• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 11,479 Views, 1,064 Comments

A Heart of Change - SilentBelle

Sweetie Belle comes up with a plan to share a summer's vacation with her friends. Little do the young mares know that their trip will not be quite as they had planned. But when has anything ever happened as they planned?

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Waiting Out the Weather

A Heart of Change – Chapter 2: Waiting Out the Weather
By: SilentBelle

At Apple Bloom's insistence, the trio had found themselves a secluded booth towards the back-end of one of the final train-cars, just as the train lurched into motion. It wasn't that Apple Bloom disliked being around other ponies, quite the opposite in fact; she loved having a crowd of ponies all about her and listening to them as they worked away or spent the time quietly chatting. Despite the fact that entering an empty room felt far less comforting than staying with the crowd in the first car, she did know how rambunctious her friends could get, and that most ponies enjoyed a quiet train-ride.

They took their seats. The booth had padded cushions and a rectangular oaken table at its center. Both were in good condition, which spoke of just how recently this particular train must have been made. It also hadn't escaped her notice that the latest model of furnace was being used in this train. She had spotted the distinct metal tubing when she had entered the train. The newer, stronger alloys that can hold more pressure. Which means that they don't need as large a furnace to superheat the smaller area to get the same amount o' force to move the pistons, she mentally noted to herself, already piecing the entirety of the train together in her mind. Which means that they save on coal, which reduces the overall cost.

Proud at her own understanding of the train that they were riding on, Apple Bloom watched as Sweetie Belle dashed over to a window-seat. A smile crept across the unicorn's face as she peered out the window, her horn gently pressed against the glass. Scootaloo wasn't too far behind and took a spot on the other side of the window, across the table.

Apple Bloom decided to share the seat next to Sweetie Belle as she noticed Scootaloo deemed it prudent to lay across the whole side of her booth and let her wings stretch freely above her. Apple Bloom had learned her lesson years ago on their sleepovers: give the pegasus her space.

“So,” she began, leaning on the table. “We're off ta the Crystal Empire. What're yer plans for when we get there?”

Sweetie Belle turned from the window and tilted her head slightly. “Hmm... See the sights, I guess?”

“That's yer plan?” Apple Bloom replied. “What sorta sights are we gonna see? Where are we gonna stay? This isn't gonna be free ya know. Y'all did both bring bits with ya, didn't ya?

She saw Scootaloo flinch ever-so-slightly at the words. “Of course we brought money,” Sweetie Belle stated, “we're not that dense!”

“If ya say so,” Apple Bloom responded and chose not to pursue that avenue any further. She knew Sweetie Belle still got allowance from her parents, but she wasn't too certain about Scootaloo's financial situation. As far as she knew, the pegasus had focused solely upon her flight training, she couldn't have had time for a job. And with her parents gone... Could it be inheritance? she wondered, then shook her head. Oh, what does it matter anyways? Sounds like Sweetie brought enough for both of them.

“In any case,” she continued, “there's still the matter of what we're gonna do once we get there.”

“I don't really care what we do when we get there,” Scootaloo said as she folded her wings back to her side and sat up. “I've never been there before. Well, except for that one time when they held the Equestrian Games there. But that doesn't count, I mean they dressed the city up just for that event. The point is, it'll all be new to me, so I'm fine seeing anything.”

“Me too,” Sweetie Belle chirped in, with a grin on her lips.

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked in disbelief and shook her head. “Do ya at least have a map? Maybe we can pick out a few places.”


Apple Bloom got to her hooves and looked around. “Usually trains like these'll have a map somewhere so ponies know where to go once they arrive in the new city.”

“Really?” This time it was Sweetie Belle sounding doubtful.

“Yeah, really. They know some ponies like ta know where they're headed. Ah think ah saw one on the wall in the first car. At the very least Ah'll just ask somepony if they have a map Ah could borrow. Ah'll be right back.”

Ah can't believe they'd come so unprepared. She sighed inwardly as she left the secluded car. But Ah'll admit, Ah should'a seen it comin' a mile away.

* * *

Scootaloo watched as Apple Bloom left on her quest for a map. She had to admit that not bringing anything more than train-fare was an oversight on her part. Hay, she didn't even have enough bits for the return trip. But when she had gotten up that morning, she just hadn't felt like bringing anything with her. Anything she would have taken would have brought her mind back to yesterday.

