• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,094 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

  • ...

A Sick Saiyan and Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul

~Journey of Saiyans Chapter 7~


Raze charged forward at a high speed and met Chris with a lightning fast punches. Chris responded by blocking each one of Raze's blows, then he moved into the air leaving Raze on the ground.

“You're jumping in far to quickly!” Chris exclaimed, the Z-fighter fired Ki blasts down onto Raze. Raze fired his own waves that collided with Chris's attacks causing several explosions in the sky and destroying nearby clouds.

Raze made two spirit balls and threw them into the smoke. Suddenly he sensed Chris's energy appear right behind him, he instinctively turned around and caught Chris's leg.

“What!?” Chris yelled in surprise as Raze began to spin in a circle while holding onto the Z-fighter, soon he then threw Chris toward the ground. But Chris caught himself easily and did some back flips before stopping, standing up in his previous stance.

“I'm pretty good and you better watch out!” Raze exclaimed proudly as he brought a Spirit Ball down and sent it after Chris.

Chris stood his ground and then right before the Spirit Ball could hit, he jumped into the air only to be followed by the attacks once more, he saw Raze moving his fingers about.

“I know that technique! That's Yamcha's Spirit Ball!” Chris exclaimed, he turned around and fired a Ki wave at the attack instantly destroying the attack and making an explosion.

Raze charged into the smoke and appeared before Chris. He heard Chris say “Your fast I give you that!” But suddenly Chris appeared before him, “But your not the only one.”

Raze quickly began on the offensive this time with well timed hits that were still blocked by Chris each time. Raze then pulled his fist back making Chris think he was about to deliver a heavy blow when instead Raze smirked “Gotcha!”

Chris seemed to notice this and pushed his hands out, and let out a small yell that pushed Raze back with an extreme force of Ki Energy, causing Raze to fall down a few meters before he caught himself. But Raze continued to smirk as he knew his attack was coming.

Suddenly, Chris was hit with the second Spirit Ball creating a massive explosion, Raze left the air and touched down on the rocky plateau.

Raze looked up while thinking 'There's no way for him to have escaped that!' The smoke began to clear and Raze's face changed from a cool confidence to one of shock.

Surrounding Chris was a technique that requires a lot of advanced Ki control, Chris had made an Energy Barrier at the moment of impact and he was completely unharmed the red barrier circled around the saiyan before dissipating into thin air.

'He knows how to make a barrier? This will make the match far more complicated!' Raze thought to himself as Chris floated down and touched the top of a plateau.

Chris began to pat some of the dust off himself, “I must admit, I never expected that second Spirit Ball. You caught me a little off guard, but I'll be just fine. Let's keep going and see how smart you really are.” Chris said as he stretched a bit, his neck popping as he moved it side to side.

'I should have known this wouldn't have been that easy, but this fight is really exciting!' Raze thought to himself as Discord cheered.

“Go Chris! Go Chris! What a clever move you made!” Discord exclaimed as Raze glared at him.

“Why are you cheering for him?! Aren't I the underdog here?!” Raze yelled at Discord.

“Well, Yes. But I can see you fight anytime I want and seeing Chris fight is a once in a lifetime chance!” Discord said to Raze.

“Well, that really is bull-” Raze had been about to end with a curse word only to have a knee to the stomach courtesy of Chris.

“No cussing! My son may be able to hear you after all!” Chris said as Raze looked up.

“That's bullsh-” Raze was about to say before he got an uppercut to the chin which threw him into the air.

Chris looked up and put both his hands into the air “Take This!” Chris then fired rapid waves of Ki blasts at Raze.

Raze recovered and looked down at the waves of Ki flying at him. Raze put both his hands together and began to charge a heavy amount of energy into them. A red ball of pure energy appeared in each hand and then grew to a bigger size. The air around him seemed to be flowing into the attacks itself. The entire sky glimmered for a second, but as it glimmered Raze could have sworn he saw strange markings all around it, complicated and artistic at the same time. But he choose to ignore it and continue his attack.

