• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,094 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

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First Meetings Can Be Awkward

Journey of Saiyans Chapter 2

“Ugh... Why does this always happen?” the Doctor questioned himself as he picked himself up off the floor.

He walked over to the engine on the inside of the TARDIS and looked at it. It was severely damaged and was smoking a bit “Oh no.... There must have been a dimensional shift that fluctuated through the TARDIS'S mainframe and sent us to whatever or wherever we might be now...We could be at any point in time....” he trailed off as he trotted up the stairs from the engine room.

The Doctor found Derpy immediately and she appeared to be hanging on to the railing and still unconscious from the incident. “Derpy? Derpy! Wake up!” he said as he shook Derpy to awaken her.

“Oooohhh my head...” Derpy said as she felt herself being shaken up by the Doctor.

“Oh thank goodness! You're okay!” The Doctor said to her as she tried to comprehend what was going on.

The Doctor helped Derpy up, when that was done, he looked around. He caught sight of Raze whom was unconscious upon the floor of the TARDIS.

He trotted over to Raze and said, “Come on! Wakey, wakey!” When that didn't work he gave up and went back to Derpy.

“Are you ready to explore a new uncharted world Derpy?” He asked with a great amount of enthusiasm.

“I think I'd rather have an aspirin... But I guess I'm ready!” she said with excitement, but she looked back at Raze and asked “What about Raze? Shouldn't he come with us in case of dangerous situations beyond our control?” she finished anxiously.

“Nah! I think I can handle anything that comes our way!” He pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and trotted to the door ready for whatever awaited him beyond the safety of the TARDIS. “Come on Derpy!” He said as he opened the door.

Derpy followed him via flying as she touching down beside him as the door opened slowly. Light filtered in and blinded them both, but they kept going forward. The first sight that greeted them were two human looking children, twins to be exact.

The Doctor saw them and activated his Sonic Screwdriver and scanned them “Hmmm... That's interesting...”

Derpy spoke up from beside him “What's interesting?”

The Doctor was about to say something when the first child, a young boy asked him with a face full of curiosity. “Who are you?” The boy said in his childish voice.

The Doctor smiled 'He seems curious enough... Well guess I'll introduce us.' he then coughed and said “I'm the Doctor and this is Derpy Hooves! She's my assistant!” he finished.

“Well I'm Ken! And this is my sister Kira!” he said while pointing to his twin sister.

Kira smiled and said “It's nice to meet you two!” a tail wiggled around behind her in excitement.

The Doctor smiled “It's nice to meet you as well! And it's also very interesting, you must be twins!” He then began to inspect them. “Everything nearly alike.... You two look so-” he was cut off by Derpy pushing him out of the way.

“ADORABLE!!!” she screamed out in excitement, picking up Ken and looking all over him. “Wow such poofy hair too! Just like Raze!” Derpy said as she put down Ken.

“Uh... Thanks?” Ken said to Derpy who then gave him a wall eyed look.

Kira had heard Derpy's mention of this Raze character, and her tail curled up in suspicion. “Who's Raze?” she asked The Doctor.

“Oh he looks just like you and-” he was interrupted by the TARDIS opening.

~Inside the TARDIS (When the Doctor and Derpy left to go outside)~

Raze finally stirred awake “Ohhhh man, what happened?”

“The short story is you were knocked unconscious and now we are apparently somewhere else according to the Doctor” Said a Draconequus, who was sipping some chocolate milk while he sat on a chair looking at some chart in his paw.

“Thanks Discord... An explanation like that deserves an award!” Raze then picked himself up and looked around.

Discord popped into existence beside him “Well isn't this interesting?”

“What's interesting about it?” Raze asked as Discord snapped his fingers.

A chart appeared and Discord then pointed to the top of it “First! We got into the blue box! Second! We get hit by something! Third, and my most favorite part, we end up in some new world!” He then snapped his fingers and the chart disappeared.

