• Published 16th Sep 2011
  • 14,602 Views, 1,179 Comments

Under The Northern Lights - CoastalSarv

Luna and Twilight travel to the northern land of the reindeer on a diplomatic mission

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“I don't know how we can track down Sampo's mom,” said Saga. “It's not like she is mentioned anywhere here...”

“We still haven't read everything” Vigg reminded her. “And then, there's the big public library...”

Meanwhile Twilight shook her head to concentrate on the issues at hand. It was hard.

I must approach the princess delicately and get an answer from her... or maybe Princess Celestia knows? But... how would she feel about me prying...? she thought.

“Twilight, we are kind of losing you again,” said Spike, looking worried, and shook her foreleg.

“I bet she just had another brilliant idea,” said Vigg.

“What are you thinking of, Mistress Sparkle?” said Saga.

“Princess Celestia,” said Twilight.

The others looked at her quizzically.

“I mean... I mean Skinfaxi” she said, making things up as she went. “Skinfaxi's temple. I... we don't really have 'religion' in that manner in Equestria... but temples often collect knowledge, and if the image of Skinfaxi is anything like Princess Celestia really is, then that temple might have a lot of useful records.”

“That was a good idea, actually,” said Vigg. “I don't know what they know, but they might know something, you know.”
Spike gave him a look. Saga pouted.

“Aw, I cannot help with that,” she said.

“Why?” said Twilight.

“Because I am not supposed to enter the temple,” she said.

“Why?” said Twilight again. “It's not like Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are enemies or anything?”

“It's how things are done, that's all,” said Saga and looked down in her book.

Twilight was about to ask again when she was poked by Spike.

“Let it rest, OK?” he pleaded.

“OK, sure...” Twilight said with some confusion in her voice.

“I'm sure my mom can talk to someone in the temple so you can look at what they have,” said Vigg.

Twilight cleared her throat.

“Kids, I love to help you, but I will need to take on my regular job as well, you know,” she said. “You might have to check that out without me.” When she saw a look of disappointment in the eyes of the young reindeer she added: “I – I'll look at anything you find, OK? It is just that I have to do my work as Princess Luna's hoofmaiden, that's why I am here.”

Twilight looked at the ancient wall clock in the library, which was against all sense actually working.

“In fact, I think I need to leave soon. I promised Princess Luna I'd oversee the, the work of some of her, her servants and we were to meet again at our suite in less than an hour....” she said.

Vigg hung his head and Saga pouted again.

“But we haven't checked the oldest books and the runestaves yet... and they are in Ancient Cervine!” Vigg protested.

“Why do you have to order around some servants?” said Saga. “Is that what hoofmaidens do?”

“Well, sometimes,” Twilight said and sweated a bit. “Princess Luna thought they just sat around all day, see, so I was supposed to, uh, activate them...”

Your the world's worst liar, Twilight Sparkle...

The two fawns looked at each other and then they shrugged with disappointment.

Of course, it helps if the ones you lie to trust you implicitly...

“Well, I think there is something I can do to help you...” she said. “Before I leave, I mean. See, there is this magical way to temporarily learn a language really quickly, and...”

“OK, breathe into the paper bag, Vigg. Breathe into the paper bag,” Spike said to the hyperventilating reindeer prince.

“Oh my Celestia!” Twilight shrieked and blinked in and out of existence a few times, the teleportation equivalent of running in circles. “What have I done!? Oh, I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have been so culturally insensitive... Reindeer are afraid of magic! I am so stupid, I am the stupidest ever, the Princess will be so mad! And the Princess! And the Princess!”

“Three Princesses?” said Saga who was holding the shocked Vigg.

“I think she means Vigg's mom,” Spike murmured.

“He seemed so, y'know, collected,” she mused. “Like at the glacier, it was I who went out like a light.”

Spike murmured something else.

“Speak up, I can't hear you,” said Saga a little irritated.

“Everyone will think I have cursed him! Or eaten his soul! Or stolen his life force or something daft like that!” Twilight moaned and blinked in and out again.

