• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 37,959 Views, 1,681 Comments

Rorschach in Equestria - Ex-Nihilos

The Watchmen's most wrathful vigilante finds himself in the strangely innocent land of Equestria.

  • ...

(19) A Better Day: Part 2

A Better Day: Part 2

“Any sign of him?” The lavender unicorn asked the assembled ponies in her tree home. Twilight Sparkle stood before her blackboard where a map of Ponyville was hung. Notes and lines had been added to the overview of the town with Spike standing nearby with a notepad and pen to quickly add anything to the map.

“Trixie and Ah didn’t see any sign of him in the Everfree,” Applejack answered, gesturing first to the map on the board then to the worn out azure unicorn sprawled in a chair. Putting her hoof down she resumed her impatient pacing along the floor. Her face was set with determination and frustration that they still hadn’t found Rory yet.

“Zecora... hasn’t seen him... for two days...” Trixie managed to say between deep breathes. It was difficult to keep up with the orange mare that demanded they gallop everywhere in search of their human friend. This was the first chance the magician had gotten to sit down all morning, she tried her best to savour the moment that her legs didn’t feel like they’d burst into flames.

Next to the exhausted Trixie bounced a pink pony that answered Twilight happily, “I didn’t find him in the bakery, Bon-bon’s candy shop, the park, the train station, or anywhere in Ponyville, but I’ll keep looking! Rory sure is good at playing hide and seek!”

From up above, Rainbow Dash grumbled irritably with a quick glare down on Trixie before answering, “Well he wasn’t at Froggy Bottom Bog, for whatever reason he’d go there for, and so far I haven’t seen him in one of my flybys.”

As each of the assembled search party sounded off their searched locations Twilight marked off on the map each of the locations mentioned, “So, so far no pony but Fluttershy has seen him since early this morning...” She stopped to look around the room but found a lack of the canary yellow pegasus, “Where is Fluttershy?”

“She went to go check on Rarity, she’s still trying to clean up the mess Rory left behind at her place,” Rainbow Dash answered with a small shrug.

“Ah wish she was here instead, tryin’ to help find Rory instead of frettin’ over a little mess.” Applejack grumbled. They should’ve all been out searching, but AJ couldn’t blame Fluttershy for worrying about their friend. AJ was worried too, but the best way to help was to find Rory.

“Well from what I heard, it was not a little mess. The way Rarity describe it, it sounded like a typhoon had crashed through her house.” Rainbow Dash replied, though rethinking her words and how Rarity was a glass of spilled milk was considered a disaster to the dressmaker.

Twilight stepped forward, the list still hovering behind her, “Well we’ll just have to go on without them. We still have a lot of ground to cover and knowing how Rorschach is he’ll keep moving around and avoiding us. Applejack, I need you to go check back on Sweet Apple Acres, he might have dropped by while you were out. Pinkie, you can go check the Schoolhouse, and Rainbow Dash you keep an eye on the edge of the Everfree Forest for any signs of him. Trixie and I will stay in town and keep searching for him.”

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie said. Turning she hopped out the library door with a bounce in each hop she took.

“Hold up, Twlight,” Rainbow Dash said. Her eyes narrowed down at Trixie and said angrily, “why are we letting Trixie help us out? After the mess she caused last time I don’t see why we’re letting her stay in town!”

Trixie was upside down in the chair in her odd attempts to regain her strength and think of places their friend might be. She glared back up at the pegasus, she didn’t back down at the accusation. The bravado that she held close to herself bristled at the rainbow pegasus’ implications. “The Great and Powerful Trixie did nothing wrong the last time she was here. All she did was show her superiority in all things over every other pony,” the azure pony said proudly, turning to sit herself straight in the chair once again.

“Gee aren’t you humble,” Rainbow Dash sarcastically replied, glaring back at the unicorn she bolted down in the blink of an eye. The pair came inches away from each other’s faces as they let their animosity be known, “Listen here Trixie, you think you’re sooo great but-”

“Enough, both of ya!” Applejack quickly interjected before the argument could spiral out of control. She placed herself between the two... and surprisingly she stood with Trixie, “We can all bring up the past later but right now I know that Trixie has changed and she wants to help.”

