My adorkable marefriend

by SkarinOfAtmora

First published

After years of being friends, Twilight realises she might feel something more for the Ponyville resident human named Ryan.

Ryan O'Connor arrived in Equestria a couple years back when Twilight was checking up on Sunset Shimmer. Instead of looking through the mirror of Sunset's world, Twilight looked through another and saw Ryan was about to be buried in an avalanche during a rescue mission. Without even thinking, Twilight pulled him to safety but the way home was blocked and left Ryan stranded in Equestria. To Twilight's surprise, Ryan was pretty cool with it and decided to enjoy his stay and the company of his adorkable savior.

Just a little something that came to mind before and since I'm reading a lot of Twilight Sparkle stories I'd thought I should write this down for you guys. And the cover image was great inspiration as well.
It's basically in medias res and history will occasionally be told in flashbacks and referenced in dialogue.
It's mainly going to be romance, fluff and general sillyness. :twilightsmile:

Hope you enjoy! :moustache:

Aaaand we got featured May 12th 2019 :pinkiehappy:

1 - All it took was an embarrasing situation

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Twilight was inside her castle reading a book. No surprise there, but it was a surprise as to which book it was. It was little book, maybe 256 pages, on dating. Yes, dating. You see, for the last couple of months, Twilight has been getting these strange feelings when she was around Ryan, Ponyville's resident human. It's been a few years since she saved him from getting buried under an avalanche in his world and after the surprisingly easy acceptance of his situation, Ryan fit in nicely with ponykind. That is, after experiencing the Zecora Incident for himself first.

Ryan was a young man in his twenties, standing at about 6'4'' and weighed 200 pounds with a well trained physique. He had to be in shape since he was a member of search and rescue and when Twilight saved him, Ryan was actually in the middle of a rescue mission of his own when things went south. Anyway, said human had a light skin tone, short blonde hair and blue eyes and in the human world he would be considered very attractive. Apparently Twilight found him attractive as well since she was reading a book about dating. Her problem was that she didn't know how to approach the subject!

"It is customary for a pagasi to offer one of their primary flying feathers to the mare or stallion he or she is interested in. " she read the passage from the book and furrowed her brow in thought. Stretching her wings, Twilight quickly located one and gently plucked it out, continuing to read "Should the receiving pony accept the feather you may commence courting. " Twilight nodded her head in understanding but then a thought hit her. Something so obvious she berated herself for not thinking of it sooner "He's not a pony! " the young alicorn yelled in frustration and threw the book away. Twilight remembered Ryan could be pretty dense since a few mares and even stallions approached him with the intention of courting him and he always declined. Was dating different in his world? She never asked before and why would she? Twilight wasn't interested in him like that! At least, not until now.

As said, for the last few months Twilight caught herself stealing glances at him when he wasn't looking and came to like what she saw. Even when he was looking she noticed herself checking him out and then getting flustered when he mentions it. Simple things like a hug or brushing against each other while cleaning the castle were making her heart race and turn her cheeks a shade darker. Even though he got his own house he still came over every morning to wake her up and spend the day with her. He was a very close friend and she never thought of him as anything more. That is until this morning when she was thinking very hard about what was going on and tried to convince herself she only liked him as a friend. It went something like this "I like him. " and that was it. Try as she might, Twilight simply could not bring herself to finish that sentence with "only as a friend" and upon realization her whole body grew hotter and her brain short-circuited.

"What if he doesn't feel the same way? " Twilight's ears dropped and she looked worried. Sure, she caught him stealing glances at her and getting a little more touchy-feely with their hugs -nothing perverted guys- but that was about it. Ryan didn't blush on contact and didn't get flustered when she teased him back after he made some lame sex joke that got her red as a tomato. But what made her so attracted to him? He was good looking, sure, but Twilight saw past that. She saw a brave and kind soul that prevailed through everything life threw at him. He helped them fight all manner of beast and fiends that were only legends in his world with the bravery of a lion. Ryan also got along with everypony, making friends everywhere he went. He helped around the village doing odd jobs and selling his services waaaay below price, something that many took advantage off but Ryan just said something about Karmageddon and continued on his merry way. Ryan even managed to find a good friend in Princess Luna, something about heavy metals if she recalled correctly. This last thought got her thinking. If Ryan was even remotely interested in her, what did he see in her anyway?

Getting out of her comfy recliner inside her room, Twilight walked up to a large mirror and examined herself. She was about 5'5'' and her light frame wasn't as curvaceous as Luna's or some other mares that approached him. That aside, what else did she offer? She was a bookworm and nopony could find that sexy. She was always doing research and burried herself under piles of scrolls that nopony but her could make sense of. She didn't go out looking for adventure or tried new things just for the sake of it like Rainbow Dash. She certainly didn't have the grace and elegance of Rarity or Pinkie's enthusiasm and cheeriness. Twilight didn't even want to compare her physical strength to AJ or the amount of kindness Fluttershy could give off. All in all, Twilight thought she was a boring, bookworming librarian. Sighing deeply and questioning if to actually go through with her confession, Twilight was snapped out of her thought's by a knock on the door.

"Twilight darling? Are you in there? " it was Rarity. Twilight shook off her previous thoughts and replied.

"Come in Rarity! " the door slowly opened and in walked Rarity. She was a white unicorn mare with a curvaceous figure that left stallions and mares drooling. Her violet mane was always styled to perfection and being the local fashionista her outfit was a well paired white blouse and dark blue jeans that complimented her hourglass figure. The way she walked displayed elegance, grace and beauty, her every step swaying her hips in the most hypnotizing manner. Twilight glanced back at her mirror: hairs sticking out of her unkempt mane, slouched shoulders and she was wearing a wriggled yellow sweat shirt with a large neckline so you could see the bra holding her c-cup sized chest and striped pink/purple leggings. So very sexy...

"Oh you're reading. " Rarity chuckled as she saw the book on the floor next to Twilight "That would explain why you forgot about our tea date this morning. " Twilight's eyes went wide as plates.

"WHAT? Oh No! I'm so sorry Rarity! " Twilight waved her arms around in panic and apology.

"It's fine dear. I know how you get when- " then Rarity noticed a feather in Twilight's right hand. A purple primary feather. She took a closer look at the book and saw it was on dating. Twilight looked at her friend in confusion when she let out a gleeful squee "OH! MY! CELESTIA! " faster than she could perceive, Rarity had Twilight in a bone-crushing hug "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU DARLING! " the alicorn's vision was getting fuzzy.

"R-Rarity... Air... " she croaked out and Rarity ended the hug, her hands now clasped tightly together and a giddy smile upon her lips "W-what are you talking about? " Twilight asked, breathing in every ounce of oxygen she could.

"The feather! " Rarity pointed at it and giggled "It's a primary flying feather! You're going to ask Ryan out! Oh that is most wonderful! "

"No I'm not! Wait... " Twilight looked at Rarity with a narrowed gaze "Why do you think it's Ryan? "

"Oh please. " Rarity rolled her eyes and crossed her arms under her large bust "Everypony knows you have the hots for each other. "

"Each other? " Twilight gasped in shock. Rarity shook her head, wondering just how dense the two can be.

"Why of course, darling! " Rarity sat down on Twilight's bed and Twilight took a seat in her recliner once more "And please don't try to deny it, I've seen the way you look at each other. "

"Y-you did? " Twilight asked in embarrassment.

"Mmmmhm. You two think you're soooo inconspicuous but we know. " Twilight's cheeks turned a shade of red "It makes me happy you finally realized your feelings for him so now the girls and I don't have to subtly bring you together. Not for lack of trying, mind you. "

"You were trying to bring us together? " Twilight asked in confusion "How? " to her knowledge, the girls did absolutely nothing. Rarity smiled, and once again shook her head.

"Of course you two didn't notice. " Rarity then began explaining "You never noticed how we always make the seating arrangements so that you two are next to each other? " Twilight's brow rose "How many times we come up with an excuse to leave you two alone? " then the other "And don't even get me started on that dinner a week ago! We each made some dumb excuse to not attend so it could be just the two of you! " her mouth parted slightly "An impromptu first date, as it were. " her mouth was now wide open. She remembered that day perfectly. It was supposed to be dinner with friends but the girls canceled, leaving only Ryan and her to have dinner with friends "Trust me, I may not be the princess of love, but I know love when I see it. "

"S-so you're saying... " the gears began turning in Twilight's head.

"He likes you too, Twilight. " Rarity put a comforting hand on her friends shoulder "He just hasen't realized it yet. " Twilight sat back in the recliner, her mind going a thousand miles an hour "It would seem all stallions are the same. Us mares have to make the first move apparently. "

"But that's exactly my problem! " Twilight jumped up from her recliner, startling Rarity in the process "How do I do this? Do I set up a date? Do I make a newspaper announcement? Have Rainbow write it in the sky? "

"Calm down, Twilight. " Rarity said in a comforting manner "Now, Ryan is a simple stallion and he likes things simple as well. Just, go up to him and tell him how you feel. " Twilight's eye twitched.

"Simple? This is anything but simple! " Twilight groaned in frustration which only made Rarity giggle "It's not funny! This is whole new territory for me! "

"Truly? Could it be Ryan is your first crush? " Rarity wiggled her brows and Twilight's face heated up to the tips of her ears.

"M-maybe... " this only made Rarity squeal again and envelop Twilight in another bone-crushing hug "Air! " Rarity quickly released her and did pirouettes around the room.

"Our little Twilight is all grown up! Ah to be in love! " Twilight face-palmed at her friends antics.

"This is not helping. " Rarity stopped her spinning and coughed to regain composure.

"Anyway, my point still stands. I suggest you just go up to him,tell him how you feel and present the feather to him. " Rarity said simply but Twilight was still not sure, her ears drooping once again.

"What if he rejects me? " she asked with a sad voice and Rarity put her hands on Twilight's shoulders.

"Twilight, darling. " the look she gave her was terrifying "If he rejects you, I shall make him regret the day he was born. " she then pulled back, a smile once again adorning her features "Trust me. He likes you. " Twilight thought for a moment and began pacing around the room. Now that she thought about it, her and Ryan did get a suspicious amount of time alone together. And Rarity was her friend so she wouldn't lie about these things, right? Well, there was only way to find out. She knew Ryan was at home at this time of the day and decided to approach this subject head on. Up close and personal. Otherwise she might get cold-hooves before...

"Alright, I'll do it. " she said with a determined look and held the feather tightly with both hands "I'll go to him now and whatever happens, happens. " Rarity's eyes widened in shock.

"Twilight! Wait! " before she was able to reach her, Twilight closed her eyes, took a deep breath and she was gone in a flash "Ohhhh! Horseapples! "

Twilight felt she reached her destination, eyes still closed and just went for it. She pushed her arms forward and presented the feather.

"Ilikeyouwillyougoonadatewithme? " she blurted out and was met with silence. An uncomfortable silence. Slightly opening her right eye, Twilight realized she was in Sugarcube Corner. A completely full Sugarcube Corner since it was lunch time. Opening her other eye she saw her outstretched hands holding the feather in front of a very confused looking Ryan who was sitting across an amused Princess Luna. Her entire body went red from hoof to ear tips.

"EEEEEEP! " and with another flash she was gone, the feather dropping from her hands right into Ryan's.

She reappeared in her room and looked at Rarity who was chuckling at her friends state.

"Why didn't you tell me? " Twilight yelled, her whole body red from the embarrassing incident.

"Well I tried to warn you but you just up and vanished. " Rarity defended herself "I saw Ryan and Princess Luna having lunch at Sugarcube- "

"Oh my Celestia! I've made a fool of myself in front of the Princess and the entire Sugarcube Corner! " Twilight dropped to the floor, hugging her knees close and rocking herself slowly "Now he's never going to go out with me. "

"It couldn't have been that bad. " Rarity sat next to her friend and rubbed her back in comfort.

"It was... " Twilight sniffled, a few tears escaping her eyes "I've made a fool of myself! " she buried her face into her knees screamed in muffled frustration. Rarity continued to comfort her friend for a couple of minutes but it was a hard thing to do right now. The fact somepony decided to knock on the door didn't help her situation.

"There's somepony at the door. " Rarity said with a knowing smile. She had a hunch.

"Don't care... " Twilight responded quietly and the knocking continued.

