• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 37,960 Views, 1,681 Comments

Rorschach in Equestria - Ex-Nihilos

The Watchmen's most wrathful vigilante finds himself in the strangely innocent land of Equestria.

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(5) An Awkward First Encounter

Chapter 5: An Awkward First Encounter

[First off I want to give a big thank you to AnonyMouse who was kind enough to take the time to edit this chapter, I’m glad to have someone finally point out all my flaws to me and who isn’t my mother! Jokes aside AnonyMouse I can't thank you enough!]


Twigs, branches, and leaves lashed at her as the purple unicorn ran through the thick forest. She wasn’t sure anymore if she was still on the right track or even going the direction the monster had taken. Only a few signs of disturbed forest gave her any hint that something tall had just been through here.

It never occurred to her how far out she was from Ponyville or even how she was going to find her way back. The only times she had ever been this far into the Everfree forest had been when she and her friends ventured to find the Elements of Harmony and stop Nightmare Moon, and then again to confront a sleeping dragon whose snoring threatened to fill Equestria’s skies with smoke and ash. Even then there had been paths to follow. Out here in the remote wilderness there was no obvious path, the whole forest was untamed and wild.

Twilight was starting to think that running after this monster had been a bad idea.

Still, the urge to understand what this thing was pressed her forward. She hated not knowing, and what Applejack described, the aggression and strength it possessed, sent shivers down her spine thinking about the potential harm it could cause if it turned its sights on Ponyville. Yet things didn’t add up; this monster was to her an enigma wrapped in mystery.

She had to find out what it was.

Hands shoved into coat pockets I walked, mind abuzz with implication of what I’ve just done. No doubt I did right thing. Always been my purpose to safeguard the weak or innocent. Hasn’t changed whether I was in my dimension or not. Dead or alive. Troubled still over the ponies’ reactions to me.

I was foreign. Strange. Disturbing. Grotesque. Would be different if they realized where I came from, my reputation. Was feared by criminal underworld, merciless justice followed my wake in the form of shattered bodies and corpses. Sinners looked on in horror when I passed them, fearful that I might pass judgment upon their perverse lifestyles and wrongdoings. Yet just moments ago, I was offered a smile.

Never received a smile before, even when saving victims all I saw was fear in their eyes. They shunned away from me, like I was a mad dog that frothed at the mouth. Smiles weren’t genuine, disguises of terror or good nature. Flimsy like paper, guises only half finished. It angered me that they would try, insulting even. That smile those foals gave me, though. I knew people, those ponies were not human but their emotions were written on their face plain as day.

The smile those foals gave me was genuine thanks, genuine wonder of my presence.

Didn’t even agitate over comment of smell. Clothes were not in the best of conditions, body likely reeked of sweat and blood. Still no one has dared mention it to my face, no one currently living that is. Yet the way this Scootaloo (What other awful names did these ponies have?) spoke to me, it was teasing but was not malicious. Good natured joking.

Reminded me of partnership with Nite Owl.

Good times. Toppled mob bosses together. Accomplished more together than alone. Was a good friend. Shame I wasn’t. Still wonder how we became partners in the first place, knew he likely needed me for skills. Dan was never good at investigating, not like me, failed to see the scheme in things. Blind to overarching conspiracies. Too naïve, too good natured. Tough fighter though, genius with mechanics, money from inheritance helped with that.

Only true friend I ever had.

Shame he was weak and quit. Was easily influenced by Veidt. Blame Laurie for that. Temptress whore like her mother.

I stepped out of the forest into the clearing just in front of my shelter. I could already see my belongings, unmoved, from their high position. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. Wasn’t sure if I should worry about traps waiting for me; were wolves that smart? Didn't seem so, give wild animals too much credit. Will have to spend the day preparing for potential attacks during night. Must make plans to go hunt wolves the next day.

For now I'll tend to my wounds, stress of the fight reopened bite on heel and aggravated lacerations. Hopefully aloe grows nearby.