“He thinks Twilight is... hot,” Spike half whispered, his voice full of disgust at the very concept. “Being licked in the ear must have been, uh, too much.”

Saga suddenly started giggling hysterically. Spike looked at her less than pleased. Twilight stabilized and did the same.

“What?” she said unhappily. “Why are you laughing, this isn't funny?”

Saga fought to control herself.

“Sorry, Mistress, sorry,” she said. “It's just that I just realized what happened to him. It's not dangerous at all, really. It's something that hits young male reindeer now and then. You couldn't have known.”

Twilight didn't look much relieved.

“Really, I know a... an old cure for it,” Saga said.

“Really?” said Twilight with sudden interest.

“Yeah,” Saga said and nodded furiously. “He just needs some cold water. And to relax for a while.”

“He will be OK?” Twilight asked. Saga nodded some more.

“Oh thank goodness!”Twilight cried out.

“I'll help him, really,” Saga said and smile. “You two can go, it will actually be easier for him to relax then.”

“You sure?” said Spike. Saga's antlers bobbed like a small pine, clustered to a cliff and torn by a storm.

“Really sure!” she said and patted Vigg on the back.

“Oh thank goodness!” Twilight said again. “I guess we'll leave then. I'll check in with you later. Come, Spike.”

Reluctantly, Spike hopped on her back.

“Just one thing!” said Saga as they left.

“Yes?” said Twilight as she turned her head and looked at Saga over her shoulder.

“Can I please learn that spell later?” she said.

“Oh sure!” said Twilight as she left, not really thinking of what she said.

When the four guards she had ordered to report back to her arrived at Princess Luna's suite, Twilight had calmed down somewhat, but was still jittery, nervous and on the edge. She paced back and forth in the room while Spike looked on with worry. He had brought out quill and parchment to take notes, after Twilight babbled about it.

“Who's there?! Come in!” she snapped when there was a knock at the door. Four ponies hesitated a second or two at the angry voice before parading inside and closing the door behind them.

Spike hadn't really met them, just barely observed them. They were two pegasi and two unicorns, as if some absurd equal opportunity principle had been applied to the patrol, or maybe just Twilight's love of the symmetrical. Spike had never got why the Sun Guard – and now, the Moon Guard – had no earth ponies. He had sure seen earth ponies kick flank, and the Princesses weren't that fond of institutionalized discrimination otherwise. He supposed it was one of those older than old things that just were like they were for no useful reason.

The pegasi were pitch black with gray bellies and bat-wings instead of the normal feathery ones. Spike assumed it was magic, since no other ponies had them. Same with their full set of sharp canines, making them look more like wolves than bats. The unicorns had the same set of incisors and glowing red eyes. Their coats were a dark purple. Both guard ponies had cloaks in midnight blue and black, with steel-gray barding for the pegasi and shimmering silver barding for the unicorns. While they all sure looked intimidating from afar, or in the dark, up close in the brightly lit room they reminded him more of ponies invited to a Nightmare Night office party with a very strict theme than warriors of the night and moon. He couldn't see any cutie marks – as any Equestrian, pony or otherwise, it was one of the first thing he checked out when he met someone – because they were all covered by clothing or armor, but he bet his comic collection they were all on a night-stars-creepy stuff theme.

The four saluted Twilight. She didn't salute back but lifted her right front hoof in a way that acknowledged their existence.

“Lady Sparkle” said one of the unicorns, a mare.

“What did you find?” said Twilight and started to pace absentmindedly again. “Milky Way,” she added as she remembered the unicorn's name.

“He finally got the money today,” Milky Way answered. “He went to... a place that served food, left some kind of message with the cashier, and sat down and waited.”

“A restaurant?” said Spike, writing.

“A place that served food” said Milky Way and wrinkled her nose. “After a fairly long time he got a note...”

“From whom?” said Twilight and stopped her pacing.