“B-but AJ, don’t you remember the last time she was here? She embarrassed you in front of Ponyville!” Rainbow Dash stammered, caught off balance by AJ.

“And Ah’m still ticked off wit’ that but right now we have a friend who's in trouble and that’s more important than old grudges,” AJ said, letting her frustration out. She turned to the door, set to leave, “Ah don’t know about the rest of you but I’m going back out there and I’m going to go find our friend. “

The orange mare only got so far before colliding with something blocking the tree house’s doorway. She bounced back with her hat falling forward over her brow. She blinked to clear her vision as the girls behind her let out a gasp and for a moment her heart leapt, expecting to fix her hat to find Rory standing there safe and sound.

When she did pull the stetson back into place, her grin of joy turning to a look of surprise as she found herself looking back upon a tall white alicorn.

Next to Celestia was a parchment floating by the magic of her horn, “I just received your message, Twilight,” the princess said, “And I think I can help.” Curling the parchment up she gave a sigh, “But first, that requires me to be... a bit more honest with you girls.”

“Princess, what do you mean?” Twilight ask as the others joined together in gazing at the Princess.

Entering the library, Celestia closed the door of the library behind her with her magic. It was clear she was reluctant to go further, but she continued on, “Rorschach was not the first human to come to Equestria, nor is he the first to succumb to these symptoms,” Celestia said, "This happened once before when a pair of outsiders came to our world, far from Equestria, when Luna and I were still young..."


Took longer than I expected to get here. Town was busy today, shouldn’t have stayed so long at farm but couldn’t leave any sooner. At least Applebloom joined her friends for the day, allows me to continue with the rest of my plan without worry of backlash. Midday, most of the town out on their usual errands. Some more worried than others, certain timidness to their actions. Reflexively glancing over their shoulder, peering around corners before moving forward, both results from escapade last night.

With members in the crowd more wary of my presence moving around the town proved more difficult than first thought. Getting the boutique would be slower than I hoped, did not plan on this great of a delay. How long did spa trips take? Couldn’t be more than an hour, perhaps two, but knowing the fashionista it may be much longer. Didn’t make sense to spend an entire day in one but then never liked spas. It was taking too long just to get into the dressmaker’s shop though.

Even with the place in sight I was having trouble getting there. The crowds were wary but one red thing in particular had keen eyes and a healthy amount of suspicion for his surroundings. Tall male from what I could see, red coat with blonde mane and gold star on flank. I’ve never seen him before, an odd statement considering the amount of time I’ve spent stalking the town and getting to know the usual errands of the townsponies.

Unlike the rest of the ponies that busied themselves with shopping and cluttering together into groups of gossip and small chat, this red stallion scoured the crowd with a critical eye. Like a police officer seeking a hidden thief, the stallion checked in random barrels, passing carts, and behind stands (much to the annoyance of the merchants attending to the stands). Standing next to Bob-bon’s Candy Store I could not get a clear view of the sporadic patrol of the red stallion but when he passed into my view I could clearly see the scowl on his face and the angry muttering he recited.

Instincts told me I may have been the cause of his anger, lost items don’t usually earn such vehement venom, not unless one was naturally angry. A naturally angry pony simply seemed... odd.

My thoughts are shattered when a hissing sound from behind me causes me to tense. It takes a moment for me to realize it wasn’t hissing, it was someone doing a poor job at trying to get my attention with an exaggerated ‘pssst’. I turned, my eyes tracking where the source of the sound came from.

I saw the color mint and groaned audibly. It was her again, the one with the fetish for hands. From around the alley’s corner from the back of Bon Bon’s store, the pony with the lyre shaped mark was hugging the wall’s corner. With one hoof swinging in the air she wildly waved to catch my attention. All the while hissing like a snake. “Heeeeey, pssssst! Over heeeeere~!”

