A Love Stronger Than Friendship

by Israel Yabuki

First published

A clopfic between you and Twilight

You were sucked into a portal in a lake and end up in the land of Equestria where you start to have these feelings for the Princess of Friendship: Twilight Sparkle

(My editor and I are going to extend this story and a couple of other anthro waifu stories a bit so it won't sound so rushed and so you guys can enjoy 'em a little more

Contains: foreplay, domination and creampie.

Equestria's First Human

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A Love Stronger Than Friendship

Written by Israel Yabuki

Edited and co-written by NineTailBeastBall

Sitting on the docks, you look away from the book that you were reading in order to gaze at your reflection in the lake. There was rarely a day that went by where you didn’t have a book in your hands.

You were spending some time with yourself at a local lake in order camp out there away from all of the drama. Crashing at your parents house would’ve made it more difficult since you didn’t exactly connect with your father who would always go out gambling and your mother who went out of town on a business trip. You didn’t have any siblings to relate with you, not that you cared anyway.

In addition to not having any siblings, you didn’t have friends either. In your childhood, you were recognized as a natural prodigy and always made perfect grades in your subjects. It was kind of a disappointment as you seemed the schoolwork to be too easy and you were always expecting a greater challenge. However while you were always open to learning, you were never interested in taking time to build relationships with others.

Finding someone right for you was like finding a needle in a haystack. Today’s modern women only seek out guys who have brawn rather than brains. While you kept yourself in shape, you weren’t exactly buff. Perhaps they wanted to feel smarter or something. It didn’t matter to you anymore, this world was rotten to the core and the only thing that kept you from going insane were the books you loved to read and the sounds of the rippling water in the lake.

Sometimes in life, you wished you could be just as calm and steady like the lake and not worry about what goes on in the world. No worries, no trouble, and most importantly, no heartache. Unfortunately, reality never seems to show mercy to those who have impossible dreams. It always seems to spit everyone in the face and you wished you could take away reality and make the impossible possible.

With a sigh, you went back to reading your book, even though you probably wouldn’t find anything in there that could lift your spirit. However something quite unusual happened for you, you were actually feeling bored of reading.

You closed the book and took it with you back to the tent and placed it inside of your bag. You zipped up the tent and took this opportunity to change out of your normal clothes and throw on your swim trunks. You wondered how long has it been since you actually went for a swim since you were far more interested in reading than anything else.

Fortunately, you still knew how to swim and a little soak in the lake is something you desperately needed to soothe your cares away. You unzipped your tent and crawled out, making your way towards the lake.

It was quite hot today, the weatherman had explained that it would 97 degrees today, and boy was he right. Sweat was already starting to drip from your forehead. But after arriving at the docks again, you took in a deep breath of the fresh air and gazed at the beautiful lake. You ran to the edge of the docks and jumped right into the lake in a cannonball dive.

You quickly resurface and swam back to the docks and climbed back on. You were shivering from how cold the lake was. It felt like you just hugged a piece of Alaska.

“B-B-Blast it all! I s-s-should’ve tested the water out first!” you said, wrapping your arms around your body. After a few minutes, your body had started to get adjusted to the cold water and soon, you sighed and swam around in the lake, splashing around and diving underwater a few times, checking out the beautiful underwater life.

As much as you enjoyed observing the fish, you had to resurface to get some air. However, as you reached the surface, you heard the water begin to make weird splashing noises. Your body felt like it was being pulled by something. You reacted too late when you noticed a pool forming in the middle of the lake. You gasped and tried to swim back to shore as fast as you could, but the current was too strong.

“S-Somebody! H-Help!” you shouted, but to no avail.

The docks were getting farther and farther from your reach until you span out of control in the raging whirlpool. You tried as hard as you could to keep your head above the water, but the whirlpool sucked you down into the pit of darkness. With no chance of returning to the surface, it was becoming harder and harder to breathe and your eyes were growing heavy.

Before you knew it, you lost consciousness wondering where you will go from here. The void of darkness held you tight in its grasp, keeping you afloat in the endless abyss with no way of telling which direction was which.

Time felt like it had slowed down. There seemed to be no hope in returning to your hometown, so you accepted your fate and let the abyss keep its hold on you.

Just as you have given up on life, a light seemed to glow at the end of the tunnel. Your eyes opened up and gazed at its beautiful, bright glow. You used up your remaining strength to reach out for it. You brought yourself closer and closer until the light had blinded your vision.

As you regained your eyesight, your lower body felt like it was wet and floating around. You noticed that you were laying on some grass and your waist was covered with water. It looked like you were in a lake, but it was much smaller than the one you drowned in. You also noticed that all you had on you were the swim trunks coating your thighs.

Am I dead?’ you wondered as you sat up. Despite your recent experience, you felt at peace as you looked at the beautiful area around you. Feeling relaxed by the scenery you laid back and were about to take a rest when suddenly...

“AAH!!! What in Celestia’s name are you?!” screamed a female voice, making you open your eyes and jump.

“W-What the?!” you shouted and quickly turned around to see something that almost made you almost lose your head. In front of you stood a humanoid horse with light purple fur. Both her eyes and her hair were a darker shade of purple than her fur. She had a horn coming out next to the pink and light purple streaks in her hair. You also noticed she has a pair of beautiful wings protruding from her back.

Turning your attention to her clothing, you saw she was wearing a baby blue blouse with a pretty bow over her chest. She wore a purple skirt with a star sticker on it. The skirt itself went down to where it barely reached her knees. However, as for her feet, they were hooves instead.

“W-What are you?!” the two of you said in unison.

“What am I? I should be asking you that! Who are you and what do you want from me?” you asked, slightly panicking and trying to back away from her. You continued backing away until you bumped into a tree, much to your annoyance.

“Ow! Damn it!” you exclaimed, rubbing your head.

“A-Are you alright?” she asked. While there was still a hint of fear in her tone there was mostly concern. You stood yourself back up on your feet, still rubbing your head.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” you answered and took a moment to calm down. “Okay, what exactly is going on here? Why am I in some strange place I don’t even know about? And plus, last time I checked, horses aren’t humanoid and they can’t talk.”

She apparently felt offended and suddenly lights up her horn, lifting you off the ground. “Hey, first of all, I’m not a horse, I’m a pony! Second, you’re in the land of Equestria. And if you ever call me a “humanoid horse” ever again, you will be sorry!” she warned, gritting her teeth.

Despite how beautiful she was, her threats had every intention of being fulfilled if you weren’t careful of what you say.

“A-Alright, I’m sorry! It won’t happen again, I promise!” you assured holding your hands up. Seeing how that the purple pony before you began to calm down, you saw that introductions were in order and told her your name.

