Wallflower’s Favorite Time of Year

by BlackWater

First published

Wallflower goes out for an Eve date with her two girlfriends, Sunset and Twilight. Before they can have the perfect evening, however, they run into some unexpected old friends.

Wallflower gained more than a lover. She gained two in Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. With them she also gained happiness she had never known. This holiday was going to be unlike any before. She knew that for a fact but wasn't yet sure how.

Surely it would be a perfect evening without any complications...

Have a happy rainbow-colored holiday, y'all~! :heart: :raritywink:

Suggestive themes
Some crude language
Cute polysbians

Happy Polydays~!

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Cold air. She could see her breath.

The haze of warm air escaping her mouth drifted about and parted around her glove-covered hands and the cup of hot cocoa held within. The mix of sweet warm liquid and cold ambiance of the evening was familiar enough, but this year was different in so many ways.

Holiday music was ringing across the plaza and had been doing so for the last ten minutes that she had been sitting here on the lip of the plaza fountain. Shops surrounding the circular marketplace center were all dressed in festive decorations. Wreaths and bows everywhere. Rainbow colored lights breaking the darkness of the winter evening. It made her smile.

Even when she had nothing but her own loneliness there had still been this. Memories of those days were hardly on her list, though. Holiday music playing over the plaza speakers was more in tune with her mood even if it was a bit scratchy – like it was being played from an old record. The songs sounded different this year than previous one too. Maybe it was because her reality was finally a bright one.

She hummed along with the current tune as her legs kicked back and forth. The fountain edge she sat on was just high enough for her feet not to touch the marbled ground of the plaza. Even with her heeled boots.

Her smile doubled.

Sunset had been the one to talk her into getting them. She had said she looked so good in them that she just wanted to sweep her off her feet. A blush added to her present smile and it had nothing to do with the chill. It wasn’t just the boots either. Sunset had been something of a point of pressure when it came to fashion. She said she had to fill in for Rarity now that they weren’t always together in school.

Green and red striped tights, a rich-colored skirt of matching holiday plaid, and a red “wife” sweater. Whatever that meant. Sunset had called it that for some reason...in any case, if Sunset said she looked breath-taking in it then she was going to wear this outfit as much as possible.

She took a sip of hot cocoa. Then looked to the side when she heard a coo.

“Oh my gosh. You’re soooo cute!” came the familiar voice of one glasses-wearing CHS alumni.

That’s right. Wallflower hadn’t seen her today yet since she had left before her or Sunset were awake.

“I could just eat you up~!” Twilight continued to fawn over the girl as she stepped up and joined her on the fountain edge for a generous hug.

“You’re starting to sound like her, you know,” Wallflower giggled.

Twilight stuck out her pouty lips. A classic that always worked with Sunset. “And here I was going to share these holiday chocolates with my favorite girl...”

“Favorite?” Wallflower fought her urge to begin fidgeting. “I thought Sunny was your favorite.”

“Pfft,” Twilight blurted. Her signature distorted chuckle bringing Wallflower back to their high school days. “I think we both know she’s less a ‘girl’ and more a succubus.”

Wallflower almost spilled her cocoa. Glad she hadn’t just taken a drink as a fit of her own chuckles came on.

“We – the two innocent maidens – have clearly been the victims here,” Twilight continued in a dramatic tone. She pushed up her glasses, giving Wallflower the mixed image of her younger nerdier side and her older more refined side. (Clearly too many coffee meetups with Rarity and Fluttershy on the weekends.)

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Wallflower continued to blush. She welcomed the warmth to her face, even if her girlfriends teased her about her namesake. “I really liked that costum-”

“Eeek,” Twilight gave a squeak of surprise and hurriedly covered Wallflower’s mouth with her purple-gloved hand. She looked quickly around the plaza then whispered into Wallflower’s ear. “If Pinkie ever hears about that, we’ll never hear the end of it until she gets a taste.”

The muffled sound that came in response beneath Twilight’s hand was less words, though.

It was a moan.