I tilted my head to her and quickly cast a glance back to the crowd of ponies meandering around the square. I pondered the idea of making a run for it, dart through the crowd and risk the potential mob at my back. Another insistent hiss from behind caused me to place a hand to my temple in an attempt to calm the budding headache the cyan pony was causing me. “I can help you!” she whispered loudly.

Turning back around I was greeted with the eerie sight of the lyre marked pony grinning widely at me. I thought only the pink pony was able to grin that wide, reminded me of the Cheshire Cat from Lewis Carrol classic. Not the most comforting thought to follow such a smile but... taking one last backwards look at the crowd I found I had little choice. Cautiously I moved away from the alley’s entrance and tentatively closed the distance with the mint pony.

Upon my approach the mint pony smiled gleefully, bouncing in place. Under her breath I could hear her repeatedly say, “oh-my-gosh” in quick succession. I quickly began to question my better judgment in trusting this pony, even if I didn’t have a choice in the matter.

“You want to get by the crowds, right, right, right?!” Lyra asked in quick succession, shooting off words like an assault rifle. An assault rifle that bounced giddily with a twinkle to her eyes. Her pupils darted between my head and my hands with equal interests.

Still cautious of the unstable mint thing I answered, “need to get to Carousel-”

“Boutique?! I can get you there,” she practically shouted before catching herself in the act. Trying again in a conspirator’s voice she went, “I can get you to Carousel Boutique without anypony seeing you.”

The look she gave me told me that she there was going to be a condition to her help.

“But! You have to do something for me!”

Of course... After a sigh, I managed to grumble, “do what?”

“We need to hang out some time!” she said again in that barely contained joy of hers.

“Hang... out?” I repeated, the words sounding strange. Knew the meaning of what she meant, but I did not 'hang out'. Only had one friend, and we preferred steak outs in Artemis waiting for drug dealers to come out of hiding.

“Yeah,” she responded with much less resolve, drawing circles on the ground with one of her hooves, “you know... you told a lot of cool stories at Pinkie’s party and I wanted to hear more... and stuff. And since you always disappear into the forest you’ve never come back to town to give more stories.”

I didn’t like the idea of talking about where I came from, they didn’t need to know the sort of filth I had to deal with and the corruption that plagued every aspect of society. Nor did I want to recall the darker thoughts I’ve had, for fear of bringing on the hissing whisper in my ear that drove me to continue dispensing justice.

“We’ll see... if you can help me get to the dressmaker’s shop,” I told her. I could see the noticeable change from anxiety to joy with each syllable of every word I spoke. Before she was able to give a shout or cry for joy I managed to hiss, “but we need to get their quietly.”

She stopped in mid cheer, giving me a sheepish grin as she elected to give me a mock salute instead. Gesturing me to follow her we made our way around Bon Bon’s shop. She took the role of a spy too dramatically, trotting on the tips of her hooves like she was sneaking past armed guards. I tried to suppress the anguish of my growing headache.

When we got to the back of the shop, Lyra quickly went around the other side. There was a small commotion before she appeared again. "Ta-da!" Lyra said, presenting a cart with a red blanket over it, the lead resting on her back and pulling it behind her. "Bon-bon uses it to go deliver candy. She won't mind if we borrow it."

"Hurm," I said, the blank ink of my mask swirling. "Small... Will make do."

"Great! Told you I could help," Lyra said, giddy on her hooves again, "This is going to be sooo great! It's just like my comic book!"


“R-Rarity? Are you in here?” Fluttershy asked cautiously as she opened the boutique door, cringing slightly at the bell that rang above her head in a sharp contrast with the silence around her. Tentatively she entered and gently closed the door behind her, making sure not to make a sound. The bell had no qualms to break the silence, causing the canary colored pegasus to jump again at the sharp sound.

