• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,094 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

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Protective Mothers and Doctor Brilliance

~Journey of Saiyans Chapter 3~

Raze shrugged “It happens”

Ken wiped his tears and smiled, happy that Raze forgave him.

Raze took a quick look around. 'A backyard... It's unfamiliar to me, so I must not have been here before. Ken seems to trust the Doctor and Derpy, so it's safe to assume Ken knows the pony species well enough, though I'm not sure how to approach the situation...' Raze suddenly felt his hand being grabbed, he looked down to see Ken holding it with a smile across his childish face.

“Come on! I'll show you sis!” The boy seemed to pause for a bit, probably searching for his sister's Ki signature, before he dragged Raze toward a direction.

When they arrived, a small girl with a tail ran right up to Ken and grabbed him in worry.

“Ken are you hurt?” She concernedly asked.

Raze was also met with concern from Derpy, whom was checking him over several times for sighs of injury. “You really got to stop doing this stuff Raze! Or you'll end up in the same hospital bed next to Rainbow Dash.”

Raze laughed and said “I don't think I would've taken to much damage this fight, after all Ken was a little unfocused.” He finished as Derpy finished her own little examination.

“I suppose you didn't get any damage, but just be more careful!” Derpy said to Raze. She then hovered over to Ken and examined him, but found no wounds on the boy.

“He'll be fine Kira, no need to worry at all!” She exclaimed to the young hybrid girl before joining back with Raze and the Doctor.

Kira decided to accept Derpy's word and stopped checking her twin brother. She then walked over to Ken's side, looked at Raze and said “I'm sorry for my brothers behavior” her tail wiggling anxiously as an awkward silence insured.

Raze arched an eyebrow “Um, how about we start over?” He asked them, putting out his right hand.

“I'm Raze.” He said, before waiting for their response.

Ken eagerly shook his hand, forgetting all that previously happened.

“I'm Ken!” He exclaimed loudly to him. Ken then pulled his sister toward him, “And this is Kira!”

The young hybrid girl shook his hand. “Hello Raze!” She said happily, her tail wagging in joy.

“Well it's nice to meet you!” Raze said to the twins.

“So, where did yo-” Kira stopped as another voice rang out loud and clear. "Ken, Kira I'm home! And I brought dinner!" At the mention of food, the twins forgot that Raze, The Doctor, and Derpy even existed and ran inside their home, blasting right through the door, make it slam open but thankfully not break, and proceeded towards the dining room.

A lime green pony looked out the window, it was Lyra, she stayed at the window looking out and squinting her eyes looking for something, but there was a heavy fog covering the area. She decided there was nothing to worry about and walked back in.

Raze took notice that Lyra hadn't seen them. “She couldn't see us? Why couldn't she see us?” he asked nopony in particular.

The esteemed Time Lord smiled and said. “I put up a fog-like field around us using your DNA Raze. It's unique and that means nopony can see us. Now, we can address the issues were having right at the current moment.” He trotted towards the TARDIS and opened the doors. “Come along! We need to evaluate the full amount of damage sustained by the TARDIS in the temporal shift.”

Derpy followed the Doctor and then looked back at Raze when she reached the door. “Raze are you coming?”

Raze nodded and proceeded to follow Derpy into the TARDIS. He closed the doors behind him as he entered and looked over to The Doctor, who had went down the stairs on the other side of the primary control panel and started going through the motions of following through each wire to decide if they needed replacement or repair.

Derpy had followed and now sat watching apprehensively while thinking of other things

'Muffins... Muffins would be really nice right about now'

Raze walked over to Derpy and sat down as well. The wait seemed to last for over half an hour before the brilliant Doctor finally spoke out in a scientific tone.

“The quantum time matrix was overloaded causing the TARDIS to shut down. Now, I should be able to make the parts, but that will take around two weeks at the least.” The Doctor said, suddenly Raze appeared in front of his face.

“Okay two weeks and then we leave!” The full-blooded saiyan yelled, but then the Doctor shook his head in defiance.

“I'm afraid it's not just the matrix, but I also need to repair the wires that were damaged, and then every other slightly damaged circuit, plus we need to find somepony with enough magical knowledge and prowess to fix several screens that were damaged in the crash. All in all that should take another three weeks and possibly more then that depending on if anything goes wrong.” The Doctor looked at them waiting for a reaction and he definitely got one.

Raze face turned into a pretty angry one at this point. “A month!? Possibly more!? This can't get any worse!” The saiyan complained, through his arms into the air in testimate to his frustration.

Derpy looked down, a bit sad, but then she perked up and said. “Why are you reacting so badly? This could be a chance to make friends!” She yelled in happiness.

“Well.... I don't know” Raze said, looking to the side.

The Doctor smiled saying. “Raze, you should make the best of this opportunity! There are two creatures outside in a house that are from your own race!” the Doctor then paused and then said “Well, they're half your race anyway.”

Raze looked at the Doctor and said. “Why should I make friends with a couple of kids? Don't you need my help?”