Twilight only then realized she had come right up to Wallflower’s ear to whisper. One of the girl’s major weak points. The science-wiz gulped after another quick glance around the plaza. Nobody was paying them particular mind. The place was busy and everyone was going about their shopping and/or dates.

She gave a brief breath of hot air against Wallflower’s ear.

“Mmmm...” Wallflower struggled to keep her cocoa from spilling and her composure from dropping so much that it would garner attention.

Twilight gained a slight but rather sadistic grin and continued leaning against her girlfriend to whisper. “I have to admit, though. Our bewitching Sunny succubus might have rubbed off on me a bit...”

She gave another breath and Wallflower’s face started to glow nearly as red as the holiday lights strung about the plaza.

Then she gave the edge of her ear a loving lick.

“Mmmph!” Wallflower felt lightning race up her spine.

Twilight giggled but finally leaned back and resumed talking cheerfully as opposed to seductively. “Why don’t we enjoy some of these chocolates? I had to stand in line forever to get some, you know.”

“Hey!” another voice called over from a table set along with a spread of others behind a low railing of one of the inner plaza’s restaurants.

The girls both looked over to the caller. It was a redhead with an attractive wavy style one might find on an ad for shampoo. In spite of the weather, she was wearing a cropped jacket. Though, the wine-colored long sleeve beneath it was probably warm enough on its own. Although she was beckoning them over, her expression looked like one who was disappointed.

Twilight hopped off the edge and held Wallflower’s cocoa-free hand to guide her off as well. She kept hold of it as they walked over and through the rail’s gate marked “seated customers only.” But when they arrived at the redhead’s table, the person continued her pout even as she scooted the chairs out for them. “I was going to text when I noticed you two ended up over there somehow.”

“I discovered a wild Wallflower on my errands,” Twilight joked once seated. “And I thought we were getting an inside table?”

“Apparently they messed up the reservation,” Sunset shrugged and seated herself again. “They gave us a discount for it though, so I figured we’d just take it.”

“You look...classier today,” Wallflower commented with a hum of thought. Admiring her second girlfriend’s outfit as much as her first’s. The black skirt was subtly patterned with snowflakes and, rather than clashing with the rest of her attire, it matched the dark long sleeve and old black jacket rather well.

“It’s our first Eve date,” Sunset blushed for once. Usually not the one with any reservation or shame. “Had to mix it up somehow.”

“You’re really pretty...” Wallflower finally did fidget, the drink previously helping her not to do so now placed upon their table.

“I could just ea-”

“Don’t reuse lines on me,” Sunset gave Twilight a dead stare.

The glasses girl felt a cold sweat coming on. “H-how...”

“I saw it written all over Flower’s face,” Sunset said nonchalant as she took up the menu placed before her. “Now, are we sharing any appetizers or going right to entrees?”

“Drinks first, right?” Wallflower suggested, looking around to see if the waiter was going to jump them before they could check the options.

Sunset’s gaze, now turned to Wallflower, softened to an almost sultry grin. “A cup of hot cocoa and yet still thinking of drinks, Flower? You are quite the thirsty woman.”

“Girls!” Twilight objected.

“I wasn’t-” Wallflower began.

“Oh, so Thirsty Woman B has objections?” Sunset nearly laughed at her other girlfriend.

“I wasn’t-” Twilight suddenly started copying Wallflower.

“And what would you lovely ladies like to drink today?” the waiter’s voice suddenly cut in.

All three turned to the person who had blindsided them. All three quickly attempting to compose themselves. And then all three quickly having the composure stricken from them when they saw the face that went with the strangely familiar voice.

“What?!” they all exclaimed in confused shock.

“Oh please,” the waiter rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me that look. I just needed some extra cash for the holidays. No job is too difficult for the Great and Customer-Friendly Trixie~!”

A Blue, Purple, And Yellow Holiday

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Sunset Shimmer gave a “heh” at the end of her chuckle. “Good to see you, Trix. Got any ‘magical’ drinks?”

“Or is it just you?” Twilight added with a saucy grin.

While Trixie’s air of superiority deflated into a blush and stammer, Sunset raised a brow at her girlfriend.

“Didn’t realize you were that thirsty, babe,” the redhead chuckled for an entirely different reason this time.