“This always happens when you do something Raze! If your not getting poisoned, then your fighting your dark side, and if it's none of that then the Nightmare tries to take over the world! Then if all that fails you become a giant Oozaru!” Discord exclaimed as Raze looked at him blankly.

“And what's all this supposed to mean?” Raze asked Discord.

“You're the most unlucky Saiyan alive! I swear even Krillin, the weakest human next to Yamcha, had better luck than you!” Discord took a pause and went further “If I wasn't such a fan of the Dragon ball Z world I wouldn't hang out with you!!”

Raze smiled and said “Well then I guess I won't entertain you” he then walked off to the front door of the TARDIS.

“WAIT!!!” Discord exclaimed as he continued “I take that back...”

Raze smiled again and said “I knew it! There's no way you could stay entertained without me around to make life a blast!” Raze finished with a smug grin.

Discord frowned indignantly “I know one way life could be entertaining...” he then snapped his fingers causing several pictures of Princess Celestia to appear “I almost made it to home plate... But I picked Chaos....”

“Ummm... Discord can this wait for a while?” Raze asked as Discord gave him a glare.

“Whatever!!” He snapped his fingers again and the pictures disappeared “Okay so your going to walk out and I'm going to turn invisible and hide my power”

Raze nodded “Okay then let's go” He opened the door and stepped out.

~Outside the TARDIS~

Raze walked out “Hey guys what's going on?”

Derpy smiled big “Raze we just met twins and they look like you! Only smaller and so adorable!”

“Really well I wanna meet them too!” Raze walked over and saw them. However he didn't notice their faces went from being happy, to scared, to angry.

“My name's Raze!” he said as he held out his hand to the two twins.

They only stared at him for eight seconds before Raze's face was met with a fist and then being kicked into the dirt.

Raze picked himself up from the dirt and said “Whoa... What just hit m-” SMASH! He was kicked again on the side by the boy, Ken. Raze flew back ten feet before crashing into the ground, he quickly got back up with a serious expression on his face.

“No way that's happening again!” Raze exclaimed, he reached out with his senses and instantly saw the movement of Ken as yet another fist flashed out. Raze however, put his training to work and grabbed the fist. He then pulled Ken in and started to spin the boy around and then he let go.

Ken was thrown off balance, but he used his Ki to set himself straight again. He charged at Raze angrily and began to throw fists and kicks. Raze, having more experience and training, and also having a more calm mind, blocked and dodge most of Ken's attacks. Raze then shot a Ki blast at Ken, which caught him off guard, blasting the young boy a few feet away.

Ken caught himself in mid air, frustrated and not thinking clearly, he rushed at Raze once again. Raze took the opportunity to fly into the air. Ken followed quickly, and as Raze climbed higher and higher into the sky. Raze looked down and said “You want a fight! You got one!”

Ken continued to follow him and replied “I can't let you win! You won't take me or sis back to Earth!” Ken then cupped his hands together “Ka...Me...” The boy brought his hand to his right side. “Ha...Me!” A ball of blue energy appeared within them and compressed to stay within his palms.

Raze knew this attack far to well, so he cupped his hands together too, following Ken's same movements as he prepared his own attack. “Ka...Me...Ha...Me!”

They both yelled at the same time, unleashing their own attacks against the other.


Two blue beams filled the air as both attacks flashed towards each other, they attacks smashed together causing a struggle to occur. Raze was winning the struggle, his beam overpowering the younger child, but then he felt a power rise from the boy, a power he knew well as he had it himself.

The young boy's eyes changed into a tealish hue, his hair flowed upward and changed into a golden color, an aura burst into existence around the child as he finished transforming into the state of a Super Saiyan. “AAARGHH!” his beam then blasted upwards as it surged into Raze's own attack, it tore through it like scissors does to paper.

