• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 11,479 Views, 1,064 Comments

A Heart of Change - SilentBelle

Sweetie Belle comes up with a plan to share a summer's vacation with her friends. Little do the young mares know that their trip will not be quite as they had planned. But when has anything ever happened as they planned?

  • ...

Chapter 10 - A Deal With Stone

A Heart of Change Chapter 10: A Deal With Stone

By: SilentBelle

She hovered in the air. Her wings feeling fresh and swift with every gentle flap. It was a rhythmic and lulling motion. A motion of peace and silence.

A dream? The pegasus was fairly certain that was the case. Wait... if I know I'm in a dream, then can't I just wake up? She shook her head, and the world shimmered in a swirl of colours for a moment before settling back to its subdued hues.

It's all just in my mind, she told herself and turned her head to the sky. Luminous stars sparkled across an impossibly orange and violet sky and seemed to stretch on forever, in all directions. She turned her gaze downward and was surprised to see both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

They each stood atop separate narrow plateaus of rock with an endless void between them. The two were looking up at her, and Scootaloo could feel their eyes on her, like a weight. It was cold steel pressing against her skin as she was held in their gaze.

Chains began to wrap around her steadily. They were green, yellow, lavender and red, all coiling like snakes. She felt the metal slither along her skin and felt them extend from her. She look on in stunned silence as the choking metallic chains trailed from her own body and down to her two friends. She gasped to see the chromatic metals feed right into the two mares’ hearts on either side of her.

It was then that Scootaloo felt her wings stop in mid rhythm. They were tangled in the chains, too tightly to continue. She tried to shake off the writhing metal bonds, struggling to break free, but they held her fast as she began to plummet through the open air.

“Apple Bloom! Sweetie!” she shouted to her friends, who only continued to gaze at her, unblinking. “What's going on? Let me out of here!”

Her eyes shot downward to the impending darkness. Her descent was accompanied by the clamor of metallic chains tugging on each other. “Help me!”

With a sudden click, all the chains drew taut and she stopped, suddenly motionless. Her friends looked down at her from far above, but they weren't looking into her eyes; this time it was somewhere else.

Scootaloo followed their gazes. There, just below her neck, was a gaping hole from which all the chains sprouted.

She screamed, and with a jolt, the chains poured out from her in a burst of metal keening. She fell downward, while looking up in horror as her two friends drifted away into a mist of darkness, until all that remained were the chains wrapped around her tightly and the rushing wind that whispered the promise of an end.

* * *

The hard stone pushed her back
Wings splayed behind her
As a hopeless bed of feathers
Cold and merciless
With a shock of breath
She woke with a start

* * *

Apple Bloom's eyes fluttered open, and a gentle chime caught in her ear. She rolled over to figure out what the sound was. She saw Sweetie Belle, sitting alone at the stone table. She had a book hovering open in front of her, along with a bucket of oats which was slowly being poured into a ceramic bowl, which she held between her two fore-hooves.

Apple Bloom was about to call out to the unicorn, but caught herself just in time to notice that Scootaloo was still asleep only a few feet from her. She cast a gentle smile at her sleeping friend. Ah'm glad she came back last night, she admitted to herself. Ah was gettin' a mite worried after all that's happened.

Pulling herself out of the litter of blankets, Apple Bloom made her way over to the table. Sweetie Belle turned in time to see her approach and attempted to flash her a smile. However, the unicorn's cheeks were filled with oats, and the moment her lips twitched, a few of the hard oats spilled out onto the hard floor. In her surprise, the book she had been reading dropped from her magic's grip and plummeted, with a neat crunch, into the bucket of oats. The entire action only served to evoke a giggle from Apple Bloom as she settled next to her friend.

“Ya know, ya shouldn't waste food like that,” she commented with a smile. “Ah'm glad yer awake Sweetie. You feelin' okay?”

The unicorn managed to swallow her over-sized portion of oats. “Likewise, I'm glad to be awake, and I feel fine. My head feels like I was using my horn to dig a tunnel. So, what happened while I was out? They didn't use me as a shovel did they?” she asked with a laugh, and rubbed her forehead. “Last thing I remember, I saw the pattern springing to life in front of me, and I heard Scoddri's voice. Then one of the dogs attacked me. What happened at the meeting?”

Apple Bloom was surprised at how quietly her friend was relaying her thoughts. She had half-expected the unicorn to be shouting and acting on some half-baked plan. “Well, things got pretty bad fer a bit,” Apple Bloom explained, “Scootaloo started a fight right after you were knocked down. Luckily, Slater, the old dog, he took charge and defused it all 'fore things got worse. We were escorted to these guest chambers, and they're gonna meet with us again, soon as we're all up an' ready.” She cast a gentle glance into the unicorn's eyes. “They're mighty curious 'bout what happened up there. They're gonna 'spect an explanation, since you're the only one who knows 'nough 'bout magic.”

Sweetie Belle shot Scootaloo a glance while still rubbing her forehead. “They want to know about the magic? Geez, I only had a few seconds to see it,” she complained in a quiet voice. “It will probably take some studying to figure out what it does. And I can only begin to fathom what Scoddri has to do with all this.”

“We'll have to be careful,” Apple Bloom prompted. “Don't just go and sneak around the room while we're talkin' next time.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I know diamond dogs, Apple Bloom. They aren't the type to care about us taking a look around their home. It's not like I caused that magic to appear.”

“Well, yer actions put them on edge,” Apple Bloom stated simply. “If ya were just a bit more polite, then Ah'm sure we could’ve gotten outta that without ya gettin' a bump on the head.”

Sweetie gave a small laugh. “Yeah, I kinda deserve to get bumped in the head every once in awhile.”

“So... yer not mad at Granette fer knockin' ya out?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. Well, if there's one thing 'bout ya, Sweetie Belle, it's that ya never cease ta surprise me.

