• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 10,089 Views, 762 Comments

A Camping We Will Go - Trinary

Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh take six little ponies camping. What could go wrong?

  • ...

Healing the Rifts


The next morning was a dull grey, which rather nicely captured the mood of the camp. Everypony kept to themselves. Big Macintosh lethargically stirred a pot of oatmeal while Rainbow Dash sat as far away as she could. Dinky was huddled over and by herself and Silver Spoon’s face was red and puffy. Pip and Sweetie Belle looked miserable, each wanting to go over to comfort Dinky but felt her giving off a ten foot ‘do not disturb’ vibe. Archer felt incredibly guilty for whole situation. Only Snails seemed to be enjoying himself, chewing slowly and methodically as he ate his oatmeal. He was so focused on chewing that he didn’t even seem to notice his oatmeal had the consistency of tar, much less the tense atmosphere around camp.

Big Macintosh lifted his head from where it had been leaning over into a lumpy bowl of oatmeal, as if it contained the mysteries of the universe, and snuck a peak in Rainbow Dash’s direction. The cyan pegasus was morosely chewing her oatmeal, smacking her lips as she tried to force it down. The stallion sighed. He hadn’t lost his temper like that in…well, a long time. When you’re as big and powerful as Big Mac was, you didn’t want to go around scaring folks by losing your cool. He didn’t want ponies to be afraid of him. But Rainbow Dash didn’t seem scared at all. She just keep pushing and prodding until he darn near exploded. Twice.

He sighed again. Macintosh wasn’t the sort of pony who could hold a grudge for long. Besides, he learned when he was young that staying mad for long periods of time didn’t do nopony any good—’specially if you were the sort to stamp your hooves or slam a door closed…it’s a wonder he didn’t end up with a carpentry cutie mark.

Reaching down into his saddle bags, he took out another thermos of cider. As softly as he could manage he walked over to Rainbow Dash and gently set the cider down by her hoof. “Here.” He said evenly.

“…” Rainbow Dash turned around, swallowing a mouthful of breakfast. After a couple of swallows of what could either have been emotions or her oatmeal, she hoarsely said. “No thanks.”

“C’mon, it’s Apple Family Cider.” Big Mac chided. “The very best. Ah know how much you love it.”

Rainbow crossed her hooves and turned away. “Don’t want it.” She sandy voice sounded low, as if something were lodged in her throat and it wasn’t her breakfast. “Shouldn’t be wasted on an airheaded layabout who’s never done a hard day’s work in her life, right?” Apparently, she *was* the type to hold a grudge, Big Mac thought. But she sounding less bitter and sarcastic than Macintosh would’ve thought.

“Miss Dash…Rainbow…” Big Macintosh struggled for words. “Last night…”

“Just go away.” She mumbled, still not facing him. It wasn’t until she heard his hoofsteps retreating that she allowed her body to shake a little as a stray, unwanted tear trickled down her face.

“Rainbow Dash?” With a sudden surprised exhale, Rainbow hastily scrubbed her face with her hoof and turned around to see who it was.

“Y-yeah? Oh, hey Snails.”

“Hey!” Snails smiled. “Um, are you okay Rainbow Dash?”

She gave a wane smile and flapped her wings proudly. “Heh, I’m *better* than okay. I’m Rainbow Dash!”

Snails nodded. “You are majorly *awesome!*” He smiled.

“Thanks kid.” She seemed to perk up for a moment, only to deflate again. Then she noticed that Big Macintosh had left the thermos by her hooves. “Want some cider?”

Breakfast did little to raise the spirits of the dejected group. Rainbow Dash said that today they would take a break from contests and competitions. Instead, they would have a swimming lesson in nearby lake, followed by a picnic lunch.

It was actually quite an idyllic scene. The lake was clear blue and surrounded on all sides by green grass and majestic trees which the younger ponies immediately thought to use as diving boards.