She waited, expecting to hear Rarity call out to her or the sounds of approaching steps. When neither came she continued into the boutique, the oppressive silence that surrounded her continued to follow each step she took. Looking around the boutique’s main show room there was nothing out of place. Fluttershy was expecting to find a disaster similar to the aftermath of a Pinkie Pie party.

The only thing missing was the fashionista herself. Peeking into each room on the bottom floor Fluttershy began a search in hopes of finding her friend, but she was quickly losing hope as each room she found no one. The kitchen looked untouched. The bathroom was unoccupied, or it appeared so as she didn’t bother trying to look inside.

She was prepared to give up when a crash upstairs caused her to dart behind Rarity’s plush velvet couch. The yellow Pegasus waited, looking about the dark boutique before venturing out. With a careful flap of her wings she brushed by the steps of the stairs, venturing up to investigate Rarity’s workshop. She bit her lip when she came to the closed door. Her hooves barely tapped the wooden stairs she put a hoof out. The door was left unlocked and slowly with a painful creak it opened up to let the workshop’s light peak out.

Inside, Rarity ran about frantically. Her pristine mane was a wreck with curls jutting in wrong directions and over curled. She darted from one ruined mannequin to the next, searching through the pile of destroyed clothes, and looking at a chaotic stack of designs. A light blue glow came from her horn, leading the way and dragging scissors, thread, and yarn through the air at a dangerous speed.

She never noticed Fluttershy carefully walk in. The unicorn was possessed, sleepless and beyond anxious. She had the rows of dresses set up again, yet each dress and ensemble she worked on steadily turned into a chaotic mess. One coat had suddenly turned into a skirt, a scarf sprouted legs, a hat was cut down the center. Despite how odd fashion could be, Fluttershy was certain no one would want to try and wear a dress made from a curtain and a paper bag.

“Um... Rarity?” The pegasus tried to get the speeding unicorn’s attention as she flew by once again.

“Oh no, that went there! No wait, it was over here. That wasn’t the right color. Red with orange?! What was I thinking, that isn’t right! I’ll never get any of this done. All my work is ruined!” She was crying, tears falling to stain whatever sheet of cloth she looked at and the measuring tape strung around her neck, dragging on the floor.


“Where are my glasses, I put them down just a second ago!” She frantically looked about, her glasses tilting from its spot above her horn.


“I know I have more gems, they've got to be here somewhere. There’s no way I would be out of rubies!”

Fluttershy stopped in front of the trembling unicorn as she tried to run by again. “Rarity. Stop, please.” Her voice was quiet yet commanding.

The Fashionista blinked, “Fluttershy? When did you-” she shook her head and tried to move around her friend, “ I need to get back to work! I have a half a dozen ruined orders that need to be done by tomorrow, seven by the end of the week, and there’s just too much to do, darling!”

“Rarity, stop.” Fluttershy moved in front her friend, “You can’t keep working like this, do you even see what you’re making?” She gestured over to the mannequins and for what seemed like the first time Rarity saw what she was making. “You need to stop, please. Just for a little while? A teeny little while?”

“But... So much to do... And...” Her lip quivered and before Fluttershy could get away Rarity threw her hooves around her and cried. “Oh, Fluttershy! What am I going to do?! I can’t do all these dresses again, they’re all ruined-and-and-I-don’t...”

“Oh, Rarity.” Fluttershy tried to comfort her while not being strangled by her. “It’s alright... We’ll think of something.” The unicorn continued to cry as the pegasus surveyed the destroyed room. She hadn’t realized how much damage Rorschach had done, it didn’t make sense how he managed to do all of this. It hurt to see her friend’s home in such a state, and it hurt even more to see Rarity as she was.

“Um... Come on, maybe some time out of here will clear your mind? Maybe... Just a little spa time?” She offered a small smile, “Just a few minutes to freshen up, then you can get back to work with a clear mind. How does that sound?”

Rarity sniffed, allowing herself to be led away from the disaster. “Spa... Yes, just... A quick trip to the spa...” she sniffed again, “I can work through the night, skip meals... Just need to get my thoughts in order.”

