• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 37,959 Views, 1,681 Comments

Rorschach in Equestria - Ex-Nihilos

The Watchmen's most wrathful vigilante finds himself in the strangely innocent land of Equestria.

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(3) They're Afraid of Me.

Chapter 3: They’re afraid of me

Outburst did not go unheard, besides three ponies that found me, was safe to say half of Ponyville heard it. Had the sense to leave before anyone else arrived, I made sure to grab the discarded book. On another day it would have to be returned. Had to go into hiding, return to shelter. Ignored ugly stain of own blood on bent tree and throbbing in my hands, shoved them into coat pockets to keep from dripping blood onto ground. Pain tells me I broke something and a wrist was likely sprained or broken, have suffered worse.

In the calm forest my rage subsided, I was left with my thoughts. I have never yelled at children before, heard my share as child from abusive mother, didn’t want another to have the same experience. Did not look like children though, I tell myself, not human children at least. Did it matter? A harsh voice in my head spoke a resoundingly harsh yes. I felt numb first, then a strange guilt crept into my chest. Had not felt a remotely similar feeling since before Dan and I left for Antarctica. Said things I shouldn’t have, felt regret. This was different though, had not felt suffocating guilt since…. Since Blair Roche.

The thought struck me like a bullet; I stopped walking and stood there in the middle of the forest clearing. Birds sang overhead, realized suddenly I’ve never heard what a forest sounds like. Had expected it to sound similar to patrol in Central Park. Fond memory of breaking rapist’s back in two while fireflies danced in the air, was hard to hear crickets chirp though, rapist wouldn’t stop screaming. The sounds here were not the same as Central Park, they seemed more… real. “As if someone had taken the grey filter off the lens,” I found myself muttering.

I grunt and shook my head, had to move on. No time for useless observations that came from nowhere. Was quick to reach my shelter, everything right where I left it. The afternoon heat forced me to shed my coat and scarf. My face stays on despite the sweat that tried to drip down into my eyes, last comfort I had here in this world. Wrapped hands and cleaned away the blood. Wrist feels better, might not be sprained, hard to tell. Not smart idea to injure self out here. No medicine, no drug dealers to raid for pain killers, no penicillin to be had. Infection could be deadly unless I went to the ponies for help, not possible now, wouldn’t ask for help anyway. Will spend rest of day recuperating, gather food, firewood, lay low for the day as things cool down.

I stand up and prepare to leave my cave for firewood. Thought of three small ponies, foals they were called in the history book, prevailed in mind again. Never liked kids, annoying things. Too… innocent to deal with. Still, to strike terror in them like that. Was wrong. Shouldn't terrorize children. Even in my anger. Even when upset....

“M-mom, I’m sorry… I thought he was hurting you.”

Echoes of the slap.

“You little… you know what you just cost me!? I should ‘ave gotten that abortion you worthless…”

...Even when upset.

I sneer. Wasn’t the same. Tossed coat on rocks roughly as I decide to venture out to the river.

Rainbow Dash darted across the sky with incredible speed, circling over Ponyville twice before coming back down to the assembled group of ponies. Over half of Ponyville was assembled together after they had heard the screaming. Screaming doesn’t often happen in Ponyville, nothing so angry or pained at least, and everypony was still worried, frightened, or startled. The whispering grew when they saw Rainbow Dash appear again.

The cyan Pegasus landed lightly on her feet and shook her head at Twilight Sparkle and the Mayor, “No sign of any monsters," she said, " Or any hurt ponies for that matter.”

The Mayor breathed a sigh of relief, “oh thank goodness, I was worried some pony might have gotten hurt!”

“It wasn’t a pony though!” Scootaloo said, hopping in front of Rainbow Dash, “that’s what we’re trying to tell you. It was a monster!”

Sweetie Belle chimed in, “Yeah! It was tall and walked on two legs and he breathed real heavy like this!” To imitate she tried to take deep breathes and when she breathed out she tried to make a growl, though it came out much squeakier than the original malice the monster had.