Twilight Sparkle slowed herself to a stop when she saw the bright light that shined through the trees before her. It was a clearing, a place of sandy silt and rock where the forest had refused to grow. From nearby she could hear the sounds of a river rushing by and above through the tree tops she could see the mountain slope, looking like a pillar of jutting grey rock that pierced the light blue sky.

Slowly she approached the edge of the clearing to get a better view of what lay ahead. Clinging against a tree, she gazed beyond the forest line into the clearing and was surprised to see the entrance of a well-lit cave. There, sitting near the campfire that lay just inside the cave, was the monster. Just as Applejack described, it was a strange thing that clad itself entirely in clothes. It sat in a way that would make anypony uncomfortable, its back bent forward so its elbows lay upon its knees. It rested its head upon the backs of its long spidery hands that vaguely reminded her of Spike’s little ones. Just like Applejack had said, it didn’t seem to be faceless at all. Without its scarf she could see a thin line of peach colored skin that separated the mask that served as its face from the rest of itself.

She found its mask strange. The black blots on its face seemed to ever be in motion, always moving to form new ambiguous shapes. The blots never moved beyond where its face should be, the sides and back of its head remaining stark white. She could even see the faint patterns of stitched fabric. Besides its fascinating mask its attire seemed foreign. Its two long thin legs, clothed in dirty leggings colored a dark navy with white pinstripes that covered the legs entirely, bent forward in the middle by pronounced knees. Its feet were large, pointed in tarnished shoes with large soles that at one time might have been fanciful. The tan coat it wore and its dark brown gloves were made of the same strange material, the coat long and tied at the waist by a long belt.

It sat there staring into the fire for a while, seemingly deep in thought. It sat so still it startled Twilight when she finally saw it move. It went outside and took a log from a pile of cut wood and tossed it into the flames. She thought at first it would go back to sitting but instead it left the cave to go to the river. It disappeared into the brush and the rocky cove became silent again.

She thought about following it to the river, but she feared any movement would alert the thing to her presence. She didn't have to wait long for it to return. In its hands it carried two lines that dangled fish and in the other he cradled a pile of green plants that she recognized as aloe. So it must have been an omnivore, Twilight felt almost sick at the thought of eating fish but it wasn’t unusual, when Fluttershy took care of animals that only ate meat she usually substituted actual red meat with fish. The unicorn supposed it would be better than observing this monster eat another land walking creature. She had the sudden fear that it might even eat ponies. She gulped at that and suddenly realized she had lost her focus. Glancing into the cave, she was glad she hadn’t focused as it seemed it had taken the time to descale and gut the fish. She was thankful she couldn’t see where it had disposed of the rest of it, it was bad enough to see the actual fish.

It placed the fish on sticks and put them over the flame. Once done with that it took a slab of rock and placed the aloe upon it. With another smoothed rock it began to mash the green leaves into a mush upon the rock. Twilight could only guess that it wasn’t planning to eat the aloe but rather make a salve of it. That was the only reason she could see for it to mash them into an inedible mix. Once satisfied it stopped and placed the slab on an adjacent rock.

It took its coat off and then the beige sweater it wore underneath, Twilight couldn’t help but gasp.

Underneath the coat and sweater it wore a dirty white shirt that covered only its torso but that was not what made her gasp. Its long arms were mostly devoid of hair and she could actually see the definition of its muscles. On nearly every inch of arm there was a scar somewhere. Some were fresh and still even bled while others were discolored, likely made years ago. It stood up and took off the last of shirt it wore and Twilight found that its torso was just the same. Every inch held some scar, old and fresh, and showed some signs of the beginnings of advanced age. It was grotesque, ugly to look at. It was also strangely fascinating. Like his arms she could see the shadows of its muscles underneath its skin move with every motion. She had the strong impression that it was strong and had lived a long, rough life.

It began to apply the aloe to its fresh wounds, the distinct cuts and bites of Timber Wolves. Yet it was strange, Applejack had never mentioned it was injured during its fight to protect her. She did mention that the wolves that attacked them looked like they had been in a battle recently? Perhaps it was with this thing?

The purple unicorn moved forward to get a better view of the scene, and immediately she regretted it.

A loud snap echoed through the rocky cove as a twig underneath her hooves broke the moment she placed her weight down upon it.

