• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 2,053 Views, 73 Comments

Hell's Angel - Resurgent Wanderer

Roughly half a year after finding herself on a strange new planet, Scootaloo has become quite the survivor. But when that planet is glassed, the filly finds herself paired with another good survivor, Spartan-IV Faolan Grant.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Scootaloo stretched each of her limbs carefully as she finished cleaning up and slipping her gear back on, She looked over and cast a smirk to the Spartan-IV who was currently gathering his weaponry as well.

"Well, that was certainly an experience. Reminds me a lot of flying, only a lot more...intimate." Scootaloo grinned.

Faolan just laughed.
"Can't really compare it to flying, but it was good. I wasn't too rough or anything, was I?"

"As long as I didn't bite too hard."

Faolan raised a hand up to the side of his neck as Scootaloo began to giggle. The pair quickly fell into full blown laughter as they ran over the idea of them getting hurt in such a way compared to the missions they'd just been through.

"Wouldn't that make us feel smart, huh Faolan? 'Fireteam member Scootaloo reported crushed under a Spartan-IV after he bled to death from a bite to the neck'. Some news story that would have been."

As Scootaloo went to open the door it burst open and five ONI spooks came rushing in, two training their weapons on Faolan, and the other three training their weapons on Scootaloo.

"Under our directive the alien is coming with us!"

"Like 'ell she is!"

"Spartan-IV Grant, stand down!" one of the spooks growled.

Faolan was about to step forward when two rounds impacted next to his feet.
"So tha's how this play out then...ONI comin' 'long an' stabbin' the real warriors in the back..."

"No, it isn't!"

Scootaloo and Falan both looked past the ONI operatives to find Fireteam Raven stadning with the Commander at their back.

"ONI or not, you just threatened two members of our Fireteam, who is under Commander Travis' jurisdiction!" Williams growled, keeping his rifle levelled at the spooks.

"This is an ONI matter involving potentially hostile alien interference!"

At this point Commander Travis stepped forward.
"This is a matter involving one of the members of one of my fireteams. You have directly go over the heads of the chain of command, as Fireteam Raven is stationed on the UNSC Destroyer Falcon Claw. Therefore the detainment of fireteam member Scootaloo without proper reasoning and a trial would constitute you breaking the law. I would hate for you five to go the same way as Halsey...."

The open ended threat was enough to get the ONI spooks to lower their weapons.
"This is how you play it commander?"

"No." the commander growled. "This is how it is! Do not let me catch you harrasing my soldiers again, ONI or not, and you can tell ONI if they want to learn anything, they can come talk. But this...this happens again and I will inform my XO, understood?!"

The spooks nodded angrily as they left, and Commander Travis turned to the pony that had apparently been integrated into his ranks.
"Please tell me that what I'm pretty sure happened in this room didn't happen."
When no one denied him the commander rubbed his temple.
"At least tell me this won't cause any problems later."

"Um, won't be any problem at all. Uh...sir."

"Alright then. Fireteam Raven, report back to the Falcon Claw for a little r&r!"


Scootaloo let out a loud yawn as she pulled herself off the bunk.
"Who the fuck woke me up...I'm tired..."

Greeted with a pillow to the face as she sat up, Scootaloo pulled it out of the way to find Kramer and Indigo laughing at her. Both were dressed in their black bodysuits with the black pants.

"Nice catch Scootaloo."

With precision honed from throwing her knife, the filly pegged Kramer in the face with the same pillow.

"Not so smug now, are you? Scootaloo laughed.

"It. Is. On!"

Scootaloo's eyes widened once before tearing off for the door.
"You gotta catch me first punk!"


Three ODST were just turning the corner when a blast of orange ripped past them. As they turned to see what it was, the next thing they noticed was two Spartan-IVs, both covered in feathers from an officers pillow, giving chase.

"Linda, the hell do you think that was about?"

"I don't know, but I think that orange one was the one that brought my husband's body back from the planet Expidai."


"Fireteam Raven, front and centre!"

The six members stood at rigid attention as Commander Travis glared at them.

"You have done much this morning..."

Scootaloo, Indigo and Kramer shuffled nervously at this.

"Such as cause a bit of havoc amongst the hallways, destroy an expensive officers pillow, and started the first actual food fight I have ever seen. I should have right to punish you for such..."

