• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 37,960 Views, 1,681 Comments

Rorschach in Equestria - Ex-Nihilos

The Watchmen's most wrathful vigilante finds himself in the strangely innocent land of Equestria.

  • ...

(4) Wolf Hunter

Chapter 4: Wolf Hunter

“Fluttershy! Are you okay? Rainbow Dash just told me what happened!” Twilight exclaimed as she burst through the cottage door. She looked like she had been running and was sweating profusely. Spike had been hanging on for dear life by her tail. He breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Twilight’s tail and slumped to the floor the moment she stopped.

In the room Fluttershy was sitting on her sofa, she looked like had been recently crying and was about to burst into more. Rarity sat next to her with a handkerchief at the ready though if her yellow friend started up again. “Oh Twilight, what are you doing here so late? I don’t want you worrying over me, really I’m fine.” The soft spoken Yellow Pegasus said.

“Well I came here as soon as I heard from Rainbow. I’m glad she was there to help you.” Twilight said as she closed the cottage door and trotted to the sofa.

“I’d say so!” Rarity exclaimed, “Bunch of ruffians! Who do they think they are picking on our Fluttershy. Why if I ever saw them again…”

“Really you two I’m fine now. They said some hurtful things but I know they weren’t true.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“That’s right! Just know though that we’re always there for you.” Twilight said.

“That’s right we’re your friends after all, dear.” Rarity said as she hugged the now smiling Fluttershy.

“Oh I know!” Twilight jumped up, “We can have a sleep over with you!”

“Oh really? That sound’s wonderful.” Fluttershy happily said with a soft smile. The three gathered together for a group hug. Twilight even managed to drag Spike into the hug with her magic. The little dragon couldn’t complain though to find himself so close to Rarity.

Love filled hearts replaced his pupils as he dreamily smiled and sighed.

My fist smashed into the side of the wolf’s face. I heard one of my finger bones pop out of place, then back in, from impact. The wolf gave a sharp yelp from the strike, its own attack sent off course, it landed with a thud just outside the ring of circling wolves, strangely made of timber. Another wolf took the opportunity of the distraction by leaping at my back. Had anticipated this. In my other hand I swung the burning stick straight into the wolf. It howled in pain as the burn embers struck its side. It fell hard to the ground. Struggled on the ground and quickly got up, the fire that had struck its side extinguished into a charcoal black mark. Both defeated wolves returned to the open spots in the circling pack.

These were larger than any dogs I’ve ever seen, their skin made of tough bark that was hard to break. The wooden canines did have the mentality of wolves still. They circled around me just out of my striking reach. Managed to lure me from the cave, pair of wolves somehow got behind me and forced me out of the cave’s protection. Now they surrounded me and probed my defense with random strikes to try and bring me down.

Was in bad predicament.

Tried to keep the lead wolf in front of me, eyed around the circle for signs of strike. They had the advantage of the night and the forest though. When the wolves wanted to make a strike, one would disappear into the forest and another would attack. As I fended off the attacker the one from the forest would reemerged to strike from behind. Hasn’t work so far, eventually will at this rate. They saw I was getting tired, it was part of their plan. Wear down larger prey until it made mistake, then go for throat. Wasn’t about to give them chance.

Next attack came from leader, was expecting a massive tackle but it feinted before it got close to me. I realized the fault in my move too late. Already I felt teeth dig into my exposed heel. I stumble and cry out in pain and before I could strike the wolf that had its grip on me it had let go and was away. Bled profusely, mind imagined splinters digging into the wound. I couldn’t stop from stumbling on my wounded heel, the wolves took this as a sign of weakness. One of the smaller wolves took this chance to charge in straight for me. The space between its eyes met with my elbow, felt satisfied when I heard something snap but the wolf rushed off by me. Already another wolf saw its chance to maul me. It jumped onto me, its claws digging into my flesh, shouldn’t have taken off coat in cave. All I could see was the beast’s jaws snap and snarl before my face before I managed to get my arms around its legs. I lifted the beast off of myself and tossed it into another wolf. Both fell to the ground in a mass of yelps and whines as they struggled to get up.

