied to me from the very beginning. The Element of Honesty had left even her. She had no intentions of making me an Alicorn, nor did she ever see me as an equal. I was simply her plaything, her pet project to trot about on the streets of Canterlot and Ponyville so that everyone thought she was busily preparing the future of Equestria.”

“What’s a Canterlot?” Izzy asked.

“What did I tell you about zipping it?” Luster warned, causing Izzy to immediately shut up once more. “Good. In answer to your rude question, Canterlot was once the capital of this nation…and since I see you opening your mouth once more, Ponyville was a small town where Twilight met all her friends. Satisfied?”

Izzy nodded, scared to death of the much older Alicorn.

“Right. Now, then, where was I? Oh, yes! Me being Princess Twilight’s pet project. I felt miserable and alone, even when I was with my so-called friends. So, while visiting my mentor, I went digging around in the Canterlot Historical Archives one evening. I found some Friendship Journals that I swiped…but I also found something much more interesting. It was a journal that Twilight kept where she communicated with someone from another world.”

“What?” Sunny asked, eyes wide.

“Mm-hmm,” Luster said, nodding and striking a fiercely deviant smile. “This being’s name was Sunset Shimmer, and upon researching further, I found that she and I were exactly alike. Sunset wanted to be an Alicorn back when Twilight’s mentor, Princess Celestia, ruled Equestria. But Celestia wouldn’t grant this privilege, so Sunset ran off to another world. After failing to overthrow it, she became weak and turned to friendship as well. But I received a lot of inspiration from her. I admired her old self, even though she turned into a complete coward. It was then and there that I swore to finish her work…I would become an Alicorn, kill Twilight, and take over Equestria.

So, I went about my plans. I invented the phrase ‘EVOLVE BEYOND’ as a starting point before beginning my quest to create Scarlet Wing. While recruitment went on in the Canterlot underground, I began pouring over books, trying to find some spell to force myself into Alicornhood. Finally, after months of trying…I completed it. I transformed myself into an Alicorn! I felt strength and power coursing through my veins, and I was certain that my mentor would be shocked. So, with four agents at my side, I burst through her door one day and proudly struck up a stance. She was shocked, and also very angry. A spell to force Alicornhood upon one’s self was one of the most carefully guarded secrets in all of Equestria because of how apparently dangerous it was. She warned me that an unnatural Alicorn’s magic corrupted the spirit, leading to destruction and rage. But I didn’t care. I was too thrilled with my new self.

I ran her through five times with my horn, cackling as her blood pooled around my hooves. The final thing I whispered in her ear before she died was that I would rule Equestria one day, and since I was now granted an Alicorn’s lifespan, I had all the time in the world. She gasped, coughed up more crimson liquid, and died right there. I knew there was no turning back from this, so I gathered all my new agents, left a stamp of our presence in Twilight’s room, and ran off into the mountains. There, we created Distrust Dust and saw as Equestria descended into a delightful hell of betrayal and accusations. Once that particular pot boiled properly, the Dust was added…and all Tartarus broke loose.”

Chapter 24

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After telling this story, Luster Dawn smirked. Evil burned deep in her eyes, and she leaned forward so that everypony could hear her.

“In a few hours…you will all join your forebears in tombs of your own, for that is where friendship belongs: dead and forgotten.”

With that, she and her guardian entourage turned and left the incarcerated equines in shock. Sunny didn’t think her mouth could get any lower, but she found out that it, in fact, could. Her mind was in a blur, whirling this way and that in a vain attempt to try and make some kind of sense of this. But reconciling logic with a crazed pony who wanted to take over the world was absolutely futile. So, she turned and slowly made her way to one corner of the cell where she began softly pawing at the dirt floor with a hoof.

I was never meant to lead… She thought as self-doubt began seeping through her mind.

Meanwhile, the other ponies split apart as well, trying to turn something terrible into something adequate. Pipp made her way over to another corner, settling down onto her stomach and crossing her forelegs in front of her. She began to gently groom herself, preening her wings and making herself look as pretty as possible. If she had to die, she figured, she’d at least go out looking the same way she always had. Truth be told, though, underneath her exterior, she was scared of death. She’d seen tons of ponies die, executed at the hooves of her mother’s secret ruthlessness. But this…this was different. This time, it was her neck on the line and nopony was there to save her. She felt tears begin to brim as she began silently asking for forgiveness for all her mistakes.

Zipp saw this take place and maneuvered over to her. She had her own mistakes to resolve. The former heir to Zephyr Heights couldn’t believe she’d even considered joining a group as vicious as Scarlet Wing. Moreover, she couldn’t believe she’d been so mean spirited to somepony whom she’d loved since birth. They were sisters, after all. Their bond shouldn’t be something so easily broken or smashed. It could be fragile, sure, but fortification needed to be added daily in order for it to thrive. Zipp knew that she had failed to play her part as a big sister, and right now, she needed to speak with Pipp very seriously.

