Equestria's Garden

by PinkiePieFox

First published

What happens in Equestria when I buy a new Birdbath for my flower garden?

“I’ve been in the land of Equestria for a few months now, and I have seen some of the most mind-boggling things one can ever imagine seeing. When I’d managed to finish that birdbath a few days ago, I have never, not even in my wildest dreams—not in a million lifetimes—would I ever seen an alicorn floating around inside of it.”

(Because of popular demand this story has been placed on the incomplete list, also Chapter titles and name has been edited to better represent the story. Thanks to Jakomi of the Rose for the name suggestion.)


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“I’ve been in the land of Equestria for a few months now, and I have seen some of the most mind-boggling things one can ever imagine seeing. When I’d managed to finish that birdbath a few days ago, I have never, not even in my wildest dreams—not in a million lifetimes—would I ever seen an alicorn floating around inside of it.”

The human pondered this as he sat on a small wooden swing on his back porch, looking out over his flower garden. He stared, with a hot mug of coffee in his hands as the morning sun peeks up over the mountains.

“Good morning, Twilight,” I spoke with mild amusement, causing the little purple pony to jerk slightly. Her wings fluttered lightly with the instinctual reflex of being caught. Her head slowly turned to me and she smiled broadly, giving a half-hearted chuckle.

“O-oh, hey! I didn't think you would be up.”

I watched Twilight; after three months here in this very strange land I’ve learned a bit of pony body language. It was weird at first, being rubbed on and nuzzled at very awkward times, but I got used to it. After some research (pestering some friends), I figured out what friendly and unfriendly gestures were when they appeared.

“Not to worry, Twilight, I normally get up around this time of day anyway. It’s when the morning pegasi come in. I find it relaxing to just sit and watch,” I said simply before taking a sip of my morning coffee.

Twilight gives me a quizzical look before making her question known. “Morning pegasi?” Twilight asked just as she heard the flapping of wings.

“Oh, here they come now,” I spoke as we looked up to see two ponies coming down and landing within the overly large birdbath.

You know, when I ordered a birdbath for the flower garden and it said ‘pegasi bath’ instead, I should have figured something was up, but noooo. Then when the mail mare delivered it to my house in a box larger than she was by three extra feet, I should have figured something was odd about it. No, it took two days and catching pegasi sitting in the middle of it singing with flowers in her mane to figure it out.


I walked out to the back porch and found a pegasus in my birdbath…. She stared at me, and I stared back at her, this went on for several minutes until the shock wore off for me.

“Fluttershy, why are you in my birdbath?” I asked

She had a deep blush before finally speaking in a whisper I barely heard, I would not have heard it at all, if not for it being so early in the morning. “I-It’s a pegasi bath,” she squeaked out.


And that was when everything fell into place. I didn't order a birdbath at all…. I ordered a pony bath, more specify a bath for the avian variety known as pegasi.

“Oh hey Twilight, it’s nice to see you out; how's the water?” A cyan pegasus says in a gruff voice as she landed upon the edge of the bath and dips a hoof in. “Ooo nice temperature,” she said before looking up at me. “Hey, dude!” I lifted my coffee up to her in greeting while a grey mare landed on the ground nearby stumbling slightly but catching herself before she crashed into the flower bed. She came over and gently placed her hooves on the edge before giving a little hop and slipping into the bath with a sigh.

The grey pegasus looked over to me and gave a very energetic wave causing me to smile as her eyes shift around within their sockets. They all chat for a while as I watch them, Twilight seemed quite embarrassed until Rainbow mentioned it was instinct and that she should just enjoy it. I also told her I didn't mind and she could come by and swim or whatever anytime, that seemed to relax the small alicorn greatly.

It was about thirty minutes later that they all left the small bath, having to get to work and Twilight, I figured, was still a little embarrassed about the ordeal. After some splashing and diving under and coming up fluttering their wings Dash got out and shook kinda like a dog before taking her leave. It was, and still is, quite a sight.

To this day I’m still not sure if I should be watching this, but I find it relaxing and nopony seemed to mind; after all, it is my bath they are using…

After they all left and no more pegasus showed up, I took my leave and got ready for the day; I had to get to work.


“I’ve been in the land of Equestria for a few months now, and I have seen some of the most mind-boggling things one can ever imagine seeing. When I’d managed to finish that birdbath a few days ago, I have never, not even in my wildest dreams—not in a million lifetimes—would I ever seen an alicorn floating around inside of it.”

I stood upon the back porch looking out into a beautiful sunset, a light covering of stars, a darkening sky with small pinpricks of light starting to shine in the encroaching darkness, the beautiful mix of flowers gently shifting with the wind. A large white pony stared at me with a very wide grin on its face; I thought I’d seen everything this world had to offer, shame on me for ever thinking such things. “Enjoying your evening bath, Celestia?” I said with a slight smile as I take a sip from the mug of freshly brewed coffee I held within my hand.

She gives a nervous chuckle before clearing her throat. “Um, yes, it’s quite nice.”

Will O Wisps (slightly edited)

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I find ponies… strange. I say strange because I lack the proper way to describe it. Buy a birdbath and Pegasi and Alicorns show up and take a swim in it. I did not really know what to think of this development; at the time, but it did not bother me; I did want flying creatures to have a reason to come around my flower garden after all… And they did, and still do but that is not entirely the end of it.

Work happened to be slow one day and I asked to go home early; which was granted. when I got home I did the normal, wash up, change, and brew my coffee. “Ah, sweet nectar of life,” I said as I looked out my back window at all the beautiful flowers, the mix of colors, the one that looks kinda like a pony's butt, that other one that…. Wait a moment… backtracking over to my roses I saw a pony, an earth pony pawing? Sure I'll go with that, she appeared to be pawing at the dirt and walking around, checking the flowers and just bending over looking at the flowers… I just stood there a little baffled and not entirely knowing what to think, so I just took a sip of my coffee.

“Just roll with it.” I said to myself watching as two other earth pony’s came into the picture, they spoke to one another, one had a lime green mane and tail I could see from where I was inside the house. The ponies seemed to spread out through the garden one sticking near the roses as the other two went off to paw at the ground around the other flowers. One of them would at times stick their head down below the flowers with their but up in the air. “This is just weird.”

The three ponies left before the time for when I was supposed to arrive back home for the day, I kinda wonder how long this has been happening for honestly.

“Plant a garden they said; maybe put a birdbath in they said. I have a feeling I’m being used.” I mumble to myself as I drain the last bit of coffee from my cup and place the mug within the sink.

After that day I had my hours at work changed around a bit, I now get home two hours before when I used to arrive home; I could now watch as, not just the same three ponies but, at one point Apple Bloom came over and would wonder around the flowers and after a while I would see her sticking her head below the flowers and shaking her rump in the air just like the ponies the other day, and then paw at the dirt with her hooves. “strange.” I said but what’s not strange anymore?

Apple Bloom left about thirty minutes later, heading home I presumed, the flower ponies I first saw did not show up today, but the Pegasi did, Rainbow and a Grey pegasus along with two light lavender ponies, I went out and sit with them for a while, they just had a chat and did general pegasus stuff. Flitter and Cloud Chaser I think two of them were named, they were adorable paddling around in the bath like swans on a lake while the grey pegasus seemingly stood guard over them. He seemed to fluff out his chest and spread his wings when I came out back on the porch with my coffee.
“What are you doing?” I ask in puzzlement.

I stood there and watched them all. Rainbow rolled her eyes and shoved the grey male pegasus with a hoof making him give a near girlish squeal as he scrambled to stay on the edge of the bath causing me to smile slightly. Rainbow then whispered in the gray ones ear causing him to look back and forth between Rainbow and me before coughing into his hoof. “Oh um, sorry about that I was.” clears throat. “Protecting my mares; you know?” he chuckles.

“No problem,” I spoke to them as I sit and drank my coffee. The pegasi seemed to all relax more after my acceptance of them and knowing I would not randomly attack them or something.

I let out a yawn as I went downstairs to get some water, it was well after midnight; the insects were singing in the night and I could see little lights floating around outside in the garden; I seen a figure swimming around within the bath and decided to get some fresh air.

As I went outside the figure turn to me as I leaned up agent a post on the porch just looking at her. “Sup?” The figure blinked before speaking in a rather strange voice.

“hello?” she said.

“Nice night huh?”

“Yes, it is.” The figure turned its slitted eyes towards me blinking her emerald orbs as she stared. “What are you?”

“Human,” I stated simply taking a drink of water.

There was a long silence; the insects even seemed to stop singing their songs into the night. “Are you not afraid of me?”

“Nah,” I say nonchalantly. “This is not the first time I've seen something different in my garden, most likely won’t be the last either,” I said with a shrug. “Stay around as long as you like.” I inclined.

“Hmm, very well, I believe we will, this seems like a nice place to settle down, everything feels so… lovely.” Some of the insects come back, the sound is quite nice in the dark night air.

“Please, be my guests, make yourself at home.” I let out another yawn smacking my lips as little blue lights appear throughout the gardens flowers.

“Thank you, I believe we will.” The insect songs become louder but more in tune as I turn around.

“Well, I’m off to bed… Good night.” I go back inside the door closing behind me.

Feeder (Slightly edited)

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It has been a day or so since the late night visitor of unknown origin; I had decided to buy me something from the nearby shop which I had hoped would bring in some actual birds this time around. A Birdfeeder!

Nothing can possibly go wrong, nope, nothing… By this point, I am bound and determined to get some sort of normal, non-pony animal to hang around my garden if it kills me. Now, not to say it's not entertaining watching herds of pegasi or random Earth ponies showing up out of nowhere and doing…. Whatever they were doing with their buts in the air… I was just hoping for some songbirds or something….So yes a birdfeeder!

Well, I got home that day and found a little grey pegasus mare sitting on my front porch with a clipboard with a parchment attached to it and a pen. I took the pen and wrote my name down upon the parchment before she give it a critical look and smiled with a nod and few off.