Another wolf had tried to take my distraction to its advantage and snap at my other heel. Managed to move foot just in time, planted said foot in the wolf’s skull harshly. Didn’t have time to finish off, pack wouldn’t let me. Instead kicked it in its side and away from me and prepared for another assault. Only hoped if I inflicted enough injuries I would get them to go away. A predator wouldn’t risk serious injury on one prey, had to show them I was not prey.

I roared a challenge to the circling wolves, my cry muffled by true face and sounded more animal than human. Some of the injured wolves shied away but those still standing, the largest ones, remained.

They rushed all at once.

A mass of teeth, bark, and claws collided with me. Claws buried itself in my back, teeth clamped down on my calf and nipped at the other, my chest wept blood freely. I let the fire brand in my hand swing into the crowd, striking indiscriminately. My other arm was forced to keep up to block my neck from gnashing teeth, were one to get at my throat there would be nothing I could do. Kicked out when I could but feared losing balance from injured heel. With one swift kick I managed to stun the leader and send him flailing to the ground. Had to show them was not prey.

Swung away the other wolves and ignoring one that dug its teeth into my calf I brandished the burning weapon over my head and brought it down onto the wolf. The strike broke the flaming weapon in two but through the crack of wood I heard the crack of bark and bone. The leader howled in pain causing the other wolves scattered. And with what last vestige of energy I had I brought the sharp broken stick down into the wolf and buried it in its chest. The wolf stopped squirming and the forest fell silent beyond my agonized breathing. The remaining pack fled into the woods at the sight of their dead pack leader.

I limped back into my cave, the walk felt like an eternity. I take one last look at the cave entrance, expecting to find the yellow eyes watching me. Instead I see only darkness. I turn my head to the fire, but I only see darkness as I topple over onto the cold ground…

It was late morning before Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rarity woke up. They had stayed up almost all night following what Twilight could remember of her book on sleepovers. Spike though missed out on most of the fun, falling asleep the instant his internal clock told him it was time for slumber.

By morning Fluttershy had forgotten all about the incident yesterday, all she could recall was the good times she had and the close friends she kept. Life felt perfect and as she stepped out into the sunlight and was greeted to a wonderful new day, she knew the feeling would last. Rarity had to leave to open up her boutique after breakfast, leaving only Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. The animals though were taken care of for the day so Fluttershy wasn’t needed and at the behests of Spike Twilight decided to spend the day away from her studies, well at least for a few hours away from her beloved books.

They figured a day at Sweet Apple Acres would do them both some good. Applejack was no doubt in need of help both handling the farm and watching the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Everyone else seemed busy anyway. Pinkie Pie had been acting strange ever since the ‘faceless pony’ story started to appear. Twilight rolled her eyes at the mention of the silly story, Pinkie Pie seemed keen on it for some reason though. Rainbow Dash meanwhile was practicing for a race in Cloudsdale. She sometimes liked to practice in secret so she was likely off somewhere in the sky either hard at work or sleeping.

For now it would just be the three ponies for the day it seemed.

From Fluttershy’s cottage it was not a long way to Sweet Apple Acres. Already the two laughing ponies were marching their way past lines of trees laden with bright ripe red apples. No sooner had they spotted the Apple family home did they hear a commotion of shouting.

“Applebloom be careful with that! No, Sweetie Belle git down from there! I told ya once already Scootaloo you can’t jump the barn, it ain’t safe! Hold your horses, little fillies! Slow down!” Applejack cried out, rushing around the barnyard chasing after the three wild ponies.

Fluttershy giggled, “sounds like Applejack really could use some help.”

Twilight nodded, “Yeah! I’m glad we’re able to lend her a hand with the girls, I can’t imagine a tougher time than dealing with those wild three.”