Chris looked saw the sky momentarily change, his eyes widened in some sort of realization. He looked over to our hero.

“Wait! Stop!” Chris pleaded. But Raze couldn't hear him at the height he was at and the sound of the gathering energies.

“Flash Cannon!” Raze yelled as he threw the red ball of energy at the incoming waves of Ki. Raze's attack pulled the Ki waves into it and an explosion of red mass erupted in the sky.

Chris reacted quickly and flew into the sky meeting the massive explosion. Though Raze couldn't see him he heard the battle cry of Chris, suddenly Raze's senses screamed at him, a massive amount of energy greater than his own came from inside the explosion. Raze witnessed as his attacked seemed to glow and shrink, Raze was shocked by this turn of events 'Is he absorbing the attack? But how?!' He thought to himself.

When Raze felt this energy, it felt the same as the energy that had appeared in his fight against Ken when he arrived in this dimension.

“Whoa! This is the same energy I felt the first time from Ken!” He said to himself as the air seemed to become lighter around him.

Chris had absorbed the energy of the attack and his transformation had ended. The landscape changed back to a large forest with Goku's house in the middle of said forest. Chris floated down to the ground and looked over to Raze as he finally touched down.

~End Music~

“Does that mean I win?” Raze asked with a smirk at how he won.

But Chris looked at him. Well, more liked glared at him. This confused Raze as his head tilted ever so slightly side ways in testament to his confusion. When Chis continued his stare, then looked up to the sky, then re-continued it, Raze became annoyed by the lack of speech.

“Why are you staring like that!” Raze yelled at the Z-fighter in an annoyed tone.

“Why did you do such a large attack?” Chris asked him in a little bit of anger.

Raze was a little taken aback with this question. “What do you mean, we were fighting! Why wouldn't I do that?!” He said.

“Do you know where we are?” Chris said.

“Yeah, in the seal, why?” Raze replied.

“And if you would tell me, who exactly this seal is implanted upon?” Chris continued questioning.

Raze got more annoyed with Chris's strange questions. Of course he knew! “It's on Ken of course, so what?” Raze then thought about it for a few seconds and came to his own realization about what Chris was getting at 'Oh....'

Chris saw Raze's face change in what he thought was realization and he sighed “I suppose you have made up for that by giving me a little sparring match, I haven't had a warm up like that in quite a while!” Chris said, changing the subject unknowingly to Raze.

“Warm up? That can't be right! Right?” he asked Chris, how could it have all been a warm up?! That was a fight, a sparring match between warriors! Chris had given Raze one of the hardest fights he ever had in only those few minutes!

“Well, of course it was! Do you know what it's like being stuck in this seal? Let me tell you just how bored I can get. Ever played Tic Tac Toe with yourself?”

“No, I haven't because there's only one of me!” Raze said as he watched Chris begin to stack up logs of wood in a pattern.

“There's the example.” Chris said, pointing to a wooden wall. On that way lay row upon row of scratched in Tic Tac Toe games. “At least there are some things to ease my boredom, like watching the world through my son's eyes.” Chris finished as Raze realized something more.

'Man, being stuck in a seal must suck.' Raze thought.

“No offense to the both of you at this point, but this conversation is extremely boring to me and to anyone else who might be reading this, so please pick up the pace!” Discord said as he threw away his popcorn.

“Wait a minute, Discord do you hear that?” Raze asked Discord. It was some sort of voice, but he couldn't pick it up...

“I'm not sure what you're talking about.” Discord said as he put his lion paw to his ear “Nope, nothing at all.... I wonder....” Discord trailed off as he suddenly disappeared.

“Discord? Where are you?!” Raze questioned as the entire seal-scape disappeared around him.


“Raze, Raze, Raze, Raze, wake up already!”

