• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 2,052 Views, 73 Comments

Hell's Angel - Resurgent Wanderer

Roughly half a year after finding herself on a strange new planet, Scootaloo has become quite the survivor. But when that planet is glassed, the filly finds herself paired with another good survivor, Spartan-IV Faolan Grant.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Scootaloo stood as firm as she could, despite the fact that she couldn't move either wing, nor her right back leg. She glared angrily from behind her helmets visor as her aggressors advanced. They still had their rifles trained on her, and they were ready to open fire should she as much as bat and eyelash. This was something Scootaloo knew.

"So, did someone figure out that trying to play lone wolf doesn't generally end well?" jeered one of the aggressors from behind his rifle.

Rather than worry, the filly just sneered back as she glared down the barrels of the rifles and uttered but one word.


Upon that single utterance Fireteam Raven emerged from behind cover and systematically took down each of their fellow members aggressors. As the final aggressor dropped a red light illuminated everyone present, and the armour locking technology of the room shut down. It was then that Scootaloo moved forward and proffered a hoof to the marines laying about on the ground.

"Good match, I'm surprised you managed to last as long as you did, and I hope Romela doesn't hate me too much for that shot. I swear I had a good sight on his stomach before he stepped up." Kramer laughed as she aided another marine regain his footing. Just then the P.A. system came online carrying Commander Travis' voice.

*Fireteam Raven:128, Marines:4. Congratulations Raven, you're run was by far the fastest we've ever seen on this ship. Marines, you are dismissed, Raven, I've need to speak with you all when you've stepped out of your armour.*


"So guys, what do you think is in store for us? I mean, due to all the crap we've put up with our ship has made port more than a few times. Linda and Indigo seem to be getting along better than 'just fine', Kramer and Williams are a go, as are you an Faolan, and I'm just fine." Davis mentally pondered as he stepped off the armour changing platform.

Indigo flushed for a moment before promptly slamming Davis onto his back.
"So you have been spying on me you pric! And as for the call, well we set a record in the War Games, so it probably has to do with that."

"Besides, we've done nothing wrong." Williams noted as he neatly sidestepped Davis.

"So who's going to say it?"

"Say what, Kramer? Davis asked as he returned to his feet.

"Tha' you think it may have summat tae do with tha' harddrive?" inquired Faolan.

All eyes turned to Scootaloo who just shrugged.
"Long as nopony tells me that my old home is under attack I'm happy. Besides, we stand around talking we'll never find out, talking is just a time spender."
As she walked forward the Spartan mare flicked her tail at Faolan's crotch.
"And we as in Faolan and I have plans for tonight and don't want to be kept waiting, so come on."

Falling into step behind their friend, Fireteam Raven headed off to see what Commander Travis had to say.


Standing on her balcony, as she was want to do often, Luna gazed up at the star filled masterpiece before her. She was truly impressed with the work Twilight had done earlier that day when she'd offered to let her make a constellation. When she found it her gaze lingered as the kind of pain from hiding truths and unwillingly hurting your friends for the greater good weighed down on her. On a whim Luna delved into her dream world and prayed that what she found would be amiable.


-Our techies have been messing with it for ages, and we've finally made a breakthrough! We have the coordinates to the planet and can return you home Spartan Scootaloo!

Commander Travis smiled gently.
"I will not make the choice for you young one. While you may be under my command by word of ONI, they, or atleast one of their rogue groups, are why you're stuck like this. You are free to chose what you wish to do, stay with us, or go back home. Regardless of choice, though, we will make contact, and would prefer you aid us with that."

Hear tha' lass? Yer fin'lay gettin' yer home back! Damn, some one looks eager and a lot more energetic-

Cutting the last vision off as she approached her dream world destination Luna prepared herself for anything she might face inside the subconscious wanderings of Scootaloo's mind. Once steeled, the alicorn delved forward and found herself in Ponyville's meadows just outside town. On a hilltop she spied Scootaloo and her Equestrian family, as well as six hulking beings she recognized from her original visits.

Ever cautious, Luna moved forward only to have a larger and far more muscular Scootaloo spot her.

"Luna? Like, the real one, or am I dreaming you? Damn, fuck it, I'm hugging you anyway, goddesses I've missed you!" Scootaloo cried as she threw her hooves(gently) around Luna's neck. The dark alicorn hesitated for a moment before returning the hug.

"Hello young one. I see you have changed. For the better I hope?"