I went inside to make my nightly coffee when another knock came to the door. I opened to door to find two strong looking earth pony with a box so large it took both to carry it. They came inside and sit the box down. I made to say something, but the earth ponies interrupted by telling me to have a nice day and left.

“This is not a bird feeder…..” I said to myself looking at the box that was as tall as me laying on the floor.

I was wrong; so very wrong. It was a bird feeder; it was just a very big bird feeder! And it took me the better part of two days to put it into place. It hung from what looked like a telephone pole and came with the first shipment of seed I’d need. After putting the seed into the feeder, I went inside for the night. I figured the birds would show up tomorrow morning.

That night the sound of insects could be heard through the open window of my bedroom; it was quite pleasant and lulled me to a peaceful sleep.

That was the best sleep I had in a long time I must admit, and after making my coffee and stepping out the back door to my home I seen a pegasus floating around in the bath, but she flew off as soon as she had spotted me. I looked over at the bird feeder with a smile and a slightly scrunched forehead.

“Sup!” I raised my coffee

“YO!” Came the voice.

I just stood there and took a drink of my coffee. “So uh, you're new.”

A rustling sound from a new creature as they stuck their head into the bird feeder and eat some of the seed in there and then pulling back out looking at me before swallowing. “Yeah, I’m new in town, just dropped by to see Dash. Then totally seen the cool digs and dropped in for a bite, really digging the hole theme you got going here.”

I rubbed my forehead. “So you're one of Dashes friends?” I asked though the sounds of crushing birdseed.

Pulling her head out from the inside of the feeder, her cheeks bulging out full of seed and cocking her head to the side slightly before swallowing. “Yeah! names Gilda! Coolest Gryphen around!” She puffs her chest out and strikes an impressive pose.

“Gryphon's; I should have known.” I thought to myself with a smirk and a shake of my head. “Well, make yourself at home I guess.

“Thanks, dude, you know you're pretty cool,” she stated before I nodded and turned to go back into the house she replayed again. “Nice place other than that Ant Hill, though.”

“Ant Hill?” I turned around and she pointed over her shoulder to the corner of my property, a large mound of dirt piled taller than me stood at the far end of the yard. “How did I not see that?” I told Gilda thanks for the heads up and walked through the garden to a small shaded area under a large oak tree.

I took a drink of my coffee just looking at the large mound of dirt before reaching up and knocking on the side of the mound. I heard a buzzing and stepped back away from it thinking it might be a massive hornets nest or something, I was not expecting a reply.

“Who is it?”


“I’m sorry we don't know any Umm’s, you must have the wrong hive please try the everfree forest.”

There was a long pause. “Ok, no, this is my land what's-”

“OH!” A small black head popped out of the top of the mound, it had a small horn on its head and large blue eyes. “it's you! Thanks for the place to stay, the hive thanks you for your help in relocating!”

You know, after all this time, I really didn't think I’d be seeing anything new happen, but this made my brain shut down. “What?” I said staring at the strange pony, bug thing.

“Well, we came the other night, and our Queen spoke with you,” it tilted its head to the side. “Oh dont tell me we landed in the wrong place, The Queen will be furiosus!”

“Wait, I...The other night?” he remembers back to the night when the unknown figure was in the bath and then remembers some of what he said in his tired state; and how it could be misconstrued as a welcome to stay forever. He slapped his hand over his face. “You know what, yes… okay, just do me a favor!”

The little creature nodded its head at me and I went on.

“Could you make this.” I wave my hand at the large mound of dirt in the corner of my hard. “Not! look like a giant pile of, well dirt?” I really wanted to say something else, but I held back, and just drank what was left of my now cold coffee with a grimace.

There were a buzzing and a few clicking sounds before the creature shifted its eyes to the side and then back to me before nodding. “We can do that.” It then disappeared back down the hole where it came from. I let out a sigh and went back inside, I had to get ready for work.

I had dragged myself home that night, I was so tired, but I was hearing sounds coming from the back yard and just had to take a look. The mound was gone, that was a good thing. in its place was a large square platform with a figure standing atop it. I went out and stood next to the bath.

“I’m not one for exterior design, but I think you could have done better with your choice of a garden statue; Changeling Queens are so overrated.” I jumped at the sound of the voice, sloshing my coffee in the flower bed as I looked over into two large eyes with a starfield surrounding it. She gives me a kind smile and I sighed

“Hi, Luna.”

Dear Resident

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Dear Resident of Equestria:

We humbly inform you that application 123-431-B and 321-134-A, along with your application for ownership of land rights 444-56-C though 777-56-F have been approved.

Under Neutrality act of 353 ANMM (AfterNightMareMoon) with accordance to sections 123-431-B and 321-134-A, Ambassadorial status has been approved under the agreement of five or more species of Equestria have visited or lived upon Non-governmental la…
“Huh?” That’s about all my brain could translate at the moment, I didn't really know what was happening; all I know is I was awoken at the break of dawn by a Royal Messenger that asked for the owner of the residence.

“Are you the owner of this residence?” He then spouted out my address, street name and everything else that told me where I lived.

“Uh- yeah, yeah that would be me,” I said while wiping the sleep from my eyes. He then hoofed me a manila envelope and before I could shut the door several other guards wearing golden armor came into my house, and I had no idea what was going on. They all brought in what looked like crates of... Celestia knows what before marching out, leaving me trapped in the corner of my living room. It took me half an hour to get to the kitchen where I could finally sit down with the envelope in hand and three stacks of legal papers that stood all of eight inches high… each.

I decided to start with the manila envelope hoping that it would help me understand what just happened little over half an hour ago. It didn't. It was so full of legal jargon that it left my head spinning. The only thought I had been. “Am I being sued?” but that can't be right because... well... I just looked over at the large wooden crates. “It's too early for this,” I said to myself starting my coffee pot and putting in and the extra strong blend. I felt like I'm going to need it.

After getting my extra strength coffee, in my extra large mug that had the words ‘#1 Princess’ on the side; hey don't laugh it's the only one they had in that size; interestingly enough it would change colors from white to dark blue when it got dark out and the sun would turn to a crescent moon and vice versa; and as of right now it was a nice crisp white color and had a yellow sun emblazoned on its side.

Well after I got my coffee I made my way out back to the garden. I really did not want to deal with what was inside at the moment. I took a long draw from my coffee before spotting a pony, waving their butt in the air just like the other day. I just rubbed my forehead with my free hand and made my way around the flower beds.

“Harvest what are you doing?”

“Eep!” came the reply from the pony as I took another sip of coffee. She turned to face me with a large smile on her face. “Oh, um just pollinating?” she sat on her haunches not meeting my eyes.

“Pollinating?” I inquired.

“Yes.” She nodded in now looking up at me, I could see a light blush on her muzzle.

I bring my cup up to my mouth before deciding to speak. “Care to elaborate on that?”

“Oh… OH! Right, you wouldn't know”

“Know what?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, you see, Earth Ponies are very good at growing things, and most of them grow a garden of some sort.” I nod as she goes on explaining. “Well as Earth Ponies grow their own gardens they collect pollen in their tails just by being around plants.” She turns showing me her butt, awkward.
“They then use this pollen and spread them other plants and gather pollen from the flowers to take back to their gardens to help them grow stronger and better plants of their own.”

“Huh! That oddly makes sense” I look back down at her as she fidgets slightly before I said, “Don't forget the Petunias if you would.” I turned and began walking back to the house.

“Oh, of course!” Harvest spoke before trotting off to the other side of the flower patch.

I paused next to the Pegasus bath seeing that the water levels were getting low. “I’m gonna have-” but I never got to finish that thought as a downpour of water from above decided to drown me where I stood, most of it flowing into the bath. I just stood there, with my coffee overflowing and my hair plastered to my face.

“Uh, are you gonna move?”

I sigh when I hear the voice, before speaking. “No Rainbow, I needed a bath anyway,” I state sarcastically.

“Oh…. Well okay then.” she said as if happy she could help and went back up making it rain harder.


Oh, dear sweet Celestia am I glad it's the weekend, because if it wasn't, I think I might have pulled my hair out. After coming inside from my Rainbow shower…. shush it's not funny. I remembered that I could not get through my living room, which kinda connects the rest of the house to the kitchen. So now, here I am, damp, sitting naked in at my kitchen table, shuffling through paperwork while on my third cup of coffee of the day and it's only eleven.

From what I could make out of it, Princess Twilight Sparkle found some obscure law and decided to try it out, but she didn't know how to do it for herself, so she just sighed me up for it. Well, apparently an inspector came in at some point while I was at work and checked over my property. They then spoke with the ponies around town and the heads of households living on the land and after that deemed it worthy of admittance into the neutral land act of 353 ANNM. Apparently, my property was so popular with the locals and with having so many different species living on or coming and going at all times of the day and night, it was just for the best. I apparently have also been appointed an Ambassador of Equestria to its ponies and creatures therein.

But that’s not even the real kicker… Apparently after all of that, the royalty, meaning the Princesses, have granted me the title of a land-ruler and ‘donated’ around seven hundred acres of land into my possession. I say 'donated' because at first it seemed like I would have to pay taxes on land I never wanted but looking into it more, was quite pleased to find out that my new title of land ruler afforded me multiple perks. Such as not having to pay taxes as so long as I kept the land in a good state; I could have any pony or creature removed from my land and banned if necessary and I was allowed any sentient creatures to have a place of protection when in need.

In which I have apparently already been doing with the Changelings but at the time was more harboring convicted felons than being an asylum for them; In fact, this very morning when the guards showed up was when I was to be carted off; but just before leaving Canterlot, the papers had passed though all measures that they needed to go though and wound up on Celestas desk. That changed the game entirely from never seeing the light of day ever again and rotting in a dungeon to 'Hey! No one can touch you! Oh and here! Have a ton of land and money."

