• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 10,089 Views, 762 Comments

A Camping We Will Go - Trinary

Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh take six little ponies camping. What could go wrong?

  • ...

Around the Campfire

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Sweetie Belle stared Silver Spoon down. Their eyes narrowed as they locked sights in a test of will and determination. “All right, truth or dare?”

“Dare!” Silver Spoon shot back, sounding more bold and confident than she’d ever felt with Diamond Tiara around to back her up.

Sweetie grinned. “I dare you to dance around the campfire singing the goofiest song you know!”

Silver climbed to her hooves. “Okay…and I already know the silliest song I’ve ever heard.” With a big smirk she started prancing around the campfire singing one of the self-laudatory songs Rainbow Dash had sung during an earlier sing along. “Here she comes, here comes Dash Rainbow, she’s a demon on wings! She’s a demon and she’s gonna be chasing after somepony!”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash managed to look affronted without even really knowing the word itself. “That song is awesome! It’s gonna be a major hit when I’m a Wonderbolt!” She shook her hoof at the giggling, dancing filly and couldn’t help but smile. She had to admit, Silver Spoon did have some spunk in her and wasn’t afraid to say when she didn’t like something. Problem was, that was all too often most things. Still, she couldn’t deny that the ex-bully was getting better.

“ …and when the odds are against you and there’s dangerous work to do, you can be your life Dash Rainbow, will see it through!” Silver pirouetted, gently rubbing Pip’s head with one hoof as she gave the goofiest, serious ‘cool’ face she could muster. “Go Dash Rainbow, go Dash Rainbow, go Dash Rainbow Dash!” She started flapping her limbs as if in mimicry of wings. “She’s up and flying as she jams her wings around the track! She’s jamming on her feathers like she’s never coming back! Adventure’s waiting just aheaaaaad! Go Dash Rainbow! Go Dash Rainbow! Go Dash Rainbow Daaaash!” Silver tossed out her forelegs and took a deep bow while the other fillies and colts laughed and applauded. Night had fallen and the campers and their counselors were sitting around a fire, roasting marshmallows and playing truth or dare.

She sat down and gently nudged Sweetie Belle. “Admit it, I totally nailed that!” Silver Spoon grinned as she looked around the campfire. “Hmmmm…Dinky!” Silver Spoon pointed. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth.” Dinky said warily, half afraid that Silver Spoon would make her say something mean about her mom…but as it turns out Rainbow Dash had taken the poison ivy opportunity to permanently straighten Silver out on Ditzy. It’s a good thing Silver’s hair was already light gray, otherwise it would’ve probably turned pure white by the time Rainbow Dash was through.

Instead, she asked “What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen your sister Sparkler do?”

Dinky giggled. “Oh, that’s easy! One time she was showering and wanted me to get the door if her coltfriend came by, so I let him in and showed him upstairs and he walked in on her while she was singing in the shower!” Her smile was so wide in threatened to bisect her head. “She was singing DJ-P0N3’s ‘Equestria Girls’ into a bar of soap and everything! And it was really BAD!” Everypony fell over laughing. “And when her coltfriend starting clapping she turned around and squealed really loud and fell back in the tub!” She finished.

“Ahaha, oh geeze that’s rich.” Rainbow wiped a tear of mirth away from her eye. Dinky turned to her. “Rainbow Dash, truth or dare?”

“No more dares.” Big Macintosh butted in. “Ah don’t think ah can survive another Rainbow Dare.” The last time Rainbow Dash had been dared, it entailed Rainbow Dash trying to bronco-buck Big Mac. He didn’t know HOW to feel about that!

“Pfff.” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs. “Fine then, truth.”

Dinky’s eyes gleamed. “Do you liiiiiike anypony?”

A collective ‘oooooooh’ went around the campfire, Snails paying particular attention. Rainbow Dash felt a flush work her way up her neck.

“No offense Dinks, but that’s super lame.” She rolled her eyes.

“C’mon Rainbow Dash! Do you have a pony you want to be your special somepony?” Sweetie wheedled, giving her the big moist doe-eyed look.

“That kinda lovey-dovey stuff is for Rarity.” Dash shrugged, feigning disinterest. “I’m a world-class athlete.”

“Ah woulda thought a pony like you’d be beating off stallions with a stick.” Big Mac said a hint of a tease in his voice. Rainbow whipped her head around so fast he thought she was in danger of breaking her neck.