“Well, my name is Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship,” she said putting a hand to her chest out of pride. You weren’t exactly sure what she means how she’s the princess of friendship, but it sounded prestigious. Your thoughts were caught off as you shivered a bit. After all, your swim trunks were all you had on.

Seeing you shaking up from your lack of clothing, Twilight did something else that surprised you. Her horn began glowing and a blanket was materialized and levitated towards you. Deciding to save questions for later, you wrapped the blanket around your body and sighed as you felt its warmth.

“Come on, I’ll take you back to my castle and I can find you a decent change of clothes. I’ll even ask my friend, Rarity to knit you some clothes for you to wear,” Twilight said offering you her hand. Of course you hesitated at first, but you accepted her hand shortly afterwards.

What have I got to lose? I’m probably gonna be stuck in this world for the rest of my life, so I might as well get used to it,’ you thought to yourself. With Twilight holding your hand, you allowed her lead you into the direction to town.

It became clear to you as you walked into town which you learned was named Ponyville, that the residents have never seen anything like you before. Left and right, ponies were gasping some of them even pointing at you as you passed by. You did your best to ignore them, hoping you would arrive at Twilight’s castle soon.

In addition to the unwanted attention, you had to be careful as you walked since you didn’t have any shoes on. The pavement felt a bit hot against your bare feet, causing you to grunt in discomfort.

“Don’t worry, my castle isn’t much further and as I said before, my friend Rarity will be able to make you some clothes so you won’t have to cover yourself in that blanket,” Twilight said.

“One problem, I’m flat broke,” you pointed out.

“Then if it comes down to it, I’ll pay for your clothes. I’m well compensated for the work I’ve done for everypony,” Twilight assured.

Even if you wanted to, you probably couldn’t miss the huge castle which soon came into view. Looking at how high it is, your jaw dropped out of shock, causing Twilight to giggle. Reaching up to close your mouth, she then lit her horn to open the doors.

Entering into the castle, you saw that just like outside, the inside of the castle was made of crystal. It felt cool against your feet, but in your opinion it was better than the hot pavement outside.

“We can go back out for clothes later. For now what do you say we just relax and I’ll fix some tea?” Twilight asked.

“Sounds alright to me. After the long, exhausting day I’ve had, I’m in no rush to go back outside, especially with all those... ponies staring at me like I’m some kind of freak,” you sighed as you looked around.

Twilight has asked you to wait in the living room while she prepared the tea. It was about a 15 minute wait, but she came back, levitating two hot cups of tea with her horn. You took your cup gratefully and allowed the warm liquid to soothe your throat before you give Twilight the explanation she had requested.

“Alright, Twilight, it seems we both have quite a bit of explaining to do, so here’s what I gotta say,” you said before taking a deep breath. “You see, I’m not originally from Equestria. In fact, I’ve never even heard about Equestria up until now. I spent the majority of my life in this place called “Earth”, where I grew up in this small town in this country known as the United States.”

“The United States? I didn’t know there existed a world other than Equestria. I mean, I’ve read a few fictional stories about there being another world, but I didn’t think it was real!” Twilight said, looking surprised.

“Yes, and where I come from, there exists a lot of these creatures known as “humans,” or “homo sapiens,” and I just happen to be I’m one of the possibly hundreds of billions of humans that exist on Earth.”

Twilight gave you her complete attention as you told her about your world.

“You see, Earth is almost like your planet, but it’s probably a whole lot bigger and more intense. A lot of people live out difficult lives, just trying to make it to another day. I, however, wanted to get away from my hometown, so I took a temporary leave and headed out into this lake so I could catch up on some reading and do a little swimming, but...” you paused.

“But what?” Twilight asked carefully.

“I don’t know how it happened, but all of a sudden, this weird whirlpool appeared in the lake when I went swimming. I couldn’t swim away from it quick enough and I guess I drowned inside of it. The next thing I knew, I was out in that little lake with my feet buried in the water,” you said.

As you finished your story, Twilight put a hand over her mouth, horrified and sympathetic. “Oh Celestia...” she gasped as she put her hand back onto her lap. “Well how do you think...” she began, but stopped as you both caught the sound of footsteps, as well as a male voice.

“So anyway I went to Sugarcube Corner yesterday and I asked...” Your eyes once again widened as the source of the voice stepped inside living room. At first you thought it was a lizard and technically you were right. However as you saw the wings, you realized it was more specifically a dragon.

The one he was talking to was a pony with a lighter purple fur color than Twilight’s. She only had a horn, though, and her mane was purple with a light blue stripe running down her mane and her eyes were blue.

Things were growing a little awkward as none of you knew what to say.

“Uh Twilight... what’s going on here? Why’d you bring in some hairless ape?” the dragon asked.

“HEY!” you shouted, feeling offended. Twilight sighed as once again introductions and explanations were going to be necessary.

After taking it easy for another hour, Twilight had led you back outside so you could order some new clothes from her friend Rarity. You of course were not too thrilled about the hot pavement that was burning your feet, but Twilight assured it wasn’t that far of a walk.

You learned that the purple dragon’s name was Spike and he worked as Twilight’s assistant. The light purple unicorn on the other hand, had introduced herself as Starlight Glimmer, who was Twilight’s student. She also once tried to change the course of history just so she wouldn’t have to lose her old childhood friend. She was apparently sensitive on the concept, as she didn’t say more than that.

You found it a little easier to ignore the ponies who were observing you this time. You felt it to be too big of a step to try and become friends with these ponies so soon, however you still didn’t want them to be afraid of you. You convinced yourself as long as you kept your cool, the ponies would eventually stop looking at you as if you’re some sort of beast.

As you finished your thoughts, you and Twilight had arrived at a building which read “Carousel Boutique.” On the outside, the place looked pretty fancy.

Twilight approached the front door and knocked on it. It seemed strange that Twilight would knock on the door of a shop instead of walking in.

“Who is it?” a female voice called out in a melodic tone. It wasn’t long before the door opened, revealing a unicorn with a white coat and a curled purple mane and sapphire eyes.

“Hello Rarity. I was hoping you could take some measurements for... an acquaintance of mine,” Twilight said. She wasn’t wrong, though. Even you consider her an acquaintance after she chose to let you stay in her castle and is helping by getting you a fresh new wardrobe.

“Of course darling. Please come on in,” she said. You and Twilight stepped inside and you gazed at the many outfits that decorated the store. Rarity put on a pair of glasses before she took out a measuring tape.

“Hold still darling,” she instructed. You sighed and held your pose, sticking your arms out. Rarity measured every inch of your body, checking to see your size might be. You made sure to keep yourself still as she requested so she could do her job.