Begrimed, damnable animals. Barely any sleep last night. Passed out for a while, had to wake to patch wounds. Took long time to pull splinters out of me. Can only hope infection won’t set in. No time to make sure, must prepare defenses. Least took some joy in trying to use the dead pack leader’s corpse for firewood. Stopped after first try, wolf’s burning body gave of a foul smell, feared would attract other animals and befoul only living space. Wrist definitely sprained now, pain tremors loosen its grip. Luckily heel was not broken, cannot be crippled out here. Not now at least. Still under siege. Wolves returned early morning, watched me for a while then left. No idea how many there are, not the same ones I fought last night. New pack come to take territory from pack that was scattered? Doesn’t matter, these wolves seemed vicious.

Not sure what happened but noticing more activity in the animals of the forest. Heard lion roar in the distance, unmistakable, worrisome. No metal to work with, few weapons besides fire and sharpened sticks. Predators afraid of twigs and flame as much as falling rain. They do fear me though. The moment they see me they flee, likely to wait until night. Still too risky to gather food with new pack in area. Hate to consider it but Sweet Apple Acres had easily gathered food and noted the wooden wolves never went close to the farm. Felt need to investigate further how farmers kept wolves away, will need that knowledge for peaceful nights.

Before leaving the cave however I make sure to keep my belongings high up near the top of the cave, away from potentially being ruined by wooden teeth. Ideas for traps drifted through mind. Spike pit might keep them at bay. Time consuming though. Alternative pitch trap, fire was easy to make. Potential for problems too high though. Don’t want to set forest on fire, too noticeable as well.

Found myself no longer enjoying the calm of the forest. Was aware now the kinds of predators that inhabit it. See now why the ponies stayed away from the forest. As I walked I periodically looked over my shoulder. The wolves seemed to sleep during the day but in their agitated state I took no chances.

My assumptions proved correct. Nearing Sweet Apple Acres I stumbled into a grove very similar to the one I first found myself in. From the brush I spotted movement and a fleeting form. I recognized the burn mark on the creature’s side. It seemed the pack from last night had reformed, or still lived in this part of the forest. Might create conflict with new pack in the area, could work to my advantage. Not while still stalked by both pack though. I left the grove with haste. Noted ugly black tree and strange blue flowers that grew at the grove’s entrance as landmark for later. Their hue’s reminder sent agitation through me.

From afar I could see Sweet Apple Acres. Wondered how to approach the situation. Very few good options came to mind. Loathed the idea of asking for help let alone taking apples from field. Howl from forest reminded me I had little choice. Unnatural to hear wolf’s howl so early in the day.

They were still stalking me.

“The Timber wolves are’a howlin’!” Granny Smith cried from the kitchen window, startling every pony for the second time after they heard howl in the distance. For the Apple family it was one of the first signs of their famous Zap Apples beginning to grow. But Granny Smith frowned instead of going quickly for the pots and pans to keep the wolves at bay. “Well that don’t seem right… it ain’t the right time for them to be’a howlin’…. Sounds different too fur that matter.”

Applejack trotted over to the kitchen’s window, “What does it mean then Granny?”

“I’m not too sure… could be Zap Apple season, I don’t know though… I best get my pots and pans though!” With that Granny Smith disappeared to cause a ruckus in the kitchen.

Applejack casted a worried glance to the forest, a look that did not go unnoticed by her two friends. “What is it Applejack?” Fluttershy asked in her soft voice as she and Twilight came to stand by Applejack at the kitchen window. Nearby the Cutie Mark crusaders were having their own hushed conversation away from them.

“Well the forest been actin’ all strange lately. Last night there was a commotion out there. Not sure where from but it was loud that was sure.” Applejack said, still watching the forest.

“Really? Come to think of it the animals seem more nervous now that I think about it,” Fluttershy said, “a few days ago even, nearly all my animals were startled by something. Even after I calmed them down they seemed agitated.”

Applejack suddenly smiled and nudged Twilight, “Heh maybe it’s that there ‘Faceless Pony.’”