“It’s because you’re such a bad influence,” Wallflower practically whispered in return.

Sunset raised her hands in defense but still turned to Trixie to give a proper response. “One water and two of the special holiday teas, Trix. Maybe we can hang out sometime when you aren’t busy. I did mean it was good to see you.”

“O-of course!” Trixie noted it down as she composed herself again. Before leaving to put in the orders, she twirled in her heavy-looking uniform dress to add. “I will have to check my schedule. I’m very busy this time of year!”

After she had gone out of sight, Wallflower gazed into her hot cocoa she had managed to keep a hold of. “She’s using ‘I’ more often...”

“Ugh,” Twilight groaned as they walked out of the restaurant seating area two hours later. “I think I ate too much.”

“I told you to take it easy on the dessert,” Wallflower frowned, rubbing Twilight’s back soothingly as they walked.

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed. Her boots click-clacked against the marble, breaking only occasionally into the mixed sound of crowds, music, and their own conversation. “Pancake Sundae Supreme even sounds heavy. Honestly, Trixie had a point. It didn’t belong in the ‘light dessert’ menu.”

“I get the feeling we’re going to see her again today,” Wallflower looked to her redheaded lover.

Sunset shrugged in return. “I don’t know but it’s Trixie so she just might manage it. Ever since the three of us started dating, she’s been kind of distant. But I worry sometimes she doesn’t have any other friends.”

“Oh?” Twilight groaned, taking any opportunity she could to shift her mind from her stone-heavy stomach.

“We actually ran into each other last week,” Sunset replied, taking Wallflower’s hand in hers when the girl quietly held it out towards her. “We had a short chat and she put on a show when I asked her what her plans for the holidays were. I guess it bothered me a bit. I know what it feels like to be alone like that. Not just for the holidays, I mean.”

Wallflower’s hand tightened in Sunset’s grip, but it was Twilight who spoke for her. “We all do.”

“Guess that means we’re all lucky,” Sunset reached out and grabbed Twilight’s hand in her free one. “And we should share the warmth whenever we can.”

The look of ease that Twilight gave back swiftly devolved into one of sickness.

“Seriously, Twi,” Sunset frowned. “We can go home if you’re feeling that bad.”

“I told you I’m fine,” she shook her head. “Besides, next time we go out, all of this will be taken down. I want to enjoy the ambiance.”

“As long as I’m not paying for these ten-dollar words you keep tossing out,” Sunset kidded in return.

“Ambiance has eight letters, Sunset,” Twilight retorted and pushed up her glasses. “You used to be my rival in grades. What happened?”

“She learned how to make you feel better,” Wallflower commented back with a shy smile.

Indeed, Twilight’s pained expression was gone for the moment her mind had switched to numbers.

While they had talked, they had walked across the plaza center and approached a series of shops that catered to a variety of interests. Some relevant to them and some not. All decorated in the holiday theme. A few of them dramatically so.

One of the shops had what looked to be a recently painted sign. Neon and Vinyl’s Music: Local, exotic, and popular. It indicated that it sold to nearly every sensibility. Bold but they knew it to be true.

“I can’t believe she got him to put her name up there,” Twilight remarked as they entered. Purposefully avoiding the roped off line that led through the store’s other door. “Her music just keeps going up doesn’t it?”

Wallflower kept watching the roped line as they walked in. The air did change a bit once they were inside the store, as it was both warmer and noisier. The overhead speakers were playing some rock/dubstep mix of holiday tunes but was actually challenged in its chaotic vibe by the rush of voices clamoring over whoever was giving away their signatures for the new release signature line. Wallflower was left in awe of the amount of people waiting for whatever band the store was currently featuring.

Sunset noticed and explained. “Vinyl said that they like to always have a group here. They’ve got enough room to handle a permanent signature booth but I imagine its popularity goes up and down depending on who’s being featured. She didn’t mention who their holiday slot was though. Apparently it’s some band popular enough for people to wait for hours on Eve. Can’t imagine-”

Twilight’s hand was suddenly batting at Sunset’s side, forcing the girl’s focus to switch from her cute girlfriend to her other cute girlfriend. She didn’t understand though because in spite of Twilight’s shocked expression, Sunset had only seen a blue tail of hair disappear through one of the many tall aisles of records.