Later on, she stood back up with a smile. “Okay, darling. I think I’ve gotten the measurements I need for your brand new wardrobe. But I must say, I didn’t expect to be creating one for a hairless ape such as yourself,” Rarity said.

You sighed. “Seriously? Why is it that everyone keeps calling me a “hairless ape? I’m a human being, for pete’s sake!” you said, a bit frustrated.

“Oh dear, I’m ever so sorry. It’s just that I’ve never come across something so... exoted in Equestria, much less, Ponyville,” Rarity replied.

“I-I’m sorry I yelled. It’s been a very long day,” you said squeezing the bridge between your eyes.

“Oh it’s alright, darling. I forgive you. Now, is there any kind of style and color you want your new clothes to be?”

You spent the next several minutes describing to the fashionista what kind of clothes you wanted for your wardrobe. Paying close attention, Rarity wrote it all down on her notepad and even drew them onto her sketchbook.

“It’ll probably take about 3 hours for me to complete your wardrobe. Why don’t you come back later darling?”

“Alright, thanks, Rarity. Now what should I do while we-” you were about ask, before your stomach let out a loud growl. Twilight couldn’t help laughing a bit

“Come on, I’ll take you back to the castle and have Spike whip up something for you. But I have to ask you: What do humans eat?” Twilight asked.

“Well... we humans are omnivores so we can eat a variety of things,” you answered. You were careful with your words, since you didn’t want to alarm Twilight. You were probably scared that she might fear you if she found out you eat meat since ponies aren’t carnivores.

Twilight nodded at this new information and led you back to the castle. She had assured you that Spike was a pretty good cook and was sure he could fix something for you to eat.

At least you didn’t have to worry about going hungry for the day. And so, you and Twilight walked out of Rarity’s boutique and marched onwards back to her castle, still not used to the hot pavement below your bare feet. Hopefully after 3 hours, you won’t have to deal with that anymore.

It seems now you could finally settle down for the day as you laid in one of the guest rooms of Twilight’s castle. With a castle as big as this one, you could only guess how many rooms there were. As you and Twilight had planned, you went back to Rarity’s boutique after you finished eating and now had a fresh set of clothes.

With all the excitement that has happened today, you didn’t feel like reading, despite the huge collection of books around Twilight’s castle. All you wanted to do now was get some rest. Perhaps tomorrow when you’re rejuvenated, you can check out what kind of books Twilight has. After all, you’ve somehow ended up in an entirely different world and surely these some books include pretty much all the information about Equestrian history.

You heard a knock on the door, which snapped you out of your thoughts. Turning to the door, you saw Twilight come in with a soft smile.

“Everything okay?” she asked as she sat on the bed.

“Yeah, I’m just tired, that’s all. Why do you ask?” you asked.

“I just thought I’d check up on you and see how you’re doing. Look, I know you must have had a rough day today and I’m really sorry if everypony was making you frustrated. I guess the reason they felt so uneasy around you is because they’ve never seen humans,” Twilight said putting a hand on your shoulder.

“I’ve managed to remain calm out there. I’ve convinced myself that they’ll stop and eventually stop seeing me as some freaky beast. I just gotta give it some time, that’s all,” you said before you let out a yawn.

“I see you’re getting tired so I probably shouldn’t keep you up,” she said as she got off the bed. “If there’s anything else you need, let me know and I’ll see what I can do, okay?”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks a lot, Twilight,” you said before she left and closed the door behind her.

Once Twilight left, you slammed yourself onto your pillow, letting out an exhausted sigh. You stared up at the ceiling, thinking long and hard about how Equestria might not be such a bad place to live in. Aside from all the weird faces you were given, this town seems pretty peaceful. In your honest opinion, this world is probably a higher improvement than Earth was.

A Taste of Equestria's Knowledge

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The next morning, instead of an alarm clock, you were woken up by the sound of birds chirping outside your window and the feeling of the sun’s rays hitting your face. You groaned and sat up, stretching out your body and let out a yawn.

As you exit the bedroom and stepped into the hall, you caught a delicious smell that was coming from downstairs. As tempting as it was to go down for breakfast, you decided to freshen up first. Walking into the bathroom, which wasn’t far from your room, you turned on the sink to splash some cold water on your face.

After your face was cleaned, you proceeded down to the kitchen, where you saw that Spike was indeed cooking breakfast. Twilight who was already at the table with a book in her hands, looked up to see you walking into the kitchen and flashed you a smile.

“Good morning sleepy head,” she teased.

You shook your head with a smile before you rolled your eyes at Twilight’s playfulness. “Morning, Twilight,” you replied. “What’s that book that you’re reading?”

“New issue of the Adventures of Daring Do,” she answered. “I own all of them.”

You sat down next to Twilight and observed the book with growing interest. “I’m curious, though. Did all of this happen in real life? This author sounded like she experienced it all first-hand,” you said, reading the book with her. This Daring Do pony reminded you all too well of Indiana Jones.

“Actually, yes, she has. My friend Rainbow Dash and I actually experienced one of her amazing adventures when she wanted to meet her for the first time,” Twilight explained.

“Well, call me a monkey’s uncle! I wonder if this “A.K Yearling” is-” Right at that moment, Spike interrupted as he presented you with your breakfast. Looking down at the plate, you saw two slices of buttered toast, as well as some hash browns and sliced carrots. After thanking the young dragon, you began to eat.

“Hey, this is pretty good. You sure you’re self-taught, Spike?” you asked after swallowing some of the carrots.

Spike smiled from hearing you compliment his skills. “Well, I didn’t exactly learn everything on my own. When I was younger, Princess Celestia made sure to give me quite a few lessons.”

Before now, you had no idea there was another princess besides Twilight and you looked at Spike with an eyebrow raised. “Princess Celestia?” you asked and the purple alicorn next to you saw the need to explain.

“Princess Celestia is actually the ruler of all Equestria as well as the princess of the sun,” she began with admiration. “Alongside her sister, Princess Luna, she holds the most responsibility of protecting Equestria. I was also Princess Celestia’s star pupil until I became a princess after finishing one of Starswirl’s spells.”

Mentioning Princess Celestia caused a thought to cross Twilight’s mind and her eyes grew wide. “That reminds me, there’s no doubt that Celestia should know about you! Spike, I need you to get me a sheet of paper and a feather pen!” Twilight said, excited.

For a moment, you lost interest in your breakfast and instead paid attention as Twilight wrote her letter to the princess. You could only wonder what she was writing about you, since she didn’t say her words out loud. Once the letter was done, she waited a moment for the ink to dry before rolling the letter up and handing it to Spike.

