• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 11,478 Views, 1,064 Comments

A Heart of Change - SilentBelle

Sweetie Belle comes up with a plan to share a summer's vacation with her friends. Little do the young mares know that their trip will not be quite as they had planned. But when has anything ever happened as they planned?

  • ...

Chapter 17 - Through Different Eyes

A Heart of Change – Chapter 17: Through Different Eyes
By: SilentBelle

“...and then we arrived here late last night,” Apple Bloom concluded.

Sky Chaser nodded, wearing a smirk on his face. “Very interesting...”

“So, you three managed to stop his spell even as he tried to stop you?” The Captain shook his head then turned to Shining Armor. “That's a bit hard to believe. They're barely even old enough to be considered mares.”

“Captain,” Shining Armor said kindly, “I do not see that Apple Bloom has any reason to lie. As much as I'd wish some of this information was false, such as my own sister and her friends being encased in crystal, we must take her words into consideration. It does explain my sister's absence.” Shining Armor shook his head curtly, as if to banish a stray thought playing through his mind. “I also know that Apple Bloom's sister is the Element of Honesty. I see no reason to doubt her story. If she said that the three of them were able to overcome this mystery unicorn's setup and diffuse the storm, then they were able to. Not to mention that they were in contact with old Slater's pack.

“Young though she may be, keep in mind, my own sister saved Princess Luna at nearly the same age. Looks can be deceiving.”

“And so can strangers...” Captain Snowfall muttered.

“My Prince, if I may be so bold,” Sunrise said with a small nod of courtesy, and waited for his returning nod. “I do believe it would be in our best interests to contact the diamond dogs as soon as possible. Their construction techniques and resources would be invaluable at the present. Perhaps we can make a mutual trade with them. It is in times like these that we must count on our allies and help them in turn.”

“Yes,” Shining Armor replied with a nod. “However, we must first calculate some numbers and outline some reasonable estimates. We'll need to have a handle on that by tomorrow. Hopefully we will receive word from Canterlot today and factor any new information into our plans.”

“But contacting the dogs would only spread our limited resources even thinner!” Captain Snowfall warned. “Any group sent out to contact the diamond dogs would need at least a small escort, and we don't have a single guard to spare. Besides,” he continued, with an irritated shake of his head, “if the girl is telling the truth, then we can expect this mystery unicorn to attack us sometime soon. It could be today or tomorrow.”

“And you'd rather us just sit in here and wait for him to strike?” Sunrise asked with a dismissive laugh. “We need to act as soon as we can, or we will be right where he wants us. We have to secure our resources and continue on. We can't be afraid to act now. Fear is what he wants to bring to us.”

“Are you calling me a coward?!” The Captain glared at the orange steward.

“Enough you two! Enough.” Shining Armor gave them both a disapproving look before pulling himself up straighter. “We are going to deal with the dogs tomorrow. Sunrise, I will give you a full briefing tomorrow and we will discuss the intricacies and details then. Make sure to get a good account of how many resources we need and how much we can spare.

“Captain, I want you to send half of the guard to help with construction, as we talked about earlier. Inform your lieutenants to keep an ear out for emergency calls. Make certain that they know exactly what to do if the emergency bells are sounded. With the guards out in the city actively helping the ponies rebuild, everypony will feel safer and more secure. We cannot fall into disarray now. Our ponies need us to be strong and to lead them. They are depending on us to see them through these troubled times. If this unknown unicorn should make a move against the city, the guard will be in a position to help the citizens of the empire, and that is what is truly important here. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, my Prince!” The captain formed a perfect salute.

“Sky Chaser, you are to help Apple Bloom find her friends. You've always been good at finding things. I'll leave it in your capable hooves.”

Sky Chaser made a deep bow that came off, in Apple Bloom's mind at least, as overly zealous, and perhaps slightly mocking. “But of course, my Prince. If you'll follow me to my chambers, young Apple Bloom, we can get started right away.”

“Must you make it sound as though you're attempting to seduce her?” Sunrise asked with a small smirk. “Keep an eye on him, Apple Bloom. He has a reputation.”

“A reputation?” Apple Bloom asked, eying the poorly-dressed unicorn as if sizing him up.

“A reputation of being kind to ladies,” he offered with a laugh. “Come now, would it really be in my best interest to do anything of questionable repute to such a charming young mare?”

Blank Slate merely shook her head in disapproval.

“Remember, Ah've destroyed a stone golem before. Ah think Ah can handle myself quite well.” Apple Bloom gave one of her hind-legs an experimental kick. “Any wounds he ends up with will be well deserved.”

The unicorn laughed once again. “Perhaps it's the risk that makes it all worthwhile.”

“And perhaps you should get started before the good captain escorts you out.” Sunrise tilted her head toward Snowfall, whose scowl was plain for all to see.

“Such buffoonery-” he began, but was cut off.

The door to the throne room burst open suddenly. A crystal pony guard, of a garnet hue ran into the chamber. His eyes were wide as they darted about the room and eventually fell upon Captain Snowfall. He managed to perform a clumsy salute as the Captain rounded on him.

“Sergeant!” The Captain shouted. “This is a private meeting! What are you doing?! Explain yourself!”

“Sir, there's been an attack just outside!”