The whole fireteam nodded assent.

"And yet I noticed something else I have not seen in a long time. The soldiers, used to the rigidity of daily life on this destroyer, have been laughing louder and smiling wider all morn. There is a sudden lightness in the air that seems to lift the spirits of all through out the ranks. Nevertheless, I do not wish such actions to take place again. Understood?"

"Aye Aye sir!"

Commander Travis nodded,
"We have but another matter to speak of fireteam. ONI has pushed that our dear friend and fellow soldier Scootaloo can not be considered officially part of our fireteam and push for her custody. They make this claim under the fact that Fireteam Raven is to consist of Spartan-IV's. They make claim that since Scootaloo is no Spartan they hold right to take her."

The whole group growled in disapproval.

"Tha's some fuckin' bullshet! Ah'll fuckin' kill the cunts before they take one o' ours!" Faolan snapped.

The commander waved down the Scottish Spartan and good friend of the pony.
"That is why I had a few hairs gathered from Scootaloo's bed from the night prior. From what we have discerned, you should be able to cope with the process, but I will not force it. I will not be the one to force hand on the representative of any new race. I will have all information needed sent to you, but in the end it is your choice. Know this, though. Regardless of your choice to become a Spartan, we will stand by your side, that ONI itself not overtake our kinship and bonds. Am I right Raven?!"



Scootaloo was digging through the papers she'd been handed in earnest. The filly had been doing this for a little over three fours straight trying to milk every ounce of knowledge of the process from the papers. She knew it would change her life, that she could more easily destroy the trash Jiralhanae. And her wings! Sure shed learned to fly, but if her muscle output was upped she could fly so much better!

Still, what would the fireteam think?

They were like family to her now, having had her back over the past week and a half or so, and it was hard to imagine taking such a drastic decision without them. Just then a hand settled on her shoulder and the pony stiffened.

"It is okay to be worried, Scootaloo. Do not press the issue too much though. We dock in four hours, and you have a full three days before I need a decision. I know many of the soldiers, Spartans included, plan to go out clubbing that first night we're out. I understand you are not of UNSC regulation age, but I also understand that must mean little to you. That being said, I think you could benefit from a party or two and speaking to your friends before you make a choice."

"C..Commander Travis!" Scootaloo yelped, spinning about to salute the man, only to be halted.

"Salute me not, as I'm here as a friend, if you'd consider me such." the Commander smiled, "That and you remind me too much of my daughter for me to be comfortable with you saluting me. Take your time and enjoy the next three nights Scootaloo, that is an order."

"Yes sir!"


"I can feel my wings vibrating..."

"Yeah, isn't it awesome?!" Davis yelled excitedly as they awaited their turn to enter the nightclub.

Both Scootaloo and Faolan's cheeks coloured at the idea of the filly's wings 'vibrating' too much, but Kramer just laughed.

"If you two don't want to head in..."

Scootaloo shook her head violently as she remembered the words of the commander.
"I'm fine Kramer! Geez, got everyone worried ONI'll come and snatch me up at a seconds notice. Come on, we're going in now."

Williams shook his head.
"The bouncer."

Ignoring this Scootaloo pushed through the line and up to the front. The bouncer immediately took note of the Spartans.

"Sorry boys, but even you have to wait in line, super soldier of not."

"Excuse me sir." Scootaloo asked politely, "I am a dignitary from a foreign system, and I heard that human's simply throw the most fabulous parties, especially after dark. I wish to partake of this establishment, and these Spartans are here as my entourage and bodyguards to ensure my safety. I do terribly hope I am not inconveniencing you tonight, if so I can take myself elsewhere."

The bouncer was tripping over himself trying to get to the door to the club and let the group in.
"My apologies Madame Dignitary. I am sorry if I have offended you at all."

Scootaloo just nodded and trotted through the door, followed by the rest of Raven. Once the door shut the filly fist bumped each member.
"And thank you Rarity for attempting to teach me poise and elegance, I guess some of that shit stuck after all."

With that Fireteam Raven headed into the club and took their spot in the far corner from the main door on an elevated platform, therefore allowing proper sight lines over the majority of the club but primarily over the front entrance. Once comfortable that, should they have any unwanted guests, they would see them first.