“Of course not. As I said, I've been around diamond dogs before. They aren't the type to do something unless they have a good reason. Even if that reason was wrong, I can still see why they did it.”

“Yeah, Ah know why they did it, but even Ah was really angry with 'em. How can ya just shrug it off as nothin'?”

The unicorn gave a shrug. “I don't know. I guess I just don't see the point in being angry over it. There were no lasting side-effects. We can't hold their accidents against them, since they were only doing what they thought was right.”

“But it was wrong!” Apple Bloom said forcefully, slamming her hoof onto the rock table. “It's 'cause they made a mistake that we should be angry!” She shook her mane furiously. “Darn it, Sweetie! This is why Ah'm always yellin' at ya! Because Ah want ya to know that ya made a mistake and it's yer responsibility to own up ta it!”

Sweetie Belle seemed to flinch from her rebuke, and she cast her green eyes downward. “I'm sorry, Bloom,” she said. “I didn't realize I was causing you so much trouble. I...” She slammed her hoof on the table. “I'm always trying my best, Bloom, honest!”

“Ah know ya are, and that's why Scootaloo and I are willin' ta forgive ya all the time.”

“Then promise me,” Sweetie said, almost pleadingly. “Keep calling me out when I make mistakes. I don't want to keep causing both of you trouble. Please.”

“Sweetie... Of course Ah promise.” Apple Bloom met the unicorn's eyes and cracked a small grin. “After all, somepony has ta keep ya in line, and it may as well be me.”

Sweetie Belle mirrored the grin. With flash of light, her horn began to glow, and she lifted the rest of her oats from her bowl and drew them on an arcing path to her mouth. “Good thing they had some oats down here. I was worried about what we'd have to eat,” she managed to say, through her mouthful. “I didn't want to have to eat mushrooms again unless I had to.”

“They have oats because of their cooperation with the crystal ponies. They often work alongside them, so it goes ta follow that they have some food around fer ponies.”

“Good point.” With her meal finished, the unicorn used her magic once again and fished the book she had been reading out of the bucket in front of her.

The red cover caught in the low light of the glowcrystals. Apple Bloom felt her stomach tighten in the moment it took to realize what the book was. She let out a groan and shot the unicorn an accusing glare. “Sweetie, what in tarnation are ya doin' readin' mah notebook?”

“Well, you left it on the table, so I figured I'd give it a read while I was waiting for either of you to wake up.”

“Sweetie, it was in mah saddlebags.”

“Which were on the table,” the unicorn affirmed with a nod. “So I decided to take a quick look, and darn, I didn’t know you were so good at drawing, Bloom.”

“Those are just some quick sketches,” Apple Bloom replied humbly, then blinked. “Hey, just 'cause yer givin' me a compliment doesn't mean ya can just take a look at it!”

“Oh, sorry...” Sweetie Belle set the book down gently and slid it over to the mare beside her. “But I did see that picture, the last thing you drew. It looks really interesting.”

“Oh, that was just a neat idea Ah had last night... well, before Ah went ta sleep, anyway. Ah saw Scootaloo's wings, as she was restin' and Ah began ta think, and so I started sketchin' some plans.”

“Scoots' wings?” The unicorn glanced over her shoulder at the sleeping pegasus and smiled softly. “Think it'll work?”

“Ah think it can,” Apple Bloom began, and then sighed, “but not with just metal, gears and fabrics. Ah might actually need yer help ta make it. As strange as the thought seems ta me.”

“Hey! What do you mean by that?”

“Well, ya don't really have the greatest record when it comes ta makin' things.”

“But I do make things!” Sweetie Belle protested with a saccharine frown and pouted lips. “I made a paint-drying sp-”

She turned her head to look as they both heard a loud gasp from Scootaloo. With a flurry of feathers and hooves, the pegasus rolled off the side of stone bed and hit the floor with a soft thud.

Apple Bloom winced. Yikes, that must've hurt.

“Well, that's one way to get up, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle called out jovially to her fallen friend. “Why don't you join us for breakfast? We've got enough to feed a horse.”

The orange pegasus pulled herself off the floor with a groan. She blinked at the unicorn in confusion. “Huh? Sweetie, you're awake!” With a burst from her wings, Scootaloo leaped over to her side.

Sweetie Belle let out a small chuckle and looked to Apple Bloom. “See, all you have to do is mention breakfast and Scootaloo always comes running.”

The earth pony merely shook her head in mirth. Sometimes Ah can't tell if yer bein' silly or dense, Sweetie. “Why not have some breakfast, Scootaloo? We're bound ta have a long day ahead of us.”

Scootaloo's stomach responded with a rumble, quicker than her own words. She blushed and sat down. “Well, alright.”

Sweetie Belle was quick to pour a bowl of oats and another of water, which Scootaloo was just as quick to begin consuming. “There ya go, Scoots. Nothing like a good bit of breakfast to assuage the remains of a nightmare.”

The pegasus flinched in mid-bite, as if she had just been hit in the face with a rock. “What are you talking about Sweetie?”

“You were having a nightmare, weren't you? Why else would you wake up screaming and falling out of bed?”

“I wasn't screaming,” she asserted firmly.

Sweetie Belle looked to the pegasus and her teasing grin slid from her face. “But you did have a nightmare.”

Scootaloo winced, turning her gaze from the unicorn, but nodded. “It was just a dream though, it's not important, I'd rather forget about it.”

“Ah agree,” Apple Bloom said. “Nightmares and the like are best ta be forgotten. They aren't real, and we have 'nough problems ta deal with as it stands.”

Sweetie Belle frowned a bit at her friends. “Fine, I suppose we should figure out what we want to talk to the diamond dogs about.”

“This time you should stay behind me,” Scootaloo muttered from her bowl as she ate. “We can't trust these dogs.”

“Scootaloo! We're gonna treat them with dignity and respect, darn it.” The earth pony brought a hoof down on the table for emphasis. “Let me do the talkin' and only speak up if it's important. We aren't in any position ta antagonize 'em fer no reason.”

