• Published 16th Sep 2011
  • 14,601 Views, 1,179 Comments

Under The Northern Lights - CoastalSarv

Luna and Twilight travel to the northern land of the reindeer on a diplomatic mission

  • ...


"Do I really need the drip?" asked Twilight and glared at the offending IV.

"You lost much fluid through necrotic dethaumisation, Lady Sparkle," said the earth pony physician that was examining her. "You’ll need days of rest anyway, and you’ll recover faster and safer this way."

The vaja that hovered next to him nodded nervously

"Exactly, Lady Sparkle!". She was wearing a white robe with a yellow and orange trim and winged white cap.

The earth pony glanced at her with irritation. He was here as a Yeomanry volunteer, but in his civil life Doctor Arnica was a very skilled physician from a long line of physicians. He had worked much abroad with disaster relief and the like, but this was his first time in Tarandroland. Hence he was unprepared for the local staff. Twilight couldn't help but giggle.

Twilight had been placed in the Royal Hospital in Sarvvik after Celestia had brought her back from the forest. The hospital was staffed with what she had to describe as “nuns” from the Temple of Skinfaxi. The reindeer doctor that had been assigned to assist Doctor Arnica was technically a priestess of the cult. Having Celestia herself checking in a patient was the greatest honor of her life. The whole staff viewed the Equestrian doctor as some sort of prophet on account of this and hung to his every word, constantly afraid their hospital wouldn't be good enough. This annoyed the doctor immensely.

He swallowed his irritation and proceeded to check Twilight's bandages carefully. They had recently been changed by the reindeer staff, which the head nurse-cum-priestess unbidden pointed out to him.

"Yes, Sister, I can see that," he gruffed. "Add two more units CLW to the intravenous drip one hour after lunch. We want to enhance vital recuperation while the patient has plenty of nutrients in her blood."

“Mother,” corrected the vaja, but half-heartedly.

"Will I have scars?" Twilight asked.

"No," the doctor said. "Well, except for the neck one. That will probably leave a short, faint line under the fur. Her Royal Highness applied enough healing magic to ascertain there will be no permanent harm."

The reindeer made a pious sign.
”The Princess could probably have completely healed your wounds instead of re-sealing them, but that would have been bad for your health in the long run, Lady Sparkle," the doctor continued when Twilight moved as to speak.

"I wasn't going to ask that, I know perfectly well how healing magic works," Twilight said. "I was going to ask if I can... do something. I know you want me to rest, but I know myself, and just lying here doing nothing will only make me stressed."

"As long as you stay in bed, and use no magic, you can do anything you want," said the doctor and proceeded to strike a thin metal rod against Twilight's horn and feel its vibration in his teeth.

Twilight winced at the pain in her horn.

"No magic?" she said.

"You need to rest that horn," the doctor said sternly. "What you did yesterday was like running with a broken leg."

"Can I read?" Twilight said.

"If you don't turn the pages magically, yes," said the doctor. "Just remember to rest as well and relax."

Twilight sighed and watched her hooves.

Yeah, that makes reading less fun.

She prodded her swollen muzzle with her hoof.

“Can I at least hornblow my nose?” she said.

“What?” said the doctor.

“Use telekinesis to, er, clear my nose from the inside,” she said. “Er, it’s a unicorn thing. You get rid of more mucus, it’s more hygienic, and its hurts horribly to blow my nose with my hooves right now.”

“No magic, Lady Sparkle,” said the doctor. “If I let you blow your nose even once, you will do it by instinct the next time your schnozz fills up with mucus, and then you will forget yourself and do other everyday magic. You must avoid all that for a couple of days. I’m certain the staff will help you will with... keeping your nose clean.”

"We’ll help you wash your muzzle when you wash up, Lady Sparkle,” said the vaja. “With tepid water and soft cloth.”

“Thanks, Mother Disa,” said a disappointed Twilight Sparkle, carefully poking her swollen nose.