“From a serving doe,” said the other unicorn – Misty Wisp, Twilight remembered. “She got it from the cashier” he continued.

“And the cashier?” Twilight asked. The stallion shook his head.

“I didn't see. He must have sent a message with any of the guests. There were a score of reindeer eating there and...” he blushed, “...they look sort of the same to me.”

“Yeah,” said one of the pegasi – Dark Clouds, unless Twilight was mistaken. “Grey and brown and white, sometimes a little black. It is hard to tell them apart.”

“So you're too speciest to correctly identify a culprit!” Twilight snapped. “Good to know!”

The guard ponies studied the roof a bit.

“Go on, go on!” Twilight said, a bit embarrassed with herself. “After that?”

“He left, following the instructions of the note, I assume,” Misty Wisp said. “He... used his invisibility spell now. This made him rather difficult to follow.”

Twilight started pacing again.

“ I distinctly remember instructioning you in a second sight spell,” she said sharply.

“With all due respect, Lady Sparkle,” Misty Wisp said “we haven't had time to train, and my – my talent doesn't cover piercing invisibility, it seems.”

“So you lost him?” said Twilight and glared at him.

“No no,” said Misty Wisp “I am just saying it was difficult!”

“I followed from the air and whistled instructions, and together we could follow the reindeer who noticed him, by their reactions,” said Dark Clouds with a certain amount of pride.

“Good thinking!” said Twilight. “Did anyone see you?”

“Well... did that matter? Didn't you say that wasn't a problem, Lady Sparkle?” said Misty Wisp.

“It isn't, but I want to know!” said Twilight.

“I am certain they did” said Milky Way. “I get the impression unicorns are rare here...”

“Most reindeer have only seen unicorns in pictures,” Spike piped up.

“There's a lot of pegasi down the harbor, but they have the standard equipment,” said Dark Clouds and flapped his bat wings to show his version. “But I don't think they saw me anyway. Ponies don't look up that much at home, and deer here look up even less.”

“Was anyone else following him?” said Spike. “Sorry!” he added when Twilight gave him a stern look. Twilight softened.

“Spike is right. Was he being followed by someone else?” she said.

Milky Way nodded.

“We all saw one reindeer all the way, so at least one must have followed him,” she said. “Just that... I don't think he was that good.”

“What makes you think that?” said Twilight.

“Well, we – we noticed that today, and we talked about it when we prepared this report – we aren't that good,” Milky Way said somewhat distressed. “The Guard is relatively new, this is our first mission abroad, and we were chosen for this journey on ceremonial grounds. He should have noticed us and slipped us, but he didn't. He might have been a decoy, someone to make Lord Eminence believe he had spotted who followed him, but then he wouldn't have followed him all the way like he did. At least not according to our training.”

“Do you know who he was?” Twilight asked.

“I think I do” said the other pegasus – Shadows Gather. “In fact, he was one of the King's cronies we almost had an – an... intermezzo with during that... dinner. He was sitting in front of me, see. I don't know his name, but...”

“We can get the seating arrangements and deduce it” said Twilight and interrupted him. “So the King knows – or at least his warriors. I don't know if he listens to them anymore.”

“Yeah, it seems he almost bullies them around” said Spike.

“It seems – at least the servants' gossip says so – that the King and his friends were some sort of adventurers – mercenaries, bounty hunters, monster slayers, you know the drill – before he became king,” said Milky Way. “So he was some kind of romantic hero, he was their leader.”

“How many was in that gang?” said Spike. Everyone looked at him. “I'm just curious” he added.

“Six,” said Milky Way after thinking a short while. “There's a bunch of hangarounds who also live in the castle and serve the king, but including King Ukko, there are six of the real deal left.”

“Thanks” said Spike and gave Twilight an odd look. She only remained puzzled a short while, then she looked back.

“Do you mean... no, never mind,” she said. “One of the King's friends shadowed Lord Eminence. We must assume the King knows something fishy is going on. Go on.”