“Hay, I have plenty of guys who’d give their left hind leg to ask me out!” She shot back without thinking. “Hay I bet there are even more than a la—” she trailed off as she remembered at the last minute that they had a young audience. “—ads, er lads, who would want to go out with me.” She finished lamely.

“Then whut’s stopping you?” Macintosh pressed.

“When you’re the best you can’t just settle for anypony!” Rainbow Dash snorted. “Any guy I’d want to date would have to be about 20% cooler than your average pony. He’d have to be athletic, tough, wicked cool…” She trailed off, closing her eyes so she wouldn’t have to look at those green eyes of his. “…somepony really dependable and, brave and strong and good and—and…”

“Loyal?” Big Mac asked quietly.

She risked opening her eyes. “Yeah.” Rainbow breathed softly.

They just sort of stared at one another until she coughed and suddenly shook her head. “A heh, right, whose turn is it? Oh, right! It’s mine! Pipsqueak, you know the drill.”

“Truth!” He piped up.

“Okay: what was the best part of this trip?” Rainbow Dash asked with a knowing smirk.

Pipsqueak frowned in thought. Then his eyes lit up. “Oh, I know! It was all the great new friends I made! This was the best time ever!”

“Awwww….” Came the inevitable response from Sweetie Belle, Archer, Dinky, and Silver Spoon. Snails just gave an oddly endearing yet still goofy smile. Rainbow Dash smiled and rolled her eyes. Between his voice, demeanor, size and accent Pip could get those fillies to go ‘awww’ even if he were to announce that he had to go blow his nose.

He is going to be such a ladies stallion when he grows up. She thought snerking at the idea of how many pretty fillies’ heads would turn when he went past…and then would be snapped off when Dinky got hold of them.

But before she would let herself get distracted by mushy stuff, Rainbow Dash remembered to prod Pip to take his turn. He dared Archer to do something she’d never had the nerve to do in public and she did. She played the Equestrian national anthem…with her underarms. And it wasn’t a half-bad rendition at that.

Then she dared Snails and came up with a doozy for it. Everypony stood in a circle with Snails in the middle. Archer had Snails close his eyes and spin around and around in a circle. Whoever he was facing when he stopped, he would have to kiss. Snails grin threatened to extend past his face. He started to spin.

PleaseletitbeRainbowDashPleaseletitbeRainbowDashPleaseletitbeRainbowDash...A yellowish-green whirlwind spun in place as the young unicorn practically turned himself into a drill. Then his long gangly legs got in their own way and he tripped. He didn’t fall, but he did stumble in a lurching, awkward way. Snails opened his eyes just in time to see the purple of Silver Spoon’s widened as he fell towards her, their lips brushing as he collided with her, knocking them both off their hooves.

Silver Spoon lay flattened on her back, staring upwards at Snails as he lay on her with a sheepish grin. Then he belatedly broke their impromptu lip locking session. “Hi?” He said with a strangled grin Archer fell on her back, clutching herself as she laughed in imitation of Rainbow Dash who was just barely preventing herself from doing the same thing

Silver pushed Snails off and rubbed her mouth with the back of her hoof. “Ugh!” She groaned, looking anyplace but Snails’ face.

Snails pouted, his cheeks still red, but he looked around for his turn. “Sweetie Belle, truth or dare, eh?”

“Truth!” The white unicorn giggled.

“Alright…” He looked at the annoyed look on Silver Spoon’s face, her hooves crossed across her chest. Then he asked Sweetie Belle the first thing he could think of. “Do you think I’m stupid?”

And just like that, the atmosphere of the camp turned so fast one could almost feel like they had gotten whiplash. “O-oh course I don’t!” Sweetie Belle stammered.

Snails looked down, his ears flattened. “Yeah you do.” He mumbled.

“Nu-uh!” She shook her head. “I mean, I think sometimes you act a bit goofy…” she hurried when she saw his face fall, “But lotsa ponies don’t think I’m very smart either because I have trouble paying attention and sometimes I miss stuff that’s going on.” She admitted with a tiny flush. “M-maybe that’s just your problem too?”

“Sweetie’s right Snails.” Rainbow Dash nodded, taking a sip of cider. “I mean, there are ponies like Twilight who are WAAY smarter than me. I mean, I’m not an egghead after all—but she told me that just because I’m an amazing, world-class athlete doesn’t mean I’m not smart.” She might have embellished what Twilight had said to her but the message was the same. Rainbow leaned over and mussed his mane with her hoof. “And just because you don’t always ‘get’ stuff doesn’t mean you’re stupid.”

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh nodded. “Jest like ah told you.”