“What is it?”

“I’m certain that was...”

Wallflower raised a brow. She hadn’t seen whoever Twilight had and wasn’t sure if she would recognize them even if she had. Unless they had been from CHS. But due to the band competition from back them, there were too many candidates for her to take a guess. “At least it’s warmer in here,” Wallflower finally smiled and began unwrapping her scarf after she removed her gloves.

Twilight was now moving ahead in a hurried fashion. For whatever reason, she seemed intent now on confirming who she saw. Sunset followed in less of a hurry, letting go of Wallflower’s hand. More of a mild curiosity as to who could have ignited Twilight’s interest so much. It was not as if they had something particular to look for in the shop anyways.

Though, they were likely to pick up Vinyl’s new single if it was still in stock. As they passed one of the bigger end-aisle displays, Sunset looked. They were already sold out.

“Wait up,” Wallflower called as another group of shoppers crowded in from a side-aisle.

Sunset had to stop and reverse a couple steps to prevent her less crowd-aggressive girlfriend from getting shouldered. The move to bodily protect her, however, was either overly protective or overly effective. As it caused the invading group to single-file by them with plenty of room to spare, leaving Sunset appearing as if she was starting to romantically embrace the girl in the middle of the store. Center stage.

“Ah,” Sunset commented simply when she noticed how it turned out.

“Uh,” Wallflower stuttered then placed a warm hand on Sunset’s chest. She was gratefully regardless. “Thanks.”

“Heh,” was the simply reply. Sunset almost turned around to continue on but had a better idea. She turned so they could walk forward together, wrapping an arm over Wallflower’s shoulder while doing so. “That’s better. Wouldn’t want that to happen again.”

“Cozier too,” Wallflower blushed back and leaned in.

They turned down the pop rock section to follow where Twilight had taken off to. But before they did, Sunset had caught Vinyl in her peripheral vision, standing behind the counter and giving her a thumbs up. Sunset forced back a moan at having been caught by her old classmate while attempting to be suave. The expression Vinyl had been giving was clear even though the girl still wore her famous glasses. Sunset was going to hear about this from Octavia when the New Year’s party came up.

“Gah!” Twilight’s combination gasp and cry of surprise interrupted Sunset’s thoughts. Taking them off both the upcoming ribbing and the gardender pressed against her side in the aisle.

The glasses-wearing genius was at the end of this aisle, looking diagonally away at where the signature booth was likely placed (judging from the visible roped line that was past her and headed in the same direction). Sunset muttered a “well” as a question as they approached, still not knowing what the big deal was. Twilight’s face was growing pale, however. Was it really that shock-

Sunset stopped dead as well once she and Wallflower had cleared enough of the end-aisle to see.

The band booth set up for the special new release in-person signatures was even larger than usual. Holiday decorations for the line and booth nearly spilled into side aisles. It might have been said that Neon and Vinyl had decked it out far too much if it weren’t for the hype that was charged up along the line. The energy here might as well have been a concert all on its own. Maybe Vinyl should have charged admission.

Two parts hype, one part nervous excitement, and another part seasonal cheer.

That’s what it looked like.

And that was very confusing.

Because at the end of that line, behind the booth, were three girls that didn’t bring to mind any images of seasonal cheer in Sunset’s mind. Or apparently Twilight’s either.

A long-haired blue beauty was bouncing about behind the table, dressed in a red and white partially-fluffy suit that covered most of her except for the shoulders and a fair amount of the top of her generous chest. She was unsuccessfully trying to get a certain purple-haired twin-tailed girl to wear the same kind of red cap that was currently on her own head. In spite of the clearly unhappy defense that Purple Hair was putting up to avoid the cursed hat, Blue Hair was giggling and even playing off the crowd’s cheer’s to do it.

“Aria Claus! Aria Claus!” they cheered, clearing wanting it.