So... Yeah. Apparently the crates that are stacked in my living area are completely full of gold. I’m starting to think this day can't decide if it wants to torture me or make it feel like a holiday. I’m leaning towards laughing at my misfortune, if only because the gold is not technically mine but the lands. Each bit must be accounted for, each transaction. There is also a list of Items that can be obtained with the bits to make the land more acceptable to other species to interact with or live there.

I groan. ‘Make a garden' they said. 'It will help you relax' they said. 'It will give you a hobby' they said. 'There is no possible way it could get you thrown in a dungeon they said.’ “That is the last time I take advice from a farmer, a yellow butterfly, a purple book and a pink sugar pony. I’ll let your imaginations fill in who said what.

“Knock knock knock.”

“IT'S OPEN!” I yelled through my house and then said in a much quieter voice. “If you can get in.”
I heard the door to my living room open only to hit something hard. “Something's blocking the door.” I heard the voice say, I couldn't help but chuckle; somehow the guards had managed to put one of the crates behind the living room door, but still managed to leave though it when they left. I honestly have no idea.

“I know the feeling!” I yelled back

“Where are you?” Came the voice again.

“In my house,” I answered.

The voice let out a sigh, I couldn't help but smile. I have had a roller coaster of a morning and I was not passing up this moment.

“Where in the house?”

“Oh, I’m in the kitchen.” Moments later there was a bright lavender flash and a purple alicorn appeared standing next to the sink. “Oh, hey Twilight; I didn't know you would be dropping by. Thanks for keeping me out of jail, by the way, and oh! Before I forget. Why is my property part of the Neutrality Act of 353?” Giving her a stern look as I asked.

Twilight just give a wider than normal grin, her ears flattening to the back of her head as she bit her lower lip. “Um, Surprise?”

From out of the oven a pink pony popped her head out. “Surprise where?!”

I look at the clock before placing my forehead on the kitchen table while thinking to myself. ‘Today has been a long day, and it's only Noon.’

Losing my mind?

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“So how long have we been walking?”

“About an hour.”

“Okay stop. Show me the map. Where are we?”

“Here.” She points with her hoof.

“And where is my home?” I ask causing her to point again back an inch from where he pointed before.

“And where is the edge of my property?”

She drags her hoof to the top of the paper. I turn around and start walking.

“Hey wait! Where are you going?”


"But I thought you wanted to see how much land you had.”

"I did, One hour of walking worth is one inch on paper, times that by twelve hours squared I think I got how big it is….
Thanks.” I say as I walk away.

“Oh…… Wait no. That’s not all of it!” I stop in my stride and turn back to Twilight.

“What do you mean? NOT all of it?

She smiles “Well… When I filled out the papers for the Neutrality act of 353 I filled out all the sections 444-56-C though 777-56-F.”

I look at Twilight with a slightly raised eyebrow and wave my hand for her to go on. Thankfully she did. “444-56-C helps ownership of the base land, which is what you see here.” I nod. “ Well 444-56-D allows for subterranean land ownership and 444-56-E allows for aerial space…..” I cut her off there.

“Twilight. Hold up just one second. Are you telling me I own the sky?”

“Um... Yes.”

I stare at her for a long moment, before waving my arms around. “And what pray tell, am I going to put in the sky Twilight?”

Twilight just looks at me quizzically before replying in an even more questioning tone. “A playground?”

still staring at her with the most un-amused and neutral face in the world before replying to that sarcastic remark with one of my own. “Sure! Why didn't I think of that!? Tell you what Twilight, why don't you take, oh say...” I point at a random dot on the paper. “ That dot right there, to its deepest depths to its highest sky.” I gesture wildly from the ground up into the sky blue above us. “And make a playground there, and when you're done tell me.” I huff and march away.

“Okay….” She says looking down at the parchment being held in her magic. “Wait how much should we spend on this?!” She asks loudly, but I keep walking and she shrugs. “Guess we'll talk about price later.”

An hour later we were finally made it back to my house while Twilight still rambled on about all the land. “And any excavation or mining operations that turn up valuables you will take an eighty….” This is when a little purple dragon showed up yelling “Twilight! TWILIGHT! Come quick! You have got to see this!” hearing that made me die a little on the inside, if anything because he came from the direction of my house.

We picked up the pace, moving quickly until we stopped at the edge of my, well the edge of what was my original property line. There was a bunch of Pegasi flying around, Unicorns staring and a bunch of Earth Ponies trailing what looked like stone mining carts across my backyard and flower garden to my house where it was lifted by the Unicorns' green magic before a tide of rainbow colored objects were tossed into the back door of my home.

“What is GOING ON HERE?!” I yelled looking at one of my flower patches that were completely destroyed; I felt my eye twitch. “My… Petunias!” I forced out between gritted teeth.

There is a slight cough causing me to turn and look down a Unicorn pony. “Yes well, our Queen managed to get through the paperwork we procured when neutrality act went, though. She found it quite acceptable and has gathered up the riches owed to you over the last night cycle. We decided to bring half of what we owe to your residents and keep the rest in a vault created when digging out a gem enriched chamber.” At this moment, Twilight said something about not having to worry about paying for a playground but I didn't hear. The little unicorn blinked up at me, but I just stared at him before turning to look at my home apparently now just a massive bank vault. The unicorn coughs once more as I watched another three earth ponies walk out from behind the stone statue in the corner of the yard before looking back at the unicorn. “Anyway, our queen has asked if she might procure rights to another fifty acres of suburban land to the east and south of here?”

That snaps me out of my thoughts. “Wait, Queen? Queen, OH! You are one of those fellows that… I was wondering about that.”

“We’re Changelings, sir.” This got a jump out of Twilight

“C-Changelings?” Twilight stared at the disguised Unicorn.

“B-but you're convicted felons!!!” she all but screamed at the poor creature who lowered its ears.

“Maybe in Equestria, but here we have asked for asylum that was granted to us by the Shepherd.”

“Shepherd?” Twilight and I ask in unison. To which the unicorn pointed at me with a hoof.

Sure, Shepherd, why not; I do kinda have a bunch of ponies running around on vast amounts of land…. Makes since…. “Yeah alright…” My brain had shut down at this point and was slowly rebooting it took it a few seconds. “ALRIGHT! Twilight deal with the land thing for me you have a better grasp on it than I do.”

Twilight looked a little nervous but nodded her head before looking over the paperwork.

An hour or so later, I had to get the Changelings to stop bringing me money, since I literally, could no longer get into my home at this point. The person that says you can never have too much money hasn't been locked out of their house because it was full of money. I was sitting on the back porch looking out at the multitude of ponies, mostly Earth Ponies, fixing the flower beds that was wrecked and a little drooling baby dragon just standing next to the porch and staring at a large pile of gemstones that was dumped out on said porch because there was no longer any more space in my house for them.

But I had bigger concerns like. “Where am I going to sleep tonight?" I’m not even sure anymore honestly. I let out a groan.

“Hey, um, c-can I have some of them?”

I look up from behind my hands as they were firmly attached to my face to look at the little dragon known as Spike who was now looking up at me with the biggest doe eyes I’ve ever seen in my life and I’ve had a stare down with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I lost that battle, but won the next when they tried again! I didn't need that fence anyway.

“Sure, take whatever you want off the porch.” I said to him and he got the happiest little face I’ve ever seen, it made my heart swells slightly at the sight of it; right up until the point where he took the biggest gemstone from the pile and chomped into as if it was little more than rock candy, this act alone threatened to break what little I had left of my sanity.

As the sun was starting to lower in the sky and with the bath having more Pegasi in it then it probably should have at any one time, Twilight decided to return and explain the details of the subterranean Changeling domicile.
“Well, it would appear you have permanent residence living under your house now. Also, I’ve granted them the land they wanted; well not all of it, they wanted the land to the east but the we-” Crunch! Snap! Creak! “to the wes…” More breaking and sounds of general enjoyment. “I’ve also decided it would be a good idea to plant a small woode….” Creeek, snap, CRASH!

All was silent for a moment as I let out a heavy sigh. That last crash was not from a baby dragon. That was from the support beams holding my upstairs floor up snapping, causing the entire second floor to give way to under the thousands of pounds of pressure upon them causing gemstones to rain down into the lower levels of my house.
I’m beginning to think being locked in a dungeon might have been the better alternative here.

Chapter 6

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I was watering the flowers behind my little home when I heard the flapping of wings and the clopping of hooves behind me on the newly-installed gemstone pathways I had installed in my backyard area. HEY! I had to do something with some of the gemstones!

“Hello, Shepard,” Celestia's motherly voice rang out

“Hello, ‘Tia,” I say, turning around and holding a watering can in one hand and my Princess Mug in the other. The mug itself was slowly changing from its white coloration to a darker blue color as the sun was being lowered.

Celestia placed a hoof over her muzzle trying to contain a giggle behind it. “Is that your new title now Shepard? My, I’ve never seen you as being the feminine type.”

I gave her a confused look before looking down at the mug and rolling my eyes... “No,” I stated before taking a sip of my thick, rich coffee.“It was just the biggest mug I could find.”

Celestia still smiling, she nods before taking on a more stern face. “Shepard, I wish I could say that I came for a friendly visit.”

“I’m sensing a ‘but’ in there somewhere.”

She smiled. “But.” She paused. “Well you see, the nobles have been worried lately. Prince Blueblood has seemly vanished some days ago, you would not have happened to have seen him would you?”

I look at Celestia for a long moment looking into the half-empty mug of coffee. “You know what? I just might have.”

It's been about a week now. The first two days had been hard on me because I had nowhere to sleep, so Twilight allowed me to stay at one of the guest rooms in her castle. Two days was about all I could stand with a baby dragon following me around all day long. I suspected he wanted me to give him more gems but was too afraid to ask. I figured he had plenty. I had no idea how many gems I did have or how much they are worth, but he had to have put away a hundred thousand bits worth of gems. On the bright side, at least I have a clean back porch now.

