• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 10,083 Views, 762 Comments

A Camping We Will Go - Trinary

Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh take six little ponies camping. What could go wrong?

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Hearts: Forging and Breaking

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Rainbow Dash felt herself melt away as she and Big Macintosh kissed. It was almost like she was in some state of bliss, Big Mac’s smell of hay, sweat and apples in her nose, his moist lips pressing against her own…her eyelids fluttered. It was like she’d performed a Sonic Rainboom inside of her heart. Twice!

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity that was cut all too short, the two ponies pulled away and panted for breath. “That was…” Rainbow gasped. “so…awesome!”

“E-eyup.” Big Macintosh’s tongue hung out of his mouth as he tried to fan his ever redder than usual face with one of his massive hooves. “Whooee.”

“Y-yeah.” Rainbow wiped her forehead clear of sweat. Her face felt hot enough to fry an egg off it. “So, um, does this mean that…you know, you and me are--?”

“Ah—ah reckon so. If’n y’all want to be.” Big Mac said quietly. He tried to hide his eagerness, his eyes roving all trying to look at anything but her face.

Rainbow Dash licked her own lips nervously then seemingly shuddered at the taste of apples left there. “M-mac? I think I want you to…you know. Bemyspecialsomepony. Andformetobeyours.” She said the last two parts quickly in one quick breath.

“Ah’d like that more than all the apples in the world.” Big Macintoh said trotting up to nuzzle her cheek, both of them blushing all the while.

Rainbow trotted in place, all but jumping up and down and squealing like she’d gotten the chance to fly with the Wonderbolts. She’d never felt this way about a pony before. A few days ago all she knew of Big Macintosh was that he was Applejack and Apple Bloom’s big brother, didn’t say much and worked the plow at Sweet Apple Acres. But now Big Macintosh was larger than life, so big and strong and kind and awesome and just…perfect.

She giggled like a little filly—a noise she hadn’t made in a long time (ever, if you were to ask her)—as Big Mac breath warmed her cheek. Macintosh smiled. He liked that sound. It was cute. An idea struck him as he lowered his head down and gently bit down on the tip of Dash’s ear. He was rewarded with a sudden squeal that was immediately followed by Rainbow biting down on her giggles and an even redder face.

“Quit it!” She said, but couldn’t stop smiling. Rainbow nickered and nuzzled his cheek with her muzzle. “Big oaf.”

Big Mac beamed as he tilted his face to make it easier for her. “Eeyup.” He was smiling so much it was bordering on goofy.

After a moment of nuzzling, Rainbow backed away. “Say Mac? Um, I just wanted to say thanks. I mean, I really like you and you’ve just been really awesome to me since day one and I’m sorry that I’ve been kinda, you know…me.”

“Shewt, don’t you ever apologize fer bein’ who you are.” Big Mac tossed his head. “It’s what ah like about you.”

“Heh, yeah I guess but…can you tell me something? Honestly?”

“Ah’m an Apple. Ah don’t know any other way.”

“Right. Well…I guess I just wanted to know…why me?” Rainbow shuffled awkwardly.

“Cuz ah heard Princess Luna was taken.” Mac replied easily, his voice pure deadpan.

Rainbow Dash goggled at him. Then after her brain took a moment to process his reply, she bit down on her lip again to stop giggling. Why was she so giggly around him? She was Rainbow Dash, coolest pegasus around and whenever he spoke she turned all giggly like Rarity! Not fair. “C-c’mon!” She whined. “Seriously!”

“Ya gotta ask?” Macintosh raised his brow questioningly. “All right, ah’ll tell ya. Ah like how everything you do, you just throw yourself entirely into it, even mebe when you outta look before you leap. Ah like how you try to live life to the fullest and have fun doing it. Ah like your energy, your spunk, your bravery and loyalty…” He leaned down and gently cradled her head with his giant hooves. “And I like how underneath all your swagger and coolness is a really nice, great pony who always tries to help her friends out when they’re in a jam. And I like how seeing you up in the sky, blazin’ rainbows this way and that, makes me want t’look up and see whut’s around me besides apples.”

“Oh…oh wow.” Rainbow Dash blushed brilliantly.

Big Mac chuckled. “A course, it helps that yer mighty cute when you do that.” Then he shrank back when she tried beating him about the head and shoulders with her wings. “Ack!”

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: for the strong but silent type, you sure talk too much.” Rainbow retorted, finally stopping her winged barrage.

Big Macintosh spat out a stray feather that had somehow ended up in his mouth. “Ptooh! Huh, as ah recall you were the one who complained at the start of all this that all ah ever said was eyup and eenope.”