“And you'll get visitors later, Lady Sparkle," said Disa, smiling. "That will cheer you up."

"I suppose you're right, " said Twilight. "Except I'm actually not that... down. I'm mostly restive. I might possibly be a little... nervous. That's strange, because yesterday was not cheery in the least."

"Ah," said the obviously curious vaja, though she tried to hide it.

"I failed a major task given by one of my rulers, put people I care for at risk and might have killed somepony... someone for the first time in my life," Twilight sighed. "Well, I left him to die, at least."

"Oh my," said Mother Disa.

"The killing... you might need to talk to somepony about that," said the doctor solemnly.

Twilight nodded.

"Not me," he quickly added, "but I know there will be ponies here later that can help you."

"And it was the first time?" the reindeer said, wide-eyed.

"Yes, you shouldn't believe all you read in the newspapers," Twilight said laconically. "By the way, speaking of newspapers..."

"Yes, Lady Sparkle?" said the reindeer.

"Could you please have one of your sisters gather the most recent newspapers, including an Equestrian one if you can find it?" Twilight said. "And could you have her read them to me?"

"Of course, Lady Sparkle!" said Mother Disa, happy for something she could easily help with.


Spike ran up to her and gave her a hug. He needed to climb halfway up the bed to do it, even if Twilight leaned over to meet him. The nurse that had been reading the papers to Twilight and the nurse that had been escorting Spike smiled at each other.

“I’m so glad to see you!” said Twilight.

“I’m so glad you’re awake!” said Spike to her shoulder. “You couldn’t talk much yesterday...”

“I was so tired and hurt... and I think the doctor gave me some... really strong painkillers,” said Twilight. “I remember you being there... and Celestia... and a bunch of nurses...”

“Yeah, they sort of booted us out so they could work when they patched you up, except Celestia helped them with some things, and then we could get in and I tried to talk to you but you were mostly babbling, and then you fell asleep, so we didn’t want to disturb you,” Spike said, very quickly.

As he caught his breath Twilight watched him and saw the worry on his face. Scaly skin could be quite expressive, strangely enough.

“Did you get any sleep?” said Twilight. “And did they check on you? You were hurt as well.”

“Twilight, I was bucked off a donkey into soft snow,” Spike said. “I wasn’t poisoned and had my throat cut and my face bashed in with a mace!”

“Did they check on you?” Twilight said.

Spike looked down into the floor.

“Yeah,” said Spike. “There’s nothing wrong with me. Except, stress, the doctor said. He said I could have some medicine to help me relax and sleep, but I wanted to be able to get up, if, if... if you woke up... or if you didn’t...” Tears started to well up in his eyes.

“Spike, don’t cry!” said Twilight and hugged him again. “I’m much better than they thought. There there, it’s over now...”

They just held each other a while.

“Did you get some sleep?” Twilight said to Spike’s shoulder.

“There’s... Celestia got us a room here at the hospital, like they have for the families of the patients, okay?” Spike said, wiping his eyes. “She couldn’t be there all night, she said she doesn’t really need sleep, so she was up here checking on you, but she got someone to stay with me.”

“A nurse?” said Twilight and smiled at Spike.

“Saga, actually, for some reason,” said Spike, got some tissue from Twilight’s bedside table and blew his nose. “Excuse me.”

“It’s okay, I wish I could blow mine,” said Twilight and grimaced. “But... Saga?”

“It was okay, really,” said Spike. “Luna fetched her from the temple. I mean I know her, she is almost an adult, and it’s not like Celestia could have conjured up one of the maids from back in Canterlot or somepony from Ponyville, y’know, ponies I know better. She is really good when you need to cry, actually.”

“I suppose so,” said Twilight. “That’s good to hear. I wondered what happened to those two after that ghastly night...”

“She’ll have to tell you later,” said Spike and looked a bit guilty. “She needed to cry a bit herself, actually.”

“Oh,” said Twilight. Suddenly she looked guilty as well. “You know, what about Princess Luna...?”