“An attack?!” The captain moved forward preparing his weapon, a crystalline blade that slid down from a holster on the sleeve of his armour. He moved toward the guard. “Give me the details!”

“Sir, it was a pegasus: she had an orange coat, purple mane and tail, and a cutie mark the same colour as her hair. She demanded entry to the meeting room and got angry when we refused. Then she looked at Bulwark and he suddenly collapsed a second later. The assailant then flew away before I could detain her.” The guard's fierce voice faltered. “Bulwark... he's not waking up...”

Scootaloo? What in the hay is going on? Apple Bloom wondered as sinking feeling took dominance in her stomach. She was certain that there was no way her friend would have done such an act. Sure, it is like Scootaloo ta get in an argument with the guards when they didn't let her in, but she'd never resort to violence. Not unless Sweetie were involved anyway. Apple Bloom frowned.

“If it weren't for the guards at the door, she could have entered here and taken out any one of us,” the captain muttered. “Alright, Sergeant, take me to Sergeant Bulwark.”

“I would like to see as well,” Sky Chaser's lilting voice followed. The unicorn smiled at Shining Armor. “Why, it almost sounds like a pegasus was using magic. It is most peculiar, is it not? It shouldn't take too long to figure out what happened. And we were going to be heading out anyway.”

Shining Armor nodded. “And afterward, you are to do as we have discussed. Now, before more drama makes its way through that door, you all have your duties. You are all dismissed. Sunrise, with me, we'll talk supplies on the way.”

The ponies in the room all bowed and then got moving. Sky Chaser waved over to Apple Bloom. “Come, young Apple Bloom. Let us not tarry now.”

She fell in line behind him and they headed through the thick double doors, right behind the captain. They passed through the antechamber and saw the guard, Bulwark, slumped against the wall beside the front doors. He looked to be sleeping fitfully with a wince half formed on his muzzle.

“Sergeant Bulwark! On your hooves! Now!” Captain Snowfall shouted, filling the halls of the Crystal Palace, and Apple Bloom inadvertently took a step backward.

“Not so much as a blink,” Sky Chaser voiced his observations with a laugh. “And here I thought you had a voice that could wake the dead.”

“Sergeant Bulwark!” the captain shouted again, this time hitting the stallion with a precise and forceful blow to his side.

“Be careful, or he might not wake again,” Sky Chaser jested.

“I'd like to see you do better,” the captain retorted.

“I think it should be obvious by now that this pony is under a spell, not the sort of thing that mere force will overcome... though I suppose with enough, one technically could break it, and most likely the pony with it.” He looked at the pony and lit his horn up for a mere moment. A golden aura marked his magic, and a single beam, like a ray of sunlight shot forth to the downed guard. “Hmm... It looks to be a trance, if I am not mistaken. He should be able to break out of it of his own will, but it could take some time. I am not that well versed in this particular field of magic.”

“And you can't just break the spell now?” Snowfall asked spitefully. “Some use you are.”

“Hey now, I could break the spell. Pretty easily, in fact. However, the spell is one that affects the mind, and a unicorn with any semblance of sense would know that breaking a spell that resides in another pony's mind could do far more damage than the original spell ever would.”

“So then ya'd just have ta carefully disassemble it, or it could all come crashing down?” Apple Bloom reasoned.

“Ah, perceptive, but not quite there. While I've never had the opportunity to see this sort of thing in the flesh, I have read up on the subject a fair amount in my years. Think of it instead as a having a knotted length of twine laced inside a pony's head, except the twine is made of glass. That glass filters, distorts, or alters the goings on inside. It depends on the function of the spell. Breaking it is easy—too easy—but doing so might just fragment the spell and cause lasting... nasty effects.” Sky Chaser offered Apple Bloom a contrasting smile to his grim words.

“A shattered mind?” Apple Bloom shivered. “Trying to help could make him go insane?”

“The best of intentions are oft a catalyst to the most regrettable of actions,” he almost sung back.

“So, you aren't going to help him?” The Captain shook his head in disdain. “You charlatan!”

“Now, now.” Sky Chaser deflected the accusation with a laugh. “I just explained why doing nothing is the safest action to take. The magic will dissipate over time. So long as it's not being constantly reinforced, there should be no lasting harm. Or,” he said, waving his staff before him, his tone turning darker, “if there is lasting harm, then anything we try, at least from a magical standpoint would likely only make things worse. We would need a unicorn whose profession is cemented in the magics of the mind, and who has had years of experience fixing this kind of problem. And finding a pony like that in the Crystal Empire, or even in most of Equestria, is a more fruitless search than scouring the city for Apple Bloom's friend's missing amulet. So don't accuse me of cheap trickery when you fail to see the whole scope of the problem.”

The captain snorted at the words then turned to the guard beside him. “Take the Sergeant to the infirmary. Tell the nurses he's to rest until he wakes and not to attempt any magic on him whatsoever.”

The guard nodded with a salute, then, with the help of the Captain, loaded Bulwark onto his back.

Apple Bloom was impressed that the guard pony could not only carry his comrade's weight, but the weight of all their equipment as well.

“And with that we must be going,” Sky Chaser announced and proffered a smile to the Captain. “Prince's orders and all that.”

Captain Snowfall met the unicorn's affable smile with a glare, before turning down the hallway to attend to his own business.