“But they attacked Sweetie for no reason.”

“And they 'pologized fer it,” Apple Bloom reminded the pegasus, “and they're tryin' ta make up fer it. Remember girls, our main objective here is ta find a closer exit that leads ta the Crystal Empire.”

“Huh, I thought our main objective was to figure out what happened with that crystal and my necklace...” Sweetie Belle mused innocuously.

Apple Bloom sighed. Ah'm gonna need ta keep an eye on her. “That's just yer curiosity talkin', Sweetie. We need ta focus on what's important first.”

“Well, I think we should investigate it when we get the chance. It would be silly not to.” She tapped her half-heart necklace with a forehoof and squinted at it. “I need to figure out why it reacted like it did.”

Yep, Ah definitely need ta keep an eye on her. Apple Bloom sighed in defeat. “If we have time, we'll investigate it. But that's secondary ta us getting' safe passage outta here. Ah'm worried 'bout what's happenin' out there, and we should be out there helpin' the crystal ponies if they need it. If that storm drew close enough to the city, it could've done a lot o' damage.”

“In any case,” Scootaloo said, as she finished her meal, “I'll be keeping my eyes on the dogs.” With one last gulp of water, she set her bowl down on the table. “Well, I'm ready, I guess.”

“How are your wings feeling?” Sweetie Belle asked, as she prodded them with a hoof. “Any better since that stunt you pulled back there?”

Scootaloo jumped away from the unicorn's reach. “Of course I'm fine. I just overworked my wings a bit before, but I'm a seasoned athlete. I recover quickly,” she boasted, while wearing a smile that looked slightly forced to Apple Bloom's eyes.

“Sweet, that's just like you, Scootaloo. The toughest pony around.” Sweetie Belle gave her a genuine smile, and the pegasus seemed to flinch.

“Yeah,” the pegasus' own smile wilted slightly. “So are we gonna go now? Or are we supposed to wait for the diamond dogs to send someone to lead us to the chamber?”

Apple Bloom thought for a moment, while running a hoof through her tangled mane. Ah need ta find some time ta give myself a brushing. “Gravelle said that we were s'pposed ta wait fer her ta come an' escort us. 'Sides, Ah think we could all use a little time makin' ourselves a bit more presentable. Scootaloo, ya look like you've been run over by a train.”

Without further ado, Apple Bloom opened up her saddlebag and pulled out a hoof-brush and a length of pink ribbon. She got to work on her own mane and watched as her friends performed their own instances of improper grooming.

Scootaloo shook her whole body quite thoroughly and ran a hoof through her mane a few times until it fell into place wildly. While Sweetie Belle simply closed her eyes and used her magic to manipulate her hair for a minute until all the stray strands fell tidily back into her curly mane.

She was a little envious of her friends' shorter methods, but she knew that her extra bit of effort would end up paying off. After a few minutes of brushing, she worked her hair back into a ponytail and used her ribbon to tie it tight. No braid this time, but it'll have to do.

She spent the following few minutes packing up her bags and making sure everything was accounted for, while Sweetie Belle was poking her horn at an idle glowcrystal on the wall, and Scootaloo was starting some rudimentary stretches.

The faint plodding of footfalls sounded from down the hall. They all turned as one when they heard the telltale signs of a diamond dog's arrival.

Gravelle entered the room, stopping just past the entrance. She looked at the three ponies and her eyes lingered just a bit longer on Sweetie Belle than the rest of them. The dog appeared to be much the same as she had when Apple Bloom last talked to her. Even wearin' the same jacket.

“It is good to see that you are all rested and awake. I hope you all were comfortable. I have been asked to escort you to the Council Chamber as soon as you three wish,” she offered civilly.

“Well, even with all those blankets, my back's complaining about the stone,” Sweetie Belle mentioned as she stretched out her back by swiveling on her legs. “I think we should go to the spa once we get to the Crystal Empire. Rarity often mentioned that the service was simply smashing.”

Scootaloo gave the unicorn a less than enthused look. “The spa? Seriously? Don't they just have some hot springs that we can go to instead?”

“I am sorry for the inadequate furnishings, I will mention it to the boss. Perhaps we can find more suitable furnishings when we talk with our trade contacts within the empire.”

“That's good ta hear,” Apple Bloom assured the dog with a smile. “Now, Ah think we're 'bout ready to get to that meetin'.” She gave her two companions a questioning gaze and got a nod from each one in turn. “So, lead on Gravelle. We shouldn't keep 'em waitin' on us.”

“Of course, Apple Bloom.”

Well, at least she seems a little more comfortable using my name. Apple Bloom moved alongside the others to follow Gravelle's lead. Ah just hope the meetin' goes better this time.

* * *

The thick, ornate door opened before them, and Sweetie Belle swallowed her nervousness. She could see the faint emerald strand once again. It flickered so faintly that she could almost convince herself that it was a trick of light. Her eyes traced its trail to the source. Old Slater sat in the corner, while Granette and Byron both stood around the metal desk. They all watched as Sweetie Belle and her friends entered the chamber.

“Welcome, guests of the Black Snout Clan,” Granette began evenly, thought her scowl was unmistakable. “I would ask that you keep your distance, lest another incident occur.” She glared specifically at the unicorn.

“Thank you for inviting us,” Apple Bloom spoke up and gave both her friends a warning glance, to which Sweetie Belle gave her a gentle smile. “Ah realize that ya must be very busy, runnin' a city this size an' all. We're plum grateful that you'd be willin' ta set some time aside fer us.”

“Indeed.” The boss' scowl lessened, though a hint of annoyance crept into her voice. “Very well, let us get on with this. You mentioned, last time, that you were looking for an exit that would bring you closer to the Crystal Empire.”

“Yes, we did,” Apple Bloom said with a nod. “We have reason ta go to the Crystal Empire as soon as we can.”

“And what might that reason be?”