“Ugh, don’t get that started now.” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes.

“I’m sorry but ‘faceless pony’?” Fluttershy asked, her face a mix of worry and confusion.

Twilight explained, “The day before Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo said they saw a monster in Ponyville that apparently had no face.”

Applejack nodded, “ ‘Parently it tore up a tree and yelled at them. The girls were real spooked but no sign of any faceless pony was found.”

“Oh my, I’ve never heard of any animal or pony without a face before. How would it even see or eat?”

“My thoughts too, apparently it was wearing a fedora too,” Twilight said with a soft laugh. Closing her eyes she smiled and called out, “Isn’t that right Applebloom?” No answer. “Applebloom?”

All three turn to the spot the three fillies had been a moment a go but find no pony there. “Girls? Now where in the world could they’ve gone off to?” Twilight said.

“Well where ever they are we best go find them, ain’t safe with Timber Wolves out and about!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Let’s split up and see where they are.” Fluttershy said as she unfurled her wings and jumped into the sky.

The three went in separate directions in search of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, hopefully before they got into serious trouble.

Moments earlier…

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo huddled together just after Granny Smith cried out from the kitchen window.

“You hear that girls? Zap Apple harvest again!” Scootaloo said with a wide smile on her face.

“Well it don’t seem like the right time of the season though.” Applebloom said, placing a hoof to her chin, “then again Zap Apples are magical, I guess they just appear whenever they want.”

“Hey I know! What if we went looking for the other signs of the Zap Apples are coming. Just to be sure!” Sweetie Belle happily said.

“Hey yeah! Good idea Sweetie Belle. What’s the second sign Applebloom?”

“Well the second sign would be the leaves appearing on the Zap Apple trees, but usually they appear in the Everfree forest first before our orchard.”

“Well then let’s just go check the forest!” Scootaloo shouted her whisper.

“Well I do know this one tree that grows in a grove near the farm right by some Poison Joke. Ain’t that far and we could know for sure if the Zap Apples are coming.” Applebloom said and grinned.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes started to shine, “Why we could get Zap Apple Cutie Marks for this!”

“Yay!” they whispered together. With a quick glance at the three older ponies they quickly stole away towards the forest towards the grove that Applebloom described.

Pathetic. Reduced to scavenging apples from farm. Feel like common thief. Must find something to repay apples. What would ponies take? First thought hay, might not work with intelligent ponies. Wonder what currency they used.

Balancing myself on the tree branch I easily picked the apples that lay just before my eyes. Every apple was perfectly shaped, each one shined a different way as the sun’s light struck their glossy red surfaces. Stomach growled at thought of eating. Safer though to eat back in shelter. Still had matter of finding out how farmers kept wolves away. Could have method locked away in home like trade secret. Could sneak in and take it. Could just ask. Deplorable idea. Alternative, hunt wolves out of area. Would take a while, nor effective. Wonder if possible with current injuries.

I take a step down from the tree, my other leg hanging to prepare to fall to the ground. I stop short when I hear voices from afar. I knew those voices. Standing back up into the tree I pull away the leaves that obscured my vision. From across the field I saw three of foals running. What were they doing? My own question was soon answered when I looked ahead of where they ran.

They were going towards the grove in the Everfree forest. The same grove where the Timber Wolves waited.

“No.” I muttered, “Nononononono! “ I drop down from the tree, some apples slipping away and striking the ground near me. I stumble a bit on impact but the danger the foals were in made me ignore the pain in my heel. “Stupid foals. Trying to get killed?” I say as I try my best to sprint towards the grove, hoping to catch up with the three little ponies.

The innocent were in danger.

Little did I know that someone else had spotted the three ponies as well. An orange pony, far ahead of me, followed the foals into danger.

“Wow, even in the day time this place feels creepy, “ Sweetie Belle said as she eyed the canopy above them.