“Pipp?” She asked as she settled onto her own belly.


“There’s…something I need to tell you.”

“I thought we weren’t sisters anymore,” Pipp said, giving Zipp a bit of a deserved cold look.

“I know what I said,” Zipp responded, “and I was wrong. Seeing Scarlet Wing’s evil has shown me that, no matter what, I need to be able to trust my friends and I need for my friends to trust me. So…by means of confession…I…I was solicited by a member of Scarlet Wing.”

“What?!” Pipp asked, as her shock caused her to quit preening for a minute.

“It’s true,” Zipp said, ears drooping. “She came to me in a cave, while I was separated from the group. After hearing what we’ve heard, I have no doubt that it was Meadow herself. She’d been watching our fight, and…she wanted to take advantage of it.”

“But, surely, you told her no right off the bat?!” Pipp asked in a panic, silently begging her sister to answer affirmatively.

“I didn’t,” Zipp said, “we kinda parted ways on agreeable terms, and-“

“Agreeable?! With that monster?!” Pipp asked, pointing a hoof to where Luster, Meadow, and the other agents had disappeared just moments before.

“I know, Pipp!” Zipp said, tears coming to her eyes. “I know what I did…or…almost did. I’m so sorry! Please, Pipp, please listen to me…please understand…”

“Oh, for feather’s sake!” Pipp spat. “You, Zipp, are the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever known. First, you yell at me and disown me for something I had nothing to do with, and now you’re asking ME to understand when YOU nearly betrayed our group?! I’ve half a mind to go tell Sunny about this!”

“No, you can’t!” Zipp exclaimed desperately. “If Sunny finds out, she could throw me away!”

Pipp glared at Zipp. “…that’s not my problem.”

Zipp’s heart shattered. She knew, then and there, that this was all her fault. Even speaking to an agent of Scarlet Wing could be considered treachery of the highest order. Sunny could suddenly decide to not be so kind and leave her to rot in the woods. She needed Pipp’s forgiveness, but she wasn’t sure how to go about receiving it. After all, she’d done some terrible things over their journey. But she also knew of the power of friendship and sisterhood. Now, she placed all her faith in that and decided to try one more time. Tears flowed freely as she grabbed Pipp and pulled her in close, wrapping her wings around the younger mare.

“Hey!” Pipp squeaked. “Let me go!”

“No!” Zipp exclaimed softly. “I’m never letting you go. Pipp, you’re my sister…my best friend! I can’t let you go. I love you too much to let you go!”

“Shallow sentimentality will get you nowhere,” Pipp said, as she attempted to pull herself away. “Besides, you’re just doing this so I won’t tell Sunny!”

“No, I’m not!” Zipp said with all the sincerity she could muster. “Go on and tell Sunny, I don’t care! I just want my sister back…”

Pipp turned and caught a glimpse of her sister’s blue gaze. The athletic deputy’s pupils were dilated in a mixture of emotion that was difficult for the former pop star to understand. There was a deep fear combined with a sadness that tore at Pipp’s own heart. Toss in a beautiful flash of memories from their foalhood and you have exactly what Pipp saw there. Her own eyes began filling with tears as more past times washed over her. It was a tidal wave of fights, forgiveness, faith, and fun. These are the four key tenets in any good siblingship, and Pipp saw them all placed with the severe emotion present in Zipp’s eyes. Her own eyes filled with tears as she relaxed in her sister’s grip.

“Oh…I can’t let you go, either, sis,” she said, “despite what my better judgment is telling me…I just can’t. You’re my only sister and living life without you would be a hell I’m not willing to put myself through.”

“Me too, Pipp,” Zipp said, smiling. “You know…that’s probably why I didn’t join Scarlet Wing right then and there. Some part of me just wanted to come back to you.”

“Oh, Zipp,” Pipp said, tears falling, “now you’ve got me acting misty.”

“It’s alright,” Zipp said, “at least we’re home.”

Chapter 25

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Meanwhile, in another part of the cold, dreary cell, Sunny Starscout took an emotional inventory. Oh, there were a lot of them, to be sure. But one that was not present…was happiness. She’d never felt more bereft of joy in her entire life. A great pain rose in her heart, one that she had not known before. All of her friends were going to die, their adventure ending with head and hoof stones, and she blamed herself. She had failed, and she continually reminded herself of this. Whatever magical force had given her a horn and wings had obviously made an incorrect decision, and now her friends would be killed because of it.

