• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 11,479 Views, 1,064 Comments

A Heart of Change - SilentBelle

Sweetie Belle comes up with a plan to share a summer's vacation with her friends. Little do the young mares know that their trip will not be quite as they had planned. But when has anything ever happened as they planned?

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Chapter 6 - Through the Clouds

A Heart of Change – Chapter 6: Through the Clouds
By: SilentBelle

There should be something I can do, Sweetie Belle thought to herself, as she looked around the cave. She had her horn alight with its familiar glow. The rigid rock ceiling cast numerous pockmarked shadows from the emerald light. Looking past those shadows, she saw a series of long wooden beams along the walls, and a few crossed the ceiling as well. As she passed under one such beam, she felt her horn draw very close to the wood, nearly scraping its surface, and she slouched reflexively. Darn, it's kind of cramped in here.

She peered around and discovered a glint of metal from the dark floor. Oh, the tracks. She peered at them and saw them heading straight towards a smaller tunnel, and sitting on those tracks was an abandoned, empty mine cart. Huh, it doesn't even look that old. I wonder if this mine is even abandoned.

She looked for a moment at the deep tunnel which swallowed the steel tracks. No, she thought to herself, shaking her head sadly. I'm not going any further into the mine. Not without Bloom and Scoots.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh as she headed back toward the entrance of the cave, to wait for her friends. Seriously though, I have to do something. As she stepped toward the opening, she dismissed her light spell without a second thought. Against the sudden change of light, something slight caught her eye.

No, not just her eye; she felt it in front of her. It was something very faint, and was gone in an instant. Alongside it, she heard the softest of humming sounds. She almost mistook it for an echo from her own hooffall. She closed her eyes and strained her ears against the gentle breath of the wind, which brushed past the tunnel entrance.

In the next moment, she caught the sound once again. It's laughter, she concluded, and then opened her eyes in surprise. That laughter... I'd know it anywhere! “Scoddri?” she whispered into the open air.

Wait, think! She forced herself into stillness. If I'm hearing him, there has to be a source. I just need to find out where it's coming from. With a frown, she stretched out her senses and combed her surroundings to locate the faint source.

It took her over a couple minutes until she final sensed it, right beneath her own nose. It's coming from my amulet? It still feels as lifeless as ever though. She narrowed her eyes and brought out a tendril of magic from her own horn. With a tender prod, she probed the amulet, and found nothing inside of it, not a single drop of magic. But suddenly, she felt something very slight, touching the emerald necklace. Like moisture forming on a blade of grass, this was a very small bit of magic, almost invisible to her.

She searched with her tendril, deftly feeling the strange magic and studying it. It's a spell sigil that I've never come across before. But, it seems simple enough. It's also remote, like a scrying spell, or a telekinesis spell. And it's coming from outside...

Sweetie Belle followed the spell thread and moved to the mouth of the cave. She saw it heading ever outward into the falling snow; it was the direction that Scootaloo had been in when Sweetie Belle had scryed for her. The unicorn frowned at the drifting flakes. The weather's getting worse again. And at its center, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are probably there. Darn it! I have to do something! But, what can I do?

Scoddri's distant laughter reached her ears once again, like a passing breeze. “Scoddri!” she shouted, but the laughter remained, unaware of her interjection.

She flinched as she considered the sound. There's something wrong about his laughter. It sounded different from how she remembered. It was certainly Scoddri's voice. She could never forget that voice. But there was something else about it, a certain timbre that held a sound of pain and a feeling of abandonment.

Sweetie Belle thought back to all the times he had laughed at her. and a smile came to her face. That laughter had had reason, depth, and richness. It was a sound that made you want to laugh along with him. The smile slid from her face. This laughter is pointless and it hurts to listen to. What's happened to you, Scoddri?

As she considered her mentor, she felt the spell sigil in her magic's grip. I wonder where this spell is coming from anyway...

She headed back into the cave as the wind picked up outside, and the snow swirled into a veil of white behind her, making even the closest of trees into mere ghosts of themselves. With a shiver, she sat down on the cool rock, and began to trace the magic with her own and slowly followed it back toward its source.