“I didn’t know how good I had it until it was gone.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and nudged him with her elbow. Her smile faltered. “But, um, thanks. For answering I mean. It just feels a little…”


“I dunno…sudden I guess? Don’t get me wrong!” She added hurriedly, afraid he might get the wrong idea. “I—I really like this but…”

Big Mac nosed her shoulder gently. “You tellin’ me that there’s such a thing as ‘too fast’ for Rainbow Dash, the faster flier in Equestria?” He teased.

“No! That’s not it!” She looked annoyed and even a little scared. “The thing about going fast is that the faster you go, the sooner you arrive at the end. And I don’t…I don’t want this to end.” Her sandy voice grew even thicker and scratchier with barely repressed emotions, her final words coming as more of a plea than a statement.

“Aww, sugarcube.” Big Mac gave her a sideways hug. “It t’aint like that a’tall.” He said firmly. “And besides, this ain’t as sudden for me as it is for you.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Well,” Macintosh started. “You’ve been a big part of mah life longer than ah’ve been part of yours, even if we never sat down and talked.” Rainbow Dash still looked confused. “Rainbow, ah don’t think you unnerstand just how big a part you’ve played in mah family’s life: You helped us out during Apple Buckin’ season, you offered to help Apple Bloom with her Cutie Mark troubles, you helped solve Cousin Braeburn and Appleloosa’s trouble with the buffalo, took down our old barn, helped me grind during the cider competition and offered to whoop those two bamboozling Flim Flam Brothers fer us.”

“Heh, yeah, but the others were a part of most of that stuff too!” Rainbow pointed out.

“Mebe, but ah ain’t done. You’ve also brought AJ back home to us. Twice. Ah don’t think ah ever properly thanked you for that. Ah’m not even sure I ever could.”

Rainbow Dash grew a bit flustered. “A heh, whoo…laying it on a little thick there big guy?” She wiped her suddenly sweaty brow. “I mean, again, we all went out after Applejack after the Equestria Rodeo Competition…”

“AJ told me that you were the one to run her t’ground. Literally.” Big Mac butted in. “And what you told her about not caring if she came in first or fiftieth…that meant a lot to her, coming from you. She cares what you think about her. Anyway, that wasn’t the first time you brought my little sister home.”

“What are you talking abou…oh.” Rainbow’s eyes widened in realization. “You mean, my first Sonic Rainboom?”

“Eeyup. It showed Applejack the way home from Manehattan. It just about broke mah heart when she left. The day she came home and got her cutie mark was probably the happiest day of mah life. Not t’mention how you and your friends have made AJ happier than ah’ve ever seen her and all you’ve done to help Equestria.” He added as if it were an after thought.

Rainbow felt her eyes growing wet. “Don’t get all sappy on me big guy. It’s contagious.”

Big Macintosh sniffed, wiping his face. “Sorry miss tough filly. Dunno *what* ah was thinking.” He smiled wryly.

“Eh, I guess I can forgive you this one time.” Rainbow walked over and rubbed her head underneath his. “So, does that mean that you LIKE liked me even before this trip?”

“Eenope.” Big Mac said so flatly that Rainbow Dash was actually a bit startled. “Ah was plum grateful for all you’ve done for mah kin and you seemed all right, but I still thought you were a bit…well, a bit of a big-headed show off without a whole lot of common sense.”


“…Subtle.” Rainbow Dash grunted.

Big Macintosh shrugged helplessly as if to say ‘well, you asked.’ Then he coughed. “But ah don’t think that now! You heard what ah told Pipsqueak. You were there. Anyway,” he was eager to move onto another avenue of conversation. “Ah like your confidence. So why’re you so confused why a feller’d like you?”

“I don’t know…usually ponies like me after I do something incredibly cool for them.” She backed up and sat down on the ground. “Usually I have to win a race or do a really neat trick or do a Sonic Rainboom before anypony gets really impressed with me. Here on this trip…I’ve done some cool stuff but nothing all that awesome, you know? So I just don’t know what I did for you to like me now.”

Big Mac started grinning. It was a genuinely amused smile with just a hint of smugness from knowing something some other pony doesn’t. Rainbow Dash saw it in the mirror most days. She didn’t like it being used on her now. “What?”

“You don’t really get it, do you?” Macintosh was well and truly amused.

“Get what?!” Rainbow threw her hooves in the air. “Will somepony start making sense?”

“Rainbow Dash you agreed to take a bunch of little ponies you didn’t really know in the woods to teach them about survival and working together. A lot of them didn’t even like each other none at the start and you helped bring them together. They’ve had fun together, learned together and a lot of new friendships were made.” Big Mac regarded her. “You’ve done what you could to make this fun for them and when you made a mistake you did everything you could to make it right again. When they were upset, you were upset; you really care about them little ponies. To me, THAT is pretty durn awesome.”

“R-really?” Rainbow was moritifed to hear her voice break into a squeak.