The images of Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, and Izzy screaming as their blood ran red on the floor assaulted her mind. She grit her teeth together as buckets of tears fell down her face. What was worse, a horrific self-doubt plowed its way through each successive picture. It told her that she did this. In fact, when her visions turned to Luster herself, she saw her face superimposed over Scarlet Wing’s evil ruler. This reinforced her depression, and she collapsed against the stone wall, sobbing. Her emotions fell in on her soul, and she couldn’t bear the weight of it all alone. She desperately needed a friend.

Thankfully, Hitch was right there, just as he’d always been. She looked up at him as he offered her a hoof. He didn’t say anything, but smiled warmly and seemed to want to be near her. She really wanted to be close to somepony right then, so she took his hoof and pressed in beside his flank. The ensuing conversation became a whisper, something so tender that only the truest of hearts could have heart it. Luckily, one could find no truer hearts than those that resided in Sunny and Hitch. Sad though she was, Sunny was still extremely thankful to have her oldest friend beside her.

“…I was never meant to lead,” she said, in a voice that would make the old stone statues of Canterlot melt from sheer despair.

“Yes, you were,” Hitch whispered back.

“How could I?” Sunny asked in complete anguish. “These wings…this horn…they’re all a joke! I wasn’t able to answer any of our questions. I’ll never find out what happened to my mother, to Phyllis’s husband, to…to anypony. These woods will forever remain a mystery to those in the dark about Scarlet Wing, and we’ll become nothing but footnotes in a textbook. ‘These five brave ponies disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again!’ That’s what they’re gonna say about us, Hitch! We’re no heroes…we’re just disappointments.”

Hitch used a hoof to tenderly guide Sunny’s face towards his own. “How long have we been friends, Sun?”

“Since foalhood.”

“Right,” Hitch said with a nod, “and during that time, have I ever thought of you as being a disappointment?”

“Well…I guess not,” Sunny said.

“Not only have I never considered you as such,” Hitch said, “but I’ve always considered you my best friend. That’s never gonna change. Sunny, sometimes the world doesn’t work out the way we want it to. But that doesn’t mean you label yourself as a disappointment.”

“But I’ve caused this!” Sunny exclaimed lowly. “You’re all gonna be suffering terribly all because I asked you to come on this wild adventure to answer a question about my mother that, in all honesty, could probably have just been resolved back in Maretime! I asked you out here, Hitch…all of you…and now I have to watch you bleed.”

“…which is something we’re happy to do for our cause,” Hitch said.

“I…it is?” Sunny asked, eyebrows raised.

“Sunny, you taught us all the value of friendship,” Hitch said with a smile, “and it’s something we’re willing to go to the grave defending and honoring. Scarlet Wing or no Scarlet Wing, we’re friends, Sunny…and nothing’s ever gonna change that.”

Sunny looked deep into Hitch’s amber gaze, trying to read what she found there. There was an overwhelming sense of pride, but not pride in himself. He was genuinely proud of her. She was taken back to their times as foals, playing together. These visions were a sight better than her previous ones, and she basked in their warmth. She saw herself and Hitch, joyously romping about the streets of Maretime Bay. Their school days had been especially wonderful, featuring many happy trips down slides and ecstatic rides on seesaws. As they’d aged, they’d often come together after various events to be sources of comfort, reassurance, and encouragement.

She remembered, once, she’d gotten stood up by a rather handsome young colt. He’d asked her out, and she was thrilled at the invitation. For, after all, he was the most popular colt in their school. If she were to become his special somepony, not only would she be happy romantically, but she could also get her message of peace among ponies out faster. It seemed like the perfect plan! But, alas, she’d gotten herself all gussied up…and then nopony came to the door. She wanted a minute, five minutes, thirty minutes, an hour…but nothing happened. She remembered crying into her father’s shoulder, thinking that all her plans had been absolutely smashed.

However, the next day, Hitch took up her defense at school once he found out what happened. He chewed out the colt who’d dared stand up Sunny. When the colt confessed that he wanted to make an example out of “that weird filly who thought ponies should all be friends,” Hitch went nuts. He beat the colt within an inch of his life, thus earning himself a minor suspension from school. The principal went easy on Hitch, as he, too, had seen how poorly the colt had treated Sunny. Ironically enough, both Hitch and the principal did not see things the way Sunny did. But it didn’t matter. Their friend and charge, respectively, had been horribly mistreated.

Back in the present, Hitch cocked his head at Sunny. “You’re…staring at me.”

Sunny started. “Oh, sorry! I was just thinking of that time with that colt who stood me up on purpose.”

“Oh, yeah, I remember him. Tug Boat was his name, I believe. He works at the docks in Maretime now.”