Nodding like a schoolfilly asked to prom the mare bounced a few time before leading Luna back to the 'picnic'.
"You have no idea! Made a new group of friends too! Blue eyed blonde there is Williams, the fireteam leader and a steadfast steady friend, reminds me a lot of Applejack in attitude actually. Next to him is Kramer, she's the dark tan one, green eyes black hair, acts like mom, but I've never told her. Anyway they're a couple."
The two waved hello, as per Scootaloo's influence of the dream.
That one with black hair and blue eyes, white, is Davis, a very Pinkie Pie-esque guy. Next to him...well, I didn't know him long, but in retrospect I owe him my life, is Jecht. He's the ebon skinned guy. My understanding is that he was to bombs that Twilight is to magic."
Those two also gave a wave.
"Indigo is next. I don't know everything about her background other than the word oriental. Anyway she's nice, but she's to her fire arms like Rarity is to her dresses."
That was about when Scootaloo stopped, suddenly aware that she had no idea how to reveal what Faolan was to her. Luna noted the silence.

"Are you alright young one? If the last one scares you I can banish him from you thoughts."

Perhaps over reacting a bit, Scootaloo threw herself in front of him.
"Nooo! He's my colt-friend!"

Luna's eyes widened a fair ways as she took in the sight.

"Its....I know it's weird because he's a human and I'm a pony, but the fact of the matter is I kinda find myself loving the big guy. His name is Faolan Grant, and he helped me alot." Scootaloo explained, noting that Luna still seemed on edge, "You know how you helped me when I first showed up on that planet. Well he does that only more so, and it isn't about body shape, it's about who he is....Damnit now I'm getting all sappy!"

Luna just nodded her head, she had more worrisome things to deal with.
"And you are returning apparently?"

"Yep, can't wait to get back either, totally need to see if Sweetlie or 'Bloom got their cutie marks! Mine is actually for being a Spartan, how's that for a laugh?"

Nodding, Luna let Scootaloo get back to dreaming.


Eye's snapping open Luna immediately teleported her self to a large statue in Ponyville. It was only two years old and depicted a young fill standing proudly next to a scooter and helmet. The alicorns eyes strayed down to the plaque at the bottom.

This a memorial to the ponies that strive for peace and harmony in Equestria.
Also solely dedicated to Scootaloo Dashia, who gave her life to protect her family and her friends.
Should we all be so brave and selfless, that the world might never overtake us.

A second teleport had Luna gazing upon a small white tombstone. One that bore the fillies name, and stated quite clearly the date that Luna had confirmed the filly dead.
"What have I done?"

~~~Three months two weeks later~~~

Orders as per instruction of the Gryphon Warlady-

You are to sneak in to Canterlot Castle and strike down the Princess, or at least do your best.
You all are hear-by released from your legal bonds as prisoner provided you follow through with this task, and will be granted your freedom should you return, your execution as planned should you refuse.
Harm no pony aside from guards or Princess, and follow the map given to us by our most esteemed Warlady's life partner.
Also, in this case is a 'gift' of sorts that needs 'returned'.
May your wings carry you home, or the clouds let your soul rest.

~~~Three months four weeks later~~~

"Fireteam, Commander Travis, take your seats, your drop will be commencing in t-minus five minutes!" called one of the engineers. Nodding, the group began to ready itself as the hatches closed on their Stealth Insertion Pods, favouring them over a Pelican to not worry any natives to the planet.

"Are ye ready tae be home lass?"


Rubbing the back of his head Faolan put on his helmet.
"Ah should'ha know the answer tae tha', shouldn'av Ah?"

Nodding, Scootaloo mimed blowing the Spartan a quick kiss from behing her armour and readied herself for the drop.

"Dropping t-minus five....four....three....two....one!"

Scootaloo grinned as she felt the pod lurch.

She fucking loved this part!


Celestia growled in fury as she stood off from the gryphon assassins that had made their presence known. Next to her was Luna. Luna had thankfully teleported the guards out of the room to protect them when the grypons appeared.

"So, a gryphon finally makes a move on me? To what to I owe this displeasure?" Celestia asked near cordially.

One of the gryphons just sneered as her drew his blade.
"Somepony doesn't like the way you rule things, something about not dealing with things yourself."

Rather than let the gryphon's words affect her, Celestia counted off the twenty odd assassins and realized she was in trouble.
"Luna," she murmured, "We can not stop them with them being this close. I'll hold the back you run."

Luna looked ready to object when two things happened at once. First, the assassins all lunged forward, the second that three large objects slammed through the roof and into the floor of the castle.

All present stopped as the sides of the objects hissed and opened slowly.

Out from the pods dropped six bipeds that neither Celestia nor the gryphons had seen before five armour, one appearing to be wearing a nice military suit. Then, armoured like the other five, a pony like figure stepped out. Luna was the first to react.

