• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,089 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

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Malfunctions Make For Interesting Interactions (Redone Chapter)

~Journey of Saiyans Chapter 1~

A month has passed since the events that transpired at Canterlot. Twilight and her friends had searched for Raze despite what Celestia had told them to do. They turned up with nothing and one by one they gave up. The last pony to give up was Rainbow Dash who despite being the Element of Loyalty had to abandon the cause anyway.

Raze had went west to avoid detection of anypony who may search for him. Discord had shown him to a hidden Desert Spring. Then Discord sealed the area so nopony would be curious about it.

For the month Raze had trained in Discords own gravity seal. Discord also made humanoid fighters with power levels equal to Discord and forced Raze to stay out of Super Saiyan while training.

Right now a stone plated arena had been risen out of the ground itself by Discord. Discord decided there should be a test of Raze's new found strength.

Raze stood in the middle of a stone plated arena as Discord watched from a throne far above Raze. Discord cleared his throat “Here stands the hero Raze!” he was met with a chorus of boos from the audience of clone Discords that sat in the stands “And in the four corners of the arena stand the generic humanoid fighters!”

Loud cheers from the millions of Discord clones rang throughout the arena as the Humanoids bowed in appreciation of the crowd.

“Are you ready?!” Discord questioned the ecstatic crowd of himself. They cheered in response and Discord exclaimed “BEGIN!”

All at once the four humanoids flew towards Raze who just stood there. The first ones fist flew where Raze's head had been just a second before. Raze grabbed a hold of his arm and slammed the humanoid into the ground.

Another humanoid opted for a ki attack that exploded the floor from beneath Raze who in a flurry dodged each flying piece of stone. Raze then went in for the kill as his left leg slammed into the humanoid's face. Several bones cracked as the humanoid slammed against stone and crumpled into a small boney cluster.

Raze looked over at the last humanoid whom had one other ally. Raze recognized the first one he had smashed into the ground “So your back on your feet, let's see how long you last in the next 2 minutes” with that Raze flew forward and threw several ki waves at the two partners which separated them.

One humanoid flew into the smoke created for the explosion hoping to avoid Raze and somehow get the jump on him, but Raze had was waiting for him there “You thought wrong!” Raze's hands flashed forward and caught the humanoid in a Flash Cannon which completely disintegrated the creature.

The other humanoid stood it's ground and prepared two big green energy balls in each of it's hands 'He's putting a lot of energy in his hands... I guess I'll show him my own technique!' Raze thought to himself as he put one of his hands into the air.

Instantly a ball of ki appeared out of his hand and started to spin to the right really fast. Then out of the middle of the yellow ball of ki a disc began to appear. The disc began to have jagged areas that looked meant for cutting through objects “Check out my Destructo Ball!” Raze exclaimed at the humanoid whom then put his hands together and pulled his ki together.

Discord looked from the sidelines and exclaimed “He's taking a pointer from Bojack! It's the Galactic Buster!” Discord then began to chew voraciously on popcorn.

The humanoid combined the energy balls and fired it at Raze. Raze moved out of range and then fired the Destructo Ball at the creature. The humanoid looked up and moved out of the way. It then looked at Raze and a piece of it's face fell off.

“Hehe! Looks like you just weren't fast enough!” Raze exclaimed as he focused his energy on the Destructo Ball.

'Seperate!' Raze thought as the Spirit Ball detached from the Destructo Disc and then came back for the final blow. The humanoid never expected it as he was hit by the Destructo Disc first. The humanoid's body tore in half and then the Spirit Ball hit the top half of the humanoid causing both halfs to be destroyed in an explosion of ki energy.

Discord looked around the stadium and snapped his fingers causing his mic to appear “Raze, A winner is you! Raze's top score is RUNNING RIOT!” Discord exclaimed as he snapped his fingers one last time which made the stadium start to disappear.

Raze looked around as the stadium began to disappear “I think you over exaggerated the whole thing Discord.” he said while walking towards Discord.

Discord frowned and said “Well, what did you expect? I enjoy entertainment and making a spectacle! It's one of the reasons that I still want to live!” Raze stuffed a hand into his pocket and pulled out a Capsule Corp. Capsule Holder.

“I thought that was because you were immortal...” Raze said as he looked in the box for the mini fridge.

“Immortality can be boring Raze, but if your me it's impossible to get bored! If your Celestia though, you will always have a stick up your plothole and that's no good!” Discord said as he watched Raze throw the capsule onto the ground. A booming noise could be heard as a Fridge popped up from the capsule.

“It's not the mini fridge, but I guess an apple will be just as good.” Raze said as he looked through the fridge.

Raze had looked through once and then decided to look a second time 'Did I eat them that fast? Guess it's time to restock' Raze thought as he went through his capsule case and found his Spaceship Capsule.

Raze pressed the button and threw it down. A loud booming sound later and a spaceship stood before them. Raze walked inside for a few minutes and then walked back out holding a bag.