Sky Chaser chuckled as the other stallion walked away. “See? What did I say? He certainly does try to live up to his namesake. I'm surprised that there's no frost on the walls around us.”

Apple Bloom didn't share in his amusement. “You two don't quite seem to get along.”

Sky Chaser laughed at her comment and signaled with a quick sweep of his staff, for her to follow him. “You might be surprised, young Apple Bloom. It's just friendly banter between us. That's a stallion you really don't want to see angry. While we often disagree, we both understand each other and our importance to the Empire. I certainly don't envy him his job, I can tell you that.”

“And ya just go on annoyin' him while he has a large amount o' duty ta shoulder? Ain't that kinda mean-spirited?”

“Oh, but it's not pointless banter, Apple Bloom. See, by opposing him at every turn, I am reinforcing his own understanding of the role he plays. Why he has to maintain protocol, and why the guards follow his orders to the letter.”

“Ah somehow doubt he thinks the same way...” Apple Bloom muttered as she followed the unicorn up a flight of stairs.

“Oh, he might not think that way, but deep down he understands it. That's why he puts up with me.” He let his smile fall, and his tone lost its bubbly cadence. “Now, Apple Bloom, I understand that the debacle with the guard was caused by your friend... Scootaloo, it was, yes?”

“But she would never-”

“Ah, but the evidence, allegations as they may be, point to the contrary.”

“But the evidence of my own memories of Scootaloo, are enough for me to know that she's innocent,” Apple Bloom asserted.

“Hmm, but you shouldn't dismiss the guard's account in favour of your friend. I think there is more at work here than any of us know.”

Apple Bloom looked down at her hooves as he spoke words that echoed so closely to her own prior thoughts. “But how can we figure out what really happened?”

“Oh, in the same way we are climbing these steps, my dear: one step at a time, it's part of the reason why I was so adamant on making sure that the guard remains undisturbed as he recovers.”

“Huh?” Apple Bloom tilted her head. “What do you mean? I thought you were tellin' the truth 'bout it bein' dangerous ta mess with the magic in his head.”

“Oh it is, and I meant every word of it.” The pair of ponies had made it to the top of a spiraling staircase that ended abruptly with a single, simple wooden door. “However, there's another use for the magic in his head, and that is a use of magic in which I am a professional.”

With a golden glow of his horn, the door swung open. “For I am a Scrymaster, and I welcome you to my humble abode.” He gestured to the room, and stepped to the side of the door, displaying a soft smile. “Ladies first.”

Apple Bloom shook her head and laughed. “Seriously? How often do the ladies fall for that one?”

“Well, not to brag,” he said with a shrug and entered the room first, “but I have a bit of a reputation.”

“And I'm sure being a master scryer only adds to that reputation.” Apple Bloom followed the pony into his chambers

“I'm glad you see the humor in my occupation. It's rare to come across ponies who understand what scrying even is.” He gestured with his staff to a wall with numerous crystalline mirrors embedded into its surface. Aside from the mirrors, Apple Bloom saw dozens of urns, a chemical burner of some sort, numerous crystal balls, bookshelves, as well as a large cabinet that seemed to be filled with accessories of all sorts.

“Rare or not, Ah know that scryin’ magic is the best chance Ah'll get ta trackin' down my friends.” Apple Bloom nodded. “So, where should we get started?”

“Ah, that saves me a fair amount of explaining, and you have no idea just how refreshing that is. I think we shall start with finding your friend... Sweetie Belle, I do believe it was. But for that to work, we are going to need what's in your bag. A certain something you've been hiding from everypony.” He wore a sly smile.

“How did you-?”

“I'm a scrymaster, Apple Bloom. Knowing where stuff is, especially if it's hidden, is my specialty. I do have another purpose in attending those meetings, even more so with unknown delegates and travelers bearing saddlebags that could be filled with any odd thing.”

“So you've looked through all my stuff?” Apple Bloom frowned at the intrusive act.

“Now, now. No need to look like that. I was just doing my job. Palace security is a priority at these trying times.” He offered a knowing smile. “And I do understand why you would leave parts of your story out.”

Apple Bloom let out a small sigh. “Fine, Ah get it.” She took off her saddlebags and began digging through the pocket to find the shard of Discord. “Ah'll give ya credit though. Yer smarter than ya look.”

“And I am mightily impressed as well. You're more of a trickster than you might think, young Apple Bloom.” He laughed. “And cute too.”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Ya know, fer somepony so cunnin', ya really don't have a lick o' sense when it comes ta mares, do ya?”

“Well, it was worth a shot,” he said with a joking sigh. “But I suspect you want to keep this as... hmm... professional as possible?”

“Of course.” She wondered at the character before her. She didn't trust him an inch, though she did have to admit a certain respect for him.

“Well then, with all the formalities taken care of, let us find your friend.”

* * *

Scootaloo didn't want to leave the cloud she was hiding atop. If interacting with other ponies would cause them to hurt, then it was for the best if she avoided other ponies. I can't go back to the palace. The guards will think I'm some kind of criminal. So for a couple hours, she had remained on the cloud, but eventually, the grip of hunger and thirst reared its dispassionate head, and the cloud seemed a far less adequate solution to her problems than when she had first sought it out.