"So, who wants to go grind hard with me out on the dance floor? Ladies?" Davis grinned. Indigo and Kramer just shook their heads while Scootaloo jokingly toyed with the handle of her knife. "Forever alone then..,oh, wait, damn you see that ass? I'll be this way."

The fireteam watched as Davis wandered off to go hit on the ladies. Once he was gone Williams got up and fetched some scotch for the group.

"We don't get Davis drunk. You think he's annoying now...well, yeah."

Scootaloo just laughed at William's logic and reached for a glass, but the fireteam leader pulled it out of her reach.

"How old are you. Seriously?"

Faolan just grabbed two glasses and handed one to Scootaloo.
"16, but the legal age where she's from is 16 so the lass is all good."

"Oohrah, time to party hard then girls!" Kramer belted as the rubbed up against Williams side, drawing a grin from the Spartan as they made their way to the dance floor.

Indigo watched them go before taking a sip of her scotch.
"Just us then? Ah well, what's going on between you two?"

Scootaloo looked over at Faolan and shrugged.
"What's the word you humans use? Fuckbuddies? That's pretty much us. I've got a better question though, what's up with ONI?"

"A bunch o' protestant fuckers tha' think they can do wha'e'er the hell they please under the guise of military need! Baby stealers an' back stabbers an' murders all under the claim tha' its better for the whole o' the universe. If it weren' fer the fact tha' they outrank me....S.O.S...." the Scotsman growled from Scootaloo's side.

The filly looked up to see Faolan had gripped his glass so hard it had shattered.


"Shoot on sight," Indigo explained, "I won't lie, we wouldn't have won the war without ONI, but a lot of that cloak and dagger bullshit they like to pull doesn't sit well with most of us Spartans. Well, I'm going to wander off and see how many of the cute ODST asses running around are up for a little fun. Enjoy the night you two."

Scootaloo and Faolan nodded and watched Indigo walk away, sipping Scotch and not really talking. About ten minutes later Faolan finally pipped up.

"Fuckbuddies eh?"

Scuffing a hoof, the filly just shrugged and took another sip of scotch.
"Well, we're friends, and we have sex, so I mean, that kind of sums it up, doesn't it?"

"Ah guess..."

"I mean, besides, I'm just an alien anyway." Scootaloo shrugged, "And there are probably hordes of human fillies running around trying to get your attention."

The Spartan just nodded a went silent, the lack of noise lasting long enough for both parties to need to refill their glasses again. As he was about to take his first sip he stopped and opened his mouth again.
"Wha's really bothering you?"





"Damn it! Nothing is wrong, why the hell are you being so fucking persistent?!" the filly snapped, throwing her glass at Faolan in anger. The Spartan just shrugged off the scotch.

"Tha's why I'm convinced summats wrong. If there was nothin' wrong you wouldnae of gotten angry. Ah'm just worried Scootaloo." the Spartan soothed.

Throwing a hoof up in exasperation Scootaloo grabbed the bottle and took a swig, wincing slightly as it went down. Taking one more smaller swig after that the filly slammed the bottle down.
"And why? Why the fuck do you care so much!? I get it, friends and stuff, but maybe friends need to keep secrets every now and again? Ever think about that?!"

"Aye, Ah have, but Ah don' care. Listen, Ah understan' you jus' wan' tae get home an' such, but you do have the fireteam tha' cares for you." explained Faolan, taking a sip before continuing, "Besides, Ah really didnae sleep with you as a short term thing. Ah was kind o' hoping it would ha', Ah dunno, grew tae summat more. You've got a strong character, an' Ah respect tha', and Ah like your personality, too, it isnae ju' abou' the sex, you know?"

Scootaloo's jaw dropped for a moment before recomposing herself.
"I...I didn't expect that, and I mean no disrespect to you, but....I just...I'm not ready for that just yet, you know? Sex is...nice, and I really do enjoy it...I just...the last time I truly relied on anypony was my mom...and while she did her best....I'm here, and she's back home...I've had to only rely on myself, and while all this is fun and great, it's still hard."

Faolan nodded once before cocking an ear to the music.
"Ah respect your wishes, but Ah would like tae know, would you care for a dance?"