The door closed behind them, Rarity muttering about what one dress or another. Fluttershy did her best to comfort her. Quietly the pair left the boutique in the direction of the spa. The end of their conversation drifted to the pair sitting patiently in the bushes. “-And I don’t even understand why he would do this, I just... I thought he was our friend...”

When the pair was a safe distance away, one figure rose to his full height and moved around to the door. Opening the door, the figure was followed by a pony. Like thieves the pair moved inside the boutique, and gently the door was closed behind them.


Lyra leaned against the door, breathing a quick sigh as she said, “I don’t think anypony saw us… So, what are we doing here again?”

I had my back to the mint annoyance. The pair would return soon, very little time. I started up the stairs as Lyra called out, “H-hey! Where are you going? Do you need me to watch the door or… Oh... Okay I’ll just… stay down here... then.”

When I reached the top of the steps I moved to the door I needed. I knew it well, I’d been here before. Twice, to bring violence. This time, I planned to change that. The door was left ajar, with a small push I stepped inside to see the disaster I caused. Ripped fabrics, broken mannequins, some could be salvaged. Rarity had tried to fix the disaster, seemed problems occurred. Clothes sewn incorrectly, signs of sleep deprivation. Frantic, shaky. Lucky hooves were tough, expected blood if ponies had fingers to prick with pins.

This was all familiar to me. A time before Rorschach, when Walter Kovacs was a person working in textiles. I walked over to the table beside the sewing machine. Strange design, but same concept. Beside it were papers strewn out with designs for dresses, hats, and assortments of clothes. Didn’t understand fashion, let alone need for clothes in this society. Then, never understood fashion in my world. All I knew was how to recreate, and with recollection my hands remembered how to sew.

I found the nearest fabrics I’d need, gems for accents, and thread for the machine. Sitting down I looked once more to the design Rarity had drawn for herself. Elegant handwriting had down lengths, proportions, everything I would need. With only a moment’s hesitation to figure out how the turn on the machine I got to work, the sewing machine feeding expert threads into the fabric to let it take shape. The process was slow. Hands shaky from recent fight with phantom imposter and inanimate objects. Slowly they remembered though how this process worked. They adapted, growing confident as they moved for scissors and shears to cut away pieces of cotton cloth. Different species perhaps, but recognized the makings of a summer line. Warm colors, reminded me of the billboards with young woman showing off clothes on a beach a world away from New York City.

The work was tedious, but strangely calming. Forgot how I was able to shut my mind off. Never enjoyed working with women’s clothing, and so I learned to let my hands do the work and to push my mind away to efficiently complete the task. It allowed me to think of my actions, to think about this imposter who took my mask. Not enough evidence pointed to where he came from, possible magical source given likeness. I recalled the old German myth of the Changeling, creatures left in cribs to replace babies and feed off the love of the parents. Full grown, changlings were said to love spreading strife and mischief. Possible they existed here, but the old myth didn’t fit. This imposter had a clear motive, to make certain I was alone and to force me to make enemies. It could have killed me, but chose not to. Possible greater scheme, or perverse enjoyment?

By the time my thoughts returned to reality I had completed a dress, but come no closer to the mystery driving me mad. Rarity knew her clothing well. Easy instructions, but couldn’t say how long it took. Rarity hadn’t returned, and luckily the Mint Annoyance had not tried to bother me.

I held up the dress, a vanilla yellow meant to go with a velvet colored sash. A lighter shade of vanilla tapered the edges. Would need to touch up the accents. I looked over to the rest of the designs, then to the room around me. Some designs were made, but poorly. Some corrections and they would be adequate. Not much time, better that Rarity didn’t see me. Moving aside the sewing machine I grabbed the gems I needed. Small holes were already drilled into the back for easy stitch. I got to work, once more letting my mind shut off. I set my hat down and draped my coat over the chair and got to work.