She flew out past the city outskirts, high above and out of sight of the ponies below. Eventually she dipped down in a quick descent, and landed in a waterlogged field. She claimed an unsatisfactory meal of the moist grasses, a food that seemed to mirror her own feelings. The realization that nearly pulled a sour chuckle from her.

She looked to the distant city, sparkling in the afternoon sunlight with its myriad colours and reflections. She then turned away from the city and peered at the distant mountains and the cloud-spotted skies that presided over them all. It would be so easy to just fly away and leave it all behind. It might even be for the best. Her body ached for her to fly away, to leave the crystal ponies to their troubles.

She spread her wings at the thought of chasing the sky on the merits of flying alone. She knew living a life in the air would be enough for her. It had been her dream as a filly, to fly in the skies. Not necessarily fast or even well, but just to fly in those skies; to live in that endless expanse and within the limitless freedom that it carried. It had been her dream. And I'd leave Sweetie behind?

Her wings recoiled back to her sides. So why do I feel like I'm being smothered when I look to the skies, when before all I used to see was freedom? The question was entirely pointless, for she already knew the answer in the mild burning that dwelt behind her eyes. This snake has coiled around me, and is tightening his grip. I won't be able to run away or hide. She turned back to city and a small memory resurfaced in her mind, “Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.”

I'm not just a little filly anymore, and I'm not gonna run away anymore! With a determined stomp, she kicked off the ground and took once more to the skies.

* * *

Azure had been rushed to a nearby clinic after he collapsed and the other children had since disbanded after being told that he'd be fine and just needed a bit of rest to recuperate. His parents had come by once they heard the news. Both had their concerns assuaged by the clinical staff, who assured them that it was caused by pent up exhaustion, coupled with his history of insomnia. As the parents both still had things to do, they left their sleeping child in the caring hooves of the local nurse, with promises that they'd be back once their jobs were finished, later that evening.

This, likewise, left Sweetie Belle with very little to keep herself occupied. Being in the hospital chamber, stuck in the pocket of a the colt’s jacket on a coat-rack, she got a fine view of the rather stationary surroundings. Although she had to disagree with nurse's opinion on the situation.

Azure's collapse was not caused by acute fatigue, but rather something far more sinister. The purple and green patterns still glowed faintly from the child's closed eyes. It's a mind magic of sorts.

“Tricky things... dealing with minds. They are so very easy to break.”

Twilight always said it was forbidden to use magic that directly influenced the mind... It's one of the rare instances where I actually agreed with her. Doing something so intimate with a pony just feels... wrong. No pony has the right to change another pony's mind with magic.

“A right? No pony needs the right to do so. Having magic and the knowledge to use it so is right enough.” Scoddri laughed. “Magic is meant to be used, girl. If it serves your purposes, you do it. Lifting a teacup or making another pony do your bidding. All is fair game on the field of magic. There is no sense in drawing lines. Ponies should use their magic to achieve their desires—they always have, and always will. It's what it has always come down to.”

But there is a right and wrong though, and mind magic crosses that line.

“For you, girl,” the voice spat, “and many others as well. But there is no universal good or evil with any magic. I figured you'd have learned that by now. To apply such laws to magic is pure folly.”

No, Sweetie Belle argued back. There are clearly immoral things to do with magic, and taking away the free will of another pony is one of those things that is just wrong.

“That one flame burns more than another when it is all fire is a pointless argument,” the voice said dismissively. “You'd be wiser spending your time finding a way out of your own predicament, girl.”

You mean our predicament, correct?

“No, I meant your predicament. My own state is none of your concern.”

Unless I choose to make it my concern, she retorted.

“Out of sheer boredom, I suppose?” He laughed again. “A hospital certainly isn't a much better sight than a sculpture garden.”

Sweetie Belle was growing irritated at the voice. Did I always argue this much with Scoddri? She couldn't help but wonder.

“You are still as noisy as ever. Which is quite the feat, considering your lack of a body,” Scoddri offered. “Or perhaps you're even noisier than before. Thoughts are a much harder thing to control than a mouth. Don't you agree?”

A sudden movement drew Sweetie Belle's attention before she could continue the banter with Scoddri. The colt let out a gasp and sat up straight in his hospital bed.

“Ah, he woke up earlier than the doctors had guessed.”

He was able to overcome the spell with his own mind. Sweetie Belle observed, seeing that the sickly magic pattern emanating from his eyes had dissipated. He must have a strong force of will.

“Or he's acclimated to that particular type of magic.” Scoddri proffered.

“Where...?” the child muttered as he blinked and took in his surroundings.

As he did so, Sweetie Belle felt another presence drawing close through the glass of a nearby window. Huh? She couldn't believe it, the magic bore her own pattern—the pattern of the amulet's magic—at its base. She traced the lines quickly and determined it to be a scrying spell, though the surrounding magic that composed the spell was not of anypony she had met before.

Somepony's scrying on me? Maybe Apple Bloom found somepony to track me down, she reasoned.

“And so you'll wait for another pony to get you out of this predicament?”

Hah! You should know better, Scoddri. If anypony's getting me out of this, it's me! After being sure that the spell had been around long enough for its caster to get a good grasp on the surroundings, Sweetie Belle reached out with her will at the center of the spell, the magic that matched her own.