Applebloom, who was used to the forest with her ventures to Zecora’s hut, confidently led the way to the grove. Though she too felt something in the forest was wrong. “I-it ain’t so bad, I ain’t scared.” She hesitantly said.

“Y-yeah, just a forest is all. Nothin’ scary about that.” Scootaloo cautious said as she nervously glanced at the forest around them.

“Look there’s the grove!” Applebloom cried out as she rushed ahead. Her two friends quickly caught up and rushed into the quiet grassy cove. Just in front of them stood the Zap Apple tree that stood out against any other with its ugly colored bark and gnarled branches.

Its arms were bare, the tree for all accounts looked like it was dead.

The three little ponies groaned in disappointment upon seeing that not even a spark had been made by the tree.

“Ah shucks, maybe we’re still too early?” Applebloom sighed and kicked at the short grass at her feet.

“Applebloom! What in tarnation are y’all three doing out here!” A cry from behind them shocked the three into the air.

The three turned to see Applejack run into the grove, a very unhappy look was on her face. Applebloom tried to speak but her sister was quick to cut her off. “Now come on girls, we’ll talk about this back at the farm, it ain’t safe out here!”

Applebloom shrank away and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo found a strong interest in the dirt in front of their hooves, “We’re sorry Applejack,” Applebloom said, “We just wanted to see if the Zap Apples were really coming but the tree-“

She was cut off by a snarl that came from the forest. The three little ponies huddled together at the terrifying sound while Applejack sprang into action. She turned to face the source of the sound and saw the fleeting form of a wolf. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the rest of the grove. The sight of movement caused her to look at the grove’s entrance. Materializing out of the dark forest to stand on the path was a savage Timber Wolf, yellow eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Applejack stared right back but she felt a growing sense of unease as she heard the brush around them move with the motion of other wolves standing on the grove’s edge.

“Girls, back up against the tree and behind me.” The cowpony said, the three little foals behind her complied and huddled their backs against the tree. Applejack backed up with them and the wolf on the path followed her pace. Two other wolves sprang from the grove’s edges on either side of her. One looked like it had its nose smashed in and could barely keep its mouth from drooling. The other had a distinct burn mark on its side. The battle hardened forms caused a shiver to run down her spine but she merely returned the wolves’ glares with one of her own. She hoped to Celestia that Twilight and Fluttershy found her soon though.

The wolf with the burn mark didn’t wait any longer and charged her, but she was ready. Turning around she bucked the wolf in its snarling face. It jumped back from the strike and stumbled from the stunningly strong blow. The other two took this chance to rush the orange pony. They too received a swift kick to their snouts. Applejack was strong and quick in her legs from years bucking trees and these wooden wolves were treated no different than those Apple Trees.

Applejack hoped to scare the off but her fighting only seemed to spur them on. They stood their ground and growled with savagery as they glared at the pony both with hate and hunger. Applejack was prepared to buck out again when she heard a sound from her side. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the leaping form of a timber wolf rush down upon her. She barely had enough time to turn around and kick the ambushing wolf in its face.

The lead wolf from the path charged forward towards Applejack’s exposed back. It leapt into the air and dugs its sharp teeth into her.

Applejack cried out in pain and tried to get the clawing wolf of before it could adjust its bite into her neck. “Applejack!” Applebloom cried out in terror as the three little ones looked on in horror.

Finally the cowpony managed to get the wolf to lose its grip on her. Her back wept openly from the wound but she refused to think about the pain. She instead bucked away the wolf but with significantly less strength than before. She felt woozy from the bite and she stumbled a bit from the pain she felt from the wound.

Not like this, she thought.

The wolves saw their prey stumble and took this as a sign that the game was over. The crept forward, almost smiling with their massive teeth. Applejack backed up but bumped into the three ponies that clung to her back legs in fear.

This was it, her mind went.

The lead leap forward, murderous intent in its eyes as it fell with open jaws upon Applejack’s neck. The orange pony closed her eyes and prepared to rear up to punch her front hooves in the wolf’s face even though she knew that wouldn’t do much against the huge wolf, she wasn’t about to go down with a fight. Tears fell freely from her eyes, both out of fear and the feeling of failure to protect her little sister.