White light shined ahead as Raze fell onto the floor, “AHHHHHHH!” He yelled as he jumped up really fast. Raze looked around and found that Kira was looking at him curiously as her tail wiggled back and forth.

“Raze, your awake! And your not sick!” Kira then cheerfully said, embracing him in a childish hug, which only reached to his waist really.

Lyra stifled a giggle as well at the dumbfounded Raze whom hadn't said a word beyond a yell. He looked around and noticed that Bon Bon was also staring at him.

'Damn those big eyes!' Raze thought to himself, he looked down to see Kira hugging him, so he gently pushed her off.

Discord chuckled at the scene 'You really should try keeping your balance!'

Raze glared at the air space of Discord 'You had to end the dream abruptly!' He thought back to Discord.

Kira noticed him glaring at the wall, for no reason, and looked in that direction. Her head tilted in confusion as she tried to figure out what Raze was looking at.

“What are you looking at Sensei?” The little hybrid girl questioned the older saiyan.

Raze had heard and shook his head briefly “Nothing! Uh... Just regaining my balance!” Raze said quickly to Kira, who believed him instantly, ah the naivety of the innocent.

“Okay then!” Kira cutely said, her tail wagging side to side.

Lyra looked at Kira and said “Go check up on your brother real quick, please?” She asked.

“Okay Mom!” Kira replied as she quickly ran up the stairs.

With her gone, Lyra took on a serious face that frankly just made Raze sweat with slight fear. She stared at Raze, who was still standing next to the couch he was sleeping upon. Lyra made her way over to the couch, still staring... Glaring, at Raze seriously. She patted a hoof on the couch as she sat on it herself.

“Would you sit down for a second?” She demanded of him. Raze nodded sheepishly, and took a spot on the couch across from Lyra's position.

“Alright! The reason why you were woken up sooner than usual is because Ken has come down with a fever.” she paused for a second to let that sink in, then continued. “Since you're here all day and haven't got much of anything to do, I was hoping you could stay here and watch out for Ken! Can you help us out?” Lyra asked him.

Raze nodded, glad she just wasn't angry. “I can definitely do that! Training will make him feel better!” Raze exclaimed, he immediately proceeded towards the stairs to go fetch the ill-ed child.

But before our hero could make it to the first step of the staircase, he was suddenly pulled back by a somewhat formidable magical force. He sensed the energy that had hold of him coming from the unicorn Lyra, of all places.

“He can't train! It'll only worsen his condition! Ken can't even go to school right now because he'll probably be bed-ridden all day!” Some other emotion seemed to come from Lyra's tone besides slight anger at Raze. It sounded like worry? Raze couldn't tell just yet.

“I was made to train every time I got sick, I felt awful at first, but eventually I sweat it out.” Raze said as he tried to start walking back towards the stairs.

This time Lyra stood in front of him “No! None of that! Shame on you!”

“I don't understa-” Raze was interrupted by Lyra.

“He may be saiyan Raze, but he is still Human! Do you know anything about humans! How are you sure he'll recover from illness like a saiyan? Are you absolutely sure?” She questioned him in a serious manner.

Raze paused at Lyra's words, memory of one of his team mates appeared in his head. He looked away from Lyra, ashamed on how little he knew of both his comrade's and the two twin's race of humanity. Lyra was right, he wouldn't know if either Ken's human or saiyan side was in charge of the child's body in illness recovery. For all he knew, training the fever off could likely cause Ken extreme illness and possibly... Kill him.

Raze didn't want the guilt of a child's death, especially Ken's, on his conscious.

Lyra noticed Raze's lack of response, and the sense of loss looming around him. “Raze? You alright?” She asked concernedly.

This caused the saiyan to snap out of his trance. He smiled at the cyan unicorn and replied.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'll take of Ken for you!” He pronounced.

Lyra nodded, not pushing the previous subject further. “Alright, I'll bring Kira to school now.” She made her way to the entrance of the stairway and called up. “Kira! Sweetie it's time for school!”