“We're tryin' ta meet up with our sisters. They headed ta the Crystal Empire less than a day before us, and we're worried 'bout them. Between that storm and those crystals on the tracks, we need ta make it ta the Empire soon as we can and figure out if they're okay. Surely ya know how important family is.”

Granette hummed, it was almost a growl as she paced toward the trio. “Family is always of prime concern,” she agreed. “I am head of my family, the Black Snout Clan. I look after them, I plan for them, and I lead them, so that all may prosper. I know the importance of family. But it is for my family that I must,” she stole an irritated glance back at Slater, “ask for your assistance before we show you out.”

“Well, Ah guess if it means we can get out close ta the Empire, then of course we'd agree. Provided-”

“Wait a second!” Sweetie Belle interrupted. “We can't just agree without knowing the terms!”

“Ah was just about ta get at that!” Apple Bloom gave her a glower. “We'd agree, provided that we hear the details of the task first.”

“But of course,” Granette replied offhandedly. “Byron, if you would.”

The rust-coloured dog stepped forward, his diamond glimmering solidly from his neck. “We would request that Sweetie Belle take a look into a situation that has gone beyond our ken. Something has happened in one of our deepest mining sectors that is beyond our understanding. We have come to conclude that magic is at the core of this predicament, though we cannot understand it, as none of us have been trained in arcane matters.”

“What happened?” Sweetie Belle asked, her mind already trying to figure out what sort of magical problems diamond dogs could have come across in their digging.

“It was in one of our furthest reaching tunnels. The digging crew were doing their job when they uncovered a strange, new type of glowing ore. It was unlike any they had ever seen or smelled, they claim that it glowed silver. They went to dig it up when the tunnel began collapsing. They ran away to safety and left the ore behind, for which we are all very glad, for just afterward, along with the collapse was a deep tremor, that made some of the local quakes tame by comparison.”

“That sounds really dangerous,” Scootaloo whispered to her friends.

“Ah, have ta agree with Scootaloo, this does sound mighty dangerous.”

“Worry not, we will be taking every precaution to make sure that the area is stable,” Byron assured them. “Gravelle shall be accompanying you, along with a squad of diggers. Many squads have been working tirelessly and supporting the caves with our greatest feats of engineering. If you feel that the tunnel is unsafe at any point, you will have every right to turn away. All that we ask is that you shed some light on what it is that we uncovered, and whether it is safe or volatile in terms of magic.”

“Well, if it's our only way ta get ta the Crystal Empire.” Apple Bloom frowned at the dogs, then turned to Sweetie Belle and sighed. “Ah can't believe Ah'm sayin' this, but it's yer call, Sweetie Belle.”

The unicorn smiled at her friend. “Don't worry, Bloom, I got this,” she whispered before looking to face the dogs. “Your offer is intriguing, but hardly fair. I am happy to do this task for you, as somepony who understands just how important understanding the unknown is. Normally I'd do this sort of thing without anyone even having to ask. But I have friends, you know. And to me they are as important as any family member.” She offered a knowing smile to the dogs. “As such, I find it in poor taste to subject my important friends to the perils of such a venture, without some other form of compensation. True, we need to get out of here eventually, and we'd prefer for the path we take out of this mountain to lead us closer to the Crystal Empire. But as it stands, the risk to my friends isn't worth the shortcut.”

“So then, what are you proposing, unicorn?” Granette asked darkly. “My own family members are going to be alongside you. If there is danger present, I do not wish it upon anyone.”

“I only ask that you include a small thing. From one, such as I, who wishes only to understand more of the situation, to another such kindred spirit.” The unicorn bowed, almost mockingly. As she did so, she saw Byron grinning and nearly chuckling. “I ask that you let me have the emerald from Slater's collar.”

Startled, Apple Bloom shot her a warning gaze.

“Pony,” Granette began with a voice of warning, “it is not your place to ask for a Collar Gem from any dog. Once a dog wears a gem, they wear it until it is gone. That gem is Slater's, a part of him, and gems do not change owners once chosen.”

“I realize that these gems are something of great importance, and I have noticed the powerful bonds that you’ve created with them. Just as I wouldn't request that a pony give up a meal partway through, I would not ask that you relinquish a gem that you are using.” She peered past Granette at the old diamond dog behind her. “But Slater is not using that gem, so I would ask that it be given to me as a gift.”

Granette growled at the assertion, but Slater spoke up from across the room. “I believe that this child is able to see more than most. Which only serves to prove that she is the right choice for this task. It is true that I have worn this emerald for nearly four years now, all the while, numerous other gems have broken and shattered from my collar from the swift flow of time. But this emerald hasn't, and I can feel that it provides me no true energy or function.”

The rest of the dogs frowned at the claim, but kept quiet as Slater spoke. “But young Sweetie Belle, there is something that I must ask you. Why do you wear that necklace? It provides no true function. Why wear such jewelry? Some dogs would see it almost as a form of mockery. Would you ever be willing to give up that necklace?”

Sweetie Belle considered the question for a moment and looked down at her half-heart pendant. Her eyes saw the dull emerald colour, void of magical energies, save for the single, faint pattern that flowed out from it. She shook her head. “No, I would never willingly part with this. My sister made it for me as an act of love and inspiration. It reminds me of who I was, who I am, and who I aim to be. Its function is clear in my mind.”

The old dog smiled at the sentiment. “I see. It carries a function beyond sight. The same could be said about this emerald.” He prodded his gem with a paw. “I am also certain that there is more to these emeralds than either of us truly realize. That, in itself, is enough reason to give it to you as a reward for your efforts in helping my clan. To not seek the unknown and make sense of it is foolish.”

The dog got up from his seat in the corner of the room, and shuffled over to the window. He looked out the opening and sighed. “However, this gem has... sentimental value to me. My granddaughter gave it to me all those years ago. The fact that it still remains intact reminds me of my eternal devotion and love for my family--for my clan. All I need is to look down upon it and remember my reason, and purpose for being.” He turned from the window and looked to Sweetie Belle. “And that is why I would find it hard to part with. I cannot give you an answer right now, but we can discuss it once you get back.”