“Eventually, he came to another tavern, which actually was worth that description,” said Misty Wisp.

“Down in the harbor,” said Twilight absentmindedly.

“How did you know, Lady Sparkle?” said Milky Way.

“He was contacting pirates,” Twilight said. “I guessed they wouldn't be hanging around in the Temple of Skinfaxi.”

“Of who?” said Misty Wisp.

“Never mind, carry on,” said Twilight.

“Well, he tried to set up some circus act and surprise them, but it didn't work very well on accord of him overestimating that spell of his,” said Misty Wisp. “I couldn't go in without him spotting me, but Shadows Gather could see through a window.”

“It was dark in there, but we are trained to see in darkness and I could see him talking to three reindeer,” said Shadows Gather. “I wanted to hear what they said, but it was impossible. He left after half an hour. He gave the reindeer a satchel, and they basically emptied it onto the table in a big heap of money. To count it. It took a long time and irritated him.”

“In the middle of the tavern?” said Twilight incredulously.

“There weren't anyone else there, that's why I couldn't go in,” said Misty Wisp. “The owner probably knows who they were but not what they were doing. Those pirates have to sell their plunder somewhere, and I guess that tavern is a place where such things are done.”

“Strange, but go on,” said Twilight.

“Anyway, he got out and started back towards the palace, so I followed him,” said Misty Wisp. “Shadows Gather was to follow the three pirates, but...”

“I lost them,” said the pegasus apologetically. “There's a lot of reindeer in the harbor, and even if they say trade is going badly several ships left while I watched and went out to sea. I tried to check them out, but I couldn't see any of the three on board.”

“They could be under deck, or be sitting in a house waiting for darkness,” said Twilight. “There is nothing we can do.”

“I'm sorry, Lady Sparkle,” said Milky Way.

“Don't be, you did very well under the circumstances” said Twilight and actually smiled.

“So... should we apprehend the traitor?” said Dark Clouds eagerly.

Everyone looked at him. Everyone but Twilight and including Dark Clouds looked at Twilight.

“No. Not yet” Twilight said and rubbed her horn and head with her hoof. “The Princess must judge how we go about doing this. There must be some consideration of what the reindeer will say. Neither you nor I are qualified to make a decision here. Go back to your quarters, stay alert.”

The guards looked at each other and shrugged. Shadows Gather cleared his throat.

“Yes?” said Twilight, who had become lost in thought.

“Can we have the TV back?” he said.

“Sure,” Twilight said. “But don't stay up all night watching it!”

As they left, Twilight sighed and flopped down on the bed in her room.

“You don't look good,” said Spike and sat down on the bed.

“It's just so much, Spike” she said. ”The Princess is acting weird. I am uncertain what to do with the kids and this quest they have gotten into their heads. While helping them I gave Prince Vigg a fit. And then there is this business with that annoying spy. All together it gives me a headache.”

Spike gave her a reassuring hug.

“You told them you would check in on them later,” he said.

“Shoo! I did, and I should... only I am unsure when the Princess comes back and I should report to her at once when she does...” Twilight bit her lip.

“I can go and get them to come here, and when the Princess comes you can just shoo them out, OK?” Spike said. “And if Vigg isn't OK – I am pretty sure he is – then I can tell you.”

Twilight nodded.

“Thanks Spike!” she said. “My number one assistant as usual!”

Spike smiled back and jumped off the bed.

“Six heroes,” Twilight said. “Like the six Elements of Harmony.”

“Yeah,” said Spike “maybe there's a law, or something. Every country gets six heroes who run around and do hero stuff. Like every country gets to have one flag and one national flower but six heroes.”

“I think it is just a practical number,” said Twilight. Spike shrugged and headed for the door.

“Spike?” she said.

“Yeah?” said Spike.

“If I start bully the others when I get old and cranky will you tell me off?” she said.

“As if I will need to!” he said. “It's not like they are pushovers, you know. I don't get why they don't just left Ukko in his old palace when he stopped being their friend!”

And with that he left.