Raze knew he had to get out of the way, he stopped his own attack and quickly moved to the left as Ken's Kamehameha wave shot past him. Raze looked toward the boy, his eyes widening for a brief instant. “Wow, he's a Super Saiyan!”

Ken flew upwards and readied himself for close combat, his face filled with anger as he struggled to control his transformation. Raze, however, smiled and said “If that's how you want to play it, then by all means let's!”

Raze's eyes changed color, his hair flew upward and changed from black to gold. He roared loudly as he completed his transformation, a golden aura flaring out from him. “HAAAAAAAA!!!!”

He looked to Ken and said. “Well I guess this should even the playing field!!” With that sentence he disappeared with shocking speed.

Ken knew what to expect and also disappeared. Many clashes could be heard as the two fighters battled it out in the sky.

~On the ground~

The Doctor sighed “Well it looks like their out of reach now....”

Derpy nodded “Yep... This happens normally I'm sure... Right Kira?” she asked the other twin child who was looking astounded at how Raze transformed.

“He can go Super Saiyan?” Kira asked as if she hadn't saw that coming at all.

“Well of course he can! What did you think he was?” Derpy asked her, tilting her head in question.

Kira looked down, both her and Ken had thought completely differently and guessed the worst before looking and gathering info like their father had told them to always do before rushing in. She kicked the ground, her tail limp as she replied sadly.

“Me and Ken thought he was a human...We didn't know he was like us.”

“So the best course of action was to punch him in the face?!” Derpy asked, she could hardly believe how they could come to that conclusion so quickly.

“We...well, we thought he was gonna take us back away from Equestria and put us in a lab again...” Kira said softly, she look onto the battle.

“What would make you come to that conclusion? He has spiky hair!” Derpy exclaimed to Kira.

“Humans can have spiky hair too you know...” She replied with a hallow excuse.

“I'm pretty sure his hair is way to spiky for a human!” Derpy yelled at her.

Kira whispered something about “Mommy is gonna kill us” but nobody around could hear it.

~In the Air~

“It's time to stop playing around!” Raze said as he powered up his Super Saiyan transformation.

Ken flew forward despite the major discrepancy in power, calmness, and training. His rage over powered his other emotions and his thoughts were composed of battle instincts natural to his saiyan side. But suddenly he stopped, his Ki fluctuated between two different energies. Raze was confused at this sudden abrupt stop of the fight. 'What's he doing?'

Suddenly Raze's senses were overwhelmed 'I sense two energies coming from this kid... What's happening, his rage suddenly stopped and his personality seems to have shifted into a more intelligent and powerful person...'

The boy powered down as his rage finally finished cooling down, he looked up to Raze with a calculating and very, very intelligent look. 'What is he?! There must be an answer for two different power levels...Much stronger, and it almost felt... Dare I say it... Familiar somehow....'

The boy signaled Raze to follow him down toward the, what appeared to be a backyard where the TARDIS had crashed. Ken floated downward until he touched the grassy ground.

Raze quickly followed and stood on the ground seconds later. Raze powered down and looked at the kid. He still looked different “Who are you?” Raze asked him.

”I'm afraid I can't tell you that yet, even through your saiyan, probably a hybrid like my son here, I don't necessarily trust you, and neither does my kids. Now, Ken should be able to talk to you, and apologize for his rash actions. I hope you can forgive him easily.” A more mature voice said through the Ken, a father from the sound of it. The boy's personality shifted again, returned back to the innocent face of a child, through holding his head from a headache, which seemed to have quickly disappeared. Raze also noticed how the wounds he inflicted on the child earlier where healed already.

'He heals fast too, much faster than an average saiyan...' Raze thought to himself as he looked at Ken.

The boy finally looked at Raze and said sadly. “Hi...”

Raze replied with a smile. “Hi... I'm Raze”

“I'm Ken... I'm sorry for attacking you.” Ken said, kicking the dirt softly with his left foot.

Raze shrugged “It happens”

~End of Chapter~