A darkness pervaded through the cave, and were it not for the sound of the wind whistling past the entrance, silence would have been just as prevalent. The young mare didn't move for the longest of whiles. Her eyes remained closed and her mind distant, until suddenly, she let out a single gasp.

“Scoots, Apple Bloom!” Her horn sparked to life and she pulled out her remaining eight gemstones. A determined frown cemented itself upon her brow, the telltale signs of a new plan forming in her mind. As usual, she worked to implement the new plan as quickly as she had conceived it.

* * *

Slow and steady, the pegasus told herself once again. The pain of her body had turned to a dull burn. She was certain that if she stopped, even for a single moment, that she would not be able to move again. Have to find the cave... but where?

Her eyes questioned the surroundings. Snow, trees, and the wind that blew at them; they were the only response her inquisitive glances received.

Each step was cool and soothing to her burning body. The white snow called up to her as if to say, 'You've overworked yourself, and deserve a break'. A break? No... I have to keep moving. She stepped onward through the fresh snow. But why? Where am I going? She couldn't remember, only that she had to go. Each step was important.

Her stride was shaky and uneven, but she was used to it. I've been through worse, she repeated her mantra to herself. I have to push past my limits, or I'll never catch up. I'll never win. I'm not going to be left behind!

She stumbled further through the snow and thought she saw something before her eyes. A checkered banner? The wind blew her mane fiercely and wildly as she moved forward. She was flying. She looked down and saw open air and distant clouds beneath her, while ahead of her was the finish line. I've been through worse. I have to keep going.

The world swirled around her, with a howl of wind, she heard the other racers. From above, from the left, and from the right, they passed her in an instant.

“No!” her hoarse shout came forth, and she collapsed to the ground. “I'll try harder,” she sobbed into the wet snow. “I'll do better, please! Let me try again!”

* * *

There she lay, alone, upon the snowy fold
Quivering silence, amongst the soft cold
Anguish, pain, and tears of regret
Her thoughts depart, her eyelids set
Until a friend's voice shouts out in alarm
Lulling her to sleep, an embrace so warm
A moment of fear, the world falls away
Yet she does not fall, and the warm does stay
With a smile on her lips, the world does fade
In a welcoming darkness, she is laid.

* * *

“Don't worry Scootaloo, Ah've got ya,” Apple Bloom said softly as she panted slightly. With a gentle motion, using her front hooves and her neck, she hoisted her friend from the ground. The pegasus was wet and cold, but Apple Bloom felt relief more anything else as she rested the mare on her back. Scootaloo seemed to murmur something as she settled evenly across her back, but it was lost to the wind.

The earth pony let out a sigh of relief. She had forgotten how light pegasi were. Even a seasoned athlete, such as Scootaloo, weighed only as much as Apple Bloom's saddle bags and tools.

She turned her head and looked back the way she came. Her tracks were quickly becoming swallowed by the falling flakes. “Ah'm getting a mite tired of all this snow in th' summer. Alright, Scootaloo,” she called back to her charge, “we're gonna make this quick! So, Ah'm sorry if ya get a little bumped up from all o' this!”

Without wasting a moment she pivoted around quickly and bounded back on her tracks, toward the cave and Sweetie Belle.

“And who, may I ask, said that you could take your leave, little pony?” A dark voice echoed from the clouds, as if it were the storm itself. His words were punctuated by a peal of thunder.

Apple Bloom nearly skidded to a stop in surprise. The hay? Did the clouds just talk ta me? She shot a cursory glance to the sky and saw its gray clouds begin lowering down from the sky itself, as the wind picked up. “Ah don't care who ya think ya are, but Ah ain't stickin' round out here!”

A laugh sounded with as little humor to it as clouds held colour, a harsh and scornful laughter. It echoed in time to flashes of lightning. “You act as though you have a choice in this matter, a mere earth pony and an unconscious pegasus. It's laughable, pathetic even!”