Anyway, I told Twilight I was going back home on the third day. I think she expected me to return to the castle, but I hadn’t. Instead, I spoke with the changelings, and for the act of generosity for allowing them to stay within such a love-filled environment, they dug me a room all for myself around fifty feet below the entrance of the hive in my backyard. I have to say it was quite nice. The Queen even came by for a time and we had a nice little chat; got into some history and backstory of her hive, explained why changelings were considered felons in Equestria.

She had said she tried to get help for her ‘lings hundreds of years ago before the neutrality act was established, but was denied by Celestia. Which came as a shock to me, I will have to do some research on the subject later on I think.

On day four Twilight came over with some movers and construction ponies. After about six hours of work, they had successfully hauled all of the gems out of the kitchen. Some of which were used to pay the movers and haulers, along with the construction workers to repair the structural damage to my home. Even with all that, it took twelve heavy, iron-reinforced pony-drawn wagons just to hold what was left of the gems alone.

Twilight had told me not to worry about the wagons of gems and told me she would handle it. I agreed because honestly even with the kitchen cleared I could not use the rest of my house. The living room had crates in it that were, in the end, covered in gemstones.

Oh, I just remembered! I had a cellar I could have slept in… Can you guess what happened when I took a look in the cellar? Yeah, found more bits. NOT gems. Bits, apparently the solar guard that came by ran out of room in the cellar and put the rest in my living room. You know, I’m a little worried that I have too much money now. I mean before I had just made it off my job, which though with everything going on, I kinda forgot that I had a job. I’m pretty sure the Cakes are mad at me now.

I smacked a palm over my face. “You know what? One thing at a time.” I said aloud and slammed the cellar door shut to go back to my kitchen. The ceiling looked nice and was reinforced with thicker wooden beams then before, which made me nod in satisfaction

Following the inspection of the wooden beams, I went about making my daily coffee. After cleaning out my coffee maker—and digging out a gemstone from the percolator—I made some sweet, sweet lifeblood. “I’ve missed you so much coffee,” I said as I took a long draw from my ‘#1 Princess’ mug’. Hey! After a day I was going through withdrawal, alright? I needed my fix.

There came a knock from the door. It was light, almost as if someone was tapping on the back door. I sat my mug down on the counter, resisting the urge to down its entire contents, then opened the door. Immediately, I was swarmed by a wave of colorful fluff taking me off my feet. I let out a very manly squeak of—‘Not the face!’—and was left groaning on the floor, feeling the pain of a headbutt to the crotch... and the sound of cheering and ‘thank you’s?

I looked up, still groaning, to see a bunch of what looked like happy foals jumping around me all chanting ‘thank you’s and ‘yay’s. A small pony bounced up and down on my chest, which I have to admit hurt a bit—with them having hooves and all—but the most of them were fluttering around the room or bouncing off the walls or walking on the ceiling. Okay, that unicorn has to be related to Pinkie.

After I sat up and regained the ability to breathe, I spoke. “Whats going on?”

I heard another voice. “Children, where are you?” An earth pony mare stepped up onto the back porch and looked at me, putting a hoof in front of her muzzle to hide a giggle. Apparently it was funny to have a filly on one's head and being covered in bouncing ponies. “Alright, class settle down.” Spoke the mare.

Upon hearing their teacher, all the little fillies and colts zipped over and stood in front of me. “What’s so exciting?” I asked while standing and patting the dust off my clothing.

There was an explosion of sound as all the little ones begin talking at the same time. I raised a hand up. “Alright, Alright,” I spoke over the mass of voices of the foals assaulting the air, getting them to calm themselves. Eventually, they settled down, and I looked over to the mare standing behind her class. “Miss?”

“Cheerilee,” the mare spoke. “I’m the teacher here in Ponyville's school, and this is my class. Say ‘hello’, children,” she said to which I got a reply of “Hello, Mister Shepard.”

I couldn’t help but to smile at them. “Hello kids,” I said as I took up my mug once more.

One of the little fillies spoke up. “We’re not kids, we’re ponies.”

I had to blink at that before remembering that ‘kids’ were the child equivalent of goats here, I mentally facepalmed and then gasped loudly. “You're not?!” I asked in a playful tone.

The children giggled and some of them replayed with a ‘No’”.

“Well, I had no idea, I guess in my old age my eyesight is going bad on me.” I pulled two a large rounded gemstone off the counter and looked through it. “Oh my, you are right. I see, small, cute little, adorable chickens!”

The children chortled, but one little orange filly with a purple mane pouted, mumbling something about not being a chicken. While a chubby little unicorn colt spoke up saying “You sure are funny, Mister Shepard!”

Miss Cheerilee interrupted at this point. “Alright everypony, we should be getting back to Shepard’s Park.” There was a round of disappointed aww’s at that.

“Wait, Shepard’s Park?” I asked

There are no words to describe the amount of confusion I was feeling at the moment. I have no idea what I was seeing. No, I knew what I was seeing. It’s just that my mind was just having a hard time registering it. A massive open area full of grassy plains, a playground that looked about as big as four of my homes put together sat off to the side with a large pirates boat themed play place, swing set, tetherball, merry go round…. Slide…. You think of something that goes in a playground, it was there. But that was just the normal stuff, high above were clouds, sooo many clouds and they took on shapes of buildings and rings, I think there was an obstacle course in the sky itself. I even saw a rainbow waterfall. I’m pretty sure my mind stopped working at that point

I snapped out of it when I heard a train whistle and looked over to a small station where a miniature train pulled up, fillies and colts were getting off the train and getting on it at the station that it stopped at. Peering into the engine, I saw that there was no conductor, and it appeared to be entirely magic operated. Once the train was full of little children there came a voice over an intercom “Please keep your hooves inside the ride at all time until we reach the subterranean station, and remember! Have fun!” The voice, which sounded a little like Princess Twilight's, had said.

At this point I spotted a large well-crafted sigh that said:

“Welcome to Shepard’s Park”
This park was constructed on the orders of the Shepard so that everyone might partake in its wonders. We hope you have fun, play safe and as always enjoy yourselves.

Donated by the Shepherd
designed by Princess Twilight Sparkle

“Twili…?” That's all I got out before remembering back to a few weeks prior to now; I then smacked myself in the face leaving my hand covering it. “Ow,” I mumbled

I felt a light tug on the hem of my pants leg which caused me to look down. Standing there was a small unicorn filly that had a striking resemblance to Sweetie Belle, except she was a strange green coloration with a greenish- yellow two- toned mane. “Mister Shepherd.” The little filly asked in a sad tone making me take on a concerned look.

“Yes, little filly?”

“We need your help! My friend Dinky felt bad and is wanting to sit next to the honing stones, but some mean stallion keeps running ponies away.”

“Take me to your friend,” I stated

It was a short walk across the park, but we arrived at the slide, I bent down to the little purple filly with a blond mane. “Hey, are you alright Dinky?” I asked placing a palm upon her back.

“My head hurts,” She moaned out, Shepherd could tell she was in distress.

“What can I do to help?” I asked

“She just needs to use the honing stones,” Sun Glimmer, the little filly that came to me for help said. I give her a look that made her roll her eyes and she continued. “Honing stones are used by Unicorns as a way to ground the magic in their bodies; unicorns, especially fillies are susceptible to magical surges and magical buildup, but all unicorns can use the stones. They are really helpful and also feels real relaxing to be near them.” The filly stated, to which I nodded in understanding.

“I see,” I said. I heard another voice from nearby.

“Go away you little brats! This is my area now and nopony is going to come near it.” came a posh voice. I looked up as a fully-grown stallion pushed a small unicorn filly away with a hoof, knocking her to the ground.

I looked back to Sun Glimmer. “You stay here with Dinky,” I said before standing up and walking over towards the direction of the stallion.

“Hello, good sir.” I said walking up to him, my shadow being cast over him as he sat in the middle of six large stones. His horn light up and I found myself moved to the right and sat back down. I narrowed my eyes at the stallion before stepping back to where I was before. “”Excuse me,” I stated

The Stallion snorted through his nose. “Can you not see I am trying to relax here? Bother some other poor sap and move out of the way, you're blocking my warmth.”

“Oh yes I can see that, truly sorry, but I was just going to say that the honing stones are for everypony, you're not allowed to hog them all to yourself.”

The sStallion stood up looking me in the eyes. “Now you listen here,” he looked me up and down. “Ape… Thing,.” he said with disgust. “ I am Prince Blueblood, and I am trying to have a nice day at this new park.” He raised his head high in the air. “And I shall do as I please, do you understand!” The last sentence came as more of a statement than a question.He stated sternly.

I looked at him with a plainplane face for a moment’s time before stating. “You are not welcome here. Leave.” in the plainest voice one could ever muster.

He looked at me with a sternly. “Did you not just hear me?” He asked, “I am Princ-”

“I don't care who you are, you could be Princess Celestia herself. I don’t care, you are not welcome here now get out of my—-” You know, there is a time and a place for everything and at this moment I was thinking something along the lines of. ‘I might be a murderer before the end of this day is up.’ Tas the reason I was cut off from what I was saying was because the stallion before me had turned around, and kicked me in the guts. And holyonly crap did it hurt.

Blueblood flicked his hair as he walked back to the honing stones and laid back down. “Why don't you go back to your trees where you belong, ape.”

I slowly stood to my feet gasping for breath for a moment and coughing while I stumbled away back over to the slide where there were little fillies and colts looking worried. at me as I caught my breath.

“A-are you okay Mister Shepherd?” One of the little fillies asked me as I grit my teeth and took a breath.

“Yeah.” I stood up straight and give a laugh rubbing the back of my head. “”Yeah, I’m okay. Hey, i’ll be right back alright. You all wait right here.” I stated as I jogged away from the foals, after I got out of eyesight I groaned and held my side as I walked home.

After arriving at my back yard, I took a breath a paused still feeling the pain in my ribs from where I got bucked. “This is not over.”

