• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 2,052 Views, 73 Comments

Hell's Angel - Resurgent Wanderer

Roughly half a year after finding herself on a strange new planet, Scootaloo has become quite the survivor. But when that planet is glassed, the filly finds herself paired with another good survivor, Spartan-IV Faolan Grant.

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Riggs, take point, Holley and Greendale, left flank! Jenkins, suppressive SAW fire on that turret. We need to hold this fucking line! Manket, watch the right! Shit, Holley, right flank! Corps. man check on Manket!” Ramirez screamed.

His squad was taking a beating, but they were the best there was.

“Sir, I’m good, just nicked me!” Manket called back as he lifted himself from the ground.

Just as the squad was about to be overwhelmed a metal pod slammed into the ground before them and the front hatch exploded off, taking out three hostiles in the process. Out from the pod stepped a hulking figure in silvery grey metal armour.

“ODST Raetz at your service, marines!”

The soldiers all stared in awe for a moment before the retorts of the ODST’s Designated Marksman’s Rifle echoed in their ears. Like a switch was flipped on, the battle continued.


She watched the battle taking place cooly. She knew it was but a matter of time before it reached her as well. Eyes staring out like a hawk, she noted about four soldiers making their way towards her, one carrying a fifth. Slipping her arm through the jacket sleeves, affixing her choker and downing a Vicodin she readied herself for trouble.


Raetz was coming up in the rear ensuring everyone else made it inside before firing off five more rounds, smiling grimly as they slammed home into a Kig-Yar. Ducking in through the door, Holley and Riggs pushed a large desk in front of it while the Corps.man was working frantically over Ramirez.

“Corps.man, report!” Raetz barked as he lent his own strength into barricading the door.

The Corps.man just shook his head.
“Nothing I can do. He’s gone...”

Raetz nodded and was about to give more orders when the barricaded door exploded just as Riggs and Holley both finished placing a chair in front of it.

The former was incinerated, the latter splattered on the far wall.

Vision spinning Raetz was just beginning to lift himself up off the ground as three Kig-Yar and two Sangheli Covenant ‘Purists’ came in. The ODST could do nothing as the Corps.man was executed before him, nor could he do a thing as one of the Sangheli lifted him up by his helmet.

“Your head will look well mounted on my wall.”

“Go fuck yourself split lips!” Raetz growled back as the elite’s energy sword flickered to life.

Just as the Sangheli was about to impale the ODST the side of his head exploded outwards in a shower of gore and brain.

“Sorry colts, but I can’t let you do that...”

The whole group, Raetz included, turned towards the voice. ODST’s see some crazy shit, but for Raetz this took the cake.

In a matter of seconds Raetz’s saviour lunged forward and spun twin kicks into the closest Kig-Yar, the bracers on the beings ankle flaring to life as energy daggers sizzled deep in the aliens flesh. As it landed, the new combatant pulled a Type-52 ‘Mauler’ pistol from its back and fired a single round into the second Sangheli’s face, killing it instantly.

The final combatant, a Kig-Yar, leapt forward and knocked the Mauler from the grasp of Raet’s rescuer. As for the rescuer, they had pulled a knife the second the Kig-Yar made contact with the Type-52.

“That’s cute...you and me then.”

The Kig-Yar blinked twice before locking its gaze onto the knife its enemy held.

“Got this by beating the thing to death...think you’ll fare any better?”

In response the Kig-Yar turned to bolt out the room, but died near immediately when the curved and serrated blade of a Jiralhanae knife slammed home into its back. Raetz just stared as his rescuer lifted up the Marauder and replaced it on her back before wrenching the knife out of the Kig-Yar. It then lifted a Type-51 ‘Covenant’ Carbine and tossed it to him.

“They’ll have reinforcements soon, you should get....well fuck.”

Raetz had raised the rifle and pointed straight at the alien.
“What are you!”

The ‘alien’ glared back, one eye purple, the other red with a vertical scar over it.
“Pegasus. Filly. Not somepony to point a rifle at...” the being warned. “The covenant called me the ‘Feather Demon’ while they fought the resistance here. The resistance called me ‘Hell’s Angel’, my name though, is S-”

*This is an emergency transmission to all UNSC forces. The Covenant are going to glass the planet, you have 15 to make it back to your nearest F.O.B.*

“Shit, listen, your name doesn’t matter right now. You aren’t a threat, am I right?” Raetz barked.

“Ha! Not to you at least!”

