• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 2,053 Views, 73 Comments

Hell's Angel - Resurgent Wanderer

Roughly half a year after finding herself on a strange new planet, Scootaloo has become quite the survivor. But when that planet is glassed, the filly finds herself paired with another good survivor, Spartan-IV Faolan Grant.

  • ...

Chapter 2

"-so he sticks his face up close to the window, completely forget what he's wearing. Next thing you know, he's pulling his head back with four spikes stuck through my scanner screaming about being blinded." Faolan chortled over breakfast.

Davis couldn't help but laugh as well.
"You'd shit your pants too if something came that close to lodging itself in your face. Come on, I highly doubt anyone here has had a closer call than that!"

All eyes cast about from one Spartan to another until they all settled on Scootaloo who was making a point of hiding her scarred eye behind her mane.
"It wasn't anything special..."

Kramer was the first to pipe up.
"Come on girl, wear your scars with pride. I got these three round ones, perfect triangle, on my right as-"

Indigo tossed a clod of dirt at Kramer to shut her up.
"If she doesn't want to talk about it, then let her be. We can't have all had it as easy as you Kramer, I think you're the only one here who hasn't lost someone close to them."

"Besides, we're all trained for this. From wha' Ah understand is tha' you just popped up on a planet you didnae recognize, am Ah righ'?" Faolan added.

Jecht just shrugged.
"If she ain't got stories, she ain't got stories. Oh well."

"She's probably got nothing to say anyway. What did you do girl? Trip and fall on your face then?" Kramer jibbed.

Scootaloo immediately took an aggressive stance as her ear twitched in annoyance.

Kramer just pushed again.
"Get a boo boo or something? Mommy kiss it better?"

"Kramer, shut yer mouth afore Ah shut it for ye!"

"Whatever Grant, she's barely half my height any way. What's she going to do?"


Everyone froze and turned to look at Kramer who was currently crossing her eyes to get a good look at the end of Scootaloo's now cocked M6C/S. The filly was shaking angrily as tears slowly began to leak from the corners of her eyes, red blood tingeing the tears of her scarred right eye.
"Never. Talk. About. My. Mother..."

"Easy Scootaloo, no need to do anything hasty." Kramer soothed.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it...I just... want to go home..." Stowing her pistol Scootaloo turned and ran into the woods, followed quickly by Faolan.

"Wow, what an overly dramatic wuss. Honest-"


Kramer shut up as Indigo glare balefully at her.
"Had you mouthed off about my family...."

Turning to Williams, Kramer saw that even he wasn't happy with her.
"You've got a bit to think about, but Kramer, you'd best watch your mouth."


Scootaloo ran and wiped a hoof under her eyes only for it to come away bloody. Growling in anger and sorrow the filly slammed the bloodied hoof into a tree. She continued to pummel the tree, ruining bark and destroying the wood until something grabbed at her shoulder. Without hesitation the filly spun and plowed a hoof into the offending creatures cheek only to realize it wasn't one of the many things that regularly haunted her dreams. Instead, she'd just decked Faolan, granted he didn't look too bothered by it.

Worried she'd hurt him, and feeling even worse than before, Scootaloo dropped her gaze to the ground as she watched tears and blood drip off her muzzle.

Faolan just bent over and pulled Scootaloo close, feeling she needed a cry shoulder at the moment, just as his sister had often done for him.
"You're fine lass. Ah've taken worse hits from mah elder sister Tedra. Now, Ah can either lead ye back tae the camp, or we can sit 'ere fer a bit an' if you're up for it, you can talk abou' things too, Ah don' judge."

Scootaloo nodded, still crying as reddened tears streaked down the Spartan's shoulder plate.
"Its just hard...I miss my friends and my mom...and I want to go home so much..." Scootaloo wept. "But look at me...I can't hold my temper...I get mad and I just want to pull the trigger until the clip is empty, and then I want to pull the trigger more...Even if I got back...would I belong there?"

"I can' honestly tell you the answer tae tha', but what I can tell you is tha' you are a brave lass, you have faced down challenges tha' would have broken any lesser bein', an' y'are still alive. There is one thing tha' tells me Scootaloo, an' tha' is tha' it's not your time yet, and there are still things planned for you in you're life." Faolan comforted as he stared the filly in the eyes.
"Now, Ah hate tae ask, but Ah know Williams will. Are ye okay tae fight this morning, or will there be a problem?"

Scootaloo immediately shook her head and wiped away her tears.
"No problem."


The pegasus looked up and saw Faolan searching for any hint of falsity in her, but he found none.

"You're right. I'm still here, and I need to find out why."