Kira's head appeared from the upstairs hallway, looking down onto Lyra.

“But mommy, nii-san is sick! I gotta take care of him!” Kira said.

“Yes, I know your brother is sick. But Raze will take care of him, you have school!” The little hybrid's mother replied.


“Kira.” Lyra deadpanned.

Kira's tail went limp in defeat. “Yes mommy...” She replied, making her way down the stairway.

With Lyra, Bon-Bon, and the little girl Kira gone. Raze sat next to the lower half of the twin bunker, where a pale sleeping Ken lied upon. He looked at the child's sleeping form, rattling his brain for how to really deal with this.

“Ugh, I don't know anything about taking care of sick kids!” Raze said in frustration. He looked over to the invisible form of Discord. “Do you know anything about dealing with this?” Raze said as he pointed toward Ken, still sound asleep on the bed.

'Don't look at me! I don't know anything about human sickness!' The spirit of chaos said.

“Can't you do some sort of fancy healing magic!?” Raze asked the spirit.

Discord shook his head. 'Nope! Healing magic cures injuries not illness, and besides I don't know how to heal well! I'm a spirit of chaos, not a spirit of miraculous healing!'

“Then you're useless to me!” Raze deadpanned.

'I wouldn't say useless, why not go ask somebody for help? Like Derpy or The Doctor.' Discord said.

Something stirred, and Ken opened his eyes. He sat up, the bed sheets still covering him as he rubbed his eyes. He looked worse for wear, still sick with his energy sapped. Raze could tell because Ken's Ki was lower then normal.

Two childish eyes looked up to Raze, who was now standing. “Raze... I'm hungry...” Ken said in a low and tired tone.

'Crap, I don't know the first thing about cooking.' thought the full-blooded saiyan. He looked down at Ken and replied. “Um, I'll go get you something I guess.” Before he could turn toward the door, Ken grabbed his pants with his hand.

“Sensei, I want my dragon.” Ken said, pointing toward a large stuff animal that looked like an orange western dragon.

“Yeah, okay.” Raze said, not questioning why a saiyan would want such a toy, he guessed it was Ken's human side or something. He grabbed the stuffed animal and gave it to Ken, who grasped it with both of his arms and laid back down, snuggling it as he rested.

'Well ain't that a cute sight, you're such a good father! Ya sure you don't have plans to have kids?' Discord said.

'Shove it, let's just go get Derpy.' Raze replied.

Raze headed downstairs and just at the right moment, he saw Derpy enter the house. Smiling, Raze went over to Derpy.

“Derpy! I need your help!” Raze said.

“What would you need help with Raze?” she asked him.

“I can cook for an adult, but I'm not sure what Ken would want to eat and that's why I need your help Derpy!” Raze said as Derpy's eyes did their usual one side up and the other side down thing.

“Well, okay then!” Derpy had no idea what a Saiyan would normally eat, but she didn't want to disappoint Raze “I've got some muffin mix! Be back in a minute!” Derpy said as she galloped out the back door.

'I wonder if muffins help sickness at all....' Raze thought to himself as another voice answered his thoughts.

'What about chicken noodle soup?' Discord asked Raze.

“Yeah! I'll get some chicken and.... I don't think I have any kind of noodles...” Raze finished as he face palmed.

Raze immediately pulled out his capsule case and opened it 'Yeah! The emergency fridge!' he clicked the button and set it on the floor. A boom sound was heard and then a white fridge appeared. Raze opened it and looked inside.

'Nope, not this.... ' he thought to himself as he dug through an amazing amount of food. Raze continued to move stuff around in his fridge as Derpy reentered the home.

“I got the mix!” she exclaimed as she went into the kitchen and immediately started a search through the cabinets of the kitchen for a bowl to put it in.

Raze pulled out a pack of boneless chicken breast and said “This should be just fine, now I need a bowl of hot water to let it thaw.” and with that, Raze had gotten down a bowl and done just that.