“She was here as well... she wasn’t in the room with us tonight,” said Spike. “I think she sat outside your room all the time, watching over you, except when Celestia sent her to get Saga. She left again a little while ago, I think Celestia told her to clear her head or something.”

Twilight looked a little morose. “Oh.”

“What is it now?” said Spike.

“It’s just that... I failed her,” Twilight said. “I guess she’d be disappointed in me.”

“Twilight, she has no reason to be disappointed in you!” Spike said.

“But we failed!” Twilight said. “I failed, I mean!”

“Twilight, listen to me!” Spike said, grabbing her hoof. “First, we didn’t fail, okay? Luna and the king sent us to figure out where the rebel camp was, and how big and strong their army is. Fine, we know that now. That means we didn’t fail!”

“But we - “ Twilight said.

“I said listen to me, Twilight, please!” Spike said. “Please. Second, Luna might be more... intense than Celestia, but she’s no more unfair than Celestia, and she’s not gonna be disappointed with you for no reason.”

“Okay,” said Twilight. “Sure.”

“And finally, it’s not her fault either, but she’s the one who gave you this mission to begin with, so she’s responsible as well!” said Spike. “You almost got killed! That must count!”

“That’s just the thing, she trusted me and I let her down!” Twilight said and now it looked like she was the one who was about to cry.

“We succeeded with the mission despite, let me remind you, crappy circumstances,” Spike said. “You didn’t let anypony down! You didn’t put Vigg up to that crazy stunt at the club, you couldn’t know they had a guy that had special training to spot your secret weapon, and it’s not your fault that the official guess for how big that rebel army is was completely wrong!”

“I should’ve aborted the mission at the club!” said Twilight. “Then we could have tried again, somehow, but I panicked. And me trusting that trinket was just as stupid as when Lord Eminence trusted his invisibility! And I helped making that estimate for the rebel army and I should have done so without wishful thinking! I can’t... blame others for my mistakes!”

Spike just opened his mouth to speak, exasperated, but nothing came out. Then he found his words.

“But you think Luna will?” he said. “Blame others, you mean? Blame you?”

It was Twilight’s turn to open and shut her mouth, fish-like.

“No,” she finally said. “I guess not.”

“Good,” said Spike. “Don’t... don’t worry about it. Relax. Luna will soon be here, and then you can talk to her about it. If you want to, I mean, you can wait until you get stronger...”

“I’ll talk to her, I’ll talk to her,” said Twilight.

“Good,” said Spike.

“How are you yourself with... what happened?” said Twilight after an awkward pause.

“With you nearly getting killed and fleeing for our lives and so on you mean?” said Spike. “Well, it was scary and all, but I mean, it’s over now, and...”

Twilight looked at him skeptically. Spike looked away.

“Okay, I was terrified, and I still am,” he said. “I mean, what if I’d found your toilet stuff in the tent?”

“What?” said Twilight.

“If I’d found you toilet things, I wouldn’t have dragged the saddlebags to the bathhouse, and then you wouldn’t have had those grenade things,” Spike said and wrung his claws. “Then... you could... I could... we never could have fought them off, you know? What would have happened then?”

Twilight looked to the roof.

“Well, I hope we would have had surrendered,” she said. “I hope we would have been that smart, I mean.”

“And then?” said Spike.

“We would have had to get free,” Twilight said. “I don’t know how, but we would have had to try.”

Spike sighed.

“Don’t think about that,” said Twilight. “You can’t go around and think what if and what if all the time. So much can happen at any given time. What if Sudden Gale had used another coat dye? What if Puddinghead hadn’t felt that grateful that day? What if Ahto and his deer had arrived twenty minutes earlier, when we were in the bath?”

“Yeah, but...” Spike began.

“You can’t think like that,” Twilight said. “If you think like that, everything becomes meaningless. Trust me. I plan too much, all the time, so I should know. If you think like that, nothing becomes safe. What if a book falls from a shelf at home and hits me in the head? There are ponies who’ve died from that.”