"I think you should get it. " Rarity nudged her lightly.

"I don't wanna'... " this whole drama was driving Rarity crazy and she was the queen of drama!

"Just get the bucking door will you? " Rarity encased Twilight with her magic and practically threw her out of her own room. Landing on her flanks Twilight scowled at Rarity and rose to her hooves. Whoever was at the door better had something important to say by the way they were knocking on it.

"Alright, alright I'm coming! " Twilight yelled in frustration and wiped her tears along the way. She swung the door open "WHAT? " she was left in shock when she saw Ryan standing there, tapping the feather lightly against his palm.

"Hey Twi. " he greeted with a smile, making Twilight wish the ground would open up "The weirdest thing happened today. " he began explaining and Twilight's face turned red, remembering the incident pretty clearly "I was having lunch with Luna and then suddenly this adorkable mare showed up and gave me a feather. " a slight smile crossed her lips when he called her adorkable. Only he did and only he could call her that "Then she vanished! Poof!" he made a hand gesture to go along with the sound effect "I asked Luna what that about and she told me the funniest thing. " her ears dropped "When a pegasi likes somepony they give the other a primary flying feather as a sign of affection. " he twiddled the feather in his hands, inspecting it very closely "Imagine my surprise when my best friend showed up and gave me one of hers. " here it comes "I suppose there's only one thing to do now... " he put the feather behind his ear like one would do a pencil "How do I look? " Twilight closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable teasing but it never came "In case you missed it, I like you too and would love to go out on a date. " her ear twitched and she slowly opened her eyes, seeing Ryan with the feather behind his ear and a warm smile. Her mouth opened in response but no words came out. Then over and over again like a fish out of water and Ryan just stood there, waiting for the genius to figure out an answer. Good thing Rarity jumped in and closed Twilight's mouth.

"Please don't do that dearie, it's so un-ladylike. " then Rarity turned to Ryan "And I believe I speak for my friend when I say she'd love that. " Twilight looked at Rarity in shock "I must be going now, no need for a third wheel. Bye! " and so she left, leaving Ryan and a very shocked Twilight behind. Twilight looked up at Ryan again who was still waiting for an answer.

"Sooooo dinner tonight? " Ryan offered and it would appear Twilight finally came to her senses. Her face flushed red and she nodded meekly "Great! Looking forward to it! " Ryan gave the still somewhat dazed Twilight a hug, which she returned and wanted to last so much longer but Ryan let go "I'll pick you up at 7. " Twilight nodded meekly and Ryan smiled "Great! See you then! " he waved goodbye and walked towards the center of town. Twilight slowly closed the door, leaned against it and slid down. She cupped her still red cheeks and smiled giddily.

"He likes me... " she said to herself and smiled widely "He likes me and we're going on a date tonight! " aaaand back to a frown "I don't know the first thing about dates! " she jumped to her hooves, a look of determination on her face "I must prepare! " she declared and flew towards the library in the castle to do some much needed research. This should be good...

2 - Everything's fine. More or less...

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Ryan left Twilight's castle-house feeling pretty happy with the outcome and eternally grateful that Twilight asked him out. Because how the hell do you ask your best friend out on a date who is also a princess?

Truth be told, Ryan started having dirty-I mean, fond feelings for Twilight about the same time she did for him. Not that he knew but for you readers that's the general info. Ryan still considered Twilight his best friend on Equestria, might as well throw in Earth for good measure, and he was scared he would ruin it by asking her out. Ryan never had those thoughts back on Earth as he never wanted a relationship. One night stands were his thing for years, but now, with Twilight, he wanted more. You see, Ryan's life style was never suited for a relationship. He wanted to see the world, learn along the way and live life on the road. He acquired many skills on his travels, skills that made him the ultimate handyman. His last endeavor was a little off the norm, search and rescue, but he felt it was what he needed at the time.

When he first met Twilight he was on a rescue mission that quickly went south for him. The victim was brought to safety but the line snapped just as Ryan was about to make his escape. Aaaaand a blinding flash later he found himself in a strange room with mirrors and a very concerned looking Twilight Sparkle. At first Ryan thought he died and somehow went to heaven since he saw Twilight's silhouette and thought she was an angel. Suffice to say he was in for a surprise when he got a better look at her. Thinking back now, she really was an angel... Anyway, new world with new opportunities and Ryan quickly adapted and made many new friends as well, something he never had back on Earth. The lone wolf lifestyle had it's drawbacks apparently. Speaking of friends, he just returned to Sugarcube Corner to continue his lunch with one.

"So? How did it go? " Luna asked with a sly smirk, already knowing the answer since she saw the feather behind his ear.

"Pretty good. " Ryan smiled and took a sip of his half-finished orange juice "I'm picking her up at seven. "

"You do know that she is supposed to plan your date, right? " Luna asked while taking a slice of chocolate cake, her voice indicating Ryan should expect anything.

"I've been around long enough to know that. " Ryan answered and took a fork-full of salad.

Here's the thing. In this magical pony land the male to female ration is out of balance. Like, way off. It's probably six to seven mares to one stallion so the females are the ones who need to woo the males. That includes the asking out part and planning the date. If all goes well the two become a couple and begin dating. Pretty standard as far as Ryan was concerned but the reversed gender roles did confuse him a little at first. And the herding thing was just a nice way of saying harem which he didn't want anyway. Ryan wanted his adorkable best friend.

"It's Twilight we're talking about. " Luna said with a raised brow.

"I don't see your point. " Ryan replied with a confused look and Luna sighed deeply.

"Listen, I am very fond of Twilight Sparkle, but when it comes to certain things she can be a little... " Luna waved her hand around "What's the word I'm looking for... "

"Eccentric? " Ryan offered and Luna snapped her fingers in approval.

"Eccentric! Yeah, let's go with that. " Ryan chuckled and leaned back in his seat "Remember the research she did on you? " Ryan laughed.

"Those were the days. " at the time he was a little terrified but it was also the moment he realized he and Twilight will be good friends. The shock proof test was maaaaaybe a little too much...

"So why her? " this question made Ryan raise a curious brow "From what I've seen and heard, you've had plenty of mares asking you out. I even recall Lyra Heartstrings to be especially smitten by you. " Luna leaned forward and looked Ryan straight in the eyes "She is a very dear friend of mine and my sister's precious student so give me a good reason why I should support you. " Ryan scratched his cheek in thought.

"I guess... She's just her. " Luna looked at him in confusion "You know, before I found her quirks funny and even teased her about it but lately I find them endearing. " Luna listened closely "She is pretty, no question about it, but it's more than that. " she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms, her gaze unfaltering as Ryan continued "I like how she gets passionate about her research and how she never gives up when an experiment blows up in her face. "Ryan was present at one point when it blew up about a dozen times "The way she tries to help everypony and wants them to be happy. Or, I don't know, the way she smiles whenever something goes her way. It's the most adorable smile I've seen in this place. " Ryan smiled fondly "How flustered she gets when I barge into her room every morning to wake her up on time. By the way, have coffee present. " Luna chuckled at that, seeing as she was the same in that way "She makes me laugh and makes me feel happy. I love spending time with her, be it fighting to save Equestria or just listening to her while she reads me a book I have no idea what it's about. " Ryan suddenly found his hands to be very interesting as he slowly spoke "My life was on the road, I don't regret choosing that, but I've never had a real relationship. " Luna knew very well of his life and nodded in understanding "There's just something about Twilight that makes me want to stay close to her. I want to see her smile and for her to be happy. I want to hear her snort whenever she laughs too hard. I want to.... Wake up every morning and her adorkable smile to be the first thing I see. " Luna smiled warmly and mentally already decided she would support their relationship "She might not be the most beautiful or graceful mare in the world and I don't want that. I want the cute, and somewhat klutzy, Twilight. " he looked at Luna and continued "I'm not the best with words but, that's just how I feel and I want to do this right. "

"You really like her, don't you? "

"Yeah. There's so much more I could say but... I just can't find the right words. " he laughed sheepishly but Luna heard enough.

"I'm sure Twilight could lend you a dictionary to look up some new words. " she said teasingly.

"A thesaurus. " Ryan corrected and Luna looked at him questioningly "I thought it was a dinosaur at first but apparently it's a book with words in it. " Luna nodded in understanding "You should have seen how she freaked out when I tried to write adorkable as a word inside of one. " both laughed at that since Twilight was really fond of her books being pristine "As for your date concern, I don't really care what we do as long as at the end of it we begin dating. " Ryan gave one more genuine smile and Luna was now completely satisfied.

"Spoken like a stallion in love. " Luna said which caused Ryan's cheeks to get just a little red "But tell me, if you were the one to ask a mare out, how would you do it? " this question made Ryan smirk.

"I have a... Move. " he said smugly.

"Really? Do tell. " Luna rested her chin on her hands and waited.

"I have to warn you though. It could make you fall hopelessly in love with me. " Ryan answered and leaned forward.

"I'll take my chances. " Luna replied.

"Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you. " Ryan took a deep breath and rested his arm on the table. Looking at Luna with an overconfident smirk he asked one question "How you doin'? " suffice to say it made Luna explode with laughter.

"I pity the mare that falls for that! "

"Works like a charm. " Ryan leaned back and crossed his arms "At least it did on Earth. " finally calming down, Luna continued their previous conversation.

"So, what will you do now? There's still time before the date. "

"Well, I still have some work to do around Ponyville. " Ryan quickly finished his drink and sat the glass down "Speaking of, I need to hurry if I want to make it in time sooooo you're buying, thank you, goodbye! " and with that he ran off to finish his job orders. Luna shook her head and laughed.

"The first dine and dash in my entire life. " she then looked at her empty plate "Hold on... I still had cake. " her eyes snapped up at the running Ryan "GET BACK HERE YOU THIEF!"

Twilight Sparkle was in the zone. She had this in the bag! Scrolls and books were all around, charts and graphs analyzing every detail, chocolate cookies were providing the necessary sustenance and hot cocoa to ease the nerves. With all this preparation, nothing could go wrong. The perfect date had been created!

"I did it! Hehehehe... " she rubbed her hands in satisfaction, grinning like a mad mare "First, I'll wear that beautiful dress Rarity made for me and knock him off his hoo-,errr, feet! Then, I'll take him to that nice restaurant that caters to omnivores so Ryan can eat whatever he wants. After that it's off to the carnival, a ride on the ferris wheel and he's mine! " she laughed triumphantly before she was interrupted by a knock on her half-open bedroom door.

"Ummm, Twilight? " her number one assistant Spike peeked inside and his eyes went wide as plates upon seeing the war-room Twilight has made.

"Yes Spike? " she looked at him with a wide smile that should have broken her jaw but hey, magical pony world.

"Getting ready for your big date? " Spike asked with a smirk and carefully stepped inside, making sure not to trample on one of her scrolls.

"I'm all set! " she said confidently and puffed out her chest "Ryan won't know what hit him! "

"That's great! " Spike's said happily before his face took on a deadpan look "Cuz' he's been here for like half an hour and we covered the last two episodes of Power Ponies already. " it was in that moment Spike heard something snap "Umm, Twlight? " the mare still wore her previous big smile but now it looked so forced it almost hurt to watch.

"Everything's fine... " she said through gritted teeth and Spike approached cautiously. He waved in front of her.

"You alright? " in the blink of an eye Twilight grabbed Spike's cheeks and stared into his eyes, her gaze looking deep into his soul "Oh boy... "

"Stall him! " she then all but threw Spike out of her room and slammed the door behind him.

"Sheesh! " Spike said while rubbing his sore behind "It's nice to be appreciated! " he yelled at the door and descended down the stairs to keep Ryan occupied. Meanwhile back in Twilight's bedroom, things got hectic...