Behind his helmet Raetz rolled his eyes and nodded to the door.
“We need to find a ride.”

The pegasus nodded and bolted out the door as Raetz watched. He noted that it seemed to be able to transition easily between bipedal and quadrupedal states, and it was only then he realized it had somehow gripped its weapons in its hooves. Shrugging, the ODST followed it out as he began to try to hail the F.O.B.


Raetz had just finished his call to the F.O.B explaining his situation when he heard and engine rev, and the ‘pegasus’ call out.

“Oh hell to the fuck yes!”

Stepping out, the ODST found that the 4’6”-ish(standing bipedally) being had found a Type-25 ‘Chopper’ Rapid Assault Vehicle and was revving the engine with a near manic gleam in her eyes.

“This our ride, ‘Hell’s Angel’?” Raetz asked.

“Yeah, but you’re holding onto the back for three reason. Mag-locks on your boots, better gripping strength, and because this beats the fuck out of my old scooter any day!” the filly laughed. “And the name is Scootaloo! Now grab on, ‘cause I don’t need my ass glassed!”

Raetz nodded, telling Scootaloo the direction she needed to go before latching onto the back of the craft.


Scootaloo, regardless of how hardened she’d become, still let out a startled yelp as a purple fluorescent needle slammed into the console next to her face. Casting a quick glance over her shoulder, she found Raetz firing his carbine back at the Kig-Yar fleeing the planet in their Wraith.

The Wraith was suddenly enveloped in flames as twin Pelicans tore into it, having homed in on Raetz’s emergency beacon. One of the Pelican’s dropped its rear hatch and lowered itself alongside the Chopper.

“On three, jump!” Raetz’s muffled voice called.

The pegasus nodded and jumped on three, landing deftly on the edge of the platform due to her wings. Looking back time seemed to slow as Raetz missed horribly and began to fall as the Pelican rose. On instinct the filly shot forward, wrapping one hoof around the ODST’s arm and another gripping the edge of the hatch. Even with flapping her wings frantically the filly swore the weight was going to tear her in half.

Just as she began to slip, three arms shot passed her and grabbed Raetz whilst another set of hands hauled her up from the edge.

Catching her breath, the filly looked over to see another Corps.man kneeling over Raetz, pulling a needle from the side of his neck. With a shake of his head the Corps.man pulled out a body bag and readied it. Before Scootaloo could say or do anything, she heard the sound of a gun being cocked behind her. Turning, she found herself staring into the reflective visors of four soldiers.
“Oh, so we’re back to aiming guns at my head....well fuck you too then.”

If the soldiers were shocked they didn’t show it. One of them relayed the situation over their comms. device then walked to a panel only to pull out cuffs. Scootaloo eyed them angrily before she started feeling smart.

“Quadruped. How do you expect me to walk? And before you say it, you are so not carrying me around.”

This gave the soldier pause.
“Sergeant...what do we do?”

“Keep it under guard. Not much else I can think of. Up top says they want to talk to it, but other than that we treat the thing.”

*Tink tink tink*

The sergeant felt three light impacts on his helmet and when he turned the orange furred face of Scootaloo floated in front of him.

“Name, species, gender, age. Just like you. Scootaloo, pegasus pony, mare, fifteen. Your turn.” she finished, executing a quick backflip before seating herself. “Go on, I introduced myself.”

When the marines refused to answer Scootaloo just harrumphed and took a seat, waiting for them to reach their destination.


After landing in the docking bay Scootaloo was escorted out of the Pelican and into the halls. The filly had shifted her hair over her red eye to make for a better first impression as well, but judging from the odd looks she was already going to have her work cut out for her.

“What the hell...”

“We gettin’ pack mules now, ha!”

“Fuck is that?”

“Oh look, that for dinner?”

On the final remark Scootaloo snapped. The first family to take her in after she’d arrived on that planet had been eaten by Jirahalnae. She responded the only way she knew how. Arching her wings out, the filly shot forward with a mighty flap and slammed the marine into the deck. Both eyes now obvious for all to see, she drew her knife and slammed it into the ground next to the marine’s head.
“Bitch I eat people!”

Everyone froze up waiting to see what would happen next.

“Wow, yer daft as y’are ugly Ferrel. We get ourselves a new alien race, an’ ye think it’s a grand idea tae piss it off? Good on ye. Anyway, miss, if ye’ll come with me please.” an accented voice called out.

The four marines that had been escorting Scootaloo made to object, but the larger man silenced them with a glare.