“I really don’t care, to be honest,” Sunny said. “All I care about was…well, was what you did, Hitch. You’ve always been there for me, even when we were on the complete opposite side of an opinion.”

“But I was wrong, Sunny, and you showed me that!” Hitch said with a smile. “That’s what makes you a great leader, and the best friend a pony could ever ask for. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Sunny!”

This revelation was too much for Sunny’s sadness, and the sunshine broke through. She leapt at Hitch and threw her hooves around his neck. Suddenly, in the moment, they both realized what they meant to each other. Their lips met, starting off an avalanche of fireworks in both ponies’ minds. The cell fell away, and they floated in the midst of some kind of beautiful environmental limbo. Within it, there were no problems. There rested only a deep love, one that they’d felt for each other all along, but they’d been too scared to talk about. Hitch finally knew the pony he was meant to be with, and Sunny knew what it took to have confidence in herself and her ability to love and lead others. All it took…was one spark.

Chapter 26

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Sunny and Hitch stayed wrapped in each other’s forelegs for a moment. For them, it felt like an eternity. They didn’t even notice when all their friends, who’d noticed the romantic moment, pressed in around them. But as their euphoria began slightly diminishing, they could feel the warmth offered by these three. Zipp, Pipp, and Izzy all chattered excitedly, wondering different details about how they’d come together so rapidly. All they could offer as an explanation was the depth of their friendship and the heat of the moment. Either way, love had been created from this bubbling cauldron of emotion, and their friends were very happy for them. True, Zipp was a little disappointed, but she was much too happy at reuniting with Pipp to be upset.

“I think this jail cell just got a million times happier!” Izzy said.

“I know it did,” Pipp said. “It feels like our friendship has been rejuvenated! Even though we’re stuck here, I…I just feel happy to be with you ponies!”

“I think we all feel that way, Pipp,” Sunny said, offering herself for one more nuzzle from her new special stallion. “But at the same time, we do still need to form some kind of plan to break out of here and get back to Maretime.”

“What about stopping Scarlet Wing?” Zipp asked.

“I don’t think we can do it on our own,” Sunny responded. “We’d need an army of equines, big enough to swallow Scarlet Wing and put an end to the horrible Distrust Dust forever.”

“But Maretime is weeks and weeks of trotting away,” Pipp pointed out. “Even if we do get out, that gives Luster and her cronies enough time to spread even more Dust through the forest. Coming back with an army would be really risky.”

“You may be right,” Sunny said thoughtfully.

“I know she’s right,” Zipp said, causing Pipp to smile at the way her sister rushed to her defense.

“Well, we have to do something,” Sunny said. “We can’t just sit on our rumps and wait to die.”

“Who said anything about doing that?” Zipp asked. “I believe in us, firmly, and I know, if we can break out, we can beat Scarlet Wing. What was it you said back in Bridlewood on our first adventure, Sunny? We’re brave and strong and-“

“-weird and clever,” Sunny finished with a giggle.

“Yep! That’s us!” Izzy said, throwing a friendly hoof on Sunny’s shoulder.

“I guess you’re right,” Sunny said. “Okay, we can do this…but first, we need a plan.”

“The only plan you’re gonna be involved in,” came a threatening mare voice, “is the one of Equestria’s glorious evolution.”

Everypony turned and saw Meadow standing there with two other Scarlet Wing agents. She threw open the metal doors to the cell and ordered the prisoners forward. In these moments, Sunny’s group knew that their friendship had to remain as strong as ever. They were bound together with terrible iron shackles that ground into the flesh beneath their coats. Like tiny daggers, the chains did their torturous task. Each hoofstep became wracked with horrific pain, driving Izzy and Pipp to tears. But they dared not show weakness in this moment. So, they bit back their liquids and marched forward.

They were led back into the massive cave from before. Once more, the horrible blood red writing accosted their vision. It was as if Luster herself had taken some of her prisoners, killed them, and then created ink out of their own remnants. It seemed to the forcibly incarcerated that the writing was even more illegible and evil than before. However, the two words “EVOLVE BEYOND” still stood proudly over Luster’s jagged throne. It was before this egoistic monument that they were hurled and forced to bow, their noses stuffed into the dirt. They couldn’t breathe, and Sunny wanted nothing more than to reach out a hoof and touch Hitch, who was right beside her.

Luster Dawn made her way out of a side cavern, dressed in a royal robe made of red and black. Her horn glared down at the cowering equines with great evil, and her wings were spread in a show of power and authority. Slowly, she strode down the aisle through a throng of hundreds of agents, who all bowed in respect to their leader. If her goal was to strike fear into the hearts of Sunny and her friends, it was being accomplished. Sunny had never felt her legs shake so horribly once she saw the hostile Alicorn all ready for an execution. It was in this moment that Sunny knew her fate had been sealed and hope began slipping away.