"Great way to make a first impression Sparkle! " she opened her wardrobe in a hurry and used her magic to look through different outfits "No, no, no, no, no! " outfits kept flying out of the closet until there was nothing left. She decided to search again and turned around to the outfits scattered on the floor. They were all stained with ink since they landed on ink wells. None were salvageable "This can't be happening! " Twilight pulled at her mane in frustration and looked at the mirror. She was still in the same outfit from this morning "I can't go out like this! " groaning in frustration she suddenly got a bright idea "I can use magic, duh! " seeing as time was short, Twilight pulled out the light blue dress Rarity had made for her. It ended just over her knees, a sleeveless design and showed just a tasteful amount of cleavage. Using her magic to clean the dress, she quickly put it on, grabbed her hand-bag and stuffed the cheat sheet inside. Taking a final look in the mirror she concluded it would be fine "Everything's fine. You got this! " nodding to herself, Twilight exited the bedroom and found herself on the stairs "The first impression is down the drain but the second one will fix it! "she remembered something she saw in a movie once and went into action. Twilight leaned slightly on the railing and cleared her throat "Ooooh Ryan! " she made sure her voice was extra seductive for this. Sure enough, Ryan appeared at the bottom of the stairs, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a simple white, button-down shirt. It made Twilight smile when she saw he held a bouquet of purple Canterbury Bells, her favorite kind "So sorry I've kept you waiting." she began to slowly, teasingly, descend the stairs and Ryan couldn't take his eyes off. She felt like Ryan was undressing her with his eyes I so got this! Twilight thought to herself as she reached the last few steps "I hope you like what I have in mind for toniIIIIIIIIIGHT!" yeah, she tripped...


And hit Ryan head on, tumbling them to the floor...

"I am so sorry! " Twilight apologized over and over again as Ryan held an ice pack on his aching forehead, the crumpled boquet placed in a vase in hopes of restoring it. Or for Twilight to use it as a late-night snack.

"I'm fine Twilight. Really! " he reassured her with a smile "See! " he removed the ice pack to show a rather large bump on his forehead. Spike then began laughing hysterically.

"Dude! You look like a unicorn! " the dragon said through teary eyes.

"It's not funny Spike! " Twilight scolded her assistant and looked back at Ryan "I could have hurt him with my horn! "

"You think I can do magic now? " Ryan asked and furrowed his brows in concentration which only made Spike laugh harder.

"Ryan! " Twilight slapped his shoulder and he raised his arms in defense.

"Alright, alright! We're done! " he said though laughter and Twilight pouted which he found adorable "You're so cute when you pout. " the alicorn's cheeks heated up and she looked away.

"You always say that. " Twilight mumbled quietly.

"And now I mean it more than ever. " Ryan got up from the couch he was sitting on and offered his hand to Twilight "Now c'mon! I was promised a date by a beautiful mare. " Twilight smiled bashfully and took his hand. They exited the castle and Spike waved them goodbye.

"I won't wait up! " the dragon yelled after them and closed the door. As they were walking, Twilight noticed Ryan was still holding her hand. She didn't mind it one bit.

"So... Where are we going? " the question made Twilight stiffen. She forgot to make reservations!

"W-well, I was thinking about Le Poney. " Twilight answered but before she could admit she forgot to make reservations Ryan spoke.

"That new Prench place? " she nodded "I heard It's hard to get reservations. " good job Ryan, slam that nail into the coffin "Good thing I know the owner. " he squeezed her hand reassuringly and Twilight smiled in return.

"Hehe, yeah. " they continued walking towards the restaurant and Twilight felt Ryan's hand getting a little sweaty "Umm, are you okay? "

"Who, me? Psssh! Totally fine! " Ryan was so not fine. The best way to describe how nervous he was right now would be the song First Date by Blink-182. He was going on a date with his best friend! Who was a princess! No pressure!

"If you say so. " Twilight giggled at his response. The two of them knew each other well enough to know when the other was lying. It did ease her worries seeing that Ryan was as nervous as she was. It wasn't long before they reached Le Poney and sure enough, the place was packed "This is all my fault... " Twilight's ears dropped to her head in shame but Ryan, one again, squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry. I got this. " he approached the stallion behind the desk, Twilight in tow "Good evening. May I please talk to the owner of this fine establishment? "

"And what for, may I ask? " the stallion asked with a condescending tone.

"I would like to get the finest seat in the house so my beautiful date can enjoy a nice dinner. " Ryan looked at Twilight who blushed once again.

"I am sorry sir, but as you can see- "

"Ryan! Mon'Amie! " a griffon female with a, well, Prench accent and red feathers came up to the reception "Vat a surprise to see you 'ere! " she embraced him and gave him a kiss on both cheeks, being careful not to scratch Ryan with her beak "And I see you brought a date! " the griffon bowed to Twilight "Good evening, Princess Twilight! " said alicorn bowed slightly in return.

"Nice to meet you, miss? "

"Sauwingon, your highness! Chef extraordinaire! " the mare said proudly before looking at the receptionist "You there! Prepare ze' patio table! "

"But miss Sauwingon! Filthy Rich and his wife have already- "

"Bah! I don' care for Filthy Filth and 'iz kind! " she waved him off "Now do az' I said! " the receptionist nodded and made a hasty retreat.

"It's alright miss Sauwingon. " Twilight spoke up "We don't have reservations and- " she was interrupted by the chefs hands on her shoulders.

"Princess Twilight, I would consider it an honor if you would grace my small restaurant with your presence tonight. " the griffon chef looked straight into Twilight's eyes, making the young alicorn shrink under her gaze "Those snobs can go to Hay Burger for all I care. "

"I still think it's not right... " Twilight said meekly before Ryan leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"What if I told you they said Pinkie was a menace that needed to be locked away for good? " Twilight's ear twitched and her demeanor changed completely.

"I would be delighted to eat at your restaurant! " Twilight perked up and the two were lead to their table. Ryan pulled out a chair for Twilight "Oh! Thank you. " she sat down, discreetly pulling out her cheat sheet and smiled at Ryan who sat down as well. Sauwingon appeared shortly after with a pad and pencil.

"Good 'evening! I shall be your host for tonight! " she smiled at the couple and Twilight did a double-take.

"Host? But, you're the owner! " she looked from Sauwingon to Ryan who merely smiled to the confused alicorn.

"Vell, I wouldn't be ze' ovner' if it weren't for Ryan! " the griffon bowed curtly to Ryan who did the same in return.

"You never told me about this. " Twilight sad, her index finger moving from Ryan to Sauwingon.

"I'm a man of mysteries! " Ryan said with a laugh and got a deadpan look from Twilight.

"Apparently... " Twilight mumbled to herself and crossed her arms. Sauwingon cleared her throat and raised her pad. Twilight looked to Ryan who was thinking it over before speaking.

"I'll have the house special! " he said with a smirk and the chef laughed.

"As I thought you would. " she wrote down the order and looked to Twilight "And you, Miss Sparkle? "

"Yes, I'll he the sal- " she stopped mid sentence and looked at her cheat sheet Be open to new things and experiences. Take a leap of faith and be adventurous. she read the line she found in one of the book she was studying and quickly corrected herself "-special too! " she finished with a sheepish laugh. Sauwingon raised a curious brow.

"Ummm, Miss Sparkle, the special is- " a raised hand from Twilight stopped the chef from continuing.

"I may not look like it, but I like experiencing new things. " she said a little too unconvincingly and Ryan looked at her suspiciously.

"You can order a salad if you want. " Ryan offered but Twilight shook her head. Ryan thought something smelled fishy...

"Ze' special it is then. " Sauwingon shrugged her shoulders and wrote it down "Drinks? "

"Water for me. " Ryan said simply and waited for Twilight's answer. The mare in question subtly (so not subtle...) checked her cheat sheet before looking at the chef.

"I will have a glass of Crystal Red. " now both looked at her incredulously "What? "

"That's wine, Twilight. " Ryan explained and narrowed his eyes at her "You don't drink... " Twilight did her best to avoid his gaze and shuffled in her seat, her wings twitching nervously behind her.

"I am allowed to relax once in a while. " she answered with a huff but Ryan didn't buy it. Now something definitely smelled fishy...

"Vould' you get that avay' from 'ere? " Sauwingon yelled at a waiter pegasi who carried fresh fish in a large pot. He seemed to snap out of his trance and made a quick retreat before he angered his boss even more. Sauwingon shook her head and looked at the couple "Sorry about that. Now, iz' that all? " both nodded and the chef bowed curtly before going to the kitchen.

"All right, what's going on? " Ryan leaned on his elbows on the table and looked at Twilight with an intense stare.

"What? Going on? " Twilight guffawed and leaned into her seat "Nothing's going on! " she wanted to cross her legs, trying to be all casual about the situation, but her right knee hit the underside of the table pretty hard "Motherbu- "

"Your drinks! " Sauwingon appeared with the order on a platter.

"You work fast. " Ryan commented as she sat down the drinks. Twilight took a sniff of her wine and actually liked the smell.

"I 'ave to vit' this lot! " Sauwingon turned to the kitchen and dashed off once again. The alicorn now took a sip and almost choked on it. It was true she didn't drink, in fact, this was her first taste of alcohol. She heard everypony fawn over this particular brand and went with it. Suffice to say she had a coughing fit now...

"You okay? " Ryan asked in concern and was about to get up and help but Twilight waved him down.

"I-I'm fine... " she managed to croak out and grabbed Ryan's glass of water and chugged it in one go. After realizing what she had done her whole face heated up "I'm so sorry! I'll get you another one right away! " as she hastily stood up, she knocked over her almost full wine glass and spilled the contents all over the table "GAH! " realizing what she had done, a quick glow of her horn should make the problem go away. At least, the stains on the tablecloth should have vanished and not the entire TABLE! Twilight stood there, mouth agape and looked at the empty space between them. Her gaze fell to Ryan who was trying to make sense of things but simply shrugged his shoulders. Having spent so much time here, Ryan found out it was too hard on his brain to come up with some explanations. Having said that, Ryan pulled himself and the chair closer to Twilight and smiled at the mare.

"Who needs a table anyway? My thoughts exactly! " Ryan motioned for Twilight to sit down and her ears splayed back in shame. He was always like this. Every time she would mess up he would always try and make her feel better. She guessed it was why she came to like him in the first place. Ryan always tried to cheer her up. Add the fact that he actually called out others on their mistakes and even got angry sometimes, he never did that with her. Was that because he actually liked her? Then maybe there's still hope for this date... Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Twilight perked up once more and sat down. She looked to Ryan who leaning towards her, their faces inches from each other. Twilight's face flushed at the sudden realization and she felt her heart beating faster "So... " Ryan smiled as Twilight gulped "How you do- "

"Dinner iz' serve - " Sauwingon stopped mid-sentence as she saw the two close together and the table missing entirely "Ponies... " the couple leaned back in their seats, both of them a little red in the face as Sauwingon handed them their meals. That's when Twilight realized why they tried her to steer her away from the house special. In her hands was a plate with some kind of sauce in it. It wasn't the sauce that got to her, oh no my dear readers, it was the rest. Snails and frog legs, grilled of course. She felt her stomach lurch but bravely kept it in "Bon appetite!" the griffon bowed once again and walked back to the kitchen chuckling to herself. Twilight just stared at the plate in her hands.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to. " Ryan reassured her with a smile but Twilight wasn't about to back down. She dug this hole herself and now she needed to get out of it.

"N-no worries! " she said with a nervous laugh and picked up one snail from her plate "I-I mean, how bad can it be? " she gingerly, slowly, shakily brought the snail to her lips. Images of the first time Rainbow Dash convinced her to try fish flashed before her eyes and she winced at the memory Pegasi eat fish and I managed that. Here we go... she closed her eyes and put the snail into her mouth. Her eyes widened like saucers, pupils shrank to pinpricks. The taste... Was...

3 - Lavender rain

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As she chewed on the snail, Twilight had one question going through her head: was she a bad pony? Not morally but as a species. You see, when she tried fish for the first time, Twilight almost emptied her stomach then and there. It was raw fish but that's how a pegasus would prefferably eat it, in one go, and since she was an alicorn now, Twilight decided to give it a shot. Suffice to say she never wanted to eat fish again. And yet, here she was, eating snails. And liking it!

"Why a feather?" Ryan suddenly asked and Twilight looked at him quizically, her mouth filled with snails "You were a unicorn to begin with, so why give me a feather if it's a pegasus thing?" Remembering to swallow before speaking Twilight elaborated.

"Well, a unicorn would offer an ornate ring that the other party would place on their horn-don't even think about it!" She scolded Ryan as he opened his mouth "I'm serious! You could've gotten hurt!"

"Alright, alright! No more unicorn jokes!" Ryan laughed at a pouting Twilight "Besides, if you offered me a ring I'd consider it as a proposal." Twilight's brow rose curiously.