Spike still looked miserable.

“Don’t you remember, there’s a memorial in Canterlot library?” Twilight said.

“No there isn’t,” said Spike, and his mouth bent into a weak smile.

“Oh yes, a wall of white marble, with the names of the deceased in gold, and every day there will be ponies there putting flowers there...” Twilight said, mock serious, sweeping her hoof across the room to indicated the monument.

“Stop it, “ said Spike and started to giggle.

“I should know, there was many a study session I didn’t starve to death because I ate all those white lilies...” Twilight said.

Spike cracked up and started to laugh. Twilight joined in.

The nurse-nun looked a mixed of confused and appalled.

“So,” said Spike and wiped a different kind of tear off his face, “what were you doing when I came?”

“The Sister here was reading me the papers,” Twilight said. The reindeer smiled weakly. “I’m not allowed to use my horn, and I’m so clumsy with my hooves.”

“Well, since I’m here I could read for you,” said Spike. “I’m your assistant, right?”

“That’s nice, Spike... except you don’t read Poatsi,” Twilight said. “And these are mostly local papers.”

“Oh,” said Spike. “But... “mostly”. I could read the Equestrian papers!”

“It’s really only one,” said Twilight. “One week-old Equestria Daily. And the Sister here already read it for me.”

“But... I bet she missed something,” Spike said. “So I could re-read it. In a funny voice!”

Twilight laughed again.

“Alright Spike, let’s do that,” she said. “Re-read Equestria Daily for me, but in a funny voice!”

“As you wish!” said Spike and started to rummage through the papers. The nurse excused herself and snuck out the door.

“I’m so happy you managed to escape, Twilight,” said Princess Celestia as she hugged her student, “and that you are already doing so much better.”

“Me too, Lady Sparkle,” mumbled Luna and hugged her hoofmaiden from the other side of the bed. “I was so worried when I received Master Spike’s message.”

“Thanks for healing me, Princess,” said Twilight to Celestia and returned the hug. “And thanks for saving me, Princess!” she added, but to Luna.

“I was the one who put you in trouble in the first place!” Luna groaned. “I shouldn’t have sent a scholar and a child to confront violent fanatics!”

“No, Princess, I should have aborted the mission at Klubb Niffelhel!” Twilight said. “I have only myself to blame!”

They looked at each other with worry and shame,.

Celestia cleared her throat loudly.

“Sister,” she said. “My student. I am truly glad that you aren’t throwing blame at each other, but blaming yourself like that, even when it has a ring of truth to it, isn’t much better. Just remember that when you talk about this. It might even be helpful to tell each other what you thought the other did wrong. If nothing else, it will make further exercises in this vein easier and more fruitful.”

The princess and her hoofmaiden did not answer. Celestia sighed.

“Luna, the child you sent was a dragon child, not a foal or fawn,” she said. “With nigh-impenetrable scales, flaming breath and jaws that can cut metal.The scholar you sent is the most promising mage of a generation, and I have routinely sent her against evil trickster gods and insectoid succubi queens that I myself have no hope of defeating. Now, you’re right that they aren’t really trained in intelligence work, but you worked with what you had, Luna. You always have, to great effect.”

Luna didn’t look convinced but didn’t protest.

“Thanks for the recognition!” said Spike, though nopony took much notice of him

“Twilight, that was a reckless and thoughtless stunt, yes,” she said sternly. “However, acting under stress has always been your main weakness. With that in mind, you actually exploited the situation well, and, if I have understood Spike correctly, you can actually deliver the necessary information to Luna and Ukko. If you want to make up for your mistakes, concentrate on using that information wisely instead of regretting what’s done and gone.”

“Yes, Princess,” said Twilight Sparkle. “Do you want to hear a report now?”

“Great Wheels in heaven, no!” said Celestia. “Please tell us what happened to you, but no formal report. You and Spike can put one together and deliver it to the reindeer when you leave the hospital. I’m sure Luna will help you, since she knows how to interpret such data.”