“I see,” Sweetie Belle said softly and trained her eyes back on Granette. “Alright, we'll do it then.”

“Hmm?” the boss growled in slight confusion. “Why did you change your mind, pony?”

The unicorn felt her lips tug into a smile. “Maybe because I'm an optimist. I think Slater and I can work something out when we get back.”

Slater nodded in an amused manner as he settled back onto his rock in the corner.

Sweetie Belle heard Apple Bloom sigh from beside her, while Scootaloo stretched her wings out. “So we're going to be going deeper into the mountain?” the pegasus asked, the nervousness in her voice wasn't fully masked.

“I know you don't like being underground, Scoots. But this is pretty interesting, and it doesn't sound too dangerous,” Sweetie Belle assured her. “It would probably be more dangerous leaving the way we came from and ending up back in that storm with whoever is controlling it. Besides, this way we have a chance to make some good friends.” She offered a sweet smile, to which Scootaloo merely raised an eyebrow at.

“Well, let's just get it over with then,” Scootaloo muttered. “The sooner we start, the sooner we finish.”

“True.” The unicorn looked upon the diamond dogs before her. “Alright,” she called to them, “so we might as well head out right away. Gravelle can lead us there. I hope it's not too far away.”

“Very well,” Granette replied before looking to the dog standing at attention by the door. “Gravelle, if you would escort them to the tunnel and accompany them. We've already sent the diggers a few hours ago to work on reinforcing the tunnel and cleaning up the area. The mess should be considerably lessened by the time you get there.”

“Yes, Boss.” Gravelle nodded and ushered the ponies to the doorway. “Follow me, please.”

“Alright,” Apple Bloom said with a respectful nod to the dogs. “We'll do our best.”

“Do be careful, my friends,” Byron called out, as the ponies all turned to leave. “Remember, if you think it's too dangerous, then please return right away. I do wish to see you all again.”

“Of course,” Sweetie Belle replied with a smile and followed her friends out. “You can count on seeing me again!”

Just at the threshold of the chamber, the unicorn's ear caught the sound of Granette speaking. “Byron, I have your next job ready for you. I need you to investigate-”

The door closed behind her, and Sweetie Belle let out a sigh. It's none of my business, she scolded herself lightly. But I still want to know. She cast a forlorn gaze at the ornate door, as she walked away.

She followed the rest of the group and her eyes fell on Gravelle. Slowly, a thought occurred to her, making her forget about the other dogs in the council room. She moseyed over to the diamond dog and gave her a smile.

“So...Gravelle.” The dog gave her a measuring gaze, and Sweetie Belle took her silence as a cue. “You were the one that gave Slater that emerald, right?”

The dog frowned, but nodded. “Yes, I was the one who found it and gave it to him as a present when he stepped down from full leadership of the clan. That was just over four years ago.”

“I see.” Sweetie Belle noticed both of her friends were also interested in the story, just from the way their ears twitched at their voices. “So... I was wondering then. Where did you find the emerald?”

“The emerald is special, yes?” Gravelle asked, almost suspiciously.

“Well, yes,” the unicorn admitted. “I think it's actually a piece of my amulet. It's certainly connected in some way.”

“But it is still just a gem. Why do you want it, Sweetie Belle?” the dog asked, the unicorn's name sounding very foreign amongst her other words. “Surely you can be content with just having your necklace, as it is. A memento of your sister.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head with a small smirk. “But I can't be content with just this.” She rested her hoof on the amulet. “It means more to me than just a memento of my sister. I wish I could be content with just wearing this amulet. But knowing there's another piece out there... it drives me to seek it.”

“You think, just because you have the bigger piece of the gem, it gives you the right to own them all?” Gravelle scowled at the unicorn. “You are greedy, Sweetie Belle.”

“Greedy?” She could hardly believe what she had just heard. I'm a bunch of things, but greedy is not one of them! “I am not greedy! I just want to know how it all works.”

Apple Bloom tossed both of them a worried glance. Sweetie Belle could tell the earth pony was getting ready to dive between the two of them if things got out of hoof. The sight irritated the unicorn. I know I asked her to look out for me and all, but would it kill her to trust me just a bit more?

“Yes, you are greedy,” Gravelle reiterated. “Greed is not always just possessions, but knowledge as well. Why do you seek to know?”

“Because I want to?” she answered bitingly. “Who wouldn't want to know more about the world around them? It would be the pinnacle of folly to not seek out the answers when you are given all these bits and pieces. Knowing these things will only help in the future. It's not greedy to want to understand the world.”

Gravelle just shook her head and picked up her pace, walking on, ahead of the unicorn. “It's not greedy to seek answers, no. But how and why you seek them, that’s important.”

“Geez! Ya didn't have ta argue like that, ya know?” Apple Bloom huffed at the unicorn and moved to catch up to the dog.

What the hay? What did I do? She was the one that attacked me, calling me greedy all of a sudden. What's her problem? Sweetie Belle snorted in irritation.

“Well, for the record, I don't think you're greedy,” Scootaloo affirmed. Sweetie Belle felt a comforting wing grace her shoulders briefly, and she tossed her friend a sad smile.

“Thanks. I guess I shouldn't let her words get to me. It just... kind of reminded me of Twilight, I guess. I'm sure neither of us really meant to be mean.” She watched the other two figures ahead of her and let them lead the way out of the Pillar. “But I'm definitely not going to agree with her.”

* * *

They left the impressive, underground city through a roughly hewn tunnel, which led to a spiderweb of numerous, shadowy side-tunnels. Apple Bloom looked around her, and peered into the darkness; it was a thick, almost heavy darkness. She then cast a nervous glance behind her, where Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were walking, side by side and chatting idly. A small halo of light emitted from the unicorn's horn, which only served to make the inky shadows seem darker around her.