She pulled on the emerald strand and it responded, drawing closer to her. For a moment, she felt some resistance, but then it flowed straight into her amulet. As it arrived, she quickly crafted the strands and reached them out to the surrounding spell.

As she did, she felt a flash of emotion. But instead of the shock, fear, or worry that typically accompanied such an action, she instead felt the presence of the other pony's amusement. It felt as though the magic were jeering at her, even as she reformed it into her own pattern.

She quickly pooled the sizable amount of magic into the amulet and decided she'd only use it as she required it. She figured she'd only have enough for a decent teleportation spell, a great deal of talking, or any sort of magic in between. She wasn't about to use it carelessly. Well, she amended to herself even as she formed a plan, not too carelessly.

“Hey kid!” she called out into the room. “Azure was it?”

“Huh? Who's there?!” he shouted back, his eyes peering about the room.

“Hey, don't worry. I'm not a voice in your head or anything,” she assured the colt.

“Is there's anything wrong with hearing a voice inside your head?” Scoddri quipped wryly, but Sweetie Belle ignored his voice.

“Where are you? Who are you?” The colt still looked around the room nervously.

“Oh, I'm Sweetie Belle, pleased to meet you.” Her voice carried a pleased tone, born from the relief she felt at finally being able to speak once again. “I'm over here in your pocket.” She then pulled on her magic to make the amulet glow a bit.

“In my pocket? How'd you get in there?” The colt slowly got out of bed and walked over to the closet and pulled his jacket off the rack. He pulled the amulet out of the pocket and looked at it curiously. “What are you?”

“Why, I'm a unicorn of course,” Sweetie Belle said with a laugh. “Though I am kind of trapped inside this amulet. I was placed into your pocket while you were still asleep,” she offered as a way of explanation. Technically true.

“Ah, yes. The best sort of truth.”

“Huh... I see.” The colt tilted his head. “Why?”

“I don't know. I think it's because I pissed off some powerful unicorn who is now trying to smuggle me out of the city unnoticed and use me for some nefarious plot of his.”

“Right...” the colt deadpanned.

“Oh, come on. If it's this convoluted it has to be true. I couldn't make this up if I tried!”

“But that's just... really weird,” the colt said as he walked back to the bed and slipped the amulet around his neck.

“Well, I'm talking to you now, and that's pretty weird too, right?”

“I suppose... but what do you want from me? Why my pocket?”

“Hay if I know why I end up half the places I do,” Sweetie Belle replied. “But I do know that you can help me.”

“So I'm just supposed to listen to the voice of some mysterious amulet and do whatever you say?” Azure laughed at her. “Do you really think anypony would fall for something like that? I'm not a dumb foal, you idiot.”

“I seem to recall a certain filly that might have fallen for one such ruse in the past,” Scoddri laughed at her expense.

“Hey, who are you calling idiot? You foal! You don't even have a cutie mark!”

The child scowled. “Well I will eventually. At least I didn't get myself trapped in a piece of ugly jewelry!”

“Ugly?! Scoddri's element isn't ugly! An emerald is the best kind of gem!”

“I've seen hundreds of better jewels than this piece of junk.”

Sweetie Belle cut her rebuke short. That insufferable... She forced the anger out her mind. I don't have the time or the magic to waste on this... Just act like an adult, Sweetie. Be professional about this.

“Listen, kid... I'm sorry I poked fun at you for being a blank flank. I was one too, a few years back.”

“Uh, yeah, so? What's your point?” the colt asked. “All ponies were blank flanks before they got their cutie marks... That's just common sense.”

“No, what I mean to say is that I got picked on pretty mercilessly because of that when I was your age. So... I know how that feels, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.”

The colt looked down at the amulet. “Well, okay, I guess. It didn't bother me much. I'll get my mark someday soon. I know it.”

“That's the spirit,” Sweetie said happily. “So... do you think you can help me out?”

The colt considered for a moment. “Only if you help me first. You know, like a trade.”

Oh, great. Why do ponies have to be so greedy? Can't anyone just help a pony in need anymore? Sweetie Belle sighed inwardly. “Oh, fine! What can I help you with, Azure?”

“Well...” he looked around hospital room. “Do you have any idea why I'm in a hospital?”

“You collapsed while you were out playing with your friends. They called some adults and the adults brought you here. Your mother and father came by, not long ago and they'll be back after their work is over,” Sweetie Belle explained. “Though, I'd have figured that at least one of your parents would have stayed by your side. Geez, what's with that?”

He shook his head. “No, that's fine. We just lost the house, and they're busy working to make up for it, and I don't want to get in the way of their work. It's not like I was in any real danger anyways. I've collapsed like that a few times before,” he admitted sourly. “I hate causing them trouble.”

“Huh...” Sweetie Belle considered the situation. “So... anything else you need before complying with my own request?”

“Oh, a bunch,” Azure said slyly. “You said you got your cutie mark, right? Why not tell me how you got it?”

“What?!” Sweetie spouted, indignantly. “That's a sensitive subject. You can't just ask a lady about her cutie mark like that!”

“Well, I just did. Give me an answer, or I'll just put you back in my pocket and pretend you aren't there.”

“Well...” Sweetie Belle said darkly. “It's a long story... and I don't like talking about it.”