“I will,” said Luna, “and my sister is right. The formal debriefing can wait. I mean, it is always good to have it fresh, but you should also be in shape to give it...But as for ‘further exercises’...”

She sighed.

“There will be no more, Lady Sparkle,” she said. “I’m sorry I dragged you into this mess, causing you shame, danger and sorrow. You have served the best you could, but after that report you and Master Spike you can go home to Ponyville.”

“What?!” squeaked Twilight. “You’re... sending me away?”

“Are you firing us?” said Spike.

“No!” said Luna. “It’s just that... after what happened there, with the camp, I cannot bear upon my conscience to employ you as my agent, Lady Sparkle.”

Twilight’s lips quivered, then she had tears in my eyes.

“I understand, “ she sobbed. “I fouled up. I wasn’t good enough. I - I’m so sorry, Princess! I’ve let you down! And... and, Equestria, and all the reindeer, and...”

Twilight began to cry, rather noisily. Spike glared at Luna, and then he went and hugged her.

“So there,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.”

“No!” said Luna. She looked desperately at Celestia, who merely looked back sadly. “Explain it to her, sister! We discussed this aforehand... Lady Sparkle, listen to me, forgive me!”

Twilight sobbed a bit quieter.

“I’m doing this for your sake!” Luna continued. “I truly mean that I forced you into things you were not prepared for, that went against your nature. I put you to this charade to exploit the natives’ prejudices... all this nonsense. I can’t imagine that you would like this to continue. I can’t imagine you don’t miss your friends! Please, Lady Sparkle... I mean... Please, Twilight!”

She put a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder.

“If you want to stay, I’m happy to have you here,” she said. “I’d trust you with my life and all my secrets, and all I ask it that you only do it because you truly want to, Twilight.”

Twilight sniffed.

“Okay,” she said,”I’m sorry for being such a crybaby. I didn’t mean to. I’ve just... there’s been so much the last few days... And I’ve... been afraid I’ve failed you.”

She wiped her face, touched her crushed nose by mistake and winced.

“I’d love to stay,” she said, looking around her at her assistant, her teacher and her mistress. “I want to know how it ends, want to help it end, and I don’t want to let the reindeer down. Also... I started something, when I took care of Lord Eminence, and I have to see it through.”

“Then stay,” said Luna and smiled. So did Celestia.

“There’s just one thing,” Twilight said.

“Yes?” said Luna.

“Next time you send me out on a mission, I decide the cover story, okay?” she said.

“As you wish,” said Luna and smiled again.

“Nopony is gonna ask me?” said Spike.

“Oh my!” said Twilight. “Oh, I’m so sorry, did you want to go home?”

“Not really, but you could’ve asked,” Spike admonished her, and bopped her on the nose.

“Ouch!” said Twilight and shied away from him.

“Sorry!” said Spike. “I forgot about your nose. But it was kinda rude!”

“Your nose was badly hurt,” Luna stated, not asked.

“Yes, but the worst part is it gets... sorry, it gets filled up with mucus and blood and I’m not allowed to hornblow it, and it really hurt to do it by hoof,” Twilight said and looked sheepish. “I realize it’s no big problem compared to blood loss and poisoning, but...”

A bunch of tissue paper levitated up into her face. Luna gently touched Twilight’s horn when her own.

“Just blow,” she said.

Telekinetically assisted, Twilight snorted and cleared her nose without pain. Luna casually disintegrated the tissue paper so nopony had to confront its disgusting contents. Twilight breathed freely through her nose for the first time since she woke up.

“Thanks,” she said, as Luna wiped her nose once more with fresh tissues to be sure.

“It’s nothing,” said the princess acting as a nurse. “I’d love to stay and help my handmaiden as long as she cannot use her magic.”

“Oh, if it’s okay with the nurses...” said Twilight with embarrassment.

“They actually protested when Luna wanted to enter the hospital, since this is all sacred ground to the Sun or some such nonsense, but of course I told them to be sensible,” said Celestia.