Not a thing had been said as Fireteam Raven started taking their positions. Both Jecht and Davis had set up closer, readying a couple of det. packs to be thrown over the southern walls before they breached. Kramer and Williams were set at the east wall ready to breach the side entrance door, and Indigo was set up watching Jecht and Kramer's right flank, which Grant and Scootaloo couldn't cover.

As Grant and Scootaloo reached the cliff over looking the Remnant outpost the spartan removed his helmet and placed it down next to himself before laying prone and readying his rifle. He then began to layout his plans for Scootaloo.

Removing the scanner from his helmet, he tied a couple of straps to it, then secured it on to Scootaloo's head.

"Rangefinder, targeting capabilities, essentially you press this button to alter zoom, and this one to mark targets. You ready for this?" Faolan asked.

Scootaloo nodded.

"Oohrah, let the game's begin!"


On cue as the first two sniper shots retorted through the air Williams and Kramer burst through the side gate and darted forward, running past the three dead Kig-Yar. As they reached the next corner two red blips appeared on their helmet's Heads Up Displays. This was followed by a second pair of retorts and the two targets dropping.

Using their new opportunity Williams and Kramer climbed up into the radio tower and gave Jecht and Davis their cue.

The two soldiers threw their demo packs over the south wall, detonating them on Kramers cue as they had good views on where the enemy was. Following three retorts from a sniper rifle and four more from a DMR Jecht and Davis breached their door. They never had to fire a round as Kramer and Williams dispatched anyone who attempted to halt them.

"Kramer and Williams reporting all clear."

"Jecht and Davis reporting clear."

"Indigo, reporting clear."

"Grant and Hell's Angel reporting clear."

"Hell's Angel?" replied Davis.

"That's me, Scootaloo, Grant is being dumb."

"Cut the chatter, clear the base!"

All the Spartans went back to their respective jobs save Grant. Since Scootaloo detected no further hostile the Spartan had begun to pack up his rifle to move down to join the rest of the fireteam.


Kramer had wandered off on her own while Williams, Jecht and Davis dug through the ammo pouches of the dead. As she wandered, the Spartan found a door they seemed to have missed. Moving over to it, Kramer reached for the door just as it was kicked wide open and a large Jiralhanae chieftain slammed a gravity hammer into a crate next to her, the force of the blow throwing the Spartan a few feet to her left.

"Oh shit..."


Out of sheer boredom Scootaloo figured she'd scan the base a couple more times. As she was doing so, she zoomed in far to see where Kramer was wandering off to. She watched the Spartan walk up to a door, then watched as the door flew open and-

"Fucking cunt!"

Grant looked over, startled slightly by Scootaloo's words. Her zoom on the scanner was high enough to make her pull her weapon as if she was right there. As Scootaloo watched Kramer get thrown wide and knocked down on her back by a near hit the scanner registered the Mauler as a 'linked weapon'. It then showed the approximate angle to hold the firearm to adjust for windage and gravity.

Following the scanner's instructions Scootaloo fired off four rounds successively before dropping the scanner and tearing off towards her most hated of foes, the Jiralhanae.


The chieftain laughed as the pathetic human before it squirmed. He hadn't even struck the human full on, yet it was still injured! Smiling, he realized that he would be eating well later that night.


The Jiralhanae gasped in pain as four rounds connected to his elbow and knee joints. Literally seconds later pain blossomed from the back of his neck.


Due to the arch that had to be put on the slugs, Scootaloo managed to slam her knife home into the Jiralhanae literally seconds after the four slugs she'd fired hit. Almost immediately after they struck the beast Scootaloo plunged her knife hilt deep into its neck, slamming into the ground.

The Jiralhanae was not quite dead, though, and began to lift itself up only for Scootaloo to start screaming ferally and start repeatedly slamming her knife in to the neck of the alien. Even after it stopped moving, and even after it stopped bleeding, having fully bled out already, the filly continued to slam the blade home into the Jiralhanae's neck until a pair of armoured hands wrapped softly around the sobbing pegasus.

Scootaloo's eyes began to close, and she drifted off peacefully into sleep.


Kramer felt like shit. It wasn't the fracture in her arm, nor the wounded pride. Instead it was the fact that she'd bad mouthed a kid, then had the kid save her ass, then watched and done nothing as the kid had a mental breakdown while mutilating a brute.

As Williams walked by, she motioned the Fireteam leader over.

"I...I fucked up...again..."

Williams just nodded.

"Don't know what to do about it though, you know? Maybe I'm just not cut out for this Spartan-IV job..." Kramer sighed, "Too many mistakes made so far..."

Before Williams could answer a familiar voice replied to Kramer.

"It isnae abou' the mistakes you make, or the number o' times ye make 'em. Nah, it's 'bout the way you fix those mistakes tha' really matters tae people." Faolan quipped. "Ah learned it, mah elder sister learned it, and Ah think you could benefit from it."