The memory of blurred, speeding ponies flashed past her eyes. Letting out a sigh she lowered her head to the table. I don't want to remember. How can I be so useless?

“Hey, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo began tentatively and turned her head to look at the mare. The unicorn was plastered to the window, wide-eyed just absorbing the sights that passed by.

“Hmm?” was the response that came. A voice that held the familiar threads of simple emerald, a lovely colour in her vision.

“So, why did you want to bring me out here? Out of Ponyville, I mean.”

“A change of pace, I guess,” she said absently. “To see some new sights, and to escape the mundane everyday life. Why? Did you not want a small vacation?”

“No, I think I needed this. Just... thanks, I guess,” she said simply. “But it's kind of weird, I mean of all of us, you're always the one that seems, well, distracted, and you usually treat everything as a joke. I guess I'm just surprised is all.”

“Surprised?” she asked with a light chuckle, but remained staring out the window. “Yeah, I guess I can see that. But, when there's so much to see around us, it can get quite confusing if you don't prioritize it.”

Scootaloo waited a moment, but the unicorn didn't elaborate any further. She saw her friend's eyes reflected in the glass. She was staring off into the distance. More distracted than usual. I wonder what she's thinking about. The orange pegasus lay there, unmoving for a while, as many minutes must have passed. She kept her mind occupied with trying to figure her friend out.

She's always been a mystery, and she's always wanted what's best for us. Heck, she'd go out of her comfort zone just to make us feel better. What did I ever do to deserve such a friend? And she thinks I'm an inspiration? the pegasus wondered in doubt.

Even after all these years the unicorn had kept her hairstyle. Sometimes it seems like she's the only one who hasn't grown up. Playing pranks, joking, and laughing everything off. It's brilliant, beautiful even, how all the memories spring forth just by being there, without even speaking. But then, sometimes she gets that distant look in her eyes, and that small frown, and it all disappears.

She sees something in everything. I know she's tried to explain it to me, but I can't even begin to understand it. In every conversation I can see it, she wears her smiles and voice like a mask that she only takes off when either me or Bloom are around. It's like she's distanced herself from every other pony through her laughter and her smile. Why did she really bring me out here? Is she just trying to cheer me up? Or is it something more? Is she lonely? Why can't I see as much as she always seems to be able to? Oh, how much that would help. She let out a sigh. I'm over-thinking this aren't I?

“Snow!” Sweetie Belle said in a startled voice.

The colour of her voice pulled Scootaloo out of her reverie and she looked past her friend's reflection. Sure enough fat, wet flakes of snow were skirting past the window, quite visibly. “Uh, it's summer,” she said nervously, as she sat up in her seat. “What's with the weather? We're not even an hour out of Ponyville, and wild weather from the Everfree shouldn't reach this far.”

She noticed Sweetie Belle's frown was more prominent than ever before. “This isn't good,” she said ominously.

“What do you mean by 'not good'?”

The unicorn turned from the window to face Scootaloo with a look of nervousness upon her face. “I'm not too sure, but the pattern in the clouds, it's not natural, and it's not from pegasi either. There's a magic at play here, but it's very subtle, and I don't know where it's coming from. I haven't studied weather magic as much as I should have. I hope we make it to the Crystal Empire soon.”

“Well, it only takes three hours. Besides, there's not much you can do about the weather,” Scootaloo said, hoping to ease her friend's worries.

“Not here, anyways,” was the response she got. Not as uplifting as the pegasus had hoped, but at least she was pretty certain that her friend wouldn't do anything too spontaneous, like trying to clear the weather with her magic. At least she hoped.

With a shrug, Scootaloo leaned over to take a good look past her friend. Outside the window, upon the blurred landscape, she saw that the snow had only just started falling, and most of it turned to water as it touched down on the ground. Snow in summer, huh? Never thought I'd see the day. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

* * *

Snowin' in summer? Can we ever have a regular vacation? Apple Bloom wondered, while glancing out of the windows as she made her way back to the cart.

She held a brand-new Crystal Empire map gently in her mouth's grip. One of the staff members of the train had found one for her. He had been a kindly young unicorn stallion, with an orange coat and blue mane. He had seemed almost a little too eager to impress her.