“Cool!” Sweetie Belle ran down to the water’s edge. “C’mon you guys! Swimming is really fun!” Her wide smile faltered when Dinky walked down to the lake morosely and just sat on the bank, twirling her hooves in the water and not looking up. “Um, wanna play pirates Pip?” She asked. “I know you…like…them…” She trailed off when Pipsqueak planted his rump on the ground and looked away.

“No thanks…I don’t feel like it.” He mumbled.

Meanwhile, Snails took the opportunity to climb one of the trees and leap off with a loud whoop, trying to impress a certain somepony. Rainbow Dash acknowledged him with a brief nod but nothing more. It wasn’t until Big Mac trotted over to her that she found a reason to be someplace else.

Snails climbed out of the water and shook his coat dry, dousing the other five youth. “Oops! Sor-ry.” He grinned and walked over to the depressed looking Pip. “What’s wrong, eh?”

Pip sighed. “Dinky hates me.” His eyes watered.

“Oh.” Snails blinked slowly. “That’s too bad.”

“Yeah.” They paused. Guy talk at its finest.

Snails wished that Snips were here. He would know what to do. “…wanna hang out?” He said at last. “I can show you how to impress all the fillies with my super diving!” Snails was beaming from Rainbow Dash’s acknowledgement of his skills.

Pip sighed. “Okay, I guess.” The two colts got up and started towards one of the trees and began to climb. Snails went first.

“Whoohooo!” He yelled as he tucked into a cannonball…only to land on his back and slowly sink into the water. Everypony watching winced. “Ow….” Snails gave a weak moan as he went under.

“Are you okay?” Pip asked as Snails resurfaced.

“…sure, eh. Now you go!” Came the pleased if somewhat strained answer.

“All right…” Pip took a deep breath and backed up on the branch. Then he started to run to the end of the branch, only to trip and fall, not over the water but the hard, solid ground! “Aaah!”

“Pip!” Dinky and the fillies gasped as he started to fall. Suddenly they were nearly knocked off their hooves by a blue blur that trailed rainbows behind it. Mere seconds before Pip would’ve hit the ground, Rainbow Dash zoomed past and neatly caught the young colt on her back as she skimmed low, just above the lake.

“You okay back there?” Rainbow shouted. Pip, clutching tightly to her, gave a quick nod.

“T-thanks! I thought I was goner there!”

“Heh, no sweat.” She leaned to one side, coming back around over the lake. “Good effort though. Took guts.” Turning her head she added, “That’s an important thing. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge. Sometimes it’ll work and sometimes you’ll end up hurt. But it’s better than moping on the side. Get it?”

“Um…I guess?” Pip said slowly, thinking she was saying more than she was letting on.

“Good.” She winked. “Now, let’s do something to really impress the fillies…grab my tail.” Confused and more than a little certain, Pip grabbed a hoofull of her rainbow tail. “Hang on!” Rainbow Dash did a quick barrel roll that pitched Pip off her back. He yelped and clung tightly to her tail with both hooves, his lower legs just skimming the surface of the water.

His eyes were wide in fear but it quickly transformed into one of amazement and then one of glee. “Whoa!” He grinned as he found himself water skiing. “Cool!”

Rainbow Dash smirked as she flew around. From the shore everypony was watching in awe. Then she got some height and said. “All right, let go!”

Pip tucked himself into a little ball and dropped into the lake with an adorably soft ‘plink!’ He resurfaced a moment later, all smiles.

From the water’s edge, the other little ponies laughed and cheered. Even Dinky’s mood softened as she watched Pip trying to splash Rainbow Dash as she hovered over him, taking her bows.

Big Macintosh rolled his eyes. “There she goes showin’ off again.” He muttered. Then she tucked her wings against her side and splashed down almost on top of the small pinto pony. A brief splash war broke out and she quickly gained the upper hoof, giving Pip a victory noogie. Then she flopped on her back and drifted on the water.

Big Mac, not being much of a swimmer, stayed on shore and watched the younger ponies play and frolic in the water. The tension from the morning wasn’t gone—Pip and Dinky still kept their distance and Silver Spoon’s pose around Dinky was full of tension—but it wasn’t as bad as it was before.