"A proposal? A proposal for what?" she popped a single snail into her mouth.

"Marriage." Twilight almost choked on her meal "That's what an ornate ring means on Earth. Though it's usually the guy giving the ring."

"Oh..." she fidgeted nervously in her seat "Then it's a good thing I went with a feather, huh? Otherwise you would've said no..."

"What makes you say that?" Ryan asked in confusion and Twilight almost fell out of her chair.

"Y-you'd agree to marry me?" her face flushed to a bright red.

"No." her ears fell in disappointment "What I meant was, after we cleared things up I'd still agree to go on a date with you." aaaand ears back up "I like you Twilight, a lot. And I want to do this right." Ryan reached out and held her hands beneath the plate she was holding "I was just too scared to ask since I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

"Me too..." Twilight admitted quietly, a smile spreading on her lips.

"I'm guessing you're new to this whole relationship thing but so am I." this got him a confused look from Twilight.

"But you said-"

"I said I had a lot of sex, that's different." Ryan was gently rubbing her hands and she liked the feeling "I've never had a real relationship. I didn't go on dates and got to know the girl more or went on walks in the park or just hung out and watched a movie together. I'd meet a girl, had a one nighter and then we went our separate ways." Ryan sighed deeply before continuing "I'm not exactly proud of it but that's how I was. Always on the move, finding new things to see and experience and continue traveling."

"So what happened?"

"You did." Ryan answered with a warm smile "I've never felt this way about anyone and it kinda scares me." Twilight gently grasped his hand in comfort "At first I didn't even think about dating a pony, or anyone for that matter. I was in a new world! There were so many things to do and see I felt like a kid in a candy store!" both laughed at this since it was true "But then, as I spent more time with you I felt drawn to you." Twilight felt her cheeks getting hotter "You make me smile, you make me laugh and generally make me feel good whenever I'm close to you. These past few years I've spent with you is the longest time I've ever stayed in the same place and I don't regret one second of it. I want to feel like that every day and... I guess, being just your friend any longer wouldn't cut it anymore. I want more of us, Twilight."

"Me too." Twilight felt she could cry how happy she was right now because that's exactly how she felt!

"You still didn't say why you chose a feather." Ryan asked again and Twilight looked bashfully to the side.

"W-well, I thought it was a cute gesture and that it would look cute on you..."

"Louder." Ryan squeezed her hands more and offered a smile in support.

"I thought that it would look cute on you..." she finally answered and her cheeks were red as tomatoes. Ryan simply chuckled and took the feather from his ear.

"Well, you are right." he said inspecting the feather "I do look cute with it." he finished with a smirk and returned the feather behind his ear "Besides, wherever I may roam, you'll be with me." the feather fell from it's resting place to the floor. Ryan picked it up and sat it behind his ear once more "I think I'll grow my hair out a little longer and tie it down so it doesn't fall out."

"That is how you're supposed to wear it." Twilight nodded and drew closer to him, their faces merely inches apart, eyes lidded, everything set up for their first kiss Do it! both screamed inside their heads "So that everypony can see that you are mi-"

"Dezert iz' 'ere!" a wild Sauwingon suddenly appeared, startling the two. Ryan jerked back and took Twilight's plate along with him, splattering the food all over his shirt.

"Your timings suck! " an irritated Ryan said to the chef before Twilight's horn lit up with magic.

"Here, let me help!" and with a pop, Ryan's shirt decided to do a table and vanish, leaving the human shirtless to show off his impressive physique.

"Really Twilight? I thought we should wait until the third date." He began teasingly "I didn't think you were the kinky type. And in front of all these ponies? Guess there's no helping it..." Ryan stood up, some sauce that got under his shirt still trickling down his body, making his abs stand out even more. It didn't help that he took some of the sauce with his fingers and licked it off. The whole scene caused the young alicorn's wing to expand and stiffen.

"W-w-what? NO! I mean-" Twilight fumbled with her words and grabbed a napkin from Sauwingon's chest pocket to clean Ryan "I'm not kinky! At least I think I'm not! That's not the point!" Ryan was laughing as Twilight tried to clean the sauce off.

"Whipped cream would look much better on 'im." Sauwingon handed Twilight a spray-can which after some consideration the alicorn took with a devious smirk.

"I agree." then to Ryan's surprise, Twilight sprayed on his body to make a smiley face over his torso "That's for teasing me." she huffed in satisfaction and Ryan looked over his cream covered torso with amusement "And I'll be taking my desert to go, please!" Twilight pointed at Ryan just in time for him to smear a finger's worth of whipped cream on her muzzle.

"And I'll be taking mine right now." before Twilight could retaliate, Ryan leaned in and actually licked off the cream from her muzzle which in turn caused Twilight to blush furiously and her wings to stiffen once more "Check please!"

After a little hassle over who would pay the bill, Sauwingon decided to treat them to dinner so they can get on with their date. Ryan was still shirtless, a smiley face still on his torso and Twilight stealing glances as much as she could. All in all everything was going well...

"This is an outrage! " a mare with a pale magenta coat and violet mane screamed at the poor receptionist, her husband just rubbing his temples in exhaustion "What do you mean our seats are taken? "

"Please calm down honey. " her husband said despite knowing she will not calm down.

"I will not calm down! You reserved one month in advance and now this?"

"I'm sure the owner had good reason- "

"I 'ad every reason, Platinum Clover! " chef Sauwingon suddenly appeared at the reception and glared daggers at the mare.

"Oh boy... " Filthy Rich didn't like where this was going.

"You! This is your restaurant? " she asked, livid with rage.

"Oh? You didn't know? " the griffon grinned triumphantly and crossed her arms.

"If I had know I would never have come here! " she yelled back. Apparently these two have a history...

"'Zen I hope you won't make that mistake in 'ze future! " Sauwingon growled back and the two were locked in a glaring contest. Filthy Rich was about to give up when he spotted his savior. Ryan had a knack for defusing situations like this.

"Mr.O'Connor! " the stallion greeted with a big smile, totally ignoring Ryan's shirtless state "Was it you who took our seats? "

"Hey Mr.Rich!" Ryan greeted back and extended his hand towards the stallion who accepted the gesture "Yeah, sorry. It was kinda' last minute... " Twilight looked sheepish for a moment before something clicked.

"Hang on! Why are you two so chummy all of a sudden? " she asked Ryan and looked a Filthy suspiciously.

"We were always chummy, Princess Twilight. " Filthy replied in confusion and looked at Ryan "The boy helped me seal some pretty good business deals! " Twilight looked at Ryan who tried to avoid her gaze.

"But you said- " before she could finish Filthy interrupted.

"I am terribly sorry for what my wife said about your friend. " he then looked at Platinum and Sauwingon who were engaged in a glaring contest "She's not a bad mare, just... Tempramental? " Twilight then glared at Ryan "And sometimes Miss Sauwingon assumes I am as well. "

"So you lied to me? " she asked and crossed his arms, her hoof tapping impatiently on the wooden floor.

"Weeeeell, technicallyyyyyy... " Ryan scratched the back of his head and tried to think of something quick "You said you wanted to eat here and it's our date soooo... "

"You're on a date? " Filthy asked and looked between the two "Now everything makes sense! " he clapped his hands and then pulled out a white and dirty dress shirt from somewhere, apparently... Magical pony world.

"That's my shirt! " Ryan took the shirt and sure enough, snail sauce stains.

"I was wondering why a table almost fell on us and then this shirt appeared mere moments ago! " Filthy said with a chuckle and before Twilight could begin apologizing he held up his hand "I am sure you are nervous, Princess Twilight, but these things happen. No harm no foul, as they say. " meanwhile, Ryan put on his shirt but left it unbuttoned "Now, you two love birds go have fun while I deal with... " he looked to his wife and the chef and did a circling motion with his hands "This... "

"Thanks Rich. " the two shook hands once more and so Ryan and Twilight were off to continue their date "Where to now? "

"Aren't you gonna' clean this off first? " Twilight asked pointing to his cream covered torso.

"You said you're taking desert home. " he said with a smirk "I expect you to lick it clean. " then he leaned in and whispered in her ear "Maybe I'll lick some of your cream... " her face flushed red and wings sprang wide open as her whole body shuddered from his husky voice and warm breath. Twilight thought if there was a cherry popping innuendo after this, the date would lead to a very secluded location. Shaking her head to regain composure, Twilight glanced at her cheat sheet and then looked back at Ryan.

"Anyway! We should go to the amusement park! I heard there's some pretty fun games there! " she pointed in the general direction they were supposed to go and Ryan simply nodded. As they walked, Twilight asked a question that bugged her for a while "Hey Ryan? Didn't Spitfire give you one of her feathers? " Ryan looked at Twilight and answered.

"Well, yes and no. " his answer confused the princess "She took a liking to me but never really said anything. And once she presented me with a feather I thought it was a gift of some sort. I was just about to grab it when Rainbow Dash appeared out of nowhere and dragged her off to some emergency Wonderbolts meeting. " Ryan then thought about it "Now that you mention it, the girls did have a tendency to appear whenever a mare tried to put the moves on me. "

"Really? " Twilight asked in amusement and happy that her friends were keeping Ryan a free stallion so she can have her chance.

"Yep. " Ryan nodded and continued "I'm not that dense,Twilight. But whenever a pegasus or unicorn tried to pull the feather or ring on me, somepony would appear and save me. "

"You and Lyra seemed to hit it off. " Twilight commented since it was well known that Lyra had a thing for Ryan.

"I think it has more to do with the fact I'm human. She has some strange fascination with us... " Ryan said thoughtfully but quickly shook the thoughts away and looked at his date for tonight "Anyway, Rarity would drag me away to help her with new designs, Pinkie would throw a surprise on-the-spot party for... Something. Applejack just yanked me by the arm, yelling something about Brown Snout falling down a well again. Fluttershy had some animal emergency I needed to help her with or there would be a wide-spread crisis that conveniently got in the way. "

"So, umm... " Twilight's wings ruffled nervously behind her "Was there any mare you had interest in before me? "

"Nope. " Ryan smiled widely and it made Twilight's heart skip a beat "Just you. " Ryan pulled her closer as they walked towards the carnival "Now let's go play some games!"


"Awww man! " Ryan whined and shook his head in disappointment "I really wanted to play Whack-a-Discord... "

"I was looking forward to the ferris wheel... " Twilight's head hung low.

"I'd bet you I could break the record and you'd give me your cheat sheet as a prize... "

"And I wanted to- wait, what? " she looked at Ryan with wide eyes "Y-you know about... "

"Just confirmed it. " he winked at Twilight causing her to pout "Oooooh relax you adorkable mare, you! " he pulled her into a hug and she immediately felt better "I know you're trying to make this the best date ever- "

"And failing miserably... " she said quietly.

"-but as long as we're together and having fun, it's fine! Nothing could ruin this night! "


A flash of light, drops of rain, a single dark cloud above and a blurry afterimage of a rainbow colored mane.

"Of course it's raining! I didn't even check the weather for today! " Twilight removed herself from the hug and began pacing nervously "I was late for your pick up- " she began listing off on her fingers.

"Twilight? " Ryan took a step closer...

"Then I knocked you out- "

"Twilight? " and another...

"And the restaurant! I forgot to book the restaurant! " she groaned and buried her face in her hands "I made the table disappear-" Ryan was very close now, their clothes completely drenched from the rain.

"Twiliiiight? "

"And now it's raining, and we're wet- " Ryan shook his head and chuckled "-and we're gonna' catch a cold and-MMMPF! " as soon as she felt Ryan's lips on hers, Twilight.exe stopped responding. Ryan noticed this and pulled back, his expression a little confused.

"Um, sorry... I just thought it would be romantic-MMMPF! " Twilight jumped him in the blink of an eye and crashed their lips together in a passionate kiss that sent them hurling towards the muddy ground beneath. She grabbed his collar and made sure he wasn't going anywhere as she hungrily attacked his lips. Ryan wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss with equal passion she was giving him. Their first kiss quickly erupted into a make-out session on the muddy ground, the single cloud still pouring rain on them and a certain cyan pegasus snickering on top of it. Their heated make-out session was sadly interrupted by somepony.