Apple Bloom ignored the voice, refusing to was her breath in an attempt to rebuke it. She kept her eyes trained to the ground, and focused on her balance. She couldn't afford to slip up out here, not with Scootaloo on her back. She ran as quickly as she could manage with her charge, but the snow was falling thicker, and her tracks disappearing by the moment.

“Why not just give it up, little pony? I'll catch you in a moment,” the voice said with a chuckle. “You tread in my domain now, and I don't take kindly to trespassers.”

The wind lashed out at Apple Bloom, so harshly that the mare was forced to squint for a few moments, and slow her pace. By the time she regained her focus enough, she saw her hoofprints were well and truly gone, destroyed by the elements in an instant.

It doesn't matter, just keep headin' straight! she told herself. It was less than ten minutes. Not far at all! She plowed through the raging winds and the wet snow even as it soaked her coat.

“Ha ha ha!” The voice seemed to circle around her, just as the wind itself did. “I hope you enjoy the cold girl, for it shall be your tomb!”

“Shut up!” she shouted at the sky. But doubt was beginning to settle in around her. Each step she took was little less certain, and all but the closest of trees were completely cloaked by the storm around her. Eventually she came to a halt as she glanced about, hoping to find a way out of the maelstrom around her. “The Elements of Harmony will stop you! Just like they always do!”

“The Elements? Now, that is where you are quite wrong, girl." The storm seemed to damper down for a moment, just around Apple Bloom. “Take a look and see who has stopped whom.”

Apple Bloom turned to see a cloud had moved in right behind her. It was shockingly white compared to the rest of the gray clouds above it. Yet, there was a single red ring that made the round ball look entirely like a floating eye ball.

“Yes, that's right. I can see you, girl. And you should be able to see this.” The red ring suddenly filled in, becoming a red disk which expanded before the mare. It then shimmered for a moment, and Apple Bloom caught her own reflection it it. She looked winded and tired, and from the short glimpse she caught of Scootaloo, the pegasus seemed to be in very poor condition. A profound sense of worry settled upon her.

The reflective disk suddenly became an opaque sheen of reddish light, and then slowly became transparent, as if it were a perfectly circular window hanging in the open air. Through this magical circle, Apple Bloom saw an entirely different view.

There was no snow on the ground in the scene before her. The ground was a strikingly deep gray of shadowed rock with a solid and flat stonework design. Apple Bloom took note of the intricate pattern. In a moment, she could see the execution of the room on the other side of the hole was exquisite, if a little too practical to be seen as beautiful. Yet the design served its purpose, for her eyes were drawn to the true fixture of the area.

There were statues set up in a line, three to each side of her view. But these weren't any normal statues. They were made of slate-gray, translucent crystals, only slightly brighter than the ground they rested upon. Beneath their craggy exterior, she could see each one held an individual pony inside.

One of the forms caught her eye, and Apple Bloom opened her eyes wide in horror. She'd recognize that stetson anywhere.

“Applejack?” she asked in dread. A low chuckle was all she received in response. “You monster! What did ya do ta mah sister!?”

“Oh, so one of these fine mares was your sister? I suppose it was the one who shared your accent? They are quite pretty like this, wouldn't you agree? A fine decoration for my antechamber.”

“You'll never get away with this!” the earth pony vowed in anger. With a swift action she turned and bucked at the hole in the sky. She felt as her hooves connected with something that felt almost material. She glanced backward to see that the image faded and began warping back into a single red ring.

“Get away with it? Hah! I already have. You see, it's only a matter of time. Your Elements are gone, and without them, nopony can stop me. Nopony knows I've returned, and by the time the princesses find out, it'll be too late for them. Well, nopony knows, except for one mare.” By this time the eye in the cloud had reformed. “But there is a simple way to rectify that problem...” the voice finished snidely.

Apple Bloom flicked her eyes to the circling vortex of snow surrounding her, and backed away from the floating eye. A-ah need ta get outta here! If he did that ta Sis, then he could do the same ta me. Ah can't fight him! And Scootaloo, she reminded herself, and glanced at the pegasus on her back, Ah need ta get her ta safety.