Big Mac nuzzled her cheek again. “S’like AJ tries to tell Apple Bloom: she does her best when she ain’t trying so hard. And when you stop worrying about trying to be all awesome and amazing for other ponies and you just do what you do…is when you’re at your most.”

“Heh, I guess I am pretty amazing…” She beamed, rubbing a hoof against her chest before she winced, stopping. “…guess I don’t always need to point it out though.” She gave a weak grin. “Other ponies can figure it out on their own.”

“They sure can.” He winked. “Still, ah think it’s cute when you go on about how awesome and cool you are.” Mac rubbed her withers.

“You keep saying cute. That’s NOT how you pronounce the word ‘cool.’” Rainbow complained, shivering slightly at the feel of Big Mac’s hooves as she leaned in for more.

Macintosh chuckled. Then a thought occurred to him. “So, ‘re you gonna tell me why you kissed me?”

“Because I heard Princess Luna was unavailable.” Rainbow Dash answered in the exact same deadpan that Big Mac had used. Macintosh felt his eye twitch as the mental image it conjured up threatened to break his brainpan.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Nice look you got going there. It suits you.”

Mac shook his head clearing out all the odd and strangely alluring imagery. “Funny filly.”

“Eeyup.” Rainbow smirked at him. “And seriously, do you even have to ask? You’re big, strong, really cool, you’re really—ugh I can’t believe I’m saying this—nice and stuff and…I feel like I can trust you. With anything.” She smiled. “You’re like the dream stallion for almost every mare in Ponyville and I bet more than a few of the stallions too.”

THAT was an image Big Macintosh suppressed before it even had time to properly form. “Um, thanks Dash.” He said in a strangled tone.

“No problem.” Rainbow’s easygoing grin faltered a bit. “I—I really like how I feel when I’m around you; like how you’ve always got my back and how you make me want to be an even better pony. It’s…I don’t really have the words for it.”

Big Mac smiled and nuzzled her warm cheek again. “Then we just won’t have to use any words, will we?”

Rainbow Dash blushed brightly as she fought the urge to cover her face with her hooves. She nuzzled him back. “Yeah, words are overrated. I wouldn’t want you to call me shmoopy-woopy or whatever anyway.

“Very funny.” Macintosh stuck out his tongue at her, prompting her to giggle at the dignified stallion’s childish act. He leaned against her, his head gently laying atop of hers. “Can ah ask you something?”

“Yeah big guy?” Rainbow mumbled sleepily, pulling out one of her numerous nicknames for him.

“Kin you do me a lil ol’ favor?” Mac crooned gently.

Rainbow’s wings twitched. “Ooooh, name it!”

“…Can you be the one to tell AJ about us?”

“O-oh FORGET IT!” Rainbow’s eyes snapped open wide. “Not a chance!”

& & &

Inside her sleeping bad, Sweetie Belle shivered. Her usually pleasant dreams were now being haunted by a frightening specter with a bone chilling laugh. And everywhere there was pink. The horrible horrible PINK!

“Aaaaah!” Sweetie Belle sat up with sudden shriek. “I swear I’ll never break a Pinkie Promise! I promise!”

Dinky, her tent mate, rubbed her eyes. “Sweetie?” She rubbed her eyes as she sat up with a bad case of bed mane. “It was just a scary dream.”

“O-okay. I knew that.” Sweetie shivered as she lay back down and snuggled into her warm sleeping bag. Dinky sighed and did the same, delighting in the warmth and comfort. It didn’t last. “Dinky?”

“…Yeah Sweetie?” Dinky cracked open one weary eye.

Sweetie Belle squirmed as she sat up. “I gotta go.”

Her mind still half asleep, it took Dinky a few seconds to respond. “S’go.”

“It’s still dark out.” The white unicorn gave a little squeak. “Could you walk with me please? So I don’t get lost?”

“Okay.” Dinky sighed as she stood up and stretched. “Let’s just make it fast.”

“Thank you!” Sweetie gave her a grateful hug.

With that, the two little fillies walked out of their tent and headed away from the camp for some privacy. Along the way, Dinky noticed Sweetie looking warily around her, practically jumping at every little noise. “Are you okay?” Dinky asked after Sweetie squealed when a stray leaf fell on her back.

“Y-yeah.” Sweetie gulped. “I guess Rainbow Dash’s story kinda got to me.” She admitted, embarrassed.

“It’s okay.” Dinky gave her a quick nuzzle. “It was just make believe! There aren’t any crazy ponies out here to get us!”

Sweetie giggled. “You’re right. If Apple Bloom were here she’d say I was acting like a big chicken. There’s nopony here.”

Just then, Sweetie and Dinky each felt something tap them on the shoulder. “BOO!”

Sweetie Belle and Dinky Doo each out a high pitched squeal and jumped, clutching each other in midair. They landed on their backs and looked up to the sight of Silver Spoon and Archer laughing.