Spike inhaled a little and burnt up the letter with his green flames. The letter disappeared in a pink puff of smoke and left the castle. While you could have asked questions of how the process of sending letters works, you decided to say nothing and waited for a response. Though, with the way Spike sent the letter, it looked more like he was getting rid of it so that the princess wouldn’t find out.

Evidently, the logic of this world was far different than Earth’s. One way or another you would have to learn to adjust to how things work if you’re going to live here. With that thought in mind, you went back to eating.

After you finished breakfast, you were about to walk upstairs for a shower before you heard a knock on the door. You had a very good guess at who was at the door.

Following Twilight as she stood up to answer the door, you were greeted by a tall white alicorn wearing a golden dress and a crown. Accompanying her were two white ponies, one was a unicorn and the other was a pegasus. In addition to their stone cold faces, both of the guards wore golden armor and had spears.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight said with a bow, though you didn’t do the same.

“Oh Twilight, there’s no need to be formal with me,” Celestia said, putting a hand over her mouth giggling. “I take it this is the human from your letter?” she asked turning her gaze towards you.

You decided to speak for yourself and walked up to introduce yourself to the princess. You smiled up at her as you told her your name and gently shook her soft hand.

Once the introductions were over, Twilight allowed Celestia to enter into her castle so you could continue your conversation more comfortably. Fixing up some tea as she did yesterday, the three of you took a seat in the living room.

“You know Twilight, I never expected that you’d take in a human of all creatures. Well, at least I know that they’re not a myth,” Celestia said impressed, before taking a sip of her tea. Both you and Twilight were shocked to learn that she somehow knew about humans.

“Wait, WHAT?!” you asked, shocked. Celestia giggled at your confused expressions before setting her cup down.

“Allow me to explain: You see, I’ve known for a long time that there exists a world that’s far different than this one. Though, the reason nopony has ever found our world and it’s because anytime they come near our universe, I use my magic to guide them back to theirs at light speed to prevent a universal world. It’s also to make sure they make it back to their families on Earth.”

You took in this new information before a realization came to you. “Since I ended up here, does this mean there’s no way to get me back to my own world?” you asked.

“Well, there might be a way to send you back, but there’s a 50% chance you might end up in another dimension. If you want, I can try to find something in my library to send you back,” Celestia suggested. However, you decided it was too risky and shook your head.

“Even if there wasn’t a risk, I’m not going back to that hellhole ever again. As far as I’m concerned, that world is dead to me. This new one feels a lot more peaceful and more understanding,” you said firmly.

“So he can stay here in Ponyville, right princess?” Twilight asked hopefully.

“If this is what he desires, then I see no reason to deny him. He’s made his point perfectly clear that he wants to stay and I will respect his wishes. So, let me just say this: You are now an honorary citizen of Equestria,” she said smiling warmly.

Twilight went over to hug Celestia and she quickly returned the embrace. You felt relieved that the princess was allowing you to stay. To be honest, you were a bit worried that she would be very strict and intimidating, but she was much nicer than you expected.

After finishing her tea, Celestia stood up preparing to take her leave. “I do hope you will come to enjoy our world, my dear human. Feel free to send a letter to me anytime you wish,” she said as she was about to close the door.

“I will, and… thanks again for accepting me into this world. And I promise that I won’t try to cause any trouble around here,” you replied. After she gave you a gentle smile and a nod, the princess shut the door.

“You’ve made a really good first impression, it’s clear that the princess has become fond of you,” Twilight said as she gave you a hug. Your face slightly blushes a bit, but you didn’t want to be rude, so you hugged Twilight back.

Once you were released from the hug, you decided to bring up the Daring Do book that Twilight had shown you earlier.

“By the way, you said that you had every single Daring Do book. You think you can show me to the library? I would have asked yesterday but I was just so exhausted from all the things I had to take in,” you said.

“Oh, of course! Follow me, I’ll show you to the library,” Twilight said excitedly. She grabbed you by the hand and lit up her horn. In a flash of bright light, she teleports you to this room where she had mountains and mountains of books. You gasped and felt your eyes widened from how many books she had.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” she asked as she observed your shocked expression. “Princess Celestia helped me collect most of these books. It took quite a bit of money, but the stores were compensated generously. Of course, I also did a little book shopping in Ponyville and Canterlot a few times here and there.”

Grabbing the nearby ladder, you climbed up to take a better look of the collection in front of you. As you had expected yesterday, there were many books here containing sagas of Equestria’s history. Other books included the adventures of Daring Do and even some information of the lands outside Equestria.

Making your decision, you pulled out a book titled “The Mare in the Moon” and climbed back down the ladder. You took the book with you to the reading table where Twilight joined you and began to read. It didn’t take too long before the book caught your interest.

As you read, you learned that apparently over 1000 years ago, Celestia’s younger sister started growing jealous of her sister because of the ponies sleeping through the beautiful night while they stayed awake during the day. One day, Luna refused to lower the moon and then allowed her jealousy to transform her into the infamous Nightmare Moon.

Seeing no other choice, Celestia was forced to use these powerful objects called the Elements of Harmony to overpower her sister. Her plan succeeded and Nightmare Moon was then banished to the moon.

“I thought you said Luna rules alongside Celestia now,” you said..

“She does, but when Nightmare Moon escaped from the moon, she was still hung on plunging the world into an eternal night. That’s when I had to take matters into my own hand and look for ancient items known as the Elements of Harmony. They were said to be hidden in the old abandoned castle of the royal sisters which was located in the Everfree Forest.”

“However, I wasn’t going in there alone, even though I was dead set on it. My best friends traveled alongside with me and we ended up finding the Elements of Harmony. What’s more is that we discovered that the six of us were the new bearers. It was this that allowed us not only to defeat Nightmare Moon, but turn her back into Princess Luna.”

Once Twilight finished her story, you looked at her with admiration. “I’ll admit Twilight, it’s a bit much for me to take in. However for some strange reason, I actually believe you,” you said before you closed the book.

“My friends and I always say “friendship is magic,” she smiled, but it disappeared when she saw you frown.

“You’re probably my first real friend, Twilight,” you said.

“Really? But, didn’t you have any friends back home?” Twilight asked.

“No, back home I was recognized as a genius by my superiors and I was always so devoted to my studies. Because of this, I didn’t have time for friends, since I thought that they would just get in the way or something. But even though I was considered a genius, I wasn’t exactly popular relationship wise. The girls back at that old planet said I needed more bulk if I wanted to come close to impressing them. I may not have a huge build, but I still keep my figure,” you explained.