Apple Bloom smiled at the thought and shook her head, she felt slightly bad for raising the fellow's expectations with her kindly smiles and a subtle wink, but only slightly. Sure Ah used him to get what Ah wanted, but what could he have expected from me? After all, it's his job ta make sure the ponies traveling on this train are satisfied, she rationalized to herself. She wasn't impulsive like Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo. No, she knew how to keep her head on straight, even around a handsome young stallion.

With her mind still occupied, she opened the door to her train-car. Her friends looked toward her when she entered, and a wicked smile spread across Scootaloo's face. I'm not blushing that much am Ah?

“I think somepony was talking to her new coltfriend.”

“Huh?” was Sweetie Belle's simple response as she tilted her head.

With a quick whip of her head, she tossed the rolled up map at the pegasus. It hit Scootaloo harmlessly, right in the forehead, and bounced lightly onto the table. “Oh, be quiet Scootaloo. Ya know that's not true! Ah'm not about to go out with some guy Ah just met on the train.

“Hah, so you did meet a guy!”

Shoot, ah walked right inta that one. Her blush only strengthened through her humility. “It was just a kindly fellow who works on the train. He happened ta know a lot 'bout how the trains worked an' so do Ah. So we got in a small discussion. Then Ah told him that Ah wanted ta find a map of the Crystal Empire. He offered ta find one fer me, Ah didn't even have ta ask 'im. But that's it, Scootaloo. Hay, we didn't even tell each other our names.”

Scootaloo just proceeded to snicker, with a hoof in front of her mouth.

“'Sides, it's not like either of y'all have gone out with anypony before.”

“I was always too busy practicing,” the pegasus replied with a wave of her hoof. “I'd only want to go out with somepony who can keep up with me. What about you Sweetie? What's your excuse?”

“Huh? Uh...” Sweetie Belle's eyes shifted as she considered what to say next. “I guess I never really gave it much thought. I mean I've spent the last few years studying magic, I didn't have time to chase down anypony.”

“Well, you always seem ta have enough time to run 'round Ponyville and test out yer new spells.”

“That's because spells are important. Romance isn't. What's the point of going on a date with somepony you know nothing about? That just sounds incredibly awkward. I'd much rather do something important, like learning spells and how to apply them properly to everyday life.”

“Oh?” Scootaloo teased. “Could it be that you're afraid of going on a date?”

“N-no, no. Of course not!” she stammered her rebuke. A hint of blush coloured her cheeks. “I just think it's not worth my time. What would I get out of it, other than less time to spend doing more important stuff?”

“Well, what if a potential date ends up bein' somepony great? Maybe somepony who understands ya, and could help ya with yer magic or somethin'?”

“What are the chances of that? Like I said, it's a waste of time. My days are full enough as is. And if I ever did meet this 'special somepony' who understood me, then they'd also realize that dating is pointless.”

Apple Bloom smiled at her friend's irritation, but decided not to prod her any further. “We'll see about that Sweetie. Ah'm certain you'll find the right pony some day,” she said as she sat down beside the unicorn.

“I won't if I'm not looking,” the unicorn muttered under her breath as she trained her gaze out the window once again.

“In any case,” Apple Bloom said in good humor, as she reached up onto the table. “Ah did manage ta get the map o' the Crystal Empire. So Scootaloo, why don't ya tell us where ya want ta go?”

Scootaloo groaned slightly and looked at the map being unfurled by Apple Bloom. “How should I know which places would be cool?”

“Ah dunno, just pick whatever sounds good. Oh, look here, there's the Equestrian Games Stadium. It was built just two years ago. That would be kinda neat ta see, don't ya think?”

“Sure I guess...”

* * *

Sweetie Belle stared out the window as her friends began making the plans for the Crystal Empire. She wasn't all that interested. Right from the beginning of this trip, she had decided to take it all in stride. She had no need for excessive planning, she would just go with whatever her friends chose. Besides, the snow outside was only beginning to fall thicker than before. And with the falling snow was a rising feeling in her gut. Something is wrong, I just know it.