“Hey Discord! I'm out of apples, so I'm going to get more!” Raze said as he walked past Discord again.

“You're going to that apple orchard again?” Discord asked Raze.

“Yeah, I am! The apples there are the closest ones to Sweet Apple Acres taste that I can find.” Raze said as he looked up into the sky. A few clouds seemed to have drifted out 'That's odd....'

'What's odd?' Discord asked Raze.

“I forgot we could talk using our mind.... But look up!” Raze said as Discord followed his eye's.

“It's just a few clouds Raze...” Discord trailed off.

“Don't pegasi control the clouds though?” Raze asked Discord whom shrugged.

“Pegasi tend to stay away from the weather in areas ponies don't control... Like the Everfree Forest is completely natural! The weather comes and goes as it pleases.” Discord said as he looked back to Raze.

“Well, thanks for the answer....” Raze hadn't ever noticed clouds drifting due to the amount of training he did and usually he only left when it was night and he had no reason to look at the sky.

“You know, instead of leaving you could always eat one of my conjured apples!” Discord said as he summoned a lot of apples.

Raze shook his head “Your apples always end up being candied apples or some weird kind of gummy like thing.” Raze said as he scrunched up his face “They always end up being bland.” Raze finished by sticking out his tongue.

“Well, you don't have to eat them! You can admire their red texture.” Discord said as he summoned an apple into his hand.

“See? That's what I'm talking about! That apple looks deformed!” Raze exclaimed as he turned to the direction where the apple orchard was that he had found two weeks ago.

“You set yourself a standard when you took that first bite of Sweet Apple Acres brand... Right?” Discord said as he glared at Raze.

“Yep!” Raze said simply as he launched himself into the air “See ya later Discord!”

Discord waved as Raze disappeared into the distance “Now it's time for me time!” Discord looked around to make sure the desert wasn't staring at him and then he snapped his fingers. A shrine appeared with a whole bunch of pictures of Celestia and it was all encompassed by a heart.

“Yes, you are the hottest Princess of them all!” Discord said as he made a flower appear out of nowhere 'She loves me, she loves me not, she loves m-' he was cut off by the author.

~Raze flying through the air~

Raze blasted forward at a high speed. The landscape shifted as he flew towards the orchard 'Wow! This land is beautiful even if it's just a desert!' he thought to himself as he passed over stone pillars.

The orchard came up over the horizon and Raze was soon flying over it 'I gotta be careful.' Raze landed near the orchard on a rocky overhang. He surveyed the area 'Three workers? Two seem to switch off every week... Then there's the yellow one whom is always here... He must be the owner'

Raze stood up and then flew downward towards his prey 'I have to be quick!' Raze thought as he moved to each tree. He slightly hit each one he passed by and then went back through collecting the apples as they fell to the ground.

'Got it!' Raze thought as he caught the last apple.

Raze moved as fast as he possibly could to get back to the overhang. He made it to the top and then looked down. He saw a yellow pony looking around with the other two workers looking around the orchard 'Nobody saw me... Perfect! I'll have to pay them all back... Someday...' Raze thought to himself as he turned around and ran towards the end of the overhang.

Raze jumped off the side and flew out of sight leaving behind the three ponies to search for the apple thief.

A yellow pony with an apple for a cutie mark looked up at where Raze had been previously. This pony's name was Braeburn and he was the owner of the Orchard. He glared at the overhang and then threw his hat onto the ground “The varmint got away!” At the sound of Braeburn's voice the other two ponies stopped their search and went towards the area where Braeburn was.

“Don't worry Braeburn! We'll get it eventually!” said one of the farm workers.

“I hope that's true Apple Fritter.” Braeburn said as he picked up his hat and the trio of workers left the Orchard for then night.

Braeburn took one look back and thought 'Ill get that varmint one day!' before turning back around and finally leaving.

~Discord's Retreat~

Discord sensed something was approaching the retreat he had created 'Better put all of this away.' Discord thought as he snapped his fingers. Instantly his shrine and everything else he made pertaining to it disappeared into thin air.

Discord then looked on the horizon and saw Raze approaching. Discord tapped his his talon on his other arm for a few seconds and then Raze touched down in front of him.

Raze slid for a few seconds on his feet before coming to a stop “I'm back!” Raze said as he put down the bag and then Raze went over to his ship and fridge.

“Well, it seems you were successful in your little trip to the market.” Discord said as he floated over to Raze.

“Yeah, but one of them might have saw me.” Raze said as he clicked a button on his fridge after putting a majority of the apples he had into it. He picked up the fridge capsule and put it back in it's case. Raze then went over to the ship and quickly found the button to transform the ship into a capsule. He then picked up that capsule and put it in his case “There we go! All cleaned up and now I can eat!” Raze said as he looked at Discord expectantly.

“Here ya go!” Discord said as he snapped his talons and a huge flat stone appeared on the sand.