Applebloom added in from where she stood next to Applejack, “That isn’t the worst part! It had no face!” She punctuated her words carefully to make her point across.

Applejack fixed Applebloom with a look, “Now don’t go fibbing young’n. There ain’t no such thing as a critter with no face, monster or not.”

Applebloom frowned sadly, “But I’m not fibbin’ sis’! He didn’t have no face, just this black moving stuff over a white skull! Oh! And he wore a hat!”

Twilight frowned, “A hat?”

Scootaloo nodded, “yeah! One of those round bill things!”

“You mean… a fedora?” Twilight said with a quizzical look but then merely shook her head.

The mayor had the same conclusion, she turned and announced to the crowd, “Alright everypony! Nothing is wrong! Please return to your homes and businesses! False alarm! Everything and everyone is okay!”

The assembled ponies breathed a collective sigh of relief and started to disperse in masses of talking and gossiping ponies, a few ponies though remained.

“Why won’t anypony believe us?!” Applebloom lamented loudly.

Rainbow Dash frowned sadly when Applebloom spoke but quickly smiled and jumped up in the air, she smirked and proudly boasted, “Ah don’t sweat it kid! Real or not, if that monster shows his mug 'round these parts again then I’ll show it the ole’ one-two hoof! That’ll show it for scaring ponies!”

Applejack found herself nodding along with Rainbow Dash though she was loathed to believe any faceless pony existed. Twilight was about to interject when Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere right next to her. “Now hold on you guys! You three said it was hurt right? Maybe it was just scared and overreacted?” she said in the most serious voice she could muster.

Applejack shook her head vigorously, “overreacted, scared, or not if it had hurt Applebloom or the others… well Ah shouldn’t say what Ah’d go and do to this ‘monster.’”

“Well real or not it isn’t here anymore,” Twilight interjected herself back into the conversation. This seem to settle the matter as the other three ponies simply nodded.

Applebloom was about to make her case again but before she could go on she was led off with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle by Applejack back to Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash said their goodbyes to each other before parting their own ways, but one pony still remained.

Pinkie Pie sat in the ground, frowning she put a hoof to her chin and began to think as she hummed softly.

Walking back to her home Twilight Sparkle couldn’t help but laugh a little at the little pony’s imagination. She wasn’t sure what to really think when they had come running and screaming about a monster in Ponyville. They found Twilight first and led her to the spot they were talking about. She saw no sign of any monster but what she did see sent a chill down her spine. One of the trees had a massive dent in it where something had pummeled it with all its might. She knew that something, something real and alive, made it as the dent was covered in dark dried blood. After seeing that she had no choice but to believe that the girls had been telling the truth or worse yet, believe somepony was badly hurt. It was troubling to hear this ‘monster’ had not only talked but threatened them, that alone angered Twilight immensely but the suspicion of if it was real or not remained and stalled her anger. Minutes later Rainbow Dash and the weather patrol had checked the area but found nothing that showed any sign of trouble, it seemed.

It worried Twilight still to see that blood, monster or not, some creature or pony had been hurt. But whatever it was, it was long gone by now. Twilight just hoped it got the help it needed. Reaching her home she opened the door with her magic and stepped in, her concerns and questions were for now forgotten. “Spike I’m home! Any luck finding that book?”

Spike popped his head up from a large pile of books and shook his head. "Nope, Sorry Twilight. You sure somepony didn’t just come check it out?”

While closing the door the purple unicorn shook her head, “I’m positive. I was reading it yesterday so I could refresh my memory on the best method of teleporting myself. I could swear that I had put it back on the shelf for safe keeping.”

Spike shrugged, “Well I can’t seem to find it. Perhaps you just misplaced it, I mean you got books you’re reading out all over the place.”

Twilight looked around, “Hmmm you got a point Spike.” Suddenly she smiled brightly, “you know what that means right Spike?!”

“Oh please don’t say-“

“Re-shelving day!”