“Please give me coal in my stocking, Aria Claus!” some fangirl in the line squealed out. Her whole face was blushing.

The third girl behind the booth with the poofy yellow hair was wearing a more rocker-style outfit, though the heavy jacket she had on was still colored in red and white. Unlike the other two girls of the band, she was staring right back at Sunset.

With a devilish grin, the leader of the band called out to her.

“Happy holidays, Sunset Shimmer!” Adagio smirked.

Unicorn vs Siren

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Is this a joke?” Sunset stood there, a mixed expression of disbelief and disgust on her face.

But nothing more could be said because a healthy portion of the crowd turned to face the person Adagio had just addressed. A scattering of gasps made it obvious the call out had put a big pointing arrow over Sunset’s head.

The Sunset Shimmer?!” one person exclaimed.

“Rainbooms are here?!” said another.

A few people in line jumped or ducked under the line rope, readying autograph materials as their friends held their place in line. Sunset and Twilight were used to getting the occasional recognition and request for autograph when they were out and about. They did make a few hits with the band, after all. And even though they only got together once in a while to play for fun, they still lived around the areas they had played publicly in the past.

Nobody had asked them yet today, though, and Sunset was happy to keep it that way. Thanks a lot, Adagio, Sunset frowned.

“Your songs were my favorite,” one fan declared as they came up.

“Fluttershy actually wrote those,” Sunset sighed. “The ones I wrote were always played in group – not solos.”

A fangirl approaching from the left also commented. “You were such an epic lead guitarist.

Actually, Rainbow was always the lead guitarist. But she didn’t correct the girl because if Rainbow ever heard that then she would definitely be max-level miffed. The thought warmed Sunset’s heart. It had been far too long since she had last teased the star athlete. All in good-spirits, of course.

“And you, Twilight,” Fan #1 continued some one-sided conversation with Twilight, who was splitting her attention with the sirens and the new crowd interest.

Sunset, however, brought her gaze back up to the sirens and continued towards them after politely excusing herself from an unpaid surprise autograph session.

“So, when was your big break?” the fiery redhead narrowed her eyes at the trio. Last she had known, the group was touring in a bus with no control magic and relying on trick hooks to sell.

“Summer,” Adagio easily continued her smug look. “And we worked for it. Unlike your last album as the Rainbooms. We didn’t sell copies because of some sappy love confession.”

Sunset didn’t flinch though. Rather, she smirked back. “And I suppose the three of you are just good platonic friends. Not ever swapping cherry chapstick backstage after the applause?”

Adagio’s mouth dropped open, having been blindsided by the comeback. It was the other two that gave them away, though. Aria’s eyes opened up like dinner plates before she fought to hide the next expression that probably would have overly obvious. Sonata was just grinning like an idiot.

“Actually, Ari prefers grape~!” the blue-haired siren beamed and bounced happily in addition.

The resulting chest movement caused more than a few cheers from the line. Though it might have been Sonata’s words that nearly caused the fangirl from earlier to faint in bliss.

“Shut it!” Adagio quickly retorted. She had turned to her fellow siren with a panic. In a lower-volume growl that most of the other people couldn’t hear, she added, “we agreed to keep it private.”

“Sorry, but I just had to repay your kindness,” Sunset shrugged. She had to turn down a few more requests for signature at the same time. Adagio knew what calling her out would do – swamping them with unwanted attention on an otherwise peaceful evening. It wasn’t evil but it was still a very “Dazzlings” thing to do to them. Well, if they wanted to mess around then she’d mess back.

“Are you all, like, together?!” a fan from the front of the line asked. He seemed sincere but Adagio’s face should have made it abundantly clear that such inquiries were not welcome. “Because I would totally be supportive if you were.”

Sunset couldn’t help but to snicker now that she had walked up to the booth from the other side of the rope. Since she had access to the back of the booth from this side, she went there and put a hand to Adagio’s shoulder while giving the fan a wink.

Adagio turned her sneer to Sunset. “Go to hell,” she growled in that same low tone so that only Sunset would hear.