“Scarlet Wing!” Luster announced once she reached her throne. “These five ponies cowering before me have been tried and found guilty in my court! Is there a higher court in the land?”

“NO!” Scarlet Wing announced as one.

“These ponies refuse to evolve from Twilight Sparkle’s teachings! Is there a more lofty goal than this?”


“What must we all do?!”


“Indeed,” Luster said, a sneer coming over her face. “Evolve beyond…and now, these ponies shall find out what it means to do so. But first, I must question their leader to see if she truly understands our purpose. Sunny Starscout. I have viewed your ambitions ever since you were a small filly. Through my network of spies, I saw how you attempted to cause regression in Maretime Bay. Scarlet Wing, this is a pony who touts friendship above all!”

This proclamation caused a massive wave of boos and jeers to rain down on Sunny’s head. She flattened her ears as inappropriate heckling and mockery assaulted her spirit. It was as if they each had a stone and were hurling them deep into her very soul. She felt the tears come, and she was very thankful that few ponies could see what she was feeling. But Hitch was right beside her, and he pressed in on her as much as he could, trying to reassure her that she wasn’t alone. She had done so much good, and created so much harmony in Equestria. Her Alicorn powers weren’t a mistake.

Luster waved a hoof and the jeering stopped. “Because she touts such nonsense, she has helped create a world where our glorious evolution has been HALTED! However, I am willing to show mercy to anypony who’s willing to leave their friends behind and join us in our progression. Sunny…will you do this?”

“You can take your evolution and fire it into the stars, for all I care,” Sunny said, in a voice that shocked even her with how venomous it was. “Friendship is the pinnacle of pony society! We mustn’t leave anypony behind, no matter how weak we make them out to be! Friendship is Equestria’s ultimate goal, and my friends proved that when they powered that magical transformation that blew away your Dust and caused love and harmony to once again reign supreme in our land!”

“DID YOU HEAR THAT, SCARLET WING?!” Luster screeched. “THIS IS A PONY WHO REFUSES TO EVOLVE! SHE IS WEAK…but…she also intrigues me. Her Alicorn powers could be of great use to us, if only she’d see the light. Well…perhaps it’s time you saw the light. Meadow?”

Suddenly, out from behind the shadowy throne, Meadow Bloom stepped. In one of her wings, she held a dagger. In the sharp light of the cavern’s sunlit vents, it glinted with sneers of its own. Despite its inanimate nature, it seemed to jeer along with the agents, who restarted their own calls of contempt. Meadow herself was smirking as she crept steadily forward. Her dagger was raised, ready to draw blood. Sunny felt completely helpless as Meadow came closer and closer. She wanted to stop her former friend, to push back against her and keep her away from where her true friends stood. But her chains wouldn’t allow it.

“Meadow…I believe the pony on the end is the weakest,” Luster said. “Please, help us all evolve beyond her pitiful existence.”

Meadow sneered viciously…and then plunged the dagger straight into Izzy’s heart.

Chapter 27

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There were times in Sunny’s life where she’d been annoyed. There were times when she’d been angry. There were even times when she’d been considerably ticked off. However, nothing could have prepared her for the beast that grasped her being the moment Meadow’s wicked flint touched Izzy’s heart. She watched in shock, horror, and rage as Izzy began convulsing, her kind eyes darting this way and that, begging for help. None was to be had, though, as her body gave way to death’s rapid embrace. Her mouth filled with blood and she collapsed onto the dirt, never to smile again.

Memories of their friendship crashed over Sunny’s mind. Tears brimmed at her eyes, but she couldn’t cry. Her sadness was too deep. Calling her reaction soul crushing would be doing it a disservice. Though she counted all her friends as adopted siblings of sorts, Izzy had been somepony special. She had been Sunny’s first true friend, aside from Hitch. It was through her that the misplacement of magic had been discovered. She’d been the catalyst for their first adventure. Not only that, but Sunny had often felt that Izzy and her had been drawn together by the whims of fate…that, and the wind that had blown a lantern into Bridlewood once.

She had so looked forward to making new memories with Izzy. Flashes of the future began combining with the past. She had planned on asking her to be mare of honor at she and Hitch’s wedding. She wanted to watch as Izzy made friends and fell in love herself. But more than that, she just wanted their friendship to grow ever closer as the years went by. One slash of a dagger, and all of that had been permanently laid to rest. Sunny couldn’t believe the amount of vitriol that careened through her system. She had never felt anger like this before. Much to her surprise, it actually felt…good.