“Actually you would just be in the way, and in the way is when you should be gone and exploring this new other copy of Equestria! Think of the possibilities that could be here that aren't in our Equestria! You could also teach those twins about their strengths and weaknesses! Think of it as a challenge in the beginning, and by the end of it, you'll be remembered fondly after this month!” The Doctor finished his speech while he continued his work on the TARDIS mainframe.

Raze glanced at the ceiling in thought. 'So training them? Pros? I gain life long friends, and training partners? Cons? I'm not even sure what the cons would be, I'll figure that out later.'

The Doctor took notice of Raze thinking. “So I see you've taken your time to think about the possibilities mentioned before Raze! Right?” The Doctor questioned him and received a nod from Raze.

“I suppose... Maybe I could try it out. But what about that Unicorn? How would she react to a full grown Saiyan just waltzing right into her own house?” Raze asked him, to which Derpy then answered.

“That's the easiest thing you've mentioned so far Raze! We'll go with you and explain the situation!” She said, as she knew the lime green Unicorn in her world already.

“Do you even know her!?” Raze asked Derpy.

“Well duh! Her name is Lyra and she lives with her best friend Bon Bon!” Derpy replied looking proud of herself for remembering one of her many friends.

“Okay, let's go then Doctor and Derpy.” Raze said as he grabbed one of each of their hooves.

“But I was going to stay on the TARDIS!” The Doctor said as he tried to fight against Raze's tight grip.

“No, you aren't staying on the ship! Derpy mentioned you would go and now you're going!” Raze yelled as he continued to drag them from the TARDIS. Derpy didn't seem to mind but the Doctor continued yelling “Goodbye Sexy!” to the TARDIS.

Finally they reached the backdoor of Lyra's house and Raze knocked on it.

~On the inside of the House~

Lyra heard the knocking from the backdoor and looked at her twins disapprovingly. “Did you invite somepony over and leave them in the backyard?” the twins didn't say anything for at the moment their mouths were full of delicious heavenly good food. Yum!

Lyra walked toward backdoor, a smile spread across her face. She turned the doorknob and pulled the door open. “Hello come o-” She stopped abruptly in mid sentence when she looked up at Raze.

'He looks like a human...' She thought, a few seconds later her protective side kicked in and she spoke in an aggressive tone toward him. “I don't know who you are, but if you came for Kira and Ken, you can walk back to whatever place you came from you bastard.” She finished ominously, her magic kicking in as her horn glowed a tealish hue.

Before anything could happen The Doctor put himself in front of Lyra and Raze. “I think you might be making a mistake Lyra!” Lyra looked at him and tilted her head to the side.

“Clockwork? What are you doing so far from your house?” Lyra asked him.

“I think you have me confused-” but he was interrupted as Derpy pushed Raze and himself out of the way.

“Lyra! It's nice to see other world you!” Derpy yelled, Lyra then smiled and replied.

“It's nice to see you too Ditzy, but what do you mean by other world me?” She asked Derpy, in which Derpy opened her mouth to reply only for the Doctor to shove his hoof in her mouth.

“What she means is... is... She had a dream where she went to another world and then she saw you again thinking about that dream, she said this based on her subconscious thoughts” The Doctor explained excursively to her quickly as Derpy tried to rip his hoof out of her mouth.

The Doctor then took Derpy to his side and whispered to her. “We'll explain it to her soon, just let her think we are who she thinks till we can get passed this minor setback.” He turned to Raze and Lyra to find she was angry again.

“Now go away Human! You won't be taking Ken and Kira back!” Lyra exclaimed, her horn charging up a powerful spell that could knock even a saiyan back a couple feet to the ground.

“But I'm not a human!” Raze quickly said, but Lyra was not easily convinced

She looked him over again, her horn still charged, before she said.

“Prove it.”

“So you want me to prove that I'm not human?” Raze questioned her so he could clarify what she meant.

“Well?” She said. “Get on with it! Or you can leave! The HARD way!” She yelled, pointed her magically charged horn at him.

“Well okay...” Raze focused his Ki energy, a white blade-like aura appearing around him as he powered up. Raze reached down inside him and pulled that spark, that endless electric current within him, and felt the power rush through his veins. Raze's white aura flared out and changed into a golden fire, his eyes shifted into a teal color and his hair changed into a golden strand, which also stood more upright and spiky than before. His muscles budged out and gave him a more toned body, his transformation complete, he looked down at the cyan colored pony.

“Proof enough?” Raze asked her. His powerful aura causing some cracks on the back porch floor.

Lyra only nodded with a dumbfounded look on her face. “Wow, another Saiyan?” She asked him as she looked at him up and down.

“Well... Yes to be exact” Raze said, glad she finally saw reason. He then sighed and his transformation dropped, returning him to his normal state. “So... Can I come in? He asked.

Lyra nodded again and said “I guess you can come in.”

Raze signaled for The Doctor and Derpy to follow him in. As they entered, Lyra closed the door behind them. Lyra looked at Raze and said “There's a couch in the living room, feel free to use it while I get Bon Bon”

Lyra then went toward the Dining room, and then she and the two twin children went upstairs, the kids probably heading toward their rooms.