She held her breathe and stood tense as she watched the creature in the cove. It didn’t seem to react beyond pausing for a moment. It continued to apply the aloe to its wound and Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. That was until it called out.

“You can stop hiding now. Obvious presence.”

Its voice was deep, hoarse and harsh to be exact, and it spoke in short phrases rather than full sentences. She gulped and summed up what bravery she had. Slowly and hesitantly she stepped out into the light and into the cove. Trotting over to the cave, she felt her breath quicken the closer she got to the strange thing. It had its sightless mask on but she had the feeling it was watching her the whole time. She stood on the cave’s threshold, mere feet away from the monster. She hoped it couldn’t see her shaking.

More familiar reaction to me. Fear. For a bright purple pony she hid herself well. I only saw her when coming back from gathering fish and herbs. Purple coloring stood out among my memorized surroundings. Let her play her game. Hoped she would go away with curiosity sated. Should have known better.

Now here she was, the pony whose home I had broken into and who moments ago spied upon me. Hard to feel coarse with her, seeing the shiver of fear crawl down her spine each time I made a sudden move. Seemed like forever before she even started breathing again. Was about to tell her to go away when she spoke up.

“I-I-I’m sorry for spying on you, it wasn’t right for me to be watching you without your knowing,” she shakily said.

I turn momentarily to face her. These ponies had such huge eyes. Wondered how evolution could create such a thing, alternate dimension or not. I merely grunted as I roughly shoved more aloe salve into the three long cuts of a wolf’s claw that had sliced into my shoulder.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” She inquired curiously, even going as far as to lean to the side to get a better view of what I was doing.

“Used to pain.” I told her flatly.

“Oh… I guess I can see that… you know the place where I live, Ponyville, has a hospital you could go to. I mean you aren’t a pony… I don’t think… but they’d still help out anyone in need.”

“Not necessary.”

I could tell I was making her nervous with more coarse answers. Hopefully she’d go away soon, but instead she pressed on with her incessant talking.

“So… thank you for saving my friends back there. I don’t want to think what could of happened if you weren’t there.”

“Hurm,” I grunted as a reply.

The purple unicorn hesitated for a moment and pressed on, “Um… if you mind me asking though… what are you? I don’t think you’re a pony.”

“Human.” I said.

“I’ve never heard of a h-ew-man before... Can you tell me about yourself?”


“Oh… well that’s okay you don’t need to tell me… so… where you from?”

“Not here.”

“Well I figured that but… uh nevermind... where’d you learn to speak Equestrian?”

“Just knew it.”

“What? How? It doesn’t work that way!”

“Don’t know.”

“Well if you would just talk to me maybe we could figure it out.”

“Don’t care.”

She was getting frustrated. Took guilty pleasure in it. Huffing a sigh she asked sarcastically, “You’re not much for talking are you?”


“Well would you at least tell me what you’re doing living in the forest.”


“Would you be willing to come back to me with Ponyville to talk some more or maybe see to your wounds, or even just let Applejack thank you? You know, the pony you just saved?”

“Not a good idea.”

“Why do you say that?”

I finished applying the last of the aloe into the bite mark on my side and turn fully around. To her credit the purple unicorn didn’t shy away. She seemed far too cross with me to feel fear. My face shifts again as I speak.

“Bipedal. Menacing. Stories of a ‘Faceless Pony’. It'll cause panic. Won’t end well.”

She seemed to think on this, or at least her annoyance faded a little after getting more than just four words out of me.

“I… guess you’re right but how’d you know about that rumor… in fact,” She took a strong stance and gave me a hard look, “I recall that you got that name for terrorizing three little foals who meant you no harm.

I turn the sticks holding the fish over the flames as I reply, “Regret that. Caught me at... bad moment.”

“So it was you who was screaming?” Her voice grew soft and kind, “It sounded like you were in a lot of pain.”

“Used to pain,” I repeat flatly.

She frowned sadly at me but must of figured out that I wasn’t about to go into detail over it for she changed the subject.

“Oh I almost forgot to mention, my name is Twilight Sparkle!” She said happily.