She saw the sky rife with its hidden energies, but she also saw the way they were moving. Well, she sensed it really. If she focused her mind towards the skies, she could feel the clouds' natural energies, a subtle pressure, faint and distant. But behind them there was some other pattern, very faint, and she could only sense a small portion of it. She traced as much of it with her mind as she could. The spacing between the energies was obviously a pattern of sorts, something that would never occur naturally, even with the wild weather of the Everfree. However it was like holding a single puzzle piece in her hoof and guessing at what the whole picture would be. The pattern's just too big. But it's there, I know it is. Somepony put it there, setting the clouds on a predetermined path. But why?

The snow had finally begun staying on the grass as it landed. It had taken a while for the precipitation to cool the summery ground enough to accept the flakes. Sweetie Belle frowned at the passing scenery as it turned ever whiter. Unnatural...

“Hey, Sweetie.” She felt Scootaloo's hoof tap her on the shoulder. Sweetie Belle turned her head lazily, though her thoughts remained on the weather, only to have her sight filled by two large purple eyes and a grinning face.

“Ah!” she yelped in surprise and reflexively threw her friend back with her magic. The pegasus was shot back quickly, and nearly fell out of the booth. “Geez, Scootaloo! Don't do that!”

The unicorn heard Apple Bloom chuckling beside her, while Scootaloo pulled herself back up into her seat, a zany smile on her face. “Totally worth it!”

Sweetie Belle shot her friend a look that she had hoped would be rebuking, but it only seemed to widen her friend's grin. Shaking her head at her friend's antics, Sweetie took stock of her surroundings and noticed that the map was no longer on the table.

“What, are you two done planning already?”

“Yeah, it was a cinch. We just picked a few places to go to when we get there, then we can just wander around and see what looks good.”

“We marked out a path on the map. We'll pass by all the big sites, at least accordin' ta the map. Hope the weather isn't as bad there. Though at this rate, we might just have ta stay at the hotel until the clouds let up. I really hope not though, I've always wanted ta see the crystal buildings on a cloudless day, up close. They are supposed ta have the sturdiest buildings in all the world. They even say that they work alongside diamond dogs to get the resources to build the buildings.”

“Diamond dogs?” Sweetie Belle chimed in enthusiastically. “I wonder if they know Ruben.”

“Beats me,” Apple Bloom said simply. “But we can go and talk ta some of them when we're there. Supposedly they even have a few shops in the market district, run exclusively by diamond dogs.”

“But, first things first,” Scootaloo interjected, pointing to the entrance of their train-car. Sweetie Belle instantly felt the presence of a magic behind her. She knew the pattern to belong to a simple levitation spell. One of the most basic cantrips every unicorn learns just through instinct. She turned to give context to the magic she felt.

There were two unicorns who entered the room. They were wearing delightfully purple uniforms. The uniform clashed with one of the stallions' orange coat, while the other blue-coated fellow, simply fit the outfit well. Where their fur contrasted, their manes caused them to match: the orange unicorn sported a blue mane, and the blue unicorn had an orange mane. Sweetie Belle noticed with a glance that their cutie marks were hidden beneath their outfits. They certainly made a dynamic pair. If she had to venture a guess, Sweetie Belle would assume that they were brothers.

The duo levitated three separate food platters and accompanying drinks. She could see that their hold on the magic was slightly shaky, just from the way the pattern seemed to unwind even as it was cast around the objects they were holding. But she had come to expect that from most unicorns.

She heard Scootaloo snicker, and Sweetie Belle glanced at her in confusion. What is it now? She followed the pegasus's gaze, and noticed it was trained on Apple Bloom. Scootaloo was wearing a wicked grin upon her face.

“Oh no!” Apple Bloom exclaimed under her breath. The yellow earth pony's face already held the telltale signs of embarrassment.

“Oh, it's you. The one from earlier,” the orange unicorn said as the pair made their way to the table. “I was wondering which car you were staying in. I thought I might have missed you somehow.”

The two unicorns levitated the meals onto the tables: salads and sandwiches, a simple lunch. Apple Bloom let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, uh, we have the last spot on the train. Ah didn't think you'd be servin' the food.”

“Well, serving the ponies on this train is what my job is until the end of summer. Oh, right, I never got the chance to tell you my name before,” he said, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof. “I'm Clockwork, nice to see you again.”