Apple Bloom grimaced and turned back to the tunnel ahead of her. Gravelle was only a few paces before her, and there was a glowcrystal mounted on the wall of the tunnel every fifty paces or so. She reached her hooves out gingerly with every step, and was careful where she placed them, so as not to trip over the tracks that ran beneath them. If it weren't fer the straight diggin' job the dogs did, Ah'd have lost mah balance many times by now.

“Sure is dark down here,” she commented, hoping that the conversation might draw her mind away from just how thick some of the shadows seemed to be. “How can the diggers dig with so little light?”

“They do not dig in such low light,” Gravelle replied without slowing her pace. “Each squad of diggers has a bunch of glowcrystals that they carry with them. Digging in this darkness would not be wise, especially when they get as deep as they are; one cannot afford to make mistakes when digging.”

“So, they just leave those glowcrystals as a pathway back ta the city? Well, Ah suppose the tracks kinda lead ya back ta the city too,” Apple Bloom reasoned aloud. “What about all the side-tunnels, then? Why have all of those?”

“Most of those don't go anywhere. They were dug only when there were large deposits of gems nearby. You see, gems come in deposits which vary in size. Many of the smaller tunnels are in fact because the diggers followed the signs of the deposits and dug them out. The larger tunnels were for the useless crystal.” She pointed to a larger tunnel, almost as wide as the main one that they were currently traveling through.

“Useless crystal? Ah thought ya used all the gems ya could.”

“Sapphires, rubies, topaz, emerald, garnet, dozens more. Those are the gems we dig for, but we had normally left behind the useless crystal. Huge segments of useless, hard crystal, and too tough on our claws for us to bother.”

“Huh.” Apple Bloom considered the situation for a moment. “So ya'll decided ta dig out the 'useless crystal' cause o' the crystal ponies? Ah always wondered where the hay they found all that crystal, but now Ah know. There must be hundreds o' tunnels down here.”

Gravelle smiled. “Yes, hundreds. Us dogs are nothing, if not an industrious folk, and thanks to the crystal ponies, their minecarts and tracks, as well as their tools, we've nearly tripled our digging rate in the past four years.”

Apple Bloom noted a change in the texture of the rock tunnel as they passed by another glowcrystal. “So, the deeper ya dig inta the mountain, the harder it gets, right?”

“Yes, that is mostly true.” Gravelle nodded. “There are layers and patterns of different types of stone throughout. Some used to be too tough to get past, and we would instead find a way around the toughest of rocks. However, with the new tools, we have dug further than ever before. While the purpose remains the same--searching for gems--I believe that almost all the clan is excited to see what other types of gems and ores might be found in the depths. We are digging into the unknown, and I shall admit my own curiosity.” She let a small grin come to her muzzle. “I do want to see what this new ore actually looks like, and what it does. I hope it might lead my clan to great prosperity.”

“Yeah, that'd be great!” Apple Bloom replied earnestly. Ah hope it's not somethin' dangerous. She shot a glance at Sweetie Belle. Ah don't fancy the idea of Sweetie havin' ta deal with a magical situation when there are countless tons of rock poised ta fall on us. She shivered at the thought and eyed the ceiling cautiously.

The dog followed her gaze. “Do not worry, Apple Bloom. Our diggers have great experience in keeping tunnels safe and sturdy.”

“It's not yer engineerin' Ah'm worried 'bout,” she replied dryly, with a sad chuckle. “So anyway, if this new glowing ore, or what-have-ya, ends up bringin' prosperity fer yer clan, what will yer clan do?”

Gravelle growled in consideration. “Since we got the tools from the ponies, it freed up a few dogs from having to dig all the time. It let some, such as Byron and myself, to travel to the Crystal Empire and see more of the world. I figure it would let more dogs do that. See the world, live in the city, learn something other than digging. It would be nice.” The dog let out a small sigh. “Although I doubt it will come to pass, it is a nice thought.”

“So, you dogs sure do dig a lot...” Apple Bloom began apprehensively, not entirely sure how she wanted to address the nagging thought in her mind. “Do y'all actually like digging?”

“Hmm?” the dog hummed and tilted her head in consideration. “'Like' is not a good word to describe it. Do you like to walk? We do it because we must. To keep living. I'm sure some of the dogs enjoy digging. Honestly though,” she muttered as she came to a stop, and turned her eyes down in shame, “I do not want to dig. I would never do so again if I could avoid it, and I feel... weak for admitting it. But I would dig a hundred thousand mountains if my clan requires it.”

Duty to family, huh? Apple Bloom looked back at her cutie mark and the large red apple that overlaid three smaller gears. Ah know if AJ and Big Mac needed me, Ah'd be helpin' out at the farm in a heartbeat. She rested a comforting hoof on her shoulder. Gravelle looked at the earth pony questioningly. Apple Bloom slipped her hoof away and gave her a smile. “Ah understand ya completely, Gravelle. Diggin' is a family thing fer y'all, an' Ah respect that. Ah'd drop my own dreams if mah family needed me. But Ah wonder, do you have a dream, beyond yer family?”

“A dream?” She considered for a moment. “I heard those crystal ponies talking about dreams and destinies. They always referenced their cutie marks when they did, and all of them were different. But we dogs have our clan, we can't afford to each chase a dream, otherwise we'll fall apart.”

“But what if we find a super-large cache o' gems that'll set the clan fer years? What if yer clan didn't need yer services all the time? What would ya do, if ya could do what ya wanted ta?”

The dog shook her head and began heading down the tunnel again. “I suppose I'd like to travel. I'd like to see the rest of the world and smell all the scents beyond the mountains. I want to learn more about the world and where we dogs fit into it. I know it is so much larger than I've seen. But I'll never chase that dream, not while my clan needs me.”

