• Published 16th Sep 2011
  • 14,602 Views, 1,179 Comments

Under The Northern Lights - CoastalSarv

Luna and Twilight travel to the northern land of the reindeer on a diplomatic mission

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Twilight kept smiling as she ruffled her mane with her hooves, and first she giggled, then she sniffled.

"A spy," said Luna. "A spy for whom?"

Twilight sniffled again.

"For Equestria, of course! Silly filly!" She turned her sniffle to a giggle and punched Luna with her hoof.

The Princess of the Moon stiffened and her face became stiff and red with anger, but checked her temper when she saw her hoofmaiden's expression.

She is truly not herself... she thought. What did she see?

"Anyway, I am sorry I couldn't record anything or something like that, the eye-runes doesn't work like that," Twilight said and giggled again. "But I have made notes from observing him. I actually started out for such a childish reason. Would you know, I only did it to figure out how he can appear out of nowhere. He has an invisibility spell. I saw him use it, several times. He does it casually. That was the clue to his cutie mark, his talent, his role. But... that didn't really upset me. That there's a spy here, I mean."

She shook her head. "No, the first thing that upset me was the invisibility! That he used it! Here! In a place where it is useless!" Twilight was breathing heavily, her face red with anger. "Every guard and servant and courtier in this place can easily see through it! He's so arrogant he never thought to check whether it would work! He is completely dependent on one single spell and hasn't researched its parameters! No wizard does that unless he is an idiot!"

"Well," said the princess carefully "maybe he hasn't done anything too compromising yet..."

"Did you know about him?" said Twilight suddenly, her anger not abated. "Did Princess Celestia know about him?"

"No. I didn't know Lord Eminence was a spy. In hindsight, I should have guessed, and if you asked me, I would have expected there to be agents of the thrones assigned to this," said Luna.

Twilight looked at her, pleading.

"And I don't know whether my sister knows, Lady Sparkle," she continued, somewhat cautiously, as Twilight was still close to apoplexy. "On one hoof, she does take an active interest in many things quite low down in the hierarchy of the realm. On the other hoof, it is sometimes useful that a ruler does not know what a secret agent does, since their deeds are rarely honorable and sometimes disgusting, and it is better to be able to say that you truly were ignorant."

"He has done something yet," Twilight said. "Something I can't believe my Princess would approve of..."

So that's it. She is still that innocent... And yet... Luna mused.

"What has he done?" she said gently.

"Well, he went to and fro, talking to some servants, some guards, some local pony merchants. He looked into a storage for chariots, unused this season, several times, and I assumed he was setting up the place for a clandestine meeting with some bribed informer, so I kept an eye on it. I was right," said Twilight. "He went there about two hours ago and waited... under his silly cloak of invisibility. Three reindeer entered. They were wearing the uniforms of a nobledeer's servant but it was clear they weren't servants."

"How could you tell?" asked Luna.

"The uniforms were clean and new. All we have seen here have been old and worn. There is a financial crisis, the king is uncaring, and his daughter who manages things puts snappy uniforms far lower on the list than food for everyone and clean bedclothes. And I spend enough time with Rarity these days to notice such things," said Twilight tunelessly. "Anyway, he made one of his dramatic appearances out of nowhere, except the three deer he was meeting saw through it, and only played along to please him - they didn't even act surprised, they just didn't point out that they could see him. I even heard one of them say in Poatsi that 'ponies are crazy'."

"And he didn't react to that?" said Luna. "He seems a proud stallion to me."

"I don't think he registers when somepony says something bad about him, because he is so sure of himself," said Twilight. "Besides, his Poatsi is atrocious. It doesn't matter anyway. What's matter is who they were."

"And who were they?" asked Luna.

"Pirates," said Twilight.

Luna's mouth fell open.

"I know, I know..." said Twilight and buried her face in her hooves. "It was like this..."

The three reindeer eyed the Hestalander with suspicion.

“Have your master made up your mind?” he said with a casual smile.

“My captain has made up his mind, yes,” said the middle of the three, an old sarv. “If you ponies and your Sun-Queen support him, he will convince the other captains to stop the raiding.”