“She later told them I kept going into her room and taking her hairbrushes, so she is used to it,” Luna snorted.

“But it’s true!” Celestia said.

“Only because you keep taking mine and putting them in your boudoir!” Luna retorted. “It is true, Lady Spa... Twilight! She sends her hoofmaidens to plunder my dresser!”

“I’m the victim here!” said Celestia with mock seriousness. “Look at this: they dedicate this whole building complex to me, and then I can’t decide who gets in and out!”

Twilight shook her head and watched a nurse hastily leaving the doorway when she must have been peeping in on them.

Well, I don’t have to play that role any more, but as long as I keep their Goddess of Nightmares blowing my nose when I’m sick, it’s not like they’ll stop staring like that, she mused.

“I still think the storehouses were closer to the beach,” said Spike.

“They just look further away because of the way the bay is drawn,” said Twilight.

“Well, Twilight, if you have any problems with how I drew the map...” said Spike.

“No no,” said Twilight, shaking her head. “The distance given is the important thing. Besides, I’m sure they have a real map they can compare it too.”

“Excuse me,” said a timid voice, a little cracked and hoarse, as if from too much smoking. Or too much crying.

A brown vaja, more fawn than doe, stood in the door. She was carrying a little white package on her antlers.

“Yes?” said Twilight and put away the papers she and Spike were working with (with her hooves, of course, curse Dr Arnica).

“Mistress Twilight!” said the little vaja and ran up to her bed. “Oh, Mistress!”

To Twilight’s later shame, it was the half-pretentious title that told her who the reindeer was. She didn’t look like herself very much.

“Saga!” she said and accepted a hug. “Thanks for coming by!”

The fawn gave her the package.

“Some sweets,” she said. “Oh, I hope you can eat them...”

“Thanks,” said Twilight. “You look, uh, different.”

The reindeer was wearing no makeup, no jewelry and no clothes except a blanket over her back, black with silver borders, that made Twilight wonder if it was an equivalent of the nurses’ gold-on-white clothes.

“I was i-in mourning,” the reindeer stuttered. “And I w-wasn’t in the m-mood anyway.”

Saga started to cry and Twilight hugged her because that is what you do.

“Mourning?” she said with confusion. “Oh Celestia’s sun, did your grandmother die?”

Spike had started to open the package of sweets, quaintly rolled into a little cone. He was by his position invisible to Saga but right in front of Twilight, and he rolled his eyes and pointed to her.

“I-i thougt you were d-dead,” Saga hiccoughed. “O-or w-w-worse!”

“Me!” Twilight said. “But I... yeah, I understand how you could think that was possible.”

They didn’t tell her! Twilight thought, and then: Of course not! It was a state secret!

“So, so,” she said, “I didn’t die, nothing really happened!”

Saga let go, looked up, and sniffed as her eyes sought out the IV, the bed, Twilight’s battered body.

“Okay, something happened,” Twilight admitted. “But it turned out okay, I will be fine...”

“Here, have a tissue,” said Spike and gave Saga one. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

“They... they actually told me the day before yesterday,” said Saga who looked a bit perkier. “When my Goddess came to tell me about the Quest for the Sampo...”

“The what?” said Twilight.

“Oh, I thought you were going?” said Saga. “My Goddess of the Night told me you were going... Aren’t you, Mistress Sparkle?”

Saga sounded despondent again, but Twilight thought she could hear a bit of a pretention in her voice as well.

As long as she is putting on her own very peculiar brand of airs, Saga still has some hope, Twilight thought. I just need to strengthen it. And if Princess Luna said that... she must have panicked about me being in her employ right here, right now, when she saw me...

“Princess Luna hasn’t told me anything about it,” said Twilight, “presumably because I was on a mission and she hasn’t had time to discuss the matter yet. I can guess what it’s about, but please tell me the details.”