“Of course,” Apple Bloom agreed, as she followed the dog. “But it's always nice ta have somethin' else ta strive fer. A passion or a hobby.” She pointed at her cutie mark. “Ya see, Ah aim ta be an inventor. Ah've got all these ideas in mah head that are just screamin' ta see the light o' day. Ah think Ah could make this world a better place with those ideas, though Ah'm still a long ways off from any sort o' breakthrough.” She pointed a hoof at her own flank. “Mah aim ta create a better world is those three gears. And on top of it all, that apple represents mah family, an' how they mean the world ta me.”

Gravelle nodded at the explanation. “But how do you know that's what the mark represents?”

The earth pony countered with a grin. “Ya see, that's the best part o' havin' a cutie mark. Only Ah can decide what my cutie mark actually means ta me.”

“But if it doesn't have a specific representation? How do you know that you are right? How do you know if your interpretation of it isn't the right one?”

“That's the whole point,” Apple Bloom assured the dog as they walked on. “It's open to interpretation, and all ya have ta do is find a purpose that makes sense. A cutie mark ain't a pony's destiny, it's what they want outta life. Preferences change, ya know?”

“But cutie marks do not change, correct?”

“O' course not, but how ya see 'em does. It's somethin' that's kinda hard ta explain, and Ah'm not even sure if Ah'm right 'bout mah own understandin' of it. But Ah choose to draw direction from mah mark, regardless, and that's how Ah choose ta interpret it.”

“A strange concept...” the dog muttered and they walked on through the tunnels, remaining quiet for a while.

* * *

“This tunnel is going on forever!” Scootaloo complained to the unicorn beside her. The air was warm and, somehow, felt thick. It made her painfully aware of how little use she would get from her wings in the tunnel. She figured she could probably fly a few feet quickly if she had to, but some portions of the tunnel were a little too skinny.

Up ahead she saw Apple Bloom and Gravelle talking to each other, but shook her head at the sight. “We've already gone at least three miles. At this rate, we'll probably pop out the other side of the mountain.”

“Yeah, we are kind of deep,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “Of course, they said this is their deepest tunnel, so you can bet we won't find an exit at the end, just the cave-in.”

Scootaloo let out a sigh. “Was that supposed to cheer me up? 'Cause it didn't.”

The unicorn chuckled. “Don't worry Scoots, we must be getting close. This'll be over quick, then we can get out of this darned mountain and be on our way.”

“I hope you're right, Sweetie. And stop calling me Scoots.” She looked her friend in the eyes. “I am serious, though. Be careful with your magic. We have miles of rock just waiting to fall on us.”

“You know I'll do everything in my power to keep you all safe.”

“I was kind of hoping you'd say that you'd promise not to use your magic while we are down here...” Scootaloo muttered.

“That's like me asking you not to use your wings, Scoots. We both know that wings and magic are what make us who we are.” Sweetie Belle gave her a smile. “There's no point in promising to not use what comes to us naturally. We need to keep all our options open to us, especially in a situation like this one.”

“Well, Sweetie...” the pegasus began nervously, “you know I trust you, right?”

“That's a silly question,” the white mare replied cheerfully, her green eyes glimmered from her horn's light. “Of course I know that. Despite how often you and Bloom seem to be mistrust my magic, I know that you still trust me. I just think both of you should remember that I'm the one that controls my magic. It gets kind of annoying to hear that same song of uncertainty, every time I so much as channel magic through my horn. It's not just some random chaotic force, you know?” She gave Scootaloo a grin, and the light from her horn slowly shifted through all colours of the rainbow. “I do trust you Scoots, and Bloom too. You're good friends.”

But is it enough? Scootaloo wondered and stared ahead to a glowing light that shone past a slight curve in the tunnel. “Is that...?”

“Girls, c'mon,” Apple Bloom called from ahead. “The diggers are just 'round the turn!”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle cantered up to their friend to see for themselves. Under the light of numerous glowcrystals, she could see a cluster of a half-dozen dogs were busy moving various rocks out of the way and into a series of a dozen, or so, carts. The carts were on the end of the track which the ponies had followed down the tunnel. Two other dogs were driving large logs between the ceiling and the floor of the tunnel. It created an interesting zigzag pattern along the side of the tunnel. Even to Scootaloo's untrained eye, the wooden braces looked impressive, and she could almost feel the impending weight above her lessen as a result. Almost.

“That's mighty 'mpressive.” Apple Bloom whistled. “And it's only been, what? Four hours?”

The pack of dogs glanced backward at the approaching ponies, a few of them sniffed dismissively and kept up their work. One rather large dog, with a prominent green and blue opal on his collar, stepped away from their work and Scootaloo could feel his rough, yellow eyes scrape over her. For a moment the dog looked entirely unimpressed by the ponies. His eyes came to rest upon Gravelle.

“I was told the 'observer' was on the way. Which one is the 'observer'?”

“I am,” Sweetie Belle spoke up before Gravelle could respond. “I'm Sweetie Belle, and I've been tasked to determine what I can about this new, glowing ore. Pleased to meet you.” She smiled and offered a hoof for the dog to shake, but he merely ignored it, and looked instead at Gravelle.

“So this pony is the 'observer'?”

“Yes, she is,” Gravelle affirmed in slight annoyance. “Is your team ready to uncover it yet?”

“We are close.” The bulky dog replied. “We were just waiting until the 'observer' arrived, as we were asked to. The tunnel is supported strong. We begin the recovery at my call.”

“Well, I'm ready whenever you are,” Sweetie Belle said with a forced smile, although her words fell deaf upon the dog's ears, he only glanced at the unicorn once again before reverting his gaze to Gravelle.

“Yes, we are ready,” Gravelle said sternly.

“Good, keep the ponies away from the digging. We don't need them getting in the way while we work.” He turned and walked back to his team of dogs. “Alright, mutts, we got a job to do! Clear these rocks out to find the glowing stone. And don't touch the stone when we find it! Those are orders!”