A certain power made its presence known deep in her heart. But it wasn’t a power like Luster had. This sought…no…demanded the benevolence of her entire being. It was a power that looked out for the good of those around her over herself. She suddenly felt as if she had control over the very sun and moon. However, it was also a power that understood death and the horror that happens when a friendship is torn apart by such an event. Her mind was infused with this new feeling. It was as beautiful as daytime, but as sharp and cold as the darkest caves of night. It was as warm as the sun, yet carried all its fire and fury. There was an element of chill to it as well, bringing forth the beauty, mystery, and iciness of the moon.

In an instant, she began rising above the cave floor. Her eyes shone and her mane and tail began perpetually flowing. A massive ball of magic began flowing over her body. Within its confines, she felt very safe, yet was also aware of the massive danger Scarlet Wing presented. She looked around, and found that she was sitting in some kind of cabin deep in the woods. A part of her knew that this was a vision, yet another part thought that, in some past time, this could have been extremely real. The cabin was sturdy and four chairs were set forth before her. Each one held a different pony, and she recognized them all as the four princesses of old.

“Y…Your Majesties,” she said, bowing and suddenly realizing that her bonds had been loosed.

“Princess Sunny,” Princess Celestia said, “welcome.”

“P…princess?” Sunny gulped.

“Indeed,” Princess Luna said. “Your untiring efforts to preserve friendship and harmony in our land have certainly presented you worthy of this position.”

“B…I…how are we talking?” Sunny asked, eyes wide. “A…are you-“

“-ghosts?” Princess Cadance finished. “No, my dear, we are not. We are figments of the magic of harmony, a remnant of the very Tree that birthed the original Elements. It is this magic that truly governs Equestria. For so long, it was squelched by the evils of Scarlet Wing and the Distrust Dust. But you and your friends brought it back.”

“We did?” Sunny asked, and then stood back in awe as Princess Twilight arose and trotted over.

“Yes, young one, you did,” Twilight said with harps in her voice and fire in her mane. “Now, my most precious Luster Dawn, who turned her back on both it and everything I taught her, seeks to destroy it. It is up to you to stop her. Harness the power of your friendship and your new position as princess.”


“Indeed, dear,” Celestia said, rising up to stand with Twilight. “Though we are all gone, you are a member of our shared bloodline. Friendship and harmony pulse through your veins. The magic has watched you, seen your dutiful actions, and has given you these Alicorn gifts. Use them wisely, as you watch over Equestria.”

“You mean…?”

“Yes, we do,” Luna said, joining the duo already standing there. “You, Princess Sunny Starscout, are the ruler of Equestria and our successor. The land has been without friendship for far too long.”

“Amiability must be your goal here, Sunny,” Cadance said, becoming the fourth to join them. “You are on our pantheon now.”

“You shall raise the sun…” Celestia said.

“…and the moon…” Luna added.

“You shall bring love…” Cadance quipped.

“…and friendship…” Twilight said, before adding: “all four elements of a true Equestrian Princess are bound within you. Take care to use them wisely, and never for your own gain. We bequeath our land upon you, our dear Sunny. Rule it with care, justice, love, joy, confidence, fury, and hope. These are your responsibilities now. Return to your friends, Sunny Starscout…for they, and the throne room of Canterlot, await you.”

Twilight bent forward and touched her horn to Sunny’s, causing a huge explosion of magic that destroyed the vision, putting Sunny right back in that horrible cavern. But this time, her horn and wings felt way more real than they ever had. She knew of the great responsibility she’d been given, and the burden was crushing. However, she looked down and saw her friends standing there…and then the dead body of Izzy Moonbow. This caused all of her Princess elements to rush through her, and she began to glow as she pronounced judgment upon Luster.


Chapter 28

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Sunny looked into the eyes of her opponent, burning with rage. She tried to reflect this, bearing down onto Luster with her own form of incessance. Her faculties felt no fear, but rather, a direct correlation to the dead unicorn that lay on the ground beneath her. She imbued Izzy’s friendship, seemingly from beyond the very grave itself, and it gave her extra strength. Feeling the unicorn’s soft voice sweetly speaking devoted affection, Sunny moved forward. It was as if she were ten thousand ponies all in one, knowing that she was avenging her fallen sister. But even more than that, she was avenging the unjust imprisonment of all her friends and taking her first steps into leadership.

She felt her wings spread further than they ever had before, and her horn seemed to shine with the light of Celestia’s sun. Luna’s cool night bristled through her mane, and Cadance’s furious love shot through her heart. Finally, there was Twilight herself, pushing her to do things in the name of friendship that she never thought she’d be called to do. A certain form of violence began rising within the depths of her soul. Despite the fact that she’d been invited into friendship, she felt a need for justice. A vengeful spirit wrathfully danced with her own, bringing up memories of the deceased Izzy and all the torture she’d been put through. Sunny also saw her living friends, including the stallion she loved more than life itself.