Twilight was surprised by what you just said, as unbeknownst to you, the two of you had more in common than you thought. Feeling she had to comfort you, the young alicorn placed her hand on your own.

“I’m sorry you went through something like that. To tell you the truth, I used to be just like that. After Celestia made me her star pupil, I too became engrossed in my learning that I ended up losing interests in spending time with the friends I had in Canterlot... including one of my best friends: Moondancer. But some time after I became princess, I decided to make up for lost time and asked Moondancer, for forgiveness.”

Hearing this, you became more confident in being able to make friends with ponies around you. Even if at the moment, there are many civilians who are afraid of you, that could be fixed in due time. Turning your gaze back to to Twilight, you gave her a sudden hug.

Twilight blushed when you surprised her with this hug, but she still accepted it and hugged you back, patting you on your back.

“Thanks, I really needed that,” Twilight said.

“I had no idea that we were so much alike,” you said releasing her from the hug. “When we first met, it wasn’t the most pleasant of meetings. I always thought that you and I were so different, but instead, I now know that we’re the same.”

Twilight giggled. “Speaking of which, there’s still a lot of things I could teach you about Equestria,” she chirped as she levitated another book from the high shelves.

“Are you up for it?” she asked.

“Of course,” you answered and watched as she turned to the first page.

From Friendship To Romance

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Already, a month has passed since you woke up in the land of Equestria. As you had hoped, the residents of Ponyville were slowly beginning to open up to you and your knowledge of Equestria has gotten better. After all, you had access to the enormous library in the castle of friendship.

Though out of all those you have befriended, your relationship with Twilight is no doubt the greatest. The two of you were pretty much inseparable due to all the time you spent together, reading books and taking occasional trips into town. It was during your first few strolls that Twilight had introduced you the rest of her friends, who came to accept you as well.

Since it was such a nice day, Twilight decided to host a picnic out by the lake where the two of you met a month ago. At the moment, the beautiful alicorn was leaning against you as you ate and watched the lake. Lately, you found yourself growing attached to Twilight, not just because she’s cute, but because she’s also smart and values her friends. If that’s not a true princess, then you don’t know what is.

“Hey Twilight,” you said, breaking the silence.

“Hmm, what is it?” she asked, looking at you. You became entranced as you looked into her beautiful purple eyes.

“Call me crazy, but didn’t you say that there was a time when you told me you had developed a crush on this other stallion you met back at the Crystal Empire?” you asked, causing a slight blush to appear on her cheeks.

“W-Well, t-there was this one stallion, but... I didn’t really know him that well. He was a bit nice to look at, but I just don’t we... clicked. Why do you ask?”

“I was just curious. I mean, I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but I’m surprised that a beautiful alicorn such as yourself hasn’t found her prince charming,” you said.

Though she was a little embarrassed, Twilight smiled at your compliment. “That’s true, but the truth is, it doesn’t matter if I find a prince charming. If I ever find somepony, I want it to be with somepony who’s honest, sweet, likes to read and is able to accept me for who I am and not just because I’m the princess of friendship.”

“Hmm, I see... Does it bother you a little?” you asked.

“Hmm, probably a little bit, but I’m sure I can manage. I’ve got an eternity to find somepony. I’m sure you already know this by now, but alicorns given the abilities of immortality, as well as keep our youth,” Twilight explained.

“Gee, I didn’t know that. But... isn’t it going to be tough living probably millions of years and not find the right soulmate?” you asked, concerned for her.

“I’m not going to lie, I will miss my family and friends when I grow older, but there is one thing I have learned from Princess Celestia: Anypony that I choose to have as my mate will also obtain the immortality and possibly eternal youth just like me, but only if our feelings for each other are purely out of love.”

When she explained this, it gave you a whole new reason to respect and love Twilight. Just then, this idea popped into your head, a rather... ironic one.

“Hey Twilight, it’s a perfect day for a swim, don’t you think?” you asked.

Twilight thought about your suggestion and blushed, it’s not every day that she puts on a bikini after all. The only time she ever does get wet is when she’s taking a shower, but she’s never thought about going swimming because she was so insecure about how she would look around other ponies.

“W-Well it’s been a while since I last went swimming,” she said. “If... If I do get my bathing suit, will you promise not to laugh?”

“I promise, Twilight. I’m sure you’ll look wonderful in your swimsuit,” you assured with a warm smile. Just looking at your encouraging smile made the purple mare regain her confidence and she smiled back.

“Alright then, I’ll even go get your swim trunks. Wait right here,” she said, before teleporting back to the castle.

With Twilight busy getting her swimsuit, you just sat down on the ground, thinking about how wonderful it would be to be a part of Twilight’s life. Though, something told you it wasn’t going to be easy for her parents to acknowledge that their daughter was going to be dating a human. For that matter, you haven’t met her parents yet.

Twilight’s friends are another story, since it only took a week for them to warm up to you and vice versa.

You were pulled out of you out of your thoughts as Twilight returned with a bright flash of light. As you observed the blushing alicorn, you saw that she had changed into a dark purple two-piece bikini with pink stars that matched her cutie mark.

After giving you your swim trunks, Twilight politely turned around to give you the privacy to change. Once you were ready, you looked at Twilight who still had her back turned and smiled.

“Are you done... whoa!” she exclaimed as you suddenly scooped her into your arms bridal style.

“W-What are you doing?” she asked as you carried her towards the lake. As expected the water was quite cold, which worked to your favor on such a sunny day. Twilight tried as hard as she could to break free of your grip, but with one swift jump, you landed in the middle of the lake where it was deep enough.

Twilight swam up, shivering intensely from the cold water coating her fur.

“G-G-Gotcha, heh!” you said, shivering like crazy. Twilight looked at you with an adorable, pouty face, not liking how you dragged her in the water like that. Her next reaction was splashing you in the face.

“Y-You j-j-jerk!” she stuttered, trying to adjust to the water’s temperature. Though she couldn’t stay annoyed and soon let out a small giggle after finding the humor in your prank. You laughed with her and splashed her back to even the score.

“I just can’t get over how adorable you look in that bikini Twi,” you said, stroking her cheek. Interesting enough, she didn’t blush this time. Instead, she smiled and nuzzled into your hand as if she was a cute little kitten.

You didn’t know what to say as she continued to rub against your palm. However, as she did so, the action gave you the urge to do the same. Gently reaching for her hand, you brought it up to your cheek and held it there. You admired the feeling of her soft fur as it pressed against your skin.

Just as it was about to simmer down, Twilight livened things up by dunking you into the water. You resurfaced to hear Twilight laughing and pointing at you. Not being one to take that, you felt a slightly evil grin form upon your face.

“Oh-ho, it is so on, Ms. A-dork-able!” you said, sparking the challenge.