“And will they listen to him?” said the unicorn and produced a coin from his robe.

He tries to bribe me with that? Is he addled? the reindeer thought.

Nevertheless he grabbed the gold coin out of the air with his mouth and spit it into his pouch.

“Jarl Ahto's name is great. Until he became outlaw he was a vaunted admiral of the fleet,” said the reindeer. “They will listen.”

“He has a golden tongue alright,” said the reindeer to the right, a worn-looking vaja. “The other captains even believe he has a shot at becoming King.”

“And you don't, miss?” said Lord Eminence.

“I'm just the bosun. I don't worry about the captain having fancies,” she said, and added “But don't you 'miss' me! I'm a married doe, is just this here job keeps me away from things.”

“Believe me, I won't miss you at all,” said Lord Eminence and grinned. “So: if Equestria helps Earl Ahto...”

Jarl,” said their leader. “We don't have Earls in Poatsula. We didn't have no other nobledeer than jarls until the kings started apin' you ponies,” he added.

“Jarl Ahto. Helps Jarl Ahto with his bid for kingship, given the help against Winter that he wishes for, so that he can be a hero and swing the other herds to his side, he will convince the other pirate captains to hold off raiding Equestria – what you do at home I don't care about. Have I got this right?” Lord Eminence continued.

“That's it,” said their leader. “But Ahto wants to see some proof that this here help is actually coming before he commits himself.”

¨”Ain't manure worth stealing in Poatsula these days anyhow,” said the third reindeer who had been silent up til now.

“Certainly. I can certainly provide some proof, but then I want to see some from your side as well,” said Lord Eminence.

“Jarl Ahto says that he wants to know how fast the Sun-Queen can put the sun right. Since he would find it awfully convenient if that went with him making his first bid for the throne, see,” said the leader.

“And no one is gonna sail the sea now anyhow, seeing how bad and fast winter's coming. The pirate fleet is all beached like a whale,” the vaja added.

“I... am not privy to the mechanics of the Wheels. You really have to let me check that out for you,” said Lord Eminence cautiously.

The reindeer nodded.

“So I take it we have an... accord?” he said and grinned.

“You have an accord with Jarl Ahto,” said the leader of the pirates “and with him you hope the other captains. But you don't have an accord with us.”

“Beg your pardon?” said Lord Eminence. “Who?”

“Us!” said the vaja. “Us who actually crew the ships!”

“Now see here, Mr Fancyvest” said the leader “Jarl Ahto has his fantasies and we allow him them because he is a good leader. His father was not chosen as king when the moot did not recognize the heir of the last king. His herd has been mighty sore about that for a long time. And some of us might share such fancies, and have a mind full of dreams.”

He leaned uncomfortably close to the unicorn lord and breathed foully on him.

“Then, we might be murderers and thieves, but we have practical minds. There might be some of us who take a love in blood-letting,“ and he looked at his second companion, who scratched his chin absentmindedly, “but most of us went on to feed seagulls because there was no honest job to be had. The mills and workshops can't get timber, so they get no goods to send abroad, so no sailor can find a job – except, of course, going a-Viking.”

“We need food and clothes and other stuff,” said the vaja and leaned in equally closely “and for that we don't need Jarl's dreams but cold hard silver.”

“All of us,” said the leader. “See, we share aboard the ships, so every sailor will expect some.”

“I... see,” said Lord Eminence. “And... how much are we talking about?”

“For a starting sum... as a goodwill gesture... say five of your bits a sailor,” said the leader and grinned. “With extra shares for the officers.”

“And how much would that be?” said Lord Eminence.

“Lets' say... give or take... “ The reindeer waved his hoof, shut one eye, and grinned. “Four thousand bits to start with. Metal, no paper.”

“Paper gets wet at sea,” grinned the vaja.

Lord Eminence was momentarily taken aback, but adjusted himself.

“I think that will be a small price to pay. But since you won't take my checks, you will have to wait a bit,” he said.

“Fine. We'll stay... around for a week. But if I don't see the silver by then, I go back to my captain and present your offer in such a way that he won't take it,” said the leader.

“I'll see what I can do,” said Lord Eminence. “I can see now what your interests lay in this whole affair.”