"I don't..." Scootaloo started, but stopped as she downed another mouthful of scotch from the bottle, "Sure...because I trust you."

The Spartan nodded and led the way as Scootaloo followed after, a shy smile tugging at her lips as the music hit a single drop before picking back up.


The Sangheli walked into the nightclub he'd been enjoying lately. As he entered, his hearing immediately picked up on the black garbed officer type speaking to a semi-shit faced soldier. The Sangheli noted a hand off of money, then the soldier make a beeline for a Spartan and a strange alien even the Sangheli's never seen before. Narrowing his eyes, the Sangheli started towards the officer type man.


The song was just beginning to die down, granted another was about to start up, but still. Regardless Scootaloo was smiling widely at the fun she was having.

"Happy you came ou' tae dance?" Faolan chuckled.

The filly just aimed a kick at the man's shin while laughing good naturedly.
"If it makes you feel better, yes I am. You know, maybe I've just been a fool about all this, and I can trust people more than I've allowed myself to belie-AHHH!"
Cheeks tinting slightly from shock and indignity, the pony leapt forward and turned to face he assaulter, all while pulling her tail tight in between her legs.
"What the fuck?! You fucking cunt, I'll kill you!"
Scootaloo shot forward, wrenching her knife from her belt and aiming a stab for the offending marine’s face, but was stopped as a large clawed hand wrapped around her primary foreleg, halting the blade an inch from the marine's face.

Faolan only just realized what the marine must have done and he too made to step forward when the lead ONI spook from the planet was held aloft before him.

"Spartan, think before you act. The marine was simply a tool. He was to grope the winged miniature horse, then was to be hurt or killed while the horse took the fall. Something about deeming it a hostile alien lifeform."

With that the Sangheli dropped one of the Oni spooks that had confronted them back on the planet from before. The commotion had also gained the attention of the rest of the building, namely Fireteam Raven.

“Well, Commander Travis would simply love to have this pric onboard. Come on ‘Spooky’, you get to take a trip to the nearest M.P. running arund while I explain to him your plans for entrapment, bribery and, technically speaking, plans for murder.” Williams barked as Kramer took the spook from the Elite. “Oh yeah, you’re gonna have a great time!”

The spook finally decided to talk back.
“You’re a fool, you all are. Humanity is the purest form of d.n.a out there, and these aliens have caused us enough problems!”

The Sangheli reached down and jerked the sppok up to eye level and snapped his jaws threateningly.
“You know what the real threat is? ONI. If they were still alive, the Spartan-II’s would agree, and after fighting alongside John-117, I know he would too.”

At this point the Military Police had arrived to escort the spook away.

Scootaloo only just realized she still had her knife out and put it away.
“You think they’ll succeed Faolan? In getting me? I mean, I was really looking at the Spartan-IV project. If it keeps everything calm and normal, I’m all for it, you know?”

“We can talk abou’ it later, personally , I like the song about to come on. Aren’ you on orders to have fun too?”

Thumping Faolan on the thigh jokingly the filly nodded and turned back to the dance floor.


Some hours later found Fireteam Raven, as well as one 'lucky' ODST Indigo had found, sprawled through out a cheap motel room. All had fallen to slumber save foe Faolan and Scootaloo, who lay on the same bed.

"How are you doin'?"

Scootaloo just flashed a slightly weary smile at the man.

"Mmm, Ah see....Wha' was it like back at your own home?"


"Just pegasi?"

With a shake, Scootaloo listed off those that she could remember.
"Unicorn, earth pony, pegasi....gryphons, dragons...stuff like that. Oh, and alicorns. They are the most respected and powerful, go both wings and a horn."


"You were going to kill that soldier."

"What?!" Faolan yelped, blinking back shock.

"When I was groped..." the filly explained, "You would have killed him for it....you remind me of my friends...my family..."

Faolan's silence told Scootaloo everything she needed to know.

"Then you really do care..." sighed Scootaloo, "I just don't know if I can...I've lost so much, and now? I just don't know. Sorry."

Shaking his head, the Spartan just shrugged.
"Ah figured, but tha's fine. If anything other than a good friend, you classify as a damn good lay."

Giving the Spartan a swat with her wing, Scootaloo rolled over and fell into a fitful slumber. She had a busy day tomorrow.