"Get a room! " a mare yelled and the couple's eyes shot open, realizing they were in fact surrounded by ponies that also didn't know the amusement park was closed. Both felt their cheeks heat up but right now, they didn't care. Everything they wanted to happen tonight, happened, and nopony can take that away from them.

"Soooo, does this make me your coltfriend now? " Ryan asked with a cheeky smile.

"Only if this makes me you marefriend. " Twilight responded in equal.

"Sure. " then Ryan quickly kissed her nose and Twilight scrunched it in the most adorkable way "My adorkable marefriend. "


"Now hold it right there mister! " oh crap, it's the pink one...

Pinkie? What are you doing here?

"You can't end the story like this! "

I'm the author! I can do whatever I want!

"Nuh-uh! You owe us some answers! "

What answers?

"For example, what happens after the date? Do they have sex- "


"-do they go on another date? Do they catch a cold? Why is Ryan's past so mysterious? And what about Platinum and Sauwingon? A college phase perhaps? "

*rubbing my temples* Seriously?

"And I have to throw a Congratulations on dating party! You can't take that away from me! "

Pinkie, this is how I envisioned the story to end and that's final. Short and sweet.

"Well your vision is lame! Continue! "


"Don't make me send turkeys to your house! "

You wouldn't dare...

"I would so! "

Those things creep me out!

"It'll be like a thanksgiving extravaganza! "

Fine! Fine! I'll continue the story!

"Good! " and in a poof of pink smoke she was gone...

4 - Obligatory reactions

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Skarin walked through Ponyville-wait, wrong story. Uhhhh, RYAN, yes, Ryan walked through Ponyville the next morning with an extra pep in his step. Last night was a little chaotic but the results spoke for themselves. He was now officially dating his best friend Twilight Sparkle and he couldn't be more happy about it.

It was early in the morning, the Sun was barely up and a few ponies were already getting ready for their daily business. Ryan on the other hand was doing his daily routine of waking up early, getting ready and go wake his best friend. Or as he would be reffering to her from this point on, his marefriend. That brings a smile to his face. Ryan thought his dopey smile was the reason ponies were giving him odd looks but after something tickled his ear he smiled even wider. Twilight's feather was safely tucked behind his right ear as a sign that he was spoken for. After they were doused in water by a single storm cloud, Ryan took Twilight to her home and she finally managed to explain that the feather would let everyone know they were dating. And no, Ryan didn't stay for coffee so after a lenghty kiss goodbye he went home to change clothes and went to sleep.

Which brings us back to this morning and Ryan picking up a fresh cup of coffee from Sugarcube Corner. Sure enough, once he entered, Ryan found Pinkie Pie behind the counter, Twilight's coffee in hand and a grin so big it would wrap around her head if possible.

"Morning Pinkie." Ryan greeted and Pinkie continued to smile with stars in her eyes. He could swear she would burst from excitement any second "Yes, the date went well." he took the coffee cup and Pinkie nodded vigorously "I think Skittles had something to do with the rain." her head nodded even faster "I brought her home, we kissed and I went back to my place." her head was moving so fast it was almost a blur. Ryan set the money on the counter and waved goodbye "And about the party-" he couldn't even finish when Pinkie jumped over the counter and took Ryan into a bone-crushing hug.


"M-me too..." Ryan croaked out and tried very hard not to spill Twilight's coffee.

"I'm going to throw you the biggest, bestest and awesomest party EVERRRRRR!!!" she suddenly released him and Ryan took a deep breath of air.

"I'm sure you will." Ryan eyed the coffee cup and sighed in relief. Not a drop spilled. He looked over to Pinkie who bounced around the cafe shouting about how great the party will be "Sooooooo I'm gonna' go now..." he chuckled at her antics and made a slow retreat. Ryan liked Pinkie a lot but right now he had a lavender mare to wake up. Getting safely out of Sugarcube Corner, Ryan continued his trek towards Twilight's castle. He wasn't even ten feet away from Sugarcube when he heard yelling from above.

"Watch out below!" upon hearing the tomboyish voice, Ryan did a simple side-step as a cyan pegasus hit the ground with her hooves and skidded to a halt a few feet away "Morning!" Rainbow Dash said while blowing away her mane from her eyes "Nice weather we're having!" she said with a sly grin.

"Better than last night at least." Ryan approached with a smirk "How ya' doin', Skittles?" he extended his arm for a fist-bump.

"Awesome as ever." RD inspected her finger nails nonchalantly "And I didn't hear you complain about the weather last night." she grinned at Ryan who rolled his eyes.

"Well I did have my mouth full at the time." he replied with a smirk.

"Oooooh I bet you did!" Rainbow wiggled her brows suggestively "Was it good? Did you use tongue? Need me to be your wing-mare again?"

"Skittles, I could tell you how it was the best kiss of my life, how I felt butterflies in my stomach or some other mushy stuff. " Rainbow raised an amused brow "Or I could tell you that if it weren't for those other ponies arond you'd have some steamy clop material for later." Rainbow's cheeks took the color of one of her red strands of mane. She quickly shook her head and grinned at Ryan.

"I didn't think she had it in her to jump you like that." Ryan shrugged his shoulders.

"Can't really complain."

"Well I held you up long enough. Twilight needs her coffee." she raised her hand up "See you later! Up top!" Ryan reached but Rainbow took her hand down with a smirk "Down low!" then Ryan booped her on the nose and her muzzle scruched up in irritation.

"Too slow." Ryan said with a grin and continued on his way.

"Still not funny." she scratched her muzzle and got ready to take flight. Rainbow barely took off when Ryan called over his shoulder.

"And let someone taste the rainbow already! " he heard a yelp and a crash somewhere from behind and laughed.


"STILL COULD BE SOARIN!" an apple flying by his head a little too close for comfort told Ryan that Rainbow was probably red as the apple she threw and that it was time for her to ask her teammate out. Perhaps he could play cupid now since the girls were nice enough to do it for him. Speaking of the girls, there were two more he'd deffinitely meet on his way to Twilight's. Not that he minded but Ryan really wanted to see his marefriend and see what kind of shenannigans they could get into today. There was never a dull day in Ponyville with Twilight around. Maybe they could go on a picnic with just the two of them?

"Howdy Ryan!" ah, there was that southern accent he knew all too well.

"Morning AJ." Ryan approached her apple filled cart, took an apple and bit into it. Not even giving Applejack a chance to speak he handed her two bits "I know the drill." he said with a smile and continued eating his apple "Any plans for today?"

"The girls and Ah were thinkin' of goin' to the spa today." then she grinned at him "But Ah bet you'd like to spend the day with yer' special somepony."

"No, no. You do your thing, don't mind me. " he waved her off "Besides, even if it's Sunday I still have some work to do."

"Are ya' sure, sugarcube? Ah mean, you did just start datin' an' all."

"Which means we have plenty of time." he finished his apple completely and sighed in content "That's some good apples."

"The only kinds we have!" AJ said proudly and puffed out her chest.

"Though I think orang-"

"Don't you dare." AJ glared at Ryan which only made him laugh.

"Sorry, sorry." AJ shook her head at his antics. Ryan really liked to push some buttons "Anyway, gotta' go unless the coffee gets cold."

"And that'll make Twi' boilin' mad." AJ shuddered at the thought "Guess Ah'll see you later." she extended her hand which Ryan took.

"Later, Jessie." he got used to Applejack' strength so his hand didn't hurt after their handshakes. At least not like before... Damn that mare was strong.

"Why'd ya' keep callin' me Jessie?" Applejack asked confused.

"Cuz' you've got a friend in me. "Ryan replied with a cheeky grin and just as he began walking away AJ called him.

"Before Ah ferget'-" he stopped in place "-Rarity wanted ta' see ya'." a cold shiver ran down his spine. She knew.

"T-thanks, AJ." he stuttered and increased his pace, hoping the fashionista wouldn't catch him. At least not without some back-up... As he was passing Carousell Botique, Ryan tried to be as sneaky as possible. But she knew. Rarity always knew...

"RYAN!" said human stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh crap..." he slowly turned and saw the white unicorn storming towards him "Rarity, I can explain-"

"Oh hush you!" she waved her hand dissmisively "I knew the shirt would suffer some horrible fate but it's fine." Ryan blinked in surprise.


"Of course darling! After all, it was for a good cause." Rarity glanced at the feather behind his ear "I am so happy for you two."

"Thanks, Rares." Ryan smiled in return "Tell you what, as an apology for ruining the shirt I'll fix your roof today free of charge. How's that sound?"

"Oh Ryan, I couldn't possibly ask that!" Rarity gasped in shock but Ryan remained firm.

"That's why I insist."

"Well, that is very generous of you, darling." Rarity smiled in return.

"I learned from the best." Ryan's comment made Rarity blush in embarrassment.

"You're such a sweet talker." she slapped his shoulder playfully "Now hurry along dearie. Our princess needs her morning coffee." Rarity made a shooing motion with her hands.

"Tell me about it." Ryan chuckled "And don't worry, your roof will be fixed by the time you and the girls return from the spa."

"How do you know we're going to the spa? " Rarity asked with a raised brow.

"AJ told me. " Ryan simply answered and looked towards Twilight's castle that was only a minute walk away now. Rarity noticed this and smiled.

"Well then, off you go! " she waved Ryan off and gently nudged him towards his marefriends home. Ryan didn't need any more convincing and made his was towards Twilight's home, hoping there would be no more interruptions. As luck would have it, Ryan stood infront of the entrance and just walked inside. Apparently breaking and entering wasn't a thing in Equestria so doors were mostly unlocked. Judging by the silence, both Twilight and Spike were still asleep.

"As always. " Ryan chuckled and made his way upstairs to Twilight's room. For some reason he was a little nervous about playing alarm clock this morning... Anyway, he quickly found Twilight's bedroom and burst in like every morning since he began doing this routine "GOOD MORNING TWILIGHT! " Ryan greeted loudly and enthusiastically before seeing a shape buried under the sheets "The Sun is up, the coffee is still warm and your coltfriend is about to make you breakfast! " he put down the coffee on a table near the door "So it's time to get up and seize the day! " Ryan pulled off the sheets, expecting to see an annoyed alicorn glaring at him, but instead he found a bunch of pillows. There was a rustling sound from above "It's a trap! " he barely managed to turn around before he was tackled by a lavender blur that pinned him on the bed.

"Good morning, coltfriend. " Twilight said with a cheeky smirk any quickly pecked Ryan on the lips.

"Morning, marefriend. " Ryan greeted back and looked at the treacherous pillows "Took you three years to do this... "

"Mostly because I wanted to throw you out the window before. " Twilight giggled and pecked Ryan on the nose "So? How was my little ambush? "

"As far as ambushes go, I can't complain. " Ryan smiled and raised himself slightly to properly kiss his marefriend. Twilight happily returned the kiss and slowly laid herself on Ryan. After a short make-out session, Twilight reluctantly retreated to grab some air.

"You know, a mare could get used to this kind of mornings. " she said with flushed cheeks and Ryan had to agree with her. Maybe next time she comes to wake him up and- "ATCHOO! " -and sneeze right into his face.

"Bless you. " Ryan blinked a few times and Twilight sniffled.

"Sorry. " she scratched her nose "Where were we? "

"You on top of me in your bed. " Ryan said with a raised brow and Twilight giggled.

"Just the way I... I... I... AAAAATCHO! " now a bit of spittle flew into his face. Twilight groaned and laid flat on top of Ryan.

"You okay? " he asked in concern and pressed his forehead to hers "Hmmm... You feel a little warm. "

"I'm phine... " yeah, says the mare with a nasal voice. Ryan frowned and removed Twilight from himself, making the mare whine in displeasure "Noooo... "

"I think you've caught a cold. " Ryan examined his marefriend who had slightly flushed cheeks.

"I've caught a handsome stallion. " she said with a sly smirk. And a dripping nose...

"Yeah, you're staying in bed- "

"I'd like that. "

"-without me. " he quickly rose from the bed and barely evaded Twilight's grasp.