Archer gave Silver Spoon a not-so gentle nudge with her elbow and then nodded her head towards Snails. With a barely subdued groan Silver put her hoof on Snails’ shoulder, much to his surprise.

“I—I don’t think you’re dumb either.” She said quietly, kicking her legs against the log. Looking up, she saw Snails’ eyes water as he sniffed and proceeded to squeeze Silver Spoon in a rib-breaking hug. She frantically looked to Archer for help only to find that she was hugging her from the other side, leaving Silver Spoon in the middle of a three-way hug sandwich with her, Snails and Archer.

Dinky and Sweetie Belle awwed as Dinky hugged Pip. Sweetie Belle grinned as she took advantage of the distraction to coat the discarded marshmallows with peanut butter, the result being that when Silver Spoon, Archer and Snails next took a bite out of them, they couldn’t pry their mouths open for a good five minutes.

As that round of truth or dare came to an end, Rainbow Dash stood up and stretched. “Okay, take five everypony while we wait for the next round to start. But before I forget…” Rainbow turned around. “I promised the winner of the burping contest a ride. I figure it’s time she got her reward. Let’s go Silver Spoon!”

“R-really?” She was hesitant, firstly because she thought Rainbow Dash hated her and secondly because the prospect of flying seemed kinda scary.

“Wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t.” Rainbow tossed her mane. “C’mon. Up you go.” She lowered her rear legs, letting Silver Spoon slowly clamber up. “Hang on.” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, once, twice and then she was off!

Silver almost swallowed a bug as they zoomed off from the ground. In less than a few seconds the campsite had shrunk to a tiny model from her perspective. The forest stretched out in all directions as Rainbow Dash zoomed higher and higher.

“Whoaaaaaaaaa!!” Silver Spoon’s braid whipped out behind her. She wrapped her little hooves around Dash’s neck and refused to let go, burying her face in her mane.

“Ack! Easy there, I need to breath!” Rainbow gasped as she twisted her neck. Silver Spoon loosened her grip. “Thanks! Now come on, take a look around! Most earth ponies never get to experience a view like this!”

Whimpering, Silver pulled her hooves away from her face and took a quick peek around. Then she took a longer one. “Oh wow…” Her purple eyes grew large as they took in the sights…the forest, the river, the dim lights of Ponyville beyond, Canterlot resting snugly against the mountains that ringed Equestria…It all looked so small that she could just reach out and grab them in her hooves. “This is—amazing!” She squealed as she hugged Rainbow Dash’s neck again, this time in sheer glee.

“Told you so.” Dash smirked. “Now you get to travel in style!”

After a few moments, Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and did her best to turn her head to look at Silver Spoon without losing track of where she was flying or breaking her neck. “Look, squirt. I just wanted to say…sorry about before. You know, when I accused you and yelled and...stuff.”

“Oh.” Silver shuffled awkwardly on Rainbow’s back. “It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not.” The older pony shifted her shoulders. “Can I be square with you? Okay, well I first thought that you were just a whiny, snobby little pony who bullied other kids. And I *don’t* like bullies.” She paused while she tried to marshal her thoughts as Silver did her best to try to shrink down and hide—which wasn’t easy to do considering she was riding on Rainbow’s back and they were flying in the air. “But…” Rainbow said at last, “You really started turning things around. You made friends with Archer and you’ve been pretty cool to Sweetie Belle and Big Macintosh told me about what happened and, well, I’m sorry I was so hard on you.”

“T-thank you.” Silver Spoon mewled softly.

“Look, I’m not too great at this whole mentoring thing,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “But I think a lot of ponies like you better now than they did when you were acting mean. So just keep up the good work and we’ll be cool.” She coughed. “All right enough of this awkward stuff. Time for you to get some serious air!” With a quick barrel roll and neat loop de loop, Rainbow gave Silver Spoon the greatest ride ever. For a full ten minutes, Silver Spoon felt lighter than air. She closed her eyes and spread her hooves apart, imagining that she was the one flying. It was incredible.

When they finally landed, Silver Spoon’s glasses were askew and her usual neatly bound braid was a swooped back mess. But her smile was practically glued on to her face.

After Silver stopped giggling and returned to her senses, round two of truth or dare continued. It came a close when Rainbow Dash was dared to drink a whole thermos of cider—which she did eagerly—and then told not to budge from her spot for fifteen minutes. That proved harder to do, especially for the easily bored and flighty pegasus. It was about twelve minutes later when she announced with a strained voice and crossed legs that she quickly announced an end to truth or dare and that they would start telling ghost stories right after she got back. Then she zoomed off even faster than usual to much amusement and laughter from the campers.