The wolf, though, never got to her.

The grove itself seemed to jump as a large form crashed through the underbrush of the grove and smashed itself into the leaping wolf, sending it toppling to the ground. The four wolves cried out, one whined as they backed up by feet from the menacing monster that now stood before them.

Applejack opened her eyes and found herself staring at the leathery clothed back of a strange bipedal creature. Confusion and fear came to her mind, she wasn’t sure if she had just been saved or been put into even more danger.

“It’s that monster again!” Scootaloo cried out in surprise.

Applejack looked at Scootaloo then back at the monster. In response the monster turned its stark white head towards them for a moment. To Applejack’s surprise it had no eyes, or nose, or mouth for that matter. All that looked back at them was this blot of black ink that never stopped moving. The first thought in everypony’s mind was it had a butterfly for a face.

Arrived far too late. Orange pony wounded. Wolf had blood filled mouth. Break its neck. Smell or not, it would burn in a pit of fire for that. From behind my face my eyes were ablaze with hatred and anger, I found myself growling with every breathe. The wolves snarled back at me with their own growls but their malevolent intent was squashed by the sheer rage I felt.

No one. No animal. Would harm the innocent. Anywhere, afterlife or not.

The new lead wolf had recovered by now and joined the standoff with me. I recognize it as one of the wolves that held back and let its pack mates rush in first. The other two, by their injuries, I recognized quite quickly. They recognized me too.

The wolf with a smashed face rushed for my neck, hoping to repay the damage done to itself. I threw up my arm just as it nearly reached my face, its snout knocked my fedora off just as I managed to catch it by the neck. With my other hand I hefted the wolf by its chest so that I was the only thing holding it up from the ground.

With a heave I slammed the wolf into the ground with a force that shook the trees that surround the grove.

I snarled at the other wolves in challenge. Didn’t have time to finish off the wolf as it scampered away with an injured leg. Other wolves were just waiting for me to slip up. They seemed to see that the ponies were easier prey than I, and they circled around to try and get them. Couldn’t allow.

I stood still and watched their movements, the moment one snapped at me I managed a quick jab to its snout. Not strong enough to do damage but made them think twice of attempting to scare me.

Another leapt up, a knee cracked its sternum, and by then the wolves began to back off once they saw their chance at prey was gone. I took a few quick step forwards and their resolve was broken. The four wolves fled into the forest with their strange brush like tails between their legs. I give a hard frown, will have to hunt the lone wolves down. If they started attacking ponies. No, wouldn’t give them chance.

For a while I just stand there, listening to the sounds of the forest and the grove return. Not even the ponies behind me moved. Had nearly forgotten they were there they were so quiet. I turn around again to face them and the orange pony despite her wound stood protectively over the three little foals. Brave thing.

I take a few steps forward.

“Don’t come any closer y’hear?! I-I’m not afraid of you!” she cried out.

I stand just before her and reach down.

“I-I-I’m warning ya! I mean it! I don’t want to hurt you but I will!” Her eyes were filled with resolve to fight me off but I could hear the fear in her voice.

I reach all the way down, and retrieve my fallen hat.

At this she seemed to become less tense. She watched my face carefully as I place my hat back to its rightful place. I looked her in the eye but she didn’t shrink away. She stared right back at me, watching the ever moving Rorschach upon my face. Her green eyes were large and bore with them a look of resolve and strength that I only saw in other masked vigilantes of my time. None had such large eyes though.

It was the red maned foal that broke the tense silence, “Your face looks like a butterfly!”

I look to her and tilt my head, even the orange pony did the same to look at the nervously smiling pony.

“Um,” the orange pony began as she looked back to me, “thank you kindly. Whatever you are to saving us.”

“Hurt.” I hoarsely monotone.