“Oh,” Saga said, “apparently Princess Skinfaxi thought that there... my prophecy... that I was a seer after all. She convinced her sister and King Ukko, and she wants some deer, and some other people, to get up on Joukulvakt and get Sampo back because she thinks it really can save Tarandroland!”

“That’s... but that’s great, Saga!” said Twilight and smiled. “Of course I will come, if Princess Luna and Princess Celestia wants me to! I mean, that’s the thing I usually do when they ask me to save people, not this... intelligence work!”

Saga smiled back nervously.

“Oh so you are going?” she said. “And you want to go...”

“Why, magic is my special talent!” said Twilight enthusiastically. “I love stories of old artifacts and magicians, and...”

She trailed off as she realized something Saga had said.

“Look, Saga... I’m sorry if I ever doubted your Sight, or just sounded like if I did!” she said and took the reindeer’s hoof. “I mean, that’s your talent... seeing what’s possible. We grownups should probably have caught on earlier!”

“Thanks,” said Saga and looked down. “That... that’s really nice of you to say that. But it isn’t you who thought I was a false prophetess. It was... it was me. I... I still don’t really think I was right... before I wanted to convince everydeer, now it sounds weird when they tell me they believe in it... I mean, I guess I always thought it was a silly form of Sight anyway, not the kind a real priestess should have...”

“Wait wait,” said Twilight, “slow down. When did you become convinced you were wrong?”

“After the club,” she said. “When he... when that bucking rat lied to me, and to everydeer, and took all those stupid risks and almost got you and little Spike killed and all those poor deer in the club...”

Twilight grimaced at the swearing. Spike grimaced at being called “little”.

“Yeah,” Twilight said, “I can see why you wouldn’t want to do anything together with him...”

Except the deer in the club... she thought ...it might be his fault everything happened, but it was you, Twilight Sparkle, who bolloxed up a spell again under stress and caused that panic... How many was hurt? Did... did anypony die?! The papers didn’t say anything, but that was some time ago...

“That’s not it!” Saga said, interrupting her thoughts. “How can somedeer that dishonest, selfish and stupid be a hero who saves a country like that?!”

“Yeah,” said Twilight, “I understand how you’re thinking...”

“Exactly!” said Saga. “So if he cannot save Poatsula, then my vision wasn’t a vision. It was just a... a fantasy! It was my imagination going wild, it always does... it was just my sub-, my subwhatever trying to make myself important... I never had a real Sight fit for a priestess, like Gramma has or even like he has...”

“Subconscious,” said Twilight, “but if he can save Poatsula, then your vision was a vision, right?”

“Yeah...” said Saga and looked miserable.

“And Princess Celestia thinks so, and she has managed to convince her sister that it was a vision as well,” said Twilight. “I’m sure they do so with good reason, right?”

“Yeah...” Saga said. “For instance, My Goddess told me her Sister thinks the vision was a message from Karhu-Akka... like Her thinking very loudly when somedeer who could hear was nearby. She thinks the Mother of all Reindeer... and Trolls, I guess... she’s, she’s that kind of being that isn’t more straightforward than that.”

“And you believe her, right?” said Twilight and smiled.

“Yeah, sure...” said Saga, “but is that because she has a point, or because I’m selfish and vain and want to believe her?”

“I don’t think of the Princesses as deities like you do, and I... I trust them,” said Twilight. “Do you really think any of them would want to fool you?”

“I dunno,” said Saga, “I’ve... I’m turning into some kind of heretic... I’ve started to think that it’s like some of those fake sugar pills doctors give out, that they give everydeer this quest to believe in, and in the end it turns out we had it within us all along to save everything with friendship or something...”

Twilight laughed.

“Hey now, I’ve seen friendship save the world several times... though ancient artefacts, you know, magical thingamajigs...”

“I know!” said Saga and smiled.