Time passed by with barely a notice. The sun outside had started to lower to to the horizon. I continued to work quickly and steadily. Didn’t need to worry about creativity, that part had been done already. Only needed to recreate exact to the design. More and more of the clothes were finished, each one done being sat on one of the unbroken mannequins. Sadly wasn’t a carpenter, not enough to fix that. The orderly chaos diminished to simple order as I worked. By the time I was interrupted only two pages of design remained with the fabrics needed placed in a pile beside my work space when the Mint Annoyance downstairs called out, “Rarity’s coming!”

Quickly I set aside what I was doing and grabbed my coat. “What-do-I-do, what-do-I-do?” Lyra was whisper shouting up the stairs. Before I could step down though the bell chimed. Lyra must have been distracted, poor choice in lookout to give so little warning.

I started out the back at the window as Rarity’s voice drifted from downstairs, even after the spa she sounded tired and downtrodden, “Lyra? Oh, I’m sorry I got carried out from my work. I didn’t know you had a dress ordered though, I hope you weren’t waiting here long for me.”

In a horridly fake act of casualness Lyra answered, “Whaaat? No. Y’know, I’ve just been here for a… few hours for… reasons, no big deal. I… wanted to place an order! Yes! Uh, one dress, please! From the workshop upstairs that is most definitely empty until you make your way up the stairs, where you are currently at, heading up to your workshop that should be empty.”

Felt my eyes roll as I dropped down from the window sill. If that was Lyra’s attempt to subtly warn me of Rarity’s approach then he made a definitely poor choice in lookouts. Didn’t get to hear the rest of the conversation. Lyra could handle her own kind. Done all that I could here, Rarity could handle all of the two designs. I stuffed my hands into my pocket as I walked away from the boutique, making sure that mob was gone. From up above I heard the shrill cheer of the fashionista, discovering her workshop.

I continued on towards the library. Had one last letter to leave behind, after that… I knew how to keep the ponies out of harm, just one last monster to face.

“Hey you, stop right there!”

I stopped as the voice commanded, one very upset voice. I was prepared to run, but slowly turned around as my fingers curled into gentle fists. It was a reflex, one that was for naught as I suddenly and unexpectedly was forced into a tight hug.

Comments ( 90 )
a3V #1 · Jun 12th, 2014 · · ·

Full grown, changlings

Attack of the miniature Asian men! Should be "Changelings" here.

IT LIVES!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Yay, Rorschach gets a hug! He's a jerk, but a jerk with a heart of... mud. But we love him anyway.

I'm glad to see that Walter is able to come out and play a bit more, and I'm excited for the next chapter.

4507075 I want to thank you for making this update by taunting the universe with a pronouncement of this fic having "ended" :) So glad to see this update! This is one of my oldest favourites.

Its been so long!!!
But it lives!!!!!

It's alive:pinkiegasp:?! IT'S ALIVE:pinkiehappy:

After he went in, I couldn't help but just start grinning.

Love how you write him.

Ah, you're back. Liked the reference to Kovacs old dressmaking job, as well as the fact that he hated that job. For a moment I was afraid that you were going to turn Rohrschach into a dressmaking pony (I'm guessing the Red stallion is one of the earlier crusaders), so I'm glad to have averted that. As well to have given Ror a chance to redeem himself.

I always forget that he worked with textiles, this was a nice chapter. I will forgo the traditional exclamation of joy at your story's update.
Also, dang it, now I have to start working on my stuff again. All of my favorite seemingly canceled fics are updating. I just need Quantum Castaways to update and I'll have bingo.

Don't kid yourself. Me and a friend have $100 saying that QC doesn't update in 2014. That fic is dead.

That said, nice to see that this one isn't.

Ex... is that you? You're alive?! Oh man, I thought we lost you for a while there man.

hasn't updated for a year

Eagerly waits for next years chapter.