“Geez! Rude much?” Scootaloo muttered as the dogs jumped quickly into motion and the fallen rocks were quickly peeled away from the tunnel. “They treated us like we didn't even exist.”

“Don't worry about it, Scoots.” Sweetie Belle rested a hoof on her shoulder. “They're just worried about having untrained diggers being in the tunnel with them. It's their job, their rules. We have to respect that.”

But they didn't respect us at all. Scootaloo frowned at the team of dogs.

After only a moment of watching them, she had to admit that the dogs were pretty impressive in their work. The unity with which they moved and laboured before her, it reminded her of watching the Wonderbolts flying together. Not nearly as cool, or as fast, though.

She noticed Apple Bloom was studying the wooden braces and their interlocking pattern while Gravelle quietly explained the bracing process to the earth pony. Sweetie Belle, on the other hoof, was watching each dog whenever they moved a rock out of the way. The unicorn wore a slight frown of concentration, and seemed ready to spring into action at the drop of a pin.

“Stop!” Sweetie Belle shouted to the dogs.

A few of them turned their heads, but they kept moving until Gravelle raised her own voice. “The Observer said 'stop'!”

“What is it?” the lead dog with the opal growled in irritation. “Our tunnel is sturdy, and we haven't found the glowing stone yet.”

“I sense a strong magic,” Sweetie Belle explained. “It is underneath this section of rock.” With a flick of her horn, she shone a single cone of light on a section of the fallen rocks.

“We were going to dig up that in a moment anyway,” he said with a snort. “No need to stop.”

Two of the dogs on the team bent down to lift a large rock from the marked section. As soon as they heaved, Scootaloo could see a visible silvery glow pouring out from the rocks. It was brighter than the glowcrystals.

She saw Sweetie Belle's eyes go wide as the unicorn stared. “That pattern... is that... a come-to-life spell? No... it's more than that. That's only a function, like the bracelet. The main pattern is scrying? For what though?”

The dogs removed a few more pieces of the rock, as carefully as they could, and gingerly set them to the side, and Sweetie Belle gasped as the entire face of the silver-lit rock was now exposed.

“It's scrying for something... What is it reaching for? Their gems? No, it's the organic magic, from their hearts.” A spark of realization surged across the unicorn's face. “No! Everyone, get away quick!”

The unicorn’s warning was echoed by a deep crashing of rock, and the tunnel began to shake slowly, almost nervously.

“Is it gonna cave in again?” Apple Bloom asked, at the rumbling rock. She tossed a look to the sturdy beams of wood, eyes wide with worry.

Scootaloo watched as a look of terrible realization dawned on the dogs. As one, they leaped from their digging, and rushed away from the glowing light. In only a moment, the dogs had fled past Scootaloo and her friends. Even Gravelle bolted down the tunnel.

With a loud crack, Scootaloo saw the rocks in the tunnel before her move. But this wasn't rock falling down from the roof. The rocks shot out of the ground and from the pile that the dogs had been moving. The tunnel heaved violently and Scootaloo felt Sweetie Belle teeter into her. They fell against the wall for support.

In a flash, the glowing, silvery stone lifted into the air, while other gray stones floated from the ground and formed around the glowing stone. Its new formation reminded Scootaloo of a spider, only it had four rocky joints to act as legs instead of eight. It spread out to cover the width of the entire tunnel. The glowing stone lay atop the center of it all, and flashed vigorously.

Scootaloo managed to push herself up from the wall and regain her balance. “Sweetie! What the heck is that?”

“There's a sigil on the glowing rock. It's bringing the rock to life around it.” The unicorn managed to right herself as the tunnel stopped shaking. “That's not good. It's looking right at me.”

“What do ya mean lookin'?” Apple Bloom called out from behind them. “It's just a pile o' rocks. It's got no eyes.”

“It's a scrying spell, it doesn't need eyes- Shoot! Here it comes!”

The rocky construct suddenly moved its four limbs and charged down the tunnel, straight toward them. It crashed over the dozen minecarts, toppling them, while cracks formed along the walls of the tunnel as it passed by. The wooden braces, however, remained sturdy.

Shoot, it's too fast. Scootaloo realized as it lunged toward them. I can fly faster than it, but Sweetie and Bloom, they aren't fast enough. “Run Sweetie! Bloom! I'll distract it. Get out of here!”

Scootaloo dove forward and spread her wings. The tunnel may not have been very wide, but it was wide enough for her to get a few wing strokes in. She pivoted in midair and bucked at one of the thick rock legs, just as it shot out toward Sweetie Belle.

She winced at the contact. It felt like she had just bucked a brick wall, but she noticed that the force from her blow caused the front portion of the rock appendage to fall lifelessly to the ground, only a foot away from Sweetie Belle.

The rocky beast stumbled in it's lunge, as it was knocked off-course from Scootaloo's blow. With a concussive blast, the hulking monster crashed into the side of the tunnel.

Scootaloo looked to her friends, and saw Sweetie Belle, just standing there. She had fear in her eyes. “Run!” Scootaloo yelled again. “Quick! While it's distracted!”

Apple Bloom rushed over and pushed Sweetie Belle. At her touch, the unicorn shook herself and made a mad dash away from the beast, quickly followed by Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo saw them run past the bend in the tunnel. She turned back to the rocky monster, which was struggling to get up. “Let's see you chase us with only two legs!” she shouted, and dashed at the beast. In a similar maneuver, she bucked the other front leg out from under it.

With pain shooting up her back legs, Scootaloo barreled away from the rocky monster, and crashed into the wall of the tunnel. She cast a glance back, and noticed the rock beast was thrashing as it struggled to get up. With a wince, she pulled herself to her hooves and limped away as quickly as she could.

What was that thing? Were those dogs trying to get us killed? She shook in anger. How could they just abandon us and put my friends in danger like that!? When I get a hold of them, I'll make sure they're sorry!

End of Chapter 10