Kramer nodded.
"Yeah...makes sense. How's Scootaloo?"

Faolan shook his head.
"Ah cannae tell. Seems tae just be sleepin' at the moment, but summat abou' tha' brute set her the bloody hell off."

Kramer just nodded as Jecht started looking over her arm again.
"For what it's worth...I'm sorry."


Knowing they had another outpost slated for the next night, Fireteam Raven was quick to take after Scootaloo and fall into slumber. Of course the filly had been sleeping longer than them, so it would make sense that she woke up first. Or at least so it would seem. As she made her way to the cliff edge Fireteam Raven had set their camp on to stare out at the setting sun she heard the pebbles shift as a Spartan joined her.

"'Elluva sigh', in'nit?"

Scootaloo nodded.
"Beautiful...thought I only would see sunsets like these in my dreams again."

"Use tae see this back in the highlands o' mah home..."

The pair continued to sit there for a long time, and they barely eve noticed when Scootaloo began leaning against Faolan's side. They both just sat and enjoyed the setting of the sun as it cast light in ways neither had ever seen before. Faolan was turning to look down to ask Scootaloo if the one's had been this good back at her home as the filly looked up to ask the same thing. Both trailed off as their eyes met and locked onto each other.

Taking initiative, as she had been for the past years or so, the filly leaned upwards and planted her lips gently over the lips of the Spartan, Faolan returning the gesture for the first second or so before pulling back, eyes wide, as he realized what he was doing.

"It's the eye and scar...isn't it...it's always the eye and the scar."

Faolan barely heard her.
"What was that? You don't have any of that hero worship falling in love with the guy who saved you stuff going down, do you?"

"What? No! I just figured maybe I could...well...get some." Scootaloo muttered.

"I'm being serious Scootaloo, this could compromise missions!"

Scootaloo just glared back.
"What, me wanting to actually get laid before something comes along and kills me could compromise a mission?"

Faolan had a thousand responses stored in his head, but he couldn't seem to figure out how to vocalize most of them. Instead he sputtered a bit before throwing his arms up in the air.
"Really? That was it, hoping to get laid? So you were just up for using me then? That's nice!"

"I was not! I enjoy being your friend and all....that and I trust you, which is the only reason I thought to ask to begin with! If I'd known you were going to throw such a bitch fit over I might've asked Kramer or Davis, those two are always horny!" Scootaloo shot back, only to realise they'd awoken the other Spartans.

Giving a huff and shaking her head angrily the filly stood up and stomped off through the group so she could go eat her morning rations. As she passed Davis, the soldier half opened his mouth with a smart alec smirk on his face, but Scootaloo beat him to the punch.
"I will fucking castrate you with your own knife."

With that Scootaloo left the Spartans there, one in thought, four surprised, and one more subconsciously holding his hands over his groin.


It didn't take too long for them to reach the second and final outpost they had to clear. This one was nestled in a valley so its transmissions couldn't be picked up as easily. Using this to their advantage, and Scootaloo's superb marks'mare' skills Faolan handed her his scanner and she took to the north east cliff, Faolan to the south west. There only being one entrance to the base this time the two over watch agreed to alter their shots in four round increments to allow the Spartan time to reload.

"Grant, ready."

"Jecht, charges primed and ready."

"Davis, ready to breach."

"Indigo, set."

"Williams and Kramer, ready."

"Scootaloo, ready."

Willaims grinned as the team signaled their okays.
"Grant, take your shot."

Three retorts sounded off one after another, followed closely by a fourth. On that fourth Jecht set of his charges, blasting the door to the base wide open.

Davis was the first through, blasting the closest Covie, a Sangheli, i the chest with his shotgun. Cocking it, he then put down another two Jiralhanae. The Spartan was forced to duck down as a Kig-Yar opened fire on him with a needle rifle but that was put to a quick end as Indigo put a round through its forehead from her perch on a tall rock outside the wall of the base.

Williams and Jecht had both darted left as soon as they had entered and ducked into a thin walled building. As they entered they were immediately fired upon by two Sangheli, but that was brought to an abrupt halt as three slugs tore holes in both the roof and the Sangheli.

Smiling grimly, both Spartans pushed forward and set up in the window enjoying the crossfire.

Realising he was at a bad angle for anything useful, Faolan fired a grappling round down towards the base, secured his sniper on his back and grabbed his battle rifle. With that he rode the line down and landed at Jecht's side as they both opened fire on a group of Kig-Yar. Neither noticed the Sangheli in active camouflage until after Jecht was lifted up with twin energy blade sticking out of his chest.