“Oh, that was too easy!” Archer laughed as she held out a hoof to help Dinky up. Silver took the hint and offered Sweetie her hoof. “Priceless!”

Sweetie dusted herself off. “That wasn’t funny! I almost had an accident!” That only prompted more giggles from the two pranksters.

“What are you two doing out here anyway?” Dinky asked.

“We heard you guys get up and figured we’d have a little fun.” Archer’s eyes gleamed.

Sweetie glared at her. “Ha ha. Now well you got your little joke in, now why don’t you go back to bed? C’mon Dinky, let’s go.”

Silver Spoon turned her head around. “Wait, do you hear that?”

“What is it?” Archer asked.

“Shhh!” Silver hushed her. “Sounds like somepony talking.”

Sweetie Belle swished her tail, having none of it. “Nice try Silver Spoon. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame…shame on…well, I’m not falling for it!” She stamped her hoof determinedly.

“Wait, I hear it too!” Dinky whispered, perking her ears up.

“Let’s go see who it is!” Archer said softly as she slowly headed towards the source, Silver Spoon and Dinky flanking her on either side. Sweetie Belle trembled, but afraid of being left alone, reluctantly followed them, grumbling all the while.

Suddenly, Archer stopped short. She crouched down and gently poked her face through a bush. “It’s Big Macintosh! And Rainbow Dash!” She whispered urgently. The other fillies sat down and maneuvered themselves to get a look.

“What are they doing?” Sweetie whispered.

“Talking.” Silver Spoon answered.

“I know that! But *what* are they talking about?”

“I don’t know, I can’t hear them when you’re talking!”

“Everypony shhhh!” Dinky pointed. They all looked just in time to see Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh lean in and kiss each other.

Dinky, Sweetie Belle and Archer let out identical sounding ‘awwwwws’ and even Silver Spoon couldn’t help cooing.

“No wonder Big Mac didn’t get together with Cheerilee!” Sweetie exclaimed softly. “This is so romantic!”

Dinky squeeed quietly. “Wait ‘till I tell mommy! Auntie Dash has a *boyfriend!* Eeeheeheee! Ooh! Maybe this means that Big Macintosh will be my Uncle!”

“Sssssh! Keep it down or they’ll hear you!” Archer hissed.

Sweetie Belle grinned. “Scootaloo and Apple Bloom won’t even know what hit them!”

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. “I guess I should’ve seen this coming. I mean, you all saw how much those two bickered on this trip.”

She was answered with a chorus of knowing nods and “Hmm-mms”

Archer smirked. “Yeah! Rainbow Dash was totally acting like a colt who liked a filly but didn’t want to show it!” She mused, scratching her muzzle.

“Do you think they liked each other all along?” Dinky asked.

Sweetie’s eyes sparkled. “When do you think they’ll get married?” A wide grin started to split her face…

Dinky, Silver Spoon, and Archer all had to pile on Sweetie Belle to suppress the Pinkie Pie-level squeal she was about to let out. Sweetie at least had the grace to look a little abashed. “Sorry.” She whispered.

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes as the others went back to cooing over the new couple, giggling like fiends when they saw Big Macintosh start to tickle Dash's belly with his hooves. A stray thought entered her mind. “Hey, what about Snails?”

“Huh? Snails?” Dinky was confused. “What about him?”

“Duh! He totally has a crush on Rainbow Dash! When he finds out about her and Big Macintosh he’s gonna be crush ed!”

“I always wondered why they called it a crush…” Sweetie mused philosophically. “Maybe that’s why.”

Dinky pouted. “Ooh, poor Snails.”

Archer looked at Silver sideways. “Yeah, good point. Maybe we shouldn’t tell him?”

Silver looked away, grateful for the dark that hid the flush across her cheeks. “Uh, sure whatever. It isn’t like I *care* about the dork or anything. I was just saying that not everypony is gonna be head over hooves about Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh dating.”

“Sure. Of course.” Archer said in a voice that was anything but innocent.

“You guys?” Sweetie interrupted. “What’s that?” They all looked where she was pointing her hoof. There was a sudden shaking in some bushes that were a couple of yards away from Rainbow Dash and Big Mac. As they shook, the little fillies saw a glimpse of orange and green.

“Oh no.” Dinky sniffled as they heard the faint hoof steps of a little pony running as fast as he could. “It was Snails…he saw everything.”

Sweetie Belle lowered her ears. “Awww…poor guy.”

Archer turned when she heard an odd scraping noise. She looked to Silver Spoon who kept her face rock solid. It wasn’t until she noticed the slight movement of her jaw that she realized that noise was Silver’s teeth grinding together.

“Um, you okay?” She asked gently.

Silver Spoon said nothing for a moment. Then she slowly turned to Archer. “…Wanna put Rainbow Dash’s hoof in a bowl of warm water when she goes to sleep?”

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