When Rainbow Dash came out of the water, shaking her wings and her coat dry, Big Macintosh tried to take the opportunity to smooth things out with her.

“Rainbow Dash…about whut happened last night…” He scuffed his hoof on the ground but forced himself to look her in eye. “Ah said things that I regret and ah know you said some too...”

“No. I didn’t.” Rainbow Dash looked up sternly, her voice deadly earnest. “I meant every word. And so did you.”

This was not how Big Mac imagined this going. “That’s not—”

“Admit it.” She stomped her hoof, snorting and flapping her wings like she was preparing to charge the stallion who was twice her size and about three times her body mass. “You Apples are all big on honesty, right? So be honest. You meant what you said: you think you’re better than me. Admit it. Admit it or I will never respect you again!”

Big Macintosh closed his eyes and lowered his head. “…Ah did.” He admitted, flinching as if the confession was physically painful. But he pushed forward. “Just because ah might’ve been dumb enough to believe what I said don’t make it true. Don’t even mean ah believe it now, either.”

“Whatever.” Rainbow snorted, turning away and ruffling her feathers. “I have enough friends who don’t think they’re better than me without needing you.” She walked away, heading over to Sweetie Belle.

After that, Big Macintosh decided to keep his distance a little bit longer. So he sat on the shore and watched the little ponies play. It wasn’t long before Rainbow Dash called for a swimming race. “First team to reach the far side of the lake wins!”

“There she goes agin.” Big Macintosh sighed as he watched. “Doesn’t she ever learn?” Rainbow hovered over the little ponies as they splashed and swam to the far side. When Archer swallowed a mouthful of water and started coughing, Dash flew over and gently lifted her up and out of the water until she was ready to start swimming again. The big red pony smiled as he watched Rainbow shout encouragement at Archer as she swam to rejoin the others.

Dinky’s team reached the other side first. Silver Spoon and Snails stopped swimming a few body lengths from the shore. “Hey, what is this?” Rainbow Dash flew overhead. “You aren’t finished until you get to the other side! First place or fiftieth, you ALWAYS finish what you start!” She shook her mane. “And c’mon! Let’s hear some cheering for your teammate!” She added, pointing at Archer.

“Come on Archer!” Snails called as he reached the other side.

“You can do it!” Silver Spoon chimed in. Archer, panting, picked up her pace until she reached her teammates, who hugged her when she arrived.

“Now *that’s* what I’m talking about!” Rainbow whooped as she landed on the shore. “There, was that so hard?” She teased, only to throw her wings up over her as six tired but still feisty little ponies started splashing her. “Oh you are SO asking for it!” Rainbow shouted as she charged into the water, determined to avenge herself. “Take this! And that! And that!”

By the time Big Mac circled around the edge of the lake, six bedraggled little ponies and one soaked, overgrown filly had dragged themselves out of the lake. Seeing him approach, Rainbow quickly tucked Dinky under her wing and moved off to be by themselves.

Disappointed, the giant stallion sat down. “Hey, Big Macintosh?” He turned around. It was Archer.

“What’s up Archer?” He asked. The little filly rubbed her hoofs together before saying meekly.

“Um, Silver Spoon’s still feeling upset…can you go talk to her?” She bit her lip.

“Ah reckon so.” Mac nodded as he trotted over to the lonely silver filly, Archer tagging along. “Silver Spoon?” He asked gently. She just sniffed and turned away.

“Go away.” Silver pouted. “You’re just going to yell at me too, even though I didn’t do anything!”

Macintosh sat down, his bulk giving the little filly shade from the morning sun. “Ah’m not gonna yell. Ah just want to know whut happened.”

“It’s okay Spoony.” Archer sat down on Silver Spoon’s opposite side and put a hoof on her shoulder.

“No it’s not!” Silver shook it off. “Just when I start to have a good time and make some new friends everypony accuses me!”