“Oh, such uncertainty I see. Yes, you aren't naïve. You know the fate that awaits you,” the voice continued.

Apple Bloom could imagine a smile creeping across the pony's face as he spoke. It was a smile of insidious shadows. She could feel his joy growing at her expense, and she tried to swallow her budding fear. Her legs shook under her, as if some strange magic were grabbing at her, binding her to the very ground.

“And yet, you know not the half of it. For you and your friend shall not be protected by the elements, as they were. You will feel the full brunt of the spell which spelled their end.”

“Not if ya don't catch me!” Apple Bloom shouted, willing her legs to work. She kicked off the ground, and leaped into the billowing veil of snow.

“So you choose the long, tedious, and just as hopeless route. Your naïvety shines through yet!” She barely heard the voice over the viscous howl of the wind. “Run all you want, girl! You shall never escape this storm!”

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle's voice rang out from just above her.

“Sweetie?” the earth pony asked, as she squinted into the winds.

“Wow! It actually worked!” her friend's voice exclaimed in a pleased manner, but turned serious in the next moment. “Keep moving! You're really close. Just let me try something...look for the light and follow it!”

Apple Bloom lurched forward into a run, still peering around and looking for any sign of her friend. “What light? Sweetie, where are ya!?”

As if in response to her question, she saw a bright light of five different colours flash into existence, only a few feet above her. At the same time she heard a growl from her menacing pursuer.

“So you still have some tricks, huh? How clever.”

Apple Bloom glanced behind her and saw the line of light led right toward the voice. She wasn't sure what Sweetie Belle had just done, but she was sure that she didn't want to stick around to find out. Bringing her sights back to the fore, she saw the shimmering line of light trailing off into the distance.

Without another thought she charged forward, following the bright and colourful light. The wind nearly tore Scootaloo from the mare's back, but Apple Bloom didn't dare slow her pace. It must have been less than a minute, when, with one final stride, she managed to break free from the harshest of the winds and flurries.

She blinked the melted flurries free from her eyes and regained her bearings. Above her, the bright green spell streaked from uphill at a small cave entrance. Framed in the entrance, Sweetie Belle stood imposingly. Her lance of light shot straight from the half-heart necklace around her neck, out into the storm.

It took only a moment, but Apple Bloom's shaky limbs suddenly seemed to regain their vigor. Apple Bloom wasted no time, and rushed as quick as she could to her friend. No longer was her heart filled with only a desperation borne from fear. In that instant, she felt the kindling of hope.

* * *

The spell had worked; Apple Bloom had heard her. I just hope this works the way I want it to. She shot a glance at her last five gemstones as they hovered around her. She had just used three to strengthen the communication spell. I just need to add to the sigil, not the whole thing. I hope I have enough magic in these crystals... She knew she had no time to worry about it, but still her mind considered the possibilities of failure.

She siphoned the magic from the hovering crystals, and got to work. She channeled it through her horn. There was almost more magic than she could hold. She grit her teeth and forced the strands around the faint pattern that ran from her amulet, toward the storm. As she did so, she wove it into the sigil of a basic light spell and saw as the strand come to life before her, as it shot out into the storm.

She reigned her focus in on the spell, and kept the magic flowing evenly from her horn. Follow the light back, Apple Bloom! With only the intermingling strands of magic in her mind, it didn't take her long to notice that something was changing on the other side of the spell.

Just as she fed many strands of light around the base spell, some other magic was being sent out from the center of the storm. She could sense it was a dark, green and purple shock of energy. Judging by the sigil, she knew it to be some form of lightning, and it was heading toward her, quickly. She could also sense it had more magical power behind it than all of the crystals that she had been using.

Just as the bolt shot out of the storm, vaguely registered Apple Bloom running up the final bit of hill, Scootaloo draped over her back. Focus! She drew her eyes away from the sight and back to the incoming shot of energy. Now!