Before Faolan could do a thing the Stealth Sangheli gripped him by the throat and lifted him into the air.

"Your kind....are like paper...torn so easily, so fragile and light. Pitiful."

There was a flash of silver off the the Sangheli's left and it's hand shot up, catching a thrown Jiralhanae knife easily out of the air. Before it could feel triumphant about it Faolan slammed his arm into the Elite's hand, driving the first inch of the blade into the Elite's neck. Then a bolt of orange slammed into it driving the blade to the hilt.

"And you are like a sheath. A wonderful place to stow my blade!"

The Sangheli looked up just in time to see Scootaloo standing over him before his vision faded away along with his life.


Indigo, second best medic after Jecht, was checking vitals on him shaking her head slowly as she did. Bringing a hand up to the Spartan's face, she gently closed his eyes. She pulled a preservation bag from the deceased Spartan's pack and put him into it.

"Fucking Covies..."

Scootaloo hadn't known the man long, but he'd seemed the decent enough sort. Looking about she saw Williams comforting Kramer and Indigo had started disassembling and reassembling her DMR. Davis hadn't taken his eyes off Jecht's dog tags once as he held them in his hand. Finally there was Faolan.

He seemed to be taking it the hardest, having stated earlier that 'had I stayed at my overwatch post it wouldn't have happened'. They all knew it wasn't true, as he wouldn't have picked up on the cloaked figure anyway without a great deal of luck.

The filly was about to move towards the Scotsman when Williams, followed by Kramer, Indigo and Davis, walked over.

"We've done some talking, and well, after today we officially have a spot open on our fireteam, and I have the right to induct whoever the fuck I wish regardless of those ONI cunts as long as I'm in the field. That being said, with all the help you've been, having directly saved two lives of Fireteam Raven and having served alongside us in two missions, I would like to know if you'd care to accept my invitation into our ranks."

Scootaloo's eyes widened at the prospect before they settled on the Fireteam Raven patch that Kramer was offering her. The filly nodded near reverently and lifted the patch up.

"Pull the seal off the back and stick that to whatever you want it to stick to." Indigo explained.

Nodding, Scootaloo though of exactly where she wanted the patch before settling with the front of her choker collar right above the hollow of her throat.

"Welcome tae Fireteam Raven, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo turned to look into the appreciative and welcoming eyes of Faolan as the Spartan offered a hand. Taking it firnly, the two shook before the filly used Faolan's hunched over position to her advantage and knocked the Spartan onto his back. The pegasus straddled him and planted her forehooves on either side of his head. Unsure of what to do, Faolan layed there while Scootaloo leaned in close to his ear.

"I've been in heat for the past week...and my hoof isn't cutting it. I'll be in one of the rooms if you're interested in joining me."

With that Scootaloo walked right over him, giving Faolan a perfectly good look at what lay underneath her tail. When he turned to the other Spartans Davis just got a shit eating grin on his face while Kramer and Indigo both nodded.

"Why the hell not, Grant? Hot kinky alien sex sounds great, and I know you've still got your V-card anyway." Kramer laughed.

Finally Faolan turned to Williams who just shrugged.
"Missions over Grant, our leave just started."

Looking down at his armour, the Spartan-IV only just noticed the damp spot that was where Scootaloo had straddled him. Nodding firmly, and looking a lot braver than he felt, the Spartan wandered off to the room Scootaloo had ducked into.


"Any thoughts Indigo?" asked Williams.

"Well, I doubt he'll get space aids or anything if that's what your asking."

Kramer just laughed at the notion as Davis sat abnormally quiet.
"You okay Davis?"

"Huh, yeah, no I was just thinking...what if she has teeth down there or something? She is an alien, right? Man, that'd be some weird shit." Davis replied, half seriously.

Williams just smacked the Spartan lightly in the back of the head as an incoming transmission came in.

*This is Commander Travis hailing Fireteam Raven. We are on our way to rendezvou with you now, but we have reason to believe that a few ONI spooks may show up first. ONI is not to obtain the alien lifeform known as Scootaloo.*

Taking the communications mic. from Kramer, Willaims responded.
"Understood sir, ONI will not lay a finger on Fireteam Raven member Scootaloo, sir. Se you when you get here!"

Author's Note:

So yeah, not exactly romance, but close enough.

Oh, and seductive Spartan-loo is now best Scootaloo, because to be god honest I find the filly's tenacity to get laid right after a fight amusing.

I'll be getting some proper romance in during the next chapter too.

Oh and before anypony starts on a human/pony romance rant, beware angering Spartan-loo. Actually its because I'm going with an out of the box approach on it, but still.

Anyway, hope you're enjoying this little bit of crossover, and expect to find out why Scootaloo is the way she is next chapter.