“Bring it on, you silly hairless ape!” Twilight retorted.

Soon enough, the two of you got engaged in a good ol’ fashioned splashing battle. Twilight took the lead while you only managed to make her scream playfully when some of the water lands on her horn. From what you learned in her books, unicorns apparently have horns sensitive to the touch. This was something you could use to your advantages, but you chose not to.

As the little splash war began to settle down, Twilight surprises you again, but this time, with a warm and friendly hug.

“Gotcha,” Twilight giggled, nuzzling into your cheek. This time, you were the one whose face turned red.

“This is what I call payback for all the times you embarrassed me and...” Twilight paused and looked straight into your eyes. She leans in and pecks you on the cheek. “That’s for making my day less stressful and more entertaining...”

With that, the grateful alicorn wrapped her arms around you. You returned the embrace slowly, since you were shocked from the kiss. Even though it did feel good, you were still wondering why she did that.

“T-Twilight, do you think maybe... after we’re done swimming I could... have a talk to you back at the castle?” you asked, still blushing.

Twilight pulled away so she could look at you and smiled. “I don’t see why not,” she replied with a shrug. “But since the day is still young, I want to enjoy a nice, relaxing swim. It’s been quite a while since I felt this carefree.”

With a sigh, you followed the cheerful mare back into the water. For the rest of your swim, you decided not to ask anything about Twilight’s kiss, as you were sure you would get answers once you got back to the castle.

It was almost sundown as you and Twilight made your way back into Ponyville. The whole walk back to the castle, you and Twilight only had the sun to dry off the water from your bodies. She surprised you yet again by holding your hand on the way back. Anyone watching would assume you two were an item now, which embarrassed you since you never officially asked her out.

Once you both reached the castle, you opened the front door and allowed Twilight to walk in before you. You walked in after her and closed the door. Twilight gestured you to follow her further into the castle. You obeyed her and headed upstairs, approaching the hallway. You kept walking with her until you both entered into her bedroom.

After closing the door, the two of you sat on the edge of the bed, giving each other your full, undivided attention.

“Twilight, I gotta tell you something and I hope that you can be honest with me: recently, about a week ago, my feelings for you have been changing. Every time we get together, whether it’s to read, hang out with our friends, or have a picnic, it’s like I’m getting to know you a whole lot more...” You stopped for a moment to place your hand over Twilight’s.

“You value your friends, work hard, sometimes a little too hard, you’re a kind and giving pony and above all else, you’re one of the most beautiful alicorns I’ve ever met.”

Tears began to appear in the corners of her beautiful eyes. You could only hope that you weren’t too hasty.

“D-Do... you really mean all that?” she asked, to which you nodded with a relieved smile.

“Yes Twilight, I’ve never met anypony else like you. You seem to understand the world a whole lot more than anyone I met back on that planet. You’re very special to me,” you replied, making Twilight tear up even more with happiness. Throwing her arms around you in a sudden hug, she buried her face into your neck.

“I’d be lying if I said I haven’t become fond of you this past month. It’s very rare that I found somepony who loves reading just as much as I do. When you told me what you used to think of friendship, I knew there yet another thing we had in common. Though, I have to confess something about our little swim earlier...” You knew exactly what it was she was referring to.

“Yeah, I’m curious about that as well: Why did you suddenly pull off that cute act and kiss me?” you asked. It didn’t surprise you even remotely when Twilight blushed at the question.

“Well... remember when you explained how you never had the chance to start a real relationship back home because of the picky girls who judged you wrongly?” Twilight asked, earning a nod from you. “Well, I wanted to show just how wrong they are and how charming you really are... in my eyes.”

Twilight held your hand gently and never broke eye contact with you.

“D-Does that mean...?” you asked.

Twilight nodded. “I’ve actually grown more attached to you, possibly even... fallen in love with you,” she said with a nice smile. Releasing your hand, she placed it on your cheek and began to move closer towards... your lips.

Even though it didn’t last long, you savored the soft feeling of Twilight’s lips during your first kiss with her. Since she’s already come clean, you believed it was time for you to do the same.

“I’m going to be completely honest with you, Twilight. I’ve actually fallen in love with you, too. And if you let me, I want to prove to you that I will never ever betray you,” you said gently placing your hands on her shoulders.

Twilight smiled and nodded before the two of you leaned in and connected your lips again. This time, it lasted a little longer. You could feel her wrap her arms around your neck again. Her wings slowly extended outwards and flapped gracefully and happily the longer you two held in the kiss.

Afterwards, you and Twilight broke the kiss and stared into each other’s eyes, “Umm... d-do you think you can... help me... take off my bikini... Beau?”

“Beau?” you asked causing her to giggle.

“That’s my new nickname for you. It does have a nice ring to it, wouldn’t you say?” she asked and you let out a chuckle after considering it.

“Hmm, I suppose it does sound like a good nickname now that I think about it,” you replied before you decide to help her out of her bikini like she requested. You reached behind Twilight and grabbed the tie and loosened it up enough for it to be able to fall off of her. She blushed softly as her D-cup breasts were now free.

“H-How do I look?” she asked turning around with an arm covering her breasts.

“You look... beautiful,” you said, admiring Twilight’s endless beauty.

“Well, don’t just stand there, take them off,” she said, gesturing to your swim trunks.

By this point, it was obvious where this situation was going. You obeyed Twilight and reached down to the hem of your trunks and pulled them down, showing off your shaft. Twilight blushed and took note of the shape.

“Beau... i-is that what... a human’s shaft looks like?” Twilight asked, reaching out to grab it.

“Y-Yeah, it is,” you nodded.

“I’ve... never seen a human phallus before. Th-There’s no ring around the midsection, or flat surface on the tip. It’s so big and...” Twilight paused and felt your shaft in the palm of her hands. “...hard.”

“T-Thanks, Twilight,” you awkwardly replied, shuddering to the touch from her soft hands.

Without even thinking, Twilight began to stroke your length, admiring it as she did so. “Does it feel good, Beau?” she asked.

“Y-Yes... without a doubt,” you shivered.

Twilight stroked your shaft a little faster and gave your balls some attention as well. Your body twitched a little from how well she was tendering to your manhood and it made you wonder if she’s done this before. With your curiosity growing, you finally decided to ask.

“H-Hey... have you ever done this before Twi?” you asked.

“Well, sort of... there’s this book I’ve read just recently. It’s called “How To Please Your Stallion In Bed. I was a little too embarrassed to try it out, so I never really practiced up until now. ”

“I didn’t even know you had books like that,” you admitted.