Wallflower, meanwhile, had stuck with Sunset and was now conversing with Sonata. Whether it was because Sonata was the group’s primary PR or because she was just naturally more approachable and friendly, Wallflower didn’t feel as apprehensive in responding to her like she did for the other two sirens.

“Oh, so I just misunderstood. My bad,” Sunset stated with the intention of being heard by the line. Then she leaned in to whisper in a volume only Adagio could hear, “I hope you all enjoy your night – full of that kinky pretend-sisters threeway action that seems to be what gets you off.”

Adagio’s face contorted. Not able to decide whether to go for rage, disgust, or complete embarrassment. When she finally recovered enough to react, Sunset was already hopping back and chuckling. Far enough away to be safe from a swing. After all, those spiked wristbands Adagio was wearing would hurt.

As it so happened, Sunset did indeed narrowly avoid getting her throat grabbed by Adagio.

“Go play with your harem, Sunny,” Adagio nearly barked out. “And leave us in peace.”

“Just two, actually,” Sunset kept stepping back with undeniably smug body language. “My love life is sincere, not a gacha game. For the record, I wasn’t implying your feelings were insincere either. Happy holidays, girls!”

Sonata was, of course, the one to react favorably to Sunset’s overly sweet parting. “Awww, thanks, Sunny. We should totally hang out all together sometime. I’d love to swap-”

No sharing,” Aria said through her teeth as she pulled on Sonata’s arm, causing the other girl to nearly tip in the opposite direction of Wallflower.

Another round of “oos” and “ahhs” from the line at the resulting breast movement.

“But they’re like the only other people I know of around here that are poly,” Sonata pouted cutely. Probably the only way Sonata was capable of pouting. “And they’re soooo nice,” she added while passing Wallflower a heartwarming smile.

Adagio gave Aria a knowing look. “She just meant swapping stories, Aria. Chill.”

Aria, however, still gave a “tch” in response.

“We’ve got autographs to give,” Adagio shifted into a deadpan. She knew Sonata would just wonder off making friends with them if she wasn’t reminded.

And she didn’t want to get dragged into more encounters with Sunset than she had to. There was a good reason she had called out the girl, causing the inevitable signature swarm. The redhead annoyed her. None of her tricks or manipulations worked on the girl.

Sunset was the only person who had ever approached her trio with nothing but her own guts. Even if Adagio had rebuffed her at CHS when she had dared confront them, it still bothered her. Maybe she just reminded her too much of the reason they had been banished in the first place. Starswirl. The only pony to ever have the guts to take them on and do it solo on top of that.

And he kicked their fins all the way into the human world.

Not fond memories.

Wallflower said her goodbye to Sonata after the two exchanged numbers. Ugh, Adagio rolled her eyes. Sonata had lost all of her bite in the last couple years. The girl might as well open a candy store with all the sweetness she exuded.

And yet, Sonata still managed to convince her after their autograph session ended.

“It would be good if we could talk to other people like us,” Sonata spoke to her privately as Aria downed some energy drink. “Besides, we wouldn’t be getting together until after the holiday anyways. We do have plans after all, and I’m sure they do too.”

Aria coughed after getting the last drop out of the can. Then she wiped her mouth and tossed the can in the recycle bin near the entrance to the ladies’ restroom where they had regrouped. “I won blackjack last night. I’m getting both of you in reindeer costumes tonight and neither of you can cop out.”

“As long as you got the ones I said were okay,” Adagio groaned. Then Aria’s smirk made her add. “You got the crotchless ones. I told you not to!

“The game rules had no restrictions. No take backs,” Aria chuckled darkly. “Suck it up, Rudolph.”

I told you that you looked good in a Santa hat,” Sonata joyfully put the hat back on Aria’s head.

This time the purple-haired rocker didn’t resist. “And I’ve got the reins tonight.”

Sonata might have been excited for it but Adagio could have sworn that toothy smirk was straight out of the deepest level of hell.

Mulled Cider

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Wallflower made a giggle from the warm blanket she had bundled herself into while sprawled end-to-end on the sofa. Her phone was in her hands, a fresh message on the screen from the girl she had recently exchanged numbers with. It was odd to think of them of the former enemies of her present lovers. At least as far as Sonata was concerned. That girl was as sweet as Fluttershy and yet didn’t have a vet and animal sanctuary to run simultaneously and take all of her time.