“That's stupid. Why wouldn't you want to talk about it? Isn't a cutie mark supposed to be your special talent? Finding that out has to be one of the coolest experiences in your life.”

“Hey, I love my cutie mark more than anypony. But how I got it is very... personal.”

“Well, you're the first adult I've ever asked that hasn't just started gushing over how they got their mark. Maybe yours is just a boring story, and you're embarrassed that it won't come close to how awesome my own cutie mark story is going to be,” the child goaded.

“Boring? Hah! You're lucky I'm stuck in this amulet or I'd force you to eat those words. Literally. With my magic.”

“Ooh, I'm so scared,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “You're just an amulet. If you had that kind of power, you'd have already used it. I mean, you're just begging a kid like me for help, because you're stuck otherwise.” He laughed back at her. “Now why don't you just tell me your cutie mark story?”

That insufferable little- Had she the lungs to do so, she’d have sighed. “Fine. Fine, I'll do it. Now listen closely to every word I speak, because I'm not going to repeat myself.”

The colt smiled smugly as he laid down on the bed to listen.

“It all started just over five years ago. It was mid-summer, and I was bored out of my mind. All my friends were busy and my parent were away for the summer. So I decided to help out my sister with some vain hope that I might get my cutie mark...”

* * *

Apple Bloom peered into the mirror they were using. The silvery colour within its depths shimmered for a moment then swirled like a vortex that forms when a pony pulls the plug out of tub of water. The vortex widened and the silver formed to a solid ring around it. Within the vortex, Apple Bloom could see a new scene.

“It looks like a hospital,” Apple Bloom reasoned, “with beds like that and those locked cabinets of medicine. I wonder what Sweetie is doing there... Where is she anyway?”

“Hmm,” Sky Chaser hummed. “Let's see here.” His horn flashed golden for a moment and the scene before them focused on a jacket hanging on a rack in the corner of the room. “By the looks of it... probably in that jacket pocket.”

“So then, now that we know where she is we can go and get her... So where's that hospital.”

“Let's see.” The visual spell zoomed out and spun about observing the room. On a bed, a child with a shimmering blue coat sat, blinking as if he had just woken up. Apple Bloom noted the blank flank as the spell continued backing outward and exited through one of the building’s windows.

“'Crystal Care Walk-in Clinic'? Huh, Ah'm surprised they even have beds at a walk-in clinic.” Apple Bloom mused aloud. “Shouldn't be hard to track down though.”

“Of course. Scrying is my specialty, young Apple Bloom.” The spell moved back inside the room of its own accord, drawn by the bond that the spell was centered upon—namely the shard of Discord and the amulet.

“I wonder if that child stole the amulet. Scootaloo was pretty adamant that that mysterious unicorn was behind this as well.”

“Scootaloo also used mind magic on a guard,” Sky Chaser reminded her and chuckled at her expression. “Oh? What is this?” A look of pleased surprise descended upon the unicorn as he turned his attention back to the scrying mirror. “Well I'll be,” he said as he flared his horn a bit and frowned. “Something's grabbed a hold of the spell and is pulling it away from me. Hah! Most interesting.”

Apple Bloom gasped as the fragment of Discord flew out of Sky Chaser's telekinetic grip and smashed straight into the mirror. It hit with a spray of shattered glass, breaking the spell and the image within.

“Sweetie!” she shouted in surprise. “Shoot. Ah should've warned ya that she'd probably try ta take your magic if she could.”

“Haha! Now that isn't something I can say I've ever seen before. Most interesting.”

“Oh darn!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “That mirror must have cost a fortune!”

“A small fortune, afforded by my position as Magician of the Crystal Court. I'll have it replaced in due time. Worry not, young Apple Bloom. The experience in itself was worth the mirror.”

“But it was my fault. If you weren't lookin' fer Sweetie-”

“Under Prince Shining Armor's orders,” he reminded her. “They are work expenses. Though if you still feel bad, then perhaps you can make it up to me...”

“Huh?” Apple Bloom asked. If he says what I think he's gonna say, I'm gonna give him a solid bucking.

“Well first off, wipe that silly glower off your face. A lady such as yourself has no need for such an expression,” he said with a smile as he magicked the shard of Discord from the shards of glass and gave it back to her.

“I'm not a lady,” she said defiantly and stuffed the shard back into her saddlebags.

“And I'm not much of a lord, yet I hold the title,” he joked. “But perhaps you'd be willing to accompany me-”

“You really don't take a hint, do you?” she asked

“Oh, I see the hints very well—better than most. You see, I was going to suggest that we go and find that poor sap of a guard that your friend laid low. I figure, with a bit of tinkering, I can lead us right to your other friend. Of course, if you have other plans... I do understand.”

“You phrased it that way on purpose,” Apple Bloom pointed out as she tightened the strap on her bag. “Maybe we can get a few guards sent ta pick Sweetie up while we find Scootaloo. Even if we can't, we know where Sweetie is, and it doesn't seem like she's goin' anywhere too fast. And honestly, Ah'm more worried about Scootaloo than Sweetie at the moment."

“I figured it would be an apt choice to find both your friends and reclaim them at our leisure.”

“Thanks,” Apple Bloom said. “Though I am curious. Why are ya helpin' me so readily?”