I turned to look at her, she merely smiled back. Had assumed Scootaloo was the worst but this topped it. I sigh loudly, my misfortune to be in a place with names sounding more like they belong in cartoonist’s wet dreams. She tilted her head but didn’t say anything. Instead she spoke, “So are you going to tell me your name?”

“No.” I say.

“Well that isn’t very nice.”

“Not a nice person.”

“But you saved my friends just now, how could you say you’re not a nice person?”

“Doing the right thing, and being nice,two different things. I do the right thing, doesn’t mean I’m nice.”

She groaned and muttered to herself, “This isn’t going like I hoped it would.”

Getting cross again she looked at me, “Alright blunt questions it is. Are you dangerous?”

“Depends to what you’re referring to.”

“To ponies.”


“Do you eat meat?”


“Do you eat ponies?”


“Do you plan to stay here in the forest for long.”

“Likely so.”

“Don’t you want to go home?”


“Then why don’t you?”

“Not possible.”

Realization dawned on her and her questions became less heated, more sympathetic.

“Are you lost?”


“But you can’t go back home, right?”


“Why not?”

I took a moment to think of an answer that would satisfy her. Wasn’t about to tell her where I was from. She didn’t need to know.


“What do you mean?”

“The way I came, not my choice, was one way. Can’t go back.”

“Oh. So what will you do now?”

“Survive for now.”

“I could explain the situation to the ponies down in Ponyville you know, they can be reasonable. You could…. Well at least be tolerated to be honest.”

“Town like yours, not the place for me.”

I move over to the fire and remove the cooked fish before they burnt. Placing them on same slate that I had mashed the aloe on I let them cool, besides did not want to eat in front of pony. She already looked sick enough seeing cooked fish. Looking outside I notice the dip of the sun.

She follows my gaze as I speak, “Getting late. Should go home. See that your friend is okay. Forest isn't safe at night.”

She sighed, she knew I was right but her curiosity wasn’t being satisfied by my blunt answers and uncooperative attitude. “Fine… can I come back tomorrow?”

“Rather you didn’t, but I can’t stop you.”

She seemed to take this as an acceptable answer, “Well would it at least be acceptable for me to tell my friend Applejack where you are so she can come thank you herself and give back your scarf?”

I merely grunted in response as I walked over to put on sweater and coat again, didn’t really care about the scarf nor cared for company. I sit back down to stare into the fire and listen to Twilight walk out of the cave. She stopped though. I turned and looked at her.

She had her back to me but she turned her head to look back. “One more question. You aren’t really faceless are you?”

I don’t answer.

“So why do you wear that mask?”

“Only face I have left.”

This seemed to give her more questions than answers but she seemed too worn to press the issue. She trotted off back into the forest as I called out to her, “When you get to the willow tree by the pond, follow the opposite direction of the moss that grows on it. That'll take you back to town.”

With that, she disappeared and I was left to myself again. Lifting my mask up over my mouth I took the slate of cooked fish and began to eat. “Annoying little thing,” I muttered. Probably best I didn’t mention my prior knowledge of her home, or that I still had her book in my possession. Would have to give that back at some point.

Night finally descended upon the forest, which meant its predators would be coming out now. I was prepared for the coming nocturnal siege that might come. Sharpened wooden spears. Plenty of raging fire. And finally, a string laden with bones from Timber wolf to signal a silent approach upon the cave. Curious scavengers came early in the night and feasted the discarded fish innards that I had tossed into a whole I had made far from my camp. Since then it has been quiet. No yellow eyes shined through the night, no growls permeated the air, and no roars struck the calm night.

Came as surprise to me. After previous night’s violent siege. Was expecting another force to come from the forest. Instead there was only the calm that greeted me when I first came here. Was unsettling. Hadn’t realized how tired I was either. Two days without sleep has taken its toll on me. Had to rely upon early warning line, no choice but to sleep.

I lay down upon one of the long rocks that graced my shelter. Cold, hard, somehow comfortable. I drifted off to sleep quickly with plans for the morning for a hunt on the wolves.

Last thought to pass through mind was of a yellow foal with red mane giving me a genuine smile.