"Nooooooo! " Twilight whined as Ryan covered her with a blanket "T-the best way to get over a cold is to snuggle with your special somepony! It's basic biology! "

"Sure it is, honey. " Twilight blushed at the pet name and then even more as Ryan leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead "You stay here while I make you some tea. "

"Just give me my coffee and I'll be phiiiiineeeATCHOOOO! " Ryan looked at her with an amused expression and Twilight groaned "Phine! I'll stay here. Alone. Without my coltfriend to snuggle me... " and here come the famous puppy-dog eyes this world was known for. A weapon so powerful it can melt the hearts of anyone and make them falter in an instant. Twilight's ears sprawled back, eyes wide and just a little teary and her lower lip quivering along with the most adorkable pout she could muster You're not going anywhere.

"Great! I'll be back soon. " Ryan simply turned and walked out of the room with a smile.

"Awwww horsefea-a-a-ATCHOOOOO!"

Some time passed and Ryan was just about done with Twilight's tea and warm soup to help along with her recovery. It was then that he heard a yawn behind him and saw Spike walking into the kitchen.

"Mornin'... " the dragon said with a lazy voice and sniffed the air "Something smells good. "

"Twilight's caught a cold so I'm making her some tea and soup. " Ryan replied and tasted the soup with "Perfect. "

"Huh, that sucks. " Spike said while grabbing a bowl, some cereal and milk "Sooooo, I take it the date went well? "

"There were some... Hiccups, but yeah, we're official now. " Ryan replied with a smile and placed the tea and soup on a serving platter.

"Awesome. " Spike poured some gems over his cereal to make it extra crunchy "How did she catch a cold anyway? "

"Rainbow Dash thought it would be romantic if we kissed in the rain. " Ryan shrugged his shoulders and took the platter.

"Was it? " Spike asked and took a spoon-full of cereal, the cracking of gems making Ryan wince. It still amazed him that dragons actually ate gems.

"We were told to get a room. " Ryan replied with a smirk and Spike chuckled in return "Well, I should get this to Twilight. Talk to ya' later, oh Spike the stupendous. " Ryan bowed curtly and Spike looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"You know you're like the only one who gets those references, right? "

"I like to think somebody else does too. " Ryan replied with a smile and went back to Twilight's room. When he arrived, Ryan found his marefriend just as he had left her, pouting in bed "Breakfast is here! "

"So lonely... " she tried the puppy-eyes again. It's not very effective.

"Tell you what, you drink your tea, finish the soup and we'll talk snuggling. " Ryan said as he sat down the tray and Twilight perked up immediately.

"Deal! " in a matter of seconds, the tea was gone and she ate the soup with gusto "Thish is pretty good soup... "

"It's chicken soup. " Twilight spewed out the soup in an instant. Honestly Ryan, what'd you expect?

"WHAT? " Twilight looked horrified and glared at Ryan, the soup dripping from his face.

"Yes Twilight. I gave my practically vegan marefriend chicken soup. " he wiped off the excess soup from his face with a towel "Guess this one's on me. Sorry. " Ryan smiled apologetically and Twilight sighed.

"Yeah, I know you can't help yourshelf sometimes. " then she drank the rest of the soup, threw off her blanket and patted the free space on her right "Snuggle time. " Ryan chuckled and put the platter on the nightstand before crawling into bed with his marefriend who put the covers back and snuggled closer to her coltfriend who hugged her tightly "Mmmm... The therapy is already working... "

"Glad I can help. " Ryan said with a smile and sighed in content and closed his eyes. This was nice, he finally had the girl of his dreams next to him. If only this could last forever...

"Zzzzzz... " opening his eyes he found Twilight was asleep in his arms, her breathing gentle and slow. Ryan had to smile at the cute sight and kissed her cheek, getting a content sight in return. However, work called and Ryan removed himself from bed with ninja skills. He put the blanket back on his sleeping marefriend and kissed her forehead affectionately. Quickly scribbling a note to let her know where he was, Ryan left the castle to go and fix Rarity's roof.

It took him hours but Ryan was finally ready to hammer in the last nail to the roof of Carousel Boutique. When he arrived he informed Rarity that Twilight won't join them on their spa retreat and the white unicorn said she'd have some words with a certain cyan pegasus about her help. Rarity was still peeved that RD crashed through her roof yesterday. Anyway, Ryan held the nail with between the fingers of his left hand and a hammer in his right. His tongue was stuck out in concentration as he focused on his target. The time was ripe to finish the job and he swung the hammer down.

"Hey Ryan! " somepony yelled in his ear.


"DO'H!!! " yep, right on the thumb. Ryan put the pained digit in his mouth and glared at the pony who caused him to inflict pain on himself. It was Flash Sentry, just hovering 10 feet in the air. Oh boy...

"Uhm, sorry. " he was definitely not sorry. It was a known fact that Flash had a thing for Twilight but she always turned him down since she had a thing for Ryan "How's it going? " Flash asked with a sly grin and luckily couldn't understand the string of curses Ryan sent to him, what with his thumb in his mouth and all that "So, uh, I see you and Twilight are together. " the pegasus pointed to the feather behind the humans ear and Ryan simply nodded "Good, good. " Flash nodded a few times.

"What is it Flash? " Ryan, finally removing his thumb from his mouth, asked in annoyance since Flash had a bad habit of intruding on his alone time with Twilight even before they began dating.

"Oh nothing. Just came to congratulate you. " the pegasus replied nonchalantly but Ryan knew better. Something was up...

"Thanks. " deciding to get back to business he turned prepared to finish what he began. It was high time to return to his marefriend's bed for some long overdue cuddling. Flash noticed Ryan's goofy smile and with a vengeful glare, he waited for the right moment. Ryan swung the hammer once more...

"Rainbow watch out! " Flash yelled in Ryan's ear once more and startled him.


"AAAAAARGH! Son of a half-troll, rat-eating, munge bucket! " the thumb was back for some healing.

"Whoa, Ryan! You kiss your mother with that mouth? " Flash tsked in disapproval. But Ryan was ready. He looked at Flash with a winning smirk.

"I kiss Twilight with it. " the look on Flash's face was priceless. The pegasus trembled in anger, not even sure what to say.

"You! You! I'll get you! " and with that very imaginative insult he flew away. Ryan sighed and looked at his thumb that turned an interesting shade of blue. Taking a careful look around, Ryan decided it was safe enough to finish the job. He swung his hammer but stopped half-way and looked around.

"Just in case... " he narrowed his gaze to his environment and found the emptiness satisfactory. Here we go again, hammer up, hammer down and-

"Morning! "


"AAAARGH!!! God da- hey I did it. " to his utter amazement, the nail was where it's supposed to be and his thumb avoided another painful kiss from the hammer. Looking to the new arrival he saw Lyra floating casually next to him, a magical glow around her that helped her levitate "Hey Lyra. "

"Wow, so the rumors are true. " Lyra said once she saw the feather "That's too bad... " her ears fell flat on her head but she immediately perked up again "But I'm not giving up! " Ryan sighed in defeat and put the hammer back in his tool box.

"Look, Lyra, you're a nice mare but I told you- " a finger on his lips stopped him from continuing. Ryan looked at Lyra, her eyes half-closed and a sultry smile on her muzzle.

"You will be mine Ryan. " that came out more as a threat than a... Whatever she intended it to be "Soon... " she whispered in his ear and Ryan felt a shiver run up his spine. Creepy, that's what it was... Lyra then pulled back and smiled brightly "Have a nice day! I'll catch you later! " and then she teleported away to her Ryan worshiping shrine- I mean, her house.

"I feel violated... " Ryan said with a shudder "ATCHOO! "

Hours later, Twilight woke up feeling better than ever. She stretched her arms and wings and noticed a distinct lack of human beside her. She took the note that Ryan left and quickly read it. Just as she put the note down, Ryan returned.

"Hey Ryan! " she beamed at him "I'm all better now thanks to my coltfriend making me that amazing soup! And alicorn physiology, but the soup did most of the work! " she jumped from the bed to her hooves and awaited Ryan with open arms "Now gimme' a hug and then- " Ryan walked right past her and plopped down on the bed. Twilight remained in place and blinked a few times. She looked back at Ryan who was face down on the mattress "Ryan? " she approached him and Ryan slowly turned on his back "Oh no... "

"I'm dying... " ah yes, the famous man-cold that put even the strongest out of commission and turned them to a whiny pile of un-manliness "Come closer. Let me see you one last time... " Twilight rolled her eyes but obliged her coltfriends last wishes "Ah yes, my angel, my savior... " Twilight giggled at his antics "I see the light... "

"That's just the magic of my horn. " Twilight smiled as he levitated him into bed.

"Tis' beautiful... " yep, man-cold... She put the blanket on him and kissed his forehead.

"Oh, you're really hot. "

"I know. " he replied with a goofy smile.

"Not that kind of hot. " she rolled her eyes once again "Now you stay here while I make you some tea and soup. " she began walking out of the room when Ryan began singing.

"Lonely... I'm so lonely... " Twilight stopped at the door.

"I'll be back for your cuddling therapy, Mr. O'Connor. " she said with a wink and exited the room.

"Bring whipped cream! " a yelp and the sound of tripping made Ryan laugh "I still got it. ATCHOOO! "

Unknown to them, a mare with a mint-colored coat watched the exchange with glee.

"This is perfect! "

5 - Of SDS and bananas

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As Twilight has found out numerous times by now, being an alicorn had it's perks. For instance, this time she got over a cold in under a day! That was amazing! She is amazing! Twilight was all Ryan could think about in his current state, a little sad about the lack of said alicorn princess by his side, but she had duties to perform. Important princess duties as princess of friendship! If anyone told Ryan he'd be dating a pony princess from another world... Well, I don't know. How would you react? I, personally, would brush it off as a joke, probably because Luke was high as a kite when he'd tell me, and continue my work. I guess I'd be a little freaked out upon arrival but hey, land of magic and I love myself some D&D, Skyrim and so on.

Anyway, back to our sick protagonist.

Ryan's been lying in bed for what seemed like hours, even though the clock said it was only ten minutes. Time slowed to a crawl and life was slowly leaving him. Everything ached like a bitch and his nose was running like those rainbows from Cloudsdale. Now that was an experience. He'd need to ask Rainbow to take him there again. Cloudsdale needs to see the return of Cloudjumper, the strange human that's making dragon noises.

"Get up, come on get down with the sickness... " ah sweet music. How he misses you "Madness is the gift, that has been given to me... " his Bag of Holding, as he called his backpack, was currently in Canterlot and it's contents studied carefully by the lands greatest minds. One of the things in their possession was his MP3 player, some unknown brand that could hold a 64GB card and Ryan had 3 of them all filled up "That one's a bummer... " Ryan swore the wrath of hell will descend on Canterlot should anything happen to his MP3 player and after hearing music from Earth, Luna joined in on the action "You need cooling... Baby I'm not fooling... " what's with HiE and music? I'm noticing a pattern here...

"Coming right up! " the voice of his adorkable angel snapped him out of his dream of living in the 70's and he saw her carrying some tea, various fruits and cooling pads. She put the tray on the nightstand and sat beside him on the bed "You're really burning up. " Twilight said as she felt his forehead.

"I'll be phine... " Ryan waved off and then spread his arms "Gimme' a kissh! "

"Oh no. I know where this is going. " she quickly kissed his forehead instead "You need to rest, and when you're all better, then I'll kiss you all you want. " Ryan felt instant relief wen she put a cooling pad to his head.

"Ooooooh, that's the spot... "

"I have to go now. " Ryan looked at her with pleading eyes "Duty calls. But Spike is here if you need anything and I promise I'll be back as soon as possible. " Twilight rose from the bed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, Ryan being too slow to turn his head to steal a real kiss "Be good and rest. " before Ryan could protest, Twilight was out the door and down the stairs "Are humans typically this affected by a common cold? Is it just the stallions? " Ryan has been sick before, just colds and some food poisoning, but nothing serious "What if he got something serious? I know too little about human biology! " you're certainly interested about a certain part of his biology "Get a grip Twilight! Your coltfriend is sick! " that didn't stop her from remembering all the times she saw him naked "Oh no... " her wings fwooshing to the side didn't help her situation either "Logarithmic equations. Law of motion. In and out... " her cheeks flushed furiously and Twilight shook her head "Bad Twlight... "

"That's what he said. " her head snapped to Spike who was casually sweeping the floors.

"Spike! Not cool! " the dragon shrugged his shoulders and continued with his duties "You're hanging out with Ryan too much. "

"He has taught me great things. " then he lowered his voice "Terrible, but great. " Twilight looked at him in confusion "I'm still not getting his references though. " the young alicorn sighed.