“Sonata says she’ll be available Friday!” Wallflower’s happiness was almost too bright to look at. But then the light from the fireplace and Christmas tree was almost as vibrant, so it didn’t help Sunset to avert her gaze.

Sunset Shimmer stood over the girl on their sofa, arms crossed and an oven mitt still on one hand. “Gonna move or do you want me to sit on you?” she asked, more joking than serious.

“Sit on me?” Wallflower finally looked from her phone to her apron-wearing girlfriend. Neither the crackle from the fireplace nor the holiday music they were playing while Sunset baked was loud enough for her to mishear. Her own question was innocent at first. A mere parrot. But thoughts started entering her head when the words escaped her lips.

Sunset’s eyes started to widen as she realized her phrasing…

“Pffft,” gave an unsuccessfully stifled blurt of laughter from the loveseat opposite the sofa. Twilight’s face was still buried behind a book so it was unreadable.

The resident redhead didn’t need to see her face to know what her other girlfriend’s expression was. Wallflower was still mildly innocent-minded in spite of their intimate interactions. Twilight was mostly the same but, when it was just between the three of them, she had gotten a surprisingly dirty mentality. Not that Sunset had any room to judge. Twilight had only gotten this way because of her.

“H-hey,” Sunset’s posture loosened as she backtracked. “I did not mean that. Really, you two. You’re both going to get coal tomorrow if you don’t start being good.”

Twilight could no longer resist. She gently lowered the book to reveal slightly pink cheeks and a seductive grin. “Oh no,” she said in an overly dramatic voice. “What will ever happen to us if we are both naughty tonight?”

“Sunny will be too tired in the morning to make us cinnamon rolls for breakfast,” Wallflower responded with somber disappointment. She may have been competent enough to make them herself but that didn’t mean she wanted to. Baked goods from one’s girlfriend were always better.

Twilight’s pervy grin was swept from her face by the grim reality. The book returned in front of her face as she slid further into the loveseat. “We’ll be good tonight,” she promised sadly.

Sunset put her hands to her hips with a sigh. Returning her gaze to her green-haired girl, she rose a brow and resumed the original topic. “What’s she available for?”

“The greenhouse!” Wallflower’s cheer returned quickly.

“Oh!” Twilight exclaimed in kind, putting the book down again. “The one on 8th street?”

“Yes,” Wallflower barely contained a squee of excitement. “They’ll still be running the light show with the guided tour until New Years.”

“What’s got you so into it?” Sunset sat on the edge of the sofa near Wallflower’s blanket-bundled feet. Her gaze had only momentarily turned to the oven timer that was still visible from her spot.

Twilight gave a pout. “I can’t be interested in the things my girlfriends like?”

“It’s the synchronized light show and scientifically detailed and accurate presentations of the flora,” Wallflower answered for Twilight while pretending to push up a pair of non-existent glasses.

“Hey!” came the immediate protest.

“Heh,” Sunset shook her head, knowing Wallflower was right. “Friday, hm? That’s when Trixie wanted to hang out too. Proooobably not interested in greenhouses, though,” she stretched out the word when considering Trixie’s tastes.

“She’s still into performance arts and effects, though,” Twilight commented. “She might enjoy the lights. Drawing on outside interested was why they set up the event the way they did.”

“Hmm, maybe,” Sunset fiddled with the oven glove as she thought about it.


That was her cue. She stood back up and returned to her work in the kitchen.

“Why don’t you help?” Wallflower smiled at Twilight.

“Did you already forget last time?” Sunset’s voice carried back from the kitchen. “Vetoed!”

Twilight shrugged at it. “Turns out baking is more art than science.”

Sunset’s face briefly appeared from the kitchen door to deliver a glare. “You made AJ’s turnovers melt the pan.”

“The pH levels were off!” Twilight defended herself.

“They’re apple turnovers, Twilight! You turned our friend’s homestyle baking into a bioweapon project!”