“You’d be surprised with what you can find in my library,” she giggled before returning her attention back to your erection. What she did next blew your mind away. She opened up her mouth and took in your length.

“Oh, sweet Celestia!” you exclaimed. Twilight only swirled her tongue and sucked the tip of your erect member. Your breathing grew heavy as she took your shaft deeper into her warm mouth. You placed a hand on the back of her head and gently bobbed her head up and down.

Twilight moaned from how gentle you were being with her, especially during her first time. She was starting to get more comfortable with you bobbing her head and then took in more of your erection.

You shuddered and groaned, enjoying the feeling of Twilight’s tongue swirling around your shaft and sucking on it expertly. You made sure to be gentle as you kept your hand on her head. Twilight showed no signs of discomfort and kept bobbing her head on your shaft. She began to pick up speed and sucked on your member more hungerly.

“Oh T-Twi...! T-That’s a-amazing...!” you moaned loudly. Twilight hummed and took in more of your shaft, causing it to reach the back of her throat. You had never gotten a deep-throated blowjob before, but this felt so good you wanted it to last longer.

By this point, you released your grip on Twilight’s head and let her take care of you on her own. She slurped and sucked on your manhood even more. Her amazing skills soon gave you this tingling feeling in your loins. In order to warn her, you tapped her on the head, but you ended up tapping the tip of her horn.

Twilight let out a cute yelp and looked up at you with shock and surprise when you touched her sensitive area. Whether she knew or not, she resumed sucking on your huge shaft and put in extra effort to try and make you cum.

“T-Twilight, stop! I... I’m gonna...” you tried to warn her, but it fell on deaf ears. Twilight didn’t slow down and no one was going to stop her, not even you. She bobbed her head as fast as she could, taking in your shaft as deep as she could.

You groaned loudly and felt our climax hit your hard. Twilight’s cheeks inflated from how much of your seed was squirted inside her mouth. She tried to drink every single drop, but there was too much and so she coughed some of your seed out.

“Are you okay Twi?” you asked reaching over to touch her cheek.

“I… I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting you to release so much. I’m sorry, I should have stopped,” Twilight replied, feeling guilty.

“Hey, it’s alright. That actually felt pretty good,” you said, stroking her cheek. You then kissed her on the forehead, making her giggle cutely. “Twilight, you’re just the cutest bookworm I’ve ever met in my whole life.”

“Me? Cute?” Twilight asked, tilting her head, putting on her best smile, resting her cheek on her shoulder and letting out another cute, girly giggle. You chuckle and grabbed Twilight, making the lavender bookworm yelp as you picked her up bridal style.

You carried her to her bed and laid her down gently. Looking down at her you leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss on her muzzle. Twilight responded in kind, wrapping her arms around your neck again to pull you deeper into the kiss. You could taste your release as you began tongue battling with Twilight, but it didn’t matter to you.

Reaching up, you grabbed both of her supple breasts, causing Twilight to let out a squeak. You gently groped and moved them around in opposite circles. She moaned softly, placing a finger to her mouth with an adorable blush coating her face.

“T-That feels nice...” she sighed, enjoying how well you’re treating her. You smiled and gave her breasts another squeeze before leaning down to capture one of her dark purple nipples. Twilight gasped in ecstacy and glanced at you with one eye and her usual blushing smile.

As you gently began to suck on the nipple in your mouth, you pinched and rolled the other one with your thumb and index finger. After letting out another gasp, Twilight began giggling.

“H-Hey, that t-tickles...!” she giggled, then moaned loudly. Of course, this just amused you and you continued your work. “Mmm, but it feels so... good! Keep going, Beau!” she encouraged.

With that, you toned down on sucking and instead began to pinch her nipple with your teeth. Twilight bit her lip as she felt you slightly tug on her breasts a few times before going back to sucking.

Twilight wrapped her hands around your head and caressed the hairs on your head. Her breathing grew just as heavy as yours when she first gave you that blowjob. Leaning down, she kissed your head as you switched to suck on her other breast. Twilight wrapped her legs around your legs and used her wings at a blanket to cover your upper body.

Pinching Twilight’s nipple a few more times, you gave it a kiss before moving away from her breast. Looking downwards to her bottom bikini, you took notice of the wet spot in the middle. You looked up at Twilight, she nods, giving you the reassurance to proceed.

Grabbing her bottom bikini, you lifted it up off her legs and dropped it to the side. You gazed down at Twilight dripping flower, licking your lips hungrily from the sight.

You leaned down and licked her wet pussy lips, which caused Twilight to gasp sharply.

“Oh, sweet Celestia, Beau! Yes! Eat me, please!” she begged. Smiling you thrust your tongue in and out of her walls, slurping her juices as you did so. If you had to guess, Twilight tasted like a delicious strawberry sundae. Nice and sweet, just how you liked it.

You got a bit creative and licked her pussy as if you were spelling out each word in the alphabet, but then got a really intense moan from Twilight when you hit “G.” You licked that same letter over and over again.

Twilight moaned in ecstasy as you continued your assault on her marehood. There was quite a difference between reading about sexual activity and actually doing it. However the real fun... still has yet to begin.

Moving to her clit, you give it the same treatment as you had gave her nipples and begin to suck lightly. Twilight was beginning to lose it and almost felt like climaxing. Biting her finger, it took all her strength to resist giving in so early.

Having given her clit enough attention, you dove your tongue back inside Twilight’s pussy and licked up the juices leaking out of her inner walls. Twilight panted heavily as it was becoming more difficult to prolong her climax.

The moment you returned to sucking on her clit, she couldn’t take the immense pleasure anymore. With a loud moan, she gave in and sprayed your face with her nectar. Licking what she had offered, you found that the juices tasted even sweeter than before. You drank as much as you could while some of her honey leaked out through your cheeks.

Once you had cleaned all the juices off your face, you looked down at Twilight who of course was still sweating and panting.

“Oh wow... that felt... so good, Beau...” Twilight said between breaths. You captured her lips again, wiping the sweat off of her face as you did so. Since she was out of breath, you decided not to add any tongue wrestling. Just a nice, passionate kiss.

Once you had pulled away you rolled over so you could lay beside your new lover. You and Twilight both know the fun wasn’t over yet, but a small break wouldn’t hurt. The lavender alicorn put her head on your chest and began to draw circles in a slow motion.

“Despite all that I’ve read about... you know... sex, I’ve... never done it before,” Twilight admitted. Of course, the confession wasn’t anything to ashamed of.

“I had a feeling you’d say that and you’re not the only one who’s a virgin,” you replied. “And if you want, you can take the lead and be on top,” you said stroking the top of her mane.

“That... might help...” she replied.