“Thanks Discord!” Raze exclaimed to Discord.

“Anytime.” Discord said as he summoned a stone of his own, a lawn chair, and a pair of sunglasses.

Unknown to Raze a tracker had been placed on him and though it disappeared when he went inside Discord's barrier it had practically locked on him once he had stopped moving.

~On the TARDIS~

“It's brilliant!” The Doctor exclaimed as he went around the main control panel. He moved levers and pressed buttons with his hoofs as he laughed insanely.

“What's going on Doctor?!” Derpy asked as she watched him run around his control panel.

“Well did you see that blip on the main screen?” The Doctor asked as he pressed buttons and pulled levers.

“Yes, but I always see blips like that on the main screen.” Derpy said as she watched him finally stop at a button.

“Well those blips aren't relevant, this however is” he then turned to Derpy “We've found Raze and there's only one way to go now!” He looked at Derpy and then back at his hoof above the last button “Avante!”

The TARDIS whirred to life as it homed in on Raze's last location. It then flew into the air and then changed directions going towards the shielded safe haven.

~Raze Eating Apples~

Raze munched on the apples while Discord amused himself by making fountains of chocolate milk. Raze looked over at Discord and said “I don't understand your addiction to chocolate....”

“Mah boi! This Chocolate is what all true warriors strive for!” Discord retorted back to Raze.

“Touche....” Raze said as a blue box blasted through Discord's shield and over Raze's head “WHAT THE HELL?!”

The blue box smashed into the ground before hitting the ground. It slid through the sand for a good 15 seconds before finally stopping at the end of the trail.

Discord looked at the box and then back at Raze “That was more random then anything I have ever done before.” he said to Raze whom walked towards the box.

'This is that box the Doctor was in from before, so that must mean....' Raze thought to himself as he approached the box.

'That must mean what?!' Discord questioned Raze.

“Tha-” Raze was cut off as a familiar gray pegasus glomped him “RAZE! It's so nice to see you again!” she exclaimed in joy as she crushed him in her arms.

Raze returned the hug, but he wasn't nearly as excited as she was about it. Derpy let go of Raze and stood up “Why did you lea-” she was cut off by the Doctor coming out of the TARDIS.

“We ended up exactly where I intended!! Except for the burn marks... A little trouble there, but there's nothing this beautiful blue box can't do!” The Doctor said as he hugged the box “Who's my beautiful baby? YOU ARE!! My pretty police b-” he noticed Derpy staring angrily at him

“I mean your my pretty.... Derpy?” she rolled her eyes and looked at Raze.

“You ready to come home Raze? Everypony misses you a lot!” she exclaimed to Raze as looked away.

“I only attract attention to Ponyville and I nearly destroyed Canterlot, I can't let that happen!” he exclaimed as he walked off when the Doctor appeared in front of him.

“Raze, you're not the only one whom attracts attention to this world of ponies. The Princesses attract the attention of many potential enemies all the time! Even I attract foes to this world, but I always rise to the occasion and defeat them as quickly and peacefully as possible!” The Doctor said with gusto.

“And that's why you gotta come back!” Derpy said as she tried to push the immovable block that was Raze.

Raze was starting to see they wouldn't give up. Despite the fact that he had promised himself not to give in to other ponies desire's. He found himself breaking and so he walked forward.

“Raze?! Are you seriously about to give in to this little pony?!” Discord asked as he couldn't believe it himself.

Raze took another step “I don't think she's going to give up....” Raze said as he took yet another step.

Discord rolled his eyes “Well I know you won't force her to quit pushing, so we may as well go...” he flew inside the TARDIS and waited patiently as Raze finally started walking into the box.

The Doctor and Derpy trotted in and closed the doors making sure to lock it.

The Doctor then trotted over to his control panel and lifted a lever causing the machine to whir to life “I promise you won't regret this Raze! Avante!” he then pressed a button causing the TARDIS to lift itself into the air.

The TARDIS then lurched forward and blasted off towards Ponyville. However just before the moving process Derpy had hit a button accidentally. Instead of going towards Ponyville they had hit the time stream instead and now ramifications were in order.

~Meanwhile in a Distant Universe~

“Oh-no! Dialga and Palkia are about to clash!” A trainer yelled at his companions.

“Red, you need to get down!” Red, the trainer that had just yelled about the clashing event about to happen nodded and hit the ground.

Dialga roared as it charged up energy into a ball in front of his mouth. Palkia charged up power into it's left arm.

Green looked and said “This is it!” she was pulled down by Blue and then the attacks were fired.

When the attacks hit each other an explosion tore through time and space.

~On the TARDIS~

The TARDIS made high pitched squeals as the energy from that dimension propelled it into another dimension. The Doctor could only say one thing before the TARDIS was hit “Uh-Oh!”

Then everything went black.

Author's Note:

This chapter was horrible the first time, but I redid it with more scenes, better dialogue, and some references. Enjoy!