Spike groaned and climbed out of the pile of books, stacking the discarded ones as he went.

They’re afraid of me.

Sitting on top of the cave that was my shelter I could just barely make out the tops of the buildings of Ponyville. Had gone in early on new day but left quickly when I heard the stories being circulated among the young and was spreading to everyone. Stories of ‘The Faceless Pony’. Heard a lot of nicknames for myself before, didn’t think one would ever include the word pony. Fitting though, that’s what those three ponies saw me as, faceless. That’s the only way I can describe myself here, without purpose or meaning. What vile blemish was there to cleanse, what fight was there to keep up in this world? Many questions remain in my mind on this place. Still questioned how I ended up here. Why nowhere else. Also found journal and mask on, why? More questions to this place plague my mind as well, had hoped to learn from one of the books last night how it was that these pony’s language was almost entirely like English with some exceptions or the properties of magic. Didn’t bother me anymore that their texts were the same after hearing them speak, initial reaction a cautious surprise yet now seems minuscule now I was sure I was in another dimension that would be my afterlife.

What did it matter. I was dead. This was the afterlife. Weird twist of events. Never remotely thought of afterlife, thought of death, most often violent, but not after that. Didn’t seem to matter. Now does... Still, would not lie down and rot like an animal in old age, refuse to. Still had integrity and will, just need direction. Kept telling myself that. Questioned if it was white lie or truth. Jumping down from my rocky ledge I doused my campfire and put my coat back on. I decided it was time to wander a bit. I decided take a different way to town rather than the normal way I took.

Never traveled path that led more towards Sweet Apple Acres (the name makes me cringe each time I hear or think it). Knew there was cottage just at edge of forest. Many animals, keeper was yellow Pegasus with pink mane. Wasn’t even close first time I approached yet animals could smell me. They became agitated at foreign smell. Saw no reason to approach after that, yellow Pegasus made me anxious as well as her pets. With this in mind I still wandered the path towards her cottage, a change of scenery. Hopefully more discreet way to town. As I approach through the forest edge I stopped to listen. I could hear voices with familiar tone. Mocking, harsh, ugly. Very out of place. Became worried.

I stand just at edge of forest, obscured by tree as I watch. Yellow Pegasus stood before two other Pegasi. Both male. One brown with dumbbell for mark, other tan with basketball. Yellow Pegasus looked worried, refused to meet eye contact with other two.

“Long time no see Klutzershy,” the brown one exclaimed, “ ‘Bout time you grounded yourself before you hurt yourself!” The tan one laughed at his friend’s ‘joke’. My fist clenched.

“Oh… umm… I… what are you two doing out of Cloudsdale?” The yellow Pegasus timidly asked, trying to hide behind her pink mane.

“Just a delivery to Ponyville, figured we’d stop by and see our good ole’ friend Klutzershy!” The tan one said with a smug smile.

“That’s…. nice… I.. uh… guess but…” The Yellow Pegasus was reduced to mumbling and the brown one took advantage of this and placed a hoof to his ear, “What was that? Speak up Klutzershy! Don’t tell me you’ve lost your voice, is your voice just as weak as your flying now?”

She stood there, nearly in tears. Stumbling over her quiet words. First thought was to step in and put end to mockery. Did not abide common thugs tormenting helpless or weak. imagined proper punishment as knuckles in good hand cracked.

“Please… let me by. I have to…” she descend into mumbling again before she could finish but her soft words had done its damage. I froze, my breathe caught itself and I stopped hearing the forest’s song. I felt a cold grip in my chest that kept me from moving or breathing. I’ve seen this all before. I've been here. She was just like Walter. She was just like what I once was.

"I got somethin' I could give your momma..." The boy took a menacing step forward towards me. I step back, hoping to go around.

"Everybody else does, way I hear it..."The other boy blocks my way, keeps me blocked in on sidewalk. I find it hard to look them in their cruel faces. Terror quickens my breath and speeds my heart.