When she came back it was with a much relieved expression and a vicious smirk. “All right, gather round everypony!” She sat back down in the circle. “Now,” Rainbow Dash grinned as she leaned forward so that the crackling fire cast shadows across her face. “It’s time for ghost stories! And I’ve got the best one ever! It’s the tale of a maniacal pink pony and her smile…”
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“..and THAT’S why you never break a Pinkie Promise.” Rainbow Dash finished with a menacing grin, all six little ponies huddled together and shaking in their horseshoes. Even Big Macintosh looked rattled which she counted as a major win in her book.

She yawned, stretching her forelegs and wings until she heard a faint pop. “Well, it’s getting late. Time to turn in guys.” She gave a smug, wicked little grin. “Pleasant dreams.”

With some forced sounding laughs the little fillies and colts warily made their way to their tents. Rainbow Dash was about to do the same when Big Macintosh stood in her way.

“Can ah borrow you for a minute?”

Rainbow grumbled but relented as they walked just outside the campsite after they saw the campers into their tents. “What’s up big guy?”

“Ah wanted to say in pony how sorry ah am fer what ah said last night. Ah’m sorry Miss Dash.” Big Mac sighed.

“Really?” Rainbow brightened briefly, before a twinge of her conscious kept her from crowing over his apology. “Well…” She scuffed her hoof, suddenly channeling Fluttershy. “That stuff I said about you and your family was way out of line.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded. “But t’aint yer fault. It’s mine. Ah forget sometimes that the Apple way ain’t the only way.”

Rainbow Dash shuffled her wings, a sure sign of awkwardness among pegasi. “I—I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Hay, I really like you Apples. What pony doesn’t? I just…”

“Jest what?” Big Macintosh asked curiously.

“I just don’t get you guys sometimes.” Rainbow admitted.

Macintosh shrugged his massive shoulders. “We’re just a family is all. No different than anypony else’s ah reckon, right Rainbow?” Rainbow bit her lip and looked away. “Oh.” Big Mac felt like the biggest dolt in the world. “Ah’m sorry, ah didn’t know—”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She said curtly.

“…all right.”

Silence reigned for about half a minute before Rainbow Dash took a breath and started speaking again. “I meant what I said: I really don’t get you Apples sometimes.” She looked up at him. “It’s great that you guys are so close and that you work real hard and stuff—but, don’t you want anything for yourself? For Big Macintosh—that isn’t just being a member of the Apple family?” She took a deep breath. “I get loyalty…” Rainbow started again. “But I just don’t get how you guys can just give up EVERYTHING like that. I was being a jerk about it, but I meant it. Don’t you have any dreams of your own? Don’t you have anything you want for yourself?

“That’s a mite personal sugarcube. And a big question t’boot.” Mac chewed his wheat. “All a kin say is: o’course ah do. Everypony was their own dreams and wants and needs. But being part of a family you care about means having to sometimes give up what you want for what your family needs. Sure it’s hard sometimes but ah think mah family’s worth it.” He was about to ask ‘don’t you?’ but bit his tongue at the last moment.

Rainbow Dash looked a bit like a filly that had just lost her puppy. “I guess that must make me look pretty selfish huh?” The way Big Mac had talked about his family made Rainbow wonder whether her lifelong dream of joining the Wonderbolts was just that: a dream of a filly that she should be outgrowing.

But Macintosh surprised her, shaking his head. “Eenope, that’s not what ah meant. Chasing yer dreams is one of the greatest things a pony can do. It’s just that cuz of how ah was raised, my dreams are pretty entangled with my family’s well being. But I’m guessing from whut you said that you didn’t have that growing up. You had to find your own dream to follow and had t’follow it alone. Ah gotta say, that’s mighty impressive.”

She gave a wane grin. “Yeah, I know, I’m awesome.” Rainbow Dash winked. He chuckled knowing when he was being put on. She continued. “But I don’t know…would your family really want you to give up so much for them? If Twilight were here she’d probably say something smart about how if you’re denying your dreams then you can’t be true to yourself, then you can’t really be true to your family either.” She paused. “Or, ya know, something like that.” She added, shrugging awkwardly, not using to waxing philosophical. Big Mac looked at her as if in a new light.