“Just calm down sugarcube and tell me what happened.” Big Macintosh repeated, stretching out a hoof and giving her a shoulder hug. He was surprised when the typically proud and snobbish pony buried her head in his side.

“R-rainbow Dash yelled at me for putting poison ivy in Pip’s flowers! She said I was being m-mean and jealous little brat and that I wouldn’t ever change!” Tears welled up in her violet eyes, seemingly magnified by her large glasses. “But I *did* change, honest! It’s Dinky who’s being a brat! Not me!”

“Whoa there, what do you mean?” Big Macintosh held up a hoof. “What’s Dinky done?”

“She’s being mean!” Silver Spoon exclaimed.

Understandably confused, if not skeptical, he asked “She do something to you? Say something to you?”

“Not to me!” She shook her head. “To Pipsqueak!”

Big Macintosh was flummoxed. Apparently one can’t spell flummoxed without lummox. He was one flummoxed lummox. He shook his head, dispelling his derailed train of thought. “Dinky was being mean to PIP?” He asked incredulously, wondering what Silver Spoon was trying to pull.

“Yeah! He’s been so nice and she’s just been ignoring him and sticking her nose in the air and acting like he was a bug underneath her hoof!”

Mac’s eyes narrowed. “Like you used to do?” He asked in sudden understanding. Silver Spoon’s face heated but she didn’t turn away.

“Uh huh. But Pip was still so nice though! He didn’t deserve to be treated like that…” Lower she added, “Nopony does.”

“Ah’m glad to hear you say that.” Big Mac gently hugged the sad pony. “Ah’m proud of you.”

“R-really?” Silver Spoon wiped her glasses with her elbow, trying to hide how embarrassed she was feeling.

“Eeyup. Ah have t’admit, from what mah little sister and her friends told me about you, ah didn’t think you’d ever realize that teasing and making a pony feel bad is wrong. But it turns out that ah was the one who was wrong and I’m sorry that ah didn’t think you could change. Everypony’s capable of change ah suppose. And Ah’m powerful sorry if anypony leapt to conclusions and blamed you for somethin’ you didn’t do.”

Archer piped up. “This is actually my fault Big Macintosh. I was the one who put the poison ivy in the flowers—but I didn’t know that Pip was going to give them to Dinky! We were planning to give Rainbow Dash the flowers and, well, I guess there was a mix up and…”

“Actually it’s my fault.” They looked up to see Sweetie Belle walk over, her head and tail hanging down. “I told Dinky Doo that boys like it when girls act all lady-like the way they do in my sister’s stories and I suggested to Pipsqueak that he give her flowers and I’m SO sorry and I didn’t mean for this to happen and—”

Big Macintosh put his hoof gently over her mouth, amazed at the ability for such tiny ponies to pack so much into a single breath. “Ah think ah get the idea.”

Sweetie’s eyes watered as she looked over at Silver. “Dinky isn’t a bad pony Silver Spoon! I just thought that Pip would like her if she acted more fancy and sophisticated. Like…”

“You mean like I acted?” Silver asked in confusion. “You *hated* it when I acted like that.”

“…Well, I figured that colts would like it better?” Sweetie said lamely. Archer facehooved.

“Why don’t ah leave you girls to talk this out while I go see how Dinky’s doing.” Macintosh stood. Three fillies talking about colts they like was the last place Big Mac wanted to be. He shuddered at the thought of Apple Bloom going through puberty. Applejack was bad enough…

Dinky was by herself again, facing away from the rest of the group as Rainbow prepared a camp fire to help dry the swimmers off. “Sugarcube? You all right?” He asked gently, sitting down next to her.

She shook her head and sniffled. “I miss mommy.”

“That’s t’be expected.” Big Mac offered her a hanky.

“Thank you…” Dinky mumbled as she blew her nose.

“What did Miss Dash say?”

“Well, Auntie Rainbow…”

“Auntie?” Big Mac repeated, quirking a brow.