Raze and the Time Duo got comfortable on the couch. Suddenly, Raze asked The Doctor

“Doctor what do we do now?” He said.

“Well we have to be truthful! We'll tell them who we are and how we got here, that way we can avoid confusion because she obviously knows us, well not you Raze...” The Doctor said to them as they heard the sound of hoof-steps coming down the stairs.

Lyra sat down in a chair opposite from the couch and Bon Bon in another chair across from Lyra. Lyra looked at the three across from her and said “I want to know why you're here Raze.” giving the group across her a serious glance.

The Doctor smiled and said “I like a mare who get's straight to the point! Well the honest truth is we got here from another Ponyville in a different universe very similar to this one!”

Naturally, the two ponies didn't believe him.

“A different universe? How in the world do you expect me to believe you, if your going to lie to me already!?” Lyra asked them, but The Doctor just grinned.

“I can show you the proof back at the TARDIS in your backyard.” He said to them as they looked mystified.

“What's a TARDIS?” Lyra asked him.

“It's the most wonderful machine in existence! It allows you to travel through time and apparently dimensions now...” The Doctor finished as Bon Bon opened her mouth.

“I knew it! Ever since you brought those kids in! The weirdest things seem to happen to us! Giant apes, pony-eating dragons, gods of chaos, and now a group of dimensional travelers!? How much worse could this get!?” Bon Bon finished in exasperation, clearly she didn't have a good day.

“We could be attacked by anything that happened to follow us during the dimensional time disruption and have to fight for our very lives before the world could end.” The Doctor finished while chuckling “But I'll be there to stop them, because muscle isn't always best way to stop something.”

“You sound way to happy about that...” Lyra trailed off as the Doctor looked at her weirdly.

“Why wouldn't you be happy about something so deadly?” The Doctor asked her.

“Uh... What about you Ditzy? How did you end up with this nut?” Lyra asked her.

Derpy smiled and said “My names Derpy and he's the Doctor! He's no nut!! He's brilliant!” She began thinking of all her times with him, and she was soon lost in her fantasies.

“Derpy? Derpy? That's your name? And your just the Doctor? Doctor Who?” Lyra asked him.

“It's been so long since my real name has been said that I have grown to like the name Doctor” The Doctor said to Lyra.

“Now you, Raze? How did you get here into our universe?” Lyra asked Raze, her eyebrow raised in question.

“Well this a short story actually...” Raze paused for second to get all the details into his mind and continued “I'm a Saiyan prince from the planet Absalon. I got transported here somehow by something... Actually it was never explained to me whether someone transported me from my world or summoned me here accidentally.... I don't even have a clue...” Raze finished as Lyra and Bon Bon looked at him with a bit of concern.

“You just happened to be transported to Equestria? Just like that? Nopony has contacted you at all? No confirmations or anything?” Lyra asked him to which Raze shrugged.

“No, I just don't have a clue....” Raze finished with a clueless look in her direction.

Lyra looked at Bon Bon and leaned her head towards the kitchen. Lyra trotted off into the kitchen and Bon Bon looked at the three on the couch “Sorry, but we need to talk about something in private real quick.” The two ponies then disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Raze and the Time Duo to sit there wondering what they're talking about.

The Doctor nudged Derpy a little. “What do you think they're talking about?”

“Maybe they're talking about muffins!” Derpy said to the Doctor.

Raze injected himself into the conversation. “I doubt it's about muffins... Besides we have other problems.” Raze turned in the direction of the stairs not to far from the living room. “Well we know you two have been listening in!” He yelled to someone.

“I told you they heard us brother!” Kira exclaimed at her twin brother.

“Well we did hit several things on the way down...” Ken said as he remembered there attempts at not going fast while floating down, but at the same time keeping as quiet as possible.

“Actually I just sensed you... Your energy travels you know!” Raze explained as the twins finally walked into view.

Ken took a quick glance around the room before turning to Raze. “Is Mommy and Bon Bon in the kitchen?”

“Yes, yes they are.” Derpy said to them as they continued to wait.

Kira's tail wiggled in wonder as she tried to guess what they might be talking about.

Ken in the meantime, was staring at the object hanging beside of the Doctor, his curiosity got the better of him and he grabbed it.

“What's this thing?” He asked the Doctor, whom immediately grabbed it back.

“It's a Sonic Screwdriver! It unlocks any lock in the universe and, makes high frequency death traps for some enemies! Very useful in cut and dry situations!” The Doctor explained proudly, the twins looked at the device like they just discovered a new toy.

“Whoa... Any lock?” Ken asked the Doctor.

“Indubitably!” The Doctor said to Ken, who seemed to smile at the reply.

Finally, after a couple more minutes. Lyra and Bon Bon trotted back in the living and sat down. Lyra motioned for the twins to sit down, and they did so happily. She looked up toward the group and said.

“Alright, we have decided to help you!”