In a way, the two had reached the crux of what made them different. They were two very different ponies, not just in physical structure, but what they represented. Big Macintosh who embodied hard work and dedication to family and hearth, and Rainbow Dash who embodied dreaming and was unshakeable confidence needed to obtain it. They each, in their own different way, knew what it was to dedicate themselves entirely and tirelessly to achieve their goals. Neither was a stranger to hardship or hard work (even if one tended to be a bit squeamish towards hard work that didn’t directly involve her goals). Their difference lay in their choice between sensibility and practicality on one hoof, and the extraordinary and amazing on the other. That which set them apart also created a bond between them. Big Mac gave Rainbow Dash a nod. Nothing more needed to be said. They might not see eye to eye (literally) but they could understand at least where the other was coming from.

Rainbow Dash shuffled, something else on her mind. “But…I dunno, sometimes I wonder why AJ isn’t the Element of Loyalty—or you for that matter. The way you two work so hard for your family, the way you care about one another and all the stuff you do for each other—sometimes it seems like it’d fit you guys better than me. You’re super loyal.” Her usual confidence slipped slightly and she looked away.

Big Mac gave a sympathetic hoof pat. “To tell you the truth Rainbow, ah thought a bit about this whut when ah found out about Applejack being the Element of Honesty and all that a ways back.” He sat on the ground. “And yer right AJ is very dependable and loyal and she knows it. But the thing is that there’re different KINDS of loyalty.” He chomped on his wheat for a moment while he made sure the cyan pegasus was following his reasoning. “Remember when you all went out to Appleloosa?” He waited for a nod. “Right, and there was that argument with the buffalo and the orchard and you went out to track them buffalo down and ended up taking their side in an argument against the settlers?”

Rainbow couldn’t help but flinch a little. “Yeah, I guess I wasn’t being all that loyal, huh?”

Big Macintosh shook his head. “Eenope, ah think you were being even MORE loyal.”

“Say what now?” She was understandably confused.

“You were able t’take a step back and take a side based on what you thought was a matter of right and wrong. Applejack and I—well we’re Apple ponies to the core, no pun intended. But the thing about families is that we always support each other—even when we know one of them’s done wrong. Family is family and blood is thicker than water an’ all that. AJ would never have sided with strangers against her kin, even if they were in the wrong. At least, she’d have been more than a mite torn up about it. Cain’t say I wouldn’t be neither. But you were bein’ loyal to what you thought was right, even if you didn’t know or even like the buffalo. That’s a kinda of loyalty that knows no bounds.” Big Macintosh resisted the urge to grin as Rainbow’s rose eyes widened until they filled half her face. “Ah’m powerful sorry that you don’t have a family Rainbow. But that means that you kin go wherever the wind may take you and make your own loyalties to anypony you want as you go. Loyalty in family is bound by blood since birth and that cain’t ever be changed. Loyalty from conviction is another thing entirely and that’s why YOU’RE the Element of Loyalty.” He paused as he massaged his jaw, not used to talking so much at length. “Eeyup.”

“Huh, bu, wha—when did YOU think so much?!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help yelping in shock. She’d never heard of him stringing that many sentences together. Big Mac spread his hooves apart helplessly.

“Just on account of ah’m a farmer doesn’t mean ah can’t think about things. When AJ told me she was the ‘Element of Harmony’ and her friends were the others, ah got to thinking a lot about whut that meant and why it suited her so well.” He sighed. “Ah know she’d whup me if she ever heard me admit it, but ah worry about her and all the adventures you lot go on: facing dragons and monsters and evil spirits of chaos on what not.”

“Hey, it’s cool.” Rainbow Dash hovered off the ground and demonstrated a swift kick or two. “We can take care of ourselves, especially AJ. Maybe not *quite* as good as ME, but close!”

“Heh, you sure do know how to put a fella’s mind at ease.” Mac drawled. Rainbow smiled then suddenly grimaced and landed back on the ground. “You okay?” He asked quickly as he sat up and walked over.

Rainbow Dash nodded then gave a soft yelp as she worked a crick out of her neck. “Urg, yeah fine…I guess Silver Spoon might’ve held on a little too tight when I gave her that ride.”

“Lemme have a look.” The big red pony insisted. “Git on down.” Rainbow grumbled and snorted but after a minute of mixed coaxing and arguing, she reluctantly lay on her belly the forest floor, her legs outstretched. Big Mac stood over her, gently prodding her neck and shoulders with his hoof. “Keep still.” He added as she squirmed. “Looks like you’ve gone and got yerself all worked up and worked over.”

Wincing at his prodding, Rainbow tried to be nonchalant. “Guess I’m more used to sleeping on clouds than on the rocky ground.”