Dinky flushed. “That’s what I call her. She and Carrot Top are real good friends of my mommy, so they’re like my aunts! Rainbow Dash comes over and a foalsits for me sometimes and we color and play games and have lots of fun!”

“That sounds mighty nice.” Big Macintosh shuffled awkwardly. “So what did she say?”

“She said she was sorry about the prank stuff. She said that it was all an accident, that Pip didn’t mean to give me give me poison ivy and that she shouldn’t have started this prank war and was sorry she wasn’t a better counselor and—”

“Hold up there. Rainbow Dash said all that?” Big Macintosh asked. He didn’t think Rainbow Dash ever admitted to being wrong, much less apologize. Dinky nodded.

“I told her that she was the bestest counselor ever and it wasn’t her fault! Usually I think pranks are fun but…” she scuffed her hoof. “…when I thought Pip did it…hurt.” She whimpered.

“Why’s that?”

“He…Pip’s my friend. My good friend. And I thought—“ she sniffed. “I thought that when did that it was like he was saying that didn’t like me the way I liked him. And it hurt so ba-ad!” Her voice hitched.

Big Macintosh felt his heart melt. “C’mere…” He scooped her up in his big hooves and gave her a hug. “Shh, there there. I was jest talking to some of yer friends. This whole thing is just a misunderstanding. There’s no way Pip or any of your friends would want to hurt you.”

“I-I know that.” Dinky squeaked, surprising him. “I figured out later that it was an accident. Rainbow Dash said that too. Only now I yelled at Pip *and* Sweetie Belle and if they weren’t mad at me before they’re sure to be mad at me now!”

“It’ll be okay.” He assured her. “Ah’m sure Pip and Sweetie are still your friends.”

Dinky scrubbed her eyes. “But I don’t know if I want Pip to be my friend! I mean, I do but I also want him to be more than my friend, like a super special somepony friend and—”

“Sugarcube, ain’t you getting a little ahead of yourself?” Big Mac rubbed her mane. “Plenty of time for all that. Just worry about making friends and havin’ a good time with them. The rest’ll tend to itself.”

“A-Auntie Rainbow said the same thing.” Dinky admitted, which surprised Macintosh.

“Hrm, what else did, ah, Auntie Rainbow say?” He was curious now.

Dinky thought hard. “Well, she said that sometimes when you really care about a pony and they hurt your feelings—even if they didn’t mean to—that it hurts a whole lot more than when some other pony does it.”

Out of the mouths of foals…. “Go on.”

“Rainbow Dash said that friends can sometimes do things that really hurt…even if they don't mean to. But the only way to avoid that is to not have any friends at all and she said that would be even worse. Nothing’s more important than making friends.”

Macintosh’s wheat sprig fell out of his mouth in sure surprise. Granny always said that still waters ran deep…she didn’t say anything about raging rapids having hidden depths, but sure enough he found himself up to his withers in it.

“Didn’t she say anything about her family? Ah mean, yer family?” He amended quickly.

“Well, she did say that I was lucky because I had my mommy and Auntie Carrot Top and they’d always be there for me.” She paused in thought. “I don’t think Auntie Rainbow Dash has a family.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I asked her about her mommy and daddy one time when she was helping me make a mother’s day present for mommy. She just said that me and mommy and her friends were enough and that she didn’t need anypony else.”

“…” Big Macintosh felt his heart sink into his hooves. He rubbed Dinky’s back. “Sounds like mighty sound advice she gave you.” He said at last. “Why don’t you think about it a bit more and then try talking to Pip later, okay?”

“M’okay. Thank you Big Macintosh.”

As the red pony started walking away, he noticed Rainbow Dash approaching Dinky again out of the corner of his eye. By the time he reached the other side of their makeshift camp, he found himself once again being sought out.

Pipsqueak padded over to Big Macintosh. “Mr. Macintosh?”

“Eeyup, Pip?”

“C-can I talk to you?” The tiny colt asked, seeming all the more small as he was literally cast in the shadow of the largest pony in Ponyville.