She lashed out with a tendril of her remaining magic, and touched the bolt as quickly and gingerly as she could. Like how one would pick up a hot plate in their hooves and set it down in the next moment, lest they burn themselves. She pulled at the vicious magic spell and tossed its strand to the side with the rest of her magic.

The green and purple bolt pealed through the air, and struck the mountainside. It left a blackened blemish upon the rock, only ten feet away from Sweetie Belle herself, and echoed loudly through the mine.

Apple Bloom came to a skidding stop behind her. The earth pony set Scootaloo down gently against a wall, and then rushed over to Sweetie Belle's side, nearly breathless. “That was some timin', Sweetie. What the hay did ya do?”

“Not now!” the unicorn warned. “Its coming!”

“Shoot! The voice and cloud? We gotta go deeper inta the mine!”

“We can't,” Sweetie said with a shake of her head. "It's moving faster than I can run! We'll be better off not turning our backs to it.”

“But Sweetie, you don't know what he did! Ah saw them, Sis and the rest o' them!”

“Bloom, it's here!” Sweetie Belle interjected, and quickly prepared for the inevitable confrontation. She held her magic at the ready and furrowed her brow in determination. I may not have much, but I can use his own magic against him.

“Darn it! Ah hope ya have some idea of how ta get away from him!” Sweetie Belle could sense her friend's own magic begin to move within her. She'd seen it before quite often, but never to this extent. Earth ponies and pegasi used their magic by shifting it to different body parts before acting. Whether it was apple-bucking, weather-crafting, or walking on clouds, they used their magic in a very simple yet effective manner. Never before had she seen Apple Bloom let so much of her magic flow into her hooves.

“I have a plan,” the unicorn replied. “Just do what comes naturally, and we should be okay.”

“Hah! Some plan that is!” Apple Bloom said with a smirk.

They waited for a few seconds, and suddenly the howling of the wind died down. Sweetie Belle could see the even flakes of snow lazily drift down from above. Beyond the gentle sight, a cloud, about the size of herself, perhaps a little bit larger, flew toward them. It was an almost perfect sphere, and a single ring in the center gave the cloud an eye-like impression.

Within the remote cloud, she could sense a scrying spell at work. It was far more intricate than the one Sweetie Belle had used earlier, but its base pattern was the same. It was a strong weave that flew in from above the clouds. There's definitely a giant sigil all throughout the sky. He's probably using the clouds as the base.

She drew her senses back to the cloud-eye and saw something else inside there. Now that it was closer, she could sense the emerald thread, that connected the cloud to her own amulet and with it, she heard Scoddri's voice once again. It was a broken series of chuckles that pained her to hear; a painful laugh, if she had ever heard one. Is it coming from somewhere inside the cloud? The remote spell's channel. What is it? And why is he laughing like that?

Before her curious mind could go any further, the cloud before her flickered to life with what she now called, for lack of a better name, a 'remote-sound' sigil. She made a mental note to search through a library, to find the spell's 'official' name. It was very much similar to the spell she had used to talk to Apple Bloom, only minutes ago.

“Ah, so you continue to struggle. I'll admit, you are far more cunning than your average group of ponies, you even managed to deflect my spell. That takes skill, and you have that half-heart girl. But it's not enough skill to escape me!”

Shoot! Sweetie Belle had very nearly let his words distract her from her own building magic. Just as he finished his speech, the unicorn felt an influx of magical energy well up inside the cloud. She wasn't sure what sort of spell he was planning on forming, but Sweetie Belle prepared her reflexes. She couldn't afford to be slow, not at this distance.

Just as she saw the sigil forming, she sprung forth with her own magic, and caught the spell as the cloud released it. It was a dark greyish energy that had a crystalline pattern to it. It was shot out directly at Sweetie Belle, and she snagged it out of the air.

Yet, to her surprise, she noticed it wasn't the only spell on the way. Two others formed right behind it. Directed at both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. She moved instinctively and managed to snag the one from the air, just before it struck Apple Bloom, and drew the magic into her own horn. By the time she turned her attention to the other weave, she saw it break apart, and Scootaloo's bracelet began to flash its brilliant purple.