"I don't think anyone does. " then her ears perked up "Except Pinkie apparently. " yep, Pinkie knows things. How does Pinkie know things? Nobody knows for sure so they just chalk it up to Pinkie being Pinkie "Well, anyway, I have to go. The school won't run itself! "

"I'm hot for teacher... " Spike hummed and Twilight facepalmed.

Twilight got ready fast. Like, magically fast, and was out the door in seconds wearing a white button-up shirt and a skirt that reached her knees. She always got up early to prepare for the day and since the school was practically next door, Twilight used every second she could spare to make sure she was ready to deliver her knowledge of friendship properly. So with a bag over her shoulder, Twilight made her way towards the school. Everything was going fine until she heard that familiar voice.

"Morning Twilight! " she turned to the side and sure enough, Lyra was waving at her with a big smile.

"Hey Lyra. Early day? " Twilight knew this day would come. She had nothing against Lyra, she was nice enough, but her constant romantic overtures to get Ryan's attention were getting more exhausting by the day. Now that they're officially dating, Twilight really didn't like the idea of someone trying to woo her coltfriend.

"Eh, not really. " the mint coated mare shrugged her shoulders before speaking, her ears drooping a little "So, the news spread fast. " there it was...

"Yes. Ryan and I are dating. " Twilight said a little harsher than she wanted but a statement had to be made.

"Well, it was kinda' obvious you two would end up together. " Lyra sighed "You've won, fair and square, though you barely tried...

"What was that? " Twilight eyed her suspiciosly.

"Nothing, nothing! " Lyra chuckled awkwardly before noticing something "Speaking of, where is Ryan? He's usually escorting you to school, lucky whorse... "

"You should really stop mumbling to yourself. " Twilight said, really hoping she didn't hear what she thought she did "And he's sick. "

"Oh? Is he alright? " Lyra asked with great concern.

"Just a cold. Rainbow thought it would be romantic if she made it rain on us. " the sniffles aside, it was a romantic moment.

"Oh, that's good. " then suddenly Lyra looked like she was deep in thought "Wait, this is the fifth time he's having a cold, right? "

"Umm, yes? " Twilight said with a skeptic look.

"Oh no... " Lyra's ears went flat and she looked at Twilight with concern etched on her face "Twilight! This is not a common cold! It's SDS! "

"What are you talking about? And what's SDS? "

"Sexual deficiency syndrome! " Twilight took a step back from shock, her lavender cheeks tinging red.

"What? There's no such thing as- " Lyra took a step closer, her face a mask of complete seriousness.

"I'm the foremost expert on humans Twilight! I think I know what I'm talking about! "

"I'd say Ryan is the expert. " Twilight deadpanned but Lyra shook her head.

"Listen to me, humans are extremely sexual creatures. " now even Lyra's cheeks were getting a little red "If they don't have sex on a regular basis they could die! "

"I don't think that's true. " Twilight waved her off but Lyra was persistent.

"Is he masturbating on a regular basis? " the question came out more lustful than it should have.

"WHAT? "

"You know, beating his meat? Celebrating palm Sunday? Paddling the pink canoe? "

"That is not an appropriate question! " Twilight's wings were threatening to go fwoosh again.

"Twilight- " Lyra put her hands on her shoulders "-have I ever been wrong before? " and as much as Twilight wanted to say yes, she really couldn't. Lyra was right about human practices so many times even Ryan thought she lived there before "I care for his well being, you know that. " debatable "And I want him to be healthy. " she took a step back and sighed deeply "When humans don't engage in regular intercourse, or have a date with Palmela Handerson, the sexual frustration piles up and manifests in symptoms similar to a common cold. The extra heat they build up has to go somewhere. It also affects his psyche. You have noticed how his behavior changed through the time he's been here. " now Twilight was deep in thought. Fact was she didn't know much about human biology and she could bet all her bits Ryan didn't have sex ever since he ended up in Equestria. And his behavior did go from a calm and cautious to a more carefree and sometimes reckless. She shuddered at the memory of how he confronted Tirek "He probably didn't tell you about it since he's such a nice guy and didn't want to worry you, but this is serious. " Lyra then stared hard into Twilight's eyes "You're his marefriend now and it's your job to keep him healthy. " then she lowered her voice "And alive. "

"I... " this all sounded like a lot of horseapples but Lyra was being very convincing.

"The best way is to just jump him so he can't protest. Better yet, don't even tell him you know about SDS. Trust me on this one. " Lyra leaned back and looked pleadingly at Twilight "Please. "

"I... I have to go... " Twilight stormed off towards the school, completely missing the smug grin on Lyra's muzzle.

"She doesn't have it in her. All I have to do is wait. " and with a sinister chuckle she teleported off to do whatever it is stalkers do.

The students could tell something was distracting their principal. She barely focused on the lectures and got lost track of what she was saying half the time. Lyra's words really struck a chord. He he... Umm, yeah, Ryan wasn't really and expert on his own biology, just some basics he learned in school. But this SDS sounded serious, if it was true anyway. She'd have to do more research on the subject before-

"Did you two do it yet? " she was snapped out of her thoughts by Smolder.

"Excuse me? " well that got her attention.

"You and Ryan. Did you do it? "

"That is hardly any of your concern, Smolder. " Twilight replied a little harsher than she wanted "Now, as I was saying- "

"You don't even remember what you were saying. " Silverstream commented offhandedly, her game of paper hoofball with Gallus in full swing "Score! "

"Hey! Stop that! " Twilight grabbed the piece of paper in her magic and threw it in the bin without even looking.

"Nice. " Gallus whistled at her display of accuracy.

"We're waiting. " Smolder tapped her claws on the table.

"That's private information. " Twilight huffed, her cheeks tinging red again.

"They didn't. " Ocellus said shyly "But she really wants to. "

"Stop reading my emotions Ocellus! " Twilight said flustered.

"So what's the hold up? " Smolder crossed her arms with a smug grin "We're obviously not going anywhere with this lecture so let's see what all the fuss is about you two dating. "

"Yona wants juicy details! " the yak bellowed from her chair and Twilight clapped her hands.

"That's enough of that class! "

"That's a no then. " Smolder said almost disappointed "Is it because it's small? "

"Smolder! " Twilight blushed furiously.

"Too big? Yak have that problem. " Yona said matter-of-factly.

"Yona! "

"Hippogriffs like to do it in water. "

"That's not part of the curriculum! " things were getting out of hand and Twilight had to stop it "You're all getting detention! Write a hundred times I will not ask my teacher about her sex life! in cursive! "

"Meh... " Gallus shrugged his shoulders and continued his game with Silverstream.

"We just want you to be happy. " Silverstream said and completely missed her shot for a point "I like to think we're more like friends here than teachers and students. Hey, we're all almost the same age for some reason. " all the other students nodded in agreement.

"Sharing is caring is what Miss Fluttershy says. " Ocellus added quietly. All eyes were now on Twilight who fidgeted on her spot. She finally relented and sighed in defeat.

"I guess. " she scratched the back of her head, a habit she picked up from Ryan "And if you must know, no, we hadn't done it yet. " everyone nodded in understanding "Although... "

"Yes? " Everyone leaned in, curious of what was coming next. Twilight's brow's scrunched up in thought.

"This is between friends, right? " all students nodded "And you won't tell Neighsay about this? " everyone shook their head furiously "Alright. " she took a deep breath "Have you guys ever heard about SDS? "

"Sexual deficit syndrome? " Gallus asked with a raised brow and Twilight's mouth went agape.

"That's a thing? " Twilight asked in shock.

"Yeah. " the young alicorn went completely pale.

"Teach? You alright there? " Smolder asked with a raised brow.

"Class is dismissed! " and with a glow and a pop, Twilight Sparkle was gone. Smolder turned around to face Gallus.

"SDS is real? " she asked with a raised brow.

"That's what my mom says when my dad gets all grumpy from time to time. " Gallus said shrugging his shoulders and then went on to score the winning point against Silvertream. Smolder facepalmed so hard she almost hurt herself "What? "

"I think we just doomed Ryan for some reason."

Ryan was blinded by a sudden flash in his, well, Twilight's room. Once his eyes readjusted he saw Twilight leaning against the door, her head hung low and face obscured by her mane.

"Wow. You said you'd be back soon but I wasn't expecting this. " Ryan chuckled but got no response from his marefriend "Um, Twilight? " his jaw almost hit the floor when Twilight started unbuttoning her shirt "What are you doing? " the shirt dropped to the floor and the skirt was next, leaving her in only her black underwear, nothing fancy mind you. Her head was still low but Ryan could see her cheeks were red and she was breathing heavily "What's going on? " Twilight marched over to the bed and jumped on top of Ryan, landing them in a cowgirl position "Is this some weird pony custom I'm unfamiliar with? " then another thought hit him "Are you in heat? " oooh this could get problematic.

"NO! " she startled Ryan with her outburst but it finally gave Ryan the chance to see her face. Her cheeks were definitely red but her eyes were on the verge of tears "I mean, I'm fine! But you're not! "

"Look, I know they say sweating out the cold is good but- "

"Don't lie to me! " Ryan winced at her tone, more tears forming in the corners of her eyes "You don't have a cold! "

"I don't? " now Ryan was confused.

"You have SDS! Why didn't you tell me anything? " Ryan stared at her with a blank expression before sighing.

"Okay, I'll bite. What the hell is SDS? " this seemed to only anger her more.

"Don't play dumb Ryan! This is serious! " Twilight scolded him but Ryan was unamused "SDS is short for Sexual Deficiency Syndrome! " Ryan blinked several times to process that information "And don't even try to deny it! I've spoken with Lyra and it all makes sense, even if it comes from her, and even Gallus said it was a thing. " now Ryan understood what was going on. He sighed and looked Twilight straight in the eyes.

"Twilight. Get off. " he said in monotone and Twilight felt like crying. He was rejecting her while she was trying to save his life.

"But- "

"Now. " the mare reluctantly removed herself from her coltfriend and sat on the edge of the bed. Ryan soon joined her, still not believing what he was hearing. It also made him sad to hear his new marefriend trying to suppress her crying "Twilight, there is no such thing as SDS. " Twilight shot him an angry glare.

"There is! I had trouble believing Lyra but Gallus wouldn't lie! " Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Honey- " ooooh first pet name "-if there was a medical condition that required me to have sex regularly, don't you think I'd be jumping on mares left and right since I got here? "

"You could've masturbated to suppress the symptoms! " Ryan almost burst out laughing but he managed to keep his cool.

"While the notion of you thinking about me masturbating is pretty hot- " Twilight turned to head so he wouldn't see her flustered reaction "-I am one hundred percent positive SDS doesn't exist. For any species. " still no response "What's it take to convince you? " she then looked at him with her most serious look, the one she did when you messed up her papers and she demanded you put them back in order.

"Make a Pinkie promise. Promise that you won't die from SDS. " she thought she had him now. If you break a Pinkie promise the consequences were.... What were they anyway? All he knows is everypony takes them very seriously and make a religious effort to never break them. To her surprise, however, Ryan simply shrugged before speaking.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. " Twilight covered her mouth in shock "There. All good? "

"Oh my Celestia... " yep, the wheels were beginning to turn and perhaps Lyra was making the whole thing up, now that she thought about it "I'm so, so, so, so, so- " Ryan hugged her and she continued to babble into his chest while he gently stroked her mane.

"It's okay. "

"It's not okay! " Twilight shot up from the bed "I almost raped you! "

"Death by snu-snu. " he shrugged before a pillow encased in a purplish glow hit him upside the head "Seriously though, don't listen to Lyra. Ever. " Twilight's shoulders slumped and her wings hung down lazily.

"I'm sorry. " she took her spot next to Ryan again "It's just... I mean, you probably are sexually frustrated and, your behavior did change over time and- "

"My behavior? " Ryan cocked a curious brow.