“S’long as your mouth works.” Mac said amiably as he lifted the colt up onto the log he was sitting on.

Pip’s eyes widened as he clung to the giant red limb. “Whoa!” He shook his head. “Thanks. I wanted to know if…have you ever made a girl sad?”

Big Macintosh wondered why the universe seemed destined to rub his mistakes into his face. Had he insulted it in some fashion? He sighed. “…eeyup.” Mac nodded glumly, sparing a quick glance in Rainbow Dash’s direction. “’Bout the lowliest feelin’ ah’ve ever known.”

Pipsqueak lowered his ears until they were flat against his head. “I made Dinky cry…” He sniffed, rubbing at his eyes. “And now she hates me…”

Wrapping a leg around the little colt, Big Mac shook his head. “Nah, ah dun think so. That filly ain’t got a mean bone in her body. She doesn’t have it in ‘er to hate anything or anypony.”

“I just wanted to be friends.” Pip looked down. “We had so much fun! Then she started acting all weird like she was ignoring me and then I wanted to do something nice so we could be friends again but that didn’t work and now she won’t talk to me at all and—”

“Whoa there! Take a breath.” Pip did, taking several haltering, almost hitching breaths. “Seems t’me what you got here is failure to communicate.” Big Macintosh raised his voice. Rainbow Dash half-turned around to listen. “If you’ve gone and upset somepony, whether you meant to or not, the only thing to do is to apologize.” His voice carried across the campsite. “Even if that pony doesn’t want to hear it, you’ve still got to say it, cuz it ain’t just about them. It’s about you and the kinda pony you are.” Big Mac shuffled his giant hooves, uncomfortable with all the attention he received. “Yer character is set pretty early in life and it’s harder to change the older you get. You need ta decide: are you the type of pony who, when you know you’ve done wrong, are just gonna walk away from a problem you made—intentionally or not—or are you gonna stick with it until you fix it? When you see somepony who needs a hoof, are you gonna help them out, or just walk away because they don’t wanna accept it at first? Will you just give up as soon as things look hard?”

Pip looked over to Dinky, who was rubbing her eyes and trying not to look like she was listening in on their conversation. Then he looked back at Big Macintosh, hanging on every word.

Big Macintosh closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Kin ah tell you about a pony I know?” Pip nodded quickly. “There was a special filly ah once knew. Ah didn’t like her much at first. She seemed too loud, too self-confident and self-absorbed. She could get me so upset that ah went and said some things ah really wish I hadn’t. It wasn’t until later that I found out that I had her figured all wrong.” He sighed. “It took me a while to realize it. Like a lot of ponies, ah was too caught up in first impressions to see the truth that was right in front of me. Ah overlooked her bravery because ah was focusing of her brashness. Ah ignored her courage because ah saw it as arrogance. And ah resented her friendliness because ah mistook it for being carefree. So while this mare was giving us her best every minute of every day, ah was busy judging her.”

Looking up, he saw Rainbow Dash staring at him with her rosey eyes wide and shimmering, her jaw trembling as she clenched it shut. Macintosh’s green eyes met hers. He was looking at her and kept speaking to Pip “But ah was wrong. So wrong. Ah said some hurtful, nasty things and ah couldn’t get the chance to tell her how sorry ah really was. Ah thought ah knew her…turns out ah didn’t know her much at all. Ah’d like to though. Still would. If…ifn she’d have me.”

Big Macintosh looked back down to Pip. “Ah spoke with Dinky. She’s not mad with you Pip. And ah think she’s ready to talk. Remember: a strong friendship can withstand any storm.”

“Okay Big Macintosh.” Pip wiped his eyes with his leg. “Thank you.” He hopped off and scampered over to Dinky. Rainbow Dash got up to leave them alone and she headed over to Big Mac.

“Think they’ll be okay?” She asked him hoarsely, some unidentified emotion caught in her throat. The work pony smiled as Dinky wrapped her hooves around Pip in a giant hug.

& & &