Getting into position, Twilight moved so that she was standing over you with her marehood level with your shaft. She bit her lip as she slowly lowered herself, allowing your manhood to ease into her walls. This continued ever so slowly, until you came to... her hymen.

“R-Remember what I said before, i-if you have sex with an alicorn... you will gain immortality,” she reminded as your penis poked her barrier. “Are... Are you sure you want to proceed?”

“Twilight, I love you more than anything in the world. I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t sure about it. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what,” you promised, giving her a nod. In fact, the thought of being able to spend eternity with the love of your life brought you joy unlike any other.

“I-I... I love you too Beau...” she said as more tears appeared. With no more doubts, she sank all the way down on your member, allowing it to break her hymen. Twilight shut her eyes from the sharp pain and threw her head back, unable to suppress the moan that followed.

“S-Sweet Celestia... w-we got it in...” she muttered, managing to crack a small smile despite the pain. Watching blood come out of her marehood, you held both of her hands to show her she has your full support. Twilight took the time to get used to this new feeling.

Once the pain had subsided, Twilight began moving her hips up and down while keep her hands on your bare chest. She moaned blissfully, her breathing was steady and you were groaning from her tight entrance. While her insides did feel soft and warm, they kept quite a grip on your shaft.

“Oh jeez, you’re so tight!” you groaned.

“I... I can’t help it... this is my first time... and it feels so good!” she screamed. She then gave a rather rough slam on your member in a desperate attempt to loosen her marehood for you.

“Mmmph! Easy Twilight, you’re not the only one who’s just lost his virginity!” you grunted. She giggled and started grinding her hips on yours. Twilight’s moaning grew more erotic and her wings flapped beautifully. Her horn also began to glow slightly.

“Mmm, I’m sorry, Beau... but, you’re just so... big and... hard,” Twilight said in a sultry growl. “I feel like I could ride you for centuries.”

You watched as her innocent, blushing smile turned into a hot, seductive smirk. She leans down a bit and pins her breasts onto your bare chest. Her hands locked onto your wrists and pinned them onto the pillow and slammed her pussy down on your cock harder and faster.

“Oh sweet Celestia, this feels good!” you moaned, throwing your head back. Twilight giggled seductively and leaned in closer to you until her nose touched your nose.

“Relax and let your princess give you some sugar,” Twilight commanded seductively. She then brought her lips with yours, pinning down your tongue with hers. She still slammed her hips down onto your hips, squeezing your shaft with her tight inner walls. You’ve never seen Twilight act so aggressive before.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you Twi... but I like it,” you said, before you locked lips with her again. She released her grip on your wrists, allowing you to caress her gorgeous body. Twilight laid on top of you completely, still ramming her marehood down on your manhood. She let out lewd moans and wet slaps from her pussy.

Your attention on her body started with her wings, causing the lavender cutie to gasp. Her whole body shuddered in ecstacy, almost losing control over you. You soon moved to her breasts, squeezing and pinching on her nipples and noticing how hard they’ve become. Twilight pulled her lips away from yours and shot her head up, moaning loudly.

“Oh yes! More! Play with my breasts more, Beau!” Twilight moaned loudly and you did what she asked. She could feel her control over you start to slip away. From her perspective, that was something that had to change. Being the one in charge felt too good for her to let it slip by. She was the dominant one and she wanted to stay that way until she makes you climax.

With a devious smile, Twilight raised her hips and gave you a hard slam, causing you to shutter and release her breasts. Seeing the effect, she repeated her action, only with more force. You grunted in pain, but enjoyed the treatment you were getting. Twilight kept slamming her hips down on you repeatedly, emitting low, erotic growls.

Soon, you felt the pressure in your loins building up. You grabbed Twilight’s hand, getting her attention.

“T-Twilight! I... I’m gonna...!” you moaned. Twilight plunges back down and grabs your face, locking lips with you and putting more speed into her erotic riding.

“Y-You’d b-better... hold on a little l-longer... Beau...!” she demanded with that seductive tone. You nodded, trying your hardest to hold in your climax for the mare you adored more than anything else.

It wasn’t long before Twilight could feel her own orgasm about to explode. You could tell judging by how quick her riding and breathing was becoming. She lifts you up with her magic, bringing you in a hug-fuck position. You and Twilight held onto each other and thrusted your hips together, ready to explode.

“I-I c-can feel y-you getting... t-tighter around me Twi...!” you grunted. You reached down to grab one of her butt cheeks, trying your hardest not to climax.

“I... I can feel you getting bigger! Y-Your cock is... expanding inside of me!” Twilight screamed. “J-Just a little longer Beau... D-Don’t cum y-yet!”

You bite onto your lip, trying to hold prolong your release. Twilight was doing her best to last at least 10 more seconds. Finally it was too much for either of you.

“I-I can’t hold it a-anymore Twilight! I’m gonna...!”

“M-Me too...!” she screamed. “Inside Beau, inside!”

Soon enough, you and Twilight reached your limits and your climaxes exploded heavily. Her nectar sprayed all over your crotch and her bed sheets. As for you, you felt your seed exploding deep inside of Twilight’s pussy, overflowing her womb. You groaned loudly as Twilight screamed from the top of her lungs as she was filled to the brim with your hot seed.

You couldn’t keep your balance and ended up falling on your back with Twilight laying on top of you heavily panting.

“Sweet... Celestia... that was... intense...” you said between breaths.

“It’s been a while since... I felt so good...” Twilight just as exhausted. While she calmed down, Twilight nuzzled into your chest, cuddling with you like you were her big, cuddly teddy bear.

“I still can’t believe... I mated... and fell in love with... the most beautiful alicorn ever,” you panted.

“And this alicorn princess is very happy,” Twilight said softly as she kissed your cheek.

You and Twilight laid there in silence until a thought popped in your head. “Hey, Twilight.”

“Hmm?” she asked.

“Is it possible that you might end up pregnant from someone of a different species?” you asked.

Twilight looked at her hand, as she considered the question. “Well you’re the first human to set foot in this world, so only time will tell,” she said as she put a hand on her belly.

“You released quite a bit of sperm into my womb. Frankly, I have no doubt that you would make a wonderful father. After all... You’ve already proven to me that you’re a wonderful lover,” she cooed, making you blush.

“Thanks, Twilight. I love you so much,” you said.

“I love you, too, Beau,” she replied and rested her head against your chest. Feeling you softly brush her hair and ears only encouraged her to go to sleep.

You felt your body getting tired and soon, you slowly fell asleep, snuggling with the most beautiful alicorn princess you now hold dearly. Who knows, if she does end up getting pregnant, then you’ll devote all of your time and energy into caring for your child.