That night back on Sweet Apple Acres Applejack lay comfortably in her own bed under the soft glow of the candle by her bed. Around her were her five closest friends and her big brother who had refused to leave her side since Fluttershy told him she had been hurt. He had made quite the scene at Ponyville Hospital where Applejack was being treated. The doctors thankfully let her leave quickly as the wound she got wasn’t very bad, she would have to go back a few more times to take some medicine and vaccines just in case but overall they expected a full recovery quickly. There wouldn’t even be much of a scar left once it healed it.

In her hooves she held the white scarf that doctors said helped save her from serious injury by stopping the bleeding. It was cleaned once by the hospital staff and returned to her but the pink mark of where her blood was still remained. The sight should have caused her stomach to turn but strangely it didn’t. She just felt thankful, for herself and for her little sister and her friends.

But she didn’t even know who to thank.

As she lay there she was vaguely listening to the slightly heated discussion her friends were having over what happened. Twilight Sparkle had come out of the forest during the evening with a strangely mild story to tell. She and this ‘monster’, Applejack’s savior, had had a very blunt discussion. Twilight already let it be known her annoyance with the hew-man, as she called it, and its obvious hostility to her. Once Applejack was out of the hospital and all their friends had joined her in her home Twilight had related the entire conversation she had with the faceless hew-man. There really wasn’t much to tell though.

He, as Twilight described, was an ugly thing with pale skin and almost no hair with scars all over his body. The way the purple unicorn described it, it really sounded like a monster that had only barely tolerated her questions. Then again, the unicorn never had much patience for those who just didn’t want to talk. Most of her friends had to agree.

Rarity found his attire fascinating, even asking Twilight to go into much greater detail over this mask he wore, though without seeing it for herself she didn’t seem all that impressed. She wasn’t about to trek through the forest to go see him either, let alone deal with his "very abrasive and uncivilized ways".

Fluttershy found the idea of him cooking a fish strange, let alone eating it that way. She did feed her carnivorous animals fish, but usually they were caught by other animals for her use and never did she ever cook them. The thought filled them all with a sense of disgust. She too found his personality very unlikable going on what Twilight told her, and that was saying something for the Element of Kindness.

Pinkie Pie, strangely enough, vouched for him with remarks like, "He’s just being evasive is all" and "Maybe it’s his foreign custom". Her favorite questions, though, pertained to what parties he seemed interested in or if he was a fan of streamers and confetti. Twilight couldn’t seem to dissuade her that the faceless hew-man wasn’t all that interested in parties.

Rainbow Dash’s main concern was how tough this monster was. It took a lot of persuading from Twilight for her not go and fight him for scaring the foals. Only once Twilight explained that he apparently was sorry for that did she calm down enough to listen rather than go into action.

Applejack saw it all in a different light though. Her friends weren’t there, they didn’t hear the anger, the pain that it cried out with. She wasn’t sure what to think of it all. Of course she was thankful, but something about this faceless hew-man scared her. She wasn’t sure what it was but what Twilight said confirmed what she had been thinking all day.

Just being around this hew-man made the air seem stale, the light less bright. His very presence seemed to add malevolence into the air. The foals might not have felt it, they were too young to understand, but that monster was like a mad dog.

Just like all mad dogs, you never knew when they were going to snap unless they were helped.

[Hellllllo again readers, this is your neighborhood drunkard slash writer ‘Out of Nothing’ with another little note. This time it will be little and not three paragraphs long. First off thank you all for reading, cannot begin to tell you how good it makes me feel to have readers comment, makes me rethink being half drunk when I write, whether it’s good, bad, ugly, pictures, or whatever on my story and give it the time of day by just reading it (My favorite ones still have to be how surprised everyone is on how I haven’t gone and screwed this all up yet, fingers crossed I don’t go do something stoopid like say turn Rorschach into Pinkie Pie’s sidekick! Or actually Pinkie Pie AS a sidekick would work too, actually I’m writing that down for future stupidity…).

Alright that’s it, I’m done with that, just one last thank you to AnonyMouse for his epic editting skills and willingness to put up with my writing.

Thank you all,