Raze then went upstairs to see if Ken needed anything in the meantime “Hey? Ken? You awake?” Raze asked as he walked into Ken and Kira's room.

He heard a low “Yes” answer him and then Ken turned over so Raze could see him.

“Are you doing alright?” Raze asked him to which Ken nodded.

Raze smiled and said “That's great! I came up here to tell you that Derpy will be here in case you need anything and I'm going to find noodles!” Raze finished as Ken looked confused.

“Why do you have to get... Noodles?” Ken asked curiously.

“Chicken noodles soup! I got chicken, but no noodles... Oh! I also have to get some bits....” Raze trailed off...

Ken stared a bit from his bed, before nodding. “Okay, Sensei” Ken said as he rolled back over with his stuff dragon and tried to go back to sleep.

Raze closed the door and then went back downstairs. He entered the kitchen and saw Derpy putting Muffin batter into a pan “Hey Derpy?! Can I borrow some bits?” He asked her as she turned around and nodded by giving him a small bag out of nowhere in particular.

“There should be about fifty bits in there, please try to not spend them all.” Derpy said to him as he thanked her and then went out of the kitchen.

Raze then stopped himself and he turned around to poke his head back into the kitchen “Derpy, Ken knows that you're in charge until I get back!”

Derpy turned back to Raze and said “Okay! I'll watch the little muffin!” As she set the timer on the oven and put the glorious magnificent muffins inside.

“Alright, Thank you!” Raze said, going out the front door.

~The Dirt Road before the Market~

'They continue to follow me...' Raze felt ponies stare at him as he went down the road

'I hate this so much....' Our hero thought.

Still he continued down the path despite their stares, and looks of awe that faced his way. Discord, the spirit of chaos still hidden from view, then flew around and lazily floated down the path in front of Raze as he walked.

'Raze, you know what? Have you looked at the Canterlot Castle skyline yet? There are some mountains missing!' Discord pointed out to Raze whom looked in the direction and saw it himself. Indeed some mountains were missing, and some had signs of explosions, even some others had their tops blasted off.

'Well, now that you've mentioned it, that is a little weird! Wonder if had anything to do with you?' Raze asked Discord whom snorted.

'Really Raze? You think I would destroy mountains for no reason?' The spirit said with false hurt as he floated alongside the saiyan warrior.

'No, I mean the version of Discord in this world!' Raze said quickly as Discord scratched his chin.

'Actually that sounds plausible, Chris did say I had gotten out of my stone prison here and attacked the little munchkins... I'll be back in a second Raze!' With that Discord snapped his talons and disappeared instantly.

“Great! Now I'm alone on this trip!” Raze then noticed how he was getting even weirder stares due to his talking with Discord. The saiyan began speed walking to find the noodles he needed faster.

~Entrance to the Main Market~

Our saiyan hero entered the main marketplace. Ponies went about left and right in a hurry to get the best deals and last pieces of products. Raze glanced throughout the area, looking for his specific product target.

'Noodles... Noodles... Noodles...' Raze repeated in thought.

Raze looked all around and saw nothing that suggested that noodles even existed in the market.

'I must ask someone! Err... Somepony.... Wait, do noodles even exist in this Equestria!? Celestia I hope so!' He thought going toward the closest stand which just so happens to be Applejack's Apples.

“Hey Applejack, do you know where noodles might be?” Raze said upfront to the orange pony, who looked up at our hero with wide eyes, before calming down and replying.

“Now, Ah don't mean to be rude, but are ya related to those twin humans by any chance? Are ya an uncle or godfather?” Applejack said to the 'human' in front of her.

“Um, yeah... I'm their godfather.” Raze said hesitantly.

“Well, nice to meet ya partner! Your godchildren are best friends with my lil sis Applebloom. Though tell them not to try to punch any more of my apple trees again.” Applejack said as she shivered in remembrance of her once proud apple tree.

“Yeah, I'll be sure to tell them.” Raze said with a grin.