"Yes. You weren't always this cheerful self in the beginning. "

"Maybe because I ended up in magical pony world? " he said sarcastically and Twilight rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean. You underwent a drastic change in behavior compared to the first few weeks. "

"You ever thought that this is the real me? " Twilight glanced at Ryan to find him smiling lightly "Twi, my world is very different from yours. Back there, I couldn't really be, well, me. But here, I've never felt so free and relaxed in my life. " he took her hands and gently caressed them "I guess, the more time I spend here the more like myself I feel. And I like that feeling. " he gave Twilight a surprise kiss on the lips "And from here on out, if there are any human related questions, please, come to me first. "

"Okay. " Twilight nodded and then gave Ryan a surprise kiss of her own "Thank you. "

"Well, now that we've established I won't be dying from lack of sex- " Ryan laid down on the bed and patted the space next to him "-I would love it if my marefriend joined me for some cuddling. "

"I should really go back to class... " she scratched her cheek in thought "Then again, my students think I'm probably rutting your brains out right now so- "

"Wait, what? "

"Nothing! " hurrying up to end this line of conversation, Twilight was soon the little spoon in this cuddle session, having a little trouble to get her wings comfortable, and felt something hard poking her rump. She giggled before looking over her shoulder at Ryan "Is that a banana in your pants or are you just happy to see me? " she felt so smug in that moment.

"A banana. " Ryan actually pulled out a banana between them and put in on the nightstand "Breakfast in bed I guess. " he then returned to his cuddling position and Twilight felt something much bigger and much harder poking her in the same spot. Ryan leaned closer to her ear and whispered "Not a banana. "

6 - The best laid plans

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"So, you're telling me, Twilight headbutted you, spilled wine on your shirt and then you both caught a cold? " Luna asked with a raised brow and took a bite of her morning salad.

"Oh, and a table almost landed on Filthy Rich. " Ryan replied, his fork picking at the salad before him. He'd really need to ask Luna to bring over some meat next time. It's been well over a month since he had the delicious, juicy source of protein.

"Huh. " Luna chewed on her salad "Seems... Legit? " she looked at Ryan uncertainly and after he nodded, Luna smiled victoriously "Huzzah! Modern phrases shall elude me no more. "

"From another world no less. " Ryan gave up the salad and slumped in his seat. It's been three days since he poked Twilight with a banana, followed by a heated cuddling session, they barely had time to see each other. Twilight was swarmed with princess duties, and world ending disasters, which by the way happen on a regular basis apparently, and as it turns out, if Ryan takes a few days off the town starts falling apart. First thing he had to do after finishing breakfast with Luna at Sugarcube Corner was to fix the sink in this sugar palace of a cafe.

"Anyway, I believe congratulations are in order. " Luna smiled but the expression vanished once she saw Ryan's slumped form "What is the matter? " Ryan sighed deeply before speaking.

"We barely have any time to ourselves lately. " he said in a defeated tone and Luna looked at him in confusion "My lunch deliveries have been lacking as well... "

"It's only been three days. " Luna pointed out "You've been apart far longer than that. "

"Well, yeah, but, we weren't dating back then. " Ryan leaned forward and whispered "It's freaking me out! "

"What is? "

"This relationship! I've never been in one! " Ryan replied and dragged a hand across his face "It's like, I want to spend every moment with her and I honestly don't know what to do with myself when she's gone. I get through the day just fine but when I come home and she's not there I just kinda'... Deflate. " to make his point clear he slumped even deeper into his seat "I have issues... "

"That is fact. " Luna said teasingly to cheer him up but it didn't help. The young alicorn sighed "I know this is a new experience for you. You're not used to staying in one place for too long and I can see how this could affect your mind. " Ryan was deep in thought "But trust me, that feeling will pass quickly and you'll be fine. "

"You know what I need? " Luna quirked a brow "A world ending crisis. "

"No. " the princess cut off with a flat look.

"Yes! " Ryan perked back up "She's always off saving the world and I can go with her! Adventures! Honor! Glory! "

"You are banned from ending world ending crises after what you did with Tirek. " Luna said sternly but Ryan waved her off.

"That didn't stop me with the others, did it? "

"I'm serious Ryan. " the blue alicorn said with a pointed finger "And for the record, if I had been able, I would have tied you to a tree for every single one of them. "

"Kinky. " Ryan smirked but Luna was not amused by his antics right now.

"Have you talked to anyone about Tirek? " silence was answer enough "Does Twilight know what you did? " Ryan looked to the side and scratched his cheek while whistling "That's what I thought. You're avoiding the Tirek issue ever since it happened. "

"There's nothing to avoid. It happened and we moved on. " Ryan suddenly found his salad interesting "This is some damn good salad. " he stabbed the salad with the fork more forcefully than intended.

"Moved on? " Luna gasped "I saw your dreams Ryan! Your memories! You can't just move on from something like that! " eyes turned to their table as Luna raised her voice.

"Watch me. " Ryan replied with a glare.

"Ryan- "

"Drop it. "

"Let me help- "

"I SAID DROP IT! " he slammed his hands on the table, the plates and cups on in clattering dangerously. Luna recoiled in shock, her ears drooping down sadly. Ryan looked around and confirmed all eyes were now on him, some even looked frightened. Ryan was not known for lashing out like that. Even Pinkie looked at him with a frightened expression behind the counter.

"Very well. " Luna said before rising to her hooves "Contact me when you're willing to talk. " and in a flash of light, the Princess of the Night was gone. Ryan felt instant regret at what he did. After all, Luna was his best friend next to Twilight and she was just trying to help. Luna knew exactly what happened and what he did with Tirek. She urged him to talk with somepony about it but he just couldn't. Wouldn't... He actually wanted to talk with Twilight about what he really did. But, how do you tell someone-

"Umm, Ryan? " ooooh that was mean of me. Um, it was Pinkie who interrupted his thoughts, her mane less coroful and deflated "Did you two have a fight? " she asked timidly, tears forming on the corners of her eyes. Ryan smiled and scratched the pink mare behind the ear.

"No. I was just being an idiot. " he reassured her with a smile "C'mon, let's see about that sink of yours. " Pinkie sniffed and nodded slowly "Pinkie, everything's fine. "

"Really? " Ryan nodded "She's not going to go all mind flayer on you and connect your brain with a hive mind in a dark world that looks a lot like ours but is actually empty? "

"As strange as that sounds, no, she will not. " Pinkie opened her mouth to speak "I will not turn into a brain eating octopus either. Pinkie promise. " the mares mane retained her curly volume and she was back to her hyperactive happy self.

"Okie-dokie-lokie! " and just like that Pinkie was bouncing away towards the clogged sink. Ryan chuckled and followed after the bubbly mare. Element of laughter indeed.

"So what is it this time? Frosting? " a rapid nod of her head confirmed Ryan's fears "I'll get the hose, you get me lunch for Twilight. " he cracked his knuckles and looked at the frosting filled sink, not even questioning how it happened "You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? "

Headmare Twilight Sparkle was exhausted. For the last three days she's been all over the place. Princess duties, school duties, counseling, planning her duties a month in advance.

"Brush up on organizing skills. " she mumbled and wrote it down on a piece of parchment labeled Planning planer. She laid down the quill and stretched her aching limbs "I wish Ryan was here. " truth be told, Twilight was in the same predicament as her coltfriend. These last three days left them no time for themselves. By the time she finally got home Ryan was either sleeping or had to leave for some emergency that required his skills and got back by the time she fell asleep. Twilight knew it was only three days and that things will settle down eventually but still. She wanted to spend more time with her coltfriend. Was that too much to ask?

Twilight looked at the clock in her office and it was five minutes until noon. This made her smile since it meant Ryan would soon burst through the door with lunch and some pop-culture reference from his world. Though she didn't understand any of them, Twilight suspected it was some sort of coping mechanism of never going home again.

Going home... Twilight has been trying for years to get the mirror back to his world working again but with no success so far. After a while Ryan made peace with his situation and told her to just leave it be. But Twilight couldn't just leave it be, no, she was determined to at least give him the choice. To go home if he wished so. The last thought brought a frown to her brows. Would he go home? Leave her behind? Twilight shook the dark thoughts away before adjusting her glasses, a pair Ryan said she should wear more often and makes her look cuter. And that was before they started dating.

Dating. It made her laugh giddily. She finally had a special somepony, or rather, someone. They've been dancing around each other for a while now and it finally happened a few days ago when she gathered all of her courage and made a fool of herself in front of everypony in Sugarcube Corner. Still, the day ended with the two of them making out so it was all good. That nice train of thought was interrupted when her stomach grumbled.

"He'll be here soon. " she patted her belly and looked at the clock "Any time now. " ten minutes passed and still no human kicking the door open "I'm sure it's a busy day for him as well. " Twilight chuckled and watched the door intensively. Ten more minutes passed "C'mon Ryan. I'm hungry and lonely. " she whined and slammed her head on the table in defeat. Just then a click of the door knob was heard. Twilight snapped her head up, smiling brightly until the door opened fully "Oh, it's you. " with a flat look, her head hit the table once more.

"Geez, good to see you too. " it was Starlight Glimmer, raising a curious brow after seeing Twilight's head hit the table. She looked around and saw the distinct lack of human in the room "Where's Ryan? "

"Dunno'... " Twilight mumbled into some papers her head rested on "And I'm hungry. " she moaned again as her stomach growled.

"Weird. He's almost never missed lunch time. " Starlight rubbed her chin in thought "Oh well. " she shrugged and made her way out.

"Wait! " Twilight stood up suddenly and Starlight looked over her shoulder "I need counseling. " Starlight turned fully to face er mentor and grinned widely.

"Counseling? Oh how I dreamed of this day! " gave her a deadpan look that the unicorn completely ignored "I shall write this down in books for generations to read. Twilight Sparkle need my counseling! " she pulled up a chair closer to the table.

"It's about Ryan. " Starlight's grin faded.

"Oh. " well this put a stop to her enthusiasm "I think I'm the last pony to give relationship advice. "

"Just, hear me out please. " Twilight took a deep breath "Is it weird that I miss him so much even though it's only been three days? " Starlight scrunched her brow in thought.

"Hmmm. I don't know. Like I said, I'm the last pony to give relationship advice, but... " she scratched her cheek in thought "I guess, since it's a fresh relationship and you've had the hots for each other for a while, I think it's normal that you want to spend as much time together as possible. "

"You think so? " Twilight asked with an apprehensive smile.

"Yeah, I guess. " Starlight shrugged "Again, not an expert but-TAKE COVER! " her horn glowed before she dived to the side and avoided a gray blur that shot through the magically opened window. Twilight barely registered what was happening as Starlight dived to the side and the mentioned gray blur shot past mere inches from her.

"Derpy! " Twilight jumped up and ran to help the mailmare to her hooves.

"Hey Twilight! " she said as Twilight pulled her up "Caught a weird draft of air. " Derpy smiled, her eyes strangely focused on what spot. She bumped the right of her head and her eye went into a different direction than the other "That's better. Anyway, I have a special delivery for you. " she rummaged through her bag and pulled out a cardboard package with a note attached to it and handed it to Twilight "Oh, and have a muffin! " placing a muffin on top of the package she saluted and was out the window.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking! " Starlight yelled after her but the mailmare was too far away to hear. Twilight blinked a couple of times to make sense of what happened before reading the note.

Frostmageddon at Sugarcube Corner.
Have to skip lunch.
And tell Starlight to stop peeking over your shoulder.

Sure enough, there she was, acting innocent and whistling.

Since you're reading it anyway, finish her paperwork for today, Twilight has plans for tonight.

Starlight muttered something under her breath and got to work on the paperwork. It was a little honor based game they played. Chuckling to herself, Twilight was about to reach for her planner before she read the next sentence.

It's not in your schedule. Let anarchy rule!

The "A" had a circle drawn around it and the straight lines of the letter were going through it. She couldn't help but smile a little. He knew her so well.

See you tonight!

Twilight folded the letter and opened the package Ryan sent her. Inside was a full lunch course along with another note.


"Knock knock? " Twilight mumbled before there was, in fact, a knock on the door. She quirked a brow and went to see who it was. Opening the door she found Roseluck holding a bouquet of purple Canterbury Bells. The mare handed Twilight the bouquet with only a smile and left. The lavender alicorn was giggling to herself and soon found another note attached to the flowers.

This was pretty good right?

Twilight chuckled and removed one flower from the bunch and inhaled deeply.

"Yes. Yes it was. " then she chomped on the delicious plant and closed the door behind her, wondering just what Ryan had planned for tonight.