“Oh, uh, I'm Apple Bloom. And this here's Sweetie Belle behind me. And that one, smiling as widely as yer friend is Scootaloo.”

Clockwork shot a glance to Scootaloo, then to his blue-coated companion and shook his head. “Ah, don't mind him. His name's, Quickly. A good friend of mine, from way back.”

“I can introduce myself, thank you very much! Although it lacks the surprise that it would have had merely a moment ago, my name is Quickly. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. My good friend Clockwork has just spent the last half-hour biting my ear off with tales of a particular yellow ma-”

He was interrupted as a pair of orange hooves tossed him against the wall of the of the car. A blush was unmistakable on Clockwork's face. “No need to say any more. Why would they be interested in something as boring as that? So, um, you're headed to the Crystal Empire, huh?”

“Everypony on this train is headed there,” Sweetie Belle stated flatly, interrupting Apple Bloom before she could respond. The white unicorn then tilted her head as a question occurred to her. “Say... I don't suppose either of you know what's up with the snow outside?” She couldn't help but notice Scootaloo seemed to shoot her a scowl. Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

“Sorry,” Quickly said, swiftly recovering, and moseying back to his friend's side. “We haven't been told anything about the sudden snowfall. But it's just snow, so it probably won't last much longer. It is summer, after all. I do hope it doesn't cause any inconveniences for your trip to the Empire. Foul weather on a vacation can be such a disaster, but the Crystal Empire has the next week set for clear weather, so it shouldn't be a problem.”

“We'll be fine, even if it's snowin' when we get there,” Apple Bloom assured them. “We won't let a little snow stop us from havin' fun.”

“So what does bring you all up to the Crystal Empire anyway?” Clockwork piped up.

“Well,” Apple Bloom said and shot a level glance in Sweetie Belle's direction before continuing. “It's kinda a spur o' the moment sorta thing. We just figured that we needed a vacation before getting' back inta the swing o' things.”

“Oh? What sort of things?” he replied, perhaps with a bit more gusto than he had intended. “Um, that is if you don't mind me asking.”

“Nah, we don't mind,” Apple Bloom said honestly. “Ah'm goin' to take on a smithin' 'pprenticship, back home. Ah'll be helpin' out on the farm too while Ah'm not too busy learnin' metalworkin'. It's gonna be a lot o' work, but Ah'm really excited for it.”

“Oh wow, hooves-on experience! That'll be amazing! I'm going to a college in Manehattan myself, to learn engineering. So, it's not that different from what you're doing.”

“Except it is,” Sweetie Belle argued. “She's going to be actually doing something, and you are just going to be reading books and taking tests.”

A hurt look crossed the orange unicorn's face, and she noticed Apple Bloom cringe slightly at the words. “What do you know?” Clockwork retorted. “Going to college is important. It's for higher-education and will lead to a real job. I bet a backwater--”

This time it was Quickly who interrupted by pushing him out of the way. “Sorry about that ladies, he means no insult. But, out of curiosity, Sweetie Belle, was it? Perhaps you'd like to explain such a viewpoint. In my experience, colleges and universities have always been the most effective sources of knowledge and understanding. The basis for many mares' and stallions' futures. I fail to see how you could look upon such a noble pursuit with such disdain.”

“Well, it's true that I've never been to a college or university, and I'm not going to one any time soon,” she replied simply. “But I stand by my point that a hooves-on approach is best. Books and teachers can only teach you so much. Going out, seeing the world, and figuring out how it works is the best way to learn. I didn't mean to say that going to a college is bad. But you should have something past that, a really solid goal to reach for. If you don't, then all the stuff you learn in the books will just stay with you, unused.”

“Interesting,” he responded and looked at his friend. Clockwork still looked a little vexed by situation. “See, she meant no insult.”

“It's not like I'm learning engineering to not use it. I have a goal after college. I'm going to make machines that ponies haven't even thought of yet!”

“But why wait until after college?” Sweetie argued. “Why not just go and start working on those inventions right now?”

“Sweetie, please, stop arguing!” she heard Apple Bloom's urgent whisper.

“I am,” the young stallion rebuked in near-indignation. “I have ideas, but there's stuff I have to learn before I can make them a reality!” Clockwork looked her in the eyes, his were a strikingly red color. It was glare that felt akin to a challenge. Behind those irises, Sweetie Belle could feel the intensity of his dream being projected at her, through that stare.