Suddenly Raze's stomach growled and he realized with a jolt 'I haven't eaten all morning!'

Applejack heard that and said “I'll be, with that stomach you could out eat a Manticore on it's morning run!” She picked up an apple. “Want some?”

“Well, yeah!” He threw five bits on the table “How about some apples for the road please?” Raze asked her as she swiped the bits and passed him a bag of twelve apples.

“Can I ask you a question?” Raze asked.

“Sure, what is it?” Applejack said.

“Do you know where I can find noodles at?” Raze asked her.

“Noodles? Um....” Applejack gave it a thought, but then waved her hoof around. “Ah don't know much about where ya could find em, why don't ya ask around some more, somepony's bound to know.”

Raze nodded and said “Thanks! I guess....” He turned around and walked off 'Noodles on the brain and nowhere to look....'

He looked at the next stand and saw Bon Bon standing inside, pieces of candy laid out in packs as she yelled at passing ponies about candy on sale.

“Hey Bon-Bon!” He said, walking over to her.

“Hey Raze!” Bon-Bon said as Raze put his hands on the top counter looking at Bon-Bon.

“I need to know where to find some noodles! I'm making Chicken Noodle Soup tonight!” Raze said excitedly to the tan yellow pony.

“Noodles... I think that stand is all the way over there.” Bon-Bon said as she pointed to a darker part of the market area “Yep, that's all I can tell you.” She finished as pulled out a rag and wiped her counter.

“Thanks Bon Bon!” And with that Raze left to the dark side of the forc- I mean market place.

“Wait, chicken?” Bon-Bon questioned.

~At the Heartstrings Residence~

“Ken! I made some muffins! Wanna try some? They're good for the soul!” Derpy said as she opened the door to the room he was in. She looked inside and got no response.

'Maybe he's asleep, I'll just leave a few muffins for him' She walked inside and saw the window was open, a light breeze flowed in and the curtains arched inwards.

Derpy looked at Ken's bed and saw a big lump in the middle. She smiled and went over thinking 'He must have gotten cold and curled up under the covers. I'll just take a small look and...' She had pulled up the covers and found two pillows up under them.

Derpy's first reaction was confusion and then a slight bit of worry eased itself inside her head.

'No reason to panic, maybe this is all just my imagination from the muffin smell!' She tapped herself on the shoulder with her hoof and then she realized 'Nope, not my imagination.'

“Oh no! Where could he have gone?! I only had to watch him till Raze got back!” She galloped out the door, went downstairs, came bursting through the backdoor, then she then galloped to the TARDIS and burst her way inside that too.

The Doctor was listening to the radio, working on bits and pieces of a damaged matrix, when suddenly a wild Derpy appeared, galloping toward him at breakneck speeds. “Doctor! Ken disappeared! I need help to find him!”

The Doctor turned off the radio “Derpy, wha-” was all he could get out before Derpy dragged him out of the TARDIS, out the backyard, through the house, going pass the front door, and down the dirt road toward the marketplace.

~Dark Side of the Market~

Raze walked into the shadows towards the only light near the stand. As he got closer the chilling thoughts grew louder or maybe that was the apples he just ate. The thoughts soon began to dissipate as he finally stood in front of the stand.

“Is anypony here?” Raze asked before thinking 'There I go again....'

Nothing answered Raze until a few seconds later when a pony appeared from underneath the stand “Hello Stranger, what can I get for you?”

“I was wondering if you had any noodles?” Raze asked the pony behind the front of the stand.

“Actually, we do happen to have noodles. I'll get them for you.” The pony said as he pulled out a bag of egg noodles.

“Thanks! How much are they?” Raze asked the pony.

“I'll allow you to have them for free because you're one of the weirdest things to walk through here in a while.” the pony said to Raze whom smiled.

“Wow, thanks!” Raze said as he picked up the bag of noodles.