“Or our apple trees.” Macintosh added.

“Which are surprisingly comfy.” Rainbow retorted as Mac pressed down. She hissed. “Ow!”

“Sorry ‘bout that.” He started rubbing his hooves gently in circular motions around the spot that hurt. “That better?”

“Hmmmm….yeah, that’s good.” Dash breathed out the tension she didn’t know she’d been carrying.

Macintosh kept quiet as he continued to massage Rainbow’s neck and shoulders. He hesitated as he started to move his hooves downwards, taking her deep happy breaths as an indication to continue.

Rainbow felt a shiver work down her spine as she felt him brush her withers. She nickered happily before she could control herself, her tail flicking in pleasure. It was one thing to know that Big Macintosh was a gentle giant, but she’d not known that a pony that could buck trees, move houses and other unparalleled feats of strength could be so remarkably tender and even…sensuous.

She felt herself practically melting under his hooves. Then he started moving down, rubbing her in that reaaaally sensitive spot right between her wings when she…

Her eyes widened. Oh no. Oh Celestia NO. It couldn’t, it wouldn’t…her body couldn’t be getting turned on by this! Rainbow put a hoof across her mouth and she bit down on it. Hard.

Must. Resist! Her mind screamed at her. Rainbow let out a muffled Fluttershy-soft moan, half in distress, half in pleasure that echoed in her own mind until it grew so loud she imagined that Princess Celestia could hear it all the way in Canterlot. Oblivious, Big Macintosh brought up his other hoof and ran it down her spine, from just below her wings to her rump, gently kneading her muscles. Rainbow Dash shivered. The warmth and weight of his hooves on her was absolutely heavenly.
Seeing her relax, Big Mac let his hooves start to move away from her neck and spine and move down to her sides, gently pressing and rubbing her flanks. Ever gently, he moved over her and started to brush his hooves right underneath the spot where her wings joined her body.

Rainbow felt her wings shudder and twitch as she fought to keep them closed. Oh please don’t let me popfeather in front of him! She mentally begged, praying to whatever power was out there and could hear her. I’ll never live it down oh please oh please don’t—

FFWUMP! Rainbow’s cheeks flushed crimson as she buried her face beneath her hooves, her wings fully spread out to her sides, almost painfully erect. I wonder if I could change my identity: get a new life, new name, a new home…she wondered in her mortification. She heard that Stalliongrad’s nice this time of year.

If Big Macintosh knew what was signified by Rainbow Dash’s reaction, he didn’t let on. Instead he gently moved his hooves back up to her shoulders and continued to gently massage her there. Rainbow Dash let out a strangled mew of a sigh as she fought to get her wings back under control. They fluttered and twitched and slowly, oh so very slowly, folded back along her sides.

Finally, Big Macintosh stopped. On weak, wobbly legs Rainbow Dash climbed to her hooves feeling shaking more than she had after the Running of the Leaves. “T-thanks.” She stammered, the tension in her back and neck gone but only because it seemed to have migrated and doubled in her stomach.

“Anytime.” Mac said, which made Rainbow’s knees knock at the very thought of it. What was with her? “Ah gotta admit,” He went on. “Ah didn’t know much ‘bout you ‘ceptin that you were AJ’s friend and a mighty fine flyer and a bit of a show off who was more talk than hat.” He gave a sheepish grin. “But between helpin’ out with that whole Cider Season business and this here trip, ah gotta say that ah really didn’t know the real you.”

Rainbow Dash felt her heart start to hammer like Applejack’s legs against a tree. She thought she was walking on air…turns out she was. Her wings were giving short fast flaps like a hummingbird, lifting her up. She licked her lips and leaned forward.
“Ah’m really glad ah got this chance to git to know you better. In fact,” Big Mac went on. “You’re a mighty impressive filly Rainbow. Hay, ah’d even—”

What he might even Rainbow Dash never knew because that’s when she kissed him. She was barely aware of the decision—if there was a decision—until she felt her lips brushing against something and she opened her eyes to find Big Macintosh’s green ones starting back at her with utter shock.

Rainbow felt each individual beat of her heart as she felt herself pale as she realized she’d made one of the worse decisions of her life and humiliated herself twice in one night. She pulled her face back, shivering in excitement and fear. “I—”

She didn’t know what to say. Fortunately, she was spared from having to when Big Mac took a step forward and kissed her. A charge seemed to thrum through her body from her lips back to her tail as Rainbow Dash quivered in place. All she could think as she passionately returned the kiss were three words:

Best. Night. EVER!
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