“Prince Blueblood!” a voice called out as he run over to where the stallion was laid in the center of the honing stones. Blueblood huffed.

“Yes guard, what is it now? Can you not see I am relaxing?”

“Yes your Highness, but we just received a letter from Canterlot, the Princess has asked to speak with you immediately.”

Blueblood’s ear twitched. ‘Aunty wants to speak with me?’, “Can she wait? I am quite relaxed.”

“I’m sorry your Highness but she was quite clear that she needed to speak with you immediately.”

Blueblood huffed but stood with a stretch and begin trotting away. “Put yourself to good use and be sure nopony takes my spot while I’m gone. I will return to it later today.” He stated as he made his way.

A little while later Twilight Sparkle was seen flying as fast as she could though the skies heading towards the park, she landed hard enough to cause the ground to crack and looked as if she could burst into flames at any moment. She stomped her way over in the direction of the honing stones. She looked as if she was about to scream as she rounded one of the stones but paused at the slight. Shepherd sat laying up on the side of one of the honing stones a small filly snuggled down in his lap, the filly Dinky was lightly snoring as he gently runs his fingers through her mane.

I looked up at Twilight with a smile while holding my coffee mug which had a dark coloration to it. “Hey,” I said in a quiet and subdued voice so as to not wake the sleeping filly in his lap. Twilight looked around seeing another unicorn filly nearby relaxing, her little tail flicked in her sleep as she lay next to her earth pony friend.

Twilight didn't know what to say or do so she decided it best to just walk in quietly and lay on her belly looking at the little filly in Shepherds lap she let out a little coo.

“You know Twilight, it's times like these that make all the craziness I've been through lately worth it.” he says with a smile, taking a sip from his coffee which now could be seen having twilight's cutie mark on the side of it.

“And that's it really, I went up to him, told him he had to leave and that was the last time I saw him,” I said to Celestia as I sat down the watering can on the porch. “Far as I know he left soon after that,” I said taking a drink of my coffee and looking at Celestia who gave me a look like she knew there was more to it than what I was telling her.

“Very well Shepherd, if you see him?”

“I’ll be sure to send him your way.” I said with a smile; Celestia smiled back and flapped her wings and took off back towards Canterlot.

Three months later.

A shipment in the shape of a large crate arrived at Celestia's throne room, a large manilla envelope was attached to the side of it addressed to Princess Celestia, Mountainside Castle, Equestria.

Princess Celestia took the envelope in her magic and opened it up removing some parchment and several photographs that she narrowed her eyes at before taking up the parchment and reading.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I found this in my underground vault and told you I would send it back if I ever saw it again. Please do not open until Hearth's Warming three thousand years from the current date of arrival. Also, I have included some handsome photos of myself, try to overlook the hoof marks that say doolbeulb on them, just because they spell Blueblood backward, and could not possibly mean anything.

I would have kept this hidden away, but I decided I needed the extra space so you can have it instead. Until we meet again.


Celestia had a deep frown on her face looking back at the photos and then up at the large crate sitting in the middle of her throne room. She placed the photos and letter back into the envelope where they had come from and walked over to the crate using her magic to open it. A bunch of packing peanuts went flying out and into the floor and within the crate was a large egg-like green object. Within, if one were to look closely they would see a white stallion floating within a green gel-like substance.

Celestia frowned and turned to her guards. “Take… this.” She waved with her hoof at the crate.” To a holding cell until I can decide what to do with him.” She stated sternly marching back to her throne.

Bonus Chapter

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(Nightmare Night Short.)

It was not a cold night, nor was it a warm one. I sat down on my recliner with my normal mug of coffee and a small stack of books at my side. I had decided it would be a good night for some light reading. Twilight had decided light reading was the entire Daring Doo series, thus I had a stack of books that came up to my hip while I was standing.

‘Ding DONG!’ I let out a sigh as I placed a small bookmark between the second and third page before moving over to the front door.

“Nightmare night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!”

I looked down at three little fillies I have come to know as the Crusaders, each one of them was wearing something different. Apple Bloom appeared to be a Pear, Sweetie Belle looked like a the most adorable vampire I’d ever seen and Scootaloo appeared to be a werewolf, but it was hard to tell though the adorableness that made up the three…

I was caught unawares and had a mini stroke from the concentrated adorableness these three fillies produced. “Hnnngg.” I placed my hand on my chest and took a breath as I raised a finger into the air before them. “ One moment,” I said while shutting the door.

I quickly looked around the kitchen, finding only wheat germ. Wheat germ a candy does not make, I thought to myself.

Once again I opened the door holding a small bowl. “Alright, here you all go.” I reached into the bowl and pulled out three large handful multi-colored objects from within and dropped a handful into each of their sacks. “You girls have fun, alright,” I stated, shutting the door.

“Hey, wait! This isn't candy!” Sweetie Belle called out.

“We got tricked!” said Scootaloo

A small gasp was heard and the last of the three fillies said. “No girls! It's even better!” Her two friends look at Apple Bloom as she lifts out a small pile of gemstones from her sack. “It's gemstones! We can buy our own candy!”


Chapter 7 (Mostly Unedited)

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It has been a few weeks since Nightmare Night was over and done with and within that time frame Applejack had showed up ready to buck me through the roof of my homestead with Rarity right beside her. They didn't do anything physical, but they did give me an earful.

“An’ she ain't slept in three days!” boomed Applejack.

“And my little sister Sweetie Belle says that she can taste sound!” Rarity screams out from my side. “Sound!” She repeats before placing a hoof over her eyes and falling backward on a conveniently placed couch, a couch I was pretty sure was not there before.

I was told that if I ever did something like this again that they would bring all three of the foals to my home and leave them there until the trouble had passed. I think one of them said something about forcefully adopting Scootaloo, but you really can't adopt a pony that already has a family, can you?

Oh God, what have I done?

It was later that day after watching the pegasi and random griffin fly in to bathe and eat respectively. I had just walked in through the back door when a knock came from the front door, I went to answer it only to have my vision filled with orange. I leaned back looking down at a twitching and jittery looking Scootaloo being held in the air by purple hooves. I gently leaned to the right spotting Miss Cheerilee. “May I?”

“She's your problem now.” Cheerilee spoke sternly.

“Nope... “ I quickly closed the door. There was banging on the door almost before it had closed all the way. I decided to wait until it stopped before opening it back up and looking at her. “I am a single man, I cannot be adopting fillies,” I stated firmly

“Adoption? What?” Cheerilee said before shaking her head at me. “Oh no, that's not the problem. You see I was trying to grade tests, but my sister was literally walking on the ceiling and zooming around like Rainbow Dash.”

Cheerilee give me a devious smile. “And considering that it is your fault for all of this, I’m making you watch her until I’m done with grading!” She stated it in a tone that said there would be no compromise.

I let out a sigh, in both regret and relief as I was totally not a man to raise children; no I’m normally the uncle that fattens the little ones up on sweets and sends them home to their parents. I leaned forward and took the jittery ball of orange and purple fluff in my hands causing her to squeak lightly but doing nothing more; aside for twitch that is. “I suppose it's only fair.”

“Great!” Cheerilee spoke before turning and trotting away leaving me with a ball of energized filly.

I took Scootaloo back inside sitting her down on the couch where she shook and looked around jerkily, and then she was off! “What have I done?” I heard breaking from somewhere in the house and then seen the orange blur which I stepped in the way of taking a filly to the chest and wrapping my arms around her. I then stood there a moment to catch my breath. “Alright, I know just what to do with you.”

After a short walk in which I held scootaloo the whole way. she was saying things, but I had no idea what they were. We ended up at the Park where I then released her from my arms. A scream of cheer and she was gone like a rocket. I went over to a nearby bench and sit down trying to keep an eye on scootaloo while also watching the other fillies and colts play.

It was somewhere between ten and thirty minutes when scootaloo reappeared from the clouds and shoot back down to the ground the safe way shooting across the playground before abruptly coming to a stop on her forelegs her wings shaking and then she dropped like a stone taking deep slow breaths.

“Run 'em till they drop; works most of the time.” I stated aloud walking over and taking the filly up in my arms and walking over to the honing stones; sure she was not a unicorn, but it was a nice relaxing location.

I sit down with her laying her gently down in my lap, gently run my fingers through her mane.”I guess they aren't so bad.” I yawned out as my eyes began to close. The small orange filly twitched in her sleep, her ear flicking and her little forelegs doing a little kick as if she was running.


“Mister Shepherd?”

I wake slowly my eyes fluttering open as I look up at the gray stones around me, I blink the sleep from my eyes and look down, scootaloo was still gently snoozing along with another little filly curled up next to me. I look over to the sound of hooves to see Miss Cheerilee standing nearby with a small smile on her lips.

“Good evening mister shepherd.” she says with a hint of amusement in her voice.

I stretch my arms giving a groan. “Hey, you here for scootaloo? She's a bit tuckered out.” I say

She lets out a chuckle and nods. “You are good with children mister shepherd, perhaps you should--”

“Nope, I don’t do little ones.” I shake my head as she takes up scootaloo by the scruff of the neck and places her softly upon her back.

“Well, it’s something to think about,” she winks at me as I feel two little limbs wrap around my forearm causing me to look down at the little pony latched to me. I let out a sigh.

“Come on kid, time to get up, you need to head on home.” The little filly groans fluttering open her large blue eyes blinking and letting out a cute squeaky yawn before laying her head back on my lap.

My head drops in dejection while cheerilee lets out a coo at the adorable sight.

“It looks like you have your paws full, we’ll just be on our way.” she says with a giggle as she makes her way back home with her sister.

I sigh and place my hand on the back of the little filly, she felt cold to the touch as I give her a little shake causing her to groan and smack her lips before yawning again and sitting up giving me a groggy look.

“It's time for you to head home, I’m sure your parents will be worried about you. would you like me to walk you home?” The little filly looked at me with slowly blinking eyes and after a moment she nodded her head.