The pony them coughed a little and said “We also have cookies, if you're interested.” he flashed an almost evil grin at Raze when he finished that extra detail.

Raze looked at the plate of cookies and balanced his options 'On one hand, I could have cookies and on the other.... Yep cookies!' Raze reached out and grabbed one and then ate it voraciously “That was great! What's your secret?”

“My grandmother's recipe! She truly was an amazing cook!” the pony said as another hand grabbed a cookie, this hand was smaller.

“Ken? What are you doing out of bed?!” Raze asked a now sheepish looking child Saiyan.

“Grabbing a cookie!” Ken smiled with big puppy dog eyes at Raze, but it didn't- well almost worked.

Raze looked down at Ken with a little fire in his eye's “I told Derpy that you would be in bed and now you're not...”

“But I'm here! What's wrong with that?” Ken asked as Raze shook his head.

Raze walked away with thoughts of semi terror going through his mind 'Derpy is probably worried out of her mind, not mentioning what Lyra... Will... Do...' Raze's thoughts stopped there as he turned around and looked at Ken in panic.

“Your Mom is going to murder me! We're going to Bon-Bon right away!” Raze yelled, he grabbed Ken, putting the small hybrid child under his arm and started making his way quickly to the direction of Bon-Bon's stand.

“Waiaiaiat! I wanna finish my cookie!” Ken pleaded.

~Jump Cut to Derpy and The Doctor running to the Market~

“Maybe Ken went here!” Derpy yelled as the Doctor followed her.

“Let's hope that's the case!” was all the Doctor could say as he was continuously dragged down the dirt road.

Derpy galloped into the market dragging a confused Doctor and all the ponies stared at them including herself. The Doctor noticed this and pulled Derpy back “Stop Derpy! There's another you over there! If you talk to her, something bad will happen! It could cause a time paradox!” The Doctor said in a serious voice.

Derpy frowned and looked over the Doctor's shoulder “She's literally right behind you and not even ten inches away!”

“I heard that.” The other gray Pegasus said as she looked at them from both sides.

“Uh... Hi?” Derpy said as she tried to look away while the Doctor jumped away from the other Pegasus.

“We we're just going, right Derpy?” The Doctor asked as the other Pegasus looked at him completely.

“Why? You two look afraid of me! Is it because of my eyes? And why do you look like me?” The other Pegasus asked them with an angry look.

“No Ditzy! We're not afraid of your eyes! And the reason why she looks like you is... a very complicated explanation.” The Doctor said as Ditzy looked at Derpy in a confused way.

“We don't have time for this! We need to find Ken, Derpy! Come on!” The Doctor said as he began to drag her away from Ditzy.

'This has been the weirdest day ever.' Ditzy thought to herself as she continued to think about the two weird ponies she had just met. 'I won't chase them down, but I'm going to find out about them sooner than later.'

The Doctor looked around and noticed Raze, who was seemingly trying to explain something, and Ken, who was munching on a rather large cookie quite innocently, standing at Bon-Bon's stand.

“Derpy! They're right there!” he exclaimed as Derpy turned around with a big smile.

“YES, I mean, NO!” Derpy yelled as she galloped over to Raze whilst trampling the Doctor into the ground.

~Raze's Point of View~

“And that's the whole situation Bon-Bon!” Raze said as quickly as he could to the very puzzled pony behind the stand.

“That's something Raze, I suppose I'll have to tell Lyra and see what she says about it.” Bon Bon said as she wiped the counter of her stand from the small cookie that Ken joyfully continued to savor.

“Ken!” yelled an ecstatic and familiar derped pony.

Ken had turned to the noise and found himself being tackled by a big gray Pegasus.

“Wha- oof!” Ken muttered as he was gripped by Derpy. The almost fully eaten cookie fell in a puddle.

“No, my cookie!” Ken cried out, before he started doing tears. “I want another cookie Raze-sensai! Derpy made me drop my cookie!”