The pony seems shocked to hear me speak, I heard the orange foal whisper, “I told you!” to her.

She recovered quickly though. Strong willed thing she was. “Wh-wha?”

I decide not to explain but instead removed the white cotton scarf that I wore around neck. It was loosely tied and fell back into shape in my hands. I reach for her but she moved back into her protective state. I stop and wait for her to calm down, I hoped she could somehow tell I meant to help. In any case she calmed down finally and returned to her normal stance.

I fell to my knees to better be at her height and checked her wound for splinters. Pulled one mean looking canine out of her back. She cringed but amazingly did not fuss. She was hardier than she looked. Taking the last water in my canteen I soaked away any of the dirt that was there. The scarf was long enough to cross her midsection twice and covered the wound completely, the spot turned a light pink as the cotton quickly soaked up the blood. I tied a knot into the scarf though made sure it wasn’t too tight to remove or agitate the wound.

Neck felt exposed to elements but felt also good. Never realized was sweating profusely. I stand back up and allowed her space to move around with her bandage. Would last her trip to home where she could get better treatment. Would still hurt but not once had she complained. Instead she looked up at me and nodded, “Thank ya kindly.” Noticing the tilt in my head I guess she took that as a sign of a question, she spoke, “ It ain’t too bad though, got worse on the rodeo I reckon. Still… thank you.”

I don’t respond, don’t nod. Turned to leave.

“Hey wait up!” the little white foal’s voice stops me. I turn around and look at her. Strange she didn’t shy away.

“You’re not that mean after all, are you? We just caught you at a bad time, right?” She continued. Her intuition… astonished me. I simply nod at her. She gave me a wider smile in return. Made me feel uncomfortable. Felt unnatural to receive smile.

The orange foal took perhaps two bounds and stood right at my feet. I look down at her, expect to see her filled with fear. Like on Earth, no one smiled at my passing, likely would be the same here. To my surprise though she smiles but then wrinkles her nose. Waving one of her hooves in front of her nose she exclaimed, “Pee-you! I’m sorry mister but you smell awful.”

In all my years. I have not once felt so dumbfounded. Never before has a child so blatantly said a remote insult to me. I was overwhelmed.

“Scootaloo! That isn’t nice!” The red maned one said to the orange one, still hanging on to one of the orange pony’s front legs.

“Just sayin’” the purple maned one muttered and walked back to her group.

“Thanks again for savin’ my sister and us… umm whatever you are!” the red maned one said to me, a smile on her lips too.

I merely nod at her and turn back around, walking back into the forest to my shelter.

From behind I hear the orange pony call out to me, “Wait! Where you goin’!” I don’t bother to stop or say anything. Work was done. For now.

Applejack stood there still stunned over what happened. She watched the bipedal thing retreat into the forest and watched it turn into a shadow until it was no more. Her back ached in pain but the warm scarf that she was wrapped in made the pain hurt less as it seemed to block any bleeding she had.

She wasn’t sure though what left her more stunned. The fact that the ‘faceless pony’ existed, that it had helped them, patched her up with its own scarf, the fact it wore clothes? No, most of all she believed what stunned her was the ferocity with which the thing with the butterfly face had protected them with.

It was strong, being able to lift a full grown wolf bigger than her up without a problem. It was fast too, she could barely keep up with those short jabs it made with its glossy dark leathery hands. The hands especially caught her eye, they were like Spike’s but had an extra finger and seemed longer and spidery.

What she noticed as well was it probably wasn’t faceless at all. When it had stopped to take off its own scarf she noticed underneath the peach colored skin of its chest and the clear lining where the white mask ended. So it wasn’t faceless, just wore a mask and could somehow could still see, hear, smell, and breathe past the moving black blobs on its face. The form of its face too seemed so wrong, it was flat with something jutting from the center. When it talked its lower jawed moved accordingly but overall its face just seemed too flat for any pony’s face.