“Alright,” I got to my feet and the little filly looked up at me lifting her arms into the air. “oh no I-” her eyes were so big and as she looked at me, I caved. “Okay just, tell me where to go.” I reach down and pick up the filly and she points in the same direction my home was sitting.

As we walked along the filly seemed to become more and more awake with every step I took. After we got to my back yard. “Well, I’m home,” I said.

The little filly looked up at me and in a soft sweet voice said. “Tank Ooo, addy.” The filly then kisses me on the cheek and leaped out of my arms landing on her hooves and dashing off into the growing darkness.

I stood there for a moment not entirely sure what just happened but I was far too tired to deal with it at the moment, it had been a long day. So I stepped into my home cleaned out my coffee maker for tomorrow and went to bed. That night was rather peaceful, the insects, or Changelings were singing, it was nice, the air was cool because of the time of year, but it still felt nice.


A few days later I stepped out I had things to do, Twilight wanted to give me an update on some renovations she had made to the land, we had been walking for the last two hours but we made it the small wooded area, which was more like medium sized forest of trees, as we got closer to the forest I could see that a lot of the trees had large fruits upon them at closer inspection I found that they were mango trees. “What's this, an orchard?” I asked aloud

“Yes, and no,” Twilight said, “It's more of a sanctuary really.”

“A sanctuary for what?” I asked as I followed her into the trees.

“Well, I didn't think you would mind considering all the other creatures moving in, and with all the land you have I thought this would be a great to put in a place for some more friendly residence of Equestria.”

“Uh huh.” I stated as a sound from overhead caused me to look up as we neared a larger clearing. What I saw was bats, lots of bats, lots of really big bats. I involuntarily shivered. “So, a bat sanctuary?: I said

“Well yes, you see Applejack had an area on her farm dedicated to them and I built this area for them so she could have the secluded area of her farm back. and then other ponies moved in” Twilight clopped her hooves together happily.

“Other, ponies?” I asked her as we entered the clearing, I looked up into the morning glow to see bats, no, you see you don't understand, they were the size of ponies, in fact at second glance I found that they were ponies with large leathery wings.

I also saw a little foal running around playing in the grass of the clearing, it popped its head up out of the grass, its large slitted eyes looking in our direction, its long ears had tuffs on the ends of them and it let out a squeak as it sprinted over to us. The little one looked up at us with large eyes and just stood there.

I stared back at the foal for a long moment. “Hello?”

The foal cried out “The Shepherd!” And then leaped at me causing me to let out a very manly cry, yes it was manly dangit, I do not cry out in fear! Though from Twilights point of view it went like this.

“Not the neck!” And then I fell to the ground with a foal nuzzling into my cheek and latched to my head, as I passed out my face turned completely pale.

I woke up about thirty minutes later to the sound of groveling. “Oh, we are so sorry Princess Twilight our daughter didn't mean to hurt The Shepherd.”

“I’m sure he will be alright,” Said the voice of Twilight as I groaned and slowly sit up rubbing my face. When I sit up I looked over to the voices. “Good morning again Shepherd,” Twilight said with a smile.

“What happened?” I grumbled

“Oh, you were cuddled by an adorable little filly and passed out,” Twilight said matter-a-factly.

“Is that all? I had a nightmare that I was attacked by a large ba--” Finally regaining my bearings I looked over to see Twilight standing next to a thestral pony as another smaller filly thestral hid under her mother between her legs with a sad expression.

The blood left my face again, but I did not pass out this time. “H-hi.” I stuttered out

“Greetings The Shepherd.” The thestral, a mare I picked out from the tone of her voice. She bowed low to me along with the filly. “I am sorry my little filly has scared you so, I will take any punishments you decided is proper.”

There was a little cough after I stood there not speaking for too long, I looked over to Twilight, and took a breath, and then another deeper breath to calm myself as my brain begin catching up to the situation.”N-no it’s fine, just an old fear of mine, I’ll get over it.” I smiled half-heartedly

“Thank you The Shepherd.” The mare spoke and the filly repeated as they both stood from their bows and the mother took her filly under a wing. “Little filly it's time to get you to bed, it's far past time.,” The mother spoke causing the filly to wine. “Aww, but mom!”

Twilight nodded, as she turned to me. “I didn't know you were afraid of thestrals,” She spoke causing me to look at her.

“Thestrals no, bats yes, I had a bad experience with one once, it….. scared me,” I said with a half smile. “But I’ll be okay, it will just take some time to get used to it,” I then started walking through the clearing with Twilight hot on my heels.

“Several thestral families have moved into the area after it was grown, they are a subspecies of Pegasi and eat fruit exclusively,” Twilight said, I paused and turned to her.

“Don't say that,” I said

Twilight blinked at me. “But, several famil-”

“Not that. Don't call them a subspecies.” I said pointly, “I don't like like it, Just call them ponies”

“O-kay?” She spoke in a confused tone. “Can I ask why? It seems to have got you worked up.”

I looked away from her looking around the area. “Because it separates, and is demeaning.” I look to her, with a frown. “These ponies though different, and admittedly a bit scarey at first glance don't need to be told that they are below other ponies, once ponies start thinking that way it will keep going, and then instead of just fearing the thestral, for their looks they will start hunting them, hurting them for what they are.”

Twilight was taken aback. “Ponies wouldn't do that!” She rejected.

“Maybe Twilight, I sure hope they wouldn't, but on my world it did happen, whether it was from someone of power or normal citizens it started slow and then.” I shake my head. “Just, promise me that you won't classify them, or anyone as a subspecies ever again, they are ponies and deserve respect like any other.”

“Alright, I promise.” Twilight says to me nodding, but her face held a contemplative look on it as if she was rethinking her whole life at my words.

I nod back to her. “You are the Princess of Friendship Twilight, your words hold weight behind them,” I said as I stopped in the middle of the clearing. I did not see it at the time, but Twilight got large eyes when I said that, almost fearful and full of shock. “I think this is a good spot.” I turn back to Twilight snapping her out of her thoughts.

“For what?” She asked me still a little rattled.

“For a Belfry.” I state firmly with a nod and look back at Twilight.

“A Belfry? Why?” She looks at me with a confused gaze her thought completely switching over from horrified to quizzical.

“Because it would please me greatly.”


As Twilight and I was walking back to my home, she looked around before looking up at me. “You know, I think we’re being followed.”

“Yeah, we were followed out to the woods too, I think it is the little filly I saw the other day. She's been following me around relentlessly since then it seems” I spoke

“What makes you think that?” Twilight asks.

“Oh, well, I went to the market the other day and spotted her hiding in a bush, and then I seen her hiding under my back porch while I watered the flowers, and I’m pretty sure I saw her looking in through my window last night before bed, but I can't be sure.”

“That's a little creepy,” Twilight stated.

“You're telling me.” I nodded.

After that, we made it back to my house where twilight and I parted ways.


After watching the earth ponies leave the garden for the night and watching the pegasi fly off from the bath, It was time for me to head back inside, I took up my mug walking in shutting the door and refreshing my coffee.

There was a knock at the door, not the front one this time but the back one. I sit my cup of freshly poured coffee on the counter and opened the door. My vision was filled with green. “Here, this is yours.”

I leaned back spotting the little filly that has been following me around for the last few days and then leaned over to look at the mare holding her in her magic, I look at the mares smiling face. “Nope.” I say plainly trying to shut the door the mare narrowed her eyes at me and stopped the door from shutting.

“Yes,” She stated firmly with a hiss her eyes glowing green.

“Nope!” I denied again still trying to shut the door but it was forced open and the filly in question was shoved into my chest. “I don't do kids! And I don't have any!”

“That's great! She's a Changeling and your daughter take care of her, I’ve got things to do and she’s been bounding around the tunnels like mad.”

“Chrysalis….” I state with a flat tone as the filly now changeling clutched to my arm, nuzzling me. “Wait, daughter? Wh- we did not!” I denied certain events that never happened.

“Ta-ta!” The changeling queen sings out as she vanishes back into the darkness.

I stand there on the back porch mouth open, the little nymph looking up at me with large purple eyes, before nuzzling my chest speaking softly. “Addy.” she spoke with an adorable squeak.

“What?!” I look towards the darkness where the queen made her exit. “Chrysalis!” I yelled.

Chapter 8 - (Unedited)

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The lone human rushed through the streets of ponyville, a few mares watching him as he passed by at a steady clip, what looking to be a small stuffed animal perched upon his head. He bounded up a set of steps and up to the door and slamming his fist against it repeatedly…

“Twilight!!! HELP!!!” He yells at the door. Several ponies standing across the street look up watching the strange human. When he stops beating on the door a small giggle can be heard as a small filly pokes her head up looking around at the mares at the other side of the street, The filly waves at the mares while perched atop the human's head causing the mares to titter.

One of the mares, a yellow one with a fiery mane smiled at the antics.

Just them the door before Shepherd opened revealing a small purple dragon still rubbing his eyes from it being so early in the morning at noon. “Shepherd you woke me up, also, you know you have a filly on your head right?”

“One spike, it's noon, and two yes, yes I do, she's my…” He sighs. “Hair raiser.” At this, the little filly takes up hoof fulls of Shepherds hair and begins to move the clumps around all the while making spooky ghost noises. This, in turn, caused the three mares across the street to chuckle behind their hooves, one of them only smiling softly at the antics.

Shepherd pinches the brim of his nose as this all happens, Spike laughing all the while. “Spike, if you could get Twilight I need to have some Tests.” And that's as far as he had gotten with his words as the purple pony princess appeared in a flash squealing in glee and dragging shepherd and the filly through the door with her magenta magic. And leaving three mares across the street in a fit of giggles.

As far as Shepherd could tell, he was just standing at the front door but now, he was strapped down to a chair with a large strainer attached to his head, sans filly of course. Said filly was now firmly attached to his shoulder. For unknown reasons , she refused to be separated from him.