"Scootaloo, the gryphons are assassins!"

The armoured pony turned to look at Luna when a sharpened blade slammed into the side of her helmet. Her shields meant it did nothing. The next thirty seconds practically never existed as the new arrivals put down each gryphons, only one managing to escape.

"Well done fireteam!" Commander Travis called, "Now holster your weapons, this was supposed to be strictly diplomatic."

Everyone followed orders as Celestia stared on in wonder while still staying ready for combat and Luna just sat behind her fidgeting and looking nervous. It wasn't until the armour pony turned and removed her helmet did Celestia relax some, but even then she remained cautious.

"Scootaloo? Is that you?"

Smiling in return the mare looked around and took a deep breath of Equestrian air.
"Hell yes it is, I'm back bitches!"
The mare froze suddenly, remembering that Celestia was still a princess. Dropping to a bow she quickly rephrased her sentence.
"Er, I mean, yes your highness, I have returned."

Celestia wasn't even looking at Scootaloo any more, but instead at Luna.
"You told us she was dead...."

Scootaloo heard this, but shrugged.
"Princess Luna said I was shifting out of range for her to reach my dreams, she probably did think me dead, but then, why haven't you told them that you talked to me a few months ago?"

Celestia raised an eye at this while Faolan began to piece together his own thoughts on what had happened.

"Err, I...." the Lunar Diarch stuttered.

"Luna....you don't have a range to your spell...." Celestia noted.

Realizing she had no choice but to admit her failure Luna ground a hoof into the marble floor angrily.
"Okay fine, I stopped seeing Scootaloo by choice! The things she'd been seeing? The horrors? I wasn't even that bad under the influence of Nightmare's taint! Discord wasn't that bad under her taint either, and that's what sent her to that planet!" Luna ranted angrily.
"The fact of the matter is I figured there was no way she'd live, so I gave up!"

Celestia looked shocked, Travis kept his features neutral, and Scootaloo...well she looked absolutely betrayed.

"But...you said...and every night I prayed...I needed you, and you just left me....why?"

Luna was caught between a rock and a hard place, but she figured she might as well come fully clean.
"Why didn't I stay? Your nightmares were of nothing of death and decay and rot. I didn't want to stay, and your stupid fear was too much for me to dispel them! It was your fault I couldn't help, so I left. I had a country to run."

All trace of sorrow vanished as Scootaloo's face took to a scowl that Faolan knew well. He grabbed hold of Scootaloo's waist just as she threw herself at Luna.
"Oh I'm fucking sorry the hell I was forced to live in was scary, but hey, I didn't cop out like a bitch! You fucking cunt, I can't believe you left me with that! I was alone and only had you after the Saipans died, and you just fucking left because it was scary?"

The rest of Scootaloo's words fell into the background for Luna as she noted Celestia eyeing her unhappily.
"This...decision of yours has caused much grief sister. I do not approve, and suggest you leave for the time being and let me take charge of this."

"NEVER!," Luna snapped back, "I have seen what she has done, and what those aliens called humans do! I will not leave you here alone sister! Not with these wretched monsters!"

Growling faintly, Faolan hefted up Scootaloo and handed her off to Indigo and Kramer to calm down before turning to face Luna. Commander Travis seemed to notice this too.

"Spartan Grant, stand down."

Ignoring the command Faolan removed his helm and dropped it to the ground, shattering the already partially cracked marble floor it landed on. He then locked eyes with Luna.
"Monsters? Monsters? We figh' for the survival o' our race as a whole, and to stop those who woul' try'n destroy peace. More specifically, Ah, mah team, an' Scootaloo fight for each other, as friends. An' let me tell you, Ah get it. Ah really do get it. Scootaloo tol' me all abou' yer tirade and the whole Nigh'mare Moon thing. What you did an' such. You claim tha' you though' she'd die, so you left her?"
At this point Scootaloo had realized Faolan was a bout to go off on Luna and began moving to stop him, as he didn't have grief as an excuse.
"You're a fucking coward, tha's wha' you are. You left Scootaloo because you saw in our enemy wha' you could have been had you not been stopped, and it scared ye, so you left an innocent lass to handle it herself! You disgust me, an' if things were tae be had mah way, Ah'd beat the ever livin' fu-"


The rest of Faolan's words were cut off as Scootaloo knocked his legs out from under him, even still the damage was done as Luna pushed Celestia aside and lit her horn.

"You dare come to my home and insult me? I should cut you down like the beast you are!"

It was then Scootaloo did something that caught everyone off guard. Dropping all her shields and lowering herself into a submissive bow, the mare gave her words with dignity that Celestia would be hard pressed to match.
"You lied, you acted a coward, but honestly I choose not to blame you. I do so in hopes I can salvage what I can and keep my friends safe. Fell free to strike down the 'beasts' as you called them Luna, but know that if you do, you start with me."