“What’s wrong, supposed princess?” Luster asked haughtily. “Don’t know how to fight…or am I just that intimidating?”

“You don’t intimidate me,” Sunny growled in a voice that bound the legacies of all the princesses in one, “…and you never will.”

Luster cackled. “Oh, spare me your pathetic show of strength! You’re a weak pony, and your friends are even weaker! You’ve refused to join Scarlet Wing in our glorious conquest, rule, and domination of Equestria!”

“Redundant, are we?” Sunny smirked.

Luster rolled her eyes. “If that’s all you’ve got to fight back with, then I’d say the throne of Canterlot is as good as mine! Now, let’s dance, witch!”

With that, Luster flew at Sunny, but the orange Alicorn was able to dodge. Utilizing her speed, she whipped around the evil self-proclaimed ruler and landed a horn shot square in her shoulder. Luster howled in rage and agony, but she was nowhere near done. She aimed a well-timed magic blast that knocked Sunny back, sending her into a dizziness inducing spin. Keeping her wits about her, she used her wings to steady herself and fired back, blowing a clean hole through Luster’s mane. Luster, whose personal search for vanity and presence would not allow her to endure such embarrassment, promptly fired back. Her shot missed Sunny’s mane and burned into her shoulder, causing blood to leak out.

“Aw…did the poor ‘ittle ruler get shot?” Luster taunted. “Does she need ‘ittle Cewestia to come and help her?”

“My friends are my strength,” Sunny proclaimed with vigor bursting from her spirit, “and I will not allow you to harm any more of them!”

She charged at Luster with reckless abandon, pouring her love for her friends into her fight. Thunder and lightning seemed to scatter about from her enraged pupils, practically daring the evil pony to fight back. That dare was answered, and soon enough the two were locked in a deadly horn-to-horn struggle. Slicing this way and that, the Alicorns fought in a contest that made the very earth shake beneath them. Everypony watched, huddled together in fear. Even the Scarlet Wing agents, who had seemed so impenetrable before, crowded together in hushed groups. All that could be heard were the horns clashing together and the painful screeches when one met its mark.

The small bit of light within the cavern caused both horns to glint menacingly. But Sunny’s friends had every confidence in her. She’d led them through two quests and dealt with countless dangers along the way. Surely, this would be no different. Soon, Luster would either be captured or executed. There was no other way this could end. Her reckless and merciless order to execute Izzy had practically written her own fate. Redemption? Not a chance. Sunny’s continued attack proved her ambitions to either restrain or dispose of this threat to her leadership; one that had been given her by the four great Princesses of old.

“You may have your army…” she said breathlessly as the two reached a bit of an impasse, “…and you may have your unscrupulous bloodthirsty ways…but I have something more…”

“What? Friendship?” Luster asked, laughing through eyes stained with her opponent’s blood. “You’re kidding me. Friendship? Is that the massive concept that’s so engrained itself within that you’re willing to die for it? Simple friendship?”

“Friendship is the most powerful tool we have to fight evildoers like you!” Sunny barked.

“Oh, spare me your bloated sentiments,” Luster said, rolling her eyes. “My mentor, my so-called friends, and everypony I knew bowed to your idiotic ideals. Twilight said it would be worth it! She said it would take work, but that it would pay off! I worked and worked for years, but it never did me any good. No…friendship was the death of Equestria, and I am its rebirth!”

“Rebirth as what? A totalitarian dictatorship filled with unhappy ponies consistently sniping at each other?”

“I’d be on the throne,” Luster growled, “so who gives a hoof about anypony else? They only exist to do my bidding. They are my peons! True, some of them have given me valuable service, but I will not allow anypony to stand above me. I deserve power and a kingdom…the gifts Twilight never gave me!”

“You never deserved them!” Sunny thundered back. “You deserted Twilight’s teachings and formulated your own ideas. You turned your back on what it means to be a pony!”

“It was Twilight who turned her back on our kind, you blithering moron!” Luster spat. “She didn’t know what it was to be strong, so I made an example of her. Now, I’m gonna make an example of you!”

Chapter 29

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Luster charged. Sunny, using her brain and her speed, was able to dodge her attack yet again. However, this time, Luster did manage to land a small horn swipe. Another small trickle of blood poured from Sunny’s shoulder. Pain grasped her every fiber as she turned to try and respond. Her vision blurred and her mind, instinctual though it may have been, was beginning to dull. She was running on pure blind luck, and some part of her registered that, in order to win the fight, she’d have to sway the pendulum of skill back in her direction. Luster would definitely attempt another charge, Sunny thought, so she set herself firmly. Her teeth ground together as she wiped the blood from her face.