“...were usually involved as well,” said Twilight. “But while that might be the case, there’s something which I have to tell you is much likelier. The princesses could have more information they cannot tell you, because you knowing it would screw up the prophecy! Nopony really predicts the future! Well, almost nopony... What they do is see or hear or understand what is most probable at any given time, and there are cases where knowing every details make you act so that what is prophesied becomes more improbable... and never happens!”

Saga looked confused.

“Can you explain that again, mistress?”

“Alright... when Princess Celestia knew that the return of Nightmare Moon was near, I had been reading prophecies about it,” Twilight said. “She knew all about them, she knew the background, she knew what would happen. But when I came to her and was worried, she dismissed my claims. She told me to go perform some chores in the podunk town Ponyville - oh, and make some friends in the bargain, since I was such a shut-in.”

“Oooh,” Saga said, “so that’s what..?”

“Well, I went under heavy protest, but right in Ponyville was where Nightmare Moon would return!” Twilight said, punctuating for emphasis with her hoof. “Right in Ponyville, because as far as I understood either fate or Celestia herself had manipulated things, lived the other five ponies who were most likely to fit as the bearer of the Elements of Harmony. In the chaotic Everfree Forest, just outside Ponyville, were the old ruins where the physical remains of the Elements of Harmony were hidden!”

“But she didn’t tell you where to find them, or even that Nightmare Moon were real...?” said Saga.

“No, because she knew me back then,” said Twilight and smiled. “While I was a likely candidate for bearer of the Element of Magic, I could never have managed to find the other five bearers if I did so consciously.”

“She would have forced everypony to fill in triplicate questionnaires based on some psychology textbook definition of ‘loyalty’, and so on,” said Spike, grinning.

“And even if she had told me who they were, both I and them would have behaved completely different and we wouldn’t have bonded like we did under a crisis,” Twilight continued. “I... I won’t say that I sometimes wonder whether she was right in not telling us more... but she definitely believed she thought she was right. So my guess is, that if she knows something that makes her certain what you saw in your prophecy was the likely future, and she isn’t telling...”

“It’s because she thinks me knowing exactly what will happen will make me acting so that what will happen will exactly not happen?” said Saga.

“Yes,” said Twilight. “You have to... figure things out for yourself for them to work.”

“That sentence gave me a headache,” said Spike. “Does the injured want some candy, or can her grieving relative have some first?”

“I think candy is essential for my recovery, in fact,” said Twilight and took some sweets and munched on them. “Take one yourself Saga - don’t be too greedy Spike.”

The youngsters helped themselves to some candy, Spike greedily, Saga a bit reluctantly.

“These are great!” said Twilight. “That was very nice of you, Saga! Imported candy must be expensive, and I didn’t think you had much money...”

Saga smiled, a bit too thinly.

“It’s okay, Mistress,” she said and unwrapped a second piece of candy carefully. “I just invoked an old pact with a powerful being. I’m usually... I don’t want to deal with him too much.”

“You conjured it up?” said Twilight. “I didn’t know you knew such a spell?”

“You asked your dad, right?” said Spike and carefully folded his candy wrapper.

“Yeah,” said Saga. When Twilight looked a bit confused, she added: “Dad knows how to get things like imported candy, and he can afford it. I don’t let him give me much otherwise.”

“Well,” said Twilight, “thank him from me!”

“You didn’t tell him the candy was for Twilight Sparkle, right?” said Spike.

“No,” said Saga, and added, to Twilight’s confusion: “None of his business.”

Yes, I'll continue to use FIMfiction as a publishing venue... for now. I'm still not happy with it, but I can never get the support I've built up at this place anywhere else. I'm talking about you readers, of course, a wonderful bunch who keep me doing this. Thanks!

Meanwhile, manure keeps piling up in real life. That's the reason (not the excuse) I'm publishing this now instead of polishing it further. I'm far from 100% satisfied, but letting it sit only blocks my creative processes. I need a bit of creating to weather this, and this creation who you are making possible is the best kind.

As usual, even more thanks to my proofreaders (this time, LadyMoondancer and Lurks-No-More) for their support with grammar, wording and understandability!