Wallflower began regretting bringing it up and further retreated into the warm blanket and her cheery conversation with “Taco<3Princess69” on her phone.

It was late. Might have past midnight already. Sunset didn’t know or care. The fluffy rug in front of their fireplace was just too soft and warm. After she had collapsed there, Wallflower and Twilight had joined her. So she wasn’t sure if it was mostly the fireplace or the girls on each side of her that were making it so cozy.

Why was she so sleepy, though? Sure, they had been away for an outing today and ran into some unexpected faces. But aside from that, it was mostly just the baking that had been on her agenda...ah.

She remembered.

They had shared a drink after she had recovered enough to sit back up temporarily. Mulled cider. That stuff always made her sleepy when it was this late. Not like that was a bad thing. After all, now was certainly a good time to sleep.

Except if she just slept here then she’d probably wake up with a sore back. And a burnt upperhalf with a frozen bottom half. And bruises from a twisted bra-

“Yeah, no,” Sunset shook her head and stood up. “Time for bed,” she nudged the sleepy Wallflower and already-asleep Twilight.

“Five more minutes,” Twilight mumbled almost incoherently.

“I’m sure those glasses will feel really good when you roll your face into them,” Sunset deadpanned. “Come on, babe,” she helped pull the girl up and ignored the rush in her head from having stood up too fast herself.

Thankfully, Wallflower was more awake and caught Twilight’s hand before she could attempt to rub her eyes, which would have only pushed her glasses painfully into her nose bridge. Wallflower took the glasses off for her while Sunset lead the half-asleep zombie scientist to their bedroom.

What followed was a mild chaos of brushing and/or attempting to brush teeth. Sunset complained about “being too tired for this” and she prevented a still half-asleep Twilight from putting the mouthwash on her toothbrush instead of the paste.

Wallflower had already finished so she got out of the way and changed. She had just started buttoning up her pajama top when the other two came out of the bedroom’s private bathroom. Twilight fell face first onto the bed as if her lifeforce had just been sucked out of her. Sunset, however, had enough energy to first embrace her greenthumb girlfriend from behind.

“Was it good?” Sunset softly spoke the words.

Knowing what she was referring to, Wallflower smiled fondly and blushed only a little. It had indeed been a pleasant day. Each holiday they shared was a priceless treasure in her heart. That these two not only loved each other but had enough love for her as well…

She tried not to get teary right before bed.

“Thank you, Sunny,” she replied with a loving nuzzle to Sunset’s face, which had rested beside hers on her shoulder. “And you too, Twily.”

“I’m glad,” Sunset took a deep breath and let it out.

Wallflower stifled a giggle and resumed buttoning her top. She was the last one to change, since she had brushed her teeth first while the other two changed. “Your breath tickles,” Wallflower explained in a whisper.

“Oooh?” Sunset turned sly. Yes, she was tired and the clock beside their bed was reading 1:20am. But this was hardly the worse decision she had ever made. And it was technically Hearth’s Warming (or Christmas as it was known here). Her presents were not under the tree. They were right here.

“Mmm,” Wallflower let out a content sound as Sunset forced her to pause buttoning again. The redhead’s warm hands were exploring beneath her shirt, lightly caressing her sides and then her stomach. Then they started upwards.

“Under the covers,” came a certain voice.

Sunset and Wallflower looked down. Twilight had one eye open and on them while gesturing to the sheets she had still not gotten under.

“It will be warmer there,” Sunset agreed. She turned with Wallflower still in her arms and landed backwards onto the bed with her.

Though they soon gained some very thick and fluffy sheets atop them, they also lost a few sets of pajamas as well. The effort to put them on may have been wasted but having them off was what kept the trio from overheating while cuddled together under the sheets. Perhaps they would have remembered that fact earlier had they not been so tired. But now that she was comfy and between her two clothing-free girlfriends, Wallflower was reminded once more why this was where she felt most happy and most safe.

The scent of mulled cider still drifted about their home and holiday lights gave a joyful glow that drifted in around the edges of their bedroom door even when it was closed.

Wallflower kissed both her lovers goodnight.

This truly was her favorite time of year.