“Is that right kid? Your mom’s a hoo-er?” the older boy in the red coat said to me in his mocking New Jersey accent. The cigarette that lazily hung from his lip lit brighter.

“Sure she is. He’s gonna fix us up with her ain’t that right whoreson?” His companion in the green jacket sneered.

“P-please… let me by, I have to go to the-“ I try to say through my fear.

“You don’t have to go no place, whoreson!” the green jacket boy boasted as he mashed the custard filled donut he had been eating in my face. I fall to the ground, wiping away the custard from my eyes. All the while the two sneered down at me. The red jacket boy’s eyes glowed maliciously from the light of the cigarette in his mouth as I glared back at him.

“Hah! You probably can’t do anything right, Clutzershy!”

“Ehhahaha! Look at ‘im! Probably got cooties. Probably got diseases!”

“Yeah! can’t fly, can’t talk. All you got is your stupid animals! What a stupid talent!”

“ ‘Ook at ‘im! You’re nothin’! Smell like garbage too! You got any diseases whoreson?!”

“Well say something Cluttzershy! You just gonna sit there and cry?”

“Watch it Marty he’s got your cigarette!”

"Oh boo-hoo, you just gonna sit there and cry Cluttzershy?"

“What?—eeeaaaaahh! My eye! My eyeeeeaaaahh!!!”

"You're not going to do anything, never could do anything."

“Get ‘im off me! Get ‘im off me!”

"You're just weak."

“Break it up you two! God he’s like a mad animal! Hold his arms, hold his arms!”

I let a breath in. I’m back in the forest. And the Yellow Pony was beginning to weep softly. I growl and take another step forward, to step in where she would not.

“Hey leave Fluttershy alone!” A rainbow blur appeared and floated above the three.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy exclaimed happily. Rainbow Dash hovered in front of the two bullies and pointed a menacing hoof at them, “Why don’t you too leave, or do you want to pick on someone your own size?! Bunch of bullies you are, picking on other ponies! You call yourselves colts?!”

The bullies growled but stepped back away from Fluttershy and the new Cyan Pegasus, the brown one waved a hoof dismissively, “Whatever! This was getting boring anyway. We’re out of here!” The two flew up in the air and quickly fled into the sky. I stepped back into the forest and let my fist go limp.

“You okay Fluttershy?” The rainbow maned Pegasus asked, worry shining in her eyes.

“I am now. Thank you Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said, shaken and teary eyed but better.

Meanwhile I look down at the ground. Felt hollow. Felt numb. Echoes of a young Walter Kovacs' voice still sound in my mind. It seemed Yellow Pegasus, Fluttershy, had something Walter Kovacs did not. Didn’t want to be here anymore. I turn and follow the forest’s line back the way towards Ponyville. I walked away just as the two friends hugged each other.

When I went into town before I stuck to the rooftops and the shadows, always careful how I moved. So far I have not slipped up badly. Ponies notice a passing shadow or sudden movement but I disappear quickly. Due to yesterday my left hand now was useless for climbing. Was for now grounded, have to rely on stairs if wanted to get higher. Will have to be extra careful.

No sooner had the thought of being extra careful came to mind I felt something was wrong. Walking along back of the building I turned a corner that I knew led to an obscured location from where I could observe town center. Instead of emptiness I saw a Pink pony turn and look my way. I quickly dodged back around the building. Hooves hit ground, rushing down the street towards where I am. I look up and spot an extended ledge where a garden securely hung. Would have to do. Backing up I got a quick step up the wall and grabbed it with my good hand. It ached but managed to pull myself up and hang there just as the pony turned the corner. She looked around, scrutinizing any possible hiding spots in the bushes or behind trashcans, luckily she did not bother to look up and see me. Could see her though. Pink, a bright pink as well, her mane was… cannot put this any other way, fluffy. Her mark was three balloons. A balloon maker? Perhaps a clown? Was it even a mare? Had to assume so, body structure matched female proportions of ponies I’d seen, and a Pink stallion with balloons as mark could never be taken seriously.