This time, however, Luster didn’t charge, but surprised Sunny with a magic blast. The young Alicorn was knocked out of the sky, falling to the cave floor below. Smoke rose from where she landed and her friends raced to the scene. Losing Izzy was bad enough, but losing Sunny meant that all hope truly had abandoned them. They’d surely become slaves to Luster, forced to do her malicious bidding until the day she sealed them in tombs of their own. Either that, or she might decide to send them there instantaneously. Neither scenario was preferable, but even more than that, spending eternity without Sunny was unbearable. So, they tried desperately to revive her.

“Sunny! Wake up! It’s me, Zipp!” The Pegasus exclaimed in a panic, shaking the unconscious Alicorn

“Come on, Sun, you can’t leave us!” Pipp said with eyes as wide as saucers and ready to burst like a dammed up stream.

“Please, Sunny,” Hitch said, tears pouring down his cheeks at the sight of his beloved laying in a heap. “Please don’t go…”

Suddenly, they heard a thud as Luster landed and approached them. Her face was twisted in a snarl of pure rage. She figured that her opponent was truly dead, and thus she’d be able to dispatch of the others. Little did Sunny’s friends know it, but Luster had no need for slaves. She wanted to kill these ponies who dared to stand in her way and preach against her brainwashing theories. Twilight’s teachings could not go forward, because they’d undermine everything Scarlet Wing had worked to bring upon Equestria. More than that, they’d tear Luster from her place of silent power and, more than likely, cause her own demise.

“Aw…is the little princess dead?” Luster mocked.

“No!” Pipp suddenly exclaimed, looking at Sunny’s fallen body. “She’s breathing!”

They all turned to see that Sunny’s chest rose and fell. Every movement was weak, but she was fighting. Somewhere inside of her seemed to lay an impenetrable spirit, bent on bringing friendship and love to all Equestria. It was what drove her when nopony would listen, when she brought the Pegasi and Unicorns together, and when she placed all three Unity Crystals in their proper place. Some kind of fire, started by her father and lost mother, was still burning deep within Sunny’s tired, parched bones. Her friends noticed it, and they gazed in wonder as a sharp burst of magic brought Sunny back to her hooves.
Luster was shocked. “No…I…I defeated you!” She exclaimed.

“You cannot defeat pure friendship, Luster,” Sunny said with a voice that echoed through the ages. “I have seen that with which Twilight and her friends defeated so many of your kind. I have experienced the love and peace that comes with it. Somehow, I am connected to the four royals of old, and I feel their power deep within me. Hail to Celestia, hail to Luna, hail to Cadence, and hail to Twilight, for it is these four who set my destiny in motion so long ago. Despite their ancient names, their place still remains in our land to this day…and I will not allow their memories to be desecrated!”

With that, Sunny zoomed at Luster and the battle began anew. This time, though, Sunny fought with the strength of ten ponies, all of them three times her size. She felt the warmth of her friends pushing her onward. Every hoof swipe and horn blow was her mark of judgment upon this wicked pony. She’d see to it that nopony was ever harmed by Luster, or Scarlet Wing, ever again. The Distrust Dust would be a faint memory and she and her friends would help lead Equestria into a true future, one filled with friendship and hope. She knew exactly what Twilight would have done, though the two had never once met. It was as if she were silently speaking with the old princess, allowing her to guide and encourage.

Luster’s coming from the right, Twilight seemed to say, now…dodge!

Sunny moved out from under a lethal hoof swipe, turned and applied one of her own to the back of Luster’s neck. Luster howled in agony as blood pooled in the wound. But, she wasn’t going down just yet, and she used her horn to blast one of Sunny’s wings. The feathers were taken, and Sunny suddenly found herself quite less agile above ground. She pushed to remain in the air, but fell back to the ground. Luster soon joined her, grabbing her and threatening her with the same wound she’d been given.

“You…witch…” Luster growled, spitting blood with her words.

“You aren’t meant to lead,” Sunny spat in pain and anger, “the throne of Canterlot belongs to me…and my friends!”

“Mark my words, Sunny Starscout,” Luster said, weakening as her body moved ever closer to death, “even if you defeat me today…another will rise. Scarlet Wing shall…never…be…ended…”

Those words sealed the end of the evil one’s life, and she fell limp against Sunny. The victorious Alicorn slowly backed away from her dead enemy. Her soul rejoiced that the evil was gone, but it also mourned the death. Yes, the feeling was weird, but she wished very much that Luster might have remained and learned what true friendship was. In any case, she had won, Scarlet Wing was defeated, and Equestria was at peace once more.

Still, though, she thought, I wonder what she meant by, “another will rise.”