“It needs to be taken to the commander Spartan Grant.”

“Ah know.”

Scootaloo wrenched her knife free and replaced it in its sheath before turning to see one of the largest humans she’d ever seen. He towered easily over the other soldiers and wore a black skin tight suit on his upper body and black pants on his lower body. Along with that was shaved reddish hair and tattoos all over his face.

Regardless of appearance the man gave Scootaloo a soft disarming smile while gesturing for her to follow him.
“We’ll even take a swing down tae the mess hall before we go, on the off chance yer hungry.”

This was enough to get the filly behind the large man, and the man was enough to get everyone to shut up and wander off to their own devices.


Scootaloo sat down just as the spartan slid a tray of preserved applepaste over to her. The pegasus gave it a sniff, a look of disgust, then a tentative lick before shuddering with disgust.

“Sorry lass, but we don’ have the capability tae make our own food out here. Instea’ we get this shite. Textures awful, but the taste isnae to bad. Anyway, Ah’ve got some questions for ye before we get back tae headin’ tae see the commander.”

Scootaloo just shrugged.
“I have questions too.”

“Ah asked firs’”

“I don’t care.”

“Ah’m bigger’n you are.”

“I have a knife.” Scootaloo deadpanned, driving the blade into the table top.

“Ah have a fist.” the spartan shot back slamming his fist down and denting the table.

Scootaloo froze for a moment until she saw the soldier get a winning gleam in his eye. So she drew her trump card.
“Well I’m a filly, and it’s impolite to make a filly go second.”

A flash of annoyance shot across the spartans face before he busted out laughing.
“Alrigh’, ye got me there. ‘Ow’s this, we’ll take turns passin’ off questions. You go, then Ah’ll go.”

Scootaloo nodded her assent before asking her question.
“Who and what are you?”

“Faolan Grant, Spartan-IV, active soldier in the UNSC. There’s yer who an’ yer what. Your turn lass.”

“Scootaloo Dashia, adopted daughter of Rainbow Dashia, but she prefers Dash. I’m a pegasus pony.” Scootaloo smiled proudly. “Okay, so why are you so much bigger than all the other soldiers?”

“Spartan-IV programme. Allowed legal adults to take part. Mah elder sister an’ Ah both joined up, but Ah’m the one takin’ the hard jobs far as Ah know. Last Ah heard she and ‘er fireteam got some cushy job protectin’ a fancy ship.”

Scootaloo’s eyes lit up for a moment.
“A ship?! Like one of the huge space ones! That’s awesome!”

Faolan laughed slightly at the filly’s enthusiasm.
“Alrigh’ Ah’m sure t’is. Okay, how old are you?”

“I’m sixteen now...I’ll be seventeen in...uh..I think a month or so.”

The spartan nearly choked on his food. It was easier to believe that the filly before him was more akin to being in her twenties. She had the scar over her eye, and said eye was red as opposed to the purple he was sure was the natural colour. Coupling that with what he’d heard of the studies done from ODST Raetz’s helmet cam the filly had acted much more like a hardened warrior. Now here she was bouncing around like a schoolgirl on a fieldtrip.

“How old are you?”

“Nineteen. I was legally an adult where I came from at seventeen, so I joined up like my older sister. Got assigned to fireteam Raven on this ship. Birthday was three months back.”

Scootaloo was just about to ask one more question when a random soldier came running up to Faolan.

“Spartan Grant, a direct line to the commander!”

The spartan took the earpiece and nodded in accordance to what he was hearing. As he listened his face grew into a scowl. As soon as the communication frequency ended the spartan stood and tossed the earpiece back to the soldier.

“We’re leaving Scootaloo.”

When the filly blinked at him, Faolan clarified.

“The commander just got word that we have ONI spooks inbound after hearing of a new alien lifeform. The thing is, ONI didn’t send an investigation team, they sent a dissection team. Like I said, we’re leaving.”


Scootaloo watched in semi amazement as Faolan had his armour attached to him. When the final piece, a helmet, was put on a techie looking man stepped forward and affixed something to the front.

“We modcopped that scanner and altered the specifications like you asked Spartan. Unsurprisingly you were right. You should have full access to Thermal, Night and Infrared vision bundled up in that little box of yours.”

Faolan nodded his thanks and lumbered over to Scootaloo lifting her up onto his now armour shoulder.
“Not much time, I’ll be running. Hold tight.”


“This is the armoury. Grab at most two firearms and let’s get moving.” Faolan ordered.