Raze looked at them and thought 'Sentimentality... And cookies.' He finished as he turned away from the sulking Ken and relieved Derpy.

“Well, this is a happy ending right?” The Doctor asked as he trotted over to Raze.

“I don't know... We still gotta tell Lyra about all this, avoid her wrath, and then if he's not in trouble... We'll go to the park once we get Kira...” Raze said as Derpy and Ken finally rejoined the group.

“Sensaaai, I want a cookie!” Ken whined.

“No cookie! You've disobeyed me!” Raze said, pointing his finger at the human saiyan child.

“But... but... You never said not to go outside.” Ken said.

“I might not, but... You could have at least told Derpy! You saw how worried she was!”

Ken turned toward Derpy, a little shame apparent in his emotion. “I'm sorry Derpy, I don't wanted to make you worry at all, promise!”

“It's pronounced, didn't want, and don't worry about it Ken. Just don't try to scare me like that again.” Derpy said with a smile.

Ken's face brightened. “I won't!” the hybrid child replied.

“Yeah, everypony, I know we're going through all this emotional stuff, and you might wanna get on this right away but... Lyra! 7 o'clock sharp!” Bon-Bon said quickly.

“Hide Ken and Raze!” Derpy said,

“No, hide Ken and Derpy! She's smaller than Raze!” The Doctor said. Quickly helping Raze push both Ken and Derpy underneath Bon-Bon's booth.


“Shh Ken! You don't want mommy to find out your not in bed right?” Raze explained to the eight year old, making Ken shut his mouth and be quiet while he was placed underneath and Raze pulled down the cloth.

All three, Bon-Bon, Raze, and The Doctor. Stood idle and acted as if Ken never got out of the house. Lyra approached them with a raised eyebrow in suspicion.

“Raze, what are you doing here?” Lyra questioned curiously.

“Buying some noodles for the soup I'm making for Ken! Chicken noodle soup, good for illness so I've heard from some... Friends of mine.” Raze said the last part almost whispering.

“Chicken noodle soup? As in, having chicken in it?” Lyra said, but no disgust was found in her voice at the hearing of meat.

“Yeah? What's the matter?”

“I don't think Ken or Kira has ever had something other than fish meat.”

A pause...

“WHAT!?” Both Raze, and The Doctor yelled.

“How can any human live without tasting bacon!?” The Doctor exclaimed.

“How can any sane being that can eat meat, live without a variety of meat!?” Raze yelled in shock and terror.

“Will you both, SHUT UP!” Lyra roared at the both of them, her eyes giving out the glare, not just any glare, the glare of an angry mother.

It was so frightening that both the Saiyan and Time Lord shut up immediately.

“Now, I don't mind Raze cooking soup for Ken. I'll bring something for us ponies to the house. Maybe a bit extra considering how much I've known Saiyans to eat.” She said, glancing at Raze as she said the word Saiyan.

“Until then, you better get back to the house. I'm not sure if Derpy has her hands full with Ken or not.”

Raze nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

With that, Lyra left them. Everyone sighed in relief as both Derpy and Ken came forth from under the stall.

“We going home?” Ken questioned.

“Absolutely.” The Doctor replied.

A few hours went by, and something happened. Raze cooked Chicken noodle soup, which both himself and Raze ate and enjoyed, though The Doctor didn't like that fact that he couldn't eat it. Lyra came with food for the ponies of the house which they ate. Then went and picked up the little saiyan girl, Kira from school.

Kira arrived at the house instinctively seeking out her twin brother, and after a moment of worry from the emotional sibling of Ken's, they were found playing with toys soon after.

More time passed before night rose and sun fell. Now Raze sat on the couch as he looked at the two twins playing with a set of toys to amuse their human half.

Until Kira stood up and said.

“Raze, play with us!”

Raze ingeniously said. “Huh?”

~End of Chapter~

Author's Note:

Took a while to get this out, but it was worth it in the end. I hope everyone enjoys it and see ya later.