Finally with everypony having stayed still long enough to get a lock on them Celestia teleported her volatile sister to Ponyville library with a message to Twilight to hold her, then turned to the Spartans before stepping forward and drawing Scootaloo into a hug.

"You have grown up well Scootaloo. It seems your time away has matured you. You even carry your scar well, granted it wasn't something I noticed until now. Regardless, it is obvious that your friends wish to talk, I'm assuming about peace and a possible alliance." reasoned Celestia, a nod from Commander Travis ensuring her beliefs, "But I do not draw alliances with war faring nations. It is against the policies that has, until today, kept Equestria from having any issues. Due to this, I will have to ask that you keep your stay as short as possible, as it will make handling the assassin issue easier. Finally I-"

"Hold the phone, you say tha' were war faring? Well wha' abou' Scootaloo, this is her home!" Faolan grumbled.

"I know, and she is free to stay, but I do not need warriors from other planets running around willy nilly. It could cause problems."

Scootaloo found herself in the situation she'd feared for the longest time. Knowing that her fireteam had no problem with her leaving, as long as it made her happy, and that Commander Travis had already told her she could go, Scootaloo planned on choosing Equestria. But now? Now that she knew Faolan couldn't stay at all, not even for a month or so... She didn't know what to do. She was torn between Faolan and Equestria, and it seemed impassable as to pick one over the other, and Faolan seemed to recognize that.

Leaning over, the Scotsman lifted Scootaloo's chin and kissed her lightly before staring deep into her eyes.
"Ah only wan' wha'll make ye happy lass. If tha' means you've got tae leave me tae see your family an' your mates again, do it. Ah'll sleep easy knowing your safe."

The words her lover spoke struck deep within her chest, and Scootaloo felt her throat constrict as tears began to leak onto her cheeks. Try as hard as she might, she knew she could never pick one over the other.
"I don't want you to go....and I don't want to go...."
Feeling a second pull at her chin Scootaloo looked back up, only this time to meet the kind magenta eyes of Celestia.

"You love this stallion, do you not?"

Unable to form a clear answer Scootaloo just continued leaking tears.
"I....please, don't make me choose...."

"Then don't." Celestia stated bluntly, "You have but one favour, anything you could want in Equestria, as per custom for saving either my own or my sisters life. Since i am the only one present, you can ask for one of these favours, your second when you see Luna again. Consider your choice wisely though."

Brightening slightly, Scootaloo thought of how she could have Faolan stay with her here, but that was crushed as she remembered he had his own obligations. Her face told her humans friends exactly what she had just thought and Commander Travis reached into a pocket before stepping forward.

"Spartan-IV Scootaloo Dashia of the UNSC Raven Claw...pronounced dead, no recoverable body, after the stealth pod malfunctioned." With that Commander Travis produced ruined holotags with Scootaloo's information on it. "And Spartan-IV Faolan Grant, should he consider it and with my regards, pronounced dead, no recoverable body, after the same stealth pod Spartan-IV Scootaloo was in malfunctioned."

At this Williams stepped forward.
"We all talked it over, knew something like this might happen. Pull a few strings here and there, acquire some explosives and set off a pod. This is a choice you and Scootaloo share Grant. Do what you know will make you happy, your fate is in your own hands."

"Besides, we know that whatever happens, we'll always be Fireteam Raven." Indigo noted.

"And we'll always, even if its just a moral support from a galaxy away, have our backs." Kramer agreed.

Davis just stood there smirking.
"Besides, we'd hate to split up fuck buddies."
When no one laughed he got a bit more serious.
"I'll miss you guys, but hey, I'll find someone new to make jokes about if I have to."

Both Faolan and Scootaloo turned to look once at Celestia, standing serenely on one side, then to their holotags on the other.

Giving Faolan one last kiss Scootaloo decided what they would do.
"Eyes closed, only what we want. Count to three, and we both choose where we want to go. No peeking, no choosing the one that you think the other will choose, okay?"
Faolan nodded.


Both Scootaloo and Faolan closed their eyes.


Inhaling deeply, they both prepared for what they knew would fully change their lives.


Author's Note:

Yup, I just hung you right off that cliff.

Sorry about that, but it makes the epilogue better in the next chapter =P

Anyway, I hope I handled all that decently well. I can see Celestia not wanting to associate with warfaring countries or groups too. Anyway I do the epilogue and that is this story done, but don't worry, I have a sequel planned already.

Hope you've enjoyed things so far!