It took Scootaloo all of two seconds to find what she wanted. Lifting a M6C/SOCOM off the wall, the filly tossed it twice before stashing a number of clips into her bag next to her Mauler. Smiling and securing her Jirahalnae knife Scootaloo turned to see Faolan grab a sniper rifle and a scopeless battle rifle.

Once both finished they literally went across the hallway to the hangar. Flashing his I.D. and having the commander already have called ahead Faolan looked at what he was getting joyously.

“You’re shitting me...this the new modified stealth pod? Nice, it’s set for carrying three soldiers too. Makes sense with the penchant for six man fireteams. Alrigh’, ‘nough stalling, Scootaloo, time for us tae split.” Faolan laughed with a smile on his face. “An’ Ah hope you can hold yer lunch.”


Scootaloo could indeed hold her lunch. In fact, she'd laughed wildly the whole way down while Faolan grit his teeth in discomfort at the weightlessness.







"C'mon, it wasn't that bad. Besides, worst case scenario is something went wrong and I jumped out and flew. Not too hard to do, you know?" Scootaloo grinned as Faolan re-secured his helmet right after wiping his mouth.

"You can fly, I can't..."

The filly gave pause before remembering the that certain detail, then smiled again.
"Well, from that height death on impact would have been instant, so there wouldn't have been pain..."

Faolan just shook his head and activated his transponder so his fireteam could find him.
"Never go into motivational speaking Scootaloo."

The pegasus wasn't paying attention though. Her ears picked up something in the underbrush and the filly pulled her M6C/S and tossed a round into the tree next to where she heard the noise. In reaction Faolan whipped around and trained his battle rifle in the same general area only to hear someone human call out.

"Grant, I swear you shoot me and I'll kick your ass! Same goes for your new friend there!"

Faolan immediately lowered his rifle and laughed as his fireteam members stepped out of the shrubs.
"Kramer, you nearly got a second bleeding whole."
The whole fireteam laughed whilst Kramer slugged the closest other spartan to her.

"Shut up Grant. And Indigo, I'll hit you harder next time. We're supposed to stick together, being the only two girls here."

Faolan just shook his head as Gunnery Sergeant Williams stepped forward and shook Faolan's hand.
"This the alien you got held back on the ship for Grant? She doesn't look like she has much to offer."

Annoyed that she kept getting talked to or about in a condescending manner Scootaloo stepped forward and tapped a hoof to Williams groin plate.
"Neither does this, but hey, that's why we all carry firearms right?"

Rather than take offense, Williams just laughed.
"Spunky then. Tell me, how good a shot are you?"

Pulling out her Type-52 Mauler the filly grinned, a seriousness and grimness suddenly filling her eyes.

"I can hit anything I want."

A spartan laughed in the background.
"Jecht and I could hit anything with a shotgun too, it isn't that hard."

Scootaloo just growled.
"Name, then pick up that rock and throw it high and far."

"Davis, and whatever."

Davis lifted a stone, about a baseball in width, and chucked it far. Just as it started to blur into the blue of the sky Scootaloo pulled the trigger, a single superheated slug ripping out of the barrel. The rock shattered into dust.
"You want to see what that does to armour, Davis?"

"I think I'm good..."

"Aww but-"

Scootaloo was cut off as Williams barked for everyone to stow the chatter.

"I need to know two things Grant. First is, why is she here? I thought she was supposed to be on the ship?"

Faolan nodded.
"She was, but somehow ONI caught wind of her. They sent a body retrieval team though, and the commander wasn't playing with that so she had Scootaloo 'escape' and sent us after her."

"Okay, now can we still preform the mission with her?"

"She can be my spotter." Faolan assured.

"Good, then make camp here, and then we head out bright and early at 0:30. Before that, introductions. I'm Williams, I lead Fireteam Raven. The smart mouths back there are Jecht, our demo expert, and Davis, our CQC specialist. Kramer is our go to Comm. lady, has the right touch for anything-"

"Wouldn't you know it boss!" Davis laughed.

"Moving on. We have Indigo who can drive anything with an engine. That leaves Grant, whom you already know. He's our best shot we have and a damn good over watch." Williams explained. "Now tuck in, we're gonna have a long morning in four hours!"

Author's Note:

So yeah, found the picture of Scoots, was watching fails of the weak on youtube, wound up watching the spartan ops cutscenes, then made this.

Did my research and stuff too, thataways I didn't look like a total fool.

Spartan-loo is best Scootaloo.