“Hmm.” The stallion quirked an eyebrow. “If what happened two minutes ago is any indication of what is going to happen when I help you, then the experience itself is worth my while. Besides, being around somepony who's willing to listen to what you are actually saying is most refreshing.” He magicked his orb-topped staff and carried it alongside him.

“Sweetie didn't drain too much of your magic, did she?” Apple Bloom asked as she followed him out of his chambers.

“Oh? Is that concern I hear? How kind of you. And you say you aren't a lady. Don't you see how it can be so confusing to keep track of?”

Apple Bloom responded by moving up beside the stallion shoving him against the wall of the spiraling staircase. He nearly lost his balance, but managed to save himself from an embarrassing, and likely painful, tumble down the stairs. “Don't call me a lady.”

He laughed as he pulled himself to his hooves. “As you wish my... friend, Apple Bloom.”

She rolled her eyes, but shared a chuckle. “Try not to push me too far.”

“Oh, I'll keep it in mind.” He continued down the palace stairs and Apple Bloom followed.

As they moved through the palace, she still found it quite amazing how much natural light made it into the building. They must save a fortune on torches, or otherwise magical lighting. Maybe Canterlot should think to invest in similar building materials. It might save them a fortune in the long-run.

On their way, Apple Bloom noted more than a few staring eyes of what she assumed were nobles and servants, many of which she saw whisper to each other as they passed by. Apple Bloom frowned, and wondered what sort of gossip they might be spreading.

“Ah, the life of the nobles,” Sky Chaser said with a chuckle. “Surely they must be spreading false rumors about me yet again. They've made a reputation for me, and they might as well feed it.”

“So, they think you're some sort of grand mare-chaser and seducer?” Apple Bloom asked, worried about the damage that such rumors could cause her own reputation as an entrepreneur. As much as she hated such politics and the vitriol that could spawn from it, she knew that she would never be able to truly avoid it, especially if she wanted to make a big name for herself.

“Hmm. Yes, I do suppose you could say that. Of course, the validity of their claims are not backed by any real evidence. But enough ponies hearing the same rumor, false or otherwise, is sure to cause some to make assumptions. And ponies are quite prone to act on assumptions.” He shot Apple Bloom a knowing smile. “In my business, one is quick to learn that having the facts and having the evidence is where true strength derives from. I've seen a secret exposed, ruin a pony's life, as well as a secret kept lead one to riches.”

“And yet if these ponies were honest, they'd not have to worry.”

“Ah, perhaps at times that might seem to be true.” He laughed. “But honesty is a tool, like any other. Ponies use it when they have to, and they lie when they have to. True honesty comes from the pursuit of your goals. What are the things that you'd be willing to lie for? To cheat for? To be used for?”

Apple Bloom frowned at his implication of reducing a noble virtue—an Element of Harmony; her sister’s element no less—to something akin to a hammer or nail. But at the same time, she couldn’t entirely refute his point.

“Once you understand those things about yourself, you'll see how, why and when to use the tools of truth and lies. It's a field that I am most accustomed to treading.”

“You certainly don't seem to be lying to me as much as you claim to.”

“Oh?” he asked. “You can be so certain?”

She smiled back at him knowingly. “Ah'm pretty good at catching a lie when Ah see it.”

“It's a shame that so few of them are spelled out, and so many of them are but fleeting vibrations in the air. It's far more effective to spot the truths.”

“So...” Apple Bloom lead in as they walked the halls. “Care to tell me why you have such an interest in me in particular?”

“Well, you're the first mare that's lasted this long around me without running off in anger.” He raised an eyebrow. “What? You don't think that's true.”

“No. I just find it surprising that you're willing to admit it so easily. But still... there's something else, isn't there?”

“Indeed. And had you not noticed, well... then there wouldn't be. I'm a stallion of perception. I watch, I learn, I know where I want to go, and I figure out how to get there. It's what I've done all my life.”

“And yet when ya get there, ya still see the path continuing onward. That's the talk of a dreamer,” Apple Bloom reasoned. “An admirable quality to still have after dealing with politics for so long.”

“Then perhaps you know why I have my eye on you...” he proffered as they rounded a corner.

“You see opportunity... and Ah guess Ah do too.”

He nodded. “Yes... it's rare to come across individuals who have such considerable talent: a solid mind, a certain quality of perception, as well as a willingness to take risks when they have to. I can tell you possess these qualities, young Apple Bloom. Yet you lack the opportunity to fully express them. An opportunity that I might be able to supply.”

He'd have ta prove Ah can trust him. He's a darned slippery stallion. And he'd stab me in the back if it suited his needs; he's already admitted as much. But he's also a noble pony with power and connections. He could be the jump-start Ah need to get mah name out there. She thought for a moment, looking at the middle-aged blue unicorn. But what does he have to gain from me? A percentage of my profits? Or is he after something else?

“Well,” Apple Bloom began as they came to a halt outside of a doorway, midway down the crystal hall. “Ah'd have to consider it, and we'd have ta talk out the details.”

“But of course.” He nodded at her, then moved to open the door. “And finally, we reach the infirmary. We should find our good guard resting away in here.”

A mare looked up at them as they entered the room. She was a light-green crystal pony, positioned behind a reception desk. She blinked a bit and a look of concern formed on her face. “Can I help you, Lord Sky?”

“Now now, no need for formalities. Call me Sky Chaser.”