“Take this!” Apple Bloom shouted, springing forward with surprising speed and spun to deliver a solid buck to the cloud.

Sweetie Belle gasped as she saw a small shock of magic pulse out from her friend's hooves. While the kick should normally have passed through the cloud with little effect, the earth pony's buck was similar to a pegasus' and half the cloud was blown away along with much of the magic that circulated through its white mass.

With the front half of the cloud dissipated, Sweetie Belle caught a glimpse of a small sliver of green light shimmering in the center. That must be the channel for the spell.

Following up Apple Bloom's buck, the unicorn thrust her own magic out toward the crystal. She saw the strand that was feeding into the green light, as it came from above. With a grunt, she directed the full force of the magic she had snagged, only moments prior, at that single, thick band of magic.

She felt only a moment of resistance, then the weave came apart, and the spell dissipated. With it, the rest of the cloud fell apart and filled the cave entrance with a blanket of mist. At the center of the mist, she saw the small crystal channel fall to the ground, with a soft clink.

“Is he gone?” Apple Bloom asked warily.

“For now,” Sweetie Belle responded, and moved with a sense of curiosity toward the fallen crystal. “I only severed his Scrying spell. It would be hard to recreate such a complicated scrying spell, and would take a lot of magic on his part. He was probably miles and miles away. That gave me an edge. I could see the spell forming before it was cast.”

“Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom shouted and ran over to the pegasus. “Did that magic hurt her?”

“Don't worry about her, the bracelet protected her. That's why I chose to stop the one aimed at you first.” The unicorn peered into the mist as she talked and saw a small, lifeless emerald, sitting on the cave floor. It was a splinter of crystal, smaller than the diameter of her hoof, and far skinnier. She picked it up with her magic to examine it. “I'm not sure what his spell was that he shot at us. But right now, I'm glad we didn't find out.”

“What'd ya find there?” The earth pony had made her way back to Sweetie Belle's side and glowered at the crystal.

“It was the channel for his spell. Something that let him use magic at a long distance. Coupled with a scrying spell and the 'remote-sound' spell, he was able to do pretty much anything he could do normally, only over a long distance. And all that magic was being channeled through this small emerald. He was casting at least four separate spells at once. I've only ever seen Twilight be able to do that much, and never at a distance like this.”

“So, then, he won't be able to chase after us without another crystal like this one?”

“Well, not in the same way, no. But he's still very powerful, and knows we're out here. He also still has a complex weather spell lacing the sky for miles. I don't think we've seen or heard the last of him.” She drew the emerald even closer and examined its pattern and frowned. She had seen this pattern before, faint as it was, it matched perfectly, line for line, to the pattern of her own amulet. As she compared the crystal beside the larger amulet, a faint magical weave sparked between them. And it began to glow, brighter and brighter.

“Sweetie, what the heck? Why's that glowin'? What's goin' on?” Apple Bloom spouted out as she backed away warily.

With the light, so too came that laughter, broken and pained, almost maniacal. It only grew louder as the light got increasingly brighter.

“Scoddri!” Sweetie Belle shouted at the laughter. “What's wrong? Scoddri!”

The laughter paused for only a second. “Sweetie Belle?” the voice asked, only to be followed by the same laughter.

With a flash, Sweetie Belle felt the splinter of emerald in her magic's grasp shatter. The piece then flew directly into her amulet. In the next second, the light faded and the echoing laughs were silenced.

“Sweetie, that voice... What was that?”

“Scoddri...” she said softly more to herself, than to Apple Bloom. Then she turned to the earth pony, with tears welling up in her eyes. “He's alive! Bloom, Scoddri's alive!” She pulled her friend into a hug.

Apple Bloom looked at her friend nervously, and hesitantly returned the gesture. “That's great and all Sweetie, but who the hay is Scoddri? And why was he laughin' like that?” She shuddered.

End of Chapter 6