Shepherd groans as Twilight flitters around the room, which could very well be her basement or Frankenstein's Laboratory, Shepherd couldn't tell at the moment. “Twilight…” He monotoned the best he could, which at the moment was not a difficult thing. But Twilight was quick if not precise taking readings and measurements all the while zipping up and around and back and forth. The filly moving her head back and forth and up and down and around following twilight with her every movement. “Twilight?” Shepherd said once again.

But Twilight was already off looking over a long paper that was coming out of the machine now with a wide smile on her face. Shepherd sighed, he’s been doing a lot of that today.

A giggle came from the small filly, as she watches Twilight prance on the spot while reading the new data she was getting. “Sh’es funny Addy.”

“Her name is Twilight,” Shepherd says.

“Twiwite?” The filly speaks aloud, and a Daww was heard from across the room both filly and human look over at Twilight who was now standing in front of them with her hoof placed on her chest and a look of strange longing. You know the one.

“And what's your name little one?” Twilight coos at the filly. Which causes the filly to latch onto Shepherds arm a little tighter while staring at Twilight.

“Twilight please, I need to ge-” But shepherd was cut off again this time by the filly.

“I’m S-shade.” The filly squeaked out which only caused Twilight to coo, and Shepherd groan.

“Twilight!” Shepherd said a little more forcefully to grab the mare's attention. “Focus Twilight, I need you to run some tests.”

Twilight rolls her eyes and smiles. “Your tests are done, Shepherd.” She says while she unbuckles the human from the chair. “Fascinating results but nothing abnormal.?

“That's not the tests I wanted you to run.” Shepherd deadpanned once more.

“I run every test Shephe-” but this time Shepherd cut her off by grabbing the filly and placing her nose to nose with Twilight which caused Twilight to pull back slightly.

“I need you to find out if this filly is related.” Shepherd paused before continuing after a moment to make sure Twilight understands perfectly. “To me specifically.” he ended.

Twilight looks around the filly at Shepherd with a perplexed look before stating. “She's a pony Shepherd, ponies and humans can’t…. Intermingle. Like that.” Twilight says taking into account the filly still hanging in Shepherd’s hands between them.

Shepherd stares into Twilight’s eyes before shifting his hands getting the filly to set in the palm of his hand and with a single finger gently moving it towards the little fillies forehead causing her eyes to cross as he booped her on the nose which caused her to sneeze. This caused several reactions at once. One the filly within Shepherds palm sneezed, which in turn caused a lot of green flames to shoot up from his palm shooting around the filly changing her back into a Changeling. Two Twilight pulled back away from them both in shock while Spike who was sitting across the room reading a comic but also watching the others from spoke up.

“Cool!” The drake said.

The filly on the other hand, gasped while buzzing her wings and cheering. “YAY! W’m Wormwel agwen!” And then she was off bouncing around the laboratory like the spawn of discord.
Twilight looked on, her jaw dropped as she watched the black and purple ball of energy bound around her lab. There was a breaking sound in the distance and everything stopped, aside from a few pieces of parchment still floating down to the ground though the air around them. “Oops, I arry.”

That was three hours ago now… After that Shepherd managed to get Shade to calm down enough to allow him to leave the room without her, she was a very clingy filly. All the same, he now sits with Spike at the kitchen table, Spike was eating gem encrusted waffles, and Shepherd was drinking his third cup of Coffee. He had a feeling he was going to need the energy if he was going to make it through today.

The door to the kitchen opened and in walked Twilight with Shade perched upon her head. Shepherd smiled at them not finding it slightly amusing. “Now she's your hair raiser.” He said while smiling as Shade took Twilight's mane in her hooves and started making ghost sounds while lifting it up, Spike burst out laughing falling into the floor and coughing on his waffles before clearing his mouth and continued laughing.

Twilight huffed but smiled lifting the filly in her magic which caused the filly to release her mane, and hovered her back over to Shepherd, which he took the filly in his hands causing Shade to giggle as his fingers tickled her. “Well, I have the results.”

This caused Shepherd to look at Twilight while holding the filly in his arm like one would hold a newborn baby. “And?”

“Well, aside from learning a lot about Changelings in the process of the testing, I took her readings and matched them up the the readings I took from you. She is one hundred percent changeling.” This caused Shepherd to let out a sigh of relief Chrysalis was just messing with him. “But she is still your daughter.” Say what now?

“But you just said.” Shepherd was cut off once more.

“I know what I said, and I stand by that. But she is also your daughter. Her magical signature is very similar to yours on a very deep and fundamental level, with a few variations that I suspect are from her mother.”

“Wait? I have a magical signature?” Shepherd asked but pulls back. “Nevermind, not important. So, because of this, she's not genetically mine but her magic is so close to mine that she is my….. Daughter?” Shepherd paused at this pulling his daughter closer to himself while also looking off across the room, his eyes slightly glassy.

Twilight nods at him. “That is correct!” She claps her hooves together. “I’d love to know more about how this all happened in fact, it's an amazing discovery.”

“Um, Twilight?” Said Spike causing Twilight to look into his direction.

“Yes, Spike?”

“I think you broke Shepherd.” He said pointing at Shepherd who had a little filly hanging from his shirt and waving a forehoof in front of his face but no reaction was forthcoming.

Chapter 9 - What did you do? (Unedited)

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Shepherd Groaned while sitting at the table with an empty pot of coffee, mostly full mug of coffee that shined with sun, moon and Twilight's cutie marks… He was feeling a bit better after the massive amount of coffee he had put into his system but still, he was tired. It's been about a week since Twilight confirmed that yes, Shade was indeed his daughter.

After he got home that night with the little filly, he stumbled his way upstairs and crashed into bed like a zombie, a swirl of thoughts still twisting and turning inside his mind. He woke up the next day to find his house a complete wreck. Things turned upside down and right side up but just turned completely around. His coffee mug was somehow on the ceiling, it was upside down but still had coffee in it, he could see it. There was a little note hanging from the handle of the coffee mug that said. “I didn’t do it.” ~Your benefactor of Chaos, Discord.

Shepherd wanted to dispute this as false but, he had much more troubling things on his mind. Like for instance, where was his daughter? He paid no mind to the completely wrecked house and started looking through the upturned furniture and backward shelving….

“Hmm,” his groggy mind starved but he made do. It took him around an hour but he found Shade inside what was once his hallway closet. Now apparently turned into Shades new Den. The only reason he found it was because of the strange black chitin next to the door that had her name on it. How he had missed that he would never know. When he opened the door it kinda looked like the opening of a wasps nest, but had a light green glow coming from within the hole. Shepherd silently stared before he decided to close the door very slowly.

That was a week ago, he still has no idea what happened inside the house that night but he decided he did not truly want to know and just went with it, it's not like he has not seen crazier things here in Equestria. He took up his coffee mug that he managed to pry from the ceiling and took a drink out of it while also reading the newspaper while also thinking on other things.

Such as how the work on the Belfry was progressing. It was not entirely as he pictured it but in the end, it was turning out nicely. The Thestral ponies started out just living in the trees around the area but as the Belfry was being built from the ground up, they decided to start moving in, turns out that the Belfry was a single large building with several tall towers coming from the roof of it. The open areas at the top of each tower were the most sought after areas to live within. Each tower had a Belfry of its own, but instead of bells, they had long, hollow tube like structures in the middle of each one. Each tube would allow the wind to flow through them allowing a gentle melody to flow out into the surrounding area almost like that of an organ but much more subtle.

There were twelve towers in all and each one would be worked by a Thestral family. Every hour one of the twelve Belfry's would sing its own special tune to denote the time of day. If Shepherd was being honest with himself, it was glorious and turned out much better than he had once thought it would.

Shepherd opened his eyes and went back to looking at the newspaper.

“Nobel Outcry.” Read one of the titles.

“Several years ago a strange creature appeared in the land of Equestria. His appearance was met with worry but over time the ponies of Canterlot along with the town of Ponyville had seen him as little threat. Since then new information has come to light on the human.” Shepherd skimmed over a lot of the article. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Yadda Yadda, Land Grant. Blah blah, Duke. blah. Oh, here we go. Duke Fancy Pants. Shepherd liked Fancy Pants, They were always comfortable, he joked in his head before continuing reading the article

Duke Fancy Pants stood before the reporters stating that everything was perfectly fine and that there was no fear from human known as Shepherd. He stated that and I quote. “The human Shepherd is a standup fellow with only good intentions in his heart. He is working for the betterment of all kind,” Shepherd pushes his lips nodding.

“I knew I liked him.” He thought to himself, lifting his coffee mug up to his lips taking a drink.

At this point in the Prince Blueblood came up next to Fancy pants and made his announcement.

“Oh this should be good.” thought Shepherd as he read.

Prince Blueblood stood before the crowd stating. “The Human Shepherd.” Here we go. “Is an amazing leader, and I, Prince Blueblood have decided to share my holdings along with my wealth with Duke Shepherd to help promote peace and Harmony among all near and far!”

Shepherd spit his coffee all over the newspaper and coughed repeatedly. “WHAT?!”

And just then there was a knock at the front door, but Shepherd did not move from his spot, just staring down at the soggy newspaper with a face of shock and befuddlement.

The knock came again from the door. “I’wl gwet it!” An adorable voice called from the hallway, the front door opened. “Hewwo!”

There was another voice speaking to Shade. “O’kwa!” And then the little changeling came into the kitchen “Addy! wIt's the Mawl Ware!

Shepherd shook his head and wiped the coffee from his chin getting up and heading into the living room door, Shade buzzing up to him and into his arms where she gives him a nuzzle on his scruffy cheek and giggling at the feeling of his rough beard on her chitin.

He was still in shock at what he saw in the paper when he got to the still open door, the post mare, a gray pony with a blond mane and tail and a bubbly expression stood at the door with a clipboard. “Sign here please” She spoke cheerfully handing him the clipboard, he took it numbly and with the help of his daughter, he signed the paper with an ink coated fingerprint. He was surprised however to find that all he received with a single vanilla envelope.