“And what is your business in coming here, Lord Sky?”

Sky Chaser lent the mare a soft smile. “Why, we are just here to check up on our good friend, Bulwark.”

“Bulwark is resting,” she stated flatly. “And nopony is allowed to see the patients unless they are next of kin. You, Lord Sky, are not next of kin.”

“As I am well aware. How I'd ever explain a crystal pony being my brother is beyond even my ken. However, there remains the fact that I am tasked with solving a rather vexing problem, and seeing our good friend Bulwark is the only way in which we might get around to doing so. I must insist that we see him.” He raised an eyebrow, as if to question whether she'd challenge him. She just stared back coldly. “I am under the orders of the Prince himself. And in times like these, I believe it is most prudent if everypony works together. For the sake of our good city, of course.”

Apple Bloom saw the mare’s passive face turn to a frown, but eventually her ears lowered and she let out a defeated sigh. “He's in the third room on the left. But please, respect the patients.”

“Oh, but of course,” Sky Chaser acknowledged with a nod. He pulled his staff before him and motioned to Apple Bloom. “Come, young Apple Bloom. We'll get to the bottom of this in a jiffy.”

Apple Bloom gave the nurse an apologetic smile and ran to catch up to the unicorn.

* * *

Scootaloo hovered above the city once again, and over time the subtle burning behind her eyes dimmed a bit, but remained. Amidst the call of the wind she heard a voice, like a low moan, or a mumble in somepony's sleep. Hearing voices... the thought made her cringe, but then she scowled at her own fear. I can't be scared of them. I'm not crazy! I'll get to the bottom of this... Somehow...

She stared down at the expansive crystal city. The hundreds of buildings glittered in the afternoon sun. From up above nothing looked wrong to Scootaloo, save for the few decimated homes on the outskirts. It was frustrating the way everything seemed to be moving on below her, as though the city hadn't just been attacked, as though there wasn't a looming threat over their empire. The pristine buildings mocked the burning in her eyes. They mocked the fact that Rainbow Dash and all the others were trapped in crystal. They mocked the fact that Sweetie was trapped in an amulet. And they mocked the fact that she was hearing voices in the wind, and seeing visions through eyes not her own.

Another sound caught in her ears from the wind. For once, instead of murmuring, muttering, or moaning, it was a voice she recognized.

“So I decided to head towards Canterlot. Not just because Scoddri was telling me to, but because I wanted to see him, face to face.”

Scootaloo's vision blurred over, even as she hovered in place. She was now looking down and saw a body that was not her own. It was a deep blue, small body, and shimmered with a crystal effect. Dangling from this stranger's neck, Scootaloo saw the amulet flashing idly as Sweetie continued her story.

“So what happened next?” a child’s voice asked. “When do you get your cutie mark?”

Damn it! Focus Scootaloo! You're still flying! she had to remind herself. She still felt her body treading the air and made sure to keep her wing-beats even to keep her balance.

Sweetie's actually there! I finally found her! Even if it is through these damned visions... she's there.

Scootaloo heard Sweetie regaling her tale, a tale that Scootaloo had only ever heard her share once before. And as far as she knew, Sweetie hadn't told anypony else the full story. Even with Apple Bloom, Twilight, or Rarity she'd shied away from mentioning certain specifics. Such as hearing the voice in her head, or that she called him Scoddri instead of Discord, or how close the owlbear had come to catching her. And now she's sharing the story with some random colt in a hospital?!

She shook her head and focused on the scene before her. She willed the image to move, for the colt to look around and see the room around him. I have to find out where she is.

She felt resistance for a moment and the pain behind her eyes began to deepen like a slight pinch that slowly tightened with every passing second. The resistance she felt was akin to being in a dream and changing it to her whims, and the pain was negligible when compared it to the years she'd spent pushing herself to her physical limits and beyond, all in the name of chasing after Rainbow Dash.

With a grunt, she forced her will upon the image in her head, and it began to move. She heard the child wince as he looked away from the amulet and toward an open window, through which the afternoon sunlight shone. Out past the opening a series of buildings, red, green and blue could be seen. The building that the child was in seemed to be one of pale green.

“Ah!” the young colt groaned.

Just bear with it, kid. It can't be worse than how much my eyes are burning.

“Azure? Oh no! Is he taking control again? Fight it! Don't let him control you.” Sweetie's voice rang in Scootaloo's ears.

The fire behind her eyes blazed hotter every second, and Scootaloo felt tears flow freely down her muzzle in her body's attempt to stop the burning. Holding her focus tight, and using the pain to block everything else from her mind, she committed the colours and the roofs’ shapes to her memory. To the west of a two-storey green building, from north to south: red, green, blue. I can find it!

With a wrenching groan, forced her mind away from the child and back into her body.

She opened her eyes to see the a tear-blurred world around her, spinning wildly out of control, as her body tumbled in a dangerous corkscrew towards the chromatic cityscape. She reflexively shot out her wings and fought to counter the dangerous spin that she was performing.

In a second, the spinning had slowed just enough for her to spot an incoming shining building. With a yelp, she beat her wings against the inevitable crash and fell hard against the rooftop, rolling across it's slick surface and slipped off its slanted side. With a yelp, she felt the alley rising up to meet her.

* * *

End of Chapter 17