If I manage to bungle a conversation to the point where it's exposed that I read fan fiction, I use this work as a justification, as reconciliation of two heavily clashing source materials is fascinating even to the uninitiated, and you do this well. It brought a smile to my face to see that this had updated again. Even if this is the last we see of you in this capacity, don't feel like it was wasted. Thanks :)

Yay! It's alive! :pinkiehappy:

*Clicks on favorites button.*
*Sees this updated*

Now I'll just have to wait for the next one. Don't make us wait too long. Please? :fluttercry:

Wow, it's almost been a year. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm genuinely elated to see this new chapter! :pinkiehappy: Thanks a bundle for getting back to it.

Wait, it's back? It's back. It's back!:pinkiehappy:

Rorschach: crime fighter, vigilante, nominal psychopath, and expert cobbler elf.

Great to see another update of this fic. Hope to it updated a lot more.

Oh shit, surprise struggle snuggle! Rorschach uses Accept Fate! It's super effective!

After waiting a year, I have been satisfied with this new chapter, although that cliffhanger peeved me off, I thought it was cute how Lyra helped Rorschach and how he went back to Rarity's to help fix what he'd done.

She bounced back with her fat falling forward over her brow.

That's one fat forehead...

I can't even remember what happened last chapter :/

What a great chapter. Well here's for the next one, cya all in 2015.

4535108 Actually the Red Stallion is a cop from Manehattan who retired in Ponyville, and became extremely anti-Rosarch after his rampage. It said this a couple of chapters ago.

I never realized that the Changeling was also an old German Myth. One of the only German myths I was familiar with was the Krampus :rainbowlaugh:

Welcome back, buddy :rainbowkiss:

She bounced back with her fat falling forward over her brow.

Pretty sure you meant hat. Still, that mental image left me in stitches.



So, Rorschach finds a use for his dress making talents to help Rarity?

Hugging Rory? Somepony has a death wish.
Looking at the intervals I expect the next chapter between August 2015 and July 2016. :raritydespair:
Prove me wrong!

Awesome, good to see this isn't dead yet. And what's even better is that Lyra is in it!:heart:

4536528 She could be wearing a lard hat.

Fantastic. I'll admit I was hesitant when I first saw this chapter in my favorites list. I thought, 'it's been so long can he really re-capture the wonderful story that I had all but given up on?' or something like that but less poetic. Well, you sure as hell proved my doubts wrong. Everything came back as I started reading and I find myself loving this story all over again. Well done, good sir. It's nice to have you back.

:raritydespair: Dear God!
I clicked the picture and now I can't unsee it. Thank you for reminding me that just because something is 'Safe for Work' doesn't mean it can't disturb you.

In today's episode, Rorschach, our vicious, brutal anti-hero...
...makes some dresses.

Also, he's better at making dresses under pressure than Rarity?

HOLY . . . :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

IT LIVES :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RiE UPDATED! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:



sweet, an update!

... my money's on Pinkie hugging him. Or maybe Rarity figured it out.

The legend returns! Praise the Sun!

4539619 Spiffing! You must realize, however, you know too much.:moustache:

Prepare your vital organs.


Rejoice! The haitus are over! :pinkiehappy:

That said, I had to reread the whole thing because I forgot what this was about, but it was worth it. This fic is great!


I disagree. She's doubtless the worst when it comes to handling failure, but when it comes to doing things under pressure, she's the best.

In "Suited for Success" she actually met the demands of her friends, which is the goal she set out towards. It's only after her hard work is finished that she has a breakdown.

In "A Dog and Pony Show" she was initially flabbergasted by Sapphire Shores' request, but she immediately set about doing it

In "The Stare Master", when she discovers Sweetie Belle has ruined her work by taking some of the gold silk, she maintains her composure and works through the night to get the job done.

In "The Crystal Empire" she manages to make a hat out of three pieces of hay and a drinking straw, and is apparently proud of how well she did with few resources.

In "Rarity Takes Manehattan" she designs a trend-setting fashion line overnight.

I'm not trying to start an argument, but I do think that one of Rarity's greatest strengths is her ability to work under pressure.

Twilight is the one who doesn't take pressure well. In "Lesson Zero", when she discovers she has one afternoon to prepare a letter to Princess Celestia, she immediately falls apart.

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