Worst of all was the sounds it made. It could talk but before during the fight it sounded more like an animal. It growled, snarled, and at one time roared at the wolves just like some predatory animal. The way it sounded was vicious, even more savage than the wolves. It would have been terrifying to her had it not had its back to them.

Why did it protect them though?

“Applejack! Girls!” a pair of voices called from the grove’s entrance. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy rushed full speed into the grove. They gasped when they saw their friend’s back.

“Oh my gosh! Applejack are you okay?!” Twilight cried as she approached her friend.

Applejack put on a brave face, “It hurts but I’m fine now.”

“What happened?” Fluttershy gasped from where she floated slightly above the ground.

“Timber Wolves attacked us-“ Applejack began but was interrupted by the combined voices of the three foals.

“But we got saved!”

“Yeah that faceless pony from before came and rescued us!”

“It was amazing, he beat those wolves in the blink of an eye! And he isn’t that scary like we thought!”

“Yeah couldn’t be! Why else would he save us like that!”

“Girls! Slow down!” Twilight said, still worried for her friend but didn’t understand what was being said, “Now one at a time please tell me what happened. What Faceless Pony? Who saved you?”

With clarification from Applejack the three foals exclaimed in detail what happened right down to reenacting the fight scene.

“Oh dear, that sounds awful,” the peaceful Fluttershy said, “Applejack we should get you to Ponyville to make sure you’re alright.”

“I’m fine… but I guessin’ your right.” She followed close behind Fluttershy with the three foals in front of them. She stopped though when the purple unicorn didn’t move with them, “You comin’ Twi?”

Twilight frowned at the forest then looked at the ground at the strange footprints left in the ground. She turned and spoke seriously, “You go and get help Applejack, I’m going to investigate this so called ‘masked monster’ once and for all.”

“But Twilight!” Fluttershy called out but was too late.

Already Twilight was in the forest, hot on the trail of the masked monster that had for some reason saved her friends and the foals. Twilight wanted to know why, what this thing was, and most importantly was it dangerous.

[Gooood evening everyone, this is your host 'Out of Nothing' here with some little notes. You've probably notice I've cut back some on the fragmented way Rorschach speaks or perhaps even sound a little less like Rorschach. As I've explained some times before this is more to help the reader read things easier. I know some of you have mentioned that you prefer the fragmented sentences but overall I feel it would be best to be clear, not just sound like the ever so talkative Rorschach. You'll also notice I go into third person mode for the ponies since Rorschach isn't really there to see it but it has relevance enough to be mention, expect more of those occasions in the future but honestly I hope to cut back on that in the future if at all possible. Don't want my notorious third person mind going haywire again.

In some other news: things for me will be getting busy next week so don't be expecting my usual frequency of a chapter every other day (or somewhat), rather more expect every two days. Don't take this as a sign that I suddenly dropped off the grid, merely that my free time has been struck by a crowbar but with some rehabilitation will make an eventual recovery.

Finally two things in regards of what commentors have said. First off I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read the story and enjoy it, it gives me endless pleasure to hear people enjoy what they read and comment about it. I also like how people are able to point out mistakes I sometimes make, you have no idea how sore your eyes can get reading over pages of stuff you've already written or how annoying it is when things slip by you.

Okay turns out its actually three things instead of two, so third thing now! One of my earlier commentors to the story suggested Rorschach accidentally eat the Poison Joke. I love the idea but for the life of me I can't find a reason for Rorschach to stick some foreign flower into his mouth. Now then there might be a moment in the future where he falls into say a large patch of the stuff but ingestion isn't probably going to happen. Obviously if I do go with the idea I will thank the commentor who passed this idea along, sorry for the life of me I can't remember the username but rest assured I know who you are.

And that's about it. I think I'll mainly be putting my messages at the end of chapter. Not really much of a blogger. On another note I keep asking myself what the f___ I got myself into and why my chapters keep getting bigger. Luckily my sanity is of little importance to you my deary little readers.

Yours truly!

Ex-Nihilos, "Out of Nothing"]