Sweetie Belle, felt a smile crawl onto her face. “Good,” she said simply. “That's what's important.”

Clockwork frowned at that, but his friend let out a light chuckle. “Hah! You make a marvelous point Sweetie Belle. Fascinating, even! I quite enjoyed this encounter, but forgive us, we should let you three enjoy your meal in peace. Come on Clockwork, we're still on the clock. Let's get back to work before we get fired.”

The orange pony let out a sigh but nodded. “You're right. Goodbye, Apple Bloom. Please enjoy your meal.” The two ponies made for an exit, though not before Clockwork shot Sweetie Belle a distasteful frown.

“Goodbye, Clockwork!” Apple Bloom managed to shout just before the door closed.

As soon as the door between their car and the next one shut, Scootaloo leaned over the table and peered at Sweetie Belle, nearly knocking over her own meal in the process.

“Seriously, Sweetie, what the heck?” Scootaloo said, shaking her head. Sweetie merely raised and eyebrow and shot her own questioning look. “We were supposed to be helping Apple Bloom get to know the guy. You shouldn't just attack him like that.”

Glancing to her side, she noticed Apple Bloom seemed to be wearing a sour expression, merely directing her gaze to the meal in front of her. Huh? It was just an argument. We argue all the time. But her friend's expression caused Sweetie Belle to wince inwardly. “Well, we found out a bit about the guy. Didn't we?” she offered.

“You know that's not what I meant by 'get to know the guy'! Geez, we barely talk to them for a minute, and you insult his life choices, just like that! Heck, I've seen some athletes fight over smaller insults.”

“Can we please just not talk about this?” Apple Bloom managed and took a large bite out of her sandwich.

Sweetie Belle staved off a retort and complied with the simple request. The three of them ate as an uncomfortable silence settled in. It was a heavy, leaden silence, punctuated only by the sounds of the mares eating. It wasn't hateful, no. It feels like disappointment.

I guess I should apologize. “Look,” she spoke up after they had all finished most of their meal, pulling both of her friend's attention to her. “I'm sorry Apple Bloo--”

* * *

Her friend didn't manage to finish her line, when an echoing screech sounded through the train-car, shooting rust-coloured streaks across her sight. Scootaloo felt, in that moment, the lurching of the vehicle. Her body acted out of instinct.

Just as the world decided to pull her forward across the table, she shot her wings out and beat against the sudden movement, barely managing to keep her place on her side of the table. The train's stopping!

She saw her friends' half-eaten salads take flight and leap right at their owners, like two captive, wild beasts seeking revenge. Scootaloo's own bowl shot between them in shower of lettuce leaves. Apple Bloom dove reflexively out of the way of her rogue meal, while Sweetie Belle managed to snag every bit of greenery with her magic, just before it reached her.

The screeching metal sound was punctuated with a loud crash, which shook the whole train-car. Then a lulling silence settled in as the reverberations stopped and Scootaloo's vision cleared. “Are you both alright?” she asked as she jumped from the booth gracefully.

“Yeah, Ah'm fine,” Apple Bloom said with a groan as she lifted herself from the wooden floor. Searching around for a moment, she fished out both her and Sweetie Belle's bags. They had been thrown free from the booth.

“Me too.” With a clatter, Sweetie Belle set her deconstructed meal in a pile on the table and got out of the booth herself. “I wonder why they stopped so suddenly.” With a nod and a smile, she accepted her saddlebags, grabbing it with her magic, slipping it on, and tying it tight.

Sweetie Belle then tilted her head as an unspoken question. To which, Apple Bloom simply nodded. Scootaloo watched as the unicorn promptly performed the same action with the earth pony's saddlebags.

“We need ta make sure everypony's okay. We were in the caboose and our car is still on the tracks, but since they pulled the brakes, it must've been 'cause the front was about ta hit somethin'. And by the sound of it, Ah think they might have collided with whatever caused 'em ta pull the brakes in the first place.”

“Right,” Scootaloo agreed. We hit something? I don't like the sound of that. Still, we can't just stay here when other ponies could be injured. “Let's go and see if we can help out.”

Together, the three mares opened the door and hurried to the next train-car.

End of Chapter 2