• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 10,089 Views, 762 Comments

A Camping We Will Go - Trinary

Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh take six little ponies camping. What could go wrong?

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Up a Tree

A/N: Quick, short update. Sorry about the length and the delay, had a family crisis intervene.

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Dinky’s tail was swishing back and forth as she hopped around Pipsqueak, who was in turn hopping around her for no reason other than the sheer joy of hopping. She let out a stream of giggles that threatened to never stop.

Pip smiled at her. “Wow! You’re the greated friend ever!” Dinky stopped bouncing long enough to face him.

“Yeah!” Then she paused. “Wait, friends? Aren’t we more than friends?” Dinky didn’t know much about coltfriends but according to Sparkler’s diary, ‘just friends’ usually meant something bad.

The tiny pinto colt was confused. “What’s more than friends?”

“Um…I unno.” Dinky paused. “But…I thought me and you were special. More than friends.”

“Like what? We have fun together, we tell each other everything…what’s missing? We’re not ‘just’ friends—you’re my best friend ever.” Pip tilted his head. “What else is there?”

Dinky’s cheeks blushed. She didn’t actually know. Could there be something better than being best friends with a colt you liked? Right now, she couldn’t think of anything better. “Never mind.” She nuzzled him gently. Dinky looked up at the sun peeking through the tree tops, dappling the leaves with light. “Think Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh’ll find us?”

“I’m sure they will!” Pip nudged her. “Tell you what, wanna learn how to climb a tree? I betcha we’ll find them for sure if we’re up high!”

“I’ve never climbed a tree before.” Dinky admitted. “Is it hard?”

Pip shook his head. “Nu uh! I’ll help you.” He nudged the little filly along.

She looked up at the tall tree before her, covered with small to middling sized branches. Gulping nervously, she grasped for the lowest branch and pulled herself up with a grunt. Pip pulled himself up alongside her with practiced ease that suggested he’d done this before.

“Good! Now you just do it again.” He said cheerfully. Dinky reached up on her hindlegs, grasping for the next branch. She let out a sudden squeak as she felt Pip work his way under her and provided a boost. Scrambling to the next branch Dinky hauled herself up again.

They went higher and higher, the leaves brushing against Dinky’s face. She stopped just long enough to look around. Her mouth formed a silent ‘o’ of surprise and wonder. She was high in the canopy now. All of the forest laid itself out before her, the squirrels in the trees, the sound of birdsongs in the morning air…Dinky held up a hoof, trying to get a better look.

“What is it?” Pip shouted from a few branches down.

“I see something!” She narrowed her eyes and leaned forward. Was that a flash of red in between the trees? “I think it’s B-eeeeeeek!” She had leaned forward too far and was now flailing as she tried to keep her balance. “Aaahhh!”

“Dinky! Hold on!” Pipsqueak yelled as he scrambled up. He was three branches below her.

“H-hurry!” Dinky’s eyes were moist. “I d-don’t think I can!”

“Almost there!” Now he was two branches down. With a determined leap he managed to grab the one above him, but couldn’t pull himself up. His tiny legs dangled as he kicked, trying to haul himself up.

Pip heard Dinky’s soft cries of fear and that fired his resolve. He managed to pull himself up to the branch just below hers. He was just in time to see Dinky’s hindleg slip as she carted around for firmer footing. With a scream she pitched forward and fell out of the tree. “DINKY!”

“Aaaaaaaaaaieee!” Dinky shouted as she fell, her hoofs casting about for something to hold on to, but there was nothing. She couldn’t grab any of the branches as she rushed past them. The ground was getting closer and closer.


Trixie’s horn emitted a series of soft pulses of light. She explained that the rate of the pulses would increase the closer they were to the foals.

It was early morning and the pulses were getting faster. “We are getting close.” Trixie announced, though her tone lacked any sense of pride or triumph that it once would have.

Big Macintosh—tired, sore, and in dire need of a bath—perked up. “Eeyup.” He picked up his pace. Trixie repressed a groaned and tried her best to match him. The operative word being tried. It had been a long night and she was tired and not used to the sort of endurance that Big Macintosh was.

Her horn was now almost purely light. “We…must be right…on top of them!” She panted as she slowed to a stop.

Big Macintosh looked around. “You sure? Ah don’t see them anywhere. That horn o’yers up to snuff?”

Trixie glowered. “Do I tell you how to farm? Trixie is sure the foals are here!”

The red earth pony demonstratively took a slow turn around the area. There were plants, trees and rocks aplenty, but a shortage of any ponies. “Right on top of them, huh?” He rolled his eyes—which is why he saw before he heard Dinky as she fell from the treetop. “Sweet star apples!” He blurted. “Hang on Dinky, I’ll catch ya!” He stood on his hindhooves and darted to and fro as he tried to position himself underneath the falling filly. Dinky’s screams were growing louder and Big Macintosh could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the blood pumping in his ears. Throwing his forelegs apart, Big Macintosh shouted “I got ya!”

…two seconds before Dinky stopped in mid air, surrounded by a faint blue magic aura. Dinky, not quite realizing her situation, continued screaming for another five seconds and kicking her legs before she realized that she’d come to a complete stop.

Big Macintosh, still on his hindlegs, blinked.

“You forgot I was here, didn’t you?” Trixie smirked. She looked up at Dinky, who was panting but was otherwise fine. “My, how early the fruit is falling this year.” She gently set the filly down.

“T-thank you miss.” Dinky shivered, jittery and still swathed with adrenaline.

“Dinky! You okay?” Came a shout from the tree. Big Mac and Trixie looked up to see Pipsqueak waving a tiny hoof frantically.

Sitting down on her rump, Dinky looked back up and waved. “A huh! I’m okay! Thanks to Big Macintosh and…” she looked at Trixie as if just really noticing her. “Who are you?”

On cue, Trixie reared up and spread her forelegs apart. “I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Her cape billowed brilliantly. “It was I who led us here in time to save you from certain doom!”

Dinky blinked. “Oh, thank you!” Beat. “Where’s Rainbow Dash?” She asked Big Mac innocently. “And what’s that sound?”

‘That sound’ was the noise of Trixie grinding her teeth together. Macintosh cleared his throat. “Rainbow’s back with the others. You all right?” Dinky nodded quickly. Mac tilted his head up. “What about you Pip?”

“A-okay cap’n!” Pip saluted as he slowly started making his way down.

“Let Trixie assist you.” With a glow of her horn, Pip felt himself being lifted off the tree branch and lowered down to the ground.

Dinky ooohed appreciatively at the display of magic, wishing she were capable of feats like that. Trixie smiled and tossed her head, highlighting her profile and her—in her own ever humble opinion—magnificent horn. Pip however felt himself jerked back and forth as Trixie moved her head around. The young colt bit his lip as he grew dizzy, his face turning pale, then green.

“Ta da!” Trixie proclaimed as she gently set Pipsqueak down next to her. She turned triumphantly to Big Macintosh. “What did Trixie tell you? I found the foals with no problems. And look, they simply adore me!” She waved a hoof at the spell bound Dinky and the nauseous Pip who was clinging to Trixie until his world stopped spinning.

Big Mac stepped back. “Um, Trixie, maybe you oughta—”

But she waved him off “Tut tut! Trixie will show you that she is just as capable of taking care of little ponies as your Rainbow Dash, neigh, even more so for the Great and Powerful Trixie loves foals!” She gave Pipsqueak a hardy pat on the back as her face split into a wide smile. She even managed to keep that smile when Pip barfed on her hooves.
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