“Well,” said the third reindeer “it's not like the old drunkard's going to die just like that, so Ahto's dream is just a pipe dream. I mean, Ahto ain't the deer to just assassinate a king – he's a nobledeer so he has standards. And he can forget us actually marching an army on Sarvvik and like dethrone him!”

All the reindeer chuckled at the folly of war without profit and with actual risks.

“Oh,” said Lord Eminence with a smug grin “I am sure we can arrange things to Jarl Ahto's satisfaction.”

“He... he implied the assassination of a foreign monarch by Equestrian agents?!” said Luna. It was her turn to be apoplectic.

Twilight nodded.

“And, for all intents and purposes, financing insurgency,” said Twilight. “I have no idea if he actually means it or is just trying to bluff or manipulate this pirate captain, but... he is doing it very badly. It takes almost nothing for a servant or guard to report this to someone who cares... and paying off someone like those pirates never works unless you are stalling for time! They will try to milk you for more. Don't they teach any statesmanship to nobleponies? Or spies? I had to study it and I'm a sorceress!”

“And if he is reported all chances we have of coming out head up and first from this mess are gone! I should have him sent back home at once, either to jail or to spy school!” Luna fumed.

“If they already know, they will think we are covering our flanks,” Twilight sighed. “We must know if they know first. Or...” She perked up. “Maybe we can simply admit what he has done and say he acted on his own?”

“I don't want to make you more afraid than you are, Twilight Sparkle, but it is possible he didn't act on his own,” Luna said sadly.

When she saw the despair in Twilight's eyes, she hastily added: “That doesn't need to mean my sister ordered it. She does have a spymaster, and there are sure to be ponies between him and Lord Eminence as well. Likewise, he could quite possibly have been given vague orders what to do, and while it should not be his superiors' fault that he choose a very risky and idiotic way to implement them, it will be seen that way.”

“We don't even know what he plans to do with the King. Or when,” said Twilight. “Or even if he is really planning anything and not just lying to impress the pirates!”

“I'll have to confront him!” said Luna.

“What's to say he'll tell the truth? What more: there is one thing he didn't seem to know but he could find out that would be very useful...” said Twilight.

“I can be very persuasive,” said Luna grimly. “And what would that be?”

“He talked to three of the pirates, right? I don't think he knows where they stay when in Sarvvik. But if he knew – if we knew – we could figure out where they usually stay. Where the pirate ships are beached, I mean, and the pirates stay over winter. It's not like we have an army who could go there, but anyway...” Twilight explained. “My best case is that this is what he is trying to do, and he is just lying to get on Jarl Ahto's good side.”

“We'll have to get to that in the morning,” said Luna.

“No, in the morning” she repeated when Twilight looked at her. “You are in no form for intrigue and confrontation, Lady Sparkle, and I might actually need someone with me to balance my temper. Nodeer saw him meet the pirates today?”

“Nodeer using the eye-runes. I can't be certain about just plain normal witnesses,” Twilight said.

“Let's hope for the best – and get you to bed!” Luna said. “But first clean yourself up!”

She got Twilight up and pushed her towards the shower. After she had go her in and was about to leave she turned back.

“Wait! What was it about my sister 'setting the Sun right'?” she asked Twilight.

Twilight shrugged.

“I don't know. Jarl Vidar gave me some facts about the increasing strength of Winter that might have something to do with the Sun, but I choose to check the eye-runes out first, before I sat down with the astronomical and thaumaturgical calculations. Then I got caught up in the business with Lord Eminence...” Twilight rubbed her face.

“Clean yourself, then try to sleep. I will study your notes for both matters, since I don't need sleep,” said Luna. “I will need your services, Lady Sparkle, and for that I need you healthy and alert.”

“As you wish, Your Highness,” said Twilight and smiled. “Looks like a dreadful weather out. I sure hope Spike is well in that cottage or whatever it was.”

“If he was in trouble, he would have sent me a message,” Luna said as she levitated a thick bunch of magic diagrams. "Shower, Lady Sparkle!”

Author's note: Check out my blog here on this site for some thoughts about last chapter that doesn't fit here. Thanks for reading!