She stood underneath me for a while, thought for sure my grip would give out before she moved on. Finally though she went around the building to check the other side. I drop down, thankful that I did not lose my grip. Strange how air smelled of cotton candy where she once was. This was a tricky pony.

Suddenly the pink pony darted back around the corner and shouted, “Ah ha!”

All she saw though was an empty space of air. I held my breath just around the corner, wondering what she would do next. Instead of following up and discovering me though she slowly turned back around, took a double take, then continued on back around the building. I sighed in relief but my apprehension grew.

Worse. She knew I was there.

The rest of the afternoon continued this way, a game of cat and mouse. It was a game I was familiar with on the end of the cat, never as the mouse. This pink pony somehow proved to be a shrewder adversary than I cared to deal with. Every time I stopped she found me, every time I moved she was somewhere nearby. I was sure she noticed my presence by now but I always managed to remain just out of her reach and she seemed to notice this as well, she looked irritated whenever she was but a second too late to catch me. Desperate to get away I used a flight of stairs to get up onto the roof of a building. I was obvious to any Pegasus flying by but at this point was more worried with getting away from strange Pink Pony that stalked my every move.

I crouched against the roof in search of signs of pink but luckily found none. Would of breathed a sigh of relief had I not noticed the pink balloon rise up in the air right before me. I was shocked, I couldn’t move or react to what I was seeing. Pony. Hot air balloon. Flying. Pink. I watched the balloon rise and felt a part of me groan in frustration. In all of this shock I let go of the building and let myself slide off the roof. A hedge broke my fall and hid me from the balloon as it went by the roof where I had been.

I stumbled out of the brush, hat in hand and out of breathe. Had wind knocked out of me on fall, least I got away from pink menace. There would be no wandering around town today, not with that pink pony following me. Quickly made my way to the forest again, at least she would not follow me in here. I grumble in agitation as I nursed my strained wrist.

From up above Pinkie Pie leaned on her hooves as she watched the bipedal figure retreat back in the forest. She giggled and spoke aloud, “It’s been fun playing with you Mr. Faceless Pony!” She waved down at the oblivious biped just as he disappeared. Quietly she wondered, “I wonder if he likes parties.”

It was night when I return to my cave. Exhausted. Weary from the day’s venture. I start a fire and sit down on rock. I remove my jacket and take out my journal. Poising my pencil I begin writing.

Rorschach’s Journal

Day 3

Went by rural cottage outside Ponyville by chance. Expected nothing of interest. Instead found Yellow Pegasus, believe her name to be Fluttershy, tormented by two other Pegasi, males, classic bullies. Strange accent that sounded New Jersey? Would have stepped in, but something stopped me. Flashback to memory as child. Don’t have memories of time often. Was naïve, refused to see the cruel sick world that surrounded me. Looking back seemed obvious. The perversion. The filth. The pain. Yet didn’t see it through Rorschach’s eyes. Couldn’t see it through Rorschach’s eyes. Just a child’s. Why have it now? Why did that pony remind me of it? Perhaps it has to do with afterlife? Some philosophers thought afterlife was made up of memories, living out old memories again. Sounds like own personal hell for each humans. Never believed my own would be anything like this place. Every day more questions fill the gaps of where answers should be. Begin to wonder if any answers are to be found....

Believe to have met match today. Pink Pony. Curly(?) mane. Smelled like cotton candy. She knew I was in Ponyville. Knew I was there. Perhaps used magic? Saw no horn. Couldn’t explain otherwise uncanny ability to find me. Was I becoming obvious in my movements? Getting harder to keep my presence hidden. In forest I was at least safe from

I stop my writing and look up. Sound came from outside the mouth of the cave, the vicious growl and snarl of some creature. I stand up and glare out the maw of the cave. From the darkness I spotted yellow eyes watching me by my fire. A wolf’s distinctive threatening snarl and growl came from the leading pair of malicious amber eyes as it led the mass of glaring and glowing eyes closer to the cave’s entrance….