“Oh, uh… Thank you.” He spoke to the mail mare and she turned, with a flap of her wings she was off almost colliding with another pegasus that was yellow with an orange mane. He slowly closed the front door but Shade was still trying to peek through it as it closed.

“Addy?” Shade looks at her daddy and he blinks looking down at his daughter.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“I wink ooo waave a stalker.” The cute little ball of chitin and adorableness said.

Shepherd just looked at her without speaking. He wanted to ask how she knew what a stalker was, or why she thought that, he also marveled at the fact that she said stalker without any double u’s involved. But instead, he said. “Honey, daddy has too much on his plate right now, he doesn’t need any stalkers to go along with it.”

Shade just nodded at this looking down, and then looked back up at Shepherd. “Want we tw wet wred of whem?” She asked her father.

He just shook his head at her and smiled. “You are adorable.” He said poking her on the nose making her go cross eyed causing her to change shape into a little earth pony filly. “But not to worry, Daddy will be fine.” He sighs. “Well, if daddy doesn't go insane that is.” He mumbled to himself as another knock came to the door, but this time the knocking came from the kitchen.

He walked back into the kitchen taking a deep breath before taking hold of the door handle while also still holding his filly in his left arm. He opened to door.

“I'M SORRY!” Shepherd flinched slightly but then glared at the changeling Queen. “I didn’t mean it to happen!”

“You have a lot of explaining to do!” Shepherd said sternly causing Chrysalis to flinch slightly.

“If it makes you feel better it wasn't my fault this time.” The Queen mumbled.

“This time?!” Shepherd almost yelled, he then thrust the little filly into her mother's face. “I still want to know when and what happened the first time!”

Queen Chrysalis blinked and then leaned in and nuzzled her daughter gently before looking back at Shepherd. “I think we are talking about two different things, how about we sit down?”

Shepherd nodded pulling the filly back into his arms near his chest and walking back over to the kitchen table folding up the soggy newspaper and tossing it into the bin before taking a seat, Chrystlas sitting next to him and Shade sitting on the other side of him. Chrystlas made to speak but Shepherd cut her off with a raised hand. With the other he lifted his coffee mug to his mouth and taking a drink from it, the cutie marks now having shifted around to show a rather wicked looking horn, he sits the mug down.

“Alright, first off…”He paused to take a breath to calm himself. “Did you use mind control magic on me?” He asked while looking Chrystlas in the eyes.

Chrystlas looked appalled. “I would never do such a thing! Why would you even ask that?”

“Well, considering I now have a daughter now and I have no idea how or when that happened I’m at a complete loss.” Shepherd looked sternly at the Queen but let out a sigh. “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed, you could have at least woke me up.”

Chrystlas looked at Shepherd and then her daughter and then back to him before it hit her. “OH!” She spoke aloud before laughing. “Oh no, no, that didn’t happen.”

Shepherd looked at her with a confused expression, seeing this Queen Chrystlas let out a slight cough regaining her composure and made to open her mouth again before looking over to Shade. “Shade, you wouldn't mind running off to play for a little bit would you, mommy and daddy need to talk adult things.”

“Awwwww.” Came the disappointed voice but she did as she was bed and scampered down from the chair and scuttered off to the hallway, there was a squeak of a door.

Shepherd was going to speak again but Queen Chrystlas raised a hoof. “All the way Shade!” There was a light huff of disappointment from the hallway as the closet door closed with a click. Chrystlas give a nod and turned back to Shepherd.

“Now, let me explain,” Chrystlas spoke causing Shepherd to sit back and nod for her to continue. “When a Changeling Queen wants to have lots of babies, she finds herself a mate.” Shepherd nodded. “Well, when she does this she can have hundreds of grubs.”

Shepherds eyes grew very wide at this staring straight at Chrystlas, but the queen continued. “That is not what happened. You do not have hundreds of lings, just the one. “ Shepherd let a breath out through his nose and relaxed once more, he took up his coffee in a slightly shaky hand and down the rest of it in a single gulp. “What happened was, at our first meeting you showed such, love and allowed our hive to live here in this peaceful land and because of that love, and over time it grew inside of me until it became little Shade.”

Shepherd looked at the Queen. “I think your confusing love for kindness.” The queen waved a hoof at this. “And I'm pretty sure I don't have that much kindness in me.”

“Well, you don't anymore.” Muttered the queen.

“What?” Shepherd asked.

“Nothing!” Queen Chrystlas replayed. “Just know that we never did anything physical.” She smiles at Shepherd. “Though I wouldn't be against it.”

Shepherd Clapped his hands together. “ALRIGHT! None of that! I need you to take Shade for a couple of days.” Shepherd said to the Queen as he stood and went to refill his coffee. “I have a lot of things I need to get done, It's not that I don't love her, I do very much but I need to get some rest and things just keep piling up on top of me.” He trailed off when Queen Chrystlas placed a hoof upon his shoulder.

“I understand.” She said to him.

“Thank you.” he replayed back.

The Queens horn glowed a dark green for a moment and then went out after a little bit little Shade came back into the kitchen. “Wes Wommy?”

“I’m going to take you back to the hive for a few days. Daddy needs to get some work done and needs his rest.” There was a sad sniffle but Shade nodded. Shepherd bent down and picked up his daughter and give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Don't worry sweetheart, I’ll miss you very much but I'll come visit as soon as I can.” He said poking her in little muzzle causing her to change back into the little changeling once more and causing her to chuckle.

After that, the Queen and Shade left and returned to the Hive that sits in the back corner of the yard. He let out a sigh, sad to see his daughter go, but also feeling a little lighter in understanding what was going on and why he has a daughter now, and how. Shepherd shut the back door with a click turning away from it.

‘Wait.’ Shepherd thought to himself, “Didn’t Chrystlas say she was sorry for something?” He shrugged it off. Too much to worry about right now, but as he came to the middle of the kitchen he looked around completely at a loss for what he needed to do.

He walked over and took up the vanilla envelope but stopped just before opening it. He closed his eyes and counted down from three. Upon reaching zero there was a knock at the front door. “Of course.” He said as he sits down the envelope and made his way to the front door. The last time he went to the front door he was freaking out, why was that again? He opened the door just as the mail pony made to knock once more but stopped when Shepherd opened the door.

“Ah good, you're home. Sign here please.” Shepherd took the clipboard and signed the paper. “What is it this time?” He asked dreading the answer.

But instead of answering, the unicorn pony turned around and yelled out. “Bring it in!” Shepherd looked out his front door as a massive amount of cloud was pulled through the skies, “Oh sweet mother of baby Flurry Heart.” Shepherd said as what looked like several acres of clouds with buildings on top of them flew over his home, one looked to be a fancy hotel. Shepherd promptly passed out into the floor, the front door closing by itself.

Summery of the rest of the Story

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Summery of the rest of the story…

Shepherd, ends up breaking down from all the stress of his new life. Its fun but apparently there was just so much happening all at once and he hides in his… “Gold Closet.” which just happens to be the stairs down into his basement. You see, they got all the gold out of his house but, well. They forgot about the basement. Now the entrance into it is still filled with gold up to floor level.

His daughter finds him and is worried and goes to find Twilight. Bringing her to him they talk though the door for a while, and his daughter goes back to the hive.

After a while a Buggy comes in on orders from the Queen, apparently Shepherds daughter has been pony-napped. It appears some ponies had highered a Minotour to help them still from Shepherd. And his daughter happened to be hiding in some of the old rare pots in his vaults in the hive… Well when she went missing everyone in the hive flipped out. And the Queen ordered a scout to find “The Shepherd”

(I cant remember if the pony’s I used as robbers were already in the story or not.) Anyway they go down into the Hive. They find the ponies that are stealing and something happens, and explosion or maybe they just get separated from one another. Shepherd is a bit leery around the Hive, not having traveled into it before and happens to stumble upon a pony trapped inside of a cocoon! Which causes him to freak out for a moment before seeing that it was just Prince Blue Blood…. You see apparently the Hive has, replace the prince. This also explains the massive amount of Casinos and other things that were flying over head several chapters before this one.

He leaves him there… Buck that guy, He has a daughter to find! And off he goes to find his daughter. He catches up with the thieves, and the ponys order the minotour to ‘get rid of him’ but shepherd is not taking dung from anyone and just straight up kicks the minotour in his grapefruits incapacitating him.

The Changelings then show up and capture the thieves. They know nothing about his daughter and he ends up finding her sleeping in one of the rare vases. Apparently it reminded her of a cocoon and was quite comfortable.

After capturing them he tells the changelings to interrogate them and find out what they know. Apparently the minotour is just a mercenary trying to get money for his family to find a nice labyrinth to live in… apparently labyrinths are very high end places only the best of the best live in. And most Minotour family's live in only a tiny portion of a floor, which with around 50 or more Minotours per grouping does not leave a lot of space.

Shepherd thinks about this and with his vast wealth has twilight begin to build a labyrinth within his Territory. Construction is underway and he highers the merc to help in building it. As a way to repay him for kidnapping his daughter. He agrees. Shepherd ends up giving the Minotour and his family one of the more fancy floors of the labyrinth. Which makes him very grateful.

One year later everything is at piece. All of the races have come together on this new land. And is very happy. Its almost like a theme park, there are massive magical stones for unicorns and many other things all around. Life is wonderful…. Until Discord shows up and asks where his place is! Shepherd mentally breaks and just throws a rock at him. “Here this is yours place. Have fun with it!” Discord ends up making a tiny floating planet out of it and sits it above a very chaotic looking pedestal.

In the end Shepherd does start going out with Spitfire, they apparently hit it off nicely. And she is also quite fond of his Changeling daughter, who just so